1 1- Nemaha Advertiser W. W. SANDERS, PuaiUHvn 'Nemaha, Nebraska Muyho Admiral Togo's clothes don't Qt him. . IJut IiIh Jdl) docs. Some of Iho walking delegate now fc&va automobiles. 11'h a wonderful Freckled girls nro Hnld to bo tlio most arnlnblo. Not If they nro rod 'bended. It 1b charged ngnlnut (ho 17ycnr lo cust that It noiiiolltncH goU 11h dates eulxed and cornea out ahead of tlmo. Suo thoo Impudent literary peoplo for slander, Mr. Rockefeller. Mukc Ujcm prove It. Mr. Rockefeller Is lounilng what tho colleges think of tho man behind the 'ljundlo. Dowlo Iuih been preaching to his fol lowers on "Graft." What Dowlo nay n that subject Is worth hearing. IIu'h an authority. When tho wlfo la too fond of dry goods and tho husbnnd of wet goods, tho financial finish of that family Is oat hard to forecast. Dr. Washington Gladden has recent 1y been discussing "new Bins." Has somobody been revising sin in order to 'havo It moro up-to-dato? Would that two-hoarted man, who offers hla romalns for salo as an ana tomical froak, bo guilty of bigamy If lie gave a heart each to two women? A. Topoka bank has failed, with do lioaltB of $1,500,000. Tho man who is reaponslblo muy as well got ready to do bookkcoplng for five or lr yoars, It has about reached tho point whore sorao collogo wjll have to faco tho mil- alo and show ita apreclatlon by con ferring a dogrco on John D, Ttockc- . teller. r flLcttuco Is a healthful food. It Is "oVoa good when used oxlornally. A boy fell from a fifth-story window Into a barrel of tho tender greens and es caped Injury. A dispatch from New York says the Kquitablo fight cost Jlmmto Hydo $, 000,000. Still, ho needn't feol bad about It Most of it was other poo plo'g money, anyway. There comes n story to the effect rthat n young woman committed sul elde bocauso she feared tho man she was to mnrry was too good for her. flho must have boon talking to his mother. Down lu Now Hampshire rccontly a rman swam a mile for tho purposo of Ifoeing on tlmo at his wedding. Even at that ho probably had to wait for tho forlda to put tho finishing touches on her primping. How truo Is tho stntomont wo know not, but It Is no doubt well sustained that $30,000,000 go overy month Into Wall street from people of the cities -and villages of tho entire country who aro anxious to got somothlnc for noth ing In Btock speculations, 00 per cent or wuicu goes to. tho coiTcra of tho brokers and their 25.000 omnloves many of whom llvo In homes, of lux ury. In ono building alone nro 7,r00 men dependent upon stock gambling Ono soothing and amusing effect of the public laundering of tho Equltablo -dirty linen Is to show Uiat tho high financiers tho men who buy n rail road, system as tho rest of us buy a pair of shoos are as human as wo ure.. Tho spectaclo of theso mag nates Jumping up and down, daring each other to stop out in tho hall and vociferating "Wow-wowmvowI" shows that the exponent of haute finance Is still swayed by carnal passions. Ills money la only an Incident. Ho him self Is very much n man, and when hls toes aro trodden upon ho forgets finance in an earnest desire to smlto his enemy on tho nose. As a contribution to tho 'tnlntct monoy" controversy, that nindo by Mrs. William Council Is so valuable that It Bhould, or at least well might, rovlvo Interest In that waning or wanod Bonsatlon. Mrs. Oonncll, when asked In a Brooklyn court why she wouldn't llvo with hor husbnnd nni wanted to deprlvo hlra of tho society -of her children nnd his, presented uquo . of tho usual wlfejy grievances. She dld not chargo unfaithfulness, cruelty or failure to support. , She only Insist ed that tho money with which her husband tried to supply hor In goner ous quantltle3 was not good enough for her or her children to llvo upon because It was "earned" on tho raco track. Sho callod It not "tainted," but "dishonest," monoy, though we do no understand, from tho reports of tho -hearing, that its acquirement was at 11 dishonest, according to the stand urdn of race tracks and those who fre quent them. fJ'o say that an educational associa tion Is In Hcsstdu auy.whcrc or at any tlmo, with distinguished laymen as mrtlrlimnt.s In tho discussion, Is to prepare one for another airing of tho hrco U'H vomiis "fads" controversy. The recent session of tho National Ifld ucatlonal Association at Asbury Park was marked by an "assault" on tho so-called fads and a gallant defense of the tin mo. Tho assailant was Mayor McClollan of New York, tho defender Dr. Harper, the eminent educator, rorhaps there Is a real difference of opinion between these gentlemen; If so, neither succeeded In bringing It out. There Is nothing irreconcilable be tweon their respective views as report ed. What Is true of tills debato is rue of tho average threo It's debato there Is more misapprehension than actual divergence disclosed. Dr. Ilnr- ;or, we arc told, maintained that somo thing moro Avas needed than that ev ery child should acquire the threo It'fl and then go to work, since wo stand for equal opportunity and do not pro pose to create a peasant class. Two, perfectly true; but Dr. Draper certain ly would not teach the so-called fads and frills at tho expense of tho essen tials. What tho "conservatives" as sert Is that Ignorance of the three It's is worse, more dangerous to tho Amer ican ideal, than neglect of the orna mental studies. Who will deny thls7 Tho chief purpose of public educa tion, said Mayor McOIcllau, is to make good citizens. This means that edu cation must be moral as well as Intel lectual. Isn't this precisely tho conten tion of the progressives V The Now York Mayor Is opposed to get-wlso-qulck methods; does any rational edu cator favor them? So all through tho discussion. Neither side really attack ed what tho other would care to up hold. It is .Impossible to deny that the essentials are essential. It Is Im possible to deny that If, without sac rificing tho threo It's, other useful and refining things can bo taught In tho schools, theso things should he added unto tho rising generation. Tho ques tion Is really ono of fact-whether or not tho "fads" havo to any Injurious extent displaced the essentials. gA PERSIAN HEADACHE CURE. Of- tho progress of medical sclenco tho Persian people know Utile. They divide diseases Into two classes, hot and cold. A cold remedy Is applied to a "hot" disease, and a hot remedy to a "cold" ono. In "With tho Pil grims to Mecca" tho author tells hlsi exporlonco with ono of their pilgrims: The evening beforo I loft Mecca for JIddah I was suffering from a rack ing hoadacho, nnd my friends advised mo to consult a certain Arab physician. In tho East they never break tho Ice of sllonco with a remark on tha weather. Tho customary opening is to Inquire If you are In health. I told tho doctor, In answer to his question, that I had a bad headache, and had corao to him to bo cured. He asked mo on which side the head ached. I touched tho spot, whereupon ho fell to rubbing It vigorously with tho palm of his right hand, calling out tho while to tho urchin to fetch tho necessary apparatus for tho forthcoming opera Hon. Tho boy disappeared. In a few minutes ho camo back bearing in both hands u round, hollow plate of clay lu which were a few lumps of burning charcoal. Tho next things ho brought in werfl a couplo of Iron rods about twlco tha length of an ordinary pencil, togethei with a cup filled with a black liquid, composed, If I mlstnko not, of starch and tho soot of an oil lamp. Tho doc tor thrust tho rods In tho glowing char. coal. Tho fear of being branded bath- ed my brow in sweat. The doctor as sured mo I had no cause to bo afraid, Tho tips of tho rods by this time wero red-hot. Having dipped them In tho cup of ink, ho closed his eyes, and thou raised his voice In an Incantation that lasted several minutes. Not a slnglo word could I understand. When It was over ho opened his eyes, and "snylng tho word "Blsmlllah," proceed' cd to draw with ono of tho rods, now cool, on my right temple, llvo perpoa dlcular lines crossed by flvo horlzonta ones, thus forming sixteen tiny squares. Several magic hieroglyphic! besides wore Inscribed In the sara manner behind my ears and on th napo of my neck. After every operation tho good doc' tor would pause to asu mo, "Is the pain gono now?" Four times did I tol the truth; then, fearing further tattoo ing, I assured tho persevering little man that I thought I was bettor. Ills Joy knew no bounds. Ho said tho secret was left to him as an hi' herltanco from his father, and that on no account must I wash off tho sign until tho next day, or tho pain would return. It Is terribly hard for a man wltt a dog and u woman with a baby to make peoplo bellovo the dog and thi t . j ii . . , . uauy unow uair as mucu na tnoy reai ly do. What an InsigniUcont Milug a pin (9 1 Yet the aggregate dally output of them n unit era nilllllons. In ono factory in Birmingham, England, .'17,000,000 of pins are made over? working day. A girl in Sedollu, Mo., who is taking slnglm: lessons askod her teacher; "Do you think I can ever di unytblng vltu my voice?" Tho professor very cautiously replied: "Well, it may con e in handy in caso ot fire. ' A rather Un'gh Ihh Btoiy is told by a gentleman in Yorkshire, England, und ho Is wiMitJK to lake his a ill - davit Hint It b Hue While he was sitting by the River Lovcn u pike Jumped from the water, bit him se- voioly on the foot and Jumped back again. Six Doctors Fulled. South Bend. Ind.. Sent. 23.-(Sne- clal.) After suffering from Kidney Disease for three years, after taking treatment from six different doctors without getting relief, Mr. J. O. Laude man of this place found not only relief but a npeedy and complete cure In Dodd'B Kidney Pills. Speaking of hla cure, Mr. Laudeman says: "Yes, I suffered from Kidney Trou )lo for three years and tried six doc tors to no good. Then 1 took Just two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they not only cured my kidneys, but gave mo better health lu general. Of course I recommended Dodd's Kidney Pills to others and I know a number now who are using them with good results." Mr. Lnudeinun a case Is not an ex ception. Thousands give similar expe riences. For there never yet was a case of Kidney Trouble from Backache to Brlght's Disease that Dodd's Kid ney Pills could not cure. They are the only remedy that ever cured Brlght's Disease. SCRAPS. Tho attendnncc at the Lewis and JJIark oxposilion, wnlcli has beer jood from tho first, is Increasing steadily. To maintain a steady and un ireken mind, amid all the shocks o) udtcrsity, forms the highest hunoi of man. There are moro cases cf Brlgbt'f disease, in proportion to the popu lation, in Washington than in aoji other city in the United States. The cause is attlbuted to excessive loastiog and drinking. In the anthills of Soutb Africa suspension bridges formed of a deli cate fiber liko a spiders web, have been found passing from one gallery to another, and spanning a space moro than tlx inches wide. Before securing a marriage llcorse In California, the young couple must swear that they are not insane. If the parents of the principals were consulted perhaps diversity of opin ion would be expressed. A Loudon physician declares that lu many cases appendicitis results from bad teeth. He asserts that peoplo with good teeth rarely have It. M'n (1 mini ( r t rl r Alnrml InAnn - the teeth, he recommends a dally booth brush drill In the schools. Wo can only give what we have. Happiness, grief, ayoty, sadness are by natu'o contuglous. Bring your hcaah and your strength to the weak und sickly, and so you will be cf use to them. Give them, not ynui weakness, but your energy so you will ievlvo and lifb them up. GET POWER. Tho Supply Co in cm from Food. If we get power from food, why not strive to get all the power wo can. That Is only possible by use of skil fully selected food that exactly fits the requirements of the body. Poor fuel makes n poor fire and a poor lire Is not a good steam producer. "Krom not knowing how to select tho right food to fit my needs, I suf fered grievously for a long tlmo from stomach troubles," writes a lndy from a little town in Missouri. "It seemed as if 1 would never bo able to find out the sort of food that was best for me. Hardly anything that I could eat would stay on my stomach. Every attempt gave me hoart-burn and filled my stomach with gas. I got thinner and thinner until I literally became a living skeleton and In tlmo was compelled to keep to my bed. "A few months ago I was persuaded to try Grape-Nuts food, and it had such good effect from tho very begin ning that I havo kept up its use over since. I was surprised at tho case with which I digested it. It proved to bq Just what 1 needed. All my unpleasant symptoms, the heart-burn, the Infiated feeling which gavo me so much pain disappeared. My weight gradually In creased from 03 to 11(1 pounds, my fig ure rounded ont.vny strength came back, and I am now able to do my housework and enjoy It. The Grano- Nuts food did It." Name given 'by rcstum uo., iiniue urccK, Mien. A ten days' trial will show anyone somo rncts auouc ioou. "Thore's a reason." . . LET US ALL LAUGH. JOKES FROM THE PENS OF VA RIOUS HUMORISTS. IMcnnunt Jncidciitn Occur rluir the World Over Buyl-iK that Are Cheer ful to Old or VoiniK Ktintiy tielectloui that You Will Kiijoy. Tho stranger within the gates wus watching a gang of men rcpnlrlug tho streets. "How do you pay those rammers?" ho asked of tho contractor. "By the day," was tho reply. "Of course It's none of my business,'1 continued the other, "but If they wero paid by tho pound they would proba bly pound much oftener." , Told lu Confidence. Stranger now long have you been farming in this section of the coun try? Native Nigh onter forty years. Stranger You must know the na ture of the soil pretty well. Native I reckon I do, stranger. Stranger What do you find Is the most dlfilcult thing to raise on your farm? Native Th money to run It. What Aunty Lucked. "Children, when I was your age 1 would not have laughed as you do at my old nuuty." "But aunty, maybe you didn't havo an old aunty that was as funny as ours." Omaha Bee. ' lu Honor Itound. "I ain't dirty by choice, ma'am," tho hobo explained. "I'm bound by honor. I wrote a testimonial fur a soapmakei once nn' promised ter use no other.' " "Well, why don't you use that?" de manded Mrs. Goodley. "Because, ma'am, dat firm failed in 1 SS7." Philadelphia Ledger. Not Worth It. "Is that man you introduced me to worth a million?" "No he's got It, that's all." Dctroll Free Press. No Curve lu It. Miss Sllmm Ho said I had "a first class figure," didn't ho? Miss Pepproy Not exactly. Ho said your flguro looked llko a 1. Philadel phia Press. When the Mud Flew. McFlub I see thbse baths at Baden Baden are considered quite the thing. Did you over take a mud bath? Sleeth Well, yes, an Involuntary ono. I ran for office onco. Louisville Courier-Journal. Too Much to PnBH. McSosh Can you direct me to the principal hotel in town? Policeman Yes, sir. Go two blocks east and turn north. Then you go past a restaurant; a cigar store, nnd four saloons McSosh nold on, I can't do that! Whore's another good hotel? Clove land Leader. Alma Muter 8o Dear. Farmer Jason Want a Job, hoy1 Aro ye a good, steady worker? Bypath Blake Well. no. now you speak of It. I havo to lake four months olr overy year to go an' coach me old college foot-ball team. Puck. Kcceut Discovery hi Involution, 1005. One Miiii'h Hcnoou. The Maid Why don't you marry V The Bachelor Cna't afford it. Tho Maid But your lncorao Is sure ly sufficient to support a wlfo. The Bachelor Oh, yes; but it isn't sufficient to support tho three or foui servants sho wonld require to wait on her. ' Cause and KUect. Smlthkins Why don't you speak ta Green any more? Has hoJbccn tolling Ilea about you? Browning No; tho measly sinner has been tolling the truth about mo. Green Apple. "Why do you take the city census In July?" "Wo wait for the green npplo sea son." "Why?" "Bocauso much of our population hj the suburbs will tljen.be doubled up." -Cleveland Plain Dealer. IN THE BEST Of HEALTH SINCE TAKING PE-RU-NA IN POOR. HEALTH. PAINS IN SACK. SICK tlEADACtt?.S. PE-RU-NA CUREft Mrs. Lna Smith, N. Chorry street cor. Line, Nashvillo, Tenn., -writes: "I havo had poor health for the past four years, pains In tho back and groins, and dull, sick hcudnche, with bearing down pains. "A friend, who was very enthuslastU about Pcruna insisted that I try it. "I took it for ten days and was sup pricd to find that I hud so little pain. "I therefore continued to use it and a the end of two months my pains had totally disappeared. " have been in tho best of henltt since and feel ten years youngex- I ant very grateful to you." Catarrh of the internal organs gradu ally saps away tho strength, under mines the vitality nnd causes ucrvou ness. Pcruna is the remedy. An Austrian train thief, arrestee it the Lyons station wearing stolen alothes oalmy declared that he was i :ollector of articles, mislaid in rail way carriages. Kemp's Balsam Will stop any cough that can be stopped by any medicine and cure coughs that cannot be cured by any other medicine. It Is always the best cough cure. You cannot afford to fake chances on any other kind. KEMP'S BALSAM cures coughs, colds, bronchitis. grip, asthma and consump tion In first stages. DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS Save $iO.- Per Cow EVERY YEAR OF USE Over All Gravity Setting Systems And $3- to $5. Per Cow Over Ail Imitating Separators. Now is tho time to mako this mosb important nud profitable of dairy farm Investments. Send at onco for new 1005 catalogue nnd nnmo of nearest agent. The De Laval Separator Co. Randolph & canal Sts. i CHICAGO 74 Cortlandt Slrett New York RE it's Suckers BY ALL THE A. J. TOWER CO. ESTABLISHED 1836 BOSTON NIWYOHK. CHICAQO TOWER CANADIAN CObmKtd.TOROirro.ClN. l CURIS WHlHl Ml LSI MIU. md DMt Oouah Bjrop. Tulat OooO. Uh fJJ rvl In ttma. Aold br arnmriM. N. N. U. 805-39, YORK, NEB- 1 -Uu.. , .Wit,