mm VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1905 NUMBER 18 Local News Paris has just unloaded a car of (lour. Dr Bourne fits glasses. So Auburn. Paris bread has flour that makes real Ice cream pociable Saturday night. Do not forget It. Flour that can't be beat In quality and price at Paris's. .Miss Emma Crim went to Lincoln Monday to visit friends. See the advertisement of the e took show to be given at Auburn. big Mrs G. W. Chapman went to Kan sas City Monday to visit relatives. Rock and barrel salt at Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co; .Tames B. O'Harra and Tommy re turned to Brooklyn, Iowa, last Friday. To Paris and return aud a sack of Hour thrown in for 81.30, 81.40, 81.45. . Arthur Littrell is now working on the railroad at Dunbar with a steel gang.' j . e - Frank Harford; who has been visits nm inKansab, returned homo Wed nesday.' Miss Iva Cat) in went to Johnson last Saturday and visited friends unti Monday Hi For Sale-A good 3-inch wagon. Inquire of CVE. Sanders or at the postafflce.. The Eastern btar sociable laat Satur day night was a success. The receipts were S12 00 Mrs. Mattte Tuesday and several weeks. Grate went to will probably Auburn remain Sam Littrell went to Falls City Monday night to work with the B. & M. bridge gang. Miss Anna Knapp went to Hum boldt Wednesday to visit her sister for a couple of weeks. See Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co for the best line of furniture. Stock complete and prices right Mrs. T. J, Rumbaugh went to Salem Friday evening to visit her brother, returning Sunday morning. The candidates on the two tickets are now out hustling for votes and will keep it up till the polls close Nov. 7. Dr. S. A. West of Rockport, Mo., is vla.ting hiij father, J. M. Wes', for a few days. He came over last Friday House with four rooms, two lots and cistern, for sale Apply to Waltkk Hadlook, Nemaha, Neb Miss Helen Iioover returned home Thursday of last week after a visit with her sister. Mrs Lincoln. A. F. Walsh. In The high water has destroyed a good many potatoes for Jeff Drumm. no had some fine ones on low land that are a total loss. JameB B. O'Harra of Brooklyn, Iowa is tne stepson of tin late Nicholas B. Scrivoner, instead of the sop-inlaw as we had it last week. Miaa Mnrie Hoover, who has been in Nemaha most of the summer, visiting her mother aud eiBter, otarted for New York Tuesday afternoon. Sam Teare, candidate on the fusion ticket for county clerk, was a Nemaha visitor Tuesday. Sam is a rustler and is making a siirring campaign." For sale a line regiatered shorthorn bull scotch top Orinkshank coming two years old, Will sell at low price. Inquire of R.I. Brown at ptor farm. Beat porcelain lined wood pumps at Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. T, J. Rumbaugh mado the full trip on rural route No. 1 Tuesday for the first time Blnce the big rain a week ago Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Knapp, who have been visiting Mr. Knapp'a brother in Kansas for almost three weeks, re turned home last Saturday. Mrs. Hattle Lingenfelter of Salt Lake C'ty, Utah, arrived in Nemaha Wednesday on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W W. Liebhart. 0. E. Houtz did not keep tho proper ty he bought of tho Shuck estate, soil-. ng it in a few days to Ilirain Flock, who will fix it up and move in. Dr. A. Matthews, the painless dentist arrived in Nemaha Monday, and will milium uciu a duui b biiuc. uog uiai advertisement in another column. All persons owing me are tequested o call at once aud settle, as I need tho money. W. H. Bakkeu. Cyrus Minick returned to Otoecouns ty Monday night. lie is working for A. It. Titus and came down on a few days' visit with his mother and slBters. For Sale Poland China and Duroc .Teraev boars. Seid and Skeen stock. E. E. Mookk, Telephone 6 Nemaha, Nebr. Will trade two well improved farms in southwestern Minnesota for a stock of merchandise. Land at a low cash nrice. Address Box 2, LakeQeld Minn. Mrs. J. B. Borger went to Auburn last Saturday to see her new grands daughter, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Parkor, born Wednesday night of last week. N. B. Catlin has decided to movo to peru, where he owns a nice home. He is making preparations to move in a few days. We regret that they have decided to leave us. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott and Mr. Scott's sister, Mrs. Bruntty und two children, of Pawnee City, who have been visiting Mr and Mrs. R. I. Brown, returned home Wednesday. All . cue small bridges taut were washed out or damaged by the recent heavy rains have been repaired and a person can now co anywhere without danger of finding a bridge out. Rev. G. W. Ayers has been roturned to Brownvllle and Nemaha as pastor for another year of tho Methodist cnurcbes, in response to the unanimous request of the members of both churches. GOOD FARMS AND LANDS CHEAP There is absolutely better farm lands for the money, and more money to be made on increase in land, iu South Dakota, than any other section of the United StateB for the next few years, as has been the case in the past few years. We have made a specialty of these lands for several years, Writo for our descriptive booklet, which you will find valuable. Cheap excursion rates any day. RlKKR AND CHAMIJER8, General Land aud Immigration Agents, 400 Beo Building, Omaha, Nebr. Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J. II. Simmons, of Casej, la. Think what might have res suited from his terrible cough if ho had not taken the medicine about which he writes: "I had a fearfal cough that disturbed my night's rest, I tried everything, but nothing would relieve It. until I took Dr. King's New Diss covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which completely cured me.' Instantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases; pres vents grip and pneumonia. At W, W. Keellng'a, druggist; guaranteed; 5oc and SI .00. Trial bottle free. The stone masons came in from Auburn Monday 'and commenced work on the foundation forije Gilbert etoro room and the bank building. The work will now bo pushed as rapidly as tho weather will permit. A crowd uf young people went to St. Deroin last Sunday to soo the natural caves and tho flno scenery along the bluffs near that little" village Thoy took their dinners and suppers and bad a delightful and romantic time. Services at the Christian church, Sunday, Oct. l. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaohlng at 11, Subject, The Hand writing of God. C. E. at 7 p. m Preaching 7:30. Subject (by request) Mark 10. J. W. SArr. David Ward, who lived near Hamb burg, Iowa, was burled at Nemaha last Saturday, brief services being held at tuo tfJUliUJUlab uiiuiyii. nit) uotunocu formerly lived at Hillsdale. lie was a brother of Mrs. Heasloy, who formerly lived here. Judge J. a. Mcuarty, who is a caiib didate for reelection, was shaking hands with Nemaha friends Tuesday The judge is willing to staud by tho record ho bos made during the two be has been in office, and asks for careful investigation. The fuBionists solectod a good man as tneir candidate tor suorm. ui course he is way off politically but he is honest in hia belief as he is in everys thine else. If bo has an enemy in Nemaha precinct wo never heard of it. Rufe Rowen will get a big vote where he is known. ... We had the. pleasure Thursday fore noon or meeting unariey uross,. wnom we had not met siuce ne was' a sman boy in Brownvllle. He is a son of the late D. O Cross, formerly one of the tnarilrtrr mornliunfa nf Mill rUllinr.V. Mr. P.rna a nnW1r.nWlnTflftHrthfiintfiroatH of the Auburn Republican. I0E 0EEAM SOCIABLE The Junior League will hold an ice cream sociable in me iioover store . rbom south of the drug store Saturday nicht of this week. Ice cream, cake and coffee will be aerved. Everybody Is invited to bo present aup help the Juniors by their patronage. Mrs. Logan and Mrs, McLean of Traer, Iowa, who huve been visiting Mrs. John Maxwell for two or three weeks, returned to their homes Wed nesday. These ladies are sisters of the late John Maxwell. Mrs. Maxwell went with them and after viBiting at Traer for awhile will go to Illinois. She will probobly be gono all winter. A convention of the prohibitionists of Nemaha county is hereby called to meet at the court uoubo, Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 1:30 p. m for Hie purpose of nom ioating candidates for county offices and to transact any other business that may come before the convention. T. B. Fuaseii. Chairman Co. Cen. Com The many friends ot Norman Mead will regret to learn that ho recently had a stroke of paralysis and Is yet suffering from the effects. The doc tors tell him he will have to quit work. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Knapp stopped ovor night with him at Blue Springs and from them we learn this news. We hope be will Improve and fully recover iu time. How's this? We offer One Hundred Dollnrn Howard for any case of Catarrh that ennnot bo cured by Hall'H Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O, Wo, tho undurslKued, havo known K. J. Cheney for the last lSyeortJ, and bellove hi in perfectly honornblo In all business tninsiic- tlona and financially able to carry out any obligation! mado by his ilrm. Waldino. Ki.f nam & Makvin. Wholesale Drugglsta.ToledS, O. Hall'H nutnrrh Hiiro Ik tAkon internnllv. acting directly upon tho blood and mucous BunaccH oi mo sysiem. lesumoniuis boiu roe. druggUU. Tuko Hull's FumllyFllls for constipation DENTISTRY AT Reduced Prices Teeth Extracted, 2Go. Vitalized Air, COo. Cemont Fillings, noo. Amalgam Fillings. COo. Silvor Fillings. 7Co. Gold and Platinum Fillings, 81.00. Gold Fillings, 91,25 to 88 ce, accords log to size of Cavity. Best Set of Teoth, $7.00, Guaranteed for Ten Years. 4old Crowns and Bridge Work, $5.00 per Tootb Take Qitalized Air, tho safest aTwi nosiest wnv to havo vour Teoth extracted. You .feel no Pain Whatever. Dr, Matthews Omaha Painless Dentist At Dr. Reeling's office, over the drug storo, until October 9. Geo. D. Carrington, jr., county su perintendent, hold an educational meeting at the St Deroin school house Monday night and at the Boatman school house Wednesday night. There was a good attendance at both places and much luterest manifested. Mr. Carrington is too busily engaged In Ippking after the duties ,of his ofllce to aprmucn campaigning, pun wouia like cue votes or an wno ueneye ue is doing satisfactory work as superintendent. The populist orators at the convene I ,lnn Qnhl.flnn n. Atari nt.lrlnnil.i m n 4 tu.uujr oviueuwy uui, I vnrv wall nnataH no tn fhn lilafnwn rP the party belo e the fUBion, as none of them appear to have ever heard of the election of any reform candidate before fusion. J. M. Burress was elected county clerk, Henry Culwell sheriff, Frank: Snyder treasurer, John I Drees ler commissioner, like storms ropie Bumuuve, w. m. uncuion, Biiperins a. & i ttf r i i t tendont, and probably several others whom we have forgotten. Yesterday alternoon the jury in the district court in the case of Lena A Gallant vs the Supremo Tribe of Ben Hur found in favor of Mrs. Gallant. the plaintiff. Mre. Gallant sought to recover the life insurance carried by her husband, the late Phil Gallant, in the Ben Hur order, and the jury awarded her the amount asked for, $1,400 and interest, mil uallant was one of tho Gallant brothers who were drowned in the Missouri river a year ago last month. There were no witnesses to their death aud but one of the bodies was eyer recovered from tho river. Mrs Gallant was represented by Pitzer & Hay ward, the lodge by John C Watson. Neb. City Tribune. We will send tho Advertiser, the weekly Lincoln State; Journal, and tho Iowa Homestead, all one yoar for only $l.GG. We will send The Advertiser and The Nebraska Farmer both one year for only $1.35. The Farmer is one of the best farming papers published. Leave your subscription at this oflice. Don't Borrow Trouble It is a bad habit to borrow anything, but the worst thing you can poasibly borrow, is trouble. When sick, soro, heavy, weary and wornout by the pains and poiBons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Bright'a disease and similar internal disorders, don't sit down and brood over your symptoms, but lly for relief to Electric Bitters. Here you will find sure and permanent forgetfulness of all your troubles and your body wii not bo burdened nv a load of debt d sease. At Keeling'a drug store. Price Co centB. Guaranteed. Program for Y.P. S. O. E. meeting at the Christian church, Sunday ere ning, Oct. 8. Subjeot, The Joy of Church Member ship, l These, n 6-15 . Luke 12 8. Joy of Fellowship, 1 John 1 1-4. Service and Chastening, Heb. 12 1-4. Joy of Responsibility, Acts 0 1-7. Joy of WorkBbip. Pa 122 1-0. Joy in the Holy Ghost, 1 Thess 1 1-10. Joy in Christ, John 14 28 1. Name some of the joys of church membership Dora Clark. How do somo mombers miss the joys of church life Mrs. Sapp. How may wo enlarge the joy of cburoh fellowship Stella Washburn. Discussion Bolle Barker, Solo-Besaio Washburn. Roll Call. Song by Endeayor. ' Close with Y. P.S. O.E. Benediction J. W. SArr, Leader. The annual Methodist Episcopal conference at Falls City closed Mon day. The following are the appoints monta in Nemaha county : Auburn B. W. Marsh. Brock E. D. Gideon. Brownvllle and Nemaha G. W. Ayera. Howe and Bethel T. F. Ashby. Johnson-E. D. Maxoy. Peru W. A. Tyler. 8outh Auburn O. L. Meyers, S. Goldsmith goes to Stella, D. B Lake is sont to Sterling, M. S. Foutch is returned to Union, A. V. Wilson to Bladen and J . M. Darby to Wahoo. Rev, Goo. I, Wright is continued as presiding elder of tho Nebraska City district. Old paper for sale cheap at The Ad vertiser olllce. KNAPP & SON Proprietors or tbo Livery & Feed Stabe NEMAHA,, NEBR. . Good Dray in connection with Livory Satisfaction guaranteed. J. E. Crother in the PARIS BUILDING Shoe Eepairing Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty PETER KEliKER. Dealer In MEATS Highest markotprico paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc, WESLEY H. CLARK Dcaler.ln Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes,fetcj ALL WORK CUARANTEEE Fhone calls answered promptly. NEMAHA, NEBR. STULL HAWXBY ATTORNEYS LAW, IIMAI. '.KSTATK,-; COII,CCTItftt Ofllces over Postonico Building, at Prank Meul's old staud, AVBVnN, NKBHAStKA