DO YOTJ Gl&T TJP WITH A LAME BACK? rHdncy Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers in sure to know ot the wonderful n 'i cures mnue by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid ncv. liver and blad- r dcr remedy. r. .1... l A ! icnl triumph of the , nineteenth century ; dificoveredafterycars I of scientific rcuenrch by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, nric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Mrijjht's Disease, which iB the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for every tiling but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all renders of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell inc more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous oner in un iu j uiu address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., ninghamtdn, N. Y. The regular fiftv-ccnt and onc- ilnllnr k5w hntileS are Home of Bwwnp-Root. sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kihuer'B Swnmp-Root, and the address, Bingbamton, N. Y., on every bottle. No Soarc About It It Is no secret, that for Cuts, Burns Wlcers, FororSores, Sore Eyos, Bolla to , nothing Is eo effective na Hucklon's Arnlcu Salvo. "It didn't tuko long to cuioii bad eoro I hml, and it la all O. K, for eoro eyeB," writes D. L. Gregory, of Hope, Tax. 2tic at Keollng's drug atoro. Lincoln Evening News: Enclosed Und check for $3 for one year's sub scrlptton to tho Lincoln Daily Nowb. I like tho paper very much indeed and have often taken occasion to commend its stand for decent politics and funda mental reforms. It is worth a good deal to the advocates of such measures us the single tax, direct primary, direct legislation, etc., to have an influential paper which will give moral support, or at any rate, fair treatment to their efforts and I am glad the Lincoln News has grit enough to say that right is right and wrong is wrong, no matter by whom advocated or by whom ops poaed. This is not saying that I aps prove of every position you take. It is merely saying that I think you are trying to be fair, and that spirit among daily papers seems almost ub rare as it fa desirable. Respectfully. A. G . Chapman. Reader, don't you want this kind of a paper? It only coata 25 cents a month. STOOKFOR 8 ALE I have for sale 53 head of lino large feeding steers; about 100 head of Chester white hogs aud pigs; a fine lot of young mules and horses; a six foot McCormlck mower and a due riding plow. John S. Stull, Auburn, Nebr. Huge Task It was a huge task 6o uudertake the cure of such a bad case of kidney dl ssase, aa that of 0, F. Collier, of Chero kee, la., but Electric Bitters did itEIe writes: "My kidneys were so fargoue I could not sit on a chair without a cushion; and suffered from dreadful backache, headache, and debresslon. In Electric Bitter, however, I fouud a cure, and by them was restored to per fect health. I recommend this great tonic medicine to all with weak kids ueys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by W. W. Keeling druggist; price 50o. BRICK BRICK First class Building Brick for ul at the Nemaha Brick Kilns Call and see (hem and get prices. Quality guaranteed JOSEPH M. WEST NEMAHA, NEBR. ' 111 a. jet in The Nebraska Advertiser Jack Dyer is now working in Ed Littrell's barber shop. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Keeling started for Shelby vlllo, Indiana, Thursday, to visit their two sons and old friends Remember that W.VV. Sanders writes naurance. He is agent for sovoral first claas companies, both mutual and old lino. Hia rates are as low aa any. Give him a call. Arthur Cambllti left this week for Summorllold, Kansas, wheru ho will havo chargo of a Soarlo it- Chapln lumberyard. Mrs. Camblln will join him in a few weeks. Stella Press. The 11. & M. paint gang of seven men has boon in Nemaha this week. Thoy are painting the bridge actoas tho Nemaha river woat of town and expect to be hero about threo weuks. If the Nemaha ball team can secure outside teams to play they arc figuring on a three day's baBu ball tournament about next week with Falls City, Stella and Elm Bend, Mo. Thoro will bo good games each day. With tho summer's work over why not come and have your eyes carefully Htted with glasses by Dr. Hutchison who will make his next visit here on Tuesday, Sept. 23. Proper glasses aro tho only porroan out remedy for a majority of head aches. There is some talk of a special session of the legislature to enact legislation on the puss question aud other matters involved in the republican platform. We suppose those who advocato calling an extra session believe In striking while the iron is hot, and gotting the needed law3 enacted while the matter is fresh in the minds of the people. On account of tho storm last Satur day and the fact that no trains were running und so many roads were lm passible, tho democratic and fusion conventions wore postponed until next Saturday. Delegates to the statu con-, ventlons were selected by tho few who were present. V F, Keeling was a delegate to the state convention but did not attend. A Dime Sociable The Eastern Star social that was to have been givun last Saturday night was postponed on account of tho storm and will be given Saturday night of this week. Icecream, cake and coffee will be served. The social will be given in the Hoover store room south of the drug store. Everybody is In vlted. Geo. D. Carrington, jr., has made such a good county superintendent that his reelection by a big majority is conceded by everybody. He is a rusti ler, visits every school in the county from once to threo times yearly, criti cises, encourages and helps pupils and teachers, advises the school hoard, talks, lectures, sings, and in every way makes almost atnodel superintendent. County Superintendent Carrington is all right, all right. Program for Y. 1. S. C. E. meeting Sunday evening, Sept 24. "The Home Mission Work," Matt. 0 35 38, Matt. 10 i-15. References Home missions at heart, Rom, 0 1-7. Working for them, 2 Cor 0 1-12. Giving for them, 2 Cor. a 1-0. Village endeavors, Mark 5 15-20. For our country, Matt. 4 23 25. Reading Alice Peabody. Paper Nora Ayrtea. Song Maude Burns. Discussion Mission Work Dora Clark. Close with Endeavor Benediction. The following officers of the Clirlss tlan Endeavor Society were elected last Sunday night. President Minnie May, Vice Pres. Nora Ayues. Secretary Ellen Shlvoley . Treasurer Stellu Washburn. Organist Grace Peabody, Lookout committee J. W. Sapp, Ella Shively. Bello Barker, Wm Smiley. Prayer meeting committee Nora Ayueo, Dora Clark, Alice Peabody, Social committee Anna Knapp, Bessie Washburn, Frank Harford. Executive committee J. W. Sapp, Minnie May, Nora Aynes, Ella Shive. ley, Stella Wasuhurn, Grace Peabody . Tho storm Friday night of last wook was the worst we havo had for years. It thundered and lightniugcd almost continually and tho next morn Ing a large numbor of the phones were found to be burned out. Lightning struck Mrs. Scott's house, the bolt coming in near the head of tho bed where Mrs. Scott was lying, but it did not do a great deal of damage. Mrs Scott had a very sevoro headacho tho next day. August Qulller'a bouse was also Btruck but little damugo was done except to burn off tho telephone wire where it enters tho house. A tree be tween the public well and Mrs. Wm II. Hoover's homo wus also strucK. Tho republican state convention passed a resolution declaring against tho using or passes by state officials. Immediately Gov. Mickey, Attorney General Brown and Laud Commis sioner Eaton returned their passes. Treasurer Mortensen had his pusses stolon a few days ago, and it is under stood will not apply for others. Secre tary of S.tate Galusha says the use of passes by state officials saves the stato annually a largo sum of money and Iih sees no harm in using them, and thus saving the stato of creating a deflciccny by having to pay tho fare of state officers. But judging from the action of the conventions, the people would rather pay tho transportation for the state officers than havo them travel on passes. When Verdon bad her two day's picnic the people in and round Shubert almost fell over one another to attend It. They went down in masses. Note the difference. When Shubert had her three day's carnival a show worth coming miles to see, there were not a half dozen people from Verdon in attendance, so fur as we know. (Veil, all wo have to say is that Verdou may have another picnic somo time. For years Nemaha has been having bor annual picnic and the people from hero have been going. In return, at our carnival the Nemaha people have been conspicuous for their presence, in numbers that were noticeable, and all took pari and helped so far as possible to make our carnival a success, and for toeir presence and good will the man agers degire to return their sincere thanks. 6hubort Citizen. The republican state convention held at Lincoln Thursday of laBt week wus a lively affair. The leading candidates were Judge Letton of Fairbury, Judge Duffie of Omaha and Judgo Ames of Lincoln. On tho third ballot an effort was made to change the Lancaster vote from Ames to Duffie and it was so announced by the chairman of the deN egatlon, but Senator Burkett did not propose to allow his vote to be cast ex cept for the man he wanted to vote for, and so he demanded a poll of the delegation, with the result that over half of them voted for Letton and he was nominated. The nomlueo is well known in Nemaha county, having served as district judge far almost eight years, and will recelva a large vote here. He Is an able man and atauda high as a judge. He has been a member of the supreme court commies Bion for the past two years. Dying of Famine is, In Its torments, like dying of con sumption. Tho progress of consump tlon, from the beginning to the very end, Is a long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had consump-. tion in its first stage," writes Wm. Myers, of Cearfoss, Md., '"after trying different medicines and a good doctor, In vain, J. at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly and perfectly oured me." Prompt 'relief and sure cure for conghs, colds, sore throat bronchitis, etc. Positively prevente pneumonia. Guaranteed at Reeling's rug store, price 50c and 31.00 a battlo Trial bottle free. We will send tho Advertiser, tho weekly Lincoln State Journal, and the Iowa Homestead, all one year for only $1.59. A Bad Scaro Some day you will get a bad scare whenyou feel apaln in your bowels and fear appendicitus. Safety lies in Dr. King's Now Life Pills, a sure cure for all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness; costives nose, etc. Guaranteed at Reeling's drug tore, only 5c. Try them , Old paper for sulo cheap at. Tho Ad vertlser office. COMPULSORY EDUCATION Subdivision XVI, Section I School LawB of Nebraska. 1. Children not less than seven (7) nor more than llfteon (15) years of age must attend the public day school not less than two thirds of the etitiro time school is in session in the district in which thoy reside and in no case shall such attendance be for a leas period than twelve (12) weeks. Exemptions, 1. Attendance at a private or parochial school. 2. Instruction at home by a person qualified to teach in the public schools. 3. The child being fourteen yars of ago and of necessity regularly employed for his own support or those dependont upon him, 1. Physically or mentally ineapaci itated. 5. Distance to nearest school more than two miles. The attendance of children In private or parochial schools must be reported to the city or county superintendent. Section II. School boards in city or metropolitan city school districts shall appoint truant officers who shall enforce tho provisions of this law. In other school districts, any super intendent, principal, teacher, or rneins ber of the school board, shall report any one who violates tho compulsory education law to the county superin tendent, who shall immediately inves tigate the case and give written notice to the parties reported aa violating this act; and, if in one week from the time of said notice such parties are living in violation of this act, then the county superintendent shall appear in the court of the county judge, and tile his complaint against such parties violat ing this law. The county judge shall at once issue summons againat the offending party or parties: such sum mona shall be served by the proper officers as by law prescribed; the offend ing parties shall appear in court under penalty for contempt and answer to the charge which, if proven, shall cons titute in them a misdemeanor, subject to a One of not leBS than live (5 00) nor more than twenty-five ($25.00) for each offence. Geo. D. Caiuiinqton, Jk County Superintendent. In tho District Court of Nemiha County. Stato of Nebraska. In tho mattor ot the petition or Wlllur d K Ucasley; administrator of tho estate of Ell Kolthley, deceased, lor license to sell real. estate. Wlllurd F. Ileasley, administrator. I'lnintlCT, vs. Lewis Kelthloy, David Newton Kolthley , Surah Coldlron. Ta- hltha Hamilton, John Koltli. ley, Thornton Keith ley. Mary H easier, Augusta Kolthley, Viola Venetto Wolf, aud Liz zie Ward, Defendants. Order to show cause why license should not bo rauted to sell real es.ate. , Now on This 25th day of August, A. D. 1905, this cause comes oa for hearing upon tho petition, under oath, or Wlllard F. T-teaslov. administrator of the estate of Ei Kolthley. deceased, praying tor license to sell tho foi lowing described real estate ol said Ell Kelthley, decjnsed. to.wlt: Tho west hair (w.;X) of tiio southwest quarter (s. w. V) of tho southeast quartor (s. e. ) of section twonty-soven (27) township four (1), not th of rsnKo sixteen (10. east, in Nemaha county , Nebraska, or a snfllclent amount theroof :o bring the sum orSj9.76, wlthlntorest thereon from tho 13th day of jinroh, A. D., 1905, for the payment of debts allowed ukuIiisi said eatate, and all allowances and costs or ad ministration, for tho reason that thoro Is not sufficient amount of personal pmporty lu tho possession of said Wlllard F. Ileasloy, ad ministrator, belonging to said estate, to pay said debts, allowances and o st. It isthorfiforoordored thut tho above named dofoiidonts.and all porsons Interested In said egtato. appear before me, lu tno district court room in theclty of Auburn, in said county ot Nemaha, on the IGth day of October, A. D., 1905, at the hour of 1 p. m., to show cause, If any there be, why a llceuso should not ho granted to sild Wlllard K. Heaslov, admin istrator, to sell so much of tho nbove do. ,.b ( SVxi . eHtnt.e as R,1,lU 1)0 necessary to pay said debts und expenses. It Is further ordered that a copy ot this or der bo served upon nil persons interosted In said estato by causing the samotobo puh lJlul i0n.c each weok for four consecutive Wn,8Jnit,Nctll'"8kn Advertiser, a news paper printed and published In said county of Nemaha. Signed W. II. KKLLIGAR, STULL A HlAU'm JU,HC,ttl D,8tr,Cl' Attorneys for said administrator W. (gj. Sanders Justice of the Peace NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate and Insurance Agent WM.f CAMPBELL, Pres. r, E. ALLEN. VJce-l'res. ELMER E. ALLBN, Cashier. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 The publishers of The Kepubllc, St Louis, Mo., oiler a magnificent set of HeviBed New Home Library Wa 1 Charts upon such absolute libem terms that no school or homo In tbr country can afford to be without them This beautiful Bet, containing ninu complete maps and a Cyclopedia ol indispensable information, will b given, free of all charges, to every person who sends One Dollar to pay for a years subscription to tho Twice-it-week Republic of St. Louis, and Farm Progress, the Great Aqricuitural and Homo Monthly Magazine pub. liahed by the Republic and acknnw-i 4 lodged everywhere to bo the best journal ul of its kiud published anywhere. Following are tho maps in this set: (1) Tho World; (2) The United Statea, (3) Typographic map of the Husao Japanese War, with facts and ligures of the contest brought down to date; (4) Alaska; (fl) Hawaii; (0) Porta ttico, (7) Tho Philippines; (8; Panama; aiwl (0) Your choice of a largo map of any one of the following eighteen stales and territories: Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, Texae, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Indiana, Kentucky, Wyoni-, ing, Tennossee, Mississippi, luwu, Nebraska, Kansas, Arizona, New Mexs ico, Colorado and Louisiana. In ordering, subscribers will please specify the Stale map thev desire in their set. Threo large sheets, each 28 by :jii inches in dimensions, comprise tlw Cliarts. Everything that you want to know about your own State, your own country and the countries and people;) of the world, will be found in this great Cyclopedia-ami Gpograpny com blued. You cant atTord to miss tins opportunity. The Twice-a Week He public is the leadiwg semi-weekly newspaper and home journal in the country. Farm Progress has no su perior in its chosen field. Either paper alone is worth a full dollar it yer Under the terms of this special offer, which is good for a limited time onl , you get both of these excellent journ. als an entire year, and the complete Bet of Charts, all for only One Dollar. It you appreciate a good thing you will lose no lime in taking advantage of this opportunity at nee, before the offer is withdrawn. The papers will be sent to) separate addresses', if des sired, and the Charts will be securely mailed, fre of all cost, in a large tube, insuring them against loss or damiiRH of any kind. They will last, you ii, lifetime, and piove their worthover$f day in the year. D in't delay, but send your order at once to Map Department, The Republic, St. Louis, Mo. DR. G-. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - Nebraska W. W. FRAZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Nemaha, Nebr Ail calls promptly attended Phone 28 TIME TABLE HUM iv n nil Lincoln Denver; .Dmttliit Helena Chioimo Butte St. JoHeph Salt Lake City Kanwas City Portland St. Louis and all San JTrnoiso o Point h East and And lll?oints Soutli West THA.INS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS. No. 07 -FftfisetiKer, dully oxcopt8uri dity, for Tecumsoh, Ilentrlco, lloldrego nnd all points went 0:48 a m No. 98 I'tiBuoncor, daily except Sun day, for Nebraku City, Ulilcnuo and ail points north and oast 4 sOfl p m No, 111 Local froleht, dally except Sunday, for Atchison and Inter mcdiato stations 0:16 p in No. 112 Local freight, dally except Monday, for Nebraska Ohy and intermediate stations 1:40 a in 1