The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 07, 1905, Image 2

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    Nl.MAIIA Advek riSEk
Nebraska I
Time's saddest trngodioa m e written
Iti wrinkles.
An old bachelor snys lore Li more
llko a pestilence than a dlucaso.
Wlioovcr firHt HUggcstcd tho liour
Klnss wnlat Bliould bo doing time.
"Tho public in timid," wiys George
flonld. IIa George ever tried tho got-ricJi-qulck
Ho who would succeed in any line
of business muHt IlrHt plan his work,
llien work his plnn.
A defalcation usually grows in In
verso ratio to tho way a millionaire's
eatato dwindles aftor his death.
Poor Nan Patterson probably will
have to go to her grave without know
ing whether or not hIio killed Caesar
Tho precocious schoolboy who said
ihnt tho "Mo." after "Kansas City"
stood for "misnomer" was not so far
As Carmsglo is going to give away
J1 bis money it is quite evident that
the coachman married his niece for
love alone.
Are wo to Infer that Dr. Gladden
would not countenance tho use of
Standard' Oil products for purposes of
church illumination, either?
Scientists are now trying to ilnd out
why men liccomc lmldheadod. We have
always inclined to the opinion that it
Is because the hair comes out.
Admiral Melvlllo says we need
5000,000,000 for our navy. We sus
pect that the Admiral Is trying to
make llobson look like a piker.
But wby should Andrew Carnegie,
hastily conclude that an heiress Is com
pelled to choose between an affection
ate coachman and a worthless duke?
After a career of unbridled crime
lasting for several hundred years John
Doe and Mellaril Hue aro charged
with being mixed up In tho Equitable
Life Assurance case.
A 1'1-year-old boy is practicing law
in New York. TIiIb looks like an In
fringement on tho rights of our run
down politicians. Is there to be no
place left for tho defeated candidates?
Thero is a dispute, over the Identity
of the "father" of the American navy.
Why not content ourselves with the
knowledge that whoever he was he
left a long lino of worthy descendants?
Mrs. Chadwlck's masago roller sold
at auction for a half dollar. There
was a certainty of lively bidding for
Casslo's recipe for nerve tonic, but
unfortunately the prescription was not
Some folks try to grin ami bear
their bumps, while others think the
proper caper is to point out tjie sore
spots and try to convince everybody
that the real injury lias been done to
tho fellow who did the bumping.
In warning his church against the
danger of yielding to selllshness and
greed In business transactions the
Popo touches tho keynoto of tho dan
gers to modern commercial peace and
prosperity. By throwing his great in
fluence upon tho side of fair dealing
between man and man the head of tho
Catholic church takes a step worthy
of imitation by all teachers and spirit
ual advisers.
Foreign shipyards havo received
very heavy orders for 1005 delivery
of Bteam tonnage, but throughout, the
United Kingdom not a slnglo new or
der has been received for a deep-water
sailing vessel. The doom of the
sailer has beeonio somethlii" more
than a figure of speech and never
again will the whlto-AvInged anionic
of trade play tho prominent part
which in the past they have taken In
tho world's commerce. With the miss
ing of tho sailer thero also departs
from the literary field a theme which
from tho earliest ages has supplied
great material for romance and story
Is there any reason why our schools
should limit themselves simply to put
ting children through a certain courso
of study? We think not. In our opin
ion, if tho schools fall In discipline, if
they fail in developing a spirit of
obedience, they fail in discharging
their most vital function and at tho
most vHnl point. And It seems to us
that this failure is one for which the
schools may very justly be hold re
sponsible. For the very theory on
which tho State proceeds In this mat
tr of public education is that through
education tho children will bo properly
trained nlong tho Jlno of good citizen
ahjp. But they can ot bo good citl
zona unless they loaru to be obedient
to law. In some way, therefore, the
schools must inculcate this obodiencc.
A thing always to bo cultivated is
good humor. No prop to trouble has
yot been discovered the equal In
strougth of good nature. It Is just as
much an obligation of men to fight
against depression as It Is to fight
against oppression, and yet men yield
readily to depression and say thoy will
die beforo they will submit to oppres
sion. They begin at tho wrong place
with their heroics. Good humor Is tho
safety valve. It provides a way for
unnecessary and harmful Bteam,
which, if confined, may result In a
ruinous explosion. Good humor dwells
in the house of comfort; It waters the
plants, feeds the canary, draws the
curtains to admit thu sunlight and at
evening time it lights the lamp,
Among the permanent funds of tho
Methodist church Is one for tho sup
port of superannuated ministers. The
question was recently raised In Now
York why Methodist preachers cannot
savo enough from their salarlrs to sup
port them In old age. Figures have
been given which ore a sulilclent an
swer. There were 707 pastors in the
threo Metropolitan annual conferences
In 300-t-'0r, these being the confer
ences In New York City. These pas
tors may be divided Into four classes.
Tho members of the first class, num
bering 2125, receive .$1,500 per year or
more, those In the second, numbering
184, $1,000 to $l,."i00; those In tho
third, numbering 211, ?(!00 to $1,000;
and those In the fourth,
177, $000 or less. Tho salaries paid the
ablest and most eloquent Methodist
preachers in tho metropolis are no
more than aro received by many men
In subordinate places In largo business
concerns. The salaries of manv of
their humbler brethren are less than
half as largo as tho wageB of a good
mechanic. Outside tho cities, both In
New ork and in other States, salaries
are smaller. "My college chum," a
distinguished Now York lawyer, Is
quoted as saying, "was my equal in
every respect, nnd In some respects
my superior. After twenty-flvo years
of successful ministerial work I dis
covered that his annual Income when
In his primo was tho exact amount I
paid for the care of my horse at the
livery stable." In the rural districts
the pay of a pastor Is often much less
than tho keep of a city horse. The
smallness of the salaries of Methodist
preachers Is partly due to the fact
that In every community this church
draws to It many poor nconlc. but It
Is more largely owing to the noble.
time honored policy of Methodism of
having "a church for every pastor and
a pastor for every church." The Hock
may not number a dozen. It may be
In a mining camp In Alaska. It may
be In a city slum. However small, re
mote, or inaccessible, it must and avIII
havo a shepherd. Wesley and White-
field didn't believe In waiting for peo
ple to come In and get the gospel.
'I'llnl. Irrlr- II- Ia 41...... ...1. ...... 11
were, and their successors have been
doing likewise ever since. A man has
to pinch and squeeze to rear and edu
cate a family and dress as a nreaeher
Is expected to on $1,500 a year, espe
cially In a city. Tho fact that thou
sands of educated men gladly and la
boriously servo their church for much
less shows that the age Is not so com
mercial as It Is sometimes represented.
and that religious heroism Is not dead.
The superannuated ministers of the
Methodist church accept their annui
ties without regarding them as alms,
and well thoy may, for they have
earned all they got.
Before the Suez Canal was opened
St. Helena was a frequent port of call
for English vessels bound to and from
India and the further East. Follow
ing tills custom, which was caused by
the need of obtaining supplies for tno
long voyage, tho ship In which tho
Duke of Wellington, then Sir Arthur
Wellesley, was returning to England
from India touched at the Island, and
he spent one night at Jamestown at
the houso of Mr. Balcom.
Ton years after Napoleon Bonaparte
landed to begin his nearly six years of
dreary exile, and was assigned to tho
same room which his conqueror at
Waterloo had occupied. This strango
coincidence came to the knowledge of
tho Duke at Paris during Its occupa
tion by the allied troops, and he wrote
tho following letter to Admiral Mai
com, then commanding at St. nelena:
Paris, April .1, 1810.
My Dear Malcom
1 am very much obliged to you for
Mr. Simpson's book, which I will read
when I havo a moment's leisure. I
am glad you hove taken the command
at St. Helena, upon which I congratu
late you. "Wo must never bo Idle if
we can avoid it.'1 You may tell
"Bony" that I find his apartments at
the Ellseo Bourbon very convenient,
and that I hope ho likes mine at Mr.
Balcom's. It is n droll sequel enough
to the affairs of Europe that we should
chnngo places of rosldonco.
I am yours most sincerely,
A Hot VTanther Iliat.
Do you know thnt the two cssen
dais for good health In hot weather are
keeping the system clan and regu
lar and a tonic for th tomtich and
Mull's Grape Tonic i a valuable
remedy for hot weather. It clemsea
the Hjmtein of all lmuuriU mid pot
ions. It contain nturly 30 per cent
Crape, which la the beat hot weather
tonic known. It li an Ideal prepara
tion for heat debility nnd the many
langnroua ills prerallinc during sum
mer weathgr. It fortifies the system
Heat proatratlonn, summer bowol
md stomach troubles are rr in fam
ilies where Mull's Grape Tonic Is em
ployed. There' Is nothing so dangerous
In hot weather an constipation, which
Is the remit of the more serious hot
weather dleeuses. Mull's Grape Tonic
Is tho one successful conntlpntlon cure
a splendid stomach and bowl toHlc
The Westman Island, south of Ice
ar.d haq a population of 500 souls,
L'ncy live almost entirely on ilsh.
Even the few animals are chiefly fed
in llsh.
How I Buffered 'with Itching and Diced
hitf Ke.eutn Until Cured by Cuti
earn, "No tongue cun tell how I suffered
for llvo years with a terribly painful,
Itching, and bleeding eczema, my body
nnd face being covered with sores,
Never in my life did I experience such
awful suffering, und I longed for death,
which I felt was near. I hud tried
doctors and medicines without success,
but my mother insisted that I try Cutl
euro. I felt better after the first batli
with Cutlcura Soap and one applica
tion of Cutlcura Ointment, and avus
soon entirely well. Any person hav
ing doubt about this wonderful cure
may write to me. (Signed) Mrs. Altle
Etson, Bellevue. Mich."
Turkish women do not come intt
sontrol of their private fortune!
until ufter marrlaye. Then the
dispose of one-third of it without
the husband's consent.
An image of the Vlrg'n Mary in t
church at Antipolo, in tho Philippini
islands, has jewels valued at $1,500,
DCO, which have necn glvon it by thi
devout women natives.
Miss Uordon-Cummlng3 of the ols
Scotch family of Gordon-Uumminga
bus explored over 100 Islands of the
southern Pacific and was the lirkt
European to visit many remote places
In Tibet.
Tho editor of Novoo Vremya,
A'cxl Sergevltch Suvorin, hos for
years been the gieatcst llgura in the
Russian journalistic world. Al
though over 70 yeats of age he still
holds tho position, and Is a self
ruudo man o great wealth, having
begun life as a school teacher.
Potato water Is excellent foi
brightening shabby carpets. The
carpets must first he well bente?
a d shaken; then take htlf a dozec
good sized potatoes and scrapo them
as finely us possible into a bucket
oalf full of warm water Strain,
wrinc a cloth out of tho potatc
water, and with it rIvc the carpet t
good rub all over, rlns'ng frequently.
Thing Happen.
From the home of the famous "Keyh
oel Kceyartah of Cartersvllle," aw3
town South, comets an enthusiastic let
ter about Postum.
"I waa in very delicate health, suf
fering from indigestion and a nervout
irouble so severo thut I could hurdlj
pleep. The doctor ordered mo to dis
toutluue tho use of the old kind of cof
fee, which was llko poison to me, pro'
Suclug such extreme disturbance thai
I could not control myself. But rucI
tvus my love for It that I could not gtf
aiy own consent to give it up for sonn
lime, and continued to .filler, till mj
lathee one day brought home a pack
i go of Postum Food Coffee.
"1 had the new food drink carefiillj
prepared according to- directions, one
jave it a fair trial. It proved to havi
l rich flavor and made a healthy
ft'holesonie and delightful drink. T
my taste tho addition of cream great
(y improves it.
"My health began to improve at
foon as the drug effect of the old coffet
Ivan removed and the Postum Coffei
hod time to make Its Influence felt
Uy nervous troubles were speodily re
lieved and the sleep which tho old cof
fee drove from my pillow alwayi
tamo to sootho and strengthen rm
ffter I had drunk Postum In a vorj
Jlit time I began to sleep bettor thai
llud for years before. I have nov
used Postum Coffee for several yean
and like It better and find It raon
beneficial than when I first bogan. I
is on unspeakable Joy to bo relieved oi
the old distress and sickness." Nairn
given by Postum Company, Batth
Creek, Midi.
There's a reason.
Bfcad the little book, "The Raad t
WellvlUe," lu each pkg.
Jellied Chicken.
A cold chicken In the form of Jellied
chicken makes a good supper dish. Put
on ounce of gelatine In a pint of warm
water on the back of the stove, and
occasionally stir until It Is dissolved.
Then add a pint of chicken broth or
boullllon to it, and a high seasoning of
salt and popper. While the gelatine
Is being dissolved cut all the chicken
off tho bones. Place the meat In an
earthen mold. Pour over tho chicken
the broth and gelatine, straining first.
Press the meat down and ldt the broth
cover It completely. Place a weight
over It, and when the chicken Is thor
oughly Jellied turn out of the mold
and serve in thin slices.
Apple Miirinnliidc.
This makes a most delicious pre
serve. Peel and core the apples and
slice into eighths, and put them In a
basin of water. To every pound of
apples allow one pound of sugar, quar
ter pound of whole ginger nnd half a
lemon. Lift the apples dripping Into
the preserving pan, and boll with tho
sugar, lemons nnd ginger until quite
clear. Tho rind of tho lemons is best
put in with tho ginger, but the Julco
bhould not be added until about twen
ty minutes before the preserve Is done.
Pineapple CtiHtard.
Moke smooth three tnblespoonfuls
of Hour with one of butter and stir Into
n quart of boiling milk. Have ready
the beaten yolks of eight egg.s, add to
them two-thirds of n cupful of sugar
and turn into tho milk, stirring con
stantly for three minutes; add, when
cold, a cupful of chopped pineapple
and four tnblespoonfuls of lemon Juice.
Cover with a meringue of the whites
of tho eggs and four dessertspoonfuls
of powdered sugar. Brown lightly Jn
the oven.
Stalled Hkks.
Tako six hard-boiled eggs and cut
them in halves; remove the yolks very
carefully, nnd cut the top off the
whites, so that they will stand. Mix
the yolks In a basin with a piece of
bioad soaked In milk, five or six capers
finely chopped, nnd two large sardines
finely minced. Add to the mixture a
little vinegar, oil, pepper, milk and
salt Mix Avell together, and fill the
whites of the eggs with the forcemeat.
Garnish the dish with Jelly.
Tnptnca Cream.
Soak two tablespoonfuls of hiploca
in enough cold milk to cover it. Stand
to one side overnight. Bring a quart
of milk to tho boiling point and add to
this tho beaten yolks of three eggs, a
half-cup of sugar and a teaspoonful oi
vanilla. Stir this Into the soaked tapi
oca, boil up once, turn into a dish and
spread immediately with the beaten
white of an egg. Servo when cold.
Jellied Krult Crcim.
Rub three ripe bananas and a quart
of ripe strawberries through a fine
sieve and sweeten to taste. Add three
tablespoonfuls of dissolved gelatine
and set away to harden. When It be
gins to set, throw in a few whole
strawberries and several slices of
banana and mold ready to serve.
Serve with chilled whip cream.
Strnwberry Klcc Cake.
Boll one nnd a half cupfuls of rice,
being careful to keep the kernels
whole, adding, when It is about half
done, tho juice of two lemons; drain
thoroughly. Cover the bottom of a
fruit dish with the rice, then add a
layer of strawberries, and sprinkle
generously with sugar. Continue until
It Is all used. Servo at once with
whipped cream.
Soda Cake.
One pound Hour, one-quarter puiind
butter, one-half pound sugar, two eggs,
one ounce candled lemon peel, one te.i
spoonful carbonate of soda. Mix Hour
nnd soda, rub in butter, beat up and
add eggs, peel nnd sugar, lastly the
milk. Put in greased tin nnd bake
nt once in a quick' oven first, then
moderately, about one hour.
Corn lircud.
Sift together a cup of Hour, one of
whlto comment, a teaspoonful of salt,
two teaspoonfuls of baking powder
and a tablespoonful of sugar. Pour
upon tills a mixture made of two beat
en eggs, a tablespoonful of melto.l
butter nnd one and a half cups of milk.
Bake half an hour in a moderate ovon.
Short SuKKi'HtlmtH.
Knives may bo brilliantly polished
If they are rubbed with powdered
After cleaning for tho summer get
rid of heavy hangings und see that
white curtains are spick and span.
Tho difilculty of removing old putty
from a window sash Is easily over
come. Heat an Iron rod a soldering
Iron for preference and pass It slowly
over the putty, which will thus bo ren
dered soft, when it uiuy easily be removed.
A. WoinnnTAllft Unir She Hnsllocpmn Well
nd Strong nftor Yenrs of Misery
Duo to Irregular Functions,
The fact that one woman is bright
eyed, rosy-cheeked, strong and choerfnl,
while another is pale, weak and de
pressed, is duo moro often than other
wise to tho regularity in tho ono can
and tho irregularity in tho other of the
functions that aro neculinr to the box.
Whou theso arc disturbed everything
Roes wrong; pain and discomfort are
feU all over tho body; tho sensations urn
often terrifying.
" For fonr years." said Mrs. Davis re
cently, "I suffored indoseribablo misery
from sick headache every month, ac
companied by fainting spells, shortness
of broath and severe pain in my left sitlo.
Thero wero nlso bearing-down paius, nt
times so acnto that I could not stand up,
nnd my hood was fnll of ringing sounds.
It seemed as if everything was going to
hit me in the eyes. I was compolled to
lie down with closod oyos for hoars to
got a littlo relief. When I attempted to
aviso everything would whirl around and
it would grow so dark that I ooald
scarcely see any object." .
" Couldn't yonr doctor help you ?"
"Five doctors in all treated me, but I
got no lasting benefit. Besides I used a
lot of advertised remedies. Tho only
modicino, howover, that had tho de
sired offect was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
and thoy are truly a, godsend to women.
I did not havo much faith in them when
I began to take them. I found mysolf,
however, so much bettor nftor using two
boxes that I began to believe in them.
Thoy chocked right away tho dcclino
into which I was going. My troubles
kept lessening and finally disappeared
" How long did it tako for a euro?"
"After I had used several boxes my
health was all right. I had taken on
flesh nnd was stvoug'nnd hearty. I feel
today in spirits moro liko a girl of six
teen than a woman of my years."
Mrs. O. H. Davis' address is Carmel,
Maine, It. F. D., No. 2. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills aro confldentlv offered to
women for tho euro of anamiia, chloro
sis, painful and irregular periods, and
all forms of weakness. Thoy aro sold,
by ovary druggist.
2 Cream
ron 325.00 we sell tht
edehrated DUNDEE CREAH
SEPARATOR, capacity. (
pounds pur houri 350 pounds o
nacltr ner hour for S2).nrv
tiOO pounds capacity pertiuurfoi
334.00. Guaranteed Ihi
equal ot Separators that ItE .:
$71.00 to 3129.00.
ratoron ur30 days' free trial
plan, with the binding under
etandlnir and agreement ltyoi
110 uoc nna uy comparison
tost and ue that It will In
doner, klm colder mllb
riklm easier, run llRliteranl
skim ono-hnlf moro mill
than nny other Cream 8epa
rator tuude. you can returi
the Separator ts us at u,
expanse and we will Imms
dlately return any rnonei
you may have paid for frcUW
chargoa er otherwise. Cu'
thls fcd. out nt onco nnd raaV
tf us. and vnu vrlll reCplTI
liv return mall, frse. postpaid, our LATEST SPECIAI
bin olTer and our free trial proposition nnd you will r
Grape Tonic
Indigestion, Diseased Stomach, Im
pure Blood, Sores, Pimples and Bad
Complexion come from
Poison in the Intestines Dysentery, Cholera
nnd terrible srlplnr liains are symptoms ot typnoid
lever nnd decaying intestines which aro tho result
of Constipation. A Constipated person i3 liable
to Meat Prostration or Sun Stroke. A phjsio
won't cure Constipation, yon know this irom ex
perience. Your intestines and digestive organs
are practically dead or you would not lie t.onsti
pated. Unless tliev are revived and strrnctlicncd
serious Diseases of the Blood must follow, as no
one can live and have health with decayed Stomach
and Dowels. Physirs don't revive or build up
they drain and weaken. Mull's Gk.M-e Tonic
Isn tissue builder, n foi-il espccially'prepared for
the Intestines. We will prove to you at our own
expense that It cures Constipation and Dowel
Trouble because it revives the intestines, cleansen
tlio sy&tein. heals the stomach and renews the
blood, I'ntll it was introduced in this countrj
there was 110 cure for Constipation, A wonderful
Tonic, a protection against hot leather dangers.
Good for ailing children and nursing mothers.
Send this coupon with your name and ad
dress and druggist's name, for a free bottle of
Mull's Grape Tonic tor Stomach and Dowels, to
1 Third Avenue, Hook Iilun.l. Illinois
Give full addreis and write plainly.
The ti. 00 .bottle contains nearly three times
the 50c size. At drug stores.
The genuine has a date and number stamped
on tho label take no other from joui druggist.
S. N. U.
88:i, 27 YORK, KEII
Thompson's Eye WatRi