The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 31, 1905, Image 9

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    W M1S5 WLL WMd
Keitlca! HUII1 Hnt Almost Kxluttifttttl ttioll
lu Vain Attempt to Kcllovo Her A
IlenvirUiiblu Jli.ttilt.
Tho rocovory of Miss Gertrude L. Bnll
of i;rcat iutoroBt to tlio medical world.
vory bad cough followed a novoro at
tack of pneumonia It Boomed impoflsi
Wo to break it up or to rontons hor
itrongth, whloh hud boon nndly u:idor
iiiuud. In fc.ilto of tlio beat offoi-m of
Jho doctors und tho uso of eovoral ml ver
ified modes of treatment hor condition
luily grow more nenoui. Sho finally
Hncoiitliiuod nil mcdlciuo and gave her
Kilf up to despair.
"what wna your condition at this
lirao?" flho was asked.
" My stomach wan bo wonk I conld not
kt:ep food down. I nafforod from con
ttuut muifiea. My kidneys woro in ter
riblo coudi tion. M y foot and ankles woro
iwollon bo badly that it pained mo ovon
to Btand on thorn. I wan vory bilious.
My heart was in bad shapo ko I could
sot go up nud down stairs or Btand any
exertion or sloop in a natural position."
" It nceniB a woudor that you should
ever havo recovered. How did it
" You may wwl call it a, murvol, but
Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills wrought it.
Nouo of my friondw thoui?ht I could livo
many mouths longor. My parents had
00 hope. Just then a pamphlet adver
tising Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo
Peoplo was thrown in our door. It was
groat ovont for mo. Thoso pills Baved
tno from tho gravo. Within a week from
tho timo I began to tako thorn I folt hot
t"r, and in thieo months I wan entirely
well. I cannot praise Dr. Williams'
1 ink Pills too highly and I dearly hopo
Unit my oxporionco may bring good to
imiio other sufferers."
Miss Bull, who -was ao romarknbly
tared, rt'iden at Union Grove, Illinois.
l)-.Will.a-.:is' Pink Pills actimnicdialoly
n tho blood, purifying and enriching it.
In all delimitating diseases, such ns
long troubles, grip, fevers, and in nil
anas in which tho pvstem is thoroughly
rundown, theso p'.lls porforni wonders.
?hy are sold by nil (li upglstfl through
vat tho world. A valuable booklet on
Ilseanosof tho blood, will bo sent frco
lo any ono who applies for it to Dr. "Wil
tiams Modiolus Oo., JMonectudy, N. Y.
Many BcHool Clilldren Are Blckly.
Mother Orny'i Bwm Povrdrt for Chlldrsa.
& " " tar uraj. a niirt in uoiiartn't noma,
W York. Break U Coldl In 24 honn. enra Cam!
Freriihnii. Uudmhi
I'roublei, TMthUg DUordtn. hoys und regulate
ain Dowaii ana Dflitroy Worrai. Bold bj
ruviTUU or tr mall. 26a. Hanoi mil ltd v
Iddraii Amur B. 0i.MaTB, La
aurafi aluut B. UtKirit, La Hor. N.
There Is ncthln cheap In life un
less it Is housbt wlthtbe cash.
Vhut a Mercer County (Ohio) Fnrmtr
Received from Cue Year' Crop.
Extracts from an Interesting letter
from P. II. Uynhnrd, of Btnrbuck,
Manitoba, Canada, gives an excellent
Idea of the prosperity of those who
fcave gone from the United States to
Oauada. He soya:
"I bought, August, 1003, 480 acres
f land, paying $12,000 for it We
threshed 2,078 bushels of wheat and
between 1,200 and 1,800 bushels of oats
and barley from 200 acres. But part
X tho wheat went down before tilling
and was not harvested except for hay.
jiie crop was worth at threshing tlms
3,000. Besides 120 acres laying Idle
accept a timothy meadow which Is not
eluded in this tlmate. Counting
Ike value of the product and the In
feease of value of land will pay me
More thaa 36 per eent oa. the lavest
Two brothers in the nun Hshrh
kerhood bought 100 acres each six
tnasss ago. They have not don a sin
gle thing to thta Und except to fence
It end break and cultivate about one
half of It Harvested last year 28
msheJs wheat per acre. This year 27
fMshels per acre. They ean get any
4ay $35 per acre. These are only a
few of many hundreds of snch chances.
It looks like boasting, but truth U
Jsstlflable and the world ought ti
ataow It, especially the homo-seeker
S know of quite a few farmers that
'fcav made fortunes in from 10 to 24
jqars, retired with from $20,000 to
Writing concerning another district
tlio Canadian West, S. L. Short saysi
"Dear Sir I have to inform you
that I have just returnod from tht
Carrot river country In Saskatchewan
where I located land of tho very Ihiest
black vegetablo loam, which I an
proud of, and will move in the spring
Farm era are still plowing there. A
mild climate and beautiful country ti
behold. Cattle are fat and ruunlni
outside. Wood and water good. Sav
BPotatoes large and well ripened; alsi
wheat thut brought there 82 cents. Tin
:ountry exceeded my expectations
Jfeaw oats in stook, thicker on th
t . - M At.
"jtrounu tnan appears in uiauy oi uu
Illustrations Eent out lu deacrlptl
Wmiuphlets. I have boon In many West
M.. D.Uf. K4- anil nrnalo nnv
141 ouuen, uiil v. v.. j
ver saw."
'Pho nnn.niUnn Crovernment Aceut.
t different points report that tho In
Ailrlcs for literature and rallroat
lites, etc., to Western Canada are tin
n.i.i r i . . .
v.nrioH una JunnKlinble I'linaea of
Iliiuiaii Nnturo Graphically Portray
eu uy j.mincHt Word Artlta ot Onr
Own Day A Iluduct of Fun.
Uc (at broakfaHt) Do you rcmem
bcr Waggsby, who bombarded ua with
rice when wo were married?
Sho Yes. What of him?
J lo on, nothing, only I've invited
hhn to tako dinner with us to-morrow,
and I want you to make some of your
nunouH biscuit
A Double Comparison.
"My lovo for you." said the widow
er, with the bald pato, "in llko a ring,
because thoro Is no ond to it."
"And my lovo for you la also llko a
ring," rejoined the summer girl, "be
cause It hiiB no beginning."
Win Idea - A Cinch.
First Tramp Say, Rngsy, do you
fear death?
Second Tramp Naw; I once heard
i preacher say that death was ono
long-continued Bleep.
IMnylnjf Hofe.
Mrs. Youngwed Tho cook left this
morning, and I will havo to got tho
fllnnor myself. What would you llko
for mo to cook, dear?
Mr. Youngwed Oh, any old thing
that you know I don't like.
Ills Little Scheme.
Peckem My wlfo novcr pays any at
tention to what I way.
Hnpcck Mlno does at times.
FcekcMn How do you manage It?
Bnpeck I talk in my sloop.
Uncle Josh Be yew 'th' feller what answers qucshtions?
Clerk Yes. What would you llko to know?
Uncle Josh Heow much do yew git a week?
nattering Beaux.
Girls, bowaro of flnttoring beaux,
for while as friends they always peaux,
they often turn out to be feaux; thoy
flatter your oyes, inouth nud ueaux,
and praise your makeup from head to
teaux. They take you to balls, par
tics and shoaux thoy say a good deal,
but it seldom geaux; sickly Binlles oft
conceal their weaux, for they are as
flcklo as the wind that bleaur.
Should Try the Cab.
"Hey, there, cabby, do you think
that horse can carry us both to tho
"I dunno. Why don't yo ride in th'
cab, nnnyhow?"
So Sayn "Uncle Snm."
"You will have to pay extra for
this," said tho customs oillccr to the
rotunilng tourist
"Why should I pay extra?" asked
tho traveler.
"Because," replied tho obdurate oUl-
clal, "U'k you;' luty'
No Comae far Alarm I
"George, dear," tmld the fair mold in
the parlor scene, "don't tarn tho gas
too low. '
"Why not, sweetheart?" queried
"jjucaiise it is dangerous, biio re
plied. "I mad about a man who turn
cd tlio gas ho low that tlio lack of
pressuro extinguished tho spark and
he was asphyxiated."
"Don't you bo alarmed, darling," he
said encouragingly, as he seated him
self by hor side on tho sofa. "Just
feel the muscle of this strong right
arm; there Isn't going lo bo nny lack
of pressure about this spark, and don
you forget it."
And It came to pass Just as ho pro
Modern Enterprise.
Homer Sanders, tlio grocer, Is th
moat enterprising chap I evor met.
Nixon What's tho answer?
Homer Ho advertises to give away
a parachuto with each gallon of kero
sene he scIIk.
Nixon Slashem, the barber, li
equally as enterprising.
Homer What's his scheme?
Nixon Ho has a card in his window
offering a pnekago of court plaster froe
with each shavo.
She Didn't Mind It.
f . i v .
aiisircss 'ora, you snouuin't use
kerosene to light tho Are with. It's
No rah OI alius used it at me last
place, mum.
Mistress And you never got blown
xsorau aure, an' oi did, mum
most ivery day, by th' missus.
Tha Real Thine.
"What la tnct, mamma?" asked
small ITloramay.
"Tact, my dear," replied the know
Ing mother, "is a woman's ability to
innko her husband bellevo ho is hav
lng his own way."
Now Ilc'a Pnzzled.
"My dear," said Mrs. Growells to
hor husband, "don't yon think it would
bo a good Idea to hare your life In
"No, I don't," lie snapped. "If I were
to do that it would Just be my fool
luck to live forever."
"Oh, well, then," replied Mrs. G.,
li mere s any uiceionood of that, don'f
do it."
it M Ik. m
Canse and Effect.
Jnyson I wonder what caused th
advance In the price of wheat?
I'nyton rrobably that Chicago gir'
who won a millionaire husband
through her ability to moke bread li
responsible for It.
Jayson Why, how's that?
Payton Moro than likely every girl
In tho country wjio heard of tlio altali
Is now practicing the bread-maklns
act, and the result is an increase lu
the demand for Hour. See?
The Secret Out.
She I wonder what makes the wid
ow Gray so popular with the men?
He Oh, she always shuts up and
listens when a man wants to tallc.
Maninin Wiih Shocked.
"Mr. Iluggius asked mo to marrj
him last night," said tho blushing
"And what did you say?" asked hoi
"Why," replied tho fair maid, "J
told him to ask you."
"Ask me!" exclaimed the astonished
parent. Why, my dear, you surely
wouldn't; want your poor old mother
to commit bigamy, would you?"
City Cousin Now,
don't have the trouble
lng llko city folks.
you fnrmon
of houso hunt
Kansas Uncle Don't, oh? Well. I'vi
been hunting for a houss thut tho cy
clotio can-led away for two ytnrs and
Tumors Conquered
Without Operations
Unqualified Success of
Vegetable Compound
and Miss Adams.
Ono of tho greatest triumphs of Lydia
E. Plnlcharn's Vegetable Compound is
tho conquering of woman's dread
enomy, Tumor.
DO-caiica "wandering pains may
eomo from its early stages, or tho pres
onco of danger may bo made manifest
by oxccsslve menstruation accompanied
Dy unusual pain extending from tho
ovarios down tho trrdin and thiirhs.
If you have mysterious pains, if thoro
ar& Indications of inuammation ulcera
tlon or displacement, don't wait for
tirao to confirm your foars and go
tnrough tho horrors of a hospital opera
tlon: secure Lydia E. Plnlcharn's Vetre'
table Compound right away and begin
Ito uo and write Mrs. Pinkham of
Lynn. Mass., for advice.
Road thcsostronirlottors from orate-
zui women who havo beon cured:
Dear Mrs. Plnkhara: (Pint Letter.)
-in iookiiie ovor your dook i eoetn&CYour
medicine cures Tumor of tha Uterus. I have
beon to a doctor and ho tolls me I havo a tu
mor. I will bs more than crateful if von
can holp msns I do dread an operation."
Fannie D. Fox, 7 Chestnut St, Bradford, Pa.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (Second Letter.)
" I take thellborfcv to ryinprjitiiTjitn vmi nn
tbe eucceosl hare had with your wonderful
modi cine.
"Bltthteen month ago my monthliea
topped. Shortly after I felt bo b&dlvl mih.
xnltted to a thorough examination by a phy
sician, and -vros told that I hod a tumor on
tho uterus and would have to undergo an
" I Boon after read one of your odTortiia
ments and decided to giro Lydia E. Pink
ham' s Vegetable Compound a trial. After
takiue five bottles as directed, thn tnmnr
entirely gone. I havo again boen examined
V ...It . n:f.i ,... .
drum ci fiiiHuan s vegeiwuic wmpooM
Motber-"Whab In the world sbal
0 UOP OUT Rnn onnnnh n
narry, yeb he Is determined on ir.
Father-"I'll fix him. The vflrv
UIKUL I1R Cnmfl.Q In ntn Till
- UH x 11
i.irc Lnac old phonograph to screeoh
"B out some or your midnight balks
tu iuo. "
a dinner zlvon bv an Encriioh
jooieman an old gentleraan rose ho
,,u" u loas-i ana, though his
)penlnK sentonoo was enthusiastically
Ht-uuuuu, ic was evidently not quite
"iau no nun mtenrlerl it- ihnnwi v,.
uuuuill 111.
i reel." said he. "that fnr
1 mi r
fltn nninfr. -. ...
, . ... 1 ""w uijracil LU
uiu uuuu li v Rniiira 1 1 Ira .v, . 1
uuioi, t,ms learned nomnn D tn
s . 1 J wo .u
v. u uiicuns DOIoreswlng . it
nrus ume ume before ho understond
uy uis nearers laughed
so uproar-
Hosekeeper-'So you are located
i Dairy TilJe? Thafa .k.
oilkman comes froa.M
Rural Pastor-'.Yea, he l8a reguj
tttendanb at our church, and always
appears deeply impressed during the
-"Yes, V
ve noticed
r ii n r s r i
Ifnnrlnnn iU.
w.,uujr0 uuuu on ocuer days."
The Easier Wa7-Traver8lI hoar
rou are lecturing on the strenuous
Palavers-Yes, 1 tired' of
aust'lng, and it'sosmuoh easier to
u other people what to rin n,nn u.
I s to do things one's self '-Detroit
rco Press
iho'life'iyr88 D. R0Se tel,s rae
l' n?!:.hf''f! complex-
m . A Kiaiiuiiiouier. "
Flora "Whs hn..
itber a
Worth A ThMin, TlmoM Its Cost
send 10 cents, todny, bofoto vou"
"iot iq. ve wni maj
postpaid, the handsomest
.nost valunblo Booklet ever
'ished. Its payps shine llkn
monds and It may linht your path to
riiies rou cannot nford to bo
ffi'hout one-money refunded If not
perfectly S(itisftctory.
f 1 a ? tt .... ....
i i m wisst 21st ST.
Lydia E,. Pinkham
in Cases of Mrs. Foot
br tho physician nnd ho says I havonosfgl
of a tumor now. It has also brought me
monthlies around onco moro; ana I as
entirely well . I shall novor bo without a boi
tlo of Lydia Pinkbam's Vegetablo Compoasf
in the houso." Faunio D. Fox, Bradford P
Another Case of Tumor Cure
by Lydia B. Pinkliain't) Veota
bio Compound.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
"About threoyearsagolhadintonsepail
iu mj Bwumca, wim crompo ana ragir
uoauacuus. xuo uocior proscriDoa ror nt
but finding that I did not get any bettor 1
exnminea me ana, xo my surpruo,
I had a tumor in the uterus.
"I felt Euro that it meant mv death i
and was very disheartoned. I spent bund
of dollars in doctoring, but tho tumor ke
growing, till the doctor said that nothintt 1
an operation would navo me. Fortunatehn
corresponded with my aunt in the New En
and States, who advised me to try Lydia A
Pinkham's Vogetablo Compound before sub
mittine to an operation, and I at onco BfartaJ
taking a regular treatment, finding to my
;reat reller that my general health began ft
morore. and after thi-Aa monthn T nnHrJ
that the tumor bad reduced in ska. I kS
On taking tha Comnonnd. and In ton mnntM
it had entirely disappeared without an opar
atlon, and using no modiclne but Lydia si
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and words
iau to expross now grateful I am for the goof
it ha done me." Min T.uMIa Aduru. Cntm.
nad Hotel, Seattle, Wash.
Suoh unquestionable testimony
proves tho value of Lydia E. Pinkh&nA
vegetable Compound, and should airm
confldonce and hope to every s4ek
Mrs. Pinkham invites all ailhss!
women to write to her at Lvnn. Mih.
for advice.
a Weaai's KtMdy I r Wnub' lUt,
$3.50 SHOES
vr. Tj
nontrliin makes and sells mora
fin. AH nlinfM Ihfin nnv nth..
facturer hi the world. SilO.OOO
roiuij use woo iu ouproTl uui
W. Im DoiiKlaa 113.00 shoes ara th
frreatest Hers la th worl" eeaose ot
heir exoellont atria. ut .itllnip amVi
uirariur wearing: qnaiinea.
Xliar mi
just m fona as uiosa taat
as tho tkat cost fro
8.00 t 7.00. Tha only different la
tna prise. XV,
ost more to
I.. DOBsrlaa tm3.KO ikaM
battar. waar loBser. and ara of a
vaina tnan auy ihu ikk
aaarkat to-dar. W. ju. Dona las smar
aatM their vain y sUmplar Msr
ame aad prica on the bottoaa aT aaak
ho- Ijook tax It. Taka ao subsUtiita.
W. Im Doagrlaa S3. 19 skaes ara sokS
throuahhUown retail atorMln thanrlav.
elnal olUes, sail by ahoo daalera averjw h
Hera. X4aniattrwliamTon llvn. W. IV
Xons;laa skaes ara within your reaakw
Hf have teem W. L. Duglu fSM $htt fyr
Vtnrt, and rontiifrr thtm rijual to any HjOO o
now on the market. Tktv Jtave oiven entire
tatlAfictt." -torn. If. AullrfH, Ruil
Agtnt, Xaiuu City, Ma.
Boys wear W. L. Doaglas $3.00 aad $2.99
boaa bacaaaa thsy fft baftar, bold thslr
sbspa and wear longer than other ssakaa.
YT. L. Dtugltujuai Cronm CtUMn U hit
tt.SO than. Conna CH it conceded t
U the jtnut patent leather produced).
Pott Color By Mm will mot war Brasty.
W. L. Dons 1m bu the Uxset ahoa mall onfr
bnalncia In Uie -norld. Nn troabla to yet a lit
ut imii. Dsnvn spirit prcpaxa ilFIITery.
ii too aoiiro luruiir iniu
f ran dnltrn furthar I
unnatlon, unit for
Jtluttrated Catalogue of iiprinv Xtvlei
Brockloo, Man.
The ucly woman who acts as judge
at a beauty show seems a little out
of place, to say the least of It.
Perhaps you wouldn't notice the 111
manners of others so much If you
would pay more attention to youi
CURES catarrh oi the stomach.
The areas of the principal cities oi
the United States are: Now Yorkt
209,218 ncres; Uhlcugo, 122,008 acres;
Philadelphia, 82,993 acres Boston,
27,251 acres; St. Louis, 30,277 acros
Clpvolnnd 20 880 ncres.
iUHib intil ALL USE lAllS
Oouun Sri 9 Taitv Good.
in time. So'd br druitvlnti.
N tL ?C9 -13 YOltIL NEI3