The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 31, 1905, Image 12

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    Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
now To riud out.
Fill a bottlo or common glass with your
water and et t stand twenty-four hours; a
fV. ..I BGU1I11UIH Ul
It raI
.unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys: If It stains
your linen It b
evidence of kid'
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain In
the back is also
lonvlnclng proof thai the kidneys and blad
Jerarooutof order.
"What to Do.
There is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands tho highest for its won
derful cures of tho most distressing cases.
' If you need a medicine you should nave tho
best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$. cizc3.
You may have a sample bottle of this
. wonderful discovery
and a book that tells
more about it, both sent
absolutely free by mail,
aaaross ur. Kilmer noma of Bwnmp-noot.
Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer In thl3 paper.
Connecting tho OonvVi,rinl CcntA..JM 79Csh
Tho llroad Corn and Wheat Wl'U VVtwc
Cltlaeot '
Tho 1'ertlle River Valleys, Trit OontetftiBad
ltollInK ralrlea of
TheQrand,PIctarcRquonndKnchnntlnit Hennery,
una tho Famous Mialng Districts o'
lb Affrfcnltnritf, Fruit, Mineral and Timber
nd,und KftmouB Hot Bprlng of
Bgax i'lantntlons nnd Immenio Itlca
Isolds of
Groin I'lmdi, tho Onttlo lUnges
Wttorlcal nnd Scento
AaAtortMWltftlU Connections tho Popular
Winter Kouto to
for tfwulptlvo and Ulniitrntml pnmplilctii of
amy of M4 mitn Mtatoa, tuldreia Companies'
Atonta, Htt,TOWNSEND,
taml Pusenger and. Ticket Agent,
ainniuti Kuduced Rates to Tho South
To Now Orleans with 21 days final
limit $17.55 round trip. To othor
p -lints in the South 75 por cent of the
regular first class rate where the rate
docs not come under $0.50. Dates of
ohIo April 4th and 18th.
Wo wish to announce that the ratcB
of regular flrat class faro plus $2,00 on
tuo ursi anu tuiru Tuesdays win cons
tiiiue in effect all during tho summer.
International Sunday bcIioo! conven
tion, Toronto, round trip $27.15, dates
of sale Juno 18, 10 and 21 with a final
limit leaving Toronto not later than
June 80.
Account Lowis &Clark Centennial.
Wo offer rates to tho following points,
Portland Oregon, Seattle, Tacoroa, Blll-
Ingham Washington and Vancouver,
and Victoria nnd return, with a final
limit of ninety days but not to be later
than Nov. SO, 1005, at tho very low
rale of 815. With going in any regu.
lar direct route and returning same or
any regular direct routeB, except that
parties going via Ban urnncisco and
steamer or tho Shastc route will be
$11 dollars higher, and for tickets res
turning vfa Winnipeg and St, Paul will
be $10 higher. Dates of sale will be
May 28, 21 and 25, June 18, M, 15 and
27, 28 and 20, with various other dates
in July, Aug. and Sept. Tho Pacific
- Coast Steamship Co. have arranged to
givo regular excursions to Alaska at a
very cheap rato for tbo round trip.
Thoy will show you many interesting
points in Alaska.
jCLincoln, Nebr., April 10 to the 15,
account Musical Festival with a final
...limit April 17, rato of 82 80.
C. E. Rothamkl, As'st Agent.
Mo. Pao. By.
w Mkr au ijiiii:ih iivnr iijniifiiii'n, iiuiiuujl'. tin
T ' 'PranlcNenl's blil stand, -' .
Jhe MSka Advertiser
V. V. Sandkrh & Son, Prop's.
FRIDAY, MAllOH 31, 1005.
Guy H. Harper will leavo within a
fow days for Leavenworth. Kansas,
where lie has signed to play with tho
Leavenworth nlno, In tho Western As
sociation of Base Ball Clubs. Guy is
an all round plilyor, and his friends
hero confidently expect that he will add
lustre to his already well earned ropu
tation U9 a player while in tho Oregon
club Loagno, last year. Shubort Citi
zen. Schuylor Burson has sold his blacks
smith shop, and four lots to J , F. Shu
bert and wife, and his tools to Mr. Lind
soy of Lincoln, and will leave with his
family soon for Oklahoma, Mr. Lind
soy is said to be n good workman, and
wo have no doubt but that ho will cot
his share of tho patronage, Shubert
Tho abovo item refers to 0. J Liud
soy, a rormor resident or JNemaiia.
Charley Littroll is certainly an lions
eat boy. A few days ugo he found a
half dollar on the sidewalk in front of
Keoling'a drug store, and instead of
putting it in his pocket, as many would
have dono, ho had Will Keeling put out
a notlco that ho had found tho money
and tho owner could have it by prov-
Ing property, and whon the owner
wont to him ho gavo up the money
Of course it was not much, but tho
priuciplo was thoBamo as if it had been
a thousand dollars.
Tho Nemaha chapter of the Ep worth
League was reorganized Tuesdiiy night
and tho following oilleers elected:
President Nellie H. Sanders.
First Vica Pres. Mrs. Lillian Allen
Second Vice Pres Lulu Cooj ar.
Third Vice Pres. Geneva Wast.
Sec'y E. May Kerker.
Troas Claud Maxwell.
The league will moot every Tuesday
night at tne Methodist church. Miss
Lulu Cooper haa been appointed leader
for next Tuesday night.
How's this?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for
any caso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Core.
1 J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho underfill; nod, have known K. J.
Chonoy for tho Inst 16 years, and hollovo him
perfectly honorable In all biiHlnoKB transac
tions and llnanclally al-lo to carry out any
obligation!) inndo by Ills Arm.
Waldino, Ki.nnan & Makvin,
Wholesale DruKKlnW, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Ih taken Internally,
aollng directly upon tho blood and mucous
Hurfacea of tho systom. Testimonials sent
Irco. Prloo 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all
Take H ll's Family Pills for constipation
Gilbert & McCandless had a big trade
last Saturday. Thoy had sovon per
sons onguged in waiting on customers
and would havo had moro probably if
the store room had boon largo enough
to let them get around and wait on tho
customers. As it was, with all their
force they could not wait on the pooplo
inany reasonable time, but tho people
had come thoro to do their trading, ai d
waited patiently until n clerk would
get time to attend to their waute. He
sides Earlo and Ally, there woro Mrs.
Rose Gilbert. Mrs. McCandless, John
M, Clark, Cutt Urown and Frank
Dressier. They sold a pile of goodi.
But thoy have lots left yet.
Program for Y. P. S. C. E. meeting
Sunday, April 2.
Topic Tho making of a Christian.
His Food. 2 Tim. y : H to 17 and John
0 ;.17 to 58.
Song No. 8.
Song No. 100.
Heading of Lesson.
Bible References.
Talk Prayer, a food for tho Chris
tlan. Bro. Sapp
Talk Growth of tho Christian.
Dora Clark,
Song No. 203.
Closo by Endeavor benediction.
Maye GAiTiiEit, Leader.
Notlco Is horoby given that tho an
nual olectiou will bo hold in tho village
of Nemaha City on Tuesday, April 4
1005, at which time threo trustees will
be elected for the term of two years.
Tho election will bo held in tho Advor-.
tiser office. Tho polls will bo opened
at 0 o'clock a. m. and will remain open
until 7 o'clock p. m.
J. I. Dkkssleh, Chairman.
Jako Handloy has boon using a drag
on tho road running past tho farm
wbero ho is living, in Asplnwall pros
cinct, in accordance with the sugges
tions of D. Ward King of Maitland,
Mo., and those who lmvo usod tho road
say it is astonishing what a change it
has mado in tho road already, with onn
ly ono season's treatment. Whilo other
roads woro so muddy that it was hard
to get along, this section was hard and
smooth, so teams could go in a trot.
Ho uses a niece of railroad iron as a
drag. If you want to boo what effect
dragging tho road will have, go down
and take a look at this pleco of road.
It is a good object lesson of tho pracs
tlcal bonofit of tho drag system. Wo
hopo othur farmers will try It. It is
surely a good thing.
Sarali Stearnes GeriBh vs. Albert
Ernest Gerish.
The above entitled caso Ib now ponds
ing in the District Court of this county.
It is quite an interesting case. Tho
pleadings indicato that there may bo
some spicey evidence introduced at tho
Tho plaintiff alleges in hor petition
that tho defendant has failed to sup
port her, Tho defendant answers and
denies some things in tho petition.
Ho also says he is willing to support
plaintiff if she will go back to him,
The plaintiff has filed u reply, and
that is spicey too. In her reply plain
tiff 11 1 03 aiettor from one Edith Bishop,
an Indiana lady. Edith writes that
s ie is surprised that Doctor Gerish is
married. Sho writes that she waa
formerly engaged to tho doctor; that
it was her nionoy that paid for the
diamonds lie wore at college; that alio
furnished some money to send the doc
lor through medical college; that the
doctor still owes her about $2000; and
that alio docs not understand why tho
doctor has kept his marriage from her.
Edith further writes that she has
articles belonging to tho doctor which
ahe will send to Mrs. Gerish if Mrs.
Gerish wlBhes them, and flho seems very
anxious to recover the $2000.
Wo will watch the progress of tho
case and report later.
Veterinary science, dealing with tho
diseases of our domestic animals, was
never moro' important to tho farmer
than today'. Horses, cattle, sheep and
swino all have their besetting diaeasea
and all of them are better understood
and mdro successfully treated than
formerly. Live stock interests are
constantly growing in Nemaha county,
and it is big money in our farmers'
pockets to know how to deal with tho
ordinary diseases prevalent among their
stock. The Iowa Homestead of Des
Moines, Iowa, Ib a farm paper which
has anticipated this need by( establish1
ing a department devoted exclnslvely
to veterinary matters. It Is edited and
conducted by on expert veterinarian of
tho highest rank, whose advice is alouo
worth many times tho moderate price
of the papor. Already hundreds of too
boat farmers in our county are sub
scribers for Tho Homestead and tho
Advertiser would be glad to see many
moro enjoying the bonetita of its ins
8truction. We aro always pleased to
take and forward subscriptions for it.
If any of our readers would like to
examine a samplo copy and will let ua
know, wo will see that it is forwarded.
Fraud Exposed
A few counterfeiters havo lately
been making and trying to sell imitu"
tlons of Dr King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, aud
other medicines, thereby defrauding
tho public. This is to warn you to bes
ware of such people, who seek to profit
through stealing the reputation of
remedies which havo been successfully
curing disease, for over 35 years. A
sure protection, to you, Is our name on
the wrapper. Look for It, on all Dr.
King's, or hucklon's remedies, as all
others aro mere imitations. II. E.
Buoklun & Co.. Chicago, 111., aud
Windsor, Canada.
Old papers for sale at this olllce
Tako tlio wagonette when in Aus
burn if you want to go to any part of
tho city. John McElhanoy prop,
Poisons 'n Food
Perhaps you don't realize that many
pain poisons originate In your food,
but somo day may fool a twinge of dyB
pepala that will convince you. Dr.
King's New Life Pills aro guaranteed
to oure all sickness duo' to poisons of
undigested foodor money back, 55u
at Keeling'a drugstore. Try them.
Srnilo and spread thosunshino.
Talk is choap. Wonder If that isn't
tho reason why wo hear so much cheap
-talk. '
Can you seo good in all about you?
If not you need to whet up your
Have you seen tho March number of
tho Nemaha County Teacher? If you
have not make it a point to see one.
"What ono may accomplish in life
and what we do accomplish are far
apart." Our problem is to make them
approach as near to each other as possible.
"The inllueneo of the American home
is not for good," Is a statement mado
by a good authority some time ago.
Do you believe it? Think twice beforo
you answer.
A school, Its character nnd value, de
pends upon the sentiment of the com
munity where It la found. There are
communities where it ia just as 1ms
possible to teach n good school as it ia
impossible to grow corn on Pike's
Peak. Tho atmosphere is not fovor-
Some havo naked about tho box flup
por. AH ladies aro to bring boxes,
school children or otherwise. Each
person is also requested to bring a lead
pencil sharpened ready for use. Wits
and observation powors will be in de
mand too. Remember this is a social
as well as a supper bo come propured
to bo social.
An excellent program was rendered
at Brownvlllo last Saturday at tho
Teachers' Association. Two members
of tho State Normal faculty and Supt
Simpson of Auburn were on the pro
gram not to apeak of others who gave
some thought provoking material.
Tho next Association ia to bo held in
Auburn April 22.
It is Baid that seventy of our diseases
are transferred through germs and that
a groat per cent of these aro exchanged
at school. Though somo aro carried
througn the air a large part aro trans
mitted by children using the same
drinking cup. Tho remedy is the use
of individual cups. Is it within the
bounds of the practical?
The report for the month of March
shows a decrease in attendance. Tho
1 total enrollment so far is 100 or 70 in
I the primary, forty-seven in the inters
mediate, and fifty-two in the upper
amdes. The number on roll at the ond
of the month is 120. Out of this num
ber we had an average attendance of
100 or about SO per cent of pupils on
roll at end of the month. Through
the month thero has grown a total of
forty tardy marks, much too many for
the kind of weather we havo been
Why isn't it that the bettor the
weather, tho better the work? When
the bright sunny days come the boy
yawns and looks out of the window
and somehow his mind will wander
down to the brook to that graaay bank
where he has often sat with hook and
line. Even the elder feels an impulse
to do nothing, which ho has learned to
curb only by long practice. Why is it
when everything olse move?, the budB
bursting, the grass pushing forth, etc ,
that man dota n't feel the impulse to
move as well. Has the Creator mado
a mistake hero?
Cravo Trouble Forosoon
It needs but little foresight, to tell
that when your stomach and liver are
badly affected, grave trouble Is ahead
unless you take tho proper medicine for
your disease, as Mrs John A. Young of
Clay, N. Y.. did. Sho says: " I had
neuralgia of tho liver and stomach, my
heart was weakened, and I could not
oat. I wbb very bad for a long time,
but in Electee Witters, I found just
what I needed, for thoy quickly reliev
ed nnd cured mo," Best medicine for
weak women. Sold under guarantee
by W. W. Keeling, drugglBC, at 50c a
WM.t'OAMPHELL, Pres. K. B. ALLEN. Vlce-l'res.
ELMER. E. ALLEN, Cashier.
Capital Stock, $5,000
Wo will send tho Advortlser, tho
weekly Lincoln State Journal, tbo
Iowa Homestead, the Farm Gazette
and the Homemaker, nil one year , for
only 81.50. Tho regular price of thoso
papers is $3.25.
Order of Hearing and Notico on
Potition for Sottlemont of
In tho county court of Womnha county, No
braskn. Tho Statu of Nobroskn, County of Nemaha nit
to mo iicirH or uaviu uarroii tucir onracH
ami places of residence being unknowh
and to all persons interested in tho estate
of said David Carroll, deceased.
Notlco Is heroby glyen that J. W. Arm
strong Iiah filed n petition praying for flual
bottlomont and allowance of his admlnlstra-,
Hon account filed In this court on tiio2lHl."
day of March, a. d. 1905, and for decree of
distribution, (lnal settlement, his dlscliarKo
and such othor relief as may bo Jus. and tho
satno hns boon set for hearing on UioIKth day
of April, 1005, at 10 o'clock A. M., at tho coun
ty court room of said county, In Auburn,
paid countv of Nemaha, when and whoro all
persons Interested In said matter may appear
and show cause, If thero bo any, why tho
prayer of said petition siionld not bo granted
and If HUlllclent cause Is not shown tho court
grant tho prayer thereof, and makn
such further
nnu otuor orders as may bo
Dated this 2lst day ol March, 1006.
8KAL J. S. McOauiy, County JndgO.
Imported Percheron, black or seal
brown, a very rich color, heavy bone,
good feet and action, kind disposition,
and Jwill woigh 1800 when in good
BOULONNAIS was foaled April 2i, 1S99,
brod by M. Polrler. St. Ulphaco, Hurthe,
Franc;. Rlvo, Morse (4(WS3), ho by Hesiguo
(19CW) hobv Hillllant 111,11110(2919), following
h ii"bo nncstry lack to the famous J;an-lo-Plnnc
(739). D.ira, IJreplH (21S09), by Oscar,
belonging to M. Lo Marquis d'Argent.
Standard and registered, sired by
Pat L. 2:00if; dam, Sadie Vera by
Talavora; 2nd dam, Betay Trotwood
by McMahon, 2:21. Dark bay, foaled
in 1807, stands I0o hands high, weighs
1350 pounds
Both horaea will make the season of
1005 at the N. C. Buhl farm. 40 rods
oast of Howe, Nebr. Boulonnais at
S15.00, and Ludwiok at S10.00, to in
sure mare in foal, money due when
mare ia known to be in foal. Care will
be taken to prevent accidents, but
should any occur will be at owner's
THOS. H. JONES, Ownor, Howe.
J. IS. Orotlaer'
in tho
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
Proprietors of the
Livsry&Feed Stable
Grcod Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed,