The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 31, 1905, Image 10

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    I What is Castoria.
QASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops ana
Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allay3
Peverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles,
oures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children's PanaceaThe
Mother's Friend.
, The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over
30 years, has borne the signature of Ohas. H. Fletoher, and has been made under
Ms personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that triflo with
and endanger the health of Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
J M ,Dr 1(Vr.,lld nift"nr. of Buffalo, N. Y., says : "Your Cnstorla la rood for
I children ntul 1 frequently prescribe It, always obtaining tlio desired results."
Dr. Ouatave A. ISIsengraeber, of St. Taul. Minn., says : "I have uied y
tV'tedly In my practlco with frocd results, and can rccomtntnd It as
llcnt, mild and harmless remedy for children."
I! i
AVcgc tabic Preparation for As
similating thcFoodatidRegula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigcsUon.Checrful
ness and RcslXontalns neither
Opium.Morphine nor fineral.
Not Narcotic.
ffzp ofCHd DrS.WVEL PITC11SR
Pumpkin StJ-
jtnitt Setd
IXpptmunt -Hi
Shear .
Wnkryrttn flavin
Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions.Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
.Df' i5, J Dcn"J8. ,f St. LouIb, Mo., aays: "I Tiavn used and prescribed yonr
lastoria in my sanltnrlum and outside practlco for a number of years and find ft to
be un excellent romprir fnr rhtlHun
be un excellent remedy for children
Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia. Pa..
results from lta use.
the case of my own baby and find It pleasant to take, and havo obtained excellent
rflllltfi from lta ha
Dr. J. K. Simpson, of Chicago, III., says: "I have nsed your Castoria In cases
of colic In children and hare found It the beat modlclne of Its kind on tho market"
Dr. R, E. Esklldson, of Omaha, Neb., says: "I And your Castoria to bo a
standard family remedy. It Is the best thing for Infants and children I hare ever
known and I recommend It"
Dr. L. R. Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria oortalnly has
merit. Is not Its aire, lta continued use by mothers through all these ytnrs, and the
many attempts to Imitate It, sufficient recommendation t What can a physician add?
Leave It to the mothers."
Dr. Albert J. Weston, of Clevoland, O., stiym: "I have used your Castoria la
ray practice for the past eighteen years with the ataoat success."
Dr. Edwin V. Pardee, of New Tork City, aays: "For several years I hare
recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, as It has Invariably
produced beneficial result. "
Dr. N. U. Slzer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says : "I object to what are called patent
medicines, where maker alone knows whnt Ingredients are put In them, but I know
the formula of your Castoria and advise lta use."
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
thc otsrAun aeHMirr, tt Muanar t, nkw yoiik orrr.
After all, it's the man vrho knows
low to dress well who compels nd
ilratlon at home and abroad. And
fsho knows how to dress economi
ally the admiration is doubled at
The women who failed Co marry
oung car doubtless And much eon
olation in a careful study of the
tome life of her married neighbors.
The soil of Cuba Is extremely
fruitful. Cabbages there are so large
that heads weighing twenty pounds
each are common. All radishes do
well. Radishes may be eaten from
fourteen to eighteen days after Bow
ing, lettuce In five weeks after sow
ing, while corn produces three crops
per year. Sweot potatoes grow all
the year.
I There are Many Imitations of
I Baker's Cocoa
Baker's Chocolate
Dotft bv misled by them !
Our trade-mark is on every
package of genuine goods.
Under the decisions of several
United States Courts, no
other chocolate or cocoa than
.Walter Baker & Co.'s is en
titled to be sold as "Baker's
Lockiuu.Tjf.Mk Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate'
Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
sent free.
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts
45 Highest Awards in Europe and America
What kind of a fish Is that, old
man? inquired Dr. Greene.
Bey calls lb de Baptist flih, replied
tho flshorman, as he tossed It awuj
In deep disgust.
Why do they call It tho Baptist flab
asked the minister.
Because de? rpoll so loon after dej
cornea outen de water, anwBerad the
fisherman. Arenaut.
Tnero are now ale an Jewa in tht
Brletsn House of Commons, more
than ever before.
Hh'i Oar tor OoasuaaptJesi carad see
f a Umvticu and pemlitent cough.
Was. K. Harrison. 227 W. 121st street.
New Trk, Mat 25. 1001.
Womeu economical of the
compliments to other women's hus
bands unless they are anxious to
curtal their list of visitors.
Itohlne. Ullnd. Uleedln or Protrudls Files.
Vourdrneirtst wlU refund moneylX I'AZO OINT
MENT foils So ur roa to fl to M 4pa. S0.
bboft lories
SoniobcKly once said to George Ado
that some pretty bright people como
from tho West. 4Tc,' Ado Jb said to
have replied, "and tho brighter they
nro the qtilckor their come."
A little girl, whon a lesson was be-
formation that the snow was swept outj
of heaven. "But how does It gut Into
heaven?" asked the master. "Pleaso,
air, the ungels scratch It off their
wings." I
An American colored gcntloman, by
some hoctiRpocus had got Into a poker
game in a London Olub. Ills vls-nvia,,
an Iflnglishment, picked up threo kings
and a pair of deuces and Bald: "I
raise tho pot one pound." The colored
gentleman picked up four aceB. His
ej-cs almost popped from his head. Ho
said, suunmerlngly: "I don' know
much about de system of welglia an'
measures In dis henh country, but I'ao
agwlne to raise you a ton!"
A woman called at tho Philadelphia
morgue, the other day, nnd ventured
tho opinion that her husband, who had
not been home all night, wits probably
dead and In the mortunry. "What kind
of a looking mail was he?" Inquired
the keeper. "lie was of medium
height, had red hair and blue eyes, and
weighed about 11)0 pounds," replied
tho woman. "Is that tho only de
scription you can give mo?" continued
tho keeper. "Oh," replied the woman,
"I forgot. ETo Is very hard of hear
ing." Dr. L. E. Wilson, a wealthy young
Baltimore physician, was awakened
one stormy night last week by a man
who declared tho doctor's services
were wanted throe miles out In tho
country. Just before tho doctor called
up the stable for his horse, tho visitor
asked what the chargo would bo.
"Threo dollars," was tho reply. When
tho house containing tho supposed pa
tient was reached, tho man alighted
first, and, handing the doctor $8, re
marked: "That will be all, docior. I
couldn't find a hnckman who would do
It for less than ?0."
At one of tho rocent lectures by
Professor George Kirchwey, dean of
Columbia Law College, New York, the
students were uneasy. There was
Bomothing wrong in the air. Books
were dropped, chairs were pushed
along the lloor. 'mere wero various
Interruptions. 'The nerves of all were
on edge. The members of the class
kept their eyes on the clock nnd await
ed the conclusion of the hour of the
lecture. The clock boat Professor
Kirchwey by perhapB a minute, but at
the expiration of tho schedule time,
the students started to their feet, and
prepared to leave. "Walt a minute,"
objected Professor Kirchwey; "dou'l
go Just yet. I have a few more pearlg
to cavt"
There is a suspicion that modern
friendship Is fou ded on the olo
homily, "you scratch my back and
I'll scratch yours." And each is
waiting for the other to scratch first.
Wife: My dear, I need a little
more of this stuff, and some trim
ming to match. I wish you would
drop Into Bigg, Sale and Co'sand gel
Husband (a smart fellow): Letroi
see. Oh, 1 know. That's the shot
where they have so many pretty girls,
isn't it?"
MYos, I remorahor. That blondi
girl at the trimming counter knowl
your tastes and will doubtless seiec
Just tne sort of trimming you want
1 mean the girl with the golden hair
alabaster skin, blue eyes, and swee
"There are a number of things
want down town Never mind, dear
I'll go and get them myself."
When Iiondon In Silent.
When a very dense fog settled ovei
the Thames valley a few SunduyR ago
and most densely over London it im
posed a complete silence on animal life.
London was itself as silent us the
grave, for all trafllc was stopped, and,
as on Sunday traffic of any kind la re
duced to a minimum, the great city
was almost ai still as a country village
at midnight Tho streets and evon tha
river were almost without a sound, for
not a single tug was moving 6n tha
Thames. In the country no bird ut
tered a sound. They all aat still, silent
and moping.
Forestry Jtooarvnn.
The first forestry reserves were made
for tho general object of preserving
tho forest and without specific relation
to the great problem for which later
they wero to provide the only solution
Now they are seen to stand nt the cen
ter of public land policy of tho nation,
for out of them come tho wood and tho
water and tho grass which are Indis
pensable for the founding of homes.
Gln'ord Plnchot
Time Ho Found Out.
"There Is only one reason," he said,
"why I have never asked you to he
my wife." "What is that?" she asked.
"I have always been half afraid you
might refuse." "Well," sh.j whispered,
after a long silence, "1 should havo
thought you'd have curiosity enough to
want to find out whether your suspi
cion was well founded or not!"
Hrutal Trimtinoiit of a Wife.
Husband Don't you think that you
are rather unreasonable to expect me
to take you to a ball, stay awulco until
4 o'clock and then get up at 8 to go
to my work?
Wife I may be a Utile unreason
able, but it's perfectly brutal of you
o mention It New York Weekly.
The Excoptiouul Cuho.
"You say you aro thankful you havo
a cold!" "Yes," was tho cheerful re
ply. "A cold is ono of the few ail
ments that a doctor will undertake to
cure nowadays without a surgical I
Cnttcvra Beast, Ointment und Fills
Clennse the Skin and Hlood of Tortur
ing Humora Complete Treatment
The agonlr-lng Itching and barnlnt;
6f tho skirt, aa In eczema; the fright
ful scaling, as In psoriasis: the loan of
hair and crusting of ncnlp, an h
icallod head: the facial dlsllguremcut,
rb In pimples and ring worm; the aw
ful suffering of Infants, and anxiety ef
worn-out parents, as In milk cnint,
letter and salt rheum all domand a
remedy of almost superhuman virtue
to successfully cope with them. That
utlcura Soap, Ointment and Pills
ire such stands proven by tho testl
mouy of tho civilized world.
Earliest Groea On Ions.
The John A. Salzcr Seed Co., La Cross,
Wis., always havo something now, some
thing valuable. This year they offta
among their now money making vege
tables, an Karlieat Oreen Entinrj Onion.
It is a winner, Mr. Farmer and Gardener!'
ind they will send you their biff plant aa4
iced catalog, toKcthur with enough ssad
to grow
1,000 fine, Holid Cabbages,
2,000 rich, juicy Turnips,
2,000 blunchiiiR, nuttv Celery,
2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce.
1,000 splendid OnmriH,
1,000 rare, Iusciouh Hadiuhes,
1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.
In nil nvri- 1 fl flflfl nlnit.. M.U ...... .1 rr
.... .w,ww t'.wM.o -kino Kicav uiivfi
Is made to get you to teat their warranted
rcgciauic necus ami
am. rou nur ICo postaur.
providing you wiV return this notico, and"
if you will fiend t.ium 20c in postngo, they
will add to tho above a big package of
Salter's fourth of July Swcot Corn the"
tarlieat on carth10 days earlior than,
Dory, i'cci) o'Day, First of All. etc. fO.N.
Tho great Carmlllo wrote. "Dccull
Is tho game played only by small
minds" n pretty soutlinont, but 8
lentimcnt only in this swift century.
York I.Ut
Send stamps for catalogiiH dcacrlb
Ing over 100 swift, steady sellers.
Splendid protlts. 11. Andrae frl3
Monroo Ave. Chicago.
There Is quite a difference between
norvc and nerves, fconio havo one
whilo others merely havo thu other,
but occasionally we meet a person
who has both.
"J)r. PyI(1 Kciuirdj'i Karorito Itemed, KonUout
N. Y., cuird my Borlons Ut''aijr trouble, 1 culnod rt
poumli." H. Wardell, llurriirllle, N.J.
Tho person who has never had
trouble has also nover had .roat Joyj
for one cannot be appreciated with
out tho other.
60c Fair nickel plated scissors; i
papers needles and handsome Oafe
loguo postpaid 20c. Great Eaateri
Uo. 232 Martenso, Brooklyn N. Y.
Take LaxatJre Hromo Qatalne Tablets. Ai
druaalatfl refund the aaoaer U It falls Ut oaf
K. W.CfY's
Is est eaea bats.
Every person Inherits a crop of ad
vlco. and the one who can separata
tho grain from the chaff Is the ob
who will succeed In life.
Don't always be poor and ihabb)
when you can make from 960 to ISM
per month. Quod, clean, houorabH
husiuess. Flan explaining fully oM
82.00. Japanese Puale and '
louue only 10c. Tho Porry
Co. Weat SomervIHe Mass.
New Yorker"Are the airorcad
women in Chicago called widows?"
Way tuck "Not for any lentgh ol
The Southern States have 27,M
saloons, whilto New York has 34,000.
Happiness is founded on friend
ship, hence a solid foundation Is tbi
tirst essential of a substantial super
Mrs. Wlnslows SOOTHING 8YU1' for tbl
dreu Milling, loftcnx tliu guws.rMluMS lafli
nation, allays pain, cure collo. Price 2&j Umlc.
Mistress (reprovingly) "1 saw you
throwing slop out of the back dooi
Girl (with dignity)"
live with a family wol
mum "
'em out lb' iron, door,
FFi EE W$ p.e-rw?-5i3
m.i Urn tut UX. w. LV. lMllil- kOh kUKbUO. s. 1
ami iucsi tn) lurtii will consider II
a compliment to he called a "gay
doi" but will become furkus it
dubbed a puppy.
in the Hiiw.iiian lilunds K day
there are oO.OvO acres of tt.esnulto
trees, which have been propijjated
irom a sinijie seed Impurteo I mm the
Southwest in lS.'IT and planted in
Horn lulu,
Found Gold in Nebraska.
Investor, in .Vur , Kn item i;ute will Und
this true Now i. u' iiitu- to tct In iii Hit
ground floor Vi- l,.v vun-ohnk-f Invt-itnifnU.
Wrlf. u for further lufK itiution
Srhumncht-T i.m'c ,r!pi;ii8. Neh