Many Persons Have Catarrh of Kidneys, Or Catarrh of Bladder and Don't Know It. President Newhof and War Correspondent Richards Were Promptly Cured By Pc-ru-na. Mr. 0. n. Newhof, 10 Dolnmnro street, 'Albany, N. Y., President Montefioro Club, writes: "Since my advanced ago I find that I have been frequently troubled with urinary ailments. The bladder seemed irritated, and my physician said that it was catarrh caused by a protracted cold which would bo difficult to over come on account of my advanced years. I took Peruna, hardly daring to believe that I would bo helped, but I found to my relief that I soon began to mend. The Irritation gradually subsided and the urinary dlfllaillles passed away. I liavc enjoyed excellent health bow for the past seven months. I enjoy my meals, sleep soundly, and ant as well as was twenty years ago. I give all praise to Peruna." C. B. Newhof. 6uffcrctl From Catarrh of Kidneys, Threatened With Nervous Collapse, Cured by Pc-ru-na. Mr. F. B. Riclinrris. COS) H street, N. W, Washington, y, 0., War Correspond ent, writer: "Exactly six years :iro I wrm ordered to. Culm iih staff eorre."pnndont of the New -York Sun. I was In charge of a Bun Dispatch hoat through the Spanish Amoriean War. The effect of the. trop ical climate and the nervous strain allowed plainly on my return to th States. Lassitude, depression to tho verge of melancholia, and incessant kidney trouble made uic practically an Invalid. This undesirable condition continued, despite the best of treatment. Finally a brother newspaper ninn, who like myself had served in the war, In duced mo to give n faithful trial to Perunn. I did so. In a short time the lassitude left me, my kidneys resumed a healthy condition, and a oomplete cure was effected. I cannot too strongly recommend I'eruna to those suffering with kidney trouble. To-day I am uble to work ns hard as at any time in my life, and the examiner for n leading in Kurance company pronounced me nn 'A' risk." In Poor Health Over Four Years. Pe-ru no Only Remedy of Real Benefit. .Mr. John NImmo, 215 Lippincott St.. Toronto, Can., a prominent merchant of Hint city and also a member of the Masonic order, writes: "I have been in poor health generally for over four years. When I caught a bad cold last winter it settled in the bladder and kidneys, causing serious trouble. I took two greatly advertised Kidney remedies without getting the desired results. Pornna is thp only 4 ,.. - ...V 411 S: lS; '. it PRCS. C. B. NEWHOF, Suffered From Catarrh of Bladder. remedy which was really of any benellt to me. 1 have not had a trace of kidney trouble nor a oold iu my Bystein." Pc-ru nn Contains No Narcotics. One reason why Peruna has found per manent use in so inttuy homes is that it contains no narcotic of any kind. Pe runa ia perfectly harmless. It can bo used any length of time without acquir ing a drug habit. Peruna docs not pro duce temporary rosults. It is permanent in its effect. It hus no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by re moving the cause of catarrh. There are a multitude of homes where Peruna has beon usod off and on for twenty years. Such a thing could not be possible if Perunn contained any drugs of a nar cotic nature. Say Flamy to Your Grocer That you want LION COFFEE always, and ho, being a squaro man, will not try to Bell you any thing olso. You may not caro for our opinion, but What About tlie United Judgment of Millions of liousokoopers who havo usod LION COFFEE for over a quarter of a century ? Is thoro any stronger proof of merit, than tho Confidence of the People and ever increasing popularity? LION COFFEE Is carefuHy se lected at the plantation, shipped direct to our various factories, where It Is slclllfully roasted and carelully packed in sealed pack ages unlike loose coliee, which Is exposed to germs, dust, In sects, etc. LION COFFEE reaches you as pure and clean as when It lelt the factory. Sold only In 1 lb. packages. Lion-head on every package. Save theso Lion-heads for valuable premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE W00LS0N SPIOE CO., Toledo, Ohio. o a a o THE FARMERS ON TUB FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS OF WESTERN CANADA carry th toannrfor rlold. of Wbeut find other eralni for 1904. 100.000 KAKMKItfi rooelra 56,00(,000 unrtiult of Uiuir Whutt Crop nlono. Tua return froni Ontt, Hurley Ami other urolnt, ua well at oMtU and hornet, aJd coDnldnrahlr to thU. Secure a FREE Homestead at one, or parohnu from eome reliable denier while lands are telling at present low price. Apply for In formntfon to Hiiimrlntendant of immlwratlnn. ottawn. Canada, or to V. Y. Bnnnett, 801 New York Life Dulld tug, Omiilm Nub , AutU rlisd Uorernment Agout, fleeau ai hare you taw thin adTertlsement. Aluska Is more than live huudret and iifty times the areu of Rnod' Island. TO UIRR A COI.D TN ONK DAT Tuka laxative Hromo Quinine Tablots. A) jruifRiiU refund the money If It falls to cure t W. Grove's ttirna.tur fat on each b. 25o Tbo coldc3b oily In cha world! Yakutsk, Eastern Siueria. We use Plao's Cure for Consumption h preference to any other cough medlcln Mrs. S. E. Bortlun. 112 I utreet, Wasli irti;ton, D. 0., May 25, 1001. Eighty-live per cent, of the child ren In Japan are in school. PECULIAR PEOPLE OF 8IFAN. Their Worst Trnltn Are Hostility and Tribal Warfare. Physically, tlie 81 fans wero tho fin est race of people tlint wo saw In Com tral Asia, says a writer In Collier'! Weekly. Thoy were tall, robust, man ly In hearing nntl possessed of verj singular features. Notwithstanding tlu almoat arctic coldness of the weather they wero drcused In the thlnnost 01 clothing, the children running about I In a state of absolute nudity without any deleterious effects inanlfestlns themselves from this apparently mil eldal exposure. Uoth males and fonfnles woro pos sessed of an lnordlnato lore of display, wearing enormous contrivances of sil ver or gold hanging from tho neck The women wero a shade lighter that the men, and, judged by tho AsIatU standard, really good-looking, with nt j traces of Chinese oast, but more near ly approaching the physical character lstlcs of the North American Indian The general practice prevailed of shav lug the head until It was entirely bald the effect of these shining pates whet gathered In groups being ludicrous h tho extreme. The color of these Slfan TIbetat tribes Is not uniform, however. Souk aro quite black, but many havo cop por colored fuces, and on tho lowei DJl-chn there are detached tribes a! most as light as the Caucasian racej of southern Europe. They are slhu and well made; they have high cheei bones; tho nose Is sometimes flat, Uk that of a negro, and sometimes aqul line. Tho females aro especially dls tlngulshed by a light and elegant form and In their walk and erect manner o) carrying themselves the effect is vorj striking. They are a vigorous raco bold, hardy, hospitable toward cacl other, generous to a fallen enemy, and enthusiastic lovors of warfare and courageous enterprise. The Slfans are divided Into hundred! of small tribes, which Iu turn aro split up Into numerous sopts and clans, eaet deriving lta name from somo fentun of tho laudscapo or from some mythl cal legend or ancestor. These tribes it all matters of Internal economy an Independent of each other, but consol ldato for purposes of security fron alien aggression. The head men and the chiefs, called ulmas, compose tlu aristocracy of the country, and hold this titular dignity by hereditary de scent in the male line and in tho oraei of primogeniture. These chiefs, how ever, are little more than leaders Ii war, for tlie right of personal revenge which Is fully admitted, limits theli authority iu mutters of merely Judlchu Import A strange and barbarous people thoy huvo many customs and ceremo nial rites which It Is but natural should be In keeping with their aboriginal ua- . tures. Their worst tralta aro ungov ' ernable hostility toward one anothci ' and love of warfare. Each tribe ll always at war with its neighbor and geenrally upon tho most trivial pretext Two men may quarrel over the posses sion of a knife or an equally valuelcsi article, Tho aggrieved party returni to his tribe and reports tho facts of tin case to his chief. Ills right to tin article In question is never considered It- Iu nnnnrrh thnf ha nhntlhl Imvn rmn I " D . ' . !" ' reiea over it, war is lm mediately do elarod on the tribe of his rival by send lug messengers with arrows dipped U blood and the head of any unfortunati prisoner of war who may have beei captured prior to tho outbreak of hoa tilltles. WORLD'S SMALLEST AUTOMOBILE, .11 I .II ' II I. The cut Is a representation of wha la claimed to be tho tiniest fully equip pud motor car in the world. It Is th property of a little English boy name George Du Cros, who Is 5 years of ugi and Is the youngest motorist In tlv country. This clevor youngster ii really a skilled chauffeur, as w.u shown by hlK recent participation In i contest at Hastings, England. lie hai steered his tiny car through a varlotj of obstacles and stood a fair chanco a winning when his father called out u him and so distracted him from thi work In hand that ho lost hla nervi and slowed up. Tho car is only foul feet six Inches In length nnd is fitted with twenty-inch wheels. It la of twi and a half horse-power, and ita speed Is from four to fifteen miles an hour. ExoustnK Him. MlflB Bunker Your brother playi golf, does he not? Slnnlckson Yes, but I assuro yox ho'a perfectly rational la every othej respect Philadelphia Press. Play is tho work a man does thai Isn't compulsory. Experiment Station Report. The Eighteenth Annual Roport of the JNcbiaska Experiment Station, )ust publlshod, contains somo strik ing results which should Intorcst every farm or and lead him to send u request tj ti.e Experiment Htation, at Lincoln, asking fur bulletins pub' lished at this Station. O.ho Stutii n mako tho following statements u Sriraing a few of tho icsults If ex periments carried on at tho Station. Tho w i titer wheat production ol tho State has increased 10,000,000 bushels per year, duo larjely to tne wotk of tho Exporlment Statlor. Knorsou onus, Introduced from Russia by the Station, outyield the common vathtloi by ten bushels per uoro In central Nenraska. Experi ments with com to securo bettor adapted varieties havo lncrcas-ed tho yield 10 000.000 to 20.000,000 bushols, and v ill result in still further incroasc. Expuilmcnts at tho Station prove that land which has been Eoedcd to alfalfa will grow from 10 to 25 bushols more corn per aero than other lauds. Apple scab has boon almost per fectly controlled by spraying with Hordcaux mixture. Cedar rust on apple trees hus b'en controlled with Mordouix mltxuio. Straw muloho! havo greatly Increased tho ytold of gHrden vegotables and improved the quaMty of cabbage, tomatoo3, beans and otictimbors. Milk fovor has been treated with practically no loss, by Inflating tho udder of tho cow with nlr when tho tlrst symptoms of the disease ap peared. Feeding experiments havo shown thut alfalta hay and corn Is the most eo'tnomica' ration for fattening teers. This raMon pava a proilb ot 58 per hoao mora than where tho corn an1 prairie hay was fed. Extensive experiments in feeding ll a fa hay with eraln to hops are now in progress whloh show tin zreat economic value of alfalfa when red In connection with a grain in tatlon. Eighteen thousand hand separators havo bcon purchased by tanners In tho last six ytars, an't tho number of cows uod for dairy purposo has Increased 200 000 In this time. O e hundred and lifty farmers' in stitutes will b' held aurlng the s a- n of 1004-1005, if suftlclcnt funds nro avail ible. You can securo tho- bulletins f the ExpMlmor't Station free by writ ing to tho Director of tho Aurleu) turil Expoilmont StutioA, Lincoln, Nebr. Tbo American Ulblo Society which docB nut pretend to print its friblo in all languages, issues cither tbe whole Bible or portions of it In 212 languages and dialects. Many Russian peasants believe that the Japanese aro a raco of uulr dwarfs, and that tho Cossaoks Rill them throwing their caps at thorn Dr suffocating thorn thcro with. VERY FEW. IF ANY, CIGARS SOLD AT & CENTS, COST AS MUCH TO MANUFACT URE, OR COST THE DEALER AS MUCH AS C1E10" IF THE DEALER TRIES TO SELL YOU SOME OTHER ASK YOURSELF WHY? Tho most brainy of creatures ar ants; their brains uro larger in' proportion to their size than fcbatf of any other living beings. A buttcfiy which a Chicago women kept all winter and has recently died' ate ono drop of honoy In ovcry fclirod days. Every year 5,000 toos of Congo rub ber aro sold in the market of Ant- worp. This rubber Is gathered by natives who get CO cents a wcok and pny their own expenses. As a rubber producing Stato Col or ido is making a bid for tho atten tion ot tho w irld In cxpcrlniont with a certain speclca of sage brush that grows wild o or an Immense mountainous area o' that Stato. Tho averago depth of tho ocean If about two miles. Ono-th'rd of tho coliego graduate now uro women. Mnny School Children Aro Sickly. Moilier Oniy'i Swwst l'owrien for OlilMfan, ised livMotli-r Gray, a nuru In OJilldron'n Home. Shw York, Utotik uu OolUi In 2 hour, ouni Coa. limtlon, PflvcriiliiiMi, UuJroIic, Ktomnolj I'roubloi, Tvothlnc DIsorUon, moro nnd rfouUtji liu bowel una Uettmy Wornia. Sold by (a Iniu'KUt or by mull, 25a Sample tnnilcd IfRfiJL VddruM Alxjin 8. Oluhtro, Lm Roy, N, Y. The ancient brldgo at Ajr, beot land, built In 12S2 and raado ramoun by Robort Burns, haB neon ordorctf to bo elosol for lopalrs. It wl 1 cost 82500o;to put it In good condition. A drinking cup, pronoucod by thr Brlt'sh Museum to bo 11,000 onrs old has beon found In a Held at Stoning' Held, Essex. It is now in tho Clom ford Museum. Found Gold in Nebraska. Invfltor In Nobrailta rtiml UaUito will Dncl' thU truo. Now Is tho time to cot In on Ui Kronntl floor. We hnv somo ohilw lntcstnicals Wrlto ui for furth'or Inforiimtton. ' Schumacher .VJnnu-r, Orleans, Neb I kan't tell inw whloh lz tho wust to bolcave In nothing, or to bo icavo In what isn't so. The historic Nedlgnte-Yflcman house, whloh has stood for 2.M yeais on ChelFca Crcok, near Host' u Is be ing dernoli9hcd. Few repairs havo boen needed or made upon the struct ure in all tho time it has stood. Thero aro no fewer than 110 nat ionalities Into which tho Rtusluti poplulaMon has been divided that) thrco groat sti cks being the Fiona the Tartars and tho Slaves, There are Many Imitations of Baker's Cocoa and Baker's Chocolate i W. ! Ji jar -rw r Dortt be misled by them J Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, r no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker & Co.'s is en- 'titled to be sold as "Baker's Look ( t&t Tuile-Mailt Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate" Our handsomely illustrated recipe book , sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1760 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America BEST FOR THE BOWE