liteftifet VOLUME XL1X NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1905 NUMBER 38 ft v. 1 f 'if J 8 ' Lumber Hardware and Furniture Wo can supply your needs in the lino of Lumber, Hardware and Furniture. Our new stock is arriving1 daily and when com plete will be the nicest assortment ever offered in Nemaha. We will be pleased to have you call and see us and get prices. It is our aim to please you, we try to do so at all times. Do not forget that we sell the cele brated Monarch Range none better. Edwards & Bradford Lbr, Co, C. E. STEUTEVILLe, Manoger Local News It now Senator Burkett, "See M T Hill for Ore Insurance. Dr. Bourne its glasses. So. Auburn Isn't it about time for some more weddings? The postmaster visited Vedne9day. Auburn V. T. Crane has moved on the Rogers farm. It a v. M. M, Goode returned to St Joe last Saturday. G. W. Davis has moved on John I. Dressler's farm, ' .V- For Sale A 40-acre fruit Apply at this ofllce farm L'hoto mounting card board for sale at the Advertiser ofllce. Roy Rogers has moved on Mrs. Eliz abeth Deurfeldt's farm. Mrs. Rachel Weddel, who has been very sick, is much better. Culljut this ofllce and get a sample copy of the Iowa'IIomestead. G. N. Titus has bad a good force at work this week mailing price lists. John I. Dressier went to Omaha Monday evening returniug Wednesday. Low Argabright came in from Aun burn Saturday to spend Sunday at homo. M. C. Gaskili has rented a farm near Syracuse, Nebr., and will soon move there. MiBS Stella Washburn was quite sick the first of the week but managed to teach, A complete line ol hardware and furniture will bo found at the E. & B. Lbr. Co. Mrs, Earle Gilbert has been quite sick for about ten days but is now get ting better. Rev, G. W. Ay era is holding after-, noon prayer meetlnga at the homes of our citizens this week. ' P. E. Galther returned to Omaha Sunday to resume his studies in the Creighton medical college, - - Claude Scovill returned to Nemaha Wednesday, after a few day's visit with his father at Hiawatha, Kansas. Miss Florence Minick went to Te cumseh last Saturday, to join a theatri cal troupe managqd by Harry Kimmel. For Sale. Five hunrlrnff nn,i i oak posts. Also stove wood by the F. L. WOODWAUD. The Omaha World-Herald of Weds nesday contained a picture of ''Peabody of Nemaha." It is a good picture. Mrs. Greer and Mrs. Juel of Auburn came to Nemaha Wednesday and are the guests of Mrs. John I. Dresrler. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Knapp drove over from Stella last Saturday and visited their parents until Sunday afternoon. Ducks must be thick in tho vicinity of St, Deroin, as one man killed thirty six Monday, He alio killed th 09 geese. I. ft. Cooper sold a lot of Page woven wire fencing to the county commission era Tuesday, to be usad at the poor farm. T, A. Clark, w'io was called here last week by the death of his brother D. H. Clark, returned to St. Paul, Nebr,, Monday. There is no danger of a coal famine in Nemaha now as both onr coal deals era have receivdd coal within the past ten days. Will Tidrow, brother of Mrs. Wood" ward and Mrs. Yackley, has moved from Peru to Tecumseh, where he will go into business. Mrs. F. L. Woodward last week presented the Methodist claircn with handsomo bookracks for the seats and collection baskets. Rev. G. VV. Ayers commenced a pro tracted meetiug again Sunday night. He expects to continue as long as ins tereat is manifested. Remember, we will take your subs scription for any newspaper published anywhere in the United States and can usually save you money. Mrs. G. W. Shiveley subscribes for two copies of tbe Advertiser, one copy for herself and one copy forM. R, Rob inson of Lee Summit, Mo. E. L. Paris expects to be able to furnish all of ub with fried chickens this summer, as he received a 200-egg Sure Hatch incubator Tuesday. The Burlington Route is going to run another seed corn special through the north and northeastern part of tbe state sometime this month. O. E, Houtz went duck hunting Monday and foil into the water gotting wot oil over. Ho says the water is awful cold this time of the year. MIfis Nora Aynes, who has been vis iting ber sister, Mm, Frank Skeen of Ericson, Nebr., for two or three months, returned home last week. MIbs Pearl Gillespie, of Nemaha, who has been in tho city tbe guest of her sister, Mrs. Saal, returned to her home this morning, She was accoms panied by her aistor. Nebraska City Tribune. For Sale- Bay horse 8 years old, weight U50, also goob buggy and sin glo harness. W. E. Wheeldon. Tho First district is now without a congressman, na Senator Burkett, who waa elected to that position, sent in his resignation whon he was elected sona tor. F01 Sale A good 40-acro farm, 23 acres in youne orchard just beginning to bear; good G room house, well, etc. Price 82500. Good terms. Apply at this ofllce. Rev. E. S. Charaburlalu will havo a public sale of tho personal effects of the late D. II. Clark at tho John Clark farm, 24 miles northeam of Nemahu, on Tuesday, March 14. Neal Piorsol, a former resident of Nemaha but who has been on tho Paci fic coast for two or threo years, returns ed to Nemahu last week. Neal looks like tbe coast anrfcfd with him. Rural Carrier Rutnbaugh got some spareribs aa a present from Gua Staff ord last week and on Tueaduy of this week got a present of some spareribs and sausage from F. A. Hacker, Mr. and Mrs. E Ambrose Howe arrived in Nemaha Tuesday. They have been in Oklahoma for several months, but havo found no placo like Nemaha, and so have returned to their first lovo. A. Camblin 1ms built a small houso on one of F. L. Woodward's lots south east of the Methodist church, in which to store his household goods when he goes to Wyoming. Ho expects to leave in a short time. Rev. E. S. Chamberlain preached at the Christain church last Sunday, morning and evening. His many. Nes maha frienda' were glad to hear him again. He preached hero for some time several years ago. F. L. Woodward bought a grama phone or grapbophono or phonagraph or some other kind of a talking machine but the most valuable musical instru ment and tho one he prizes tho most highly is hia daughter, Marie. Wm. Quackenbush of Beatrice, a brother of A ttorney E. B, Quackenbush of Auburn, waa accidentally 8hot by a companion and instantly killed while out hunting near Beatrice last Sunday. The funeral waa held Wednesday, T. L. Fisher and hia father-in-law, 0. W. Flck, received their household goods the latter part of last week, and have been busy unloading and getting ready for houss&eepiug and farming. Mr. Fick comes from Gage couuty. Two of the men who were appointed debuty assessors by E. J, Maxwell have died suddenly since their appointment F. H. D. Hunt, who wub found dead in tho road near his home, and D. H. Clark, who was aecidently killed last week. 0. J. Thorp started for western Colorado Tuesday morning, to look at some of the cheap land that is coming into market, He thlnka of trying to get somo of the land that will be in the irrigated region when they get the ditches opened. Mrs, Elmer E. Allen has concluded there muBt be money in the chicken business, so she has had a coop and yard built and will raise her own chickens and have fredh eggs from her own poultry yards this summer if ciicken cholera doesn't interfere. W. W. Liebbart recently received a flne white Plymouth Rock cockerel one that took first premium at the Sarpy county poultry show last Decem ber, Tho cockorel scores 04 pointa. Mr. Liebbart bought him of Miaa Anna McCormick, daughter of the county clerk of Sarpy county. He will mate him with some exceedingly flne pullets and expects to get aomo show birds as a result, He has somo line stock. Mr. and MrB. It, P. Stoutovillo drove down from Brownvillo Thursday and visited their aon, Earlo Stoutovillo for a Buuri iimo. Somo of our gardeners havo already planted radishes, lettneo, peas, nnd other early garden stuff. Thoy want to bo tho first on the market with gars don truck. Tho Japa and Ruaaiana havo had another big battlo near Mukden, and ua usual tho Russians aro in retreat. Tho Iobs of tl to waa great. It la prob ablo that Mukden will bo evacuated Strawberries nroonsaloln the Omaha market at only 00 cents a quart. Wo aro not very Tond of strawberries nnjs way especllly at that price. Wo are willing to wait u llttlo whilo louuer and got them for nothing out of our own garden. Mra. Ware of Robinson. Kansas, and Mrs. Hubbard of Kansas City, Mo arrived in Nemaha last Saturday called hero by the serious illness of their mother, Mrn. Weddel. Mrs. Ware res turned homo Monday but Mrs. Hubs bard expeots to remain for awhile. v John B. Stotta has been appointed deputy assessor for St. Doroln precinct and his appointment has beon cons firmed by the board of county com mlsslonero. The appointment of C. P. Barker as doputy assessor for Nes maha precluct haa also beeu confirmed by the commissioners. One thtpg that does not worry Ne maha much at tho elections each anrlnc la the saloon question. We havo not had a saloon here for over fifteen, years. and very fow peoplo want ono. The mujorlty against tho saloon in Nemaha is overwhelming. Even mon who take a drink occasiouly do not wantn saloon In town. John Lambert la having the roof of the house on the old Nicholls farm raked, making it a full story and a half and is also having an addition built. lhis ia the house where D. G. Kelster lived. The Collin family, who have the placo rented, are living in the De- vorss house until the other house is completed. Dr. H. S. Galther haa been appointed county physician for Nemaha county, hia bid boing considered tho lowest and best by the board of county commis sioners. He has also boon appointed a member of the county board of hoalth being the physician for that body. Hia dutiea as county physician cover tbe whole county. The Auburn Herald took up the greater part of the editorial pace last wpek In telling how foolish it was for the Republican to devote ao much space in finding fault with tho Herald. Both papers bad better let up on pers aonalities and devote the apace to tolls ing rtf the good qualities of the citizens and in giving the news. At the meetiug of the village board of trustees, held Wednesday night arrangements were made for the vills age election, which will be held on Tuesday, April 4, at tho AdvortlBer ofllco. N, B. Sorivoner, I. N. Cooper and J. M. Burns were appointed judgea and W. W. Sanders and Wm. G, Maxwell olerks of election Tho Nemaha County Holiness asso ciation will bold their next session in Nemaha next Tuesday night and Wed nesday, March 14 and 15. We havo not seen the program but understand an interesting one has been prepared. Everybody is invited to attend. Rev. J. E. Houlgate of Peru, Rov. G.M. Jones of Brock, Rev. C. ,L. Meyera of Auburn, and Rev. Eugene B. Maxcy of Johnaon will be preaent, in addition to Rev. G. W. Ayera of Brownvillo and Nemaha. The first sorvico will bo held at 7 :80 p. m, Tuesday. On Weds nesday services will be held at 10 a. in. and 2 and 7:30 p. m. The Nemaha county association is a brunch of the state association. Tbe meetings will bo held at tho Methodist church, . We will send tho Advertiser, tho weekly Lincoln Slate Journal, tho Iowa Homestead, the Farm Gazette and the Ilomemaker, all one year tor only 81. 00. Tho regular prlco of these papers ia $3.25. GAEL OF THANKS We dealro to express our heartfolt thanks to the neighbors and frienda and to "Victory lodgo No. 105, 1. 0. O. P . who so kindly naalsted ua during the doath and burial or our beloved huas band, aon and brother, D. H. Clark. Also to tho choir for tho beautiful hymns and to Rebokah lodge for the boautlful flornl design. May you, ono and all llnd such frienda in time of trouble Maud E. Clahic. MAUY E. CliAltK AND FAMILY. EESOLUTIOUB OF O0ND0LENOE Whereas, God in nis divine provis donee has Been lit to removo from among us our brother, D. U. Clark, thorefore to it Resolved: That we, members of Victory lodge, No. 105, 1. 0. 0. V , do extend our hoartfelt sympathy to the sorrowing wife aud children In theic hour of bereavement. Resolved: That tho lodge room ;bo draped in mourning for thirty days. Resolved : That a copy of these resos lntions be tendered the mourning family, that a copy be furnished Tho Advorelsor for publication, nnd that a copy bo spread on tho minutes of this lodge. W. F. Sandkus, J. I, Duksslkh, C. E. Sakdkhs. Committee. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and. Surgical Diseases oi' Women Stella - - Nebraska PETER KEKKER. Dealer In Highest market prico paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc, STULL e HAWXBY ATTORNEYS I. AV,'.IIKA I. JKSTATK, COLLECTIONS OMcoh over roHtolllro Hullillng, nt Fruulc Menl'H old aland, vuuuiw, NK11HA.SK A KNAPP & SON Proprietors of the Livery & Feed Stable Good Dray in connection with Livory Satisfaction guaranteed, J. JE. Orotlxev in the PARIS BUILDING Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing . Hand Made Harness a Specialty WESLEY H. CLARK Dealer, In Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipesjetc. ALL WORK GUARANTEE? Phone calls answered' promptly. NEivIAIIA, NEBtt. ft .VMJT