AND (ROM Mountain Route, KNOWN AS THS GREAT SOUTHWEST SYSTEM. Conneotlng tbo Commercial Center nJ Ittoh Karma of MISSOURI, The Dread Corn and Wheat Fields and ThrlTlng Cities of KANSAS, The Pttll Illver Valley, Trnda Centers and HoUlnjr I'ralrlcs o( NEBRASKA, Tba Grand.Plotareaqae and Rnchantlne Scenery, and luo Famous Mining District o COLORADO. The Ag-rlonltnral. Frnlt, Mineral and Timber anda,and Famous ilot Hprlngs ot ARKANSAS, The Sugar Plantations and immense Itlce Fields ot LOUISIANA, The Cotton and Grain Fields, the Cattle Hang ts i and Winter Resorts of TEXAS, niatorlcal and Scents OLD AND NEW MEXICO, And forma with Its Connections tbo Popular Winter Jlouto to CALIFORNIA Tor descriptive and Illustrated pamphlets of any of the above BtRtcs, address Companies' Ageats.or C.TOWNSEND, Geaml fusgr ani Tlekti ijnt, ST. LOUIS. Hound trip to Mexico City March 4, to Match 7, 1015 with a final limit of thirty days from da to of oalo at the very low rato of 48.05, Stop overa In the polng and return, within the flnol limit. Round ttip rates to Colorado and Utah common points, at the low rate ot one first class standard fare plus CO cents, miuimum $18, on June 1 and ' dept. 80, 1005 with a final limit until Oot. 81, 1005 continuous passage to the Drat Colorado common point. National Baptist Anniversaries May 10 to May 23, 1005. Dates of sale May 18 to May 22, 1005, with final limit May 24, 1005 at a rate of $11.55 and 26 conta validation fee. A good time to see tit. Louis. Missouri Pacific Railway offer the very low rates as follows. From ,Mnreh 1, 105 to May 15, 1005, we will offer you rates as follows for one way several nice etop overs allowed. Billings, Mont,, 815 via St. Paul $17. .00 , . Hinesdale and Livingstone, Logan . Cinnabar and other points on Gt. Nor. '13 via St. Paul $20 90. Helena, Butte and Anaconda, Mont. 92f. Ogden, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Potacello, Idaho. $20. . Chinook to Anaconda and Kilspel) on Ot. Nor. Ryt, $20 via St. Paul $22,00. Spokane, Wash, and intermediate points on the O, R. & N. Uy. Co. and intermediate points main llneO. S. L. Lineva, Ogden or Granger, $22.50. Portland Oregon, Tacoma, Seattle, Wash., Vancouver, B. C, Victoria, B C, Columbia, Oregon and nearly all other points in Oregon and Washington th rate via Omaha or Kansas City 25, via St. Paul $27.00. Very cheap rates to all points in the north west. If you wish to visit the coast or other points of Interest in tne North West, 8outh West, South or South East, apply to, C. E. Rotkamkl, Ass't Agent. Mo. Pao. By. Report of the Condition of the BANK OF NEMAHA Charter No. 032 Or Nemaha, in t.Ue State or Nobroka, at tho close of traslnesa Feb, 23, 100V TtKSOURGES Loans and discounts S20393 II Overdrafts, twouredauduusocuro J...... 6l) 21 HauicingboaMrnroltureand flKurou 1141 69 Current expense and taxea pald....... 500 76 Due from national, stato and private banks and bankers 10716 25 Total eaab oa band... .. Wi 83 Total......... .,....9U814 60 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In 86000 00 Surplus fundi . 1000 00 Undivided profit 1311 99 Individual deooalU subject to check 27&02 81 oomand cortl flea tea of deposit TJnie certificates of deposit Total..... ...... - -S318U 80 State of Nobmska, I County of Neinaba, f I, Klmor E. Allen, cashier of tbe above nuiuod bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is correct and a true copy of the report made to tho State Banking Board. KLMElt E. ALLEN, Cashier. Attest Wji. Camphkm,, ) niPv,forg P. IS. ALI.KN, J "'"-'CI0"' BubBorlbcd and sworn to bforo roe this !rd day or Muroh, 110,1. W. W. SANDERS, Notary Public lOIlYSKlimYCDRE . mk KM y mB44r WlgM Take the wagonette when in Aus tstiru if you want to go to any part of the city. John MoElhauey prop, The Nebraska Advertiser W. W. Sandkrb & Son, Prop's. FRIDAY, MAROII 8, 1005. J. W. Armstrong of tho firm of Gllmore-Arrnstrong Co., of South Au burn, came in to Nemaha Monday to preparo tho body of D. II. Clark for burial. Ho roturnod homo Tuesday. We will nend tho Advertiser, tho weekly Lincoln Stato Journal, the Iowa Homestead, the Farm Gazette and the Hometnaker, all ono year for only 81.50. Tho regular price of theae papers is $8.25. Our farmers who bare been talking of improving tho roads in accordance with the suggestions of D. Ward King of Maltland, Mo., should get their drags ready and begin work at once. Now Is the accepted time. Frank Titus was looking for some ene to black bis shoes Tuesday morn log He was clerk for the Strain Bale Monday and lost both bis rubbers and didn't find it out till the sale was over so ho got bis shoes rather muddy. D. D. Davis presented Carrier Rum baugh with $2 in money Monday. The same day Charley Devorss presented Carrier Maxwell with aome fine sauss age. This shows tbe appreciation of tbe patrons for the services of the carriers. Perry Bowen and Alva Maxwell came home from Lincoln Fiiday to visit home folka for a few days. They aro attending the Lincoln Business College and dad a few days vacation Alva returned to Lincoln Monday and Perry Wednesday. Bon T. 8keen and Mre. C. W. Robs erts received a telegram Monday saying that their mother, Mrs. Malinda Skeen, who is living with her eon A. J. Skeen near Eskitdge, Kansas, was verv sick. Mr, Skeen and Miss Pearle Roberts started for Eskridgo Tuesday. Tbe editor has bought a typewriter and is putting in all bis Bpare time practising on it. The angels of the ofllce will be glad when be sets so he can furnish all the copy from the type writer as It will save tbem considerable study sometimes as to the meaning of some or tbe hieroglyphics. J.D.Shubert, who was called home by tbe death of bis little babe, returned to Broken Arrow last Tuesdav. Hp informs us that, considering the weather they have been having down there, be is getting along with his buildings quite well, aud will be able to move his family down there about tho 1st of April. Shubert Citizen. Col. Harper has sold bis Hotel De noB 10 Adam Fullmer and L. T.. Schafer, possession being given last Monday morning. By this Bale the . a two uverv Darns here wi l be conaoll dated under one management, which . t - win lUBure better stock In the hrn awd better accomodations for its pas tronB. Just what Col. Harner i ntenrla to do we don't know, but hope that be win remain In this citv. and acain nm bark in some business for which be is fitted. Sbobert Citizen. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE WhereaB, our Father in heaven has seen fit to remove from among us uroiner u. u, Clark, the beloved bus band of our Bister, Maud Clark. Resolved, that we, the sisters and brothers of Bena Rebekah No. io. extend to her our sympathy in her sad Dsreavement and commend her to Him who doeth all things well, be It also Resolved, that a copy of these resos lutions be presented to the bereaved one as a token of our sympathy, and a copy bo presented to tba Advertiser for publication, and also a copy bo spread on tho minutes of this lodge. Adelia Russell, Francis Wiieeldon, M. Wkbb, Committee. Subscribe for your papers at this of fice. Agonizing Burns are instantly relieved, and perfectly healed, by Bucklen'a Arnica 8alve. O. Rlvenbark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes I burnt my knee dreadfully; that it blistered all over. Bucklon's JArnica Salvo Btopped the pain, and healed It Without a ficar.'' A lsn luminal) wnnnria and sores. 25c at W. W. Ivflnllim druggist. AUBURN LOCALS. Tom Skeon and wife loft lust week for Eureka Springs. W. W, Whitfield purchased thetStutes property and will move to Auburn iu a fow days. T. B. Fra.ier haa purchased tho harness stock formerly owned by J, E. Armstrong. Ex-County Commissioner John Stes vonson after a year of town lifo has roturned to the farm. Mrs. Bert Campboll and children leavo for Harrison county, Mo. next week for a few week'a visit with her parents. O, E. Phipponoy roturned last Fris day from Kansas City whero he has spent tho winter. He expects to re move his family there soon. W. W. Adair, for a number of years street commissioner of Auburn has sold bia property and leaves this week for Dixon county whero ho has rented a farm, Quite a number of persons aro talk ing of taking advantage of tbe homes seekers excursion rates on next Tuesday and going west to look for cheaper land. The business men of South Anburn have organized a social club and fitted up rooms over Lynch'a store where fiom 2 p. m. to 11 p. m. they can go and read and visit with their friends. That the hog is the mortgage lifter waB proven at a recent sale when a young sow Bold for $4o. She had rais ed two litters of pigs for ber owner, her first litter of ten had been sold for 8175. Her last litter of nine fall pigs would sell for 845 if placed on the market, thus making 3200 that theoue sow bad brought to ber owner in two years. Harman Ray who recently deeded all his land to bis brotberslnslaw living in Thayer county, and who, many thought by this act was losing bis mind, aud incompetent to transact business, has finally outwitted all of the lawyers, who were very anxious that a guard ian be appointed to look after tbe ins terests of bis obildren The time set for the trial of his incompetency was set for Tuesday at 10 a. m. and prompt ly on time quite an array of lawyers wero present to see that tbe "estate" should be properly cared for, but Mr. Ray with bis nephew Wm. Prouty bad appeared In court balf an hour before and Ray had asked that bis nephew, Mr. Prouty bo appointed as his guard Ian which was done, and the lawyers services were not needed. Deeds bd previously been recorded conveying all of Mr. Ray's land to bis two children and their uncle has been appointed as their guardian in Thayer county. Mr. Ray has thus disposed of his entire property as be wanted to without tbe assistance of lawyers. How's this? We offer One Hundrod Dollars Reward for any case or Cutarrh tbat cannot be curod by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and belle vo blm perfectly honorable In all business transac tlonB and financially able to carry out sny ODiigutlons made by bis Arm. Waiding, Kiwnan & Marvin, Wbolesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo 1b taken Internally. aotlng directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces or the system, Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills ror constipation Fraud Exposed A few counterfeiters have lately been making and trying to sell imita ttonaof Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and other medicines, thereby defrauding tho public. This is to warn you to bes ware of such peoplo, who seek to profit through stealing the reputation of remedies which have been successfully curing disease, for oyer 35 years. A sure protection, to you, is our name on tbe wrapper. Look for it, on all Dr. King's, or Bucklen'a remedies, as all ethers aro mere imitations. H. E. Buoklen & Co., Chicago, 111,, and Windsor, Canada. Old papers for sale at this office. Poisons n Food Perhaps you don't realize tbat many pain poisons originate In your food but some day may feel a twingo of dys pepsia that will convince you. Dr. King's New Llfo Pills are guaranteed to cure all sickness duo to poisons of undigested food or money back, 05c at Keellng'a drugstore. Try them. SCHOOL NOTES Is spring really here? The children are anxious to have it so. "Cun't" is the use of cooled cinders in place of glowing coals. "1 will toll you who aro the critics mon who bavo failed." D'Israeli, As tho school year nears Its close wo aro apt to ask ourselves this question, "Is our year's work done?" There aro none who appreclato tbo ploasant weather than the pupils and teachers of the Nemaha school. The ninth and tenth grado are taks ing up tho study of U. S. Topograph! cal Maps in connection with laboratory work. Tbe alxtb grade will certainly be able appreclato tbe beautiful In art after their year's Btudy of artists. They are now working on Raphael. Our third grade 'ask some perplexing questions in regard to the rights of our North American Indians, given rise to by the reading of Pocahontas. Better not be afraid to face the world for you will bo donounced by somebody no matter which way you go. D. W. Gerald. How true! but we should turn to tbe world a faco indicative of honor, right and might. Auburn, Nebr. Feb. 28. "Old Frank" Church Howe'a famous cam paign horse died yesterday aged thirty three years. This horse pulled Major Howe through all of bis famous cam-, paigna in this country. H. It. Howe, present member of the legislature from this county, during his school days used to ride this horse from hip borne at Howe to Nebraska City. The sire of this horse, with four others was im ported from England during the civil war by an English army officer who shot four of tho horses, but Major Howe bought this before be met tbe fate of bis companions, and rode It through the war. When Major Howe came to Nebraska be brought his old war horse with him. After the death of tbe major's old war horse, "Old" Frank the one tbat died yesterday be came Major Howes favorite horse, It has been tbe family horse for three generations of tbe Howe family. THE MOST News-Gathering System on Earth IS THAT OF 1HE St. Louis Globe-Democrat In addition to the oeryl'oe of the Associated ftvfjos,, it has its own correspondents fcVrary where and covers h eytfata of tbe world more thoroughly than any other paper, ft ft absolute ly essential to every, person who would keqhibrtMt of the the times. It is Ursula news, first in intereat (cadfrat in the homes of tbe people, inhere its cleanness, purity ted accuracy make it ever welcome. SEMI-WEEKLY, OHB BOLEAR A YEAR The Great Republican .Paper of Jimerica The Great Newspaper of the World Dally. Including Sunday Dally, Without Sunday One Year 84 00 0 months 2 00 3 montliB l 00 One Year SO 00 0 months 3 00 3 months 1 50 Send Your Subscription To-day or Write for Free Sample Copy Addresg THE GLOBE PRINTING OO. ST. toms, MO WM.fCAMPBELL, Pres. p. E. ALLHN. Vlce-Pres. ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 Mrs, S. A. Mcbecliie of Shubert died suddenly Tuesday night, at the homo of her sister, in Stella, and the next day Mr. McGechie died. They hud res cetitly moved oft tho farm to Shubert and Mrs. McGechie had arranged to open a stock of millinery in Shubert. Sbo had been to St. Joe and bought her stock of goods On her return she wus taken sick and Btopped at the homo of her sister in Stella nnd died 'there Mr. McGechie had been in poor health for fliimn ffmn ran nt-irlarof nvwl anffurlms fiwvf ww J UllUUICbttUU uuiiui 'urS from Brljjbt's dlseasp, and the shock of his wife's death presumably hasteiJof' ed his own death, as he died the nexTf day. John McGechio, who has lived in this community for several years, was a son of Mr. McGechie by a for mor wife. Here and there is reported the case of some grumbler who complains that the rural carrier failed for a day or fwo to deliver mail during tho recent storm peroid. Such cases are Indeed few, but they aro not the less obnoxious. Tbe department has properly provided for these contingencies carefully drawn rules of which the following are exs amptes: Rural letter carriers are required to serve their routes regularly at all seas ona of the year and in all kinds of weather when It can be done without seriously imperiling their lives or ens' dangering their conveyances or the U. 3. mall which is in their custody, Patrons should clear away the snow drifts, so that the carriers can drive up to and reach boxes from their vehioles without dismounting. It is not a part of the carrier's duty to break out the roads after severe snow storms. Rural carriers in Nebraska and else where, went far beyond their duty or the rules, many of tbem venturing out when they ought not to have done an. and actually endaunerlng theis lives and limbs and those of their' horses. Their is no need of this sort of thing, and reasonable patrons, who are the vast majority, neither desire nor exs pectit. The grumblers .will be found to be of that selliab and unreasonable tribe who took good care of thei own hides aud not to break and clear away snow drifts for the carriers, as tbe de partment righteously requires them to do. These are kind of kickers who need kicking Lincoln Star. PERFECT Tho Weekly Globe Democrat is issued in Semi weekly Sections, eight pages or more, each Tuesday and Friday. It is a big Semiweekly paper, giving all tbo news of all the earth, Twice every Week, and a great variety of interesting and instructive reading matter for every member of the family. Almost equal to a daily at the price of a weekly ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Sunday Edition 48 to 70 Pages One Year... 2 00 0 months i oo 7 .V