wtbmm ' , VOLUME XL1X NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1905 NUMBEK 37 i ft. - i si M v. Lumber Hardware and Furniture . We can simnly your needs in and Furniture. Our new stock is plete will be the nicest assortment -will be wleased to have vou call our aim to please you, we try to Do not forget that vie soil brated Won arch Range-none Edwards & Bradford Lbr, Co. C E. STEUTEVILLe, Maanctgsfer Local News Lent begins next Wednesday. gee M T Hill for Ore insurance. Dr. Bourne Qts glasses. So. Auburn Mrs. May Gilbert is sick with pneu monia fever. New Orleans Sunday night, had a $5,000,000 (ire Well, what's the kind of weather? matter with this For Sale A 40acre Apply at this office fruit farm Photo mounting card at the Advertiser office. j? board for sale It. T. Derorss is moving on the farm he has Rented, near Howe, Earle Gilbert is getting a great bios aom on the end of nls nose. Oallt this office aud get a sample copy of the Iowa Homestead. Mrs. Mattie Grate returned Brownvllle Tuesday morning. from County Superintendent Carrington was a Nemaha visitor Thursday. The meetings at the Methodist church were closed Sunday night. C. P. Barker has been appointed deputy a3essor for Nemaha precinct. J. H Seid, the Poland-China hog man, gave us a call Thursday forenoon. W. A. Deweese moved to Peru Mons day where be will farm the coming year. W. H. Barker's little girl has been quite sicic with fever but is getting better. A complete Hue of hardware and furniture will be found at the E. & B. Lbr. Co. Cyrus G. Minick came in from John son Saturday and spent Sunday in Nemaha. H, Flock moved to W. A. DeweeB' farm Tuesday. He has rented it for the next year. Mrs. Mary J. Hoover came in from Auburn Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. John E. Crother. .aimer u. Alien purchased a new Oliver typewriter from an agent o that companyllonday . fn a "i . m r. v- . . jl. a, uiarK or ac raw, Nebr., ar rived in Nemaha Tuesday evening, called bore by the sudden death of bis brother, D. H. Clark, ror oaie. -Five hundred good burr oak posts. Also stove wood by the rick. F. L. Woobtauu). V" the line of Lumber, Hardwaro arriving daily and when com ever offered in Nemaha. We and see us and fret prices. It is do so at all times. the cele- better. Earle Gilbert had one ot the large cottonwood trees cut out of his yard the first of the week. Some of the Champion farmers shipped a car of bogs from Nemaha and Bracken Saturday. Mrs Rachel Weddel. the oldest settler in Nemaha, has been very sick for tho past two weeks. Elmer E. Allen has had a road grad er made and Is trying it on the road from town to the depot Willie Burns has been very sick with pneumonia fever for the past ten daya but is some better now. Ed E. Moore has moved on the farm oining Nemaha that he recently bought of John R. Russell. - Rev. G W Ayers has. been attending a missionary meeting of the Methodist church at Lincoln this week. Mrs. Nate Sedoris of Brownvllle visited her sisters, Mrs. Ed. Knapp and Mrs. Ed Littrell, Monday. Sylvester Hodge of Stella was in to town Wednesday, He came over attend the funeral of D. H. Clark. Mr. and Mrs, W F Paris of Auburn came to Nemaha Thursday afternoon to visit their sons, A B and E L Paris, Curt Brown, who has been visiting at Summerfleld, Kansas, for the past month, returned home Friday morn' Frank W. Harford, who baa been attending business college at Lincoln came home Friday on account of sick-. nets. D. G. Keister is loading his houses hold goods and shipping them to Ham boldt, near where be will farm this jear. Miss Alta Rentfrow, after being very near deaths door from pneumonia, rallied Monday and is now rapidly ten covering. Homer Deweese came down from Nebraska City Friday evening and visited his brother, W. A. Deweese over Sunday. Rev. M.M. Goode of St. Joseph, Mo., arrived in Nemaha Tuesday, called hero by the death of bis brother-in-law D.H. Clark. The ice in the Missouri river broke up at this point Tuesday. The ice in the Nemaha river bad broken up sev eral days before this. lor Sale -Hay horse 8 years old, weight 1150, also goob buggy and sin gle harness. W. E. Wiieeldon. Rev. E. 8. Chamberlain of Sycamore Springs, Kansas, arrived in Nemaha Tuesday afternoon, called here by the death of his eonInlaw, D. H. Clark. A Terrible Accident D. H. Clark Instantly Killed. The community was terribly shocked Monday forenoon by the news of the accidental shooting of D. II. Clark. Mr. Clark had been, to Nemaha and started home shortly beforo ten o'clock. He was driving one horse to a buggy, and had a loaded shot gun between bis legs. John I. Dressier and Frank were driving a short distance behind him. When near the northeast comer of the Titus nursery Mr. Dressier heard the report of a gun and saw Mr. Clark'a bat fly off. Feeling sure there was an Occident ha hurried and caught ub with Mr. Clark'd horse, which was walking along, and jumged out and stopped the horse. He was hor rifled to see that theabothud struck Mr. Clark in the side of tbo head, utmost blowing the aide of his head off. Mr. Dressier stood up in the back part of the buggy and supported the body until Frank hurried to tho home of E. L, Paris and got help. Examination showed that the gun, which was still standing between Mr. Clark's legs, had been fired off, probably bylbelng jolted by the roogh roads, and the load of shot had struck Mr. Clark under the left jaw, tearing away al moat the entire left aide of the head He breathed for a few minutes dut bis death was practically instantaneous. He never know what hurt him. Neighbors went to the home and as gently as possible broke the sad news to the wife. Coroner Lutsen waa ins formed and ut first decided that an inquest was not necessary, but after) ward decided that it would bo beat to hold one, and came to Nemaha Tues day evening and held the inquest. The verdict was that the deceased came' to bis death bv the accidental discharge of the shot gun. , hp fuaeral services, conducted by Victory lodge No. 105, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of whiob de ceased was a member, were held at the home Wednesday, March 1, at one o'clock p. m. Rev. M. M. Goode of St. Joseph preached the sermon. A large crowd of friends waa presi ent to pay the last tribute of respect to a friend and neighbor. The body waa laid at rest in the Brownvllle cemetery Doctor Holllday Clark was born in Nemaha county, October 11, 1869 and has always lived here. He was roar ried to Miss Maud Chamberlain, daughter of Rev. E. S. Chamberlain, on September 0, 1805. Besides bis wife he leaves four childrentwo daughters aged eight and six years re pectively, and two sons three and two years old. His aged mother, wbo has made her home with him since the death of her husband, also survives him, and he leaves four sisters and two brothers Mrs. M. M. Goode of St Joseph, Mrs. Sam Barnes of Smith county, Kansas, Mrs. Dan Schell, who is a teacher in the Pbilipine Islands, and Mrs. B. F. Jones of Nemaha county, Thes. A. Clark, of St. Paul, Nebr,, operator of the U, P. R. R., and Lee Clark; who is a soldier in the reg ular army, stationed at the Philippine Islands. The deceased was a prominent citts zen of this community, taking aa at- Ive part in political matters, being a strong repnbiicaa. He was deputy assessor last year and had been appoint ed again. Air. uiarx carnea iuuu mo insur m ar sti t t 1 jfhtfsk t ance in the A. O. U. W. lodge, belong ing to the lodgo at Brownvllle. Ho also carried $2000 insurance In an old line company, and $2000 accident insurance. The sympathy or toe entire com munlty is extended to the bereaved wife and children in their great sorrow. The Qve months old babe of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Moore died Thursday night. It will be buried at Nemaha cemetery on Saturday at 10 o'clock a, ni, The parents havo the sympathy of all in their bereavement. (rttOurFrecBoofcflrH You can't afford to buy a range until you know ll about a Monarch. Ask us for tho book STATE WHEN you Intend to buy, and we will vend also a set of Measuring Spoons, postpaid. ADDMSH Malleable Irtm Ranged). Beaver Dam, Witoontin, djgJpT C. The top is Malleable I . Jyggp mjvy H iron. Docs not crack, warp H I jrS. dS) 1iv3 or break. The thickness re- ,H ( Vtlv L LrH quired in other iron is not fF njKRln necessary. Heats quicker, Jl MsbbB H 11 cooks more evenly and I gpSW uses surprisingly less fuel. NWorktskp4tssiv-BkasBBSBaBSBMBBBBSiBMBSSBasisBBBI ash With BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV CLJoutdlrt-nUUI DlstWBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW Int wan'! tarnUh. Sized and arrant ed to suit every family need In Call and see why they save" fuel Sold bv Edwards Charley Burns came in from Beut trice last Friday, returning Tuesday. He will work in the nursery at that place this spring. Postmaster II H. Taylor and Col. Joe Harper of Shubert drove up to Nemaha Wednesday to attend the funeral of D. H. Clark. Remember, we will take your subs scription for any newspaper published anywhere in the United States and can usually save you money. Louie Kerker has been assisting In Gilbert: McOandleM' store for a few days while A, B, MeCandless has beep looking after his corn shelling. March came in like the proverbial lamb. We hope the lion was frozen up in the recent cold weather and will not be able to get out again this spring. N. B. Catlin and family moved into Mrs, Gilbert's bouse in the south part of town Saturday. We are glad to wel come Mr. Catlin as a cltizea of Nenm ha. Miss Minnie May went to Lincoln Thursday or last week and bougut a good stoek of millinery goods for J. H. Vanderslice. She returned holme Tuesday. Carl E. Sanders, teacher of the Champion school visited the Nemaha schools Wednesday. Co. Supt. Car rington taught the school that day at Champion. Foi Sale A good 40-acre farm, 28 acres in young orebard just beginning to bear; good 5 room house, well, etc. Price f250e. Good terms. Apply at this .office. The passenger train from the north was delayed about an boor Tuesday morning by the ice being pushed up lover the track between Peru and Brownvllle. Postmaster Sanders was able to ge down town Tuesday for the Qrst time in two weeks. He is fast gaining strength and expects t be alright In few days. Hut he doesn't want any more grip this winter. One siege is enough to satisfy him for at least year. Married At tho court bouse in Au burn, Friday, Fob. 24, 1005, by J, McCarty, county judge, Mr Floyd Anderson and Mrs. Flora Z. Anderson The Advertiser extends heartiest con gratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Anderson and wishes them a long and happy married life, Thos. L. Fisher and wife came to Nemaha Tuesday and are visiting few days with A. B. ,Kinton. Mr Fisher is preparing to go to farming on one of his father's farms, where the Collin boys have been living tho past year north of V. P. Peabody'a f urro . Mr. Fisher has boon in a drug store at Pueblo, Colo., for some time. Tin's tay SartlsftrtoryNJtn6c city or country, hotels or public Instltutteaa. and repairs. They show it. fc Bradford Lbr. Co. OAJaVD OF THAKX8 To the many friends who were so kind, thoughtful and helpful to us in our sorrow, and in caring for our be- oved husband and father, D, H. Clark, we desire to return our heartfelt thanks and gratitude. Mrs. Maud Clark and ohildrxn. Mrs. Conner of Auburn and. Mrs. Clark, ber sister, who have been visit ing their brothers, Jacob and Philip Shuck, for about two weeks, returned to Auburn Monday. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - - . Xrtraika PETER IfERKER. Dialer J n I, Highest market price paid for flidos. ard, Tallow, eto, ITU IX HAWXBY ATTORNEYS IjAW,lRKAIi JEBTATE, COLLECTIONS Offices over Poatoffloe BaUdlng- Prauk Meal'a old stand, at AUBURN, NEBRASKA KNAPP & SON Proprietors of taa Livery & Feed Stable 1 Gcod Dray in connection with Liver? Satiafactioa guara&Uei J. E3. Crother in the- PARIS BUILDING Shoe Eepairing Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty WESLEY H. CLARK Dealer.ln Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes,tetc, ALL WORK GUARANTEES Pboue calls auBweredtpromptly. NEiIAIIA. NEBR,