The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 13, 1905, Image 8

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imt .uxpenenca at xs. v. wtura, ei
'SK Glmrd, Kansa, a Votoran of
M Co. II, 00 til Indlnna,
IffA reporter who was Booking for Mr.
.Ifftrtl to get his confirmation of a stato
'Sint that had been mado couceruhig
.Sen by a follow-towusinnn, fouud that
yirtwart carpenter engaged iu putting a
jfew window framo in an old houso. In
'fWponso to an inquiry, tho robust work
up lutn dropped nimbly to ft scut on tho
rindow bench, aud said :
t " xea; i owo my rocovory to Dr. wit
IfMUB Pink Fills and I am always slad
jo toll the story for tho sako of others.
In faot, I think thero aro only two kinds
K medicine worth buying nt least, only
kro kinds that over did me any good
tad ono of them is Dr. Williams' Pink
f Mils for Palo People.
jjf " Yon 8co, it was this way : I was at
mj work in 1892 when I felt as if I had
J. Wen struck on my head by a sudden
, klow My heart Boomed to stop aud tho
- factor said it missed every other boat.
' I went through tho battlo of Richmond,
Kentucky, but I nevor had been through
teything liko this boforo. I thought
prely I was going to pass in my chocks
da time.
'After that I had very trying dizzy
rpolla. I had to givo up work altogothor
tod spend ovory other day in bod. For
rro months I did not loavo tho houso.
could not conceutrato my oyoa on any
; tbjeot; I was in a stato of oxtromo
. kervousuess all tho tiino. I would lio
fcwako at night from nine o'clock un
til daylight. My circulation was bad
i mid my foot always cold. Tho doctor
Hdinittod tliat his modiolno was not do-
111 rt iiia n nf (TrtAil
LM0 uv w, )WV
f- "Then I decided to try Dr. "Williams'
Pink Pills, about which I had road in on
advertisement. Af tor thrco or four days'
mao I realized that they wcro holpi.ig'
me. I began to take them in January,
1893. By tho middle of February I was
ut and in Maroh I resumed work as
sunl. I sloop without difficulty, my
dizziness has never returned, and my
feet aro always warm when thoy should
bo. You may say that I think Dr. Wil
Hams' Pink Pills can't bo boat for :or
VonsneBs and difficulties of tho blood."
They are sold by all druggists through
out the world.
Charles Dickens once said of "Rob
tason Crusoe" that it was "the misi
popular story in the world, and yel
me which never drew a smilo or i
kear." J
rko Laxative Uromo Qulnltua 'labkHs. At
iruitidsts refund the money If it u cure
& W. Grove's Biunature la oa each box. 25a
v too cuuuro oi looaccu nas piuvuu
-k creat success on a farm at Rundalf-
town, Mouth, Ireland. On an area
of twenty acres 14,001) pounds of leaf
ero raised.
h scientist of Swltze rlaod has tested
tho mountain air or that country,
and found tnat not a microbe Infests
trie air above an altitude of twe
thousand feet.
, All ov us expekt to bo fondly re
jmembered after we are dad and
"gone, but we ro into our praves Ilk
a shower uv lain into the buzzum ui
the oshun, forgetting and forgotten
Itcblni. blind, niecdlnc or Protrudln I'ilea
Tourdrutriflst will refund money It I'AZOOINT
UENT fails nuro vou m o to I auys.
A skunk farm has been estnbllshei
" by J. Calvin Wilcox In Stunlnjrton
IGodo. It has ' proved pruikb'e
there being quite a demand for tin
animal skint and oil. The latter h
treed medicinally.
Wri. Window BOOTiUXU SYRUV for rhll
dren tccthlntr, softens tho gums.roduces Intln.
matiou.alUyp putti cures colic Price 25o bottle,
Yes, after a fashion, you know,
was the modest reply.
IIo.v nice I murmured half th(
company. Did you bring your vlollt
with you?
No I did not.
How nlcel murmured tho othei
half of tlio company In fervent uni
son. Galveston News.
Hour X KuflVre Willi Itching an-
Illecdlug Kcremn Until Curud
by Cutleuru.
"No tongue can toll how I sufferci
for flvo years with a terribly painful
Itching, and bleeding eczema, mj
body and face being covered witl
sores. Never in my life did I experl
eoce such awful suffering, and )
longed for death, wnlch I felt wm
near. I had tried doctors and medl
bines without success, but my motho
Insisted that I try Cutlcura. I fel
bettor nft r tlio flisb bath with Huti
cura Soap end one application o1
Cutlcura Ointment, nnd was soon en
tirely well. Any person having doubi
about this wonderful cure may writi
to mo. (Signed) Mrs. Altlo Etson
'iBoilevuo, Mich."
Apple Bliortcnkce.
Mako a paste as follows: Sift four
cupfuls of pastry flour nnd four tea
spoonfuls of baking powder together
very thoroughly with two tnblespnon
fuls of powdered sugar nnd a half tea
spoonful of snlt With tho Anger tips
work in n cup of butter and two cups
Df milk. Roll out lightly without
touching it more than la necessary.
Bake fifteen minutes In u modcrntoly
hot oven. When done, cut Into indi
vidual sizes with a biscuit cutter,
split, butter and spread each piece
with a strained apple snuco nnd servo
with whipped cream. These aro very
delicious also when made with pre
serves or any frosh crushed fruit
Poor Mnn'u Pudding.
Cut crusiless shecs of graham toast
Into dice. Put a layer of these dice
into the bottom of n greased pudding
dlsb. Moisten with milk and sprinkle
with granulated sugar. Cover with
well-sweetened apple sauce. Add more
bread dice, then apple sauce and pro
ceed In this wuy until tho dish is full.
Let the top layer be of apple sauce.
Strow with bread crumbs and sprinkle
with cinnamon. Cover and bake In a
hot oven for twenty minutes, then un
cover nnd brown. Ent cold with sugar
and cream, or hot with pudding sauce.
Cucumber Picklca.
Pick every day from tho vines, If
you have them iu the garden, so they
will not get too Inrge. If jou do not
hnvo enough to fill a can one day, put
In a cool cellnr until next day; then
wash, wipe and put In a can. Use one
tablcspoonful of snlt nnd 1111 tho can
with boiling vinegar. Let them stand
one week, then pour off and thiow
nwny tlio vlnegnr and bent new, to
which add one-linlf a pound of Bugar
to n quart of vinegar nnd spices If you
wish. Tour over tho cucumbers aud
screw the cover on.
Cottnjre Pud diner.
Cream a heaping tablcspoonful of
butter and a cup of sugar und ndd the
beaten yolks of two eggs. Stir in n
cup of milk nnd then fold In the stiff
ened whites alternately with three
cupfuls of flour that has been twice
sifted with a teaspoonful of baking
powder and n little salt. Bake In a
moderate oven until a straw comes
out clean from the thickest part
Cover with brown paper for tho Ilrst
ten minutes it is in the oven.
Spice Pudding.
One-half cupful of granulated sugar,
half a cup of butter, one cupful of
molasses, two teaspoonfuls of cinna
mon and one of cloves, one' cup of boil
ing water In which has been dissolved
a teaspoonful of baking powder. Heat
well together, then add two cupfuls
of flour, and, lasty. four well-beaten
eggs. Steam, and when dono servo
wltb an egg sauce.
Maple Custards.
Bent Ave eggs until n spoonful can
be lifted without stringing. Add one
half cup of maple syrup, n snltspion
ful of salt, stir well, then add three
cups of milk nnd strain into a mold
or In Individual cups. Wet the inside of
the cups with cold water. The n-it
water In the pan in which the cus
tards are set to bako should not boll
after baking is begun.
Punned OysterB.
Cut stale bread In thin slices, re
move the crust, toast nnd butter,
place the slices In a long pnn, moisten
them with tho oyster liquor; put on
each slice as many oysters as will
cover It, and then spread with bits of
butter; cover with a tin lid, and set
In a quick oven seven or eight min
utes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper,
and serve hot
Italian Crenm.
Sonk a half box of gelatin for an
hour In a quart of milk, put over tho
fire aud heat gradually, stirring all thu
time. Beat tho yolks of three eggs
very light with a small cup of granu
lated sugar, add to the scalding milk
nnd heat to the boiling point, stirriitq
steadily. Strain through cheese cloth
nnd when almost cold turn into n mold
to form.
How to Remove Match Maries.
Marks ou tho kitchen wall, which
have been made by careless hands in
striking matches, will disappear if
rubbed with the cut surface of a
lemon, then with a cloth dipped In
whiting. Wash tho surface wllh
warm soap and water and quickly
wipe with a clean cloth wrung from
clear water.
Bweet Potato Sou file.
Peel six medium-sized sweet pota
toes, cut into dice nnd lino tho bottom
of a buttorod dish; sprinkle with
brown sugar and drop over It bits ol
butter, next a layor of potatoes, then
sugar and butter, and so on till tb
dish is full and the sugar layer In on
top. Bale aad a errs hot
ilia Fa VtiKl L'hJ MUN iMI.
Sne-Whut is your favorite month
n the country V
lie October.
Ah you appreciate nature's au
umnnl symphonies In color.
Y-e8, and, beiido3, the rates are
Fr'oid (ou thu ice) What aro you
iturti m over?
Mr. Utfllmujrg--,I can teoch any
irl t skate, in a day, but with that
oil, Mr. Handsome, they don't loam
,0 stand alone iu u in "th.
UNpoolitlly Tor Women.
Chnmplon, Mich., Jan. 0. (Special.)
A qase of especial Interest to women
's that of .Mrs. A. Wellatt. wife of a
(vell-known photographer here. It is
Oest given In her own words.
"1 could not sleep, my feet were cold
ind my limbs cramped." Mrs. Wellatt
tates. "I had an awful hard pain
cross my kidneys. 1 had to get up
three or four times In tho night 1 was
very nervous and fearfully despondent
"I had been troubled In this way for
Ave years when 1 commenced to uso
Dodd's Kidney Pills, and what they
caused to come from my kidneys will
hardly stand description.
"By the time I had Anlshed ono box
9f Dodd's Kidney Pills I was cured.
Now I can sleep well, my limbs do not
cramp, I do not get up In the night
tud I feel better than I hnvo In years.
owe my health to Dodd's Kidney
Women's Ills are caused by Diseased
Kidneys; that's why Dodd's Kidney
Pills always cure them.
Frlckshun izu narrow strip ov very
jroducktlvo land, lleing between th
Inmlnyuns ov truth and falsehood,
)wtna allegiance to neither.
llealnoits Cimnut It Curort
by locnl nimllcntloas. as tlioy cannot rench tti
diseased portion of tho cnr. There Is only otii
way to cure deufnoss. nnd that U bycontlui
llonnl remedies. Deafness Is cnuscd by an In
I'.iuned condition of tlio mucous lining of the
Ktistnclilati Tubo. When this tube Is IiiII.wumI
you lmvn a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
IiiK. nnd when It Is entirely closed, Dcafnoss l
the result, and unloss tho Inflammation can h
taken out and this tube rosloied to It normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever,
nine cases out of ton aro caused by catarrh,
which Is nothing but au Inllainod condition w
the mucous surfaces.
We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for mi)
case of Deafnoss (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send (ui
circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0
CRT-Bold by DniRRlsts. 7CC.
U&U'b Family Tills arc the best.
A orlpplo In Newry, Ireland, had
some truuole with two policemen,
and be defended himself by tinscrow
ing his wooden leg, with which he
knocked out his foes.
The Greenland whale sometimes
attains the ace nf four hundred years.
Manuger You do not inject enough
contempt, spito and venom Into tin
Actress- I can do nn better.
Manager Nonsensol Speak It Just
as ynu say 'plush' when you meet a
rival in an imitation sealskin.
American Why do you go to Ger
many so often?
German I like operas.
You can hear opera in this coun
Yah; hut Id's sheaprr to buy n
teeket to Shermauy und hear it tiler
It doesn't ncako ennv dlfTroncc
what trade or profeshun yu put yun
mn at, for if he cvir S'ikceed at
enny, be haz got to do it by adding
aljjnity to th" oie no ad- pts.
A Tot of Trouble from Too Much
Starchy Pood.
A little boy of elht years whose
parents did not feed him on the rteht
kind of food, was always nervous aud
suffered from, n weak condition of the
stomach and bowels. Finally he wns
taken down with appendicitis nnd af
ter the operation the doctor, knowing
that ills intestinal digestion was very
weak, put hlra on Grape-Nuts twice a
He rapidly recovered and about two
months thereafter, hlB father states,
"He has grown to be strong, muscu
lar, and sleeps soundly, weighs 02
pounds, and his whole system Is In a
tine condition of health." Name given
by Postum Co., Rattle Creek, Mich.
It Is plain that If he had been put
on Grape-Nuts nt an earlier period
in his life, and kept from the use of
foods that ho could not digest, lie never
would have had annendicitls. That
disease is caused by undigested food
decaying in tlio stomach and bowels,
causing Irritat'lon and making for tho
prowth of all kinds of microbes, set
ting up n diseased condition which Is
the active cause of appendicitis, and
this Is more marked with people who
io not properly digest white bread.
Grape-Nuts is mado of t "0 selected
inrts of wheat and barley and by the
peculiar processes of the cooking at the
factory, all of the starch Is turned Into
nigar ready for Immediate digestion
irul the more perfect nourishment of
til parts of the body, particularly the
iraln and nerve centers.
Rend tho little book, "The Road to
$Yellvllle" found in eachpk.
Fault'lindeis nover snsnnirr. r.hom
Wlmmln dont' like to bo loved too
mutch, nnd I glory in their spunlc.
Opportunltys like yamo olrds, hav
got to he taken on tbo wing.
Enny bizness that Iz lawful lz linn
nruhcl; and no buzlncss, of itself,
over made enny uno respcktabel.
Buty Iz a woman's prerogative, but
buty in a man iz tho next klumity
to being a fcol.
Tho mnn who kan think kan nevor
git louesuni.
It is no particular krcdlb to siy ov
a man that "hiz word Iz ai good as
Stiporstishun Iz tbo child ov Ipnor
anco and fear and iz worthy ov its
Sekrots were nover designed to he
kept like kisses; their Uavor lz good
for nothing in fust hands.
Ho who falls from the top ov the
lader vf fame dro?n't stop when he
reaches tho bottom, but goes about
10 foot into the ground.
Tho only way to conquer sum spir
its Iz to yield to thorn.
If wo expekt to enjoy life, we must
not bo uprlzed at Rood luk or bad
Ink, but treat them both az we
would a good or a bad penny.
Someone has said that revengo Is
sweot when you take it yourself but
ery different when tho other follow
takes it.
Miss Rose Peterson, Secretary
Parkdale Tennis Club, Chicago, from ex
perience advises all young girls who have
pains and sickness peculiar to their sex, to use
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
How many beautiful young girls develop into worn, listless and
hopeless women, simply because sufficient attention has not been paid
to their physical development. No woman is exempt from physical
weakness and periodic pain, and young girls just budding into woman,
hood should bo carefully guided physically as well as morally.
If yon know of any young lady -who is Bick,nml needs motherly
ndvlco, nslc her towrito to Mrs. Pinkhara at Lynn, IVInss., who will
givo her advico froo, from a soureo of knowledge which is un
equalled In tho country. Do not hesitate about stating details
which ono may not liko to talk about, and which, aro essential for
a full understanding of tho case.
KJ)EAn Mns. PiNKiiAsr:-I feel it ia my duty to
writo and tell you of tho benefit I have derived from your advico and
tho uso of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Tho pains
in my back and womb have all loft me, and my menstrual trouble ia
corrected. I am very thankful for tho good advice you gave mo, and I
shall recommend your medicine to all who suffer from fomalo weakness."'
Miss Fannik Kumpe, 1922 Chester St., Littlo JRock, Ark. (Deo. 10, 1900.)
Iydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will curo any
woman in tho land who suffers from womb troubles, Inflamma
tion of tho ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability, xiervoum
prostration, and ull forms of woman's special ills. Mwiissij;
FORFEIT If o cannot forthwith produce the original let ton ftsd i!gnatnrM9
aboto ujUjuouIjiI. wlilaU vrlU
iMtoit !Ul!r ia U YTorH."
Found Gold iu Nebraska.
Inrostora In Nebraska Ileal KiUte will And
this true. Now In tho time to get in on th
ground floor. We hare somo cholo lnmtaU.
Write ui for further Information,
Schumacher k James, Orleans, Nob
All mankind work for wages,
whether they ho korn, teach Sunday
skool, or Bware to tho truth in a kouk
ov JllStlRS.
Over 30,000 horses aro annually
slaughtered In Turn ior tholr meat.
The caronss o' an avcrago horsa
yields about 309 potions or rcea.
KnrfotMtl fcv ill rtllr.t Vat A
foiUlont lunmnUetlt Urm ! writ
for ciL K
eiir.i.ii'nl- i i.
lllliaU. U
La Vrouxs WU. t tl.tOO ti
4 J
Miss Hannah E. Mershon, CoIIings
wood, N. J.-, says: i
"I thought I would wrilo and tell you
that, by following your hind advico, I feel liko
a new person. I was always thin and delicate
and so weak that I could hardly do anything.
Menstruation was irregular.
MI tried a bottle of your Vcgctablo Com
pound and began to feel better right away. I con
tinued its use, und am now well and s-lrong, and .
regularly. 1 cannot say enougn ior
your medicmo aid for me."
Hrs. Pinkham Helped
Fannie Kumpe.
uioro tholr absolute KQimlneiieM.