The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 13, 1905, Image 2

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Mea who are always on the make
fesvar make much of anything.
By the looks of tho court dockets
Ida must bo Uio open season for dl
Nrcec Bunsla owob Franco $1,000,000,000.
fkMt nettles It Itusaoll Sugo will nov
gr have any roapeot for France after
Alfred AuBtln calln his latest poem
"Nemesis," doubtless bocauso bo real
M that It will not be pleasant to have
it fallowing him around.
The Mikado aays ho hopes peace will
fc restored beforo his next birthday.
Hrldently he docan't expect to hare an for several months.
htr old friond, Capt Marryatt, used
k put out a pretty fair quality of sea
try, but ho would furnish poor com
Mtltlon for Admiral Itojcstvcnsky.
King Edward now wears a bracelet,
tut let it be said In his bohalf that ho
lees not, as yet, go about carrying his
bweketbook In his hand or hang his
Watch oa a little hook upon kla breast
'A London paper says a wife ceases
to be a bride six weeks after marriage
Whether this Is Inherent in the con
Itltutlon of things or tho averaging
(f of the results of observation the
taper doesn't say.
"Philippine forgetful acae" la report
Mi to be spreading In army circles.
Owing to peculiar effects upon thorn
K the climate of tho Philippines, sol
Hers who marry Filipino women for-
Et all about it when they ruturn to
Is country. Tho government at
Washington thinks, however, that It
knows of a cure.
War to-day Is moro costly tlean It
rrr was and in addition thcro uro no
aompenaations such as thero used to
to). In the old days the victors ran do
irars pay for themselves. Their nr
MUhm lived off the country through
irhlch they passed, Soldiers wcro bll
totd on the people, and whatever ur
ftfttas wanted they took. All this has
fessn changed. Such campaigns as
Ibose conducted by Napoleon would be
taposalble at the present time.
The grafter Is lndoed a traitor and
If the meuncst kind. lie takes ad
rantngo of a place glvou him by tho
pace of tho poople to rob tho peoplo.
His philosophy that ho is in public
Position to levy toll on public fund
p tho philosophy of a traitor. Ills
fcrqctlco of dividing up or taking
noney on the sldo Is tho practico of
I traitor. And this grafting strikes
at tho vitals of American principles,
tt makes a government of Uio graft
Mrs, by the grafters and for tho graft
In. Every youth, uo matter what may
to) tho quality and standing of hU
family, who ndopts a Ufo of Idleness
tnd becomes a street loafer will soon
loom out as a criminal on the road
to tho penitentiary or the gallows.
(There is no cHcapo from it but by a
lourse of honest Industry In such linos
Mi may be open and available to each.
Work is tho duty of ovory man and he
Ikould devote himself to It until It
becomes a part of his nature. Hon
Mt toll Is tho opposlto of Idleness, vice
tad crime.
In theso days of great bonof actions
let us not overlook the small practical
Gifts like that made by three Chris
an Endeavor Unions to tho luspltnl
which norves their Bection of Iowu
tad Illinois "u modern chicken-coop,
Mocked with fine chickens." There is
many such i worthy Institution that
Would feel tho richer for tho gift of
b cow, or a load of potatoes, or even
k barrel of opplcB, and many persons
with uo largo sums of money to spare
fcould easily make such useful pies
ints if they only thought of. It
It Is a common chnrgo n gainst our
rounrrymen' that they havo never
learned to eat Foreigners note this
falling as, conspicuous In the category
f thoso deficiencies of .deportment
tommonly termed "Americanisms." On
this side of tho water wo regard eot
Ing as u necessary and sometimes an
noying Incident in tho rush and
scramble after dollars, while In most
European countries dining Is exalted
to tho dignity of a ceremonial rlto.
Americans must tako tills criticism of
our table mannprs with good grnco,
for, generally Bpeaklng, it is just and
Boston no longer uses tho plebeian
word "fish." "Sea food" is tho high
lotmding term now applied to the
contents of tho fish market Tho Bos
ton Herald says tho change of word
"seems to chango the whole character
f f ike placo, for one sees gterlotu rls
f tfea omu'i depths & tfw
most appetising odors ars borne to
tho olfactories, whereas when one
speaks plainly of 'flair it is tho very
roverse." In other words, tho fish
by another norno is not half so rank.
Up to date Juliet's pretty words about
tho rose still hold good, but Hostoti
may yet modify the phraseology to
meet the needs of more exquisite re
finement Ten years ago tho oxplosivo or "in
ternal combustion" gas onglno was u
small, noisy and usually ill-smclllng
affair. To-day there aro many gas
engines of two thousand horse-power
in operation, sovorul of three thousand
horse-power building, and builders will
tako contracts to construct them of
twlco that slro. In fuct tho problem
now is not to find tho gas engine, but
to provldo tho supply of gas for ma
iling It In tho natural gas fields a
cheap and almost Ideal fuel la at hand.
In somo places tho formerly wasted
gas from blast furnaces is used to de
velop great power, and in others the
engines aro used In connection with
illuminating gas plants to run aux
iliary electric lighting npparatus. Tho
gas engines are compact do nway
with tho need of boilers and flrotnon,
avoid tho lcakago of power and hout
common to steam piping, and reqnlro
no high-prossuro part except tho cylin
der in which tho oxploslon takes place.
It was a woman who Invented "cob
desacd milk," which, whllo nobody who can get tho original arti
cle, la nevertheless of great value on
Journeys, on shipboard and for emer
gencies. It was such an emergency
that led to tho first condensed milk,
for Mrs. Albert Cnshlngor of New Or
leans, fifty years ago, had a sick baby
and must get export medical attention
if It wero to live. That could not bo
hud nearer than New York City, and
It wus a long soa voyage away, now
to keep tho little baby allvo through
that voyago she did not know. But
sho had put up many preserves and
many Jellies In her tlmo, and she bo
gan to experiment on milk, and suc
ceeded, and put up n lot of Jars of
her original condensed milk, wblcn
fed her child through tho voyago. Tho
fact Interested soveral people In Now
York, and finally Mrs. Cashlngor gave
her process away to a pack of Bharp
fellows who mado fortunes out of con
densed milk and never gave her a
There havo boon many scientists of
late who have called crimo a dlseaaf
and said the guilty party should b,
sent to a physician or nsylum and noH,
to a Jail or prison. They held that a
person whoso bodily orgens were In
normal condition would not deviate
from tho right way and that It Is a
sin If thero are any sins to punish
a person for a physical condition
which ho could not help. Now, thero
aro those who go still farther and say
lovo Is a disease. Tho London Lancot,
n conservative medical Journal, bus so
far admitted the possibility of it that
it has permitted Uio discussion of the
subject in its columns. It would seem
as If thero could bo no question on tho
mntter that If thero was ever any'
thing normal, healthy and most de
niable It Is lovo. Lovo Is not only at
the foundation of life, but is tho ono
element that makes life most desir
able. Without It everything oIbo Is
nothing. Yet thero aro those who ar
guo that lovo tends to make one not
to say two morbid and melancholy.
Lovesick Is so common a phrase that
Its meaning Is at onco understood.
Lovers are alwoys groaning and sigh
ing. If they aro blissful for a time
they are soon tearful, "hoping and
fearing In passionate pain." Tho pleos
urcs that ouce satlslled becomo fiat
and Insipid. Tho presenco of tho be
loved that promised au ecstasy of Joy
Is often tho occasion for tumultuous
feeling hardly endurable. Even In
novels love Is shown to bo anything
but a constant Joy, and tho greatest
of poets has Indicated that tho lovo
which is truo by no means runs
smooth. Now, If It were tho normal,
healthy matter which It Is snld to bo
it ought certainly to glvo Indications
of health Instead of sickness. But if
lovo Is a dtseaso which wo do not
admit It to be tho strongo thing
about it is that-lts pain Is sweotor than
any form of pleasuro and its slghlngs
and tears are more delightful than ex
ultation and laughter. Tho lover
would not exchange his apparent mis
ery for n thousand other forms of Joy
and on no account would ho seek a
remedy. Ho would not. bo cured If
he could. To thoso who aro merely
spectators lovo may seem to bo dlBeaso
and may easily bo argued to bo dis
ease but appearances deceive and ar
guments do not count Tho average
lover Is all right, Is doing well and if
let alone will prove his Banity oil in
good time.
Force of Habit.
Cupid was laughing.
"I'll bet Pd make a good street car
conductor," ho chuckled.
"Why so?" asked Hymon.
"Oh, I'm so used to telling peopla to
Slt closer, please.' "
Yo sometimes hear people say thty
do Mt air gtxuin. IPs ft flk ,W sJ
Veteran Joshua Holler, of 700 Rmith
Walnut street Urbana, III., says: "In
the fall of 18U9. after takln Doan'a
Kidney Pills I told
the readers of this
paper tlint they had
relieved me of kid
ney trouble, dis
posed of a In me
bnck with naln
ncross my loins and
nonenth the shoul
der blades. During
tne Interval which
hns elapsed I have
una occasion to re
sort to Donn's Kid
ney Pills when I
noticed wnrnlnes
of an attack. On
each and evtrr no.
cnslon the results obtained were Just
as satisfactory as when the pills were
first brought to tnv nntlpo. I hint ns
emphatically Indorse the preparation
io-(iay as i aid over two years ago."
Foster-Milblirn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y-
proprietors. For sale by all druggists.
Price 00 cents per box.
-I seo LUIkins lost all bis money In
(Vnll Street that lie mado on bis book.
What wns the name of h b book?
Jt was called A Quldo to Wall
Street. Life.
One Cake of Cuticura 8onp and One
Box of Cuticura Cured Baby's Awful
II um or.
"When my siBter was eighteen
months old n humor broke out on her
shoulder, extending cleur across the
back. For two years It caused her In
tense suffering. It would scab over
and thon crack open ond a watery
matter oozo from It 'fien the scabs
would fall off and It would be raw
for a time. We had several different
doctors and tried everything we could
think of, but without effecting a cure.
Then we got one cake of Cuticura
Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint
ment, which cured her completely and
without scar or blemish. (Signed) LII
lle Chase Walker, 5 Tremout St,
Woodfords, Me."
If you bed euny doubts about the
propriety ov a thing, yu may be
pretty certain that the doubt lz
Twenty Bushels
of Wheat to the acre
IS fill ntCOBD OH TUrf
Th 160,000 Krra.r from ih UtilUd RUU, who dUrlnf ffM
put M.q )un kit. on to Outda, partltlptU la tliU
prorlly. i .
thm Uniud RUU, will Kvlll hmni in Import., mt Whmt
Ott fr or putch.M Nim In WitUtn C.nuls
and lxKomt out of tbuM wb will h.lp rvdu It
Arplr for Informntlon to Buporliil n Jem of lmmlrn.
tt n.OllHWit, uumlH.urto V. Ileiumll.blil Now lurli
Llfn lluiidiuic. Uuiulia. Nub , AutU rue J Uovurniuout
iMiv'M nr whnrn you mi thin adrtlernnt.
Dr. Clarence L. Muad?r of the
Latin department of the Unlversiy
or M lchiuuri read a piper entitled
'PypcM if Sentence Structure in
Litln Proso BrliM.s" u the Novemt er
mo -tin of tn j Piiilgollcdl aoclety uf
tho Unhe'8ity.
Mustang Liniment
cures Sprains and Strains
Modesty und dlUIuenee am cfteu
koulouoded but one lz the conshluus
hess ov virtue, uud the other iz tho
conshiousness ov iun'Tunsp.
euros coughs and colds.
N N. U. Sfi8
SJ Best Conn Brrup. Taato OooC Die P
A Bad Fix
When ono wskes up chlnc from head to foot, and vltb
tho flesh tender to tho touch, when
Soreness and Stiftass
makes every motion of tho body painful, the aurest
and quickest way out of the troublo la to uso
it. Jacobs Oil
promptly. It warms, relaxes,
?ciit: ien lviii inn rsnvpc q v
Lust win or the asnculturul school
at the University nttraoleda great
deal of attention b wlnnloit the
grand champb nshlp lor steers cxhlb-
ltol at tho International Show ut
Chicago with tho steer Ohal letter.
Ihij yrar thny nre sending a lull
biothcr of Clullentfpr. Chicago lor
tho Bume con est. This steer is re
ported to be larger and better than
Hie ch implon steer of last 3 ear. If
he should win any important placo
in the show ho will bo brought
back to tho University and be used
in tho judging class (or tho winter
course begins the first week in Janu
ary. Hoys who contemplate attend
ing tho wintor course wH have an op
portunity to see the 11 neat type of
st er yet produced, uod to use this
us u standUrd toward which they
can work on their own farms.
Mrs. lie Style I wonder what is
the best way of arranging theater
parties, and the supper for them.
Philosopher Serve tho supper in
tho bix during tho performance.
While their mouthB are full they
can't talk.
had a dreadful lime lust night, said
Mrs. Torklns. He says bo was a vic
tim of the Black II nod.
You dun't cay sol exclaimed the
Yes. ITo came homo without a
oout. I don't quito understand tho
particalars as he explained thtm
But they pulled a do idly weapon on
hlui that Is known as & club ilush.
Washington Star.
BEING POLITE. What's a bach
elor trirl, pop?
That's what you call an old maid
to hi r. face. Puck.
II R COUGHED-No boss, said the
husky bigKar, I never asked nobody
for money before
Janitor's Wife (St. Fashion Flats)
A numbtr of the line ladles In the
upper Hats called on mo today und
stayed here chattinc, quite a while.
Jul I tor You ought to feel proud.
Junltor's Wife Y-c-s, but the
tmuble Is, I can't tell whether tbey
came because they llkid mo. or be
cause tbey wauted tc net warm.
A cublo foot ut ulr weighs a little
nvire than au ounce, while a cunlc
loot of water weighs one thousand
Tea tablets are now sold. Fourteen
of th'm make an ounce, and fn m
each tablet a big cup of tea Is pro
duced. I enn recommend Piso'a Cure for Com
sumption for Aathmn. It has given me
freat relief. W. U Wood, Furuieraburj;,
nd., Sept. S, 1001.
I hnv nftnn htiirrt iiv mnn nrhn frtm
" ' w.wVH V" . ..III 1 1 1. U
more than Ihev u mid fell, huh 1
ripvnr linucpi n nno nn Mile hmnH not
but I huv often seen thrze who could
icji a neap more man thoy knu.
It Cares Colds, Coughs, Soro Throat, Croup, Infln
enza, V hooping Couth, DronchltiM nml Aftluna.
A certain cms for Ooniiimiitlon In first Hnav.
nil n suro relief In advmiced 8tnt;ea. 1 eo nt once.
Von wUI buo tho exccll. nt fiflVct ntier tnklnj; thi
flr!t doio. 8old hy de era everywhere. ari
Luulu U ccuu uud SU cuuu. "
cures. Price, 20c. and BOc
Wf-f Tf,Hf1il-.j,T.J,M;ijr,i
" l4 Jk Kjim a
Pleasant Incidents Occurring
World Over-SuyliiEthutAre Chctw
ful to Old or Youn-A'uauy Kclee
tloua that Kvorjrbodjr Will Knjojr.
Mrs. Wise I had to dismiss my now
hoMsemaid after keeping her only twi
Mrs. Otherwise Why, what waa thi
Mrs. Wise I came homo unexpocfc
edly yesterday afternoon and found
tier scrubbing tho kitchen floor wltl)
lom's military hair brusheal IUlnolf
Btate Journal.
More Ambitious View.
Fond Parent Johnny, what do yoq
want for a Christmas present this yesi
-a llttlo automobile?
Johnny Nawl I want a froatomw
"ilo. Chicago Tribune
iler Plan.
"Isn't it awful the way she has
fight her boy to get him to stay i
"Yes. I tell you, If I had a chlhj
like that Pd whip hlm until he real
ized what a good home he had."
A Good Thing.
She Do you thlhk there Is anything
In palmistry?
He Yes, for some, peopla
She Who, for InBtnuce?
He For the fellow that gefci tin
money for looking at somebody's elaf
bund! Illinois State Journal.
An Eaajr One Also,
"He Is simply rolling In wealth."
"He finds It a ruther pleasant roki
I presume. " Illinois State Journal.
Economy of Effort.
"My sakes! How well your husb
Is trained. How did you ever do it?"
"1 didn't Ho was a widower whea
I got him. It Bnves a lot of trouble," (
What Worried Her.
"By Heck, Maria, I nlmoBt lost mi
tenmer two or threo Mihm tiiin' thml
I blamed lightnln' rod agent whati
thought of hlm."
"Yes, I know you did, Hiram, bu
what worried me Uio most was tha
every little while it seemed as if yoi
wns goln' to lose them new teeth yc
got day before ylstnday."
Her Conviction,
"Do you believe In predestlnatlonP.
asked Mrs. Oldcastlo.
"Well, I used to," replied her host
ess, "hut after mo and Josluh com
bnck from Europe and had such a tim
glttin our trunks through I almost
think free trade would be a good thing
after all."
Ilia Side of It.
"I'm sorry," she said, "that ray do
loos not seem to like you. Dogs, yo
know, are always particulur aboul
their friends."
"So 'm I," he retorted. "So far I'vi
been ablo to mnko enough humai
friends without being compelled to as
soclato with brutes for company."
Aa Defined.
Miss Budd What sort of chap k
Tack Hugglns?
Miss Swift Well, he la what mlghj
a .termed aa oseuUtory kleptomaalM