JEverr Walk In Jjitv. A. A. Rojce, a fanner, living three and a half milei from Trontoa, Mo., nys: "A bo vere cold Bot tled In my kidneys and developed bo quickly that 1 was obliged to lay oil work on nc- rri count of theijl aching in my back and Bides. For a time I wan enable to walk at all, nd every makeshift I tried and all the medicine I took had not the slightest effect My back continued to grow weaker until I began taking Doan's Kidney PUIb, and I must Bay I was more than surprised and gratlQed to notice the backache disappearing graa aally until it finally stopped." Doan's Kidney Pills sold by all deal ers or mailed oa receipt of price, 68 cents per box. Foeter-Mllbura Oo., Rnffnlo. N. T. Tbo Pastour Instltuto at the Uni versity of Michigan was established two years ago with tbo object of pro footing the development of hydro phobia In persons bitten by dogs which are supposed to bo mad. Tbo casea are taken under treat ment as soon as lb is possible to reaob Aon Arbor. The Institute Is not Intended for the core of per sons who are already suffering from tables, but has been very successful In preventing the dlseaso when per sons have applied for treatment as soon as they were bitten. The Vermont boys are acquiring pending money by raking In the bounty which the state pays for hedgehogs. It Is strongly sua pectcd chat some of the boys are raising the anlrrals, carefully guarding them until they are old enough to turn Into the State authorities. Ono town last year "found" 1,100 of the prickly beasts. Bem'e ThU ' Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward f any casq of Ontarru that caanot to cured bj uau a uuaarrn ijure. 1. 1 mfownv . sift Ty rri I r W thj-onilwlniwl hare known F. J. Chenoj for ttie last 10 toots, and bollero him porfrvtlj honorable in all fiuslnesi transaotlom and nnan ilally able to carry out an obllcatioa made Ity jneir nrm. W est &TRUAX. Wholesale DniEvtAta. Toledo. O Waldino. Klnnam & Ux&vm, Wholesale Unit's Catarrh Ctiro Is taken Intornally. acting 5irec;ty upon nia uooa ana mucous sunaooa or ia syxtom. TOoe 76c. per bottle. Bold byaU untjrpiRiH. jwminonian tree. UaU'a raaolly Pills are the best. TOE YOUNG DOUTOR AHEAD. Joker 11 1 suffer from cold feet at night." Dr. Glynn "Is yoar general icalth good? "Perfectly.1' Good appetite? First rato. Bleop under blankots? Yes. 'Pobn nlnnto nt nriMnnr nrrflse? Lots. Very strange. The cold feet are my wife's. Ah I Get a divorce. Two dollars, please. MIGHT BE UF USE. Mr. Softie "Is there anything I can do to prove ray devotion?" Miss Bouutlo "Y-c-s, there Is." Narao It "When you call, bring some band- some and entertaining gentleman will you? Greatest In the WerM. Arlington, Ind., Dec. 5. (Speelal.) Mr. W. A. Hysong, the photographer, who moved here recently from Bappi Ky., is firmly of the opinion thai Dodo's Kidney Pills are the grMtesi Kidney Remedy the world has vel known. "In tae years 1001 and lt08,n sayi Mr. Hysons-, "and for some tlsse berors I was afflicted with KlAnty Triable. My Joints were cert a ad stiff and I an ally got so aad I ceuld met tarn 1b bed wltaeat assistance. Ib the spring ol 1808 I was Induced, by a tries, to try Dodd's Klaaay Mils, aad after usln,.' ob aad one-half btXM I was aad am, still completely eared, teveral of my neighbors, tae. aaed Doad's KIrlseji PiUs and in irsrr ease tatv did as recommended." Cure the early symptoms ef Kidney, DImss mnrh mm napkacbe. with Dodd's Kidaey Pills ana yea will never! aave Brigat's Disease. Usual Jtetmlt. Onrter Se yon are bow a raeKibe. of the firm, eh? Harter Yes; but I'm not altogetha Mttlsflrxl with my advancement. Carter What's tho troublo? Harter Tho salary I drew as super inteudont is larger than I can not afford to pay. Juut Like it Woman, Wife 1 bought tho loveliest hai frame to-day for only 4$ cents. Husband That la cortnlnly reason able. Wife I Bhould Buy so. And now Husband Well, what now? Wife I want you to let me aavi 20 to buy tho trimming for It THE COMING HEROINE. Mr. Jinks I wish you wouldn't allow our daughter -to read thoso sentimental novels. Mrs. Jinks Sho IsVt reading a sentimental novel. The berolno doesn't marry for love. Well, the modern society novel In which tho heroine marries for money Is just as bad. She isn't reading a society novel. Then what is it? It's an advanced novel. What's that? Tho heroine marries for a politic?! pal). Graduates of the University of Michigan are proving that higher education Is a succoss. I hare ossd Plso's Oars for Consump tion with good rtaults. It is all right. John W. Henry, Box Ml, Foatoria, Ohio. Oct. 4. 100L Wit SHrplzes us, and we never laff when we aro surprized; It i buffoon ery ov sum kind that makes us laff. Mrs. Windows BOOTrilNU STROP for ehlt ren ttethlnir, softens tho gums, reduces Infta saaon.allayspaln on res collo. I'rloe 35o bottle. If yn settle with a man for 50 oentson a dollar he It full nz apt to call yu a phool az a philanthropist. Funny ain't It? Bargains in Harlan Co. Lands. Real Estate Is always a safe Investment. It neither burns nor blows away Can you afford to rent when you can own a quarter section for $2600. For further Information write Schumacher A James, Orleans, Neb. GOVERNMENT LAND IN COLORADO AUrg.Uxijor XUC RCCT I fllin Colorado, lnb4ttontrj I I1C DCO I UMU a homnlcui rdMart Uodiolll ba Irrlnted utoon unalcanr, o (iraoMSti tnat4 la, Id) rangni timber, earn iehMn wat-r rlnhtat for locution, to. xklrara Tlw Illua Vallor 'mI Co., Dillon, UoU a mountain rnllori tt-m mm MIXED FARM. HQ Wheat Raising Ranching Thrao Oroat Pursuits baro astaln shown wondorful results on tbo FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS OF WESTERN CANADA Manlfiorat eltmaU farm art plowing In thalrahtrt tlTM In tha mlddlft rf WoTambar. "All are bound to a mora than plaaaad with tlia Onal raault of Uia fn4 aeaaou'a hairaaU " Kmtrart. Ooal, Wood, Va4r. Hay tn sbnndanoa, aonooli, oharohaa, uiarkata aouTaniant. ATPly for information to Buparlnt ndentot Immigr ri'"s9M,'V' 4d?1 ot w v- ltrnna(i,b.U Naw iorl LUaUnliduM.Oaaaiu.Jiab,AaUi.rUad UoraramaBt Asanta. Planaa aay whara ran aaw Sato a4rtlaMiaa. Lightning fired an lmmmso oil tank In Frenso, Cal. To extinguish tho flames, a cannon tall was shot Into the tank, and the oil ran Into trenches dug for that purpose. BEGCS' CHERRY COUCH SYRUP euros coughs and colds. iii CURES WMthf AIL USE UIlS. Coueb Brruo. Tutea Oood. Dm I in time, hoia xr uruzmoia. taMlfitiWM' Am Inrltlnz Prnnpee. Will Canada In the next quarter ot a century take the place of the United States as the creat wheat exporting: section of the western hemisphere? Everything; points that way. Ih the pinion of experts tb United States has reached high water mark as wheat exporting coaatry. The Increas ing population ovsr there has reached the point when hoao consumption li becoming annually greater In propor tlon than th Increase la wheat pro duction. As a matter fact, wheat production Is deoreaslax ever there an the land becomes more valuable and by reason of the demand for other forms of produce for home eonsump tloa. It is said that the wheat croti this year is not more than 70 per cent of the crop of 1901 and much below the crops of 1002 and 1003. It Is esti mated that this year the United 8tatei surplus foe export will not be ovef 100,000,000, which la leu than any year since 1878 with twe exceptions. Not only is this the case, but a considera ble quantity ef the best Canadian wheat Is being; Imported into Minne sota and also Chicago. All this tends to keep the price of wheat near the dollar mark, and "dol lar wheat" la the loadstone that will attract farmers to the Canadian North weat, where land is cheap and can b farmed on a wholesale basis, particu lars of which may be bad from any agent of the Canadian government The reduction of American exports will have the doable Influence of In creasing Canadian production and keeping up the price. It constitute? s rosea to prospect for this country and needs no optimistic enthusiasm to foresee the near expansion of the Dominion Into tho actual position oi tln "ernnnry of the empire." Not Counted. Tho Grocer Seo here, my lad, ll there nre any more mistakes made be hind this counter you walk! The Boy Yea, sir. The Grocer -Eh, whafs this? Hov lid this $5 gold plcco get among thes pennies? The boy Took It in by mistake, The GrocerEh? Mistake? we won t count tins one.- Uf Plain Dealer. He Made Gol. "Shew me a prize fighter,' aald tht ong-halred man as he leaned again the bar, "and I'll show you a loafer." la that so?" exclaimed a hnrly flel low, Jumping to his feet "Well, I'm i prlae fighter. Bee?" Tea, I see," replied tfce ether as ht backed toward the door, "atd I'sa i loafer." :afBBagBBBB 1 tVgesfflfBgm!gBBBBBB lit gHlrgessssssssMP S "-esssssssMH 'fasKSffaBBBBBBBBVlV. V -:-- ; U.'JBBjbbbbSI A prominent Southern lady, Mrs. "N N. U. 863 60 YOKK NBP coAIN3 25,000 NE,W "WORDS, Etc. New Gnsetteer of the World New biographical Dictionary S3HO Quarto !. Nawrlataa. $ago Utiutcattaaa. Should bo In Every Homo, School, and Office Hot. I.y innn Abbott, J).I)., Killtor of Tho Out look, says: Webster has always been thtavoritt in our household, and I have aeen no rcu n lo transfer my alUgianca to any ol bis conrw (ors. FREn,"A Test In Pronunciation," liutrtKtlva ui enteruloluf. Alto IllustntcU pamiibleu. G. d C. MERRIAM CO., Publlaher.1, Springfield, Maaa. X Terrihle Jolt. He I make it a rule to sever spoal unless I knew what I aaa talkhsj about. 8be-Thafs a aenslhlo Idea; bw aren't you afraid of Veelng yow roiet from want of practieeT A Sadden Xioe. First Ex-Volunteer How high die rou get In the army? Becond Ditto About tea foot la tttf tlr; I waa kicked by an army mule. Detroit Free Prcec. Iroof. Ida I think she murt expoot U narry Jack in the near futura. Bht ins told him to economize. May Girls often do that. Ida Yes, but sho has told htm ti (top bringing her candy. AdJ tinting the Price. The Subscriber I would Wee to ro lew my subscription to the Weekly Wakeful. Editor All right, ir; wo have plon y of potatoea, so you had better maki t turnips. Net an Uncertainty. The Idler What are yea igghi 'or? The Toller Money. The Idler Do yea think yea'll gei t? The Toller Sure, datmrda' lay. Nothing in Tha. Miss Plane lie thinks me pretty loesn't be? MIhs Chollus I'm sure I dent know MIbs Plane Why, May told me shi Icard him telling yon I waa "Just aj )retty as I could be." Miss Chellus Well? PbiWuUaphli Press. ymM prominent Southern Blanchard, of Nashville, Tcnn., tells how she was cured of backache, dizziness, pain ful, and irregular periods by the use of Lydla R Pirikiiamfs Vegetable Compounds Dxut Km. TvrcniM i Gratituds oonpela me to acknowledge tht rreafc onb of your Vegetable CompouncL 1 have Buffered for four year witk irrecolar and painful menfltruation, also dizzineea, pains in tho back ind lower limbs, and fitful sleep. I dreaded, the time to come which would only mean suffering to me. " Better health is all I wanted, and cure if possible, Idl E. Pink ham's Vogotable Compound, brought mo health and happiness in a few short months. I fool like another person now. My aches and paina hayo left mo. Life scorns new and sweet to me, and evory thing geem'A pleasant and easy. " Six bottles brought mo health, and was worth more than months under tho doctor's care, which really did not benefit mo at alL I am sat isfied there is no modioino so good for sick women as your Vegetable Compound, and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of mprlil Mrs. B. A. Blanohard, 422 Broad St, Nashville, Tenn. When women aro troubled vlth irregular, suppressed or painful menstrnor 4lon, weakness, leucorrhoea, displacement or ulceration of tho womb, thai bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or ttfttulenee), general debility, Indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lao altnde, excitability, irritability, nerTOusaeso, aleeplcssncss, melancholy, "all-gone" and want-to-be-left-alone M feelings, blues and hopelssncsa, they should remember there Is ono tried and true remedy. Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes rue troubles. Refuse to buy any wther KiodiehM, lot you aeed the best. Severe Case of Womb Tremble Gvred ha rhUadelBhla. "Dkar Una. Pikkham : I have been a. vx. i m cured of severe female troubles by vogeuiDio uoMpoana. i was tho use of Iydl XL Pinkhai 9J lloal Buirorera. Itodrick Thoy say autosaobllee an 'orrlble on the nervoua systeia. Van Albert I believe it Rodrlck Dut you hero no utemo He. Van Albert No, bat I creoa thi treet oocaBlonally. JWplomucy. Noozey It's utrango how Dosalej ias changed hiu mind about you. Hi ised to hute you, but now bo tbinki iretty well of you. Proxy Yea, I made It a oelut tc tint to a friend of Dumley's that I hlnlc pretty well of him. Phlladel thla lre. Too Hot for Him. "Why did he give up his position m he cold storage house V" "Ho coii'riu't stand the hentM "Hent? Why, there's no heat hi a old storago honso," "Well, ho said thoy flred him and iromlsed to ruako it hot for blm if he ame back." Cleveland Plain Dealer. No Boom for Doubt. "Acording to this paper," snld Mr. Valker TleB, "tho egg product of the Julted States Is 800,000,000 dozens an luully." "I don't doubt It," rejoined Mr. tormlngton Barns. "At times I havo bought It wuh evoB more than thut" -Ohicngo News. Heady Reply, Little OHtend Pa, what Is the "Bos jn Common?" Pu Ut'Hiui, my Jon,i early ready to trive un. but Meeina Tour adverusement I nurchascd ona bottla of vnnr TnndiAlnn. end It. did ttim art mmh good that I purohased another, and tho result was so satisfactory that I bought six moro bottles, and am now feeling like a new woman. I shall never be without it I hope that my testimonial will convince women that i your Vegetable Compound is the greatest medicine in the world for lulling of the womb or any other female com Blainta." aI&s. Mai Codt, 960 Birch St, Philadelphia, Pa. Remember, every woman Is cordially invited to write to Mrs. A x i "iro 18 anyxuinr anout her symptoms sbe does not uuurciiuai.u. jcxer auureBs is juynn, Aiusa., tier advice la tree sJuMurxully given to every aIIIhb; woman wlxo asks tor it. 7t 1 Zj W. L. Domgfmm maknm and mc otspo marn'm 93. MO (C aincMaai I turn ma mw tt. im mhi.M XWSmVMJ i Tha raaaoo W. T. OoncUa tM ehooa ara the rmataat aaller la Ilia world to banansa of their ezeal laatatyia. ejr flulotf and (urnrUir woftiinit aonllllea. If 1 cld ahow jou tha dtfferanca btwen tha rlwa niada In mjr factory and tbiv of other make and Ki hljtb-arrnde raatheruaed,you would under Htnml wnr W. U DousUa aboea eot mora to make, wliy taey bold their ahape. lit better, wear lonnrar, and are of irr?ur IntrlnHo mine than any otber t&M ahoa ou Um Market &3ay, -ut why tha fo the yew endlaa Julyl.iux. wrra . ' Uka no cabaiitute. bold by aUoe aoaJera avarywbere. SUPERIOR IN FIT, COMFORT AND WEAR., M Ar tnm VT. U tatpfcaj $3.M ihnrtr ttn Utt tfif even with aUflluti Mwaeljnn. Iftmd them HTvrier Jll. cutnfnrt nd otr l ttderi fatting from T- JVbairlaa Cornim Cn I tab In In lila !1.Hn ihnM. Cnroiia Colt ia aniaJMl -mm lor Kyeleta oaed exclualTcly. DOUGLAS, Brktom, Mmmmmmhummttw. Mteut JLoAUuir ma do. W. L. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. BJHgf TUB FAMILY'S FAVORITE 1EOIQHIK CANDY CATHARTIC 10c. Z5c50c Al Dngjlsti BEST FOR THE BOWELS