GREAT JOY A I IOKIO HOOT THE PREMIER AVE CHANCE TO STRIKE UbED STRAW MAN BBRASKA NOTES 2 HOl'B Or KXRX.X VAl.f, OK 1'OltT All TJIUK KKVIVKD. a!an Do Wot Aconpt Statement Ad mit Io of Hill Would K ttorlotu Illowtltut Doulit Iu Citptur lly tlio JCnemy, ToKIO.Gencral Noglo's tclegrm wjnunclng the storming and capture Tor 203-Meter bill was received with jltocis by tbe Japanese people, It tovivoa tbc hope of an oarly capture r Port Arthur ntouer. The people iim'n nnvnr rlnunnlrnd nf tn CllCCVlfl I I ( U UWM Wfc of the besiegers, but the foitltudo ( tbe defenders and the prolonga tion of the siege, which exceeds by months the most libeiul preliminary rstlmato of the tltno required to ac ompllah tbe reduction of tula stronghold, khi8 ;beeu a souioo ot deep regret, combined with the loss of life and dlsappolntmonta over the fact that tho slogo has occupied such a large foico of mon, decreasing P'ield Marshal Oyamu's strength at a tiiuo when be noodedovery avail utile man. Tho date was set under tbo coo Jicrlptlou aot when recruits oould join tho army. Cheered by the news from Geuoral Nogl, thousands of recruits tnroughouG tho nieplre marched to barrack and donned unl Jornia for tbo first time. Following an honored custom, the relatives of the recruits, carrying flags and bnn ners. escorted tho now soldiers to tbeir barracks. In Tokio there i.-as been scores of little processions es corting detachments of popular con scripts. Tho number of men who have joined tho colors undor the con ficription act has not been made pun lie Reports from tho Japanese armv besieging Tort Arthur say that Lieu tenantGeneralThuchlya te amongtho wounded and that General Nalc umura, the leader of tho specially trained body of swordsmen which charged tho Russian forts Novcmbir 20, was Injured in both legs. 01. rjwiwusijuuu. tdh war olllco here Js not yet prepared to ac cept the report that the Japanese before Tort Arthur have taken 20'1 Meter hill, but If It Is olllclally con tinned tbe war olllco admits that it will bo a desperate blow to the gal lant defender of the fortress The position commands the bar Dor, ana ir tne Japanese cau mount siege guns ou Its summit they can lurcu out too uussian squadron or destroy It at its anuhorago Tnosc laminar with the supporting plans of tho forts think it is by no means certain that oven though the Rus sians am forced to rot ire from 203- Meter hill the Japanese can place iu position neavy mins against the lire wnicn Lne otuor rnrts can brim: to near un It. Still the 'war office oiiielals reluctantly agree that, sin-h u bream in the ctialn renders tin position extremely critical, and tnougli the ganison might ho able to hold out in tho Golden hill. Tigers Tail and Llaotle forts for some time It may mark the begin nwg or too eno. Forged By the Wholesale PORTLAND, Ore. In the land fraud trials today expert penman pointed out to the judge and Jury details and pecularitles in tho hand writing contained In various papers connected with the allegal fraudu lent land deals which the prosecutors of McKinley, Wire, Puter and others declare gu to show that they had con epiiod together to defraud the gov ernment. Arrested For Desertion CHICAGO. On charges that he deserted his wife and little son in Chicago three years ago, David Mac kenzie of Boise, Idaho, a wealihy mine operator, has been arrested in Chicago by order of Judge Dunne. Mackenzie declared to the do putt sheiilr that he is in Chicago attend ing court proceedings, ana thmugh previous operation of tlio courts has bjeo piaced beyond the reacn of the writ of exeat issued by ' the deputy to keep Mackenzie iu sight until there cat: ho an adjustment of his slalui to exemption from the new ar rest. Movement of the Batteries SAN FRANOISCO.-The Fifth u?J- ry cf Held artillery, now sta tioned at the Presidio in this city, whioh was scheduled to sail for the Philippines on tho transport learing February 1, has had Its orders changed and will Kail on the Thomas on Janu ary l. I ho Twenly-Hlxth Hold battery from "Vancouver HarrackK, Wanh., mid thn Twenty-c ghth, from Fort Leavenworth, Kan., will Mil with the Klflh on tho riuimaa. TIHZA OIVKN KKCKPTIOH. A nOBTIIil ENEMY THROW STONES 8 ATM TTXr. NATION TV 1 1,1. UKClDH K TWJ5KN T1IKH. Rapprwr fflnally Kmlly m1 Abnel Mm Mrtka Vlrny hptoch- I'cople Unable to rurtliar Tolerato Tihnlr OlMitruotteai. BDDA PEST. Premier Tlow met with a hostile rccption nn tho pari of the large number of supporters o tbe opposition while attending a meeting of liberal electors at Gyoer, Hungary. Tho sympathisers with the minister's opponents throngrt about his carriage, jeend, hooted and threw somo stones at him. Tney were eventually-dispersed by the po llco and several were arrested Count Tlsea's supporters then railed round him and the premoir rccolvcd an ovation, in tuo eourso or u speech hn declared he was unable tc longer tolerato tbe technical obstruc tlon which for years had cloggec tho wheeli nf parliament. Concilia tlon had failod and it was necessary therefore, to adopt othor measures Ihe nation," concluded the pre mier, "will deoide between us anu will crush any one attempting to de prlve It of conditions Indlspensabl to Its progress and development.' Hope for Improvement. MANILA. Major General n. G Uorhlo. military commander of tlx Philippines has appointed a boan of three olllcors to take into con sldoration details for tbe admlnis tratloo of tbe stall departments an their soveral divisions, and also commend tho number of otllcars nec cesarr to efficiently porform the ad mlnlstrativQ duties. This board wi consider plans f jr the betterment oi the service, seoktng a means where bt Increased efficiency may be attalne with a posslblo reduction of expenses The board will give spclal con slderatlon to the reduction of th( number of depots and garrisons, a? well as to tho amount of water ami land transportation required. Major General Corblu is in favor of givinii iho transportation business only t steamship and railroad companiM capable ot handling a large volume, It Is his purpose to confer wilt steamship companies in the Dnllci States with a view to ind icing then! to establish a lino of up to datt inter-island steamers, to which tin army business would bo glveo. The Closed Shop Illegal. NEW YORK That the "ciosec shop" is illegal was decided by the justices to the appellate dn-ision nf the supreme court sitting in Brook lyn. A contract entered Into he- ween the firm of Morris Colm & Son", aud the protective c iat tailor's and pre3ser's local No. 55 of tho unltcc garment workers of America, whore by tho tirm was prohibited from cm ploying labor not belonging to Uh local and also from employing even member of. the union unless such member hold a card slguod by tht business agent of tho local, was de clared by the court to he t: mtrap to public policy. Presiding . Justice Illrsehhurg wrote the court's opinion Justice Liartlett dissented. Says Wife Talks Too Much. uniOAGO. An Injunction t prevent his wife from talking wa asked in the circuit court by Thorna P. Wood, carpenter. In dorendltn his own name from alleged scanda Wood declires ho is aho acting fo the good of a Mrs. Ma run ret Watson Ho fears, ho says, that his wife wtl tell things about him to the memlxr of secret societies to whieli they bt 1-ing. lie also seeks to stop imra utterances of his wife in Newton villa, O. , and Muncle, Ind. In b c "over-heated imagination." Wooi declares his wife has conjured certah visionary and absurd scandals. Not Guilty of the Crime PEOIUA, HI. It took the Jury I tbe case of Benjamin and Oarte Jacobs, chared with setting tire M their clothing storo In this city De ccmbor f, ten minutes to arrive at verdict of not e iilty. The men havt been on trial tbreo times, twice foi anon and once together with thol: father John Jacob of St. Louis, fo MINISTKK conspiracy to defraud tUe Iwuiiaci.?1,"!?1 T companies. lasted at that tirno by tbe As'h:i. 1 1 ted preea baa posted tbe chamber f KVROTATKrK MAT BOOM ASOTKH Ttmtt orrtmsiTJc. nskfw4 kjr Withdraw) Mju; ST. PET BR8BU RG. A ccord I n r to iRrornatlan which has rpaohod tbe war oMIce here. Field Marshal Oyana'a strength Is much smaller than heretofore believed, tending 3 confirm tbe theery that a largo for baa been withdrawn to assist ' itorming Port Arthur. This infor nation is to tbe effect that not much more than 150,000 men are now con fronting General Kuropatklo, tut bbe Japanese lines are heavily fnrti lied In order to check any aggicisive movement which Kuropatkiu might undertake long enough to enable tho Japanese to hurry up rolnforcements by rail from tho peninsula. The present activity of tho Japanese along tbe front, these reports Indl cato, Is only feigning to convince Kurupatkln that tho offensive Is !m mlncnt. Should this Important lntelliaence be absolutely oonHrmed It Is possible that the Russian com raander-in-chlef nay himself attempt to strike a quick blow. Kuropatkln Is now supposed to have nearly bOO, WO men Tbo followlui dispatch has been received from General ICuopratkin. dated November 28: "Tbe engagement near TalnUhet chen. near Da Pass, was resumed but Boon ceased. We havo collected and burled the Japanese dead. By noon we had found 230 bodies, all be louglug tn the Seventh reserve regi ment of the Ninth reserve brigade We took a large Quantity of rides ammunition and entrei cbing tools.' Tho student bodies of St. Peters burg have adopted resolutions to bupport Interior Minister Srlatopolk Mlrsky. It now transpires that the student's demonstration was plannod in approval of the minister's pnlic Prince Svlatooolk-.Miisky will have a special audience with Emperoi Nicholas. It is Galri in court circles where tbe opposition to the interior minister's policy Is tbe greatest that when tbo minister reminded the emperor that he bad taken oftlc under certain conditions and that h was readj co resign if Ins policy did not receive his raajeity's approval, tho emperor gave the minister the most complete assurances of his con fidence and endorsement of his pol icy. Laborers Caught by Covein. ST. LOUIS. ISIght of twenty la borers employed in the digging of a trench for tho laying of water mains In Southwest St. Louis wore burled by a cave-In and it is believed all liavo perished. Tho men woro work ing close together when, without warning, tons of clay foil on top ol tlipm. A bursting water pipe caused the cave-In. Thoso who esoaped at unco went to work with tho help f I others, and after twenty minutes dug nut three of their companions, who we-e dead. The men were Italians. Fire engine company No. 35 and police with ambulances hurried tn tho sceno and overy effort was made to rescue tho remaining victims ol the cave-In, who were in tlio employ of John S. McMahon, a contractor. The trench in which tho men were at work was ten feet deep. Further digging revealed the tact that only throe men were burled by tho cave-in. Tho othor men supposed ti havo suffered doath turned up later, safe and sound. Street Car Jumps Track. ST. LOUIS. One man was killed outright and fourtcon other passen gers were injured, suno of them seriously In a llellefontaine street car that Jumped the track and over turned. Date for Sinoou Hearing. WASHINGTON. Senator Bur tuvvs, chairman the committee on privileges and elections, has issued tubpoenas for twenty witnesses in She Senator Ileod Smoot investiga tion, and has fixed December 12 as (he date for tbeir appearanco before tbo committee. Nearly all theBe ire In Utah. Monetary Reform Bill in Mexico. MEXIOO CITY. The monobary reform bill recently submitted by UOKnriRATOKB tn IAND JVRAVUI USttl) CVKM1N9 MKTIIODS. ALL FACTS COMING 0U1 SKN NATIONAL TEHTIMOMT ITKW Al ron.Tt.ANo. Hrac MoKUler Pletm Wr Wit m rrlra Mrr In Omni of Icll Pi t cutlox Not Tot Ban. PORTLAND, Ore.That Georgi A. Howe is a mvth. manipulated bi the alleged conspirator Hornco G. McldnUy, to bring about tho dis position of the seven quarter sec lions of land in townships 11 south, range 7 east, by application for the right, thus placing them In the hands of alleged conspirators, and that Horace G. McKlnloy mado the n quest for an abatraot of title ;to the Georgo A. IIowo lands was the trend of evidence offered by tho gov ernment In tho land frand trial hero. Tbe government introduced an ab stract titlo to the Howo lands on which tho name of McKlnloy appears to havo beon eraced and that of Howe written in Its place. Early In tbo session tbo prosecu tion continuod its tight to show by tbo testimony of tbo government otliclals that Georgo A. Hows dooa not rcprosont a oorporal reality and precipitated a legal battle that con named so much time to settlo for a certainty that the government will not rest its case before if thon. The defense assumed tbe position that ovldonco offered by tbe government to provo the non-oxistonco of Uowe Is not competent, and that It can not be proven by tho moro testimony of wltnessos that such a man is not known and cannot bo found. The prusocutlon contended that it could bo proven, aud this is tho only way to provo it, and mako Impossible tho wholesale perpetration of fraud md crime, and that such evidence Is competent 6UfiIcently to establlst tho mot for all legal purposes tha' such a person dooa not exist in II est and blood. Doomed To Defeat, ST. PETEUSBGRG.-Prlnco Mes tchcrrsky, editor of the Grashdanlcn, and the foremost spokeman of tht autocracy, holds that the inaugu ration of such reforms as aro at pros cnt possible In Russia, has been ac tually prejudiced by "Irresponsible agitation or a constitution which is now in progress," Autocracy ho considers vital to tho life aud future greatness of Russia as a nation. Liboral reforms, ho maintains, arc necessary, but thoy cmnot be Intro duced except by autocracy. Moreover, declares tho prince, a broad plan of reform was already mappo l out for gradual Introduction when tho whole work was thrown into courusion by tno liberal re bound, accompanied by a discussion of a constitution which followed Minister von Plohvo's death. Speaking to tho Associated press, Prince Mcstchcrsky said. "The question Is often asked," Why not Introduce a constitution liussla might as woll ask an Ameri can or a Hrlton, "Why not Intro duce autocarcy A constitution Is just as neccssarv to Great Britain or the United States as autocracy is for Russia. Constitutional govern ment is impossible In Russia, for the simple nasnn that the vast majority nf the peoplo have not the slightest .inception of Its meaning. There ire perhaps 100 000 Russians who want a constitution and as they do ill the talking, while tlio remaining 150,000,000 are valueless, the Impress Ion goes abroad that the sentiment Df tho majority deslre3 a change In tho form of government. If a constitution wore introduced It svouid be short lived for tho simple re-tson that it would not bo based jpon the wishes or ideas of the peo ple, and therefore It would only im pede roal and lasting reform. Con Hltutlonal government would prove in actual danger, because tbe na tion includes races like tho Poles ind thoso or tlio Baltic territory, vho are moro advanced and dovel Iped than tho rest. They would .ousequeutly soon obtain prodoml oance In tbe parliament, wnioh vould call forth the opposition of ho groat mass of tho population md lead te the ditlnttsratUn of be nation. Mrs. Anna Morris, who lives nrai H7ymoro,has boon adjudged insane by Ihe Board ot Insanity commlssionets. Prcpcrationa aro boing mado foi Icdlcatipg tbo Carnegie library al Hastings next Tuesday. Tbe new uptown Northwesters UuracoRer depot at West Point will c formally opened on Thursday ol ibis week. Will Ingram at Hastings was son lenccd to thirty days In jail for steal Ing bides from tbo Blnkc slaugutei souse. Tbe Jason Telephone Go. has filed irtlclcs of Incorporation with the wcrotary of stato at Lincoln. Th :ompany Is capitalized at 310,000. David Awtry, a resident of Beat rice was badly injured by falling, downstairs at his homo and it wi 30 somo time boforo ho will bo a bit to be out ou account of the accident, Charles Swan, aged 24, son of thi Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Swan of Piatt mouth, died at Roka on Sunday from typhoid fovor. Burlcl will bo madt at Syracuse. Ono hundred laboring men mot at Marshall hall last Saturday nigh) and organized a laboring men's club, Tbo club will take an active part t tbo city politics next spring. District court convened at Hta ton, with Judge Guy T. Graves ol tbo bench. There are throe oaset on the docket to bo tried to a Jurj and tbe Bession promises to be ai Interesting ono. The Alliance Mining company bat been organized at Alliance with 000,000 capital. Tho company ownt about thirty claims in Snutb Dakoti and a-otlvo operations will begin a) on co. Grading for tho new Burllngtoi depot has brgun at Beatrice. Fil teen farmers in Gago couuty, In thi vicinity of Plckercll, patrons of tht Home Telephone company, havo or gjinlzed a farmer's exchange. Ilariy Komper, momber of "Thi Two Orphans" compuny lost a 820i dlamon 1 stud at the Paddock open house In Beatrice. On Sunday tin jewel was fouud by a policeman aud Bent to tho actor at Hanover Kas Stanton has a case of diphtheria, Mrs. Beard, wlfo of Dr. E. A. Beard, is the victim. Tho patient has been kept under strict quaran tine and there is llttto fear of thi spread of tho disease. While out delivering bread to bit customers, Mr. Manning' horse wal caught in an electric wire that ex tended Into iho street and Jumped, throwing Mr. Manning out brtiisinj blm up and injuring his back, Miss Georgia Sanders was badlv in lured In a runaway accident at Beat rice by being thrown out of tin buggy in which she was riding onti tho hard road. No bones won broken but her cscapo from serlouj and pnhibly fatal injury was mirao ilous. Two other occupants of th 'chloie escaped unhurt. A horse thief entered tho house o lames Sohock, Bouthwcst of Beat ilco and stolo clothes and othoi Articles to tho amount of 8100. It li believed tho thief is a fellow llvlnf near Wathena, Kas., who Is alsi vauted at Iiarbine, Neb., for steal ng a-hog. Deri Dempsey who was release after having served a sentence ol Ui'rty days In tho county jail, al Lincoln was again placed behind tin bars lor attempting to smuggle Opium to other ptlsoners, who had (,'lven him money just before his re lease. An enthusiastic and largely at ended meeting of farm or. s was hold iit Pickrell to consider tho propo rtion of organizing a farmers' cio vator company and orectlng a bulid lug. Aboi't $1,300 were pledged al bo meeting and It looks as tbougb iho organization would bo a cer tainty. Tho intention Is to ralft I5,0u0 for the erection of an olovator. Tho first caso to come up for trial before a jury at this term of district tourt was that of Mrs, Anna Soarlt jgainsh h'. p'ty of Plattsmouth lrj which she sought to recover tho sum tf 1, 00 J damages for injuries alleged to have cecn received by falling on jjtaioative sidewalk. After listening to the evidence ot the plaintiff Judge Paul Jessen inatruoted tbe Jury U Hod for the defendant which was done without leaving the Jury box JuigeA. N. Sullivan appeared fo Ihe plalnlff and City Attorney U. J Travis for Ue tfeiaajfatak