The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 09, 1904, Image 1

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Local News
I en
.See M T Hill for Are insurance.
Dr. Bourne llts glasses. So. Auburn.
We had a light snow Sunday evening
Miss Hazel Parker returned to Aubs
urn Mouday.
Benton Smith ot Auburn was a Ne
maha visitor Thursday.
Mr. Ferrler, B. & M. agent at Bracks I J
, requests us to announce that that 1 1
stiition baa not buen diacontlnued, but I
they ure doing bualueas at the old
i H i
John 0. Stokea ia visiting hia undo,
B. 0. Stokea. in Anburn, Washington,
coine out there for the bonoflt of nla
ihnnkh. which bns been very poor for
several montbB.
Our merchanta are displaying big
stocks of holiday goods
D. H. Clark is attending court at
Auburn this week, as a juror.
Louie Kerker went to Brownville
last Friduy returning the next day.
Mr. and Mia. II. E. Williams of
hhubert were Nemaha vlaltors Thura
Joe Titus went to Syracuse Thurs
day marning to visit bia brother, A. II.
W. W. Llebhart and family were
reloased from quarantine Monuay.
Onlv the one boy had the smallpox.
i There are no cases of this disease in
this vicinity now.
Rev. J. W. Sapp ia talking of bulldi
Inga house and moving to iNemaua
He Is living at Brownville though pus
tor of the church here. We hope Mr,
8upp will move here.
The measles patients are about all
well and it will probably be several
years before we huve another seige of
I thin iliHPiistf. as there is very little-
i more material to work on.
Holiday Goods
The place to buy them is at
Heeling's Drug; Store
Where you will And a good assortment.
Only little over two weeks until
Christmas and the line weather still
is with us.
Rev. G. W. Ayers and
Brownville were Nemaha
Misses Maggie U acker and May Kerker
visited Auburn friends from Saturday
until Monday.
Mrs. Allen, who has been visiting
her brother I. N. Cooper, returned to
tier home in Iowa Tuesday.
Miss Ella Shlveley, who was sick
with measles and afterwards with
fever, is able to be out again.
Elmer Brimble returned to Lincoln
Monday after a few days' visit with
Nemaha relatives and friends.
Nearly all the farmers have their
corn gathered. Tbe weather has
certainly favored them this year.
Take the wagonette when In , Aus
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city. John McElhaney prop.
The Rebekab lodge had a "spread'
after lodge Wednesday night. From
the number of baskets of good things
.a ft I ft
wifn nf Mink wflFfl taken un in tne nan we
visitors judge they bad an abundance to eat
W. W.Relf had an arm brokeu res
cently, while hauling a load of baled
bay to Williamson, Kansas, noitr where
he ia now living. Tbe bay fell worn
thn wncron. throwing him oft and
breaking bis arm.
The Woodmen of tbe World elected
the following officers Wednesday night
W. W. Liebbart, C. C.
A. B. Paris, Adv. Lieut.
W. W. Seid, Clork.
W. H. Barker, Banker.
All tbe up-to data novelties are
shown in our ew . holiday -line. We
invite comparison of prices. Come in
and sea them.
Very respectfully,
M. T. Hill.
Especial attontion is called to our
line of books. Nothing makes a
better present for the young, mid
die aged or old than a good book.
We libvo them.
Watches, rings, chains, bracelets,
scarf pins, breastpins, etc.--An eh
egant assortment.
For the children, little and big
Toilet sets, jowelry sets, work box
es, smoking sets, games, etc.
Call and see us
Saturday night of next week, at the
borne of Earlo Gl bort. Iho Junior
Leaguers, assisted by some of the young
ladiea, will glyo a combination social,
bazaar and pound party. Tho pound
party is for tho benefit of Rev. 0. W.
Ayers, and all who are so disposed are
requested to boing a pound or more of
something that Is of use either as food
or othorwfse. Oysters will be served,
A bazaar will also bo conducted by tho
young ladles, at which fancy work and
articles of use will be sold. Every
boby is invited.
Heeling's Drug Store
Nemaha, Nebmska
Tho rural mail carriers request tbeir
patrons to buy postage stamps and
keep a supply on hand, so carriers will
not have to stamp letters. They do
not object to doing this in warm
weather.but when it is cold it puts
them to considerable Inconvenience
and discomfort to have to take out tbe
money and perhaps make change en
cumbered as they are with wraps,
gloves, etc. Make it as easy for the
carriers as possible.
FUvorutlen Imminent
A sure sign of approaching revolt
and serious trouble in your system is
nervousness, eleeplessness, or stomach
upsets. Electrlo Bitters will quickly
dismember the. troublesome causes.
I It never falls to tone the stomach, reg
ulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stlmut
late tbe Liver, and clarify the blood.
Run down systems benefltlparttcularly
aud all tbe usual attending aches van
Ish under its searching and thorough
effectiveness. Electrlo Bitters is only
50c. and that is returned if it don't give
perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by
Keeling, Druggist.
Mrs. Roy Colerick, daughter-in-law
of John W. Colerick, is visiting friends
nd relatives in this vicinity, arriving
here Monday. Mrs. ' Colerick was
formerly MIbs Pearl' Bennett, daughter
f the late James F. Bennett.
We have received the Drat copy ot
The NemabaCounty Teacher, a month
ly magazine devoted to tbe interests ot
tbe public schools of tbe county. Geo
D. Carrington, jr , county superintend-.
Mrs. J, D. Rainey came in from
Auburn Wednesday, visiting her sister Lntj ig tne pdUor. It,l8 un interesting
Mr.s John E. Crother until Friday. moniro
Roy Cblerlck, son of John W, Coler
ick of this precinct, is now a resident
of Canada, having recently tanen a
claim In the famous Elberta section.
Roy writes that lumber Is very cheap
there. He got enough lumber for a 8s
room frame house for only $30.
And now the catamount or wild ani
mal that was seen during the sumine
near St. Deroin and Hillsdale, and
later at Nemaha, has been seen neai
Barney, this side of .Nebraska City
It was reported killed atBrownvllle,
but Sherm Kauffman, the reputed slay
er, says be never say tbe animal. The
Barney people are welcome to whats
ever the thing is.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stall - - , - Xetarasltm
Dealer In
Mrs. Earle Gilbert and Mrs. A. R.
McCandless drove up to Peru Tburst
day to attend the fnneral of Dr. Reed.
J. E. Renfrow, who has been work
ing with a bridge gang in Sherman
county, Nebr., returned home Monday.
David Frazier has been on the sick
list for several days but is able to be
out again, although be is quite weak
Dan Bennett and family returnd to
Belle Plain, Iowa, Monday, after a two
or three weeks' visit in Nemaha and
John S. McClaskey, state organizer
of the National Benevolent society, has
been in Nemaha several days in the
interest of the society
Epbralm Cooper, who baa been visit
log his brother, I. N. Cooper, for two
or three weeks, returned to the soldier's
home at Grand Island Tuesday.
Rev. D. M. Sayles, who has been
holding a series of meetings at the
Christian church in Nemaha, roturned
to his borne in Bethany. Nebr., Tues
day. Rev. Sayles Is a very interesting
speaker and won many f riends during
bis stay with us.
A branch of tbe National Bonovo
lent society has' been organized in Nes
maha. This society pays $40 per
month sick benefit, from 920 to $40 per
month accident beneUt, and death
benefit. See W. W, Sanders, local
agent for particulars.
Charley Howe got a letter Thursday
from his brother, E. A. Howe, who
moved to Weatberford, Oklahoma, a
few months ago. Ambrose writes
that they bad a 3-inch snow last Sat
urday night. This is worse weather
than we are having in Nebraska.
We hope that during the winter
months a company will be organized
for tbe manufacture of brick in Nemas
ha. We have fine clay, wood can be
bought cheap here, and there is no
reason why it would not bo a paying
investment and furnish employment
for a goodly number of men. Who
will make the move?
We suggest that the good people of
tbe Christian church build a parsonage
for tbeir psstor. In these times of
prosperity we believe this can be done
without any great sacrifice from any
one. Then we could have the pastor
living here. Tbe salary paid pastors
here is verv little and a parsonage
ought to be furnished free of rent.
The protracted meeting at tbe Christ
ian church closed Monday night. I Bitrhost market prico paid for Hides,
r . .... I
oevenieen memoers were added to tne I Lard. Tallow, etc,
church during tbe series of meetings,
which were conducted by Rev. D. M.
Sayles of Bethany, Nebr., assisted by
the pastor, Rev. J, W. Sapp of Brown
ville. Rev. Sayles and Rev. Sapp are! law,
both good revivalists. Much good was
accomplished by these meetings.
Afc , 7 1
Offices over PontoIUoo Build I eg,
Frank Weill's old stand.
On Monday of this week Wm. Aue
sold to Bernard Ottens ten acres of
land adjoining town. Tho conslderas
tion was 02,000. Tbe property is near
tbe southern limits of the corporaation
and formerly belonged to tbe Wm.
Daniels estate. It was bought about
a year ago by Fred Grable for $1,060
and Aue bought bis bargain from bim
for 910. A rise of 0600 in the value
of tbe tract in a year is not so bad.
Auburn Herald.
The ditching outfit has been doing
considerable ditching for F. E. Allen.
Ben T. Skeen and other parties owning vlnce you'
Our line of holiday goods is as com
plete as any you will see in the county
and we are willing to compare prices
That's fair, give us a chance to con-
land on the Nemaha bottom.
For Sale.inve hundred good burr
oak posts. Also stove wood by tbe
F, L. Woodward.
T. J. Rurabaugh was on the sick list
for a few days. Eddie Maxwell car
rled the mall for him Friday and Sats
urday and Elmer Rumbaugb Monday.
Pure Buff Orpington chickens, old
and young, for sale at right prices.
Stock scored by Hawes, Pedrick and
jGreen and nothing below 02 points.
Wrltetbo GazetteSplckard, Mo
Very Respectfully,
M. T. Hill.
At tbe regular meeting of tbe Nema
ha lodge, A. O. (J. W , Tuesday night,
tbe following officers were elected:
Jacob Handley, Master Workman.
Curtis Brown, Treasurer,
Ohos. F. Zook.Overaeer.
J. 0 Broady, Guide.
J. E. Crother, Financier.
R. 0. Bucher, Recorder.
A. R. McCandless, Receiver.
Wesley H. Clark, I. W.
Sam Littrell, O. W.
C. P. Barkor, Trustee.
Eight candidates were initiated.
The order is rapidly growing here.
Dr. F. B. Reed, one of tho oldest
physicians in the county, died Monday
evening, at the homo of his daughter,
Dr. Cap Graves, In Peru. The doctor
was 70 years old and has been in poor
health for some time. He located in
Peru in 1870. He leaves two children,
Dr. Can Reed Graves of Peru and
M. F. Reed of Centennial, Wyoming,
A whole page advertisement would
not convince you but a visit will that
we have a larger stock and lower prices
on Christmas goods than some of the
soscalled "Big 8tores." Price goods
at where you will, then compare with
Very Respectfully,
M.T. Hill.
Proprietors of tbe
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Bray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guarantied.
J. EJ. Grother
-in the-
Fight Will Be Bllter
Those who will persist In closing
their ears against the continual recoms
mendation of Dr. King's New Discov.
ery for Consumption, will have a long
and bitter fight with tbeir troubles, if
not ended earlier by fatal termination.
has to Bay: "Last fall my wife had S AO 6 liGpairing
every symptom of consumption., She TTawipetc RprjaillTlCJ
tnnk Dr. Klno'n Now Dlnnnvurv nfrr I
everything else had failed. Improve
ment came at once and four bottles ens
tirely cured her. Guaranteed by Keel
ing, Druggist. Price 50c, and 91.00.
Trial bottles free.
A Costly Mistake
Blunders are sometime very expensive
Occasionally life itsolf is the price of a
mistake, but you'll never be wrong If
you take Dr. King's New Life Pills for
Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver
or Bowel troubles. They are gentle
yet thorough, 25c, at Keeling Drug
MEN AND WOMEN in this coun
ty and adjoining territories, to repre
sent and advertise an old established
house of financial standing Salary to
men 321 weekly, to women 812 to $18
weekly with expenses advanced each
Monday by check diract from bead
quarters. Horse and buggy furnlslied
when necessary; position permanent
Address. Blew Bros. & Co.. Dent. A.
I Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111.
Hand Made Harness a Speoialty
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipesetc.
Phone calls rreveied ix i p,