r r VOLUME XL1X NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1904 NUMBER 10 rt y Local News Seo M T Hill for tire insurance 1). F. Jones and David Jones went to Bondloy, Nebr., Tuesday. W.T. Crane wont to Syracuse last Friday, returning Saturday. Mrs. Sherman May visited Auburn freinda last Friday and Saturday. Miss Rose Seabury went to Peru Thursday afternoon to visit friends. Large squashes for sale at 10 and 15 cents. Jake Shook Mtb. E. T3anks and her daughter Dora retuned from Humboldt Tuesday. Joe Bunger has the contract to build a houso 20 x 80 for Mr. King of Shu bert. Rapid progress ia now being made on V. P. Peabody's new house lu Nes maha. Mrs. Alice A. Minlck of Brownvllle visited Nemaha frieuds Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Arthur Shubert of ABpinwall precinct went to. Long Island, Kansas, Tuesday. Rev. M. S. Foutch preached a good sermon at the Methodist church Sun day night. VV. G. Maxwell has moved into the property he recently bought of J. J. Alexauder. Newton O. Jarvis returned home WpfinHfld&v from a week's visit to the St. Louis exposition. There is no cessation of the rain, as wn hud a hard rain Friday night and a shower Tuesday morning. Alf . B. Kinton is building a barn 40 x40 feet on his farm south of,Nemaba. Ed. Thomas is boss carpenter. Miss Elizabeth Hawxby went to York, Nebr., Thursday of last week, where she will teach this year. Mrs. Bunn of Orleans, Nebr., arrive ed in Nemaha last Saturday on a visit to her couBin, Mrs. David Frazier. Lester Russell shipped a car load of Apples to Sutton Wednesday night. He went with them and will sell them out. Misses Flossie Waterman and Min nie Barber of Auburn were tho guests of Miss May Kerker Sunday and Mon day. Mrs. Julia Frazier went to Frankton, Indiana, this week, going with t Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Alexander, to visit friends. Monday and Tuesday were uncomi fortably warm, and Wednesday was cool enough to necessitate a fire for comfort. Miss Marie Hoover went to Lincoln Tuesday, where she will visit awhile and then go to New York city to spend tbe winter. Marshall Webb. Harry Hoover and Art Shubert started for Ord, Nebr Tuesday on a Diluting trip. They oxs pect to be gone some time. Thoroughbred B. Plymouth Rock poultry for sale cheap if taken within ten days. W. W. Liebhart Some thieves stole 815 or $20 worth of chickens from Mrs. E. Banks Tues day night. They were nice chickens and Mrs. Banks feels very bad about her loss. Frank Gerlaw, tho farmerpoIitician of Douglas precinct, was in Nemaha Monday in tne interest or tbe move ment to straighten the channel of tho Nemaba river. V. P. Peabody haB let tho contract for putting a heating apparatus and water works in the house be is builds ing in Nemaha. It will be one of the most comfortable homes in the county G. R. Lindsoy has moved in the Ben Baldwin property. Ben Baldwin moved on the Seymour Howe farm tho first of the week, J. C. Chandler has moved in Mrs. Robo Gilbert's house in the south past of town. Rov. M.S. Foutch moved to Union. Nebr., this week, where ho will serve the Methodist church as pastor for the next yoar May success atteud hla ef forts. Marion Sold the first of tho week moved on the farm in Aspinwnll pre cinct where C. P. Barker has lived for several years. Marion has leased this farm. Rev. Geo. W. Ayers moved from Union to Brownvllle this weok. He will holdtsorvices ,noxt Sunday morn Ing at Brownvllle and in the evening at Nemaha. Services at the Methodist church will begin hereafter at 7:30; P. M. Sunday school at 10 A. M. Junior League at 3 P. M. Everybody is in vited to attend all these services. Mr, and Mrs, J. L. Dalby of Shubert and their daughter, Mrs. Tipton, of Albany, Mo., with her two children, drove up from Shubert Sunday and visited with friends for a few hours. Miss Helen Hoover iuvited a num ber of her f reinds to a party Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Minnie Scott I of Pawnee City who is visiting here. Those present spent an enjoyable evs ening. General Superintendent Byrum, Division Superintendent Rogers and other B & M dignitaries stopped off at Nemaha a short time Tuesday. They came through about one o'alock ou a special. The street fair and carnival at Shun bert last week was very successful, considering the weather. There was good entertainment both days and good crowds. The Nemaha people turned out well. Tbe republican central committee met at Auburn Saturday and elected Tnos. S. Horn chairman in place of Cbas. O. French, who resigned that position on account of being nominated for county attorney. Rev. D. B. Lake moves to Vesta this week, where be will be pastor of tbe Methodist church for the ensuing conference year. Tbe people of Yesta are to be eongratulated on securing the services of so able a preacher. The Advertiser extends congratutas Hons to our old friend Dr. B. F. Lo- rance and wife of Brock, on tbe birth of a son last Sunday. As the doctor has seven daughters and this is the first son his joy and pride may be im agined. The Auburn Herald last week at tacked the editor of the Granger, who Ib a candidate for state Benator. The two editors work together to defeat the republicans but havo no love for each other. We suppose both are telling tbe truth now. Miss Florence Minlck was one of tbe entertainers at Shubert street fair and carnival last week. Tbe Shubert Citl zen says: "Miss Minlck was here, and the appreciative audiences present list ened to her beautiful readings with greatest of pleasure." The Christian Sunday school will give a combination social at the Min ick ball Saturday night of this week, Box suppers will be sold and ice cream and cake and bean soup will be sorved. If you don't want to buy a box buy ice cream. If you don't like ice cream go and eat bean soup. If you like both so much tho better. Tho proceeds will be used in buying song books for the church. Good singing is a great help in church services, and to have good sineinc books are necessary, so we hope there will be a good attendance Mrs. Theo. Hill bus bought tho Weasels property, south of tho lumbor ynrd. Sho will movo tho house on tho front end of tho lot, build an addition nud make other improvements. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Alexander started Tuesday afternoon for Andorson, Inn diuna, whore they expect to make their future homo. Our citizens regrot that they have decided to leave us, but wish thorn long llfo and prosperity in their now homo. Miss Helen Hoovor went to Auburn Tuesday and thoro joined a party of friends and went to St. Louis to visit tho exposition. They expect to be gone about ton days. Miss Hoover will stop with ber uncle, John S. Fa vorite, while in St. Louis. George Druory, who has been work ing far John T. Webber, has shown symptoms of being unbalanced mens tally, and on Tuesday of last week was examined by the insanity board at Au burn and, adjudged to bo insane. He was taken to the asylum by Sheriff Ljwieuco. Chas. O. French made such a fav-. orable impression among the people iu his campaign two years ago that no other name was suggested at the re publican convention for county attor ney . He is one of the brightest youog attorneys of tho Nemaha county bar and will serve the people faithfully and well. PUBLIC SALE Desiring to move-away 1 will sell a public auction at my farm one mile weBt and 4 miles south of Nemaha and one half mile west and 2 miles north of Shubert on Wednesday. Oct. 12, 1004, the following property 8 head of horses, 0 head of cattle, 13 head of hogs and all farming Implements and house' hold goods. See bills. v v , A . T. Jones. Herbert R. Howe, nominee for res presentative on the republican ticket, is one the beat business men of Au burn. He did not want to toe a candi date as bejfelt be could not afford to neglect his business affairs, and only consented to do so when appealed to by many of tbe best business men of Auburn, as well as by republicans throughout the county. He is a popus ar young man and will recoive a big vote. A number of tbe frlendB of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Alexander cave them a pleaaant surprise last Friday night. They went in a body to tbe home Of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, and the sur prise was a complete one. as they bad gone to bed The evening was passed very pleasantly. Ice cream and cake had been taken by the party. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander appreciate very much tbe evidence of the friendship felt for them by tbe citizens of Nemaha. It has been rumored that George W. Cummlngs, republican nominee for county commissioner, would not accept the nomination. How this rumor, got started we do not know, but there is nothing In It. Mr. Cummlncs will ac- cepttheofilce if elected, and we have vrv mason to bolelve he will be. He has been attending tbe St. Louis ex position, but will be home in a few days and will then get out among the people. Whero he is known it will not be necessary to do any campaigning. Hon. V. P. Peabodv Is one of the very best men that could have been ee lected for representative. Even his political enemies admit hiB ability and his honestv. He did not seek the office, and only allowed his name to go before tbe convention at the earnest and repeated solicitation of his friends. Ho is a patriot, an old soldier who Buff ers from injuries received in the ser vice, and a good citizen. He is a scholar and a gentleman. Nemaha county may feel proud of being repros sonted in tbe legislature by V. P. Pea body. HAS Newand Beautiful Millinery At the Store for Bargains Gall and See Them Hon. EUIb E. Good made ono of the best working representative Nomaba county has had in the legislature In re cent years. Ho was appointed on ira portant committees and performed the work well. With tho experience gain ed at the last session ho will bo better qualified for doing effective work in the senate this winter. Mr. Lee Shubert and Miss Mattle Barnes were married, Wednesday Oc tober 5, 1004, at tho resldenco of tho bride's parents In tho west end of Nov maha precinct. Tho groom is tho son of H. W. Shubert and tho brldo Ib the daughter of Casner Barnes. They will go to housekeeping on the farm of H. W. Shubert one mile south of Bracken. May health, prosperity and happiness bo their portion through a long life. The following precinct ticket was nominated by the republicans at their primaries Sept, 24: Justtcos of the Peace W.W.8anders and H. T. Minlck. Constables W. G. Maxwell and Bonj. I. Colerick. Roud overseers Dlst. 82, C. L. Rub Dlst. 34, sell Dlst. 33, J. II. Sold. W. T. Russell. Dan. W. Maxwell and W. S. Russell were recommended as first choice and Walter Hadlock as second choice for judges of election, and S. O. Lawrence first choice and Elmer E. Allen as second choice for clerks of election. For 'real, genuine 'enterprise 1 the Omaha Bee lead the procession. It has just added new celor magazine features to The Sunday Bee which compare favorably with tbe best New York and Chicago papers. The euorn mnus expense involved in giving its readers the benefit of the latest ionos vatlons in artistic color press work may riot be fully understood, but it should be richly rewarded with greatly increased patronage. It is certainly gratifying to know that we have such an enterprising newspaper in the west and it must be equally gratifying to Tbe Bee to know that it is recognized aa tho only metropolitan paper publish ed iu this section. If you have not seen tbe new feature, buy a Bee next Sunday. Going to St. Joseph for the Races and Autumn Festival October 12 to 18? If you don't go you will missa great time. There will be something going on all the time during those four days. Tbe races of the St. Joseph Business Men's Driving Club at Lake Contrary driving rant win ue me principal ais traction during tho daytime, and there will be so much to Intorest you at night that you will be sorry the festivities do not last longer. All the railroads have announced re duced rates one and one-third fare for festival weeic, and all the attract ions in tho city, of whice tberb will be many, will be free to everybody. There will be some excellent races at Lake Contrary, to which tbe nominal admission of twentyfive centB will be charged. These will take place each afternoon. Everything else is to be right in the city, and nobody will be permitted to nay anything to witness tho events. FOR BALE ON SIX MONTHS TIME 05 head of Qno fat steers ready for the feed lot. Ono 2 year old mule.jweightlOOO lbs One yearling mule, weight 700 lbs. Ono three yeur old colt, weight 1300 lbs. The above stock Ib in fine condition and of the beat quality. Jno. S. Stull, Auburn, Neb. No Pity Shown. 'For years fato was after mo con tinually." writes F. A. Gulledge, Vorn bena, Ala. "1 had a terrible case of Piles, causing. 24 tumors. When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cured mo. Equally good for burns and all achfia and pains. Only 25o at Keeling's drug store. $7.75 to St, Louis andBoturn. The Burlington oilers tho abovo low rate for tickets good in coaches and ohalr cars (seats free). On sate Tuess days and ThursdiiyB during August and September. Seo me for full particulars. W.'E. Wiikeldon, Ticket Agent. Working Night and Day. Tho busiest and mlghtloBt little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weak ness into strength, liBtlcssness into energy, brainsfag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25o per box. Sold by Keeling's drug store. Old papers for sale at this ofllce. Night was Hor Torror. "I would cough nearly all night writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked u block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed, three $1 .00 bottles of Dr. King's. New Discovery wholly cured me, and I gained 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds,- LaQrippe Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung roubles. Price &Oo and SI. 00. Trial bottle free at Kerllng's drug store. DR. G. M. ANDEEWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - Nebraska PETER KERKER. Deals in ATS Highest market price paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc. STULL It HAWXBY ATTORNEYS LAW. REAIi 'ESTATE, COXIiKCTIONH OHIcoi ovor PoHloflleo Building, Frnnk NciU'h old Btnud, at AUBURN, NBUUA8KA KNAPP & SON Proprietor! of tbe Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA.fNEER. Gcod Dray in connection with Liver? Satisfaction guaranteed. J. KJ. Orottier -In the- PARIS BUILDING Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty