The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 30, 1904, Image 5

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    i. ,ulollL tlcu ul llll tlic jvlCIKS:,
jrangRS of tho United States may
been In the oraonery of tlio arl
sultural department, Washington.
It came from t'ahnl, Bruxll. Buds
"rora tbo Brazilian tree were grafted
ipun native plants, and as llieso
Jecdmo sturdy the department sent
(peclmens to Florida and California.
Girls dressed it, yauay red, black
tud white uniform are Belling butter
tud cheese in the streets of Berlin
lor a new company.
LcHHon Tor Women.
f Vtnrunv Iiiim Pn. Knnf-. '2(1 fSno.
:lti"l.) "Dodd'B Kidney Pills hnve done
fi'orldB of good for me." That's what
Mrs. 0. 13. Earnest of this place has
:o say of the Great American Kidney
"1 was laid up sick," Mrs. Earnest
:ontlnues, "and had not. been out of
bed for live weeks. Then I began to
use Dodd's Kidney Pills and now 1 am
w I can work and go to town without
Mifferlug any. 1 would not bo without
Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have good rea
son to praise them everywhere."
Women who suffer should learn a
lesson from this, and that lesson Is,
'"cure the kidneys with Dodd's Kidney
LMlls and your suffering will cease."
Woman's health depends almost entire
ly on her kidneys. Dodd's Kidney
Pills have never yet failed to make
healthy kidneys.
The electrngrapb is a new and in
ielephdne message and writes it
iown on a record to bo used in the
phonograph. This will prevent all
Sanger of misunderstanding, and, if
four telephone clerk Is absent, the
'.lectrograph will take the message
lor him. When you return tn your
nftlce, you can road off all tho mes
inges that arrived wbilo your olllco
rvas closed.
There ts more Onrarrn in this secttom of tn
lountnr than all other diseases put togethor, and
mttl tne hut few years was supposod to be In
turable. For a great many years doctors pro
louncod It a local dlseaso, and prescribed local
emndles. and by constantly falling to cure with
ocal treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science
aas proven catarrh to bo a constitutional dls
tase, and therefore requires constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Curo, manufactured by I-.
J. Chonoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Is the only con
(tltutlonal curo on tho market. It Is taken In
ternally In doses from 10 drops to a toaspoonful.
It acts directly on tho blood and mucous sur
lares of the system. They offer one hundred
aollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Pold by Druggist. 76c.
Hall's Family fills are tho bost
A cat conduktor, with a bell pur cb
on him, appears just az mutch a
:rlmlnal az a man with a ball and
chain on hlx legs.
Old Muggins sez he kontrakted
ho gout hi eating onions and drink
ing lager bar, and kured himself
tntlrelr ov tbo gout in ten days bi
dropping the onions.
Itemovei Tan, riniples.Fre rklca
mow iiucues, jiusn, ana ssil
uucasee, nnu every luoniiri
on uenuiy, am
Vli-Qcs detection. II
M fe iivS
zliaa stood tho teal
of 60 ycnr, and li
so harmless wt
uttu It to lie sun
It Is properly nmdo
Accept no counter
felt of similar
name. Dr. I.. A
Sayre wild to i
l.nly or tne haut
lion (a ran emi
I ''An you ladlci
'will u. -o tticm. I
'Gouraud's Cream
at the least harmful of nil the tkln nrenarntlons.'
For ala by all DniRglets anil Fancy Good Dealer)
m tlio U. 8., Crmailp.s. and Kurope.
fEFiD. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones St, II. t
A coquet lz a person who iz an
tlous to tnke the devil hi tho tail
A prude iz a person who iz wllilna
to tak thim hi the norns.
Two battles of Piso's Cure for Con-
sumption cured nie of a terrible cough.
FrcMl llerninnn, ".Ofl Box avenue, Buffalo,
N. Y Sept. 24, 1001.
1 luv a rooster for two thlrms; orm
'z fur the crow that iz In him, and
'iho cither lz for tho spurs that arc
n him to buk up the crow with.
Mrs. Windows SOOTHING SVKUP for chll
licii teotlilnt,', softens the RumR.ruduceH Itiflu
nntloii.allayb jmln cures colic I'rleu 25c bottle.
The man who isn't hunting after
nilshpf seli u n finds onny,
CURES catarrh of tho stomach.
lujA Beet CouKh byrup. Tustw, Uoud. Use f5i
Plennnnt Iuchlents Occnrrlnjc tlia
World Over Sayings that Are Cheer
ful to Old or Young Funny Selec
tions that You Will Knjoy.
"How much will you chnrge mo by
tho week?" asked the stylish young
man, stepping over the stile In front of
tlio rural boarding house. ,
Twenty dollars," responded tho
"You are rather steep. I might get
even by running away with your
"Gosh, stranger, if you promise to do
that, t'll only charge you Ave.
Depends on the Position.
Itaynor (giving it another shako) I
have often wondered why they call
these things "fountain" penB.
Shyne If you accidentally put one
of uhem upside down in your vent
pocket you'll find out. Chicago Trlln
Lesson Wni Useless.
Sunday School Teacher Lot's wilt
looked back, and turned to salt.
Tommy Yes, an even now many
men turn ter rubber.
Her lieuu.
Vera S. Kalrd Thieves seem to bo
active out this way.
Emo Onsay Yes, there was one in
our house last evening.
Vera S. Kalrd You don't say I Did,
no tase anything? 1
EQlo Onsay Oh, a few kisses. It
waB my Jack.
Strictly Unanimous.
Myrtllla I never encouraged your
brother, but he has proposed to me.
I am sure he hns no reason for want
ing mo to marry him.
Miranda No; he hasn't any reason
at all; that's what we said when he
told us about it
Stirred Them Up.
"You will admit that education haa
been a great thing for this communi
ty?" said the stranger.
'Til admit nothing of the kind," re
plied the mayor of Bacon Itldge. "Ono
of thorn posky school-teachers came
around here and told tho children the
earth was alwaya moving, and ever
since tho whole town has been sea
sick, by heckl"
Ilftiur the Handicap.
Gyer There goes a girl who is a
record breaker.
Myer A record breaker?
Gyer Yes. She lowered her record
ten years by manipulating the figures
in the family Bible.
.Resembled Her Mamma.
Singleton Mr. Enpeck, I love your
daughter, and have come to ask your
consent to our marriage.
Enpeck Take her and welcome, my
hoy; and may the good Lord have mer
cy on your soul.
It All Depends.
"Do you like popular songs?" askei
the pretty girl.
"No," x-eplied tho egotistical chap;
"not when anybody except myself
sings or whistles them." Chicago
ire Gave Hiinnclf Away,
Kind Old Gentleman (to beggar)
Too bad! too had! How long have you
been deaf and dumb?
Beggar (absently) About three
rears, sir.
Ono Comfort.
Tho poor man's got some things his way,
Altlio' the world may chaff
lie don't huvo folks to dodge each day
That want his photograph.
Pittsburg Tost.
ISnuy Money.
Strlngem I'll bet you ?10 that 1
can kick higher than the ceiling.
Nibbles I'll take that bet
Strlngem And I'll take tlio money,
The ceiling can't kick at all. Seo
L.affs S2J
Many women arc denied the
happiness of children through
derangement of the generative
organs. Mrs. Beyer advises
women to use Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Dab Mrs. PnnniAM: I Buffered
with stomach complaint for yoars. I
got so bad that I could not carry toy
children but fivo months, then would
have a miscarriage. Tho last time I
became pregnant, my husband gob mo
to talto Lyula E. Pmlclmm's vege
table Compound. Aftor taking tho
.first bottlo I was relieved of the sick
ncss of stomach, and began to feel bet
tcr in evory way. I continued its use
and was enabled to carry my baby to
maturity. I now have a nice baby
girl, and can work better than I ever
could before I am llko a new woman."
Mns. Fiuwk BETBn, 23 S. Second St,
Merldon, Conn. fSOOO forfeit If original of
about tetter proving genulnenett cannot be produced.
Don't hcsltato to write to Mrs.
Plnklmm. Sho will understand
your case nerf cotly, and will treat
you with Kindness. Her advice
is free, and tho address is Lynn,
Mass. No woman over rcfrrottoa
having written her, and sho has
helped thousands.
A. 0. Ono, A. M., IiL. B., Pres., Omaha.
Pnor. A. J. Lowar, Prlno. , m
Endorsed by First Nat'l
Dank and business mon.
310.000 In Roll Top Desks, Dank Fixtures and
0 Typewriters. Students can work for board.
scnd for freo catnlotruo. bound In alligator,
Inest over published by n Duslnoss College,
ttead ltt and you will uttend tho N. D. C.
v ...a riit&
W will pay $H5(ft00.00 In prlwi tothoM who can
WorM't rlr. TU. Fair opnd April 80,10m!, and will
iw,im irrwj'io, uunii juiTtnt pm ihttiuiiici w sii.mi,
ouuMr 91 ptopi woo win pay aamitaian auiin inaaniira rain
$85,500 IN GOLD
FIRST PRIZE $25,000.00
Our prise r th T.r olT.nd
in kaj eonieii, ana
T. th nerf ,t tlmtt.
1 H J. It IVI
roth third ntartit itlmiu , ,
Tth fourth eitlruaU ,
To the fifth nanrett ettlmita
To the tilth nereit ctlrmU
ro tli ut 10 eithuete,, I'JJO eech
. HI. IT1 Villi II.IU ... .NMM! ....,,,..,
.......... JW,VW.W
ener ucwuer la, ivu. ror e.cli e.noiaie we eeua yon teperele tner.i. end nunbered cer tincete with jeur eetimete thereop
'hecorrMpondlng couponeof theie cerllfletitee ere dpeelt4 et the time your eetlmetee ere made, end cen be hendled only be
'lieCoeouiltl.eon Awerdt, after
1 Certllule will eott 25 reel.
5 Uertlftcelee will coet , $ 1X30
12 Certlflcetot will cot,,, , 2.00
20 Cettlflcates will cott ,,,, 8 00
40 Certificate will cott , 6 00
100 Certificate will cott 12' 60
1000 Certificate, will cott 1B.00
Back certificate entttlea you t an ettltnata, Yeu can ettlmaU at often at you with.
ike out your certificate and tend them to yeu to be reUlned by
I OlPITlt 99,000.000. 6t. tooU. lie. liur JO. 103.
Thll certlBet that The World' Fair Ocntett Com.
psny, Incorporated, baa thla day dcpoaltod tilth thll
comnan S7fi.UUO.OU In cold for tha carmena
ui iuo owarue iu lie cunice,
cn tho total cald attend
ance at tho Loaldaua Vat
chais Expoiltlon. 1D04, and
that laid depoolt It held la
trait by tbli company to bs
paid by It to inch iuceetiful
xontcetftnte a tha committor
on awarda roar direct.
OCTOUKU 1BTII poelllvelyl.AHT MAY. Not a
TBtasunsa. 0
I 1 Mliionrl Truat Oo. I
U ol St. Looli.
. r"J' A " t H Jl'-?IAIN. Don't eubjeet yourtelf to a lifelong regret by falling to enter thle remarkable
eontut. Onlr a tmallamount Invettedln our ettlmat nr c.rt fleata. ma m..t. ih.i an .-.,!..., i.i..... i. . ....
t . w.u., 'w.. uuwvi v.i.-vic. ...we. i'uu i aviia per.onBi cuecaa.
THE YORLD'S FAIR CONTEST CO., Delmar and Adelaide Ares., ST. LOUIS, MO.
uuiuiilu lblll l,nt jiai, lion t forret that
W. L.
$3. BO
W?v.i4y w e-ry - i4M jk K
Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear.
Mri.llrookn llnonme So Wonk ShnThlnki
She "Would llnva JJlrd Hut Voe
Dr. "William iMnk I'llU.
Mrs. Sarah L. Brooks, of No. 45 Lin
coin Park, Chicago, Illinois, gives tho
following account of nor curo from dis
tressing spells of vomiting :
Tor live years off and on I was
treated in vain by different doctors for
relief from i Rtomaeh trouble which
showed itself in frequent nud trying
spells of vomiting. Part of tho tinio I
was able to work nud again I would be
confined to bod for throe or four days in
My stomach was at tlmos so dulioato
that it would not retain ovon plain water.
Tho spoils would sometimes occur at in
tervals of half an hour, and would leavo
ma so weak that I would bo compelled
to lio down botWQon thorn. I would
havo suyoral of them during tho night
following a day of such attacks. Finally
I bocamo so weakened that I had to givo
up working altogether. I welghod only
ninety-four pounds.
41 Last January I road about Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Palo People in ono
of the Chicago daily papors and bought
a box and began to uho them. After I
had used half n box I found that I could
koop ou my stomach the food In; 3. I
was encouraged by this mid kept on
using tho pills for four months. At tho
end of that tinio tho vomiting spells had
ceased altogether nud my weight went
up to 143 Kuuds and is still growing.
" I think I suroly would have dlod if
it had not boon for Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for I sometimes vomited olear
blood, and for threo or four duys at a
tinio I could not eat ii bito of anything.
jOno doctor said I had chrouio inflamma
fiou of tho stomach, and another said
my difllculty was a cancer, but nono of
their medicines did mo any good at all.
Tiiiully I concluded that I did not havo
.blood enough to digest my food and I
began tho treatment that has cured me.
I can eat anything now, nud havo
strength for all kinds of work. I always
keep Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ou hand,
and I recommond them to my friends
becauso I know they cured mo.
Dr.Williams'Pink Pills agrco with tho!
most dellcato stomaohs and strengthen
the digostivo orgaus uutil thoy do their
work porfectly. Thoy aro sold by nllj
Appendicitis caused tbo death of
six-year old chi moan zoo in tho
Pastour Institute, Paris
rt(mtU nreat to th ioUl ptl4 atUndane atth OrtatE. Louli
aUi DcmUr 1,1 K4. Th paid atUndaQo on opantnx dr wm
aunn( dunw 104,0, aannfUf lBKjioa, van jrU UUDIM Infl
SECOND PRIZE $10,000.00 THIRD PRIZE $5,000.00
en iviaea M iollowt;
Te the oeit 20 neeret t eetlmeUe, 1100 eich 9.000.00
Tatlienet60nerettcittaittae IWeeeh 2,600.00
i o ne n.i i iiai r.ii eiviKieiei, exo eern, , ,, Z.0UU.UU
Tatheneitl(iOiviereiteellnieUe,ll0euh 2.0U0.00
Totheette(inetrefte.tlDUte, Sh 2,WI.OO
Ta Ueneitl.OOUnnreetefllniette. II eech l.OlO.tO
SupplemeuUrr prliee 26,000.00
Rat en eeitmetewlll he eomtdered thet ti recelrel In ear offlr
It I ;M ITT A NOES. At toon at recited w. will ImoedlaUly
yeu until the fair It ever.
Ketnewlwr you are to ctllmate the number ef people who
will pay aduilitlon to the (rounda durliif the entire Kilr. Thll
duea net Ineludo any free nattre whateter. In order to lieln
yeae.tlmite, we will tttje that Uie total paid attendence at
i.nir.s. nnriu t,!!!, at ttie ran-Amerlcen u
putlti.n 6,100,818, and at the Omaha tx petition 1,771,230.
e can not touch thle prlio money. It le held by the
MlMotirlTruttCo, for no other purpote than to pay thrte prltea
. .wii vnv t.-uiiiiairo un iwirui uecure tne euccettrui con
tettante. Thle oouimlttee hae no lnt.t wh.tav.r In (h Mr.
U.t, and It wade up of prominent butlneta men who hae
creed to ewerd the jirliee, and your ettlmatet are turned oter
to thle committee before the fair cloaca, UturlLg uUolute fair-
! w every one inierettea.
nennr will be accented or an eatlmata eAnntoH after ,ti.t .4.
you nuttt enUr the eontett before that date or not at alL
ifto. srr cuAi?c for
Douulaa mahea entJ aeita mora men's
shoos than ttny other manufacturer
In tho world Tliere.ison V. I.. DouRlna 53.W olicwa nre Ilia
Rrentent nellet In tho world Ib Ik-ciiiiso of tlielr eicellent ntyle,
c;tKy tlitlnn nud superior wearing ("'illt!rs. If 1 could vhow
yull t no (uueruueu iHSLwrvu inn auuA a innuv in my ineiury itiui
those of other makca nnd tho liluli-Kmiln lcalhrra iiMd, you
tvould uiiueiMnini wiiy v. i iouuina sm iriiot'a com nioie
in iii.iU-h. whv titer hold their tlmne. lit ln-llpr. wciir lotiurr,
nnd me of greater IiiUIiihIu vnlut thnn any other fS.CO ilion
on the market lo-Juy, mid why tlio talus tor tlio jeur enuint!
iiw, wcro
$6,263, 40M0a
,. DourIak guarantees their value by elttinplnc hi name
prlcr on Hit) bottom. Uiok for It tuke no iiilisllliitc.
by alio ilealtrie everywhere. J'u$t Color .'lfM uird
Kuiiorltir In I'll, Comfort nntl AVur.
hurt irnrn V.II)niinlai I3.M thnn for Ihr lull ttcrlvr Vear
trirrnthxniuifitaitxiaeitmi. i nnu innn Munrtiur tnjii.coiruur
nnd itear to nfhtrt cotlMQtomfUM to f;,V0." .
H. Mrt'l'V, Htpt. Coll., Int. Jleeenue, !ir'-mond.'a,
W. I.. DimikIiih use Coronii CoIIhUIm In IiIh &3.50
BlKit'ri. Coronii Colt Ih concvdutl to Ijo tho llllONl
l'ntciit r.ontlior niadt). roa catai.ooup. oivino yni.i, instudctions
now to onnF.n ur tutu
IV. L. DOUGLA3, Brochton, MnaB,
Clothes waelilng by electricity, with
out swip, 1b tlio Idea of a Hungnrliin.
Wio Btreain of clcctrllled water ltt
lu lmcd to remove all sivoLg and dirt.
ud Uio three hundred garments hek
by tho machlno ore wished in Icbh
than liftcen minutes.
For sovcral years a record hns been
tept of tlio wear of locouiotlvo wheel
on tho Danish stato railways. Thtf
single drivers aro found to run better
than four-coupled, tlio latter better'
thnn six-coupled, nud in all cased
wear Is increased by fllmslucss of
Extinct pigmy elephants nnd hlppo-
taini have been found in (rcvcral lnrgal
elands of tlic Meditormnenn, remain
itoly discovered, seeming to bo thoso
of nn oleplrant hardly tiireo feet Jiigh.
Dwarfing of those animals appoars to
mvo come from a restriction of th
urea over which they could range.
A remarlcablo luminous meteor troll
Rceu at Madrid boa been reported by
.1. A. Perez. It continued vlslblo from
about 10 p. m. until midnight, tho
6'hapo gradually changing from an al
most closed curvo with a loop in It to
nn enlarged loop with a very faint de
tached portion of tho primary curvo.
A local study of rural depopulation
near Paris has becu inndo by Dr. A.
F. PHcque. Ho llnds that tho cause.
ncludo sanitary Ignorance lending to
high Infant mortality, migration of
foung people to towns, offecta of con-
Rcrlptlon, nnd alcoholism. Ills sug
gested remedy ono Unit promises suc
cess in Belgium is improved primary
nnd technical education, with special
efforts to culUvato n lovo of farm
Professor Borohcrs of Alx-la-Chnp-
ello is 6iild to huvo Invented a procctm
of obtaining tho mctul calcium by tho
nld of olectrolysla at a very low cost.
ko that it may play an important part
as nn Industrial metal. Calcium la
harder than load and lighter thnn alu
minum. Its specific gravity is only
1.C8. It can bo hammered into tho
leaf form, and possesses mnny char-
nctcrlsrtJca which may render it valu
able In tho arts, nlthough it oxidizes
It is reported In Potermann's Mlr
thollungen that Lako Shlrwa, discov
ered by Dr. Livingstone In 1809, south
east of Lako Nyassa In Central Afri
ca, hns entirely disappeared, with th
xjxecption of a few email ponds in it4
bed. In Llvlngstono'B day tlio laM
was about thirty miles long nnd front
ten to fifteen miles wide. At least ii
waa thus shown on the map. Lnk4
iNgaral, also discovered by Living
stone, has since disappeared. Tha
V.'au8o of tlio changes appears to be a
gradual drying up of bodies of watel
in Central Africa. It Is not a pvoncsi
of slltlnc un of tho bottom, like thai
which has recently affected tho shore
lino of tho Sea of Azof.
Old ago Is an infectious disease
which wo may expect soon to be treaty
cd by a preventive scrum, prolonging
life. Such wns tho view expressed '
tlio Into Paris lecture of Dr. Menchnl
lcoff. Senility, ho explained, Is pro
duced by certain physlologlcnl state
which cause tho "macrophages,"
which aro a beneficent species of mi
crobes, to Incrense too rapidly, when
they become injurious. These parasite
Jlourlsh in. tho largo intestine, which U
possessed by mammals, but is almost
completely Inciting In birds. The re
sult was Illustrated In tlio Doctor'!
own dog nnd parrot, tho former being
idccrepld at 18, whljo the latter wut
Tialo and lively at 70. Whllo the sc
rum Is being awaited, wo aro advised
'to cat curdled milk.
Count Okumn, a member of tho
nouso of Peers and n loading finan
cier, lias been called by his admirers
"tho grand old man of Japan," and
there aro mnny points of resemblance
between him and Gladstone.
A woman's Idea of making a room
ook'cosy Is to arrange tho chuirs that
'6u can't move In tho dark without
tailing over them.
tf. N. U.
- .JO