The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 02, 1904, Image 8

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    Notice for Hoaring Cluiina
In tnu county court of Neinnhi county, Nc-
111 tlU lllllttfl Of tllO CNtltlU ot Hci-moiii'
Howe, deceased,
Notice l herchy ulven Unit tho court Iiiih
made nn order liniltliiK the time for oicdlt
oiHliflto ChlllllM HUllOJt Mild deceased to nIx
months lnm tlm :iit ilny ol AiikiihI, llwl mill
tlmt AimiiHt n7. November lt, l!K)l, iiml Fobiu
ury lit, lflos, at It) o'clock a. in. ol each ilny. Mt
I ho olllcu of tlio county Jiitlu f Nemaha
counlv, Nolo. Mi . In Aubui n, Nebraska, Iiiih
been flxcil by I no court as the tune mid
nlaco wiioii "'Hi where nil icoiih who lnivo
chitnm iiml ilcinaodH iiiuiIiihI sulil decerned
can have 'ho nuioc examined, adjusted anil
allowed, ami all cIiiIiiih not prenented l the
Inst mentioned dato will bo lorcver barred,
bv an order of tho court.
Dated .Inly 18. IWU.
,1. a. MtCAUTY, County Judo
Notico for Hoaring CluimB
In the county court of Noinnha county, Neb,
,n tlic matter of tin; cHtato of David Carroll,
Notico In hereby jjlven that the court Iiiih
made nil order lliiillltiir tho tlmo for creditors
to ttle claltiiH OKaliiHt Maid deceased to
itionllw iroin tbe?.'lrd day of August, Idtfl, and
Unit August 21 and November 23, IW)I, and
February 5M, IIH., at It) o'clock a. in. of each
ilny, at thooillce of tho county Judge of Nemu.
lin county, Nebraska, In Auburn, Nebraska,
lias been fixed bv the court an the time and
jilaco when and win In nil perstniH who have
claims ami ilemaiuiH against said deceased
can have the same examined, adjusted anil
allowed, and all claims not preHented by tlio
hist mentioned dato will be forever barred, by
an order of the court.
Dated July 1H, UK) I.
.1. H. McGAItrY, County .Indue.
Notice for Hearing Claims.
In tho county court ol Noninha county, Nelir.
In the matter ol tho Kstalo of Chrlhtophor
Nelck, deceased.
Notice Is hereby ulven that the court has
made an order limiting tho time for creditors
to tlio clnlma auiiliiNt said deceased to six
months from tlio Hist ilny of August, IllfJI,
and that August 31 and December I,
and March 2, 1005, at ton o'clock a in. of each
day at tho olllco of the county Judgo of Ne
maha county, Nebraska, In Auburn, Nebras
ka, Ims been ilxod bv tbu court an tho times
and place when and where all persons who
liavo claims and demands against Haiti de
ceased can havothoKnmo examined, adjust
ed and allowed, and all claims not presented
by tho last mentioned dato will bo furever
barred, by an order of tho court.
Dated July 23. lt)OI.
J, H, .McCahty, County J mine.
JTemaha, Nebr,
t. tTuHuph
TinHH City
ulL Liiilco City
t.LouiH and nil
I'ointH ICiiMtuiid
San .PVunoiHoo
AjjcI all XJointH
No. 07 I'assoimor, dally oxcoptSun
day, for 'recumsoh, Iloatrloo,
HoldrcKO and all points west l):IO a m
No. OS PasseiiKor, dally oxcopt Sun
day, for Nebraska City, UIiIciiko
and all points north and east 1:00 p ni
No, 110 Local freight, dally oxcopt
Sunday, lor At chiton and Inter
mcdlaiu Htntlons 7:00 p in
No. 112 Local Ireleht, dally except
Monday, for Nebruska Cliy nod
Intermediate stations 2:00 a in
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
neatH freoj on through trains. TlckotH Nold
and buuuujo chocked to any point In tho
United States or Cunada.
For Information, iiinpH, time tableland
tickoUcalt on or write to W. 15. Wheoldon,
nent, or J. Francis, Uoucral l'assoiiKer
Agout, Omahn, Neb.
Thouaand9 Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it.
now To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
tion of the kld-
V neys; if It slain3
your linen it Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass it or pain in
the h.mlt li nice
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every cart
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
io now waicr ana scaiaing pain In passing
it, Or bad effects following use. nf llnnnr
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many tlme3
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swnmp-Koot is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most dlntrftsslnrf
If you need a medicine you should have the
sesi. ioia oy aruggists in 50c. andSl. sizes
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderlul discovery
and a book that tells
more about It, both sent
absolutely free by mall,
address Dr. Kilmpi- Xi tr.,... c..., ,,.
- - w iiuiiiu ui un (&4iir,tmil.
Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men
Hon reading this generous offer In this paper
Trade Marks
CopvniQHTs Ac.
Anyono Bonding n nkotcli ami dCMcrlntlon may
niilnltlv nsrnrtnlii our onlnlnn fruo wlietlier hii
liivoiUlon ts probably piitontiililo. Coiniuiiiilcn-
lions Htrlctlyconlldontliil. HANDBOOK on Patents
Buutiron. IIIH081 iiL'oiicy lortiocuruii; imionm.
I'utQutH taKou tlirouKb JMunn & Co. receive
tpteial notice, without cluiru-o, lu tlio
Scientific flinciicaii.
A hnndsomoly llhiHtratod weekly. I.HrBest clr
ciilntlon of any Bcloiitluo jouriiid. Torina, f3 a
year: four months, 1 1. Sold byall newsitenlorii.
MUNN &Co.36,D'oadwa New York
Uraucb Offlco, 025 V tiU WashUwM, V. C.
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. V. Sandkhh & Son, Prop's.
For PrcsldenU-
For VIuo-l'reHldent
For United States Senator
For Presidential IJIcctora
A. C. AilllOTT
M. A. ItllOWN
For Governor
For Lieut. Governor
ForSec'y of State
For Auditor
For TronHiirer
For Superintendent
For Attorney (loneral
For Land Commissioner
Clmrley Clnrk'H baby has boon very
ulck lor Huvoral dnya.
Take tlio wagonotto when in Aus
bunt if you want to no to any part of
the city. John McElh.inoy prop.
Eddlo Yacklv aaya lie hasn't been i
a lltit uvoti if ho does carry a blue
oye. Ho got In tlio way of a ball while
playing bitHu ball.
Miss Lizzie 0 II aria came in from
uburn Thursday afternoon to visit
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. 15.
benvonor, for a low days.
W. II, Linn, tho Auburn dentist, will
make his regular visit to Nemaha next
Monday, piepared to do all kinds of
dental work. OMioe at hotel.
I havo an acre of cabbage marketable
early in September. Price low, deliv
ered or in Hold. Drop mo a card if in
terested. A. Huoii, iShtibert. Neb.
Miles W. Knapp hits sold his resin
deuce property in Nemaha to C. P.
Barker, who will move to Nemaha in
a short time. Mr. Knapp lias not yet
fully decided what ho will do, but will
probably build. lie does not intend to
leave Nemaha.
Judge Kelllgar has decided that tho
state board of equalization iias no r gh
to raise tho assessed valuation of Ns-
malm county property live per cent.
Recently Church IIowo and others
brought suit for an Injunction restrains
ing'the county clerk from adding this
live per cent Increase, and the case was
tried before Judge Kelligar last week
with the above result. It will bo cars
ried to tlio supremo court.
Olevoland's Blighting Endorsement
Mr. Cleveland has endorsed the nom
ination of Judge Parkor, but ho has
done it in such a way as to justify tho
Judge in praying to bo saved from
such friends. Instead of rejoicing
that Mr. Parker's election would rid
tho country of imperialism, reduce tho
army, queuch tho war-liko spirit which
the president lias engendered and ro"
niovo tlio race question from politics,
Mr. Cleveland insults tho loyai demos
crats by talking about a leturn to"san
ity," and enlarges upon thoJudgo's tol
egrnm. Mr. Cleveland seems more
anxious to turn the campaign into a
vindication of himself than to con
tribute toward Judge Parker's election.
W. J. Bryan in tho Commoner.
How's his?
Wo oiler Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for
any case of fatarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHKNKV A CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho underslnuod, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last lfl years, and bellevo him
perfectly honorablo In all business tiuusac
llons and llnanclally alio to earry out tuiy
obligations tnado by Ills tlrm., Kinna.n a Makvin,
Wholesalo DruBKlstH. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally,
notliH; ditrectly upon the blood and mucous
Hurlaces of tho system, Testimonials sent
Ireo. Prlco If, cents per bottle. Sold by all
Tuke Halt's Family Pills for constipation.
Hank Barker's and J. E. Itentfrow'a
joys have a driving tenm that excitea
the admiration and envy of all the
children in town. They Dave two
doga which they have trninod to drive
riiey have a sot of harness and a small
wagon, to which the dogs are hitched,
either doublo or tandem, ns they will
drivo either way and pull one of tlio
boys. The (loirs are medium sized and
are well matched in color and size.
Eesolutions of Condolence
Whereas, God in his inliuite wisdom
has seen lit to remove the infantfson of
our beloved brother and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Earle Gilbert, therefore be it
Resolved, that Iiena Uebekah lodgo
No. 1(10, extend to them our sincere
sympathy and regret , and commend
them to llim who said "Of such is the
kingdom of heaven."
Resolved, that a copy of theso resos
lutions bo given to tho bereaved famsiD
ily, a copy bo bpread on the minutes f
tho lodge, and that they be published
in Tbo Advertiser.
Annus C. Maxwkll,
C. E. Sandeus,
If you wan; lire insurance, either
in old lino or mutual companies, call
on W. W. Sanders.
rho groat presidential campaign is
now well under way, and everyone is ey and wife of Colony, accompanied
interested in tho events which will Mrs Kelloy of St Joseph, Missouri;
cur during tho fnext three months A G Shockey and wife of Kineaid;
Now is tho time to subscribe for a
dajly paper. The Lincoln Daily Star
will bo (sent until Nov. 15 for only HO
cents. Tbo Daily Star is easily tho
greatest and best evening paper in No"
braska. It is thoroughly interesting
in every department. Tho Star pub
lishes all tho news all the. time four
editions daily. Send us your name and
50 cents and "Do it Now." Address
I Daily Star, Lincoln, Nebr.
Visit tho Old Polks.
Ono faro pius $2 for tho round trip
to u great many ..points in Ohio, Ins
(liana and Kentucky. Tickets on sale
September 0, 1:5, '20, 2" and October 11
Good via St. Louis and for stopovt-r at
the great exposition. Final limit thir
tvdavs. See me for full particulars or
write to L. W. Wakoley, General Pass
enger Agent, Omaha.
W. 15. Wiikkldon, Ticket Agent.
Night was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night,"
writes Mrs. Chas. Applegato, of Alex-1
andria, Ind., "and could hardly got any
sleep. I had consumption so bad that J
if 1 walked a block I would cough
frightfully and spit blood, hue when!
all other medicines failed, three $1 00 .
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery I
wholly cured mo, and I gained 58
pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed
to euro Coughs, Colds, La Grippe
Bronchitis and nil Throat and Lung
roti'iles. Price 50c and SLC0.
bottle freo at Kocling's drug storo.
Brutally Tortured-
A case came to light that for per
sistent and unmerciful torture has
perhaps never been equalled, .joo Golo
biclc. of Colusa, Oal., writes: "For 15
years 1 endured insuffViablo pain from
RheuTnatism and nothing relieved me,
though I tried everything known. I
camo across Electric Bitters, and it's
the greatest medicine on earth for that
trouble. A few bottles of it complete
ly rolioved and cured mo." Just as
good for Liver and Kidney Troubles
and general debility. Only 50c. Sat
isfaction guaranteed bj Keeling, drug
Riat. K0D0L digests what y
K0D0L c'eanses, purifies, strengthens
ana swccicns ine siomacn.
K0D0L cures indigestion, dyspepsia, and
all stomach and bowel troubles.
K0D0L Accelerates the action of the gas-
trie glands and gives tone to tho
digestive organs.
K0D0L reevcs an overworked stomach
. of all nervous strain gives to
the heart a full, free and untrammeled
action, nourishes the nervous system and
feeds the brain.
K0D0L ,s ne wonderful remedy that la
. making so many sick people well
and weak people strong by giving to their
bodies all of the nourishment that is con
tained in the food they eat.
Dottles only, SI, 00 Size holding 2M times the trtal
size, which sells for 50c.
frfpirei only by E. C. DtWlTT CO., CUICAOO.
The homo of S. M. KHso was tho
scene of a happy family reunion Sun
day. Tho occasion was in honor of
J. E. Tldrow, who lately returned
from tho Philippine service, and all
the family was together for tho llrst
lime in nineteen years.
The day was spent most happily by
tho family in a social way, and a boun
tiful dinner served that all agreed was
cooked exactly the way mother used to
After dinner the family repaired to
Walrad's studio where a group conn
slating of Mrs. Kliso and her nine
children was taken. Afterward Mr.
Walrad went to the home on West
First street and made a photograph of
the ntiro group ot thirtythreo per
Bona. There wero prosent: Mr. and Mrs.
E Klise, Mr and Mrs M
A Wood-
ward and children of Nemaha, Nes
braska; Win P Tldrow of Peru, Nebr;
Mrs Fannie Yackloy of Nemaha, Ne
braska; J M Tldrow and three child
ren of Kansas City, Missouri; Mr and
Mrs Love West and live children, Gar
nett; J E Tidrow, Giunett; Mr and
Mrs F M Tidrow and child, Lawrence;
Mrs Lulu Heck with, Kansas City, Mo;
and Aithur Tidrow of Gamett, all of
the immediate family.
Thote were also present: Mid Shock-
Archio Lingo, wife and daughter ot
They all departed for their homes
either Sunday or Monday except F M
Tidr-w, who remains for tho week.
Mrs. Kliso was tho recipient of a
memento of the occasion in the shape
of a refrigerator from her daughters
and a Davenport from the sons, and
hor words of thanks will always ho re
membered by the girls and boys of the
family. Garnett (Kas.) Journal.
Will Onro Consumption
A A Ilorren of Finch, Ark.
writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is the
best preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble. I knowthat it has cur
ed consumption in the llrst stage.
M T Hill.
One feature that has made the Lins
coin Daily Star deservedly popular is
tho great Saturday Star, prepared es
pecially for Sunday reading. It cons
tains from 12 to 24 pages. Tho great
campaign serial, "The Grafters," thas
just commenced. You can have the
Daily Star sent you until Nov. 15,
which includes tho big Saturday paper,
fer only 50 cents. Send us your order
today. Address. Daily Star, Lincoln
Working Night aud Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. These pills change weak
uess into strength, listlessuess into
energy, brainsfag into mental power.
They're wonderful in building up the
health. Only 25c per box. Sold by
Keeling's drug store.
Robbed tho Cravo
A startling incident is narrated bj
JoliuOlivor of Philadelphia, as follows
"I was in an awful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite, growing weak
er day by day. Three physicians had
given mo up. Then 1 was advised to
take Electric Bitters; to my great joy
tho that bottle made a decided im
provoniPtit. 1 continued their use for
I three weeks, and am now a well man,
1 know they robbed tho grave of
another victim." No one should fall
to try them,
Only 50c, guaranteed at
Keeling's drug store.
Cures Golds; Prevents Pneumonia
W.M. CAMPUKLL.Il'res. F, E. ALL UN, Vlce-1'ro
ULM13R K. ALLEN, Cashier.
Capital Stock, $5,000
Srudy the child and discover where
tho greatest interest lies, aaye Mrr.
Theodore Birna, Honorary president
of tho national congress of mothers,
discussing tho choice of occupation in
the September Delineator, Mrs.
Starcoy very warmly advocates a kind
of natural selection which is indicated
in tho trend of the child's play. It
is suggested, and with reason, that a
cuild's toya and favorite pursuits are a a
sure index to his vocation. The plan
is founded on child-study, and as tho
author says, if parents gave to the
carelul 6ttidy of their children one.
halt the earnest thought that they be
alow on matters of compuratively no
Importance we should see far fewer
ro tnd pegs in square holes, and vice
No Pity Shown,
"For years fate was after mo con
tinually." writes F. A. Gulledge, Ver
bena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of
Piles, causing 24 tumors. When all
failed Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured
me. Equally good for burns and all
achas and pains. Only 25c at Keeling'a
drug store
Report of the Condition of the
Charter No. C.32
Of Nomaha, in thoH'ato of Nebrn'lca, at tho
closoof business Annum :3 liioi.
Loans and discounts 52!4Pfl (17
Ovcnirafts, so -nred and uns cu ed l;i" i t
Hankltn; liouso.lui .ilturo an xi'iucs 114' W
Current expenses and taxes pal 1 245 3
Dun from iiMi",1. state mi private
bankand bank 'is 1tl'"5 11
To. al cash on uund UT'J
Total 8)91l)t 81
Cnpltnl stock paid In ?"on i 0
N..r,uus fund 100)
Undivided prolix ...i 80
Individual donosl isunjoii 1 1 check .'WTc1.'? Ul
. 'inuiid c r Mlcates f a posit I o
Tlmo cer initiates of de iosIi 1 "0 OJ
Toti.l 3! 193 SI
State of Nobraska, i
County of Nemaha,
I, Elmer K. Allen, cashier of tho above
named bulk, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is c irrecf. and a true copy
of tho report mado to tho state liuiililii
ELM Kit E. ALLEN, Cashier.
A ttct
Wat. Campiikm., 1 ni..
F. F., Director..
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
29 h day of August, 11M4
W W SANDEUS, Notary Public.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
Thedford's Black-Dratifjht comes
Huuiur rouiaunp me enuro system
and keeping the body in health than
any other medicine made. It is
always ready in any emergency to
treat ailments that are frnuentin
any family, such ns indigestion,
biliousness, colds, diarrhoea, and
stomach aches.
l-i! JV i ' i
Thedford's Black-Draught is tho
standard, never-failing remedy for
stomach, bowel, liver and kidney
troubles. It is a curo for tho domes
tic ills which so freouentlv summon
the doctor. It is as good for children
as it is for grown persons. A dose of
tlm medicine every day will &oon
curo tho most obstinate case of dys
pepsia or constipation, and when
taken as directed brings quick relief.
Danville, III., I)co. 23, ltXK.
Thodford's Wack-DraiiKht hns been our
family doctor tor nvo years and wo want
no other. Whun any of us feel badly wo
tako a doso and aro nil rlplit In twolvo
hours. Wo havo spont lots of money for
doctor bills, but not aloiitf just us well
with Ulack-brnuBht. 1UA n i,AUKK,
Ask your dealer for a packaRO of
Thedford's Black-Draught and tf ho
does not kocp It send 25c. to Tho Chatta
nooga Modlcino Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
and a package will bo mailed to you.