The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 02, 1904, Image 7

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CltlTISIl CONHOTj acts rem Tin:
Onlcrn Work to Stop Crulsnr Atiol1
ii u (I tho DnMroyar Tliuo
1,1 Mlt KxplrcH Without
WASHINGTON, Consul Genera!
8ood now at Shanghai cabled the
state department that the Chinese
taotui of Shanghai, through the
British consul, has odered that tho
repairs to the Russian cruiser Askold
and the torpedo boat destroyer
Urozvoi bo stopped. Tho order waa
made through tho British consul bo
txiuso of tho fact that repairs were
bolng made by tho British Dock
aompany at Shanghai.
Acting Secretary of State Ado
has cabled Minister Conger at Pek
ing a request that the report as soon
as possible the facts concerning the
situation at Shanghai. A similar
request has also been addressed to
Consul General Goodnow at Shang
hai, and Consul Genctal Fowler at
Uhee Foo. Although no admission
on that point is yet obtainable, it
is beliCTCd that instructions hare
neither boon sent or will be sent to
Hoar Admiral Stirling to co-operate
with the minister and tho consuls
in the protection of American in
terests in tho treaty ports.
SHANGHAI. The iinal time limit
allowed by the taotai of Shanghai
for the Rusisan cruiser Askold and
the torpedo boat destroyer Groozvoi
to disarm has passed without com
pliance with his order.
A meeting of tho foreign consuls
was held this afternoon, but tho
Russian consul general M. KlcimeolT,
was absent and no delinito course
of action was decided upon.
Tho taotai has requested Sir Pel
ham Warreu. the British consul gen
eral, to order that the .repairs of the
Askold be stopped. Tnc British
consul general has taken no action
us yet.
Thero is a Japanese lleer outside
ttio harbor awaiting developements.
A visit to tho Askold shows that
her hull is not in condition to go to
sea. Tho ropalrs on the Russian
cruiser's boilers and funnels have
been rushed, but the replacing of
damaged plates in her hull has been
pursued in a desultory mariner.
In view of the circumstances
existing here certain prominent
American llrms made a request upon
American Consul General Goodnow
for the protection of cargo and
wharves near the Askold. This re
quest was forwarded by Mr. Good
now to Rear Admiral Stirling, in
command of the American tleet
there, who has tho matter UDder
No uneasiness is felt by the foreign
residents of Shanghai, but the Chin
ese aro excited.
Storm Wrought Great Damage.
ST. PAUL, Minn. Two million
live hundred thousand is a summary
of the damage wrought by Satur
day's tornado in various sections of
Minnesota. In addition to the
fatally injured nearly two hundred
persons sustained injuries of a minor
character. The city government
had a forco of .'100 men at work cear
ing the streets of the vast amount
of debi ts with which they had been
strewn: gangs of linemen were at
work repairing damage to electric
wires and the wholesale houses had
their empdoyes removing goods and
making temporary repairs to their
buildings and warehouses.
The municipality through the de
struction of bridges, school build
ings, parks, and other public prop
erty, sulTered the greatest loss, its
damage approximating a million
dollars. The other losses, involving
nearly 200 business linns and indi
vidual range from iBoO.OOO in the
case of Finch, Young & McConviile,
wholesale dry goods, clown to a few
dollars for the hreakago of window
glass and the tearing away of awn
ings. In Minneapolis, where the work
of clearing away the wreckago and
repairing the damage done had pre
ceeded rapidly, the exent of the In
Jury done Is not so great as at first,
reported. The largest individua'
loser was Donaldson's glass block, ar
immense department storo. Til,
loss to building and stuck is esti
mated at 8100,000.
man iMi'oinrr.i) to nuw ionic
roil that l'lmrosu.
Youth lui.KiMiinry 'of Murrirrou HhihI
of Countrymen, mid lofomiii
tlou (JIyoii Pollen cituso of
lilt Murder, '
NEW YOKK.-Sasatorc Bossoto
eighteen years old was shot to death
in his father's restaurant in Park
street bv Carlo Rossati thlrty-livo
years old today because he had dis
closed to tho police secrets of cho
"Black Hand." Tho father was
knocked down and choked into in-;
sensibility by tho slayer who thou
ran down tho street followed by a
great mob. Italians to tho number
of ono thousand later attacked the
Elizabeth street police Btation hurlod1
missiles at the police and prisoner
hurting two detectives and one po
liceman. They would havo torn the
murderer limb from limb had it not
been for tho arrival of tho rcservd
pollco from two station houses who
were forced to use clubs ajd lists
and threaten to shoot.
According to the police tho murder,
was deliberately planned by an or
ganized gang and this is alleged to
hare sent to Toronto for Rossati
who arrived hero. After his arrival
ho was seen about Mulberry Bend
with Italians and because of his
stature attracted attention.
Bossoto Is an enemy of these or
ganized gangs and his son inherited
tho fathers opposition to the law
less element of thoir countrymen.
When not studying music young
Bossoto helped tho restaurant.
Grants More Time.
SHANGHAI. - In view of the fact
that the Chinese ministry of foreign
affairs has given the Russian war
ships now Hero four more days in
which to make repairs the situation
is believed to havo become inuro
Tho stuto departmout lias beerl
advised that thewai wu pu (Chinesd
Foreign otlice) has extended tho
time for repairs on tho Russian ships
in Shanghai to noon August 28. ,
There was a conference at tho
navy department netweon Mr. Akee
the acting secretary or state and Miv
Darling, the acting secretary of tho1
navy, regarding the situation at
Shanghai. Mr. Adce lias same adi
vices from Rear Admiral Stirling,
who sunder orders to report every
developement to tho department,
After his conference the announce-i
rnent was made that Admiral Ster
ling would delay his departure to
Manilla bay where ho was due Sep
tember 1 for the purpose of holding
the regular autumn target practice
of the Asiatic fleet. How long tho
conditions of ailaim at Shanghai'
will necessitate the preenco of
American warships hero is quite un
certain, and in consequence the navy
department can fix no date now for
the taigt practice.
Pierre May Lose Capital.
LEAD, S. D. There is much spec
illation in this city in respect to tho
real motive of the Black Hills Blade,
the new weekly paper that was es
tablished in this city several weeks
ago. It was llrst announced that tie
financial backing came from W. R.
Hearst, but the past few issues havo
been very strongly in favor of
Mitchell for tho capital and the
opinion is generally held now that
it is Mitchell money backing tho en
terprise. The paper carries no ad
vertising and is circulated Treely
among the voters of the Black Hills.
M. L. Fox is here from the eastern
part of the state, and Is supposed tr
be contributing largely to tho edi
torial colums of the papor.
Wait Bad News.
ST. PHTESBURG. With all Rus
sia hanging breathlessly on the fate
of Port Arthur oven such a national
event as the chlrstening of the
czarevitch is robbed of much of tho
prominence which would otherwise
bo accorded it, and St. Petersburg
is dim and silent, with no sign ol
festivity. Although tho fairy-like
grounds c.f Peterhof aro gay with
Hags and decorations in readiness
for the celebration, and though the
great palace is tilled with distin
guished guests, the scene rcsomhles
more ono of eighty international
conference than that of a gather
ing of merrymakers.
The capital is lllled with sinister
rumors of Port Arthur's desperate
straits The superstitious an.
predicting the fall of tho fortress on
tho day of the baptism of the czarevitch.
I'oklo .Semi tho Nairn, Wlilnh J
I'nrtly Coullrnidl ,!iuBiiene
Army Creeping (Jlonnr
on tlio FortreM,
TOKIO. Five steamers and two
dorpedo boat destroyers emerged
from Port Arthur and begun the
work of clearing away tloating
mines. At twenty minutes past six
in the oveulng a two funneled tor
pedo boat dotroycr struck a mine
two miles off Liaott promontory and
sunk immediately. Five minutes
later a second destroyer with four
funnels ran against another tloating
mlno which exploded. This second
vessel was at once surrounded by
other Russian ships and towed into
port, the entire flotinna accompany
ing her. These occurrences were
seen from various Japanese watch
towers. Tlio Japanese cruiser Hnshl
date also witnessed tho explosion.
The action of the Russians In at
tempting to learn the channel ot
mines indicated the intention of the
Meet again to sally from L'ort Arthur.
CHE FOO.-Golden Hill, White
Marble and Liauti mountain, accord
ing to Chinese advices, dated tho
night of A igust 22, aro now the only
malu forts securely hold by the Rus
sians at Port Arthur. Othois are
occupied by them, but they are sub
jected to an artillery lire which ren
ders their tenure uncertain. Fort
No. 5, which has frequently neon
reported taken by the Japanese and
re-taken by tho Russians, is again
declared to be in the hands ot the
A rumor having some points in
dicating authenticity, says the new
European section or Port Arthur is
in flames. Owing to the mud and
brick construction of the buildings,
however, it is probable that the lire
is not general.
It is said that the Japanese are
using guns taken from the harbor
defenses of Kobe, Nagasaki and
Yokohama. Theso guns, number
ing ;10C, are of heavy calibre.
Name Smoot's Man
SALT LAKH CITY, Utah. -After
A bitter all-day light John C. Cutter
of Salt Lake, was nominated for
governor by the republican stato con
vention on tho second ballot. The
tight for tho governorship was a
threo cornered one between Gov. M
M. Wells, now serving his second
term in that olllce; James II. Ham
mond, present secretary of state,
and John C. Cutler, a prominent
merchant of Salt Lake, and absorbed
the attention of the delegates to
tho exclusion cf tho rest of the
ticket. Mr. Hammond withdrew
alter the lirst ballot stood, Cutler
2;); Wells 221.
Trains are Badly stalled
moving east two hundred and lifty
miles, to detour by way of Now
Mexico, the westbound overland
Santa Fe trains that were stalled
in Arizona for several days owing
to washouts have met another ob
struction at this end. During a
heavy rain at large washout occur red
at Isleta thirteen miles south of
hero on tho El Paso branch of tho
Santa Fe rairJoad. Five of tho Ari
zona storm bound trains arrived in
Albuquerque from Solliiimn iind
Ashfurk. They wore to go to Cali
fornia ny way of Doming on the
Southren Pad lie. Tho Cuthbert
Canadian party which left Seligman
witn suxeen cars at 2 o'clock missed
the fresli damage safely. Another
train was started toward Doming at
4 p. m.. but half an hnur nftor nn.
ountored a washout uearlv three
lundred feet long.
Whole Country in a Panic.
Asuncion is indescribable. Foreign
ers in all parts of Paraguay are un
3er tho protection of diplomatic
Preparations for hostilities and
negotiations looking to tho settle
ment of the question is between the
revolutionists and tho government
ure proceeding simultaneously. Tho
belief is growing that the govern
ment must yiejd.
Arivlrpfl nt St, Pntorslnirc Toll of Two
I)ny KlBlitlnj; AVIth-out
Drclnlvu KcMilt Drulul
of pcuun iiinvitutt'ii t
weeks' interval the Japaneso haVo
resumed their advance against Gen
eral Kuropatkln's positions. The
opposing armies aro in contact east
and south of Lino Yang and light
ing has been In progress since Wed
nesday. Tho advices at hand arc
too meagro to enablo tne ofllolals to
form a correct opinion as to whether
It will result in a general engage
ment, but tho extent and charaotor
of tho Japanese movement loads to
that conclusion. Slnco the rains
ceased a week ago thero havu been
continued intimations that Gcuoral
Kuropatklu, was about to assume
tile olTcrisivo, but instead of that It
was tho Japaneso who attacked tho
Russian; commander's eastern aud
southern positions. A Japanese
column .'10,000 strong was reported
on Tuesday to be marching up the
right bank of tho Liao river, which
would snem to Indicate that three
Japaneso armies aro cooperating in
enveloping threo sides of Liao Yang.
From the meagro accounts received
it appears that General Kurokl se
lected Tantziapudzy as the point for
his attempt to drive tho wedgo into
Kuropatkln's outer defenses at An
plng and Llandianslan, which are
situated, respectively, ten miles
northwest and southwest of Tant
ziapudzy, tho latter being on the
Llanne river, eight miles above tho
confluence of tho TaitsG river,
whence a mountain ridgo tuns west
ward. The Ituss declares it. Is in a posi
tion to stato authorltively that there
is not the slightest foundation for
the report that Italy lias suggested
to France an oiler of her good olllces
on beiialf of Russia.
An inspection of the cruiser Askold
proves, according to tho Kuss that
tho drainage is irreparable aud she
is forced to disarm, thus closing
one phase of the incident. Pro
tection of tho cruiser now devolves
upon China and incidentally upon
the neutral powers having warships
at Shanghai. The papers add the
warning :
'This protection must bo olTcctivc,
as another broach of neutrality on
the part of Japanese will forco Rus
sia to regard China as a belligerent
and thus change tho whole aspect
of all'airs in the far cast."
Fire Raging in Oil Fields.
CROWSLEY, La. Tho biggest
lire in tho history of tho mammoth
oil field is raging. Morse well No.
K carno in, a boiling gushor, pouring
out a volume of oil at the rate of
ten thousand barrels a day. The lire
caught from a spark emanating
from friction and rapidly spread to
other wells. Four oil tanks, each
of a capacity of 1,200 barrels, caught
and burned. Four standard rigs,
tho proporty of the Morse oinpany,
were also distroyed. During the
afternoon the fire vvas confined to
tho Morse wells No. 7 and No. 8.
Large lakes of oil, which had formed
when the Mo'.so No. 8 came in,
caught lire. Eight lines of steam
pipes havo been laid to the burning
wells and more aro being prepared.
The loss Is now placed at more than
Jumps From Eads Bridge.
ST. LOUIS A man supposed
from papers found in a coat left
lying on the bridgo to bo Frank
MeCorrniek, of Winterhaven, Flu.,
committed suicide by leaping from
the Eads bridge into tho Mississippi
river. A watchman saw the man
climb to tho railing, but not in
time to prevent him jumping.
Strikers are Restrainded.
LOS ANGKLIOS.-Judge Wellborr.
of tho United States circuit court,
has made permanent the temporary
injunction Issued several weeks ago
restraining the striking bollcrmakors
of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
railway at The Needles and Bakers
Held from interfering with tho oper
ations of tho company's simps at
those points. A number of strikers
of San Bernardino who were sum
moned before the court to answer to
a charge of contempt of court wore-acqultted.
The old settlor's picnic at Union
vas well attonded.
A flour parade will bo ono of tho
'caturcs of tho fraternnl picnic at
i'alls City.
Du Bols was visited by u heavy
(Uin. Tho showor was needed, and
jorn was greatly bcnoiltted. Small
;raln is giving a good yield.
Miss Mary Staack, tho girl who
was burned so seriously at Syracuso
y tho cpxloslon of a coal oil can,
Bed and her funeral was held at
Robert rarslcy, a lad of 13 was
lirown from his liorso near Ohadron
tnd his Jaw was broken. lie Is also
iiistaincd serious injuries to his
Now that tho thirty days have cx
lrod for parties to have tho prefor
mco right to adjoining land, lilllngs
lndcr tho Klnkald bill aro rushing
The crop conditions at Wlsnor aro
Uite favorable. Small grain, with
ho exception of wheat, Is making a(
mod yield. Corn is doing well, bub!
vlll need four weeks of good weather
0 make a matured crop.
Phil Garvey's lino barn near Rusli
'lllc was burned totho ground and,
wo horses and a buggy wore con
lumed. The loss Is about $1,000
villi no insurance.
Mrs. J. L. Pinkorton died at tho
esidenco of her son, George A.,
Pinkorton, at Chadron, after an
ipcratinn. llor husband had ro
;urned to his ranch at Mullen, aftor
ihe operation and was not present
vlien deatli came.
'I ho Otoe County rI eachors' lnstl
aito at Nebraska City closed la?t
veek. One hundred and twenty-iivo
.eachors wore in attendance during
ihe session, and It has boon tho
nost successful Institute ever held
n that country.
The complaints rlpo over tho stito
is to tlie tiring of corn aro not cor
ohorated in Cuming county. Con
ddorablo rain has fallen during tho
ast three days and corn is looking
veil; never better. F.irmors
Jirougiiout tho country aro well
ileased with tho prospect.
Tho mercury went down to !(! do
rreoB at Llnwood Monday night.
A'heat is not turning out as well as
vas expected. Oats aro good. Ryo
s fair, l'otatoes arc tho best over
aised. Haying will bo about all
ompletod this week, except tho
.lilrd cutting of alfalfa, which is
George Gunein, a prominent resi
lont of Julian claims to have been
obbed in Nebraska City. Ho says ho
vent to sleep in tho Missouri Pad lio
passenger station while waiting for a
.rain to take him home. When ho
vakoned he discovered he had been
ouehed for a live-dollar bill and a
Few dollars in silver. Ho had to
jorrow money to return home.
Wm. Armstrong was thrown from
1 buggy In a runaway and the hnrso
Tell on top of him, breaking his leg.
Mr. Armstrong is a mall clerk on'
tho B. and M. running from Omaha
to Denver, and was home at Green
wood for a few days. He is In a
serious condition arid tho leg may
tiave to be amputated.
MKs Mary Kamm, of Nebraska
1iy aged loity-slx years, who uu
Jerwent a surgical operation at tho
tiospltal died two days after tho
jperatlon. She was a most cstlrna
olo lady and held in high esteem by
ill. She was the oldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kamm,
pioneer settlors of this country.
In r he justice court at Seward
John l. Groeggors was bound over
to tho November term of tho dis
trict ;ourt In tho sum of 8500,
:harged witli impersonating an
Dlllcer. Defendant is the young man
,vho tried to gain access to funds ot
:he Tarnora bank, by claiming to bo
i bank examiner. His purpose is
supposed to have been robbery. At
tho time lie entered tho bank he
wore false whiskers.
Drs. Houston and Wiser havo leased
tho entire Lindoll hotel building
which has recently been thoroughly
overhauled and remodeled through
out, and have established what will
be known as Mercy hospital. Any
physician can have access to the
hospital for his patlonts. Tho sani
tary conditions and equipment will
bo the very best. It 13 at com
mcndablo enterprise aud ono Falls
City has long needed.