The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 02, 1904, Image 3

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Donn'n Kidney IMIJh Hroimht Strcncth
ami Health to the Su Merer, Milking
Mm 1'cel Twenty-live Yearn Yoiumcr.
.1. H. Corton,
farmer and lum
berman, of Dim
pe, N. C say a:
"I suffered for
year with my
back. It was so
tin (I that I could
not walk any
distance nor
'even ride in easy
buggy. 1 do not
believe 1 could
have raised ten
pounds of
weight from the
"ground, the pain was so severe. This
was my condition when I began using
Moan's Kidney Pills. They quickly
relieved me and now I am nevor trou
bled as I was, My back is strong and
I can walk or ride n long distance and
feel Just as strong as I did twenty live
years ago. I think so much of Doan's
Kidney Pills that I have given a sup
ply of the remedy to some of my neigh
bors and they have also found good
results. If you can sift anything from
this rambling note thxt will be of any
fjervicv to you. or to any one suffering
from kidney trouble, you are at liberty
to do so."
A FRISK 'PHIAL. Address Foster
Mllburn Co.. Huffalo. N. Y. For sale
by ii P d'viiora: nrW'o r0 immiN
Mrs. Scribbler (Impressively)
"Whatever you do, never marry a
newspaper man."
School Chum"-Why not?"
"I married one, and I know.
Every night my husband brings
home a big bundle or newspapers
from all over the country, and they
most drive mc craxy.
"Tina newspapers?"
'Indeed they do. They are just
crammed with the most astonishing
bargains, in stores a thousand tulles
In large manufacturing establish
ments buttons on shoes and on gar
ments are no longer sewed on by
hand. Tho work is done by a ma
chine capable of sewing f,.'IOO buttons
on garments In nine hcurs. Tills Is
equal to the work of about eight
expert sewers. A hoy or girl can
run the machine.
David Rankin of Toklo Mo. raises
more corn on his farm than is raised
In tho States of Nevada, Wyoming,
Montana. Idaho, Arizona, Washing
ton, Utah. Oregon and Rhodo Island
combined. He feeds all of it to his
cattle and has to buy largo quanti
ties from his neighbors.
7S S3.50 & $3 SHOES S
$5.00 and $4.00 Custom Bench Work in all
THE niUM VjllrtUt. ULftinLHO,
$2.50 Police, Three Soles. $2.50 and
iUU VVORnllluMtn D uba I in IHL WUHIU.
$2.50, $2.00 and $1.75 Boys, for
Dress and School Wear.
"W. Ti. Doiifclfirt tiiukcH unit elli more mon'n unit f3.00 kIiochUiuii any otlmr mimii
fucturor In tho world. Th renson they nro
the greatest sellers I?, they aru mtulo of tbo bent
leathers, hold their slmxttt better, wear louder,
unit huvu mora vnhio Uimi any other shoes.
W.L. Doualns cuarantoos tlielr viiluo by stamp.
UK Ii 1m niuno and price on tho bottom. Look for
it - tnku no sulMtltiita. Sold by sho dealer
everywhere J'ast Color Kyiieta uml ezcluuvtly.
Heretofore I have been wearing $7.00
shoes. I purchased a pair of LU. L.. uougias
S3. SO shoes, which I have worn every day for
four months. Thev are so satisfactory I do not
Intend to return to the more expensive shoes."
XVM. C.RJtTT IZNOWLES, Jlsst. City Solicitor, Phlta.
Brockton Leads tho Mon'o Shoe Fashions of tho World.
W. Ii. Douglas uncis Corona Cnllsklu In I Send for Catalog alvlng full In
Ills $a.r.(OiiiM. Corona Colt Is ronreileil strurtions hnw to order by mall.
to ho the llnest Patent Leather made. I W. L. noughts, Brockton, Mass.
r aw -
II k A I- I VII XK WM'ltVi'C IlK I
W Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. 1
Where soods of Sweet William,
hollvhock, larkspurs, and similar
plants aro ripe, sow thorn in at once,
to give youug plants for next years
(lowering. Seeds sown In the spring
will not give plants that will llowcr
the same reason.
Do not delay longer In rogard to
geranium cuttings lor winter. They
ought to havo been taken before
this IT otto wants flowers beforo
Christmas. Rut cuttings taken now
will make lino young plants for
blooming later In tho winter.
Tho maiden hair fern, common
In many parts of the countri in
shady woids, boars transplanting
well. It Is a lovely fern, and for
use In bouquets and other flower
work, Is Indispensable Transplant
thsrn In the fall, but before tho fol
iage decays.
August Is au excellent tlmo in
which to sow seeds in the open
ground f ir next springs plants. The
soil should rich and light and pul
verised with great care, because the
soods aro so tiny and the youug
shoots not vory strong. They arc
not apt to work their way out from
under pebbles or hard clods as other
plants can.
A shadow clock has been Invented
by l'rof. llerth of Lynn, Mass. liy
means of an ingeniously constructed
lamp, an optical representation of
a small clock Is thrown on the ceil
ing, and the shadow keeps perfect
Professional divers, beforo sub
merging themselves, take deep In
spirations fur about Urn minutes.
Uio object Is to stoie up oxygen, not
In tho lung cells, but In tho blood
corpusclos. Tins renders a tempor
ary suspension of the breathing
possible by supplying the corpusclse
wltn an extra quantity of oxygen.
it is nard woric for the average
citizen to ketch a pound trout, and
guess within S ounces ov his aktual
atj a garden party rresn rruits,
strawberries, cherries, etc., should
be served with cakes ices, sand
witccs and salads. Hot and cold tea
with iced lemonade and a delicious
fruit punch make the most deliuht
ful drinks to serve. The refreshment
may be served from the veranda or
under an a.vning on tho lawn.
Mon make live dollars a day in tho
forests of Western Washington, peel
ing cascara bark. It sells for eight
cents a pound and is used medi
cinally. One pound of dry baric
makes enough liquid extract to sell
i for two dollars at whiles tie.
Whero the Ross Made a Mlstako
A senior of one of our large, manu
facturing concerns cumc through tho
storo recently and noticed a boy sit
ting on a counter, swinging his legs
and whistling merrily Tho senior
eyed him severely ns ho confronted
him and inquired
"Is that all you havo to do?
"Yes, sir"
"Very well; report to tho cashier
and tell him to pay you off Wo don't
need beys llko you around here"
"Rut, sir," said tho astonished
boy, "I don't work for you I havo
just bought some goods and am
waiting for tho bill" Louisville
Ketttuoky Matt'n Duty.
Jnmboree, Ky., Aug. 2J). (Special.)
After suffering for years with pain
in the back Mr. .1. M. Coleman, a well
known of tills place, lias found
a complete euro in Dodd'H Kidney IMlls.
Knowing how Kcnurai UiIh UIhohho la
nil over the country, Mr. Coletimn
fools it Ih bin duty to make his experi
ence public for the benellt of other
"1 want to recommend Dodd's Kid
ney Tills to everybody who lmti puin
In' the back," Mr. Coleman says. "I
suffered for years with my bnck. I
used Dodd's Kidney IMlls and I havo
not felt a pain since. My little girl,
too, complained of her back and sho
used about half a box of Dodd's Kid
ney Pills and she Is sound and well."
itackaehe Is Kidney Ache. Dodd's
Kidney IMlls ore h sure cure for all
Kidney Aches, including Uhcumatlsm.
Kice Is an Important food in Cuba.
All classes rich and poor cat It.
Among the country people who sel
dom eat wheat bread rice Is vertlably
tho "staff of lire." It is eaten at
evory meal and no ono knows bettor
than the Cuban housewife Its varied
and acceptable uses.
A. C. Ono, A, M., LI.. 11.. Pros., Omaha.
Prtnii'. A. .T. I.rmnv. Trlun
Unrfor.mxl hv First. Nnt'l &
liuttk and btiMlncsH inun.
$10,000 in noHTon Desks. Hank Fixtures nml
no Typewriters. Students can work for board.
Send for frco cnliiloxtio. bound In ullleiUor,
llnest ever published ly a Husltioss ColletfO.
Komi It, and you will attend tho N. Ii. 0.
ItflinoTi Tn, I'linpled.Frroklci If...,. I CM,
..IWt. . HtUir.i J.MBll, mill blUIQ
auensei, ami evrry uiojnifi
lenrmletpctlou. II
m.i utooil the tcu
of t0 yearn, mid ll
go liir llllOB "
tuoto It to he Ktirl
Accept no counter
felt of I mil tv I
inun-. Dr. I.. A)
Sarr mtil to
li'lr of tho Imii.
ton (n lmtlciit),
'As you lft a lei
will tito lliein, 1
r o o o in m o n 1
'Qouraud's Cream
n the lciut harmful of nil thn BVln preimmtloiii.
Tor ealo by all DrtiRiilnl- nmt Kunoy OooiU lelert
In tho II. B., Canaius. nnd Knroo.
FERQ. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Ote.t Jones St, H.
w PI
Makes One-half Barrel of Medicine or
Lice Killer.
One-half Million of Pint Cans Given Away.
nt or Nio JiCHicucrit to 'rccrr
Distinctive Nntnrnl Kcnttiren.
In developing the new cliaractcr of
Vest Point. It has txjen the aim of tho
eslgncrp, both of Uio
lan and of the buildings, to proacrvo
ic natural featured which give to tho
tte an extreme distinction of land-
cape. To ukc their own language,
icy week to make tho architectural
tyle "harinonlf.e with the majority of
he existing buildings, prolong rather
hnn revolutionize the spirit of iho
lace that has grown up through many
cucratloiiB, emphasize rather than an-
tiBonlzo the picturesque natural sur-
Tiundlngs of rockH, cliffs, mountains
ind forests, and be capable of execn
Jon at the smallest cost consiKtcirt
vltli tlio monuinenttil importance of
3io work." As to the last considera
tion, the stylo chosen peculiarly moots
'.he requirements of economy, for it
idaprs Itself most flexibly to occltftinjc
ondltlons of site, whereas, in a rnoro
ormal style, the site has very lsrely
lo be adapted to be architecture.
rhu ground plan blends the pictur
esque Irregularity called for by land
icape condltlonu f exceptional wlld-
aess with the formality of logical ro-
ittlonH among detached groupB ot
Milldlngs that monumentally make a
omplote eiiHemble. Hence there 1 u
jysUan of roads that follow the topo
t; rap hi fal contours In natural luiea.
Inking the easiest grades and most
ronvenient routes to the points sought.
Kaln, among the Individual hulldlngn
nd separating the several structural
(roups, there are long, Htralght ave
nues, symtutitrlcal ami formal
jpon spaces. From tlieso the visitor
will enjoy a succohsIoh of splcudltl
ristas and stately effects of monunien-'
tal arch nocture, the sltea so studied
in to show each odilleo at lis best.
Landlord Charles V. Ueed of tho
Orange House at Orange Is the owner
Of a big St. Kernard dog that Is mak
ing himself exceedingly useful about
the house, and earning, besides his
keeping, a place in the annals of dog
dom seldom accorded a rcprcscntatlvo
of the cnnlne race, says the llostou
( I lobe.
Mr. Heed has had constructed a ma-
chlno of the trea hull! pattern, In
which the dog has been taught to
work. This machine Is attached to a
Bhaft which can he connected by be! id
The process of making: Liquid Koal requires three days. The process of reduction requires 350 degrees of heat.
It is a compound embracing every germicide, antiseptic, and dosinfoctant found in coal, treated chemically -with an alkaline baao
until every objectionable feature is eliminated, being non-poisonous and harmless.
LIQUID KOAL is a combination of Creasol, Guiacol, and Kalium. LIQUID KOAL is a black oily liquid.
Sells for sixty cents a pint, one dollar a quart, throo dollars per gallon.
You may have a pint free without
any expense to you whatever if you
will cut out the coupon in this adver
tisement and mall it to the National
Jdcdical Company at Sheldon, Iowa.
LIQUID KOAL cures and prevents
hog cholera, chicken cholera, pink
eye, black leg, and all the germ dis
eases of animals, because It Is a germ
killer and goes into the stomach, into
the bowels, and into the blood, and
wherever tho blood goes. It per
meates the entire system of an ani
mal through the medium of circula
tion, arid denudes tho system of every
disease germ.
We are giving three hundred thou
sand dollars worth of it for adver
tising purposes and to prove to farm
ers and stock raisets what it will do.
LIQUID KOAL has been tested for
the past live years in the largest lahora
toties of this country, arid Germany,
and In many of the experimental
Wo have proved beyond a question
of doubt before tho greatest experts
or tho country, that itdestioys germs
of diseases common to all domestic
animals, and therehy cures diseases.
Worms, intestinal and skin parasites,
ticks lice, Insects, and vermin suck
tho life bio id and sap the vitality of
domostio animals and f wis until tho
annual losses to fatmejs and stock
raisers reach enormous footing.
Tho farmer and stock raiser who
would Increase his hank account,
must, ot necessity wagon continuous
warfnro against these robber worms,
parasite, vermin, and Insects.
Tho most effective and inexpensive
totnedy for all these is Liquid Koal.
'Liquid Koil neutralizes tho acid
condition of the system which is a
condition favorable for the produc
tion of worms causing such diseases
as hog cholera, anthrax, chicken
cholera, etc.
Liquid Koal Is in general use by
physicians and veteiinary surgeons
throughout Europo and Ameiica em
bracing a wider range of uses than
any preparation on tho market.
If you need Liquid JCoal and have
never used it please send us the cou
pon below. We will then send you an
ortlor on your dealer for a sixty cent
can and wlllpav your dealer ourselves
for it. It will cost you nothing.
It will cost your dealer nothing.
You are not otligated to us in anv
way If you accept this offer, wo will
not ask you to buy any after you have
given It a trial. All we want is a
chance to prove to you what it will
If you want to know the result
from giving Liquid Koal to a sick matter what thocausoof tho
sickness is, send us the coupon today.
If you want special export advice
regarding your stock tnat is sick
send us full description of the symp
toms and also ten cents in postage.
You will also be entitled to the thirty-two
page hook on the germ dis
eases of animals.
Liquid Koal Is the Best and Cheapest
Worm Killer Known to Science
A list of the diseases that Liquid Koal
riofc Cholera
l.ung Worm
Bwtuo riagnii
Imestlniil Worms
Hlack Uk
CoriiKtalk niftpe
Abortion lti Cowd
IMnk live
Foot Hot
1 lintf Fttrtr
InUamuiHtlon of tfto
Texri Fever Catarrh
Poll Kvtl Knrcy
Chicken Uliolcru Mutie
Itoup llotK
ThrtiHh KoourH
Luek-jiiw Nuitl (licet
llllnd dtncKcrs SorateliUH
Liquid Konl Acts ns au Appetizer
and Vitnllzer
No disease germ can escape it, that
is tho reason it cures for when the
germ is destroyed the disease Is gone.
Two Things to Remember
Use Liquid Koal to destroy tho par
asites on tho Inside.
Use Liquid KoaJ to destroy the par
asites on tho outside.
Parasites exist and thrive only at
tho expense of live animal tissue.
One I liousnnd Dollars Deposited in
the Union linnk at Sheldon, Iowa,
to be Olven to Anyone Who
Finds Any of These Tes
timonials Not Gen
uine. Smith Cfltitor, Kan., July 5, 1003.
National Medical Co., York. Nobr.
Unntli'iriPii : -Have iisod your Liquid Koal for a
curt) of cliiilcrii In Ims nd 1 lmu not found its
oijual. I trid fifty Im-hiI f hops and tlv out of
fifty I was sure would dip, hut hy this use of your
Coal brought them out u. K. nnd t.uvo not nuou
botlierod with oholcnt or any other wii( plunufi
since. Thcreforo can gay to the gwlne breeders of
Smith County and alo poultry raiser that It hus
no equal You can purchamt this valunblo inudi
clno of Walker A Son. of Smith (Vntsr, who can
not tnirenreont thh valuable medicine to jou.
Your Fraternally.
P. S. I live Rt tho proent time iPventy-stx
hfud of bout nnd nlgi tlmt are dotnic Que and I
believe If It had not been for the tw of th 1,1'juld
Konl 1 wuuld have 1cm t one-half or probably nil
of thorn. J. p.
O. A- btund. Prop.
Grower of choice Nur.wry Stcck
Mimfeii, Nehr., I)ao. D, 1902
National Medical Co.. York. Nebr.
About twe ww!r mo many of the farmers
3ronid hr tout wry heavily by hog olioiera. I
o not wult to write you a Ion;; tUtu-rlng ut
mcHt nbout vmir randloln but will av that 1
bouUt n iu:irt UfJi of'Uquld Koal and ih hn-
irovninriit wan ho ntiirkeil that I bought n ruIIoo
can uml tHfd It with tho rusuli that my Udh all
recovered nnd I did not losr- one. My herd of
over -ttO arm lino condition and you may put
inc. down us o nstaut umt of hlijuld Koal.
(i. A. .Strand.
Doc. IWI2.
W the iind'TSiKtii' d st'x-k raisers and farmnri
Kladly testify to the niTlts of l.ltiuld Koal man
ufactured by the Natlo nal Mrdlnal ('o., of Hhel
doll, Iowa and York, l Nebraska. We have used
tlib jiroduct with unit fyinc sucecsn uml advlM
all to gle It u trial. It Klioiild be on every furrt
In Nebraska.
Kiifiis Keary. Ilee. Neb,
(ieo. MtlU, life. Neb
i hns Suhall, Staplfhiirst, Nb.
(ieo. Kiinrrberuer. Seward, Nob.
.1. It. Keary, IIpo. Neb.
W. PluRliaupt. .Staplehurt. Neb.
K. L'. Meyer. Staplehursl Nob.
.1. Itlniicberuer, Sr. (irrmantown, Noh
Hloomlleld, Neb., Ilco. 18, lilO'J.
I have sold Liquid Koal for a vear now and
never havo found nn urtielo that uive mic.Ii unl
venal Rattsfaetton ns Mquld Koal doe. I can
safely gay that I have not one dissatlillrd mu
turner. 1 honestly think tbut If every funnel
would use It there wo dd be verv lit;;.- h,u iocr
In the country. ll U. Mundeloh.
Waiihii, Neb., I).e. 12, UCJ
I have been usIiik I. K. as and Insect destroy!
and flml it all you claim for it. Would reoom
mend It to nil. 1 will keep it on the place all tut
time. Yours, Sam Gross.
It Is a positive preventative of contagious
Cut Out This Coupon
For it may not appear again. Pill out tho
blanks and mall to tho National Modlunl
Co., Sheldon, Iowa
My Nave.
Kind ofHtock.
1 havo never tried Liquid Koal but U you
will supply me with ft sixty cent can freo I
will give It a trial.
Give full nam and address nnd write nlainl
Sond this ooupon today. II you detlm
thirty-two page book on (lie germ d iseases
animals and Kpeolal expert advtcn regardln
Hit) dUeues that a rt eot your own stock inu
ten cents in postaya with this coup on tocovu
cost of mallliiK and eipewso to us.
ine oivu oijiqpw Koal jh to ini lurnlshed
yon without expren or freight eha rf to you
to a grindstone, a meat chopper and
an Ice cream freezer.
Tho dog likes the work, and will
take his place in tho machine volun
tarily when he sees that things nn lu
readiness for his period of lahor.
When his stint is done, the knives
Hharpcnod, the hash made up and tho
dally supply of ice cream properly
frozen, his stipend is a generous al
lowance of meat, and words of pralsa
which he seems to fully understand
and accepts with a joyful wag of hla
The dog Is not yet two yours old, hut
weighs ahout 140 pounds, and Ills
muster expects thut with increasing
age und consequent lncroaso In avoir
dupois and wisdom, his scope of use
fulness will be considerably broadened
and his value us au attache to the roa-
tauraut kitchen Inllated beyond ordi
nary comprehension.
This Indudtrious dog lias been named
Chief or tho Sky Suruporn.
The Turk Row building in New
York is the tallest Inhabited bulldlnd
hi Die world. It covers 1G,000 srjuaru
feet of ground and Is thirty storlos
high. The distance from tho curbing
to the cornice is li'M feet, to the top
of tho towers, tiOO feet, to tho top o
the llagstalT, 447; the depth of tho
foundations bolow curbing Is seveuty
live feet, making a total distance from
tho foundations to the top of the Hag
staff 552 feet
Some D.000 tons of eteel was used In
tho frame, tho weight of tho struc
ture is liO.OOO tons, and with the live
load it Is ostltnated to be 05,000 tous.
Tho building stands ao firm Unit u
plumblluo fulls to show the slightest
tremor, even during Ue hlghost gules.
The number of ofllces In Uio build
ing is &"0, windows 2,180, doors 1,770,
electric lights T.HOO, tenants 3,500. By
uctual count the ten elevator cura
truvel ntxtoen miles an hour and carry
iu ten hours S,H0 passengers. It la
mild that ono of tho car starters knows
each tenant and clerk und the Uooi
tmd room In which each is located. Tho
cost of the building was $3,500,000,
und tho runtals ouch year aro
000. The sxpena&a, including Interest,
aro $281,320, and the surplus is $30,
765. Tho humiliation of losing your
taeth is not all; think of tho terror of
having them pulled 1