Notice for Iloaring ClaimB In tho county court of Norniilui county, Ncli. In the imater of tho untitle of Hcyinour Howe ,lileeoiiNCl. Nottco Ih hereby ulvon that, the court hnn mode nti order limiting the tliiiu for credit orH b fllo claims nimltiHt said d!ceHnd to Mx mouthy from tho '."At tiny or Auiim, lout hiiiI Hint AumiHtlrt. November III, HhU, unit Febru ary 2t, 1006, nl 10 o'clock u. in. ot ench day, at tho oltlco of tho county Judo f Nemiilni county, NuhtHRK , In Auburn, Nebraska, has been fixed by trio court us tho union and lilaeo when mid whore hII ptTtoiiM wio have claims and deliiaiidH allium mild decefHcd tin ImvoMie hiiiiic examined, iidjunted and id lowed, and all clnlinn not presented b the I nut mentioned date will he lorever burred, by ah order of the court. Dated .luly 18, 1904. .1. !t. MoUAUTY, County .Indo Notico for Hoaring Claims In the county court of Nomnha county, Neb. ,n the mutter of the chIiiIo of David Carroll, deceased. Notice Is hereby (riven that tho court Iiun imide an order lltnltlnu the t lino tor ered tor to file claim alumni kuIiI deceiiNed to lx moiilliR iroiu the?3rd day of AunuKt, ltu'4, ano tint Auguxt nnd November 23, 1001, and February 21. ltK., ut 10 o'clock a. in. of each dny, at tiinofnco of the county Judiio of Nemn ha county, Nebraska, In Auburn, Nebraska, him been llxed v the court rh the tlmon and place when nnd while nil perpotm who have chiliiiN and dcnandH aualiiKt kuIiI doceaxed can havothe mhiic examined, itdjtiHted and allowed, and nil claim not jiimentod bv the hint mentioned date will be forever burred, by an order ol the court. Dated July 1H, 1001. J. 8. McCAKTY, County .Indue. Notice for Hearing Claim. In tho county court ot Nemaha county, Nchr. In tho matter ol the Kstate of Cliristophc Nelck, decenned. Notice lii hereby itlven that the court lni made an order limiting the time for creditor to lllo cluliDH affiiliiHt wild deceived to hU moutliH Iroin the .11 Ht dny of All-out, 1001, and that AtigUKtal and December 1, 1001, and March 2, 1005, at ten o'clock a in. of each day at the oflJco of the county Judge of Ne. ma in county, Nebrnnkn, In Auburn, Nebran ku, Iiiih been fixed bv tho court an the tltncn and placo when and where all persons who luivo claims and demands amount ho Id de cenu'd can huvo the name examined, adjimt t'd and allowed, and all ol a Iiiih not presented ij the hint mentioned dato will bo forever barred, by an order of tho court. Dated July '23. 1001. J. 8. McCaiitv, County Judge. U TIME TABLE Lincoln Denver 3mhu 2-Iolmu Chioiiuo 33titt t. .ToMoph alt Li ilea City linHB City PorUml t. XjouIh nnd nil Snn P'rnnoiHOo PolntH Junt and -A.nd nil IJoint ontli West TRAINS LEAVE AB FOLLOWS. No, 07 PiiHHongor, dully exceptBun dav, for TccuiiihcIi, Ileal rice, Holdrege and all points went 0:10 am No. 08 PoMNenger, dally oxcontHun day, for NebniHka City. Chicago and all points north and earn liOOp m No, 110 Local freight, dally except Holiday, lor AIcIiIdoii and Inter mediate stntloiiH 7:00 p ni No. 112 Local trelghl, dally excopt Monday, for MobraHka Chy and Intermediate HtntlonH i 2:00 a in Sleeping, dining and reclining chair earn seutH free on through tralnn. Tloketa sold and baggae checked to any point In the United States or Cuiindii. , For Information, inapH, time tableland tickets call on or write to V, E. Wheeldon, agent, or J, Frnnctu, Ueneral Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble nnd Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an i unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if It stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back Is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In tha back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about It. bath sent absolutely free by mail, address UY. Kilmer Ot Home of SwamjvRont. Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 4 Designs copyhiqhts &c. Anyone Bonding a idtotch nnd description may quloklr aacortnln our opinion froe whether nn InrwUlon Is probably piUeiitnhfo. CommunlrR. Hons strictly oonadonttal. HANDBOOK on Pat ents soutfroo. Oldost aeency forsocurliiKPatents. Patonts takou throuKh Munu A Co. receive tpeclal notice, without chri;o, In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. LnrKont clr. dilation of any sclontlUo Jouruu . '1 ernis, 3 a year: four months, L Hold by all nowsdcnlerj. MUNN & Co.36,Bfoad New York Branch Ofllce. 625 If BU WnBhlnKt.w. V.C. rhe Nebraska Advertiser YV. V. Sandkiih & Son, I'rop'n. Fill DAY, AUGUST 20, 1001. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET l'or President TH KODOHE UOOHEVEl.T. Kor Vice-President CHAIILKH W, KAIRI1ANK8. STATE TICKET For United Btaten .Senator KLMICIt J. KUItKK'lT Kor Presidential Electors K. A HAKTON A. O. SMITH A. C. AllllOTT T. I.. MOHVAL W. P. II ALL M. A. HHOWN 11. II. WILSON J. C. ItOHINBON For Governor J. H. MICKEY. Kor Lieut. Governor 10. G. M 'GILTON For Hec'y ofBtate A. GALUBHA For Auditor E. M.BUAHLK, Jit. For Treasurer PKTKK MOKTKNBBN For Superintendent J. L. M'HHIHN For Attorney General NOIUUM llltOWN For Land Commissioner 11. M. KATON There la good prospect of an early front. Mm. E. S. McCantlleHB of Tlmrimin, own. in veiling her mother, Mra. II. Oitrao, for a few days. Wm. Klack of Auburn was arreated Saturday niglit, charged with adultery, and liaa bten in jail since. hiko the wagonette when in Ans burn If you want to fro to any part of the city. John MoElhaney prop. Mifla Diim Morton returned from St. Louiu hiHt Saturday. Shu ia attending the touchers institute at Auburn this week . Geo. V. Meal came down from the aoldiei'a home at Milford, Nebr.. on Wednesday to attend the picnic and viait old friends. A. Galuaha of Red Cloud, Nebr , res publican candidate tor secretary of tate, waa in Nemaha a few houra Thursday afternoon Peter Muntz came in from Alliance, Nebr., Wednesday and will viait here for awhile Hla health ia inuuh l etter than wlitn he left here Cabbage I have an acre of cabbage marketable early in September Price low, deliv ered or in field Drop me a card if in tereBted. A. Hucii, Shubert, Neb. Some boys recently tore up the walks around tne houne on the Seymour Howe farm on the Nemaha, while searching for llahworma. If such mias chief is repeated tho purties will be irosei utcd. The Lincoln Daily Star's great cam paigu offer will enable you to got Hint paper until Nov. 15, for only 50 cents. The Star ia the heat eveninu dnilv in i ' r Nebraska. Send in your order to the Daily btar, Lincoln, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Rhodes of tst. Joe are visiting old trlendB in Nemaha. litlly looks about the same as when he was in tho barber business in Nemaha. Ho linda many improvements since he waa hero eight years ago. J. II Veedet, who waa principal of the Nomaha schoola from 18H2 to 181K1, waa Blinking lunula with frienda and former pupils Thursday and Friday. Mr. Veeder is now principal of schools ai Tobias, Nebr. During the vacation he travela for a school book publishing company. How's hlo? Wo otlbr Ono Hundred DollorM Howard for any cuko of Catarrh that cannot ou cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. OHKN12Y ,fc CO., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Choney for tho last 16 yearn, and heliovo him perfectly honorable In all business tiansar tlonstuid llnnnclnlly at-lo to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WaMIING, KlNNAN it MAIIVIN, Wholesale DrugKlKtH, Toledo, O. Hall's atarrh Curo Is taken Internally, notliiB dtlrectly upon the tilood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent tree. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all driiBBUts. Take IIpII's Family PIIIh for constipation. Old Settlers Picnic A Big Crowd and a Great Success Tho fourteenth animal reunion and picnic ot the Nemaha County Old Sets tiers association waa a groat success in every respect. Tho attendance was large, the speeches wore fine, there waa good music and plenty of it, the day waa nice and cool, and everybody was feeling good. In the morning the sky was overcaBt with clouds and there waa every aps poarance of rain. Thla undoubtedly kept many from attending. But it did not rain, although it was cloudy all day. The people gathered from far ami near and put in tho day visiting and having a good time. Little at tention waa paid to the program. Before dinner the only proftrara giv en waa band music and a free acrobatic performance. After dinner there was a short band concert, recitations by Mias Florence Minick, and addresses by Hon. H. U Hanks, Hon. Norris Brown, Hon. W. B. Price and Hon. J L. McBrlen. All the addreaBes were good and appropriate to the occasion but could bo heard by comparativel) few on account of the continuous talk ing near the aland. There were people preaent from all parts of the state, and from Iowa. Mis aouri. Kansas, Oklahoma and other placet1. The stands did a fair business but not anything like they would have done if the day had been warmer. The Methodist ladies took in $08 at their stand, selling ice cream, lemonade ami sand wichen. The game of base ball between thv Omaha Originals and the tit. Joo Unci' attracted a big crowd, The Goetz' put up a very poor game both in th- forenoon and afternoon. They are greatly outclassed by the Originals The purse waa 8175, the winnera tak ing 00 per cent. The receipts were S220. The score in the forenoon was 21 to 0 and in the afternoon 8 to notlis ing in favor of the Otiginals. The bal association did not take in q'lite enough to pay expensec The footrace for,a purse of $10 war won bv a fellow named BM1, from Smithfltdd, Iowa. Walter Hadiock made a tine president of the day. The park was in fine condition and elicited praise from all visitDrs. We heard only words of praise from all who were here. It was the most successful picnic in every respect that we ever had. The picnic grows in interest every year. There waa no disturbance on the grounds, and everthing parsed oil' very quietly and peacefti'ly. Night was Her Terror. MI would cough nearly all night," writes Mrs. Obas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I bad consumption so had that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed, three $1 00 bottles of Dr. King'a New Discovery wholly cured me, and I Rained 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to euro Coughs, Colds, La Grippe Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung rouotes. Prico 50c and Si. 00. Trial bottle free at Keclinir's drug store. Brutally Tortured A case came to light that for per sistent and unmerciful torture bas perhaps never been equalled, doe Golo bick. of Colusa, Cal., writes: "For 15 years I endured insuffpiable pain from Rheumatism and nothing relieved me, though I tried everything known. I camo across Electric Bitters, and it's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it complete ly relieved and cured me " .lust as good for Liver and Kidney Troubles and general debility. Only 50c. Sat isfaction guaranteed bj Keeling, drug gist. Will Ouro Consumption A A Horran of Finch, Ark. writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is the boat preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I knowthnt It has cur ed consumption in the first stage. M T Hill. Last spring J. J. Alexander bought a dime's worth of onion beed which he planted on a piece of ground 10x3;) feet. He pulled the onions this week gutting twelve bushels of fine large onions. Who can beat that yield ? Ono featuro that bas made the Lins coin Dally Star deservedly popular is the great Saturday Star, prepared ea pecially for Sunday reading. It cons tains from 12 to 24 pages. The great campaign serial, The Grafters," dias just commenced. You can have the Daily Star sent you until Nov. 15, which includes tho big Saturday paper, fer only 50 cents. Send us your order todHy. Address. Dally Star, Lincoln Neb. The f usionists are doing considerab'e talking about the republican extraviw ganco in the state, and call attention to the large approoriations made by the legislature after the republicans got nto power. But they fail to state that the republicans bad to make an tpproprintion of 9182,735,07 to make good a deficiency created by the fusion- istB. 6118.200.00 was required to re build the penitentiary. $55 000.00 was for an addition to the Hustings itiBiino iBylum. Other extraordinary exi pen sea amounted to 222,137.75. The great presidential campaign is now well under way, and everyone is interested in the events which will uc cur miring tne (next tnree montns Now is the time to subscribe for a daly paper. The Lincoln Daily Star will be ;BtMit until Nov. 15 for only 50 cents. Tbo Daily Star ia easily the greatest and best evening paper in Ne braaka. It is thoroughly interesting a every department. The Star pub lishes all the news all the time four edttious daily, bend us your tin tne and 0 cenisniid "Do it Now," AddreBS Daily Star, Lincoln, Nebr. The late lamented democratic coiih veniiou increased tho fund of humor in this reeling globe by condemning Governor Mickey for "refusing to sign the bill which provided for tlis erects ton of a statue of Air iham Lincoln on the capitol grounds" This was the one othcial act ot the Governor which the great and growling exponents ol reform" saw tit to criticixe. Aud the joke of it is that at the time when that bill was presented to the Governor for approval he sighed it quickly and cheerfully aud the only reason why the statue is not under con struction today is that the otlicera ol the senate and house neglected to atlix their signatures, an umissiou which delays but cannot defeat the project. The fact that the only sin of Gover nor Mickey to which the convention could attract attention was not his sin at all proves rather conclusively thai he is a very satisfactory otlicial. Working Night and Day. .k.. . . . . . . A lie busiest ano tuigiitiest liti le thing t'Mt ever was made is Dr. King's New Lira. Pills. These pills changb weak neasru. .strength, listlessness into energy ,.brolrtt4ig, into mental power. They're wahderful in building up the health. OiftV 25c per box. Sold by Keeling'd dni&aatore. v, A startling incident is narrated by JohnOliver of Philadelphia, as follows "I waa in an awful condition. My skin was almost yeilow, eos sunken tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weak er day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was advised to take Electric Bitters; to my great joy the tirst bottle made a decided i in provenifnt. 1 continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the gravo ot another victim." No one should fall to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed at Keeling's drug store. FOLEYSHONEYTAR Curos Colds; Provonts Pnoumonla zxttz W M . O A M V 1 5 IS L L, . I ' res . EliMBIl E. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 I 1 d Srudy the child and discover where tho greatest interest lies, saye Mrr. Theodore Birna, Honorary president of the nationaHcongress of mothers discusaing the choice of occupation mi the September Delineator, Mra Starcey very warmly advocate3 a kind of natural selection which is indicat d in tho trend of the child's play. It is suggested, and with reason, that a cuild's toys and favorite pursuits are sure index to his vocatton. The plij)V is founded on childstudy, and us tho author says, if parents gve to the caretul study of their children one ball the earnest thought that they be stow on matters of comparatively no Importance we should see far fewer round pega in square holes, and vice versa. No Pity Shown. 'For years fate waa after me con tinually." writes F. A. Gulledj;e, Ver betm, Ala. "I had a terrible case of Piles, causing 24 tumors. When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me. Equally good for hnrus ud a'l Holms and pains. Only 25c at KeHinuN drug stoie Needed in Every Home THE NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION OF InrrziwxruuLi DRTHHABTi WEBSTER'S International Dictionary A Dlctiomrv of ENGLISH. Biography, Geography, Fiction, otc. New Plates Throughout 25,000 New Words Phraaaa and Definition Prepared under tho direct super vision of W. T. HARR18, Ph.D., L.L.D., United States Commissioner of Edu cation, assisted by nlnvgo corpsof com petent specialists aud editors. Rich Binding 2364 Quarto Page 5000 Illuatratlona C3F2Vie International was first issued in 1890, succeeding the "Unabridoed." The New and Enlarged Edition of the International was issuea xn Uctooer, WOO. Get the latest and lest. Wo also publish Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with Glossary of Scottish Words nnd P lirascs 1100rci. HOO Illoitratlon. Slie 7xl0iJ 6- tnchn. "First-class In quality, BOcond-claM In glto.1' Specimen pages, etc. of both books sent on application. G.6C.MERRIAMCO. Publishers Springfield, Mass. Because the liver is neglected people suffer with constipation, biliousness. headaches and fevers. Colds attack the lungs and contagious diseases take hold of the svstem. It is Bafe to Bay that if the liver were always kept in proper working order, illness would be almost unknown. Thedford's Black-Draught is ao successful in curing such sickness because it is without a rivalas a liver regulator. This great family medicine iB not a strong and drastic drug, but a mild and healthful laxative that cures con stipation and may be taken by a mere child without possible harm. Tho healthful action on the liver cures biliousness. It has an in vigorating effect on the kidneys. Because tne liver and kidneys do not work regularly, the poisonous acids along with the waste from tho bowels get back into the blood and virulent contagion results. Timely treatment with Thed ford's Black-Draught removes tho dangers which lurk in constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and will CDsitively forestall tho inroads of right's disease, for which dis ease in advanced stages there is no cure. Ask your dealer for a 25c. package of Thedford b Black Draught. w mi i 1 ""viir- V. E. AMjKN. Vlce-l're ALLEN, Cashier. 9C (: I WlBSTEffS I COLLEGIATE j VKXKHUrty ft J