jumuh'wjm aw mtim m iiwniiin(iii tm ma mi mi I lAlrs. Anderson. Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature to the following letter, praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Deak Mkb. Pinkiiam: Thoro aro "but fow wives ami mothers who have not at times endured agonies and such pain as only women know. I wish such women knew the value of Jjytlin. 33. Pinkham's Vcgetnblo Com pound. It is a remarkable medicine, different in action from any I ever know and thoroughly reliable. "I have seen many cases wharo "women doctored fo'r years without per manent benefit, who were cured in less than threo months after taking your Vegetable Compound, while others who were chronic and incurable came out cured, happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medicine. I have never used it myself without gaining great benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appe tite, and tones up the entiro system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, henco I fully endorse it." Mns. It A. Andkkoon-, 225 Washing ton St., Jacksonville, Fla. $6000 forfeit If original of above leiter proving genuineness can not be produced. No other medicine for women has received such widespread and unquali fied endorsement. No other mcdicino lias such a record of cures of femalo troubles, lief use to buy any substitute. Sale Ten Million THE FAESISLY'S FAVORITE ill t o e, Xgj 25c, CAS METiT CATESARTIC m 1P.T7QT RAP THR RHWRT Q rOAL 1 I The process of making: liquid Koal requires three days. It is a compound embracing until every objectionable feature is eliminated, being non-poisonous and harmless. LIQUID KOAL is a combination of Creasol, Guiacol, and Kalium. LIQUID KOAL is a black oily Sells for sixty cents a pint, one dollar a quart, three dollars per gallon. You may have a pint fiee without any expense to you whatever if you will cut out the coupon In this adver tisement and mail it to the National Medical Company at .Sheldon, luwu. LIQUID KOAL cures and prevents hog cholera, chicken cholera, pink eye, black leg, and all the germ dis eases of animals, because it is a germ killer and goes into the stomach, into the bowels, and into the blood, and wherever the blood goes. It per meates Ihe entire system of an ani mal through the medium of circula tion, and denudes the system of every disease germ. Wo are giving three hundred thou sand dollars worth of it for adver tising purposes and to prove to farm eis aud stock ruisers what it will do. LIQU'D KOAL has boon tested fer tile pas' five years in I he largest laboia twiled of this country, and Ciermanv, and in many of the cxpeiiment'iil stations. Wo have proved beyond a qursllnn of doubt In fore the greatest experts ot 'he i-mint' y, that It destroys germs ol disivis s com toon to all domestic ai.lm Is, and thfiei'y i ores diseases. Worms intestinal rnd skin parasites, t ks lice, insects and vermin suck th lite bio d and san the vitality of domesibi anlm.ils and f wis until the an mil l'-ses to fa i mors and .stock r. iM is reaeh normous fooling I hi f inner and stock raiser who v 11 tneiease Ills Kink account, n 'iti t nec'S' wngo a continuous Hnfnr: a-'ii'tisr ihse mhhr worms, ra jte, ve uiio, and Injects .iiior efTevrlve npd ippxponslvo .U" nil In sc Is Llqnl Kn.il I ti' u.r tl . 1 1 ae HliNTa ON ETiQUETTE Hats should always be removed at the theater, and also ut large con certs; this Is a courtesy due those sitting behind you, as the hat or bonnet, unless very small will ob struct the view of the stage. Postal cards aro used in correspon dence of unimportant business. It is not good fonu to use them in social correspondence and affairs of a personal or private nature should never be written upon thetn. A girl should not formally enter society until she is eighteen, hoforc that her time is supposed to be taken up with school, music, etc. L'ho formal debut Is usually made at a reception, ball or tea, given by her mother. Generally speaking, the terms "Yes, ma'am" "No, ma'am," "Yes, sir," and "No, sir," aro con sidered obsolete. It is bettor form to say "Yes" and "No", with the name of the person addressed, as "Yes, Mr. Blank," "Yes, lather," "No, mother." etc. When giving a dinner or luncheon the hostess should see that every thing is in readiness beforo the guests arrive; this will prevent any nervousness on her part, and a ner vous hostess usually prevents hoi guests from being at ease and thoroughly enjoying themselves. When it is impossible to call on all acquaintances before leaving town the card may be sent so It will ar rive the day after your departuro, V V C being written in the lower left-hand corner. Tho initials stand for the French words "Pour prendre conge" meaning "To take leave. " France exported $o,S.12,:Ml worth of automobiles last year, while spending only $200,000 in imported ones Boxes rmrrr ariWB'V??. zz- .... fl Makes One-half Barrel of Medicine or Lice Killer One-half Million of Pint Cans Given Away. every germicide, antiseptic, and condition of the system which is a condition favorable for the produc tion of worms causing such diseases Hi hog cholera, .anthrax, chicken cholera, etc. iqt uld Koal is in general use by physicians and veterinary surgeons throughout Europo and Ameiica em bracing a wider range of uses than any preparation on the market. If you need Liquid Koal and have never used it please send us the cou pon below. We will then send you an oider on your dealer lor a sixty cent can and wlllpav your dealer oursel ves for it. It will cost you nothing. It will cost your dealer nothing. You are not obligated to us in anv way If you accept this offer, we will not ask you to buy any after you have given it a trial. All we want is a chance to prove to you what it will do. Jf you want to know the result from giving Liquid Koal to a sick animal.no mutter what the cause of the sickness is, send us the coupon toddy. If you want special expert advice regarding your stock tr.at is sick s. iid us full description of the symp toms and also ten cents In postage. You -.v ill also be entitled to the thirty-two page hook on the germ dis eases of animals. Liquid IConl Is the Best nnd Cheapest Worm Klllur Known to Science A list of the diseases that Liquid Koal cures Hot; rimler colJo IuukWodu Glanders Bwi. u I'lngtiQ DUtompor lnieilnnl Worms Pink Bvo t ow c hoi ri InUuQiizu Tiihernoloslx Foot Hat . An bms 'At Worru loneir Imc lungPtsver I " inl I 'is HSO . '-'fl irj.mntlQnof th iiM'nu's fwH Hie countries with tho largest population, (China, India and Rus sia) arc uo means tho strougost States, either Industrially, commer cially, or in any other way Vino's Care for Consumption is tli best medicine 1 hava ever found for eoliths and colda. Mr. Oscar Tripp, Big Book, 111., March 20, 1001. Swiss watches, a"cordlng to a re port just published, are becoming popular in China Those with fan tastic designs on tho face Hud tho most ready sale w For Your Perfect Comfort At the St. Iioulx Nxposltlon, which ti very bovoii' upon the feet, remember to tnkrnltuii; a box or two of Al.tKN'S FOOT-KAHK. n powder for Hot, Tired, Achlnv. Hwolleu, Sweating Feet. X0.000 teatluionlnlii. Sold by nil DrucKlHts. 'JtV, DON'T ACCEPT A SITHSTITUTU. Trial pneUaire KRKK. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, l.e Hoy, N. Y. Australia has more churches per capital than any other country. She has 210 churches to every 100,000 people England lias 1 14 and Russia about 55 Mrs. Window .SOOTHING SYRUP for chil dren toothing, softens lliu Kimm. reduces infliv nmtlon, allays pnlu cures collo. Price Uoo bottle. After twenty years' service abroad tho First North StalTordshire Regi ment of England lately arrived at Southamoton CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears tho Signaturo of CuzSX 4L. No less than 111 olllcers of the British army have uualllicd as inter proteis iu the Russian language 8.'1 of whom belong to the Iudlan scr vice All of the buildings in Valotta. tho capital of tho Island of Malta are of white stone. There being uo smoke or fog to discolor them, they aro as fresh and clean its when they weio orected. The Treasury Department esti mates that it will cost !50.").2S7, 000 In run the government for 11)04 and $021,502,000 for 1905 The bird's nests used for soups are little gelatinous things made up principally from tho saliva of tiny birds of China ill lift V(kl The process of reduction desinfcclant found in coal, treated Texn 1'cvcr Cuturrn I'oil Hvll i'urcy CliicUuu Cliotora Miute lloup Dots 'I'll rush SutmrH I,ock-Jiir NuhhI Gleet Hllinl otiisKers fc'crntolies Liquid Konl Acts as nn Appetizer and Vitalizer No disease germ can escape It, that Is the reason it cures for when the germ Is destroyed the disease Is gone. Two Things to Remember Use Liquid Koal to destroy tho par asites on the Inside. Use Liquid Koal to destroy the par asites on tho outside. Parasites exist and thrive only at the expense of live animal tissue. One 'I hous'tud Dollnrs Deposited in tiie Union Hank at Sheldon, Iowa, to be (liven to Anyone Who Fwids Any of These Tes timonials Not Gen uine. Smith Outer, Kim., July 5, 1903. Natlonnl Medical Co., V rk, Nolir (ti'iitlcnu'n: IIhvu iikod your Liquid Koal for a euro of chulfirn In ling and 1 have not found Its I'cjual. I leul llfty lioud nf ho(f and flvn out of llfiy I was uro would dlo, hut hy tho uso of your Coal brought tlinni out O. K. and havo not Leon hothored with ohnlor;i or any other swlno iilHiim1 since. 'I'hcrt'fore can say to the swlno breeders of Smith County and nUo poultry raisers that It lias no equal. You chii purchase this valuaulo medi cine of Walker A Son. of Smith Center, who can not misrepresent this valuable medicine to you. Yours Fraternally. JOHN I'YIjH. P. S. I have nt tho present time seventy-sh head of hoyi nnd pis that are duiiiK Hue and I believe if it had not been for tho use of the Jdquld Konl I would have lost one-half or probably all of thnin. j, R KKAHNKY COUNTY NUHSKUY, O. A. Strand. Prop. Grower of Choice Nursery Sttck Mluden, Nehr., Peo. 6,1002 National Medical Co., York. Nobr. AUjut two weeks hko mnny of the furmerb nrouuil here lost verv hanvltv In- do not wish to write you a loni llatierlna btate. inont Hhnut vmir inudloliiB hut will any thai 1 . TORTURING PAIN. IlnlfTlitH Miiii'h SuircrliiKB AVntild Have Killed Mnny a 1'ersoii, but Donii'u Cured llltu. A. C. Spraguc, stock denier, of Nor mal, 111., writes: "For two whole years I was doing nothing but buying medl. clnes to cure tny kidneys. I do not think Unit any man over suffered as 1 did and lived. The v phi u in my uaeii pr was so bad tlint 1 could not sleep at night. I could not rldo a a. o. BPrtMiui: horse, and sometimes was uunblo even to ride in a cur. My condition was critlcul when I sunt for Dona's Kidney Pills. 1 usqjI three boxes and tliey cured me. brv I can go anywhere nud do as much as anybody. I sleep well nnd feel no discomfort at all." A PHBIfl T R I A I . A dd r ass Foster Mtlburn Co., BulTulo. N. Y. For sale by all dealers; price f0 cents. A waterspout Is constantly spin ning. Tho momont it ceases It collapses. At tho distance of about a quarter of a mile above tho sea level its spinning speed has been es timated at six miles a minute. Tho $2,H2,207 worth or platinum extracted in the Gurotiagodtskl district of Russia last year is pracj tlcally the world's supply of that metal In South Africa tho will to ants have been found destructive to wooden tics that steel has neces sarily been adopted A letter box in tho wall of a houso at Lcedham, England, has been converted Into a receptacle for a nest by a pair of tomtits. At pre sent it Is occupied by eleven young birds, and they are quite friendly with tho postman, who opens the box four or live times u daw. London bridge is crossed every day by 220,000 people. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIEB CURES catarrh ot the fltomnch. rtiu.ru WHmc At i ticc titic Celt Ooimh Syrup. VnntraUood. s.-fl iniliuo. Hold nr ilnigclsl. It attllCled HllhThnmnorn Pilti i. ore Eyes, use itUllipUIl dCyUWdltil N, N. U. m - ;i5 YUKIC NEI3 P IQUID OAL requires 350 degrees of heat. chemically with an alkalino base liquid. Iiroveinent was so marked thai I bought a ruIIoii oau and used It with the result that my lious all recoveriMi ami 1 mil not lose one. .My iierd ol over 'J00 are i line condition and you may put inu uunii as o iisiam usur oi uiifiuu ivoai, G. A. Strand. 1)0(1.. 1U02. We the umlersluno d stock raisers nnd farmers Kindly testify to the merits of Mould Koul man ufactured by tho Natio nal Medical Co., of .Shel don, I own and York, I Nebraska. We have used this product with prat fylnu success mid ndvlsn nu lo fjivo it a trial, i i aiiouni be on every farm in tiviMuahii. Kufus Feary, lice, Neb. Geo. .Mills. Ilee, Nob ( lirls Sclmll. Siaplehurst, Neb, Oeo. ltlnneberi:er. Seward, Neb. .1. II. Peary, llee, Neb. W. l'liihaupt. Siaplehurfit, Nob. V. C. Meyer. Stiiplchuritt Nell. .1. HlnueU'wr, br. Goriuantowit, Nob. llloointleld. Neb., Deo. 18. 1SU2. I huvo sold Liquid Konl for n year now and nevor have found an article that L'lves such mil versal satisfaction as Idquld Koal does. I can sarely say that I have not one dissatisfied ciik turner. I honestly think that If every farmer would uso it there would be verv lit tin hocleilera in the country. fl U. Mundeloh Wntisu. Nnb., Dec. 1'.', Ilios I havoheen uhIiix h. K as and Insect destroyer nnil llnd it ail you claim for it. Would recom mi ud it to ull. 1 wdl keep it on the place all the l'ie. Yours, Sam Cross. It is a positive preventative of contagious diseases. Cut Out This Coupon For It may not nppear again Fill out tho blanks uml mail to tho National .Medical Co., bhchlou, luwu My.... KindofHtouk. JIavn DUfane. 1 have novor tried Liquid Konl but if you will supply inn with a sixty cent can free I will give it u trial. Give full nnmo nnd address and write plainly. Send this coupon today. If you desire a thirty-two paee hook on tlto Rorm diseases of iiutiuals nud special e.pert advice rfjitint In tr Die diseases that effect our own stock send ten cent in nosifti-'e with this Qnupou to cover cost of muilliik- and expanse to us, The can of liquid Konl U to Im furnished you without express or frolnht ohnrgns to you 4P I .ftg.t....t4.4ftj.,.....ft..ftj.ft. ; HEROIC BUT EFFECTUAL. "Boozy" FUnderu, as tho neighbors .allcd him, was an Idle, dissolute fcl ovr, witli n wlfo a groat deal too good !or him. Sho horo with patience his ihortcomings, found excuses for lihn, ind took In washing to help him cam Jio living. Hut ono day lioozy ciimo Dome moi"o intoxicated than usual, tie throw himself upon tho hod with ut stopping to take oft his shoes and tvont to sleep. Tlicn .Mrs. Flinders' patience gavo way, and sho resolved to administer sultahlo punishment. Sho procured Rt onco a largo gunnysa'ck, ripped it open, spread it on tho hod by tho aide of hor husband, rolled him over upon It, and sowed htm up in it with eood strong twine, leaving only hla nead free. Six or eight hours later, when sho thought ho had had enough sleep for her purpose, alio rolled him over on tils face, and with a stout, serviceable rawhide, borrowed during the Interval, Rho began operations. "YVh-whafs all this?" demanded Hoozy, rousing himself and beginning to squirm. Ills wlfo was too busy to answer lihn. Whack! whack 1 whack! fell tha rawhide, wielded by an arm which bad been developed at the washboard, nnd was nerved now hy a righteous Indignation. Whack! whack! whack! For tho first fow moments Boozy roared In anger and tried desperately to free himself, hut It was of no uso. The tough gunnysack hold him secure ly. And still the blows foil. Whack! whack! whack! whackl whack! From blustering ho wont lo plead ing. "Oh, for plty'B sake, Marthy," ho bogged, squirming and wriggling, "let up! Are you tryln' to kill me?" "No! (whack!) I'm reforming youl (whack!) You lazy, drunken (whntv.j vagabond, I'm giving you (whack!) what you've been needing (whack!) for a long time!" Whack! "O good gracious, Marthy! Ouchl Don't! I'll quit drlnkln! I'll go to work! Ouch! Don't, Marthy!" "If I'll stop now and let you out oi that sack will you promise to turn ovei a new leaf and bo somebody after this?" demanded his wife. "1 will!" ho promised, thoroughly sober now. "So help me!" Sho ripped tho gunnysack open again anil let him out, and to hor surprisi perhaps as much as to that of the neighbors, Boozy kept his promises Mrs. Flinders never had occasion to administer another dose of her modi cine. MiiNiu J)ouI(1oh Suit. On ono occasion, some time ago, all who were present In the court of Jus llco at Berlin had the great pleasure af listening to a free performance by I'rofessor Joachim, tho famous violin ist. It appeared from tho evldonca that a dealer iu musical Instruments was charged with cheating u customer by representing that a violin which ha offered for salo at 1.25 was an instru ment 'that could bo played. The great professor was called Id us an expert witness, and, taking up Iho impugned Instrument, he proceed ed to play upon It. Under his magic lingers it really sounded like a violin, but In a few moments, much to tha regret of his listeners, tho maestro laid the Instrument down with an evl lent air of contempt. But ho had so :ured the accused's acquittal. Tho great tenor Mario oneo had to ?lvo a free exhibition of Ills magnifi cent vocal powers In court, in order ta ?nln freedom for himself. He had lieen arrested In .Madrid, In mistake for a mischievous political agitator, and In vain proclaimed his Identity to die powers that bo. Finally, he was told that if he really was t Jit famous ginger his voice was a certain means of convincing the court of tho truth of his claim. For seven or eight min utes .Mario held all within hearing 3pell-bound, and ho was then allowed !o take his departure, with profusa ipologles for his arrest and detention. Iron Smelt In;; in Onlilbrnia. A corporation has been organized in California to erect u steel manu facturing plant at San Diego. I'os session has been acquired of 20,(MX3 acres of coal lands in Alaska, located within fifteen miles of tho coast, at Controller Bay, and readily accosslbl for shipment Tho coal Is suitable for coking and coking , ovens will lie located at tho mines to save cost ot :ransportatIon. Tho iron ores are to ae secured from Inexhaustible depos its in lower California. i I'retty Coiuliinution in Arkuiin.ii;. A Bcanvlllo man, recently married ai Arkansas, was serenaded by the Qomo band on his return. The band jonslsted of fifteen bells, five shotguns ind ten horns. And it Js not amiss to remark that the Beanvllle band and in Arkansas wedding form a verv pretty combination. Topoka Capital. i k d t 18 , )f iy h (9. in y. r. or x- 'S. e- 1M Us va he ed let lo; 101 ev ry. ng al- ex ine lot lie trj ter ind der erj oth ' iuari oii ol jiiiiiiu iunj anu mo nn. How can a girl bo so poor and hav ?o many clothes? I .r.r