MENiAKH ADVERTISER. V. W. SANDEnS, Pliltlsh URMAHA, N KIMIA SKA , 1 - - - Dressmakers bills nrc tho root of nuny dlvorco suits. A, man's succors depends on what he toes with his failures. A. successful man roots while his insuccossful brother stands around md squeals. When an old maid gets married In Joap year it gives everybody a chance to say smart things. A woman is willing to take the bene .It of the doubt and let man have the loubt of tho benefit. College athletics are deadly. This f proved by tho fact that most men tvJio play croquet are old. It is not easy to decide which Is the greater nuisance, a South Amcrl :an republic or a North American dos olisni. Sometimes u man loses his Job b utuso ho doesn't know enough and sometimes because he knows jiuch. too Tho ill-fated steamer General sum had an unlicensed first mate- SIo--per saps the other officers had permits to take human life. il! the millennium Is postponed until i mother admits that her own children ire lll-bohaved and those next door nrc rhombs It will never arrive. .Tust about the time the boll weevil ?ots up a good appetite for the cotton plant along conies the red ant and finds that tho boll weevil is good eat ing. The Japanese people do not swear as do tho3U of the West, but In an Jniprgonoy the name of General Kodama ought to servo all practical purposes. Some scientist has discovered that the burning of" Incense will keep away mosquitoes. Most men avIII, however, -:llng to tho idea that tobacco smoke is lust as good. Now comes a bulging-browed profes sor,, and tolls us that anthracite coal is a luxury. Perhaps he will next tell tie that George W. Ha or is a piece of cckless extravagance. The housekeeping of Mrs. Roosevelt has been criticised by the Daughters -of tho Revolution. Daughters who lave time to criticise their mothers and Sisters should bo careful about Invit ing comparisons. A Philadelphia chemist claims to have discovered a process whereby ho can reduce the price of radium from 1(5,000,000 to less than $r(X),mjo a pound. With meat and almost ev erything else soaring skyward this must be welcome news to the strug jling poor. If matters go wrong In the English . House of Commons a convenient ex planation would be to attribute the fact to the "sophisticated air" which the members breathe. According to the London Guardian, the winds of heaven are not sulToivd to visit too " roughly tho Interior of the Palace of Westminster, for they are "filtered through cotton-wool, and warmed by passing over hot pipes, and then the dead and oppressive product Is forced through gratings in tho lloor of the Uouse, where It picks up tho mud from honorable members' boots." $ Medical colleges are responsible for the horde of failures who narade as doctors and do what they can to men ace tho public health. Some of tho medical schools are got-rleh-qulek schemes, taking every applicant who comes along with the requisite fees. They spoil hundreds of good farmers, mechanics, shoemakers and black smiths, issue sheepskins and leave the medical profession to struggle with the reproach. Every decent doctor should join him and pursue the fakirs, grafters and moral pervert ers until It is made too warm for them to con 'linuo In the profession. A medical diploma ought to be beyond purchase- by. anyone not fitted In every way for llliti responsibilities of u physician. From tho common school of tho coun try district to tho highest university in the land, tho fundamental Idea of American education is to make Ameri can citizens. There is no thought of making soldiers or officeholders or mer chants or traders or Inventors; make citizens first, then let caeli young American chooso for himself tho line of life ho deems best suited to his ca pacity; ho does chooso, .and that com monly without bins what ho shall be, for your young American lias Ideas of his own and Is ready to air them, too, on appropriate and even sometimes on inappropriate occasions. After all, however, the best method of Judging of any system of education is In Its re sults, and, without saying a word In disparagement of the people of any other nation, It muy ho said that in every essential quality the American fHtyii Iiuh demonstrated his efficiency .... . . H jl... 1 it in mo ami action mo vainu oi him training. Foreign critics frequently declare that Americans arc living at too high a pressure, that they have a strained, nervous expression, take life too seri ously and have no time to converse and enjoy themselves. Now, Is not (lie exact opposite of this the actual case? Look at the biographical sketch es in magazines and newspapers of the most successful men and are they not all longer-lived than their doctors? Are not the captains of Industry, all well along In years, still In harness, hale and hearty and traveling about the country attending to a tremendous amount of business? Why Is not overwork killing them off? Simply because with all their business cares they are shrewdly dividing their lime In such a manner that they have suf ficient to spare In which to look after the preservation of their health. There Is almost a touch of person ality In tho way American cities have niovcu in relative position during the nineteenth century. Their changing fortunes are full of suggestivonoss. New York, which had become tho largest city by 1700, has held Its placo In front In every census up to tho present lime, and now, with a popu lation more than double that of Its next competitor, Is not In immediate danger of losing pro-enilnence. Chi cago first appeared on the list In 1850 as the twenty-fifth American city. At each census it made a long stride and passed many competitors, until it readied second place in 1800. St. Louis appeared one decade earlier than Chicago, and by IboO had Jump ed to the eighth place, a sensational advance. Philadelphia started In the second place, has never been below the fourth, and is to-day the third American city. Boston started as tho third, and stands to-day the fifth. Charleston, the fourth city In the orig inal list, lost steadily In relative posi tion, until In 1880 It appeared for the last time among the first fifty. Balti more has kept its placo very evenly. Northern Liberties, the sixth city in the first census, and SoutJiwark, the tenth, are now parts of Philadelphia. It is interesting to study the influ ences that make cities powerful the world over. The greatest gathering of the Chinese Is at Canton. Hong kong Island, at the mouth of tho Can ton River, was well-nigh deserted un til European commercial interests found their way into Asia, formed a new center of population, and found ed a city which is already groat. Euro pean cities have not had so many ups and downs as those of America, al though Uio population of Rome has shown extraordinary fluctuations. Careful estimates put it at more than two million in the fourth century, and at less than one hundred and forty thousand In the eighteenth. It Is now about half a million. For many cen turies London and Paris have been tho largest cities in Europe. St. Peters burg, Rerlln and Liverpool are com paratively modern. For the dwellers In the town left behind in the race, It Is well to remember that quality, and not quantity, is the Important consid eration. How l,ng a Dream Lusts. One sometimes passes through the experience of a lifetime in a dream that lasts but a few seconds or min utes, so rapid is the activity of tho mind during seinlsomnolence. To tho dreamer a vision sometimes seems to endure for hours and the general Im pression Is that dreams continue for minutes at least, while tho fact is that the longest dream appears to be con fined within a solitary second, even though the events of It may Impress tho dreamer for days. "The other afternoon," said a doctor, "1 called to see a patient, and, much to my satis faction 1 found him sleeping soundly. I sat by his bed, felt his pulse without disturbing him, and waited for him to awaken. After a few minutes a dealer's cart, with discordant ringing bells, turned into tho street, and as their first tones reached mo my pa tient opened his eyes. " 'Doctor,' he said, 'I'm glad to seo you, and awfully glad that you woke ' 'ip. fr I have been tortured by a most distressing divam that must have lasted for several hours. I dreamed that I was sick, as I am, and that my boy came Into the room with a string of most horribly sounding bells and rang them in my oars, whllo I hadn't tho power to movo or speak to him. I suffered tortures for what ap peared to be Interminable time, and I'm so glad you awoko mo.' "The ringing of those bells for ono second had caused all of that dream, and just at tho wiping moment." If you aro to bo hanged, peoplo won't boast that they used to know you. Lota of worthy people aro not popu hv. There's jour ease, for example. Thought They Were I.lvltiK. "And now when you get to our homo," said Mrs. Blucblood, "you will find a great many old masters hanging around." "Then the place won't suit me," re plied James, the newly engaged but ler. "I won't work under only one master." In Which History Repent ItHelf. Barber Hair Is very thin, sir. Customer Thinner than it was forty years ago. Harbor You don't mean it? Why, you don't look over forty now. Customer I'm not. I'm forty to-day. She Wasn't Worrying. "Have you considered the future with its many responsibilities?" asked the parson. "No," replied the bride-to-be. "Papa lias given us a house in the suburbs, and we are going to live in the pres l ONE WAY TO AVOID GRADUATION EXTRAVAGANCE IN DRESS. f : : TH8,CUWk5 f WcW?W&:4ffiMft & '"SfiFfta ":: $ o? B" r o'v&z Lm 9 Nil ffiS- Let the young ladies appear through a screen, their heads only visible. Chicago News. All Fixed. "What have you done about that supposed nihilist?" inquired the Czar. "I told him, your majesty," replied the chief of police, "that if he did not leave the country in twenty-four hours we would consider him guilty and ex ecute him." "What! Such leniency Is " "Pardon mo. I have made It abso lutely impossible for him to secure a passport and he cannot leave without one." Philadelphia Ledger. Feminine Charity. He Miss Eldrldge tells me she is a Daughter of the American Revolu tion. She Indeed! I have always boon under the Impression that sho was a sister of It. Kxpceled a Heavy Penalty. Judge You don't seem to realize the mortnlty of tho charge against you. Prisoner Naw. I haven't got me lawyer's bill yet, but I bet it'll bo a :orkor. In the Stilly NlKht. "Who Is that?" demanded tho worn in who had been aroused by the rat tling of silverware in the dining room Delow. ".linimy Dores, ma'am," replied tho ourglar, 'at your service." And, gath ering as much of tho latter as ho ould lie (led Into the outer darkness. Philadelphia Ledger. ' " f .4-jiL nv TrtmklcHH Klcplmiit. "Mr. Skinner Is an elephant on my hands," remarked the landlady confi dentially. "I can't Induce him to set tle." "Why not seize ills trunk?" suggest ed tho star boarder. "He hasn't any," replied the land lady. Not n Hit Theatrical. "I can't say that I admire Wedderly," said the tall blonde. Mrs. "Sho Is too dramatic In her ways." "Dramatic fiddlesticks!" protested the petite brunette. "Why, she has been married to the same man for seven years. I'or the Proverbial Man. Giles There is one decided advan tage about a folding bed. Miles What is that? Giles A woman can look under it before she pulls It down. Real Good of Him. Kind Lady Let mo seo, this is tho second time I have given you a meal, Isn't it? The Hobo Dat's wot, ma'am. An' jlst tor show dat I ain't ungrateful I'll give youso a testermonial wld me autergralt tor be used for advcrtisln' purposes. Handicapped. Hifkins I know one girl who doesn't try to conceal her age. Mifkins What's the explanation? Hifkins Sho has a twin brother. holm .For lliiiiMelf Always. Goodley Ho says lie always be lieves in "the greatest good to the greatest number." Sharpe That sounds all right, but his idea of the greatest number is al ways Number One. Those Pool QuciitioiiH. Hoaviuui Did you ever drink any of those substitutes for coffee? Lightly What a foolish question! You know 1 have sojourned In boarding-houses for the past ten years. Chicago News. At 1 1:110 1 ir. He I dreamed of you last night. Do you ever dream of me? She (suppressing a yawn) No, but I'd like to very much. Detroit Free Press. An Aid to JNonjievity. "I noticed tho other day, MJss Clln key, that some papers say that mar ried men live longer than single ones." "And haven't you any desiro to live long, Mr. Puttyblow?" "Why, yos, of course I have, Miss Ollnkey." "Oh, Mr. Puttyblow, this Is so sud den!" Cleveland lMaln Dealer. .Domestic Scrapper. Giles Old man Greening has a groat war iword. Miles Indeed! I wasn't aware that lie had ever been a soldier. Giles -Hut ho lias been married six timos! Keeping Tally. Policeman What's the uso of ring ing your gong after you have run over tho man? Chauffeur I wasn't ringing my gong. I was ringing him up on my register. Tho Policy. "Have you heard about the latest in suranco company?" "No; what is it?" "Why, It's ono that promises to pay alimony t,o botli parties in case tho marriage proves a failure." Detroit Free Press, Intoxicants affect men In different) ways. When a Frenchman has imbibed too much, it enlivens his legs, and ho wants to dancp; a Ger man to sing, a .Spaniard to gamble, an Englishman to cat, an Italian to chatter and boast, and Irishman to light, and an American to make a speeuli. Government analysts have ex amined the various patent medicines sold In Germany, and asuettained that fully eighty per cent of them arc without medicine value, whiJa twenty per cent or them aro ,1 jurlous to health. The so-called tonics aro nearly all hurtful, be cause of the alcohol they contain. Shouting Their Pi-hIhch. Frla-rpoint, Miss.. Aug. Ul!. Special.) Cured of Bladder ami Kidney Trou blo after I'O years of suffering, Rov. II. II. Hatch, of this place. Is telling the public the good news and shouting the praises of the remedy that cured him Dodd's Kidney Pills. Rev. Mr. Hutch says: "I have been suffering from Bladder and Kidney Trouble for 'Jd years and I have tried everything that people snld would do me good. But nothing did me any good except Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I haven't felt a pain since I took Dodd's Kidney Pills. They gave mo health and I feel like a new man alto gether. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the best I erer had." All Urinary and Bladder Troubles are caused by diseased kidneys. The natural way to cure them is to euro the kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to cure diseased kidneys In any stage or place. They always euro Backache and they are the only remedy that ever cured Bright's Disease. To crush a half-inch tube of gran ite requires a weight of 11 pounds Tame snakes aro used in Morocco to clear houses of rats and mice A formal call between women, 1 have observed, usually lasts half an nour Ten minutes of this is con sumed In greeting, five in getting seated and the other fifteen walking to the dour and saying, goodbye There would be no "servant prol icm" if only those who could afford servants employed them I always suspect the man who wear a silk hac continu illy ; ho is apt to be either in poslitics or patent nostrums If you wani to thoroughly under stand how the dinner guests of the Hurras felt, visit a house wiiere the hostess has the dialling dish habit .Japanese dwellings are usu illy of but one lloor They are divided into the number of bedrooms the owner reulres by paper shutters which fit into grooves These paititions can be removed at will Potentially, the worst case oi marital infelicity that lias come under our reservation is that in which a deaf woman married a dumb man The problem of life with men is to get enough to eat, with women, to get enough to vear AS EASY Needs Only n kittle Thinking. The food of childhood often decide) whefher one is to grow up well nour ished and healthy or weak and sickly from improper food. It's just as easy to be ono as the other, provided we get a proper start. A wise physician like the Denver doctor who knew about food can ac complish wonders, provided the patient is willing to help and will eat only proper food. Speaking of this case, the mother said her little four-year-old boy waa suffering from a peculiar derangement of tho stomach, liver and kidneys, and his feet became so swolllen he couldn't take a step. "We called a doctor, who said at once we must be very care ful us to his diet, as improper food was the only cause of his sickness. Sugar, especially, lie forbid. "So the doctor made up a diet, and the principal food he prescribed waa Grape-Nuts, and the boy, who was very fond of sweet things, took the Grape-Nuts readily, without adding any sugar. (Doctor oxidalned that tho sweet in Grape-Nuts is not at all like cane or beet sugar, but is the natural sweet of tho grains.) "Wo saw big improvement Inside a few days, and now Grape-Nuts are almost his only food, and he Is once more a healthy, happy, rosy-cheeked youngster, with every prospect to grow up into a strong, healthy man." Name given by Postum Cereal Co., Battle Creek, Mich. The sweot in Grape-Nuts is the Nature-sweet known as Post Sugar, not digested In the liver llko ordinary sugar, but predlgested. Feed the youngsters a handful of Grape-Nuts when Nature demands sweet and prompts them to call for sugar. There's a reason. Get tho little book "The Road to "elhille" in each package.