The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 19, 1904, Image 8

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    Notico for Hearing Claims
In (lie county court of Nemnliii county. Noli
In tin- nut lor of tliu uNlalu or Seymour
IlllttC , lltT.PMKCll,
Notlco 1h liereoy lvon that tho rourt. Iiiih
iinolu mi outer limlttiiK tliu tliiio for credit
oik t 1 flit- cliilinN nullum, wild ilrcuiiHtil to hIx
iiiinilliH Irom tlin'"J(l ilny of Atitfimt, 10o mill
Hint AiiRimt'J7. Novrmljur Hi, Hull, anil Ki-biu-ii
ry 21, lftifi, at ID o'clock a. in. ol cnclt day, tit
tliti ottlco or tho founty Judn f NciiiaIiii
cotintv, Nohritm , In Auliiitii.NouriwIcii, Iiiih
lii-i'ti fixed liy tni) court in I ho t linen mill
!lneo when unit wIioihnII per ohm u'no luivo
claims ami dnuaiiilH luoilnM mild decor Hod
cuti IiiivoUio Hit mc o.xutiiltieil, adjimlod and
iillnwed, ami all nluliim not premiiituri I) tho
tail men I loiied dale will hu loruvor barred,
by nn order or the court.
DiKiki July 1H, UKil.
.1. a. McOAHTY, County JihIko
Notico for Hoaring Claims
In tho county court of Nomiiliii county, Nnb,
.11 tin, inuttor of the entiit,o of David Citrroll,
ilfeelihf (I.
Notlco Ih hereby ulVeu tliat the court Iiiih
mi, lile mi older lliilltllltf tliti IIiiih lor rred'torrf
to tile olaltiH uKii imt wild decouxed to Mx
iiiiiii Iih irom t begird da., of Aiikiim(, llii'l, ami
Hi it August !C and November '2.1, 11)01, and
IVhruarv 21, I WW, at It) o'clock a. in. of each
dny, at tiiiuiillco of thn county Judgo of Neina
ha county, Nebraikn, In Auburn, Nrbraslca.
lias iiecii llxeil l.r Hie court iih dm t linen anil
(ilaco wlicu and win lo nil pitmiiim who luivc
cIiiIiiih and dc'itutti'.H iiynliint wild ilowitweil
can liavo tho Minn; examined, udJiiMcd and
allowed, and nil clalnio not pteNciitod bv the
ItiHt mentioned (Into vl I be forever barred, by
an onlei ol the com t.
Dated July In, Will.
.1. 8. MoOAItrV, County .Indue.
Notice for Hearing OlalniN.
In tho county court, of Nemnha county, Nebr.
In the matter ol (he ICntuto of CliriMupliu
Nelck, deceiiMed.
Notice lit hereby ulvcu that the court, bun
inado nn order limiting the time for credltoiH
to lllo clalmH atcnliiHt (Hald dcceiiHed to hIx
iiiouthH Irom the ,'llHt day of Annum, 11)04,
atid tliat Aii)iiHt ,11 iitnl December I, Will,
anil Mil i eh 2, 11)05, at l n o'clock a in. of each
lav at tho office of I he comity JuiIko or Ne.
iniiiii county, NebniHkn, In Aiio'irn, NebinH
kit, nun boon tlxed bv thn court tin the tlmcH
mid nliiro when and where all nermitm who
have clalniH ami demands iiuuIiini wild lc-
ceiiM'd can luivo tlie munn examined, adjiiHt
ed utid allowed, mid all clalniH not presented
j Mm biHt mentioned dam will be lorevci
barred, by nn order of tho court.
Duud July 23. 1004.
J. H, McCahty, County Jttd;o.
JVemaha, Nebr,
O mix it
t. .ToHoph
ICnMH City
alt Li ilea City
t. XiOUiH 1111(1 till
I'ollltM JDUHt IllKl
on til
Sun ilPi'imoiHOO
A.iul nil lJointM
No. 1)7 PaHHeiiL'or, dally oxceptHini
(luv. Inr TecuiiiHeli. Hcatrtcc.
IIiildreKU and all points went l:IO u tn
No. 08 PiiHHOtmer, dally txceptHun
ilnv. for Nebraska Clt.v. Chicago
and all poltitu north anil emu 4tUnp in
No, 11(1 Local frelulit, dally except
.Sundiiv, lor Alelilf on and Inter
mediate million 7:(H) p m
No. 112 Local frelitlit, dally except
Monday, for NebriiHlca Cliv and
Intermediate hIiUIoiih 2:00 a m
Sleeping. dliiliiK anil roclltilnit cnair earn i
isoiuh freojon iiirouii traiim. Tioketa oid
Sleepliiir.'dliilnu and reclltilui! chair cam
iiiih unumifti uiieuiteu iu mu iiuuii, in nit
United HtateR or Cunadii.
For Inforinatlon, miipH, tlmo talilen'and
tlulceU call on or write to W. K. Wlieeldon,
iiaenl, or J. FranclH, Ucneral PaHHoiiKcr
AKenl, omiilin, Neu.
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know ft.
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
I unhealthy condi
tion of tho kid
neys; if It stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble: too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain in
the back Is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wl3h In curing rheumatism, pain In the
DacK, maneys, uver, oiadder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
it, or bad effects following use of liquor.
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
durlnrj the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root 13 soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures o! the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes.
You may have 'a sample bottle of this
and a book that tells
more about it, both sent
absolutely free by mall,
address Ur. Kilmer G Homo of Bwiunp-noot.
Co.. Blnehamton. N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer In this paper.
Copyrights &c.
spntfrco. Oldest aKeiioy rorjjeciirliiBPtttcnta.
Patents taken tbroueh Munn & Co. recolre
npeeutinoiue, wiuiout, cuhtku, hi luu
Scientific flmcrkait.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Larscst clr.
milatlon of any sclontltlo Journal. Terms, W a
Tear: four raontUs, L Hold uynll jiowsdealerj.
MUNN Co.36,Broad New York
Branch Office. C26 V BU Washington. V. C.
Anyone sending a nketoh and description may
nuloklr ascertain our opinion free whothor an
invention l probably pntomltijo. Coinmuiilca.
inV..ri.tlniil1doiitfiil. HANDBOOK oil I'AtenU
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. T. Sandbmh & Son, l'iop'8.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1004.
Kor President
Kor Vlco-1'reHldeni
For United HUtt Senator
klmkiij. numtirrr
For I'rcHlilentlal Elector!
A.C. auiiott
W. 1'. HALL
For Governor
For Lieut. Governor
ForHec'y or State
For Auditor
For 1'reiiHiirer
J. L. M'HItlEN
For Attorney (loneral
For Lund ComtnlHHlouer
Call and son (IB for reduced rates on
nuguzlnea and newspapers.
j$. V. Glasgow ia now aerving IjIb
county iib deputy Hlieriff while Deputy
lluhtH in out with u steam thresher.
Stort Is quite at home aa he has had
tour years experience as sheriff of the
county .Granger.
Misa Jessie Garvin, temperance Iocs
urer and soloist, win give an enteis
tiiiiimt'iit at the Christian church at
Brownvlllu next Monday evening
IMiia is Miss Garvin's only date in Ne.
malm county this soaaon.
The Lincoln Daily Stnr'n great cam
paign offer will enable you to get that
paper until Nov. I.'j, for only fiO cents.
Pun Star is the best evening daily in
Nebraska Send In your order to the
Daily Star, Lincoln, Nebr.
Will Cure Consumption
A Ilorren of Finch,
. ... , .,
writes, "Foley s Honey and Tar is the
best preparation for coughs, colds and
ung trouble. I knowthat it has cur
ed consumption In the lirst Btage.
M T Hill.
County Treasurer Dirks recently
paid off $3,fOU wortli of niilroad bonds
given by London precinct, over which
there has been ao much litigation, and
has called in $4,000 more, which will
be paid off in October. About $20,000
worth of bonds yet remain unpaid, but
it is thought the entire amount will be
paid in the next three yearn.
John Stotta and family arrived at
home again last Saturday after a sos
journ of several months at (JusterCity,
South Dakota. The only regret that
Mr. and Mrs. Stotts have in leaving is
the fact that they were forced to leave
tho bodies of two of their children be
hind. Their wide circle of friends
here are glad to welcome them back to
their home and to companionship
again. Shubert Cltir.en.
The presidential campaign ia
now well under way, and everyone iB
Interested in tho events which will oci
cur during tlie '.next turee tnotiuis.
Now is the time to subscribe for a
daily paper. Tlie Lincoln Daily Star
will be t8ent until Nov. 15 for only 50
cents. Tbe Dilly Star is eaBily tho
greatest and best evoninc paper in Nt"
braska. It Is thoroughly interesting
In every department. The Star pub
lishes all the nows all the time four
editions daily. Send us your name and
50 cents and "Do it Now," Address
Daily Star, Lincoln, Nebr.
How's This?
We ollor Ono Hundred Dollnrs Hownrd for
any ciiho of Catarrh thnt cannot un cured by
HhU'h Catarrh Guru.
F, J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho uiuii!rnlueil, hiivo known V. J
Clioney for the Inst lfiyeurN, mid bellovo lit in
perfectly honornulo lu all buslnoHs tnimmr-
tlniiH und financially able to carry out luiy
obligations inailo by his firm.
WholeHiWo l)rii(,'Klst.s, Toledo, O
HttH'K Cntiirrli Cure Ih taken lnturnally,
nctltiK (Vlrectly upon tho blood and mucous
HiirfftccB of tho HyHtem, Testimonials Mint
free, l'rlco 76 contu per bottle. Hold by nil
Tako H nil's Kam lly I'DIk for coiutlpatlon.
Tho packing houne at Nebraska City
and the Btriketo have come to nn agree
ment, the btrikers have go no back to
work, and the packing house is open,
and readv for shipments of ntock.
One feature that uhb made the Lins
coin Dnily Star deservedly popular is
the great Saturday Star, prepared ob
peclally for Sunday reading. It cons
tains from 12 to 24 pages. The great
campaign aerial, "The Grafters," ihaa
jtiBt commenced. You can have tho
Daily Star sent you until Nov. 15.
which includes tho big Saturday paper,
fer only SO cents. Send us your order
today. Address, Daily Star, Lincoln
A committee meeting was hold Tues
day morning in Dr. Meeso'a ollice to
consider the straightening of tho chan
nel of tho Nemaha river from tho Otoe
county line to a mile south of Auburn,
a distance of thirteen miles. Tho corns
mlttee will go over tho route Friday i
on a tour of inspection and Intend to
employ an engineer in n short time.
The cornmitteo consist of J. V. Lash,
James Taylor, Kmile Berlet, J. C. Deu
ser. D. A. Meeso. Herald.
While it Is being stated that the new
revenue law was enacted in tho inters
eat of tho railroads and against the
farmers it is well to look up the rec
ords. The Nebraska railroad along the
Missouri river in this county was as
sensed in 100:5 at $4,000 per mile.
This year the same line was assessed
at 38,000.
The Republican Valley line waa aa
seased in 100;$ at S4,ii00 and this year
at 810,000 per mile.
The main line, of the M . V. in this
county was assessed in 11)0.3 at $0,000;
this year at $8 400.
The Weeping Water line waa ass
aessed in 11)0.') at S4 000 and this year
ai $8,000 Granger.
The following telegram refers to the
bjy who was in Nemaha last week,
and who wits taken back to Auburn
Siturday night by.Sheritt Lawience
Auburn, Neh., Aug. 10. Consider
able excitement was caused in town
yesterday among the olllcials, by Iktw
Haiti) a few days iii'.o on account of
his incorrigibility. Yesterday lie eis
caped and when found he was at home
with a double barreled shot gun, an ax
and a hatchet and threatened to kill
anyone who came near him to arrest
him. The sheriff with his deputy and
the police force of ihe city finally
caught the boy off his guard and took
him into custody again. The boy will
probably soon be an inmato of the re
form school as he has a troublesome
and warlike disposition.
Tako the wagonette when in Aus
burn if you want to go to any part oi
the city. John MoElhuney prop.
Night was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night,"
writes Mrs. Uhas. Applegato, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. 1 had consumption so bad that
If I walked a block I would cough
frightfully and spit blood, but when
all other medicines failed, three $1 00
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery
wholly cured me, and J gained 58
pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed
to cure Cougha, Colds, La Grippe
Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung
rounles. Price 50.: and SI. 00. Trial
bottle free at Kocling's drug store.
Brutally Tortured
A onse came to light that for per
sistent and unmerciful torture has
perhaps never been equalled joe Golo-
blck. of Colusa, Cal., writes: "For lu :
years I endured insulteiable pain from '
Rheumatism and nothing relieved me,'
though I tried everything known. 1
came acrpss Electric Bitters, and it's
the greatest medicine on earth for that j
trouble. A few bottles of it complete-'
ly relieved and cured me " .luat as
good for Liver and Kidney Troubles
and general debility. Only fiOc. Sat
isfaction guaranteed bj Keeling, drug
. Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
fiat ever was made ia Dr. King's New
Life Pills. These pills change weak
neaa into ' strength, listlessness into
energy, brainsfag into mental power.
They're wonderful In building up the
health. Only 25c per box. Sold by
Keoling's drug store.
Last week a petition wa9 presented
to tho board of county commissioners
Blgned by fortysono leading taxpayers,
protesting against the live percent
raise made by the state board of equal
izutlon. The board appointed the foU
lowing committee to look after the
matter: II. O. Wilkinson, S Heed ,
J. W. Laah, S. W McGrew, J. M
Armstrong, Church Iluwe, J. W.
KernB. Tho committee and engaged
Ed Ferneau and II. A Lambert as
Thursday Judge Stull (lied u proteat
against the action of the commissioners
appointing a committee and giving IN
nanclal aid to the prosecution and an
injunction restraining the county clerk
from adding tho five per cent to tbe
taxes, and a temporary injunction has
been gi anted.
Sunday night when J. W. Taylor
closed bin drug stote, he left a lamp
burning in the back room and started
for Shubert. lie had only been gone
but a short time when his son, L'r.
Taylor, entered the store to telephone
and noticed a smell of bmoke in the
building. When he started to lnvesth
gate there wii an explosion and Mr.
Taylor was knocked down and the
glass in the front of the building was
broken. Flumes and smoke broke
from the back room but Mr. Taylor
shut t no door and confined Hie llauies
to the one room. The tire was intense
in tho back room and was only put
under control by tearing out one aide
of the room and goitini; at it. The
room contained all the paint add oil
supply in tho more and burned rapidly.
The telephone exchange Intlieatiro
was torn out as they were afraid It
would be destroyed by fire. It waa re
placed at once a 3 soon iib the (ire was
out. Tho loss was about $300 and
was covered by insurance. Falls City
Robbed tho Cravo
A startling incident is narrated by
JohnOliver of L'hiiudelpliia, as follows
"I was in an awful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite, growing weak
er day by day. Three physicians had
given mo up. Then I waa advised to
take Electric Bitters; to my great joy
the lirst bottle made a decided im
provement. l continued their use for
three weeks, and am now a well man.
i i. i .
x anow mey rooueu mo grave ot
another victim." No one should fai
to try tbem. Only GOc, guaranteed at
Keellng's drug store.
Old Settlers Picnic
Thursday, August 25
Good Speakers, Good Music
Base Ball Omaha Originals vs.
St Joe Goetz for a purse of $175
Reduced Rates on the Railroad
W.M. CAMPHELL.irrea. K. E. ALL.BN. Vlee-lre
ELMEIt E. ALLEN, Cashier.
Capital Stock, 85,000
No Pity Shown,
UF r years fato was after tn
tinually." writes F. A. Gulledue, VeN.
. t u i tt
Derm, Ala. "i nau a terriDie case of
.'lien, causing 24 tumore. When a' I
failed Hucklen'a Arnica Salve cured
me. Equally good for burin and all
achoB and pains. Only 2&c at Keeling'd
drug store
On account of the Auburn Chautau-JK
qua tho Burlington will sell tickets to
Auburn and return at uOc August 12
to 21, inclusive. An educational, ins
teresting and amusing pr giain U nt-
fered, to which a great many n anlen
will contribute Ask the nearest
Because the liver is
ncolectcd noonlo suffer
with constipation, biliousness;
headaches and fevers. Colds attack
the lungs and contagious diseases
take hold of the system. It is safe
to say that if the liver were always
kept in proper working order,
illness would ue almost unknown.
Thedford'8 Black-Draught ia so
successful in curing such sickness
because it i3 without a rival as a
liver regulator. ThiB great family
medicine is not a strong and
drastic drug, but a mini and
healthful laxative that cures con
stipation and may be taken by a
mere child without possible
The healthful action on the liver
cures biliousness. It has an in
vicroratinc effect on the kidnevs.
Because trio liver and kidneys do
not work regularly, the poisonous
acids along with the waste from
the bowels get back into the blood
and virulent contagion results.
Timely treatment with Thed
ford's Black-Draught removes tho
1 1 - I. I !. if J
liver and kidney troubles, and will
Eositively forestall the inroads of
right's disease, for which dis
ease in advanced stages there is
'no cure. Ask your dealer for a
25c. packace of Thedford's Black-
Cures Colds; Provents Pneumonia
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right