The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 19, 1904, Image 7

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Mrs. Hayes First Letter Appeal
ing to Mrs. Pinkham for Help:
" Dear Mns. Pinkuam : Ibavo been
under Boston doctors' treatment for a
long time without any relief. They
tell mo I havo a fibroid tumor. I can
not sit down without great pain, and
the soreness extends lip my spine. I
havo bearing-down pains both back
and front. My abdomen ia swollen,
and I havo Kid flowing spells for thrco
years. My appctito is not good. I can
not walk or uo on my feet for any
length of time.
" Tho symptoms of Fibroid Tumor
Slvcn in your little book accurately
escribe my case, so I wrlto to you for
advice." (Signed) Mns. E. P. Hayes,
253 Dudley St (Roxbury), Boston, Mass.
Mrs. Hayes Second Letter :
" Dun Mns. Pinkham : Sometime
ago I wroto to you describing my symp
toms and asked your advice. You re
plied, and I followed all your direc
tions carefully, and to-day I am a well
"Tho uro of "Lydia E. Pinlcham's
Vogotablo Compound entirely ex
pelled the tumor and strengthened my
whole svstcm. I can walk miles now.
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound Is worth flvo dol
lars a drop. I adviso all women who
are afflicted with tumors or female
trouble of any kind to give it a faithful
trial." (Signed) Mrs. E. IT. Hayes,
252 Dudley St. (Roxbury), Boston, Mass.
fSOOO forftlt If original of about letttn proving
gynulnenti eannot t praducii
Getting Even with Martin.
Martin Ilobbs was a man of uncer
tain temper, but of such importance in
his native town that the lasli of ills
tongue was borne with patience by
those to whom lie grudgingly minis
tered in his capacities of iceman,
plumber and janitor of the town hall.
.In the course of his duties as jani
tor he reduced almost to the verite of
tears a young woman who asked for
the key of a room In the town hull
hvhere certain records wore kept.
Martin knew she was writing the
history of tho town, but ho did not
propose to strew her path with roses.
"Lockin' and unlockln'," he grum
bled, as he began fumbling in his poole
rs; "potterln' and putterin', fussin'
find fldgetin', and what does it amount
to when all's said an' done? Anybody
st ye tor write a hist'ry? Who's
(agoing to read It? Here's your key,
jund mind you fetch it back, and lay
it on that tublo if I'm not here."
Tho town assessor wus at work
where ho heard this ungracious ad
dress, and when the young woman re
turned tho key ho said, indignantly:
"Martin outdid himself in rudeness
tills morning, I should say."
"Oh, well," said the young historian,
"lie felt a little cross, and had to
grumble, that's all."
"Never you mind," said the assessor,
cheerfully. "I'm going to make out his
tax bill to-day, and I shall assess him
for seven more hens!"
Hide Monoy in Queor IMnoe.
All devices of women to save their
money from thieves are not as suc
cessful as was that of a Purls busi
ness woman. Uer apartments were
recently visited during her absence by
a couple of enterprising burglars who
had good reason to believe there Avas
rich booty there. In spite, however,
(of the most earnest search they were
unable to find anything of value and
took themselves oil' disappointedly.
Nevertheless, a sum of some 20,000
francs wan lying in tho room they
liad explored, and that in a most
prominent position. Mine. Iteutz had,
In fact, devised nn Ingenious hiding
place by scooping out the inside of a
lemon, putting her bank notes Inside,
and then leaving It on a plate on a
side table. This transpired In the
course of tho complaint laid by her at
tho local police station. One would
like to havo seen tho burglars' faces
trhen they read tho papers next day.
Putting It Mildly s IONKil)ly.
Grimes Oh, come; Miss Muggins Is
not so bad looking as you seem to
think. Why, I believe you think she
is positively ugly.
Grant I hope I am too much of a
gentleman to think anything so un
complimentary of a lady. But I don't
recall any person whoso faqe is so
splendidly llttcd for a thick veil.
Boston Transcript
Secretary Shaw is furnishing a neg
ative to all applicants for u photo
graph of that $10,000,000 Panama
canal check. Washington Post
Homer was a beggar.
Spencer tiled In want.
Cervantes died In hunger.
Dryden lived iu poverty and dis
tress. Tcrrancc, tho dramatist, was a
Sir Walter Rallegh died on tho
Uutlor lived a life of penury and
died poor.
Plautus, tho Roman comic poet,
turned a mill.
Paul Gorghesh had 14 trades yet
starved at all."
Tusso, tho Italian poet, was often
distressed for a dollar.
Otway, tho English dramatist,
died premautrcly. through hunger.
Paeon lived a life lot meanness and
Steele, tho humorist, lived a lifo
of perfect warfare with baillfls
liontlvolgllo wus refused admission
to a hospital he had erected
Tho death of Collin was through
neglect, llrst causing montal derang
racnb Chatterton, tho child of genius,
and misfortune, destroyed himself
at 18
Savage died in prison at Bristol,
where he was conllocd for a debt of
Fielding lies in tho burying ground
of tho English factory at Lisbon,
without a stono to mark tho spot.
Milton sold tho copyright Interest
In Paradise Lost for $72 In three
payments and ilnishcd his life in
Var Your Perfect Comfort
At the St. Louis Imposition, which Is very
severe upon the feet, remember to tnko along
n box or two of ALLEN'S KOOT-KASH, a
Sowder for Hot, TlreU, Aching, Swollen,
wentlng Feet. 80.000 testimonials. Sold
by all Druggists, iir.e. DON'T ACCEPT A
SUHSTITUTK. Trial package KKEW. Ad
dress Allcu S. Olmsted, Le Uoy, N. Y.
A home without children Is about
as Interesting as a hotel lobby.
The process of making Liquid ICoal requires three days. The process of reduction requires 350 degrees of heat
It is n compound embracing every germicide, antiseptic, and dosinfectant found in coal, treated chemically with an alkalino bas
until every objectionablo feature is eliminated, being non-poisonous and harmless.
LIQUID KOAL is a combination of Creasol, Guiacol, and Kalium. LIQUID KOAL is a black oily liquid.
Sells for sixty cents a pint, ouo dollar a quart, three dollars per gallon.
You may have a pint fieo without
any expenso to you whatever If you
will cut out tho coupon In this adver
tisement and mail It to the National
Medical Company at Sheldon, Iowa.
LIQUID KOAL cures and prevents
hon cholera, chicken cholera, pink
eye, black lep, and all the germ dis
eases of animals, because ii is a gorm
killer and noes into tho stomach, into
the bowels, and Into the blood, and
wherever tho blood rocs. It per
meates tho entire system of un ani
mal through tho medium of circula
tion, and denudes tho system of every
disease germ.
Wo are giving three hundred thou
sand dollars worth of it for adver
tising purposes and to prove to farm
ers and stock raisers what it will do.
LIQUID KOAL has been tested for
the past live years in the largest laboia
toiics of this country, and Germany,
and in many of the expeilmoriLnl
Wo have proved beyond a question
of doubt before the greatest experts
or the country, that it destroys germs
of diseases common to all domestic
uninifils, and thereby cures diseases.
Worms intestinal and skin parasites,
ticks lice, insects, and vermin suck
tho life bio d and sap the vitality of
domesilo animals and f wis until the
miiual losses to farmers and stock
raisers reach enormous footing.
The farmer and stock raiser who
would Increase his hank account,
must, of necessity wage a continuous
warfare nitulust these robber worms,
parasite, vermin, and iiiaects.
The most effective and inexpensive
remedy for all these is Liquid Koul
Liquid Kol neutralizes the acid
Tho Woman and the lllb
Adam gave his rib
1o make a woman's shapo;
(Thus tho stcry's writ,
There is no escape 1)
Many an arctic whale,
Witless of tho blamo,
I Also gives his rib
For to make tho samo
1 sorrow not for man,
Ho gets his rlbleb back;
But for tho poor old whaka,
Alack, my friends, alack!
N O Times-Democrat
Voioo flom Arknnsnn.
Cleveland, Ark., Aug. 15. (Special.)
-Nearly every newspaper tells of somo
wondorful cure of some form of Kid
ney Disease by the Great American
Remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills, and this
part of Arkansas Is not without its
share of evidence that no caso is too
deeply rooted for Dodd's Kidney Pills
to cure.
Mr. A. B. Carllle, well known aud
highly respected here, tells of his euro
after nearly a quarter of a century's
suffering. Mr. Carllle says:
"I want to let the public know what
I think of Dodd'B Kidney Pills. 1 thiuk
they are the best remedy for sick kid
neys ever made.
"I had Kidney Trouble for 23 years
and never fouwd anything that did mo
so much good us Dodd's Kidney PlHs. I
recommend them to all sufferers."
There is no uncertain sound about
Mr. Carlilo's statement. He knows that
Dodd's Kidney Pills rescued him from
a life of suffering and he wants the
public to know It. Dodd's Kidney
Pills cure all Kidney ills from Back
ache to BrIght'sDisense.
Traveler "The houses in some of
tho ancient cities had walls ton feet
Mr Brickrow (enviously) "1 pre
sume somo of the neighbors
An Illusion "no married money,
didn't he?"
"No, he thought he was marrying
monoy, but he merely married somo
thing else that talks" Philadolphi.
Itoes One-half Barrel of Medicine or
Lice Killer
One-naif Million of Pint Cans Given Away.
condition of the system which Is a
condition favorable for the produc
tlon of worms causl tig such diseases
as hag cholera, anthrax, chicken
cnoiera, etc.
Liquid Koal is in goneral uso by
physicians and veterinary surgeons
throughout Jiairopo and America em
bracing a wider range of uses than
any preparation on tho market.
If you need Liquid Koal and havo
never used it please send us tho cou
pon below. We will then send you an
order on your dealer for u sixty cent
can and will pay your dealer ourselves
for it. It will cost you nothing.
It will cost your dealer nothing.
You are not obligated to us In any
way If you accept this offer, wo will
not ask you to buy any after you have
given it a trial. All we want is a
chance to prove to you what It will
If you want to know tho result
from giving Liquid Koal to a sick matter what.theeauscof tho
sickness is, send us the coupon today.
If you want special expert advice
regarding your stock tnat is sick
send us full description of tho symp
toms and also ten cents in postage.
You will also bo entitled to tho thirty-two
page book on the germ dis
cuses of animals.
Liquid KonI Is the Best nnd Cheapest
Worm Killer Known to Science
A list of the diseases that Liquid Koal
Uqk Cholera
I.unj,' Worm
Sivlno Plague
Intettlunl Worms
Cow OlioWr.
An lira
llliick ll!l(
CnruMiilk l)aie
Abonlou lu Cows
I'ink Bye
1'oot Hot
Tape Worm
I uiik Fever
Iiifluii. mutton of the
.Mormon Leader Hud l.urue (lift of
Prophetic linnet ii tit ion.
Whatever else may be said of Brig
hum Young, he was u great general, a
magnetic leader of crude though un
deniable power, and a shrewd law
giver. Wo may scout tho Idea that ho
was In truth a divine prophet, but
we may scarcely deny him a largo
gift of the prophetic Imagination, lie
was, perhaps, tho grossest material
ist of Ills time, but ho got results.
Though men of American blood had
never before attempted Irrigation,
farming on a large scale, though tho
possibilities of the arid country wore
then undreamed, though the obstacles
of great distance from supply centers,
of dangers from the Indians and from
famine, were seemingly Insurmount
able, Hrlgluun Young saw with tho
eye of imagination an empire In the
midst of the Great Desert, and such
coulldeuce did ho place in ills visions
that ids faith bore up and Inspired all
his people. Natural power Is not so
common In tho world that wo can af
ford to refuse It recognition, oven
when its exorcise is not unaccompan
ied by glaring abuses.
The matchless bravado ef tho
dreamer! Before his followers had
enough to eat, before they knew
whether they would ever see another
spring, Young was sending out ex
plorers and scouts to bring reports
Concerning more distant valleys, al
ready planning for the extension of
tho Mormon empire far beyond tho
valley where the llrst settlements worn
made, now Salt Lake City.
Every move made by Young was
cliaracterizcd by u sort of diabolical
jShrewdnoss. llo llrst reached out
,with covetous hands to secure control
of all the water within a hundred
miles or more of Great Salt Lake,
.knowing that this would give him
absolute command of all the arable
land, make him supreme dictator of
the routes of travel and of tho sources
of food supply a power of no mean
magnitude at a time when supply
points wore a thousand miles distant
and freight a dollar a pound or more.
Remotes Tan, riinples,FrecklA
aioui rnicnrs, nasii, aim nKlq
diseases, ana e-vcrr blenitik
Ol U8UlT, Kin
leflestWteciton. 1
liai itooil the tci
of ftO years, nd 11
10 liarmlef i rl
laiw it to tun
hit of ilmllat
name. I)r. L. Ai
ftarro laid to
lady of the uaut
ion (a jiausnwi
'An you ladle)
win uso unm, i
'Qouraud'i Cream
as the least harmful of all the Skin preparation
For lalo by all I)ru(jc!it and Fanoy Qoodi Dealer!
tn the U. 8., Canada, and Europe.
FERO. T. HOPKINS, Prep'r, 37 Oriit Jones St, N. I
Texu Fever Catarrh
l'oll Kvll Farcy
Chicken Cholera Miuie
Roup Hots
Thrush Scours
Lock -jaw Niml Gleet
Blind dtiig&ers b'crntclicu
Liquid Koal Acis as an Appetizer
and Vitallzer
No disease germ can escape It, that
is tho reason it cures for when the
germ is destroyed the discaso is gone.
Two Things to Remember
Uso Liquid Koal to destroy tho par
asites on the inside.
Uso Liquid Koal to destroy the par
asites on tho outside.
Parasites exist and thrive only at
tho expense of live animal tissue.
One Thousand Dollars Deposited In
the Union Bank at Sheldon, Iowa,
to be Given to Anyone Who
Finds Any of These Tes
timonials Not Gen
uine. Smith Center, Kiin., July 5, 1003.
National Medical Co., York. Nohr.
Gentlemen: Mavo ued your Muld Ifoal for a
cure of cholera lu lions and I liuvo not found Its
nniiul. I hid fifty head of lios and live nut of
fifty I was suro would die, but by the uso of your
Coal brought tliurn out O. K. and l.ave not been
bothered with cunlcru or any other swine plaim
slnco. Therefore can tuy to the swine breeders of
Smith County and aUo poultry raisers that It hit a
no equal. You can purchase this vulunblo niedl
olno of Walker it Sou, of Smith Center, who can
not misrepresent this vulunblo medluluo to you,
Yours Fraternally,
P. 8. I havo at tho present time seventy-six
head of rocs and pics that aro doing line and I
believe If It hud not been for tho use of the Liquid
Koal I would havo lost unclialf or nrobublv all
of them. J, P.
Q. A. Strand, Prop.
Grower of Choice Nursery Stock
ill ml ii. Nobr.. Deo. 5. 1002
National Medical Co., York, Nebr.
About two weeks ago many of the farmers
around hero lost very heavily bv hot? cbolnm. I
do not wish to write you a lone flattering state.
imiui annul vur medicine mil win say that I
uuugui a quuri cau oi uiquiu uoai uuu uiu iuv
ChlcnRo Society Worn nn Who Wn B
Sick She. Could Not Sleep or Kotp
Cured by Doan'n Kidney PIUh.
Knight, of 031
N. Ashland!
ave., Chicago
Orator of tu
West S I d o
W e (1 n e sday;
Club, says:
"This winter
when I started
to use Doan'a
Kidney Pills I
ached In every,
bono and had!
Intense pnlnn
In the kidney
and pelvic or
g a n s. T h m
urlno was thick and cloudy and I could
barely eat enough food to live. I felt at
change for tho better within a week.
Tho second week I began eating heart
ily. I began to Improve generally an
befora seven weeks had passed I wa
(veil. I had spent hundreds of dollnra
tor medicine that did not help mo, bu
IG worth of Doan's Kidney Pills re
stored me to perfect health."
A PRKH TRIAL Address Foster
Mllburn Co., UulTalo, N. Y. For sal
by all dealers; price F0 cents.
Tho desire to know the number of
pcoplo on earth 1b an old ona
Rlccolll, nn export Italian statist!
:lan, estimated In 1072 the world's
lotal population at 1,000,000,000 soula
KN'Htt. Invontor Kdlson's Intent achievement.
porl ct llttlo gem lot oveiy hnunehoUIi
CiPfclixlly nilnptcillor Drossmnkors. MUlinora
tad Tullorfl. aso will bring one. AildrcA,
87 (Sixth Avo., Now Yor
A shaft sunk at Ccssncck ncai
Ccssncck ncai
juth Wales, roj
a depth of 20
Maltland, in New South
aontly, penotratod, at
foot, a stratum of coal twonty-soven
(cot in thickness
"We nre never without a bottU of PIso'
Gtiro for Comminution lu our house
Mrs. H. M. Swayxo, Wtkltn, Okla., April
17, 1001.
In Colombia not onc-quartor ol
tho land Is settled or owned h.v ln
Mrs. Windows SOOTHING SYRUP for ohtN
drou tcothlnp, aoftons tho KUinB.rochiccii Inflr '.
mntloii.nllaya pnlu cures colic 1'rlco 2.1c bottloj
Of tho 301 different kinds of lirlt
lsh birds only 101 arc resident all
tho year
CURES catarrh ot the rtomach.
WHtHh All HSf 1AIIS.
n Byrup. Tottes uood. Uso I
j Urn Sold by druralpta.
N. N. D. 837 - :i4 YORK NEB
provemeut wus so marked that I bought a Kulloi
can and used It with tho result that my hos all
recovered and I did not lose one. My herd ol
over 200 are i lino condition and you may puj
me down us o ustaut user of Liquid Koal.
G. A. Strand.
Dec, 1003.
Wo tho underslcno d stock raisers aud farmers.
Kindly testify to tho merits of Liquid Koal mnn
ufactured by tho N'atln nal Medical Co,, of Sheh
don, Iowa aud York, lNobraska. We havo use
this product with rat fyliiK success and udvlH
all to plvn It a trial. It should boon every farst,
iu Nebraska.
Uufus Keary, lice. Nob.
Geo. Mills, lice, Nob.
Chris Schull, Stuplchurst. Neb.
Geo. HltiKelierKer, Sewaru, Neb.
J. II. Feary, lleo. Neb.
W. I'luchaupt, Staplohurst, Neb.
V. O. Meyer. Stanlehurst Neb.
J. Itlnsoberucr, br, Germantown, Nob,
lilooinllcld, Neb., Deo. 18, 1003.
I davo sold Liquid Koal for a year now an4
novTT havo found an article that elves such unl
versa) satisfaction ns Liquid Koul does. I ca
safely say that I have not one dissatisfied cus.
toiner. I honestly think that If oviry funnel
would uso It there would bo very little ltou cholera
In the country. ii. G. Mumleloh.
Wausa, Neb., Dec. IS, KWJ
I Imvelxion iislnn L. IC. as and Insect destroyei
nnd llnd It all you claim for It. Would recom.
mend it to all. I will keep It on tho place all tb
time. Yours, bum Gross.
It Is a positive preventative of contagious
Cut Out This Coupon
For it may not appear again. Fill out tho
blanks nnd rant) to tho National Medical
Co., Sheldon, Iowa.
My Have
Kinil of b'toclc. Dlseaio.
1 havo never tried Liquid Koal but If you
will supply me with a sixty cent can reel
will glvo It a trial.
Give full name and address and wrlto plainly.
Send this coupon today. If you desire a
thirty-two pnuo book on the germ diseases of
animals aud tpeclal expert advlco regarding
tho discuses that Direct your own stock Bond
ten cents in postace with this coupon to cover
cost of mailing aud expenso to us,
Tho can of lliiuld Koul Is to bo furnished
J you without express or freight charges to you
Dost Coii