The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 05, 1904, Image 8

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    ,XUnr(MW'w minnw iiiiiiliwmiiimii'ii i n u
Notico for Hearing Clnima
In Iho county court of Neiinihitruiiiily, Np1
III tin- mutter of tlio t.'Htiito of Ncjmoiir
11 owe .iClcClMIKCll.
Noticn Im huroliy kIvoji tluvt tliu court luift
tnmlo mi oiilor tliiiltliiK UK) tlmo for cti-rilt
urn 1 1 (Hi cIkiiiin nyuliint unlit (IcociihhI to nix
moiiUm (nun tlm Wtl dny or AuKtiHt..ltiol and
tliut Ainnistirt. November IP, I'M, Mini Febru
ary 2, llKiA, tit id o'cl iclc h. in. of cnuli iluy, tit
tlio olllc of Iho county JtnlK" t Nt'innlm
county, Nabrni , In Auburn, Nclirii-sloi, linn
lifrn fixed ly ttio court as tlio Union and
ilfico wliuii nud wlioruiill r oiih who Imve
cliilms mill (IntnniidM ninltint mild dcncoMod
can Imvo iho nmiiic cxiuulncd, adjusted mid
iillowcd, and nil olulinn not nrcHontpd I) tho
Inst tiininloiiod dulo will be lorovor burred,
by nil ordtTof tlio court.
DiilcU July 18, HKM.
.1. d. MoUAUTY, County Judgo
Notice for Hoaring Claims
In tlic oounly court of Xomiiha county, Net),
,n Hie. mutter of the untitle of IMvId Cnrroll,
Notice Im hereby rIvpii Unit tlio court Iiuh
inudu nn older limiting tliu Mum for creditor
to Mr. cliilms nul nwt Hiild decennrd to xx
month irom UinMrd dny of Auut, 1094, nud
lira Auguttt SH nnd November 23, I Ml, mid
Kcbrimrv 24, I WW, nt 10 o'clock u. in. of citch
dny, nt tlio ofUco of tho county Judge of Nemiv
liu county. NebruHlcu, In Auburn, NebruHlcu.
Iiuh hern fixed bv t lio court nH the 1 1 in oh nud
plnco when nnd win In nil porwoiin who Iihvh
cIhIiiik and Iumuii(!n rtKAltiRt nld deceased
enn luivetlie firii examined, ndjuntod nud
allowed, nnd nil clnlniH not presented by the
liiHt mentioned duto will be forever barred, by
an order of the court.
Dated July 18, 1901.
J. H. McCAIirY, County JudBe.
Notice Tor Hearing Claims.
In tho county court, nl Nomnhn county, Nnbr.
In tho mutter or the Kututo of ChrlMtophe
Nolck, deceaHed.
Notice U hert-by ulren that the court linn
in ado nti order limiting tho time for orcdltom
to fllo claims atruliiHt mild deccuNod to Mix
inonttiM from tlio 3lnl dny of Annum, moi,
nrd that AuKiixt3l and December I, 1004,
nnd Match 2, 1005, at ten o'clock a in. of each
day at tho ofUco of the comity Judge of Nc
inanu county, NebrnHtcii, In Auburn, Ncbrnn
kn, Iiuh been fixed bv tho court in tlio times
mid jiluco when and whero all porHonH who
hnvn clalniH nnd demand against Hiild dr
ceiiNed can have the sumo examined, iidJiiHt
eel and allowed, and all clulniH not presented
j iho luKt mentioned data will bo forever
bnrrod, by nn order of tho court.
Dated July 23. 11XM.
0. H. MoOautv, County Judgo.
,11 UJlllllUVj 11UU1,
Xjinooln Denvor
Omhii l-Ielonu
Chloauo Butte
t. .ToHoph alt JLi'ilco Olty
ItiiHB City IPortlnd
t. XiouiH and all San FranolHOO
I'olntH ICuhI nnd A.nd all Points
outh. "West
No. 07 Pnwionuor, dally exceptSun
duy, for TecumHoh. Heutrlco,
llotdrego and all points went 0:40 a m
No. 98 PnsHonger, tlallynxcopt Sun
day, for NebrnHku Oily. Chicago
nnd nil polnta north and eiiHt 4t00p ra
No. lid Local freight, dally except
Suiidav, for Atchison r.nd Inter
mediate Htattonn .... 7:00 p m
No. 112 Local freight, dally except
Monday, for NebraHka Chy nnd
lntcrniodlato ntntlons 2:00 a m
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
(nentn free on through train. Ticket sold
nnd baugan choekod to any point In tho
United HtntcR or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tableland
llckeUcali nn or write to W. E. Wheoldon,
agent, or J. Francis, Uoneral Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Statement of tho Condition of the
Southeastern Nebraska
Building & Loan As
sociation of Auburn, Nobraska, on the .10th day
of June, 100,
First Mortgage loanl 1140140.82
Stock loans .. .' lOJVi.on
Heal en tat e M 78A3.K1
Farnl u e a id stationery 118.45
Cash 6863.22
Delinquent Interests. nremluniH and
fines 4580.42
KxponsiH anil taxes paid 404.74
Dividends paid and orodlted l'JfiWDU
Kul estate sold on contract. 3458 26
Hon I estate bought for building site 1850.00
Total 18-,o5.00
Canltal stock paid ur $140745.0!)
Hesorvo fund 8C00 00
Undivided nroflts (I7C9J17
Interests, premiums and tin en loW2.HO
Advanco lutorestand Premium 141.86
rertmcata fers.. 8l.lH
Houts 340.36
Total ...
YKAlt XND1MO JUNB 30, 19C4,
linlance on hand July 1, 1003...,
Dues nn running stock
Interest, premiums and fines.,
Loans repaid
Full paid stock
17208 03
jientH . ..........
Orilflca'c foes
Insurance and taxos
Ileal estate sales
Vroflt and withdrawal fees.,
Total , 1113403.61
Loans $4610.82
Expenses 4334.13
Stock redeemed 404I6.H6
Oasli on hand 6803.22
Dividend on F P stook 7139.00
insurauoo and taxes 78.00
Ileal estate purchased 0317.18
Undivided profits - 14V.02
Total $113103.61
Countv I ""'
I, H, M. Glllan, Secretary of the above
named Association, do solemnly swear that
the foregoing statement of the eonditlon of
said Assooiution is true nnu correct to mo
boat of my knowledgo and ueuor.
It. M. Uit.lan. Seoretarv.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
16th dny of July, 1004. Ohab. O. Fiibnok,
' Notary Public.
Take tho wrtgonotte when in Aun
burn If you want to po to any part of
the city. John McEIha ney prop,
The Nebraska Advertiser
VV, VV. Sandkhh & Son, Prop's.
Fill DAY, AUGUST 5, 1004
On account of tlio Auburn Chautau
qua tho Burlington will Hell tickota to
iVuburn and return at M)c AiiRiiBt 12
to 21, incltifllvo. An educational, ins
tcreatlng and atnusltin program 1b of
fered, to which n great many notables
will contribute. Aek I the nearest
Bryan'a View of tho Nomination,
I have nothing to tako back, j have
nothing to withdraw of tho things I
have said against tho methods pursued
to advanco his candidacy. It was a
plain and deliberate attempt to decelvo
the party. Tho Now York platform
was vague and purposely so, becntise
the advocates of Judgo Parker wero
trying to secure votes from among the
people who would have opposed his
views had tboy known them, Tho
nomination was secured, therefore, by
crooked and indefensible methods.
The Commoner.
From tho Urownvllle Letter.
Mrs. Joe Unnger of Nemaha wns
initiated as a member of tho Women's
Relief Corps of this city Friday afters
noon of last week.
Elder Sapp departed Monday morn
ing for Lincoln to attend the Hible In
stituto of the Christian church which
is now in session at Cotner university.
Ho expects to remain two weeks, the
pulpit of the local charge being filled
in his absence by J, W. Perkins.
Seven car loads offat; cattle would
have been shipped from this station to
tho Chicago market Monday night if
tho packing house strike Imd not bro
ken out afroah. John Uath, trie big
cattle dealer of Auburn, wan to have
been tho shipper and a Hpecial train
from NpbrasKa City had been arranged
for, but the order hadtobe counters
manded, ao there is no market at pte-
How's This?
Wo offer One Hundred Dollnrs Reward for
any caso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. OUENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undersigned, have known F, J.
Cheney for tho last 16 years, and believe him
perfectly honorablo in all business transac
tions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by his rtrra.
Wholcsnlo DniBKlHlH. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Ih tnkendnternally,
acting dflrcctly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of tho system, Testimonials sent
Iroo. Prlco 76 cents per bottle. Sold by all
Tako Hnll's Family Tills for constipation.
In tho Shubert Citizen of last week
the base ball team of that placo pub
lished a card of thanks for the "fair
and impartial manner" in which the
ShubertsVerdon ball gamo at the W.
O. W. picnic was umpired. Now it
greatly pains our gentle neart to say
anything that will give offense to our
Shubert friwiuls, but when tho umpire
calls a foul knocked by a Shubert play
er a fair ball, allowing them a score;
when he calls a Yerdon player out
when the baseman was not within a
foot of the base; when he allows the
Shubert pitcher to mako n balk thus se
curing an out against Verdon: when
ho calls strikes on Yerdon when the
ball is plainly seen above the batter's
head; when ho does these things not
onco but repoatedly, and always in fa
vor of the Shubert team, it striken us
the "fairness and impartiality" Is ab
On account of tho Epworth League
Assembly the Burlington will sell
tickets to Lincoln and return at 82.05
on August 2 to 11, inclusive. An edi
ucationol, interesting and amusing
program is offered Write for pam
phlet "Souvenir Talent", which will
tell you all about it.
L. W. Wakelev,
General Passenger Agent, Omaha.
If you want flre Insurance, either
in old line or mutual companies, call
on W. W. Sanders.
W. W. Sanders is agent for several
good reliable insurance companies,
mutual and old line. Call on him for
flre insurance.
Call and see us for reducod rates on
magazines and newspapers.
Political Day.
Political day at tho Auburn Chau
tauqua will be on Thursday, August
18. Senator J. P. Dolliver of Iowa
will expound the republican issues
and Senator Wm. J. Stone will repre
sent the democratic faith.
Both men have a national reputa
tion as orators and both are at the top
in tho counsels of their respective pars
ties and both will speak upon tho is
sues of tho day as promulgated by
their respective parties.
This will be the only chanco this
fall when the people will have an op"
portunity to hear both sides presented
the same day. and it may truthfully be
said that these gentlemen will opoti
tho campaign in Nobraska for tholr
Special excursions on all railioads
for thin day. Political clubs and or
ganizations should arrange to como in
Tho management has spared no
money in order to obtain the best tal
ent possible.
For further particulars address
W. B. IIatiman, Sec,
Auburn, Nebr.
Will Ouro Oonsamption
A A Horren of Finch, Ark.
wiltes, "Foloy's Honey and Tar is the
best preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble I knowthat it has cur
ed consumption in tho first stage.
MT Hill.
Robbod tho Crave
A startling Incident is narrated by
JnhnOliver ofPhiladelphia, as follows
"I was in an awful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually lu back
and sides, no appetite, growing weak
er day by day. Three physicians had
given me up. Then I was advised to
take Electric Bitters;. to my great joy
the first bottle made a decided im
provomwnt. 1 continued their use for
three weeks, and am now a well man.
I know they robbed the grave of
anothHr victim." No one should fall
to try them, Only GOc, guaninteed at
Reeling's drug store.
Brutally Tortured
A ense came to light that for per
sistent and unmerciful torture has
perhaps never been equalled. Joe Golo
bick. of Colusa, Cal., writes: "For 15
years I endured insuffpiable pain from
Rheumatism and nothing relieved me
though I tried everything known.
came across Electric Bitter?, and It's
the greatest medicine on earth for that
trouble. A few bottles of it complete
ly relieved and cured me " Juat as
goad for Liver and Kidney Troubles
and general debility. Only 50c. Sat
isfitetion guaranteed by Keeling, drug
"Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that evr.r was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. These pills change weak
nesa into strength, listlessness into
energy, bralnsfag Into mental power
They're wonderful in building up the
health. Only 25c per box. Sold by
Keellng'a drug store.
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Enow it.
How To rind Out.
Fill a bottle or common class with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; If it stains
your linen It Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
jxJv pass It or pain In
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to So.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of thU
wonaertui discovery
and a book that tells
more about It, both sent
absolutely free by mall,
address Dr. Kilmer u noma of Bwiunp-rioot.
Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer In this paper.
Thursday, August 25
Good Speakers, Good Music
Base Ball Omaha Originals vs,
St, Joe Goetz for a purse of $175
Reduced Rates
WM. OAMPHELL,.rres. P. B. ALLlflN. Vice-Pro
ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier. J
Capital Stook, $5,000
Call In and see us if you want to
snbscrib9 for any paper published in
the United States.
Auburn Chautauqua Entertainers
The Programs, now out for the Au
burn Chautauqua, which will begin on
Saturday, August 13, and continue till
Sunday, August 21, glveB the following
list of entertainers:
Dr. Phil Beard, Dr. E. A. Ross, Rev
Harvey Harmon. Eugene May, D. D ;
Frauk R. Roberson, Eugene Brudh
Rev. Geo. L. McNutt, Prof. Ash Dav
is, Dr. D. F. Fox and Senator J. P.
Estelle M. Clark, Roberson's moving
pictures, Garretson & Co. and Victoria
Chicago Lady Entertainers, Giant
Quartette, Jubilee Singers, Temple
Male Quartette, Mrs. Guy Simpson,
Prof. Geo. A. Snyder and Mrs. Bessie
M. Mercer.
One Minute cough cure gives reliet
in one minute, because it kills the mi.
crobe which tickles the mucous mem
brane, causing the cougb, and at the
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the intlammatlon and lieulrf and sooth
es the allected parts. One Minute
cough cure strenghens the lungs, wards
off pneumonia and Is a harmless and
never failing cure in all ouralle cuses
of coughs, colib, and croup. One .Min
ute cough cure iH pleasant to take,
harmless and good alike for young and
old.-W. W. Keeting.
No Pity Shown.
"For years fato was after me con
tinually," writes F. A. Gulledge, Vers
benn, Ala. "1 had a terrible cane of
Piles, causing 24 tumors. When all
failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured
me. Equally good for burns and all
aches and pains. Only 2Dc at Keeling's
drug store.
Night was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night,"
writes Mtb. Chns. Applegate, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hurdly got any
sleep. I had consumption so bad that
if I walked a block I would cough
frightfully and spit blood, but when
nil other medicines failed, three $1.00
.bottles of Dr. King'd New Discovery
wholly cured me, and I gained 58
pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed
to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grlnue
Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung
troubles. Price GOc and Si. 00. Trial
bottle free at Keeling's drug store.
on -the Railroad
Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumonia
For milu by M. T. Hill.
K0D0L digests what y
K0D0L c,can3C3 purifies, stxengtheni
' and sweetens the stomack.
K0D0L cure Indigestion, dyspepsia, and
all stomach and bowel troubles.
K0D0L accelerates the action of the gas
tric gianas ana givos lono 10 no
digestive organs.
K0D0L re"eves an overworked stomach
i of all nervous strain gives to
tho heart a full, free and untrammeled
action, nourishes the nervous system and
feeds the brain.
K0D0L 's tne wonderu' remedy that Is
maKing so many sicKpcopic wen
and weak people strong by giving to their
bodies all of the nourishment that is con
tained in the food they eat.
Bottles only, $1.00 Site holdlne VA the trtal
alto, which stlls (or 50c.
trmnd toly ly E. C. DtWITT CO.. CHICAGO.
Wine of Cardui
Cured Her.
213 South Prior Street,
Atlanta, Ga., March 21, 1903.
I Buffered for four months with
extreme nervousness and lassitude
I had a sinking fcelincr in mv
stomach which no medicine ecemod
to relieve, and losing my appetito
I bocamo weak and lost my vital
ity. In threo weeks I lost fourteen
pounds of flesh and felt that I must
find speedy relief to regain my
health. Having heard Wine of
Cardui praised by several of my
trienaB, i sent tor a bottle and was
certainly very pleased with the
results. Within three days my
appetite returned and my stomach
troubled me no more. I could
digest my food without difficulty
and tho nervousness gradually
diminished. Nature performed
her functions without difficulty
ana i am onco more a nappy and
well woman.
Treo. AUanU Friday Night Club.
Secure a Dollar Bottle of
Wine of Cardui Today.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
For nalo by M.T. Hill.