The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 17, 1904, Image 2

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W. W. SANDEHS, Publisher
A Brooklyn church, yearning for
rcaco on earth, has abollfllicd the
fcolr. '
Tlio wight of export opinion scorns
b bo Hint spelling correctly la a gift,
lio same as spellbinding.
When (rust magnates begin shying
rtoncs nt one another there Ih suro to
to a great shattering of glass,
Wo often hear of'u middle-aged man,
hit never of a middle-aged woman. A
vomaii Ih cither young or old.
George Ivcnnnn Ih bearing up un
Icr the repeated mlHfortuncH of tho
fcusslans us well as could be expected.
The man who thinks a good deal of
Hh wife nhould not attempt to conceal
Us thoughts when ho s alone with her.
A Now York man Ih Icnrnlng to
bilk without a tongue. This In new;
hit many people have learned to talk
K'lthout brains.
Andrew Carnegie has now given
tway more than .$100,000,000. Hur
(ali for Andy. May ho not stop till
ko mnkes It a billion.
It Is comparatively easy to discover
Ihe germ that produces disease. The
real trick Is to prevent Uie germ from
llscoverlng his victim.
An excited doctor has run a pin
through tho mump microbe, it will
bo a, great triumph when thoy coral
tho stono bruise microbe.
Many n cnndldnto who thinks ho
hears tho voice of tho peoplo calling
!o him, discover later on that ho has
responded to a false alarm.
Sir Charles Dllke will now bo voted
the loveliest man In all England. He
haH come out Ilat-footed for the admls
ilon of women to parliament.
Another trained nurse has married
t millionaire patient. Tho training of
burses In somo quarter scorns to bo a
fomprohonslve sort of tutelage.
A great many people devote their
host thoughts and energies to bring
ing prison reforms who never glvo a
thought to the man that never did
nythlng to merit Imprisonment.
Tho geological discovery that tho
western mines of tho United States
can produco unlimited quintltloH of
radium follows closely upoi tho heels
of tho discovery that radium Is not
good for anything.
America has begun to Bet tho stylos
of tho world In wearing apparel, as
well as in freedom. An English shoo
taanufacturor with branch stores In
many largo European cities Is making
shoes on tho American model becaus6
his customers demand them.
Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews says that
tho President's race buIcUIo theory Is
n good one but that It can be over
jworked. Dr. Andrews says that ten
children is too many. A low moro
bits of wise advice and tho American
peoplo may yet learn how to regulato
their family affairs.
Public opinion has turnod against
lynching so steadily of lato that tho
action of tho Colorado sherlll' who,
single-handed, stood oil! a mob at tho
point of his pistol represents a popu
lar now fashion In ollleors of tho law.
A few moro such Instances of deter
mined official tldcllty and courago will
greatly help to euro the lynching habit,
Tho frequency of tho remarks that
Russia and Japan will got rich out of
their war shows tho long Ufo of a
popular misconception. Countries at
war got poorer with startling rapid
Ity. War does three things which
mako a nation look prosperous: It
makes a Hoarclty of labor; It taxes tho
future for an indefinite period and
spends the tax money at once In lavish
Bums; and It enables a handful of cap
ltallsts to reap vast fortunes out of the
rirofuso expenditure of money, This
ruo statement of tho case cannot too
early do mastered.
Verestchagin, the Itusslan painter
(who juis uovotea nis nro to depicting
ho horrors of war, with tho Intention
f abolishing tho cruel cui-bo of tho
hges, was on board tho Russian bat
tleship Potropavlovsk. lio died In
carrying out tho cause to which his
nrt was dedicated the securing of
peace to the world. Ho was only In
iho military camps ami upon uio mur
ilerous engines of sea battlo to study
realities so us to present to tho world
fcho scones Inseparable from war. it
was his hopo that, when the nations
saw what they wero fostering in tho
military spirit, they would revolt from
It and bring about a now reign of
Veace on earth, good will to men. The
war canvases of Verestchagin havo
icon forbidden the galleries of Itussli
and of Germany by moro than one de
cree. They wero feared for the effect
they would have upon tho masses.
Georire Collins, a young man, was
laniiod In St. Louis recently. A few
hours before his execution ho said In
an Interview with a newspaper report
er: "Mr parents never gavo mo a
show." Nor did ho say this becauso
of pique, nor to Justify himself. An
revealed by his life's history what
lio said was true. Tho boy did not
got a fair chance at life. In fact his
parents gavo him no chance at nil.
lis father and mother were unfit for
parenthood. They allowed their son
to u row un In the streets. Thcro was
no homcalmospliero nor Influence nor
training. Tho only training was In
the direction of evil. Very early In
Ifo young Collins came Into conflict
with the nollco. They pronounced lilm
a bad lot and finally had him sent to
"tho reform school. In this school
Collins simply took a post graduate
n vice. After thus fitting himself for
a crlmlnnl career ho was released to
prey upon socloty. The road to tho
scaffold was a short one. Primarily
the blame rests with tho parents. Had
they given him a fair chance no count
then blame himself for his wrong
doing. Ills father and mother sent
dm to the gallows. The lesson of
lis mlssnent life is for parents: He-
gin the education of your boy beforo
u Is born with yourself.
During a discussion at the Chlcagf.
Woman'B Club Professor Arnold Tomp-
tins of the Chicago Normal School
said: "A man should dress well so
should n woman but not too well; ho
should comb, but not too well; ho
should write well, but not too well,
and he should spell, but not too well.
'he press recently criticised high
school pupils because they were poor
spellers. It was the highest compll-
ment ever paid to them, because It
proved thoy wero In better business."
Another speaker Indorsed tills notion
bv declaring that there wero moro Im
portant things In education than good
polling, and that the time was coming
when tho poor speller would no longer
bu considered Illiterate. From theso
assertions and others like them which
proceed from tho months of school
teachers we may Infer that a contempt
for spelling is being rather assiduous-
y cultivated by a considerable numbei
of our modern educators, and tho
question arises whether they aro not
nvltlng contempt for themselves. It
s to be noted, moreover, that they can
put forward no superior claims to an-
thorlty In tho matter, becauso the losi
of the valuo of spelling Is not confined
to the classroom. It Is being applied
every day In business and In the pro
fessions. The high school boy who la
assured by Professor Tompkins thai
the censure of his errors In spelling U
n fact a compliment may find that
the more ho Justifies such compliments
he moro dlflleult It will bo for hi in
to secure tho favorable attontlon oi
thoso upon whom ho depends for em
ployment. That Is a phase of the sub
cct that; is of very great practical lm
portanco, and that admits, we should
say, of little difference of opinion
among persons of experience In tht.
world's work. It Is a fair conclusion
nlso that where slovenliness Is encour
aged In ono branch of study Its Inllu
enco Is likely to be felt In others, and
f there aro occasionally Instances from
which It nppears that poor spelling and
broad general culturo aro not Incom
patible they aro to be taken as curi
ous exceptions. Furthermore, when
we aro informed that there aro tnor
Important things in education thai
good spelling wo aro entitled to a bill
of particulars; also to proof that inact
curacy In spelling Instead of being tin
sign of general slovenliness Is evi
dence of devotion to tho moro import
taut things. Upon tho whole, it would
seoin that tho high school boy Is gob
ting slops when he needs discipline,
and If a professor may defy the inlet
with Impunity the boy enjoys no audi
privilege. In this connection a storj
that is told of Dr. Parr, an eminent
English scholar and educator, is perti
nent When a gontleman defended hit
pronunciation of Alexandria with tlu
accent upon tho "1" by an appeal U
tlio authority of Richard nentley, Pan
caino down upon hltu with tlio com.
ment that he (Parr) and Hentley
might pronounco tho word that way,
but that tho gentleman had better
stick to the ordinary usage. So Dr,
Tompkins may spell as ho pleases, hut
ho ought to refrain from making q
laughing stock of his pupils.
The ltooipo lluttit.
"I think thoso neighbors aro real
mean," said Mrs. Wiggins.
"What's tho troublo?" asked her hus
"You know our Marguorlto doesn'J
get on in her studios very well an
their Mathllde is always at tlio head
tho class."
"What of that?"
"Thoy wouldn't toll mo what par
tlcular sort of brain-producing patonl
food thoy glvo their children." Wash
Ingtou Star.
When a small boy gets his Auger
caught In the pantry door it Lsn't tho
Jam he Is looking for.
MIrr Ao-nes Miller.
Chicago, speaks to young women
about dangers oi tne menstrual
' To Youno Womeh1: I Buffered for
nix yeara with dysmenorrhea (painful
perlodB), BO much so that I dreaded
every month " T. knew it meant thrco
or four dav.1 u- lntenso pain. Tho
doctor bm' was'duo to an inflamed
conditio) uterine appendages
caused ind neglected colds.
'If only realized how
dangoi . take cold at this
critlca. Ai suffering would bo
spared v .. Thank God for Lydla
E. Pinklmm's Vcgctablo Com
pound, that was the only mcdlcino
which holped mo any. Within thrco
weeks after I started to tnko it, I
noticed a marked Improvement in my
general health, aud at tho tirao of my
next monthly period tho pain had
diminished considerably. I kept up
tho treatmont, and was cured a month
later. I am like another person since.
I am in perfect health, my cyca aro
brighter, I have added 12 pounds to my
weight, my color is good, and I feel
llghtandhappy." Miss Aonks Miller,
25 Potomac Ave., Chicago, III. -fsooo
forfeit If original of above letter proving genuine
ness cannot bo produced.
Tho monthly sicluicss reflects
tho condition of a -woman's
health. Anything1 unusual at
that time should havo prompt
nnd proper attention.
fr-KfiE to WOMEN
A Largo Trial Dox and book of in
structions absolutely Free and Post
paid, enough to prove the value of
PaxfineToilefr Antiseptic
Pcxtlno Is In powder
form to dissolve In
water- non-pohonons
and fur superior to liquid
antiseptics containing
alcohol wlilcli Irritates
Indutncd nurloccs, and
liuve no cleansing prop
erties. The contents
of every box mnkes
more Antiseptic Solu
tion Unts longer
Core further lies more
uses In the family and
does more good than any
antiseptic preparation
you can buy.
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash, for Lcucorrhoca, PelvicCatarrh, Nasal
Catarrh. Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
Inlocaltro&tmontof female ills raxtlnols
lnvaluablo. Ubed as n Va-jlnal Wash vre
challongo tho world to produco Its equal for
thoroughness. It is a revolution in cleansing
and hoallng power; it kills all gonna which
cauno inflammation and discharges.
All londliiR druggists koop l'axtlna; prlco.DOc.
Bbox; If yours does not, send tousforlt. Dou't
lato a BUDsmuie moro is nothing like raxtiuo.
Wrlto for tlio Kreo IIox of Tuxtlno to-dny.
E. PAXT0N CO., 6 Popo Bide., Bostou. Main.
Vegetable Prcpnrationror As
similating llicFood anilUcdula
ling the Stomachs antlBowcls of
Promotes Digealion.Chwrfu!
ncss and flest.Contains neither
SMum.Morpliine norMieraL
ot Narcotic.
fanplun Setdm
Jit CurtcntrYcgar
Krr SetiJ
Clraified &UV
nXntnyivm- ftavcit
Apcrfecl Remedy forConslirki
tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ness and Loss OF Sleep.
Facsimile Signnlure or
The census of 1900 cost $11,854,817.
Zurich has its streets paved with
Onc-thlrd of the cc-IIcrc graduates
now aro women.
Ono in four of the peoplo of Chica
go Is a German.
There are nearly 20,000 known
oiodicinal remedies.
Kansas City alone has $50,000,000
Invested In Mexico.
Monday is tho favorite day for
committing suicide.
The nvergc depth of the ocean is
about two miles.
There are 'cur miifiunaJrcs In
Britain to ono In France.
London fever hospitals can ac
commodate 0,000 patients.
Fully 2,500 persons commit suicide
in KuESia every year.
Two millions of London inhabi
tants never go to church.
Gold now constitutes nearly one
half our stock in money.
The typewriter is more largely used
in Mexico than In France.
The Unitod States llghthouso ser
vice costs $1,500,000 a year.
It Iz no charity to help a man
who won't help hirasolf.
Tho lircboats atound tho British
coast during tho last year rescued
080 people.
Yu may call it a weakness if you
please, but 1 thank God that tears
cum to my eyes so eazlly.
The population of Ireland is 4,432,
274. and tho decreaso for tho last
year has been 10,003.
Moro poisonous snakes are found
In Arizona than in any other part of
the United States.
makes top of the market butter.
It iz not unkommon to meet polks
who tav moro religion, and even
morality, than they havo common
I ennnot prnise Piuo's Cure enough for
the woifders It has worked in curing me.
-K. II. Seidel, 2200 Olive street, St,
Louis. Mo., April 15. 1001.
I have seen pholks who thought
had too mutch propriety. I would
be a relief to see them lie down on
tho floor, and roll over, once in a
SlrB. Wlnslow'sSOOTIIING SYKUP for, ohU
drt-n U-othlnj,,8o!tun the eums, reduces 1tla
matlon, Hllayspalu curoh colic. PiicoUoo bottlo
1 have lived Just long enough now
to Und out how very little I kno;
aod no man whororusos to bo guided
by hlz faith iz ever going to bo very
K0U8AI,K-aroccrlen. Flour. KenU. General Mcrchan
Mine )00. Win. Austin. Hill City, Uouth Dakota.
Life can be sustained for some
thing liko thirty days upon water
alone, with only dry food ono could
live but a quarter of that time.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
I Bears the
I f jlv In
J' For Over
1 Thirty Years
PM - RES X& K3 H H BBS OS H!fi
Not oven an unwilling woman's
host coquettish cvnRjocould oqunl
:ho Indirection of the mind of a na
dvo whom a traveler meVlntho woods
)f North Carolina. Tha'hian was get
ting out a load of wood, rfnd the trav
eler stopped to gossip with him. He
loon found that "yes" and "no" wore
tlio words which wore not In tho na-.
live vocabulary. . '
"Is there any tavern on the road to
"I riM'kfin vmi mmif 'fltwl nun nt vn
looked In the right plnpe."
"How fnr is it froWhore about ten
aillos?" "i
"More or less"
"This Is the direct road;thcre, I sup
posoV" ',;-,-.'pji'
"You'll he putty npt'fu'tp git there
tf you keep goin' ahead."
"Dctyou sell much wood there?"
"1 reckon this heah Jack thinks ho
las to haul a right smart chance."
"Does wood bring a good prlco
"It's jest accordln'. Some fetches
aiore and some agin not so much."
"Oak fetches more than pine, I sun-
"Can't say as It docs, reg'lar. Mouta
hen agin it moutii't. Croon oak kln
ler needs n little light wood for- to
let it goln'."
".So you need both kinds?"
"Ef one or totlicr won't do single"
I believe you Southerners burn
rreen wood mostly?"
"Oh, we nln't pertlklar. Every fel
er to his own llkin'."
"Which is heavier, green pine or
Iry oak?"
"What good would It do to know?"
"Well, I'm writing a book."
"What sorter book?"
"Oh, just a general book on .tlio
touiitry, and I'd like to get your opin
on on lio relative weights of tho
,Vood." '
The Carolinian gave tho Northerner
l full glance, then looked steadfastly
ihend, saying, "Well, now, stranger,
rou kin jest set it down in your book,
.vheii you git to that pertlklar p'lnt,
that all the people o' North Caroliny
ivas seeh fools you had to weigh it
flow Youiijr Matron Manages AVltcn
tho Maid Ih Out.
"We Just let our friends cook their
wn supper on Sundays when the
maid's out," said the young married
h'oman. "I have found out that men
just love to cook, and I honestly think
!hey know a good deal more about It
'Jian women.
"Ono man we know makes overy
lellclous kind of omelette you could
possibly dream of, and a great many
kinds you couldn't dream of, for you
iavon't been to all the restaurants
Ind hotels that ho has. You see, ho
married late in life, and his long series
if bachelor years perfected his knowl
sdge of omelette-making.
"ITe knows how to mako oyster
.'ocktalls, which Is more than most
imateur cooks know. Ho is going to
nake some Sunday. Here's tho list
f the things I'm to have on hand.
"When I saw that my idea was go
lig to prove a success I bought sonii
jheap aprons for the women and tlu
nen. The men's are regular hutcheN
tprons! I havo all the aprons in a niot
)llc on the kitchen table when m
piests enter. We pat them on lira
"As hostess -I become kitchen maid
( keep an eye on everything that it
mlng on. I put away the provision
he moment they are not needed any
onger, and I keep the dishes washed
ip as they are used In the cooking.
5y being constantly occupied In thlri
vay I keep my small kitchen frej
Vom confusion and my guests' teni
ters from being milled.
"After supper tho women help uie
lear tho table. Wo banish tho mes
Vom this. I leave the kitchen ncrJ,
flth the dishes piled together ready to
o washed. It is Sunday and I want
o make as little work as possible for
he maid.
"The maid grumbled a little at first,
list because It Is In tho maid code tw
rumble at anything unusual, but J
llspelled the last remnant oi her !ls
laturo by telling her after the first
veiling that she could go out evy
lunday instead of on alternate on
res, the men really do like It." No.
fork Sun. '
A Soven I'ounil Key.
One of the oldest and most curio
peelmons of the locksmith's art Is ar
ached to the door of the Templu
Jhureh, London. The key weighs sov
m pounds, Is eighteen Inehos, long,
nd. unlike other keys, it was not inadu
or the lock. On the contrary, the lock
vas made for tho key.
"Ion married a rich wife, didn't
on?" asked .Tones of Ids friend.
"Yes," he sighed, "but she's not de-lan-d
any dividends yet." London
.'M'.lts. ,
Buy tho bell cow., and you can lead
he other politicians 'away, .