CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bougfat Beam tbo toigiuunro oi t,a. . . rvy. -axe I IMiss Alice M. Smith, of Min. Complete External and Internal Treatment Consisting of Cuticura Soap to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; CUTI CURA Ointment to in stantly allay itching, irrita tion, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; and CUTI CURA Pills to cool and cleanse the blood and expel humor germs. A SINGLE SET, costing but ONE DOLLAR, is often suffi cient to cure the most tor turing, disfiguring skin, calp and blood humors, ec zemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. neapolis, Minn., tells how wo man's monthly suffering may be permanently relieved by Lydia EPinkliam'sVegetableCompound "Deab Mm. Pinkiiam: -I have never before given iny endorsement for any medicine, but Lydia 12. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound has added bo much to my life- and happiness that I feel like making nn exception in this case. For two year every month I would have two days of severe pain, and could find no relief, but ono day when vlsitlnff a friend I ran across jLydia E. Pliiicliam's Vege table Compound, she had used it with the best results and advised mo to try it. I found that it worked wonders with mo ; I now experience no pain, and only had to nso a few bottles to bring about this wonderful change. I use it occasionally now when I am exceptionally tired or worn out" Miss Alice M. Surra, 804 Third Ave,, South Minneapolis, Minn., Chair man ExccutlvoCominlttcc, Minneapolis Study Club. $5000 forfeit If original ofaboot letter nrovlna atnulneneu cannot be produced. Ijydla E. Plnlcham's Vegetable Compound carries women safely through the various natural crises and is the safo-guard of woman's health. The truth about this great medicine is told in the letters from women being published in this paper constantly. Capsicum Vaseline Put Up in Collapsible Tubes. A Hnbttltntt for nnd BuDarlor to Mustard or am tl her plniter, mid will not blister the most delloAtl Ocln. Thii pain nllnrlnirand onrntlrn quullttfs of tbii rttolenre wonderful, it will itoi the toothaoha M once, anil rellttre unndacbs ana sciatica. reoommsnil It an ths bent nnd safmt oiterna) couutor-trrltnnt known, alto as an external remsdjr tot pntna in the cheat mid stoinaoh and oil rheumatic, neurnttfla und goutf complaint.. A trlu I will nrnra what nn nlftlm for It. and It will M found to ln lnraluatiln In tlie household. Many popl Frtcn l.ri renin, at all druast.ta. or other dealers, or hi Mndlnu tlila amount to ua In postage sunips, wo wlH end you a t.ibo br mall. No article tihould bo ncffptetl by U.. publlo unless th anuia cnrrlos our tabe), n otherwise it Is not genuine, CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO 17 State Street. New York City. me1 Aaiorxcaitoc)Rniiu.A. mi a-aucauiiMjcsMiacM. x. it tauupcAitu aumat fcold throucliont the world. Outlcura Kmo' it, (too. (lo roini ot ctiocolata Coat? I'lUa, .. per ttal of 110) Ulntuient. 30c.. Somi 2oe (ts Looilcn. 27 Chsrtcrhouse Ho.: I'srla. Rue it la rli; ttonton, KIT (Viluintitia At. rotter Drug and CIioli. 0rp., Sole Prop, C7SfCrt for 'lUv to Curr TorturlcK, Dli carlnx flumuis from Infancj Ag." 50,000 AMERICANS Were Welcomed to Western Canada durlnsr latt Year They are MttJed and settling- on the drain and Urailnir Land, and are pros perous and eatlsflixl. Hlr Wilfred I-anrler m-enUj aaldi "A new itr has rHen upon the horizon, and l toward It that every immigrant who lutti the land of his ancestors to pome and seek a home for himself now turns his v.i6X-'niiMdn. Theie la ROOM FOR MILLIONS a - , Si:. Sf .............. .1 Meliools, Churches, Jtull- UH'UV. S.l m ' uriircut For a descriptive Atlan and other In formation, bm.It to SurKm.STK.HnitKTU IOluTlof, Aiu, Canada, or autho. .V rinna.Kni Nw York Life BMl..Ouinha. Neb. W. L. DOUGLAS 3.SS&3 SHOES W. L. Douglas shoos havo by their oxeollont style, easy-fitting, it ti (1 superior wearing (tuiilltlos, nuhiovoil any ahocs In the g world. W '1 liny arc just sis t?oocl as tmU ooat you $M to 85 tlio only dlfforonco l& the price. Sold Everywhere. Look for name and prlco on bottom. UouirlitH nana Corona CoIt.klii, -wliloh 1 everywhere cuncoded t botlin Uncut I'utont I.cntlier ypt produceiL Fast Co or Eyelete uerd. fihora brmatl.SSr.extra. 117 l i S .1.4-1 tu I. - 1 .1 M ' iiiiiuiut: tsuuwK, ii .Ai.ftuujcias. urur.a luii. MAli Ileld up Women's trnlus. The hire class Employes. Vaciidt smileEmpty llaslc. The stamp aot Loud applauna. Poor actor Bankrupt tragedian. Clncinattl Day at the World's fal will ce May ?! aHI ill Mil H If JJjlll 1 ! MaWWWaMMll Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FASaiLY'8 FAVORITE MEDIOINE AD DrtatsbU BEST FOR THE BOWELS ciimsT Tina liiuiiT ok woulu. Dy Her. Hcnjamln B. Hcett, Wlicn Jestia thus adilressL'd a few nignud llHlienuen, and one or two pub- Heaus poor, obscure, humble, uncul tured, HtijiiiK, "Ye are tiio liybt of tbe world," it Heems scarcely conceivable that he should menu what his words express. These words say what the sun Is to the physical world that you and those like-minded who shall come after ure to the spiritual, therefore moral and intellectual, world. As utterly Improb able as It seemed, yet to-day are these words fultUlcd. The Hindoos, Chinese, Persians, Arabians, Greeks and Romans, In their turn, sent forth into the heavens galax ies of names that seemed destined forever to light Uie human family In their climbing to highest tilings. Hut to-day Confucius, Zoraostcr, Pythagor as all the great luminaries of the first magnitude In the ancient world havo faded out before the rising of the Sun of Righteousness, whose name those few llsliennoii preached, and whose teaching and life tlioy reflected In their own. Matthew, Mark, IjUko ana John are household words, almost the world over, while the great llghta of ancient days are known only to a few learned men. And the doctrines these "lights of the world" taught stand out clear and established In the hearts and lives of the best of the human family. All the light of modern times has not only failed to reveal a single error In Christ's Instruction, but has served to provo his every utterance to bo in bar mony with universal truth and In ac cord wltli all nature. These men are yet, in the revelation they give In their life and doctrines of Christ, "the light of the world." Rut there Is yet another sense in which these words aro to be taken. Those men and all Christians ure the light of the world in that they rcllect and disseminate the light of the Lord Jesus Christ, the true light of tin world. "The sun's raj fall not directly and immediately on the I'.i of the earth. If there were no lute. outlinr airncy the heat of the beams would be t4n- sumlng, the brilliancy blinding. The atmosphere Interposes to moderate the heat and soften the brightness; every particle of the atmosphere becomes a center of light omission. So every Christian, every unit In the church, the moment the rays of the Sun of Right eousness falls on him, becomes a new center of light emission, reflecting the glory of (Jod and scattering the light upon all In his sphere. Such Is the glory of Cod that no man can look on his face and live. When Paul for a brief moment saw but a flltling of that glory he fell to the earth blinded. When on the mount of transfiguration the three disciples stood for ii moment before the veil partly lifted they fell to the earth as dead men. When men pray with Moses, 'Show me thy glory," Christ, points to peuf.:.', faying: "They reflect my glory, in them look for the purity, goodness, loving-kindness and holiness f J Jod." In the audience, of such a thought how full of meaning are the wonls: "Re j c therefore perfect, even i - v"ir Anther In heaven Ih perfect." TlnTi' arc I hose who feel the beauty i '!..' 'Iioughl licit the Christian is a .tc-tiir ot tlit- light f God. but the . I sceiiH to them beyond realization. it imperfection of human nature, the ..; ami subtle tempiations Unit dog . i. in's every step, the enigmas of life .mil perplexities of casuistry all these, bey fancy, make the reproduction of tlie character of Christ on even a low plain impossible. The following his lessons and exam- nle. th '.v think, would shipwreck tholr usiuess and ostracize them from po ite society. They argue It is Impossl- 1 V to mix such religion with business. !i is good for Sundays, for funerals, v I'liiirchcs, but It Is too delicate and ! intj to bring Into the dust of every ! y life, the noise and confusion of in Alness places. What God hath Join- ' I'lgether, business and religion, l int lie divorced six days In the week, r both suffer loss. You must serve J. id nod Mammon, or you will lose j "in prollts both in time and eternity. Rul all this is a frightful blunder, i a deliberate rejection of God. What igiuiis element would you exclude "ui your business life? Not truth, .or justice, nor lute; uy, nor fairness. if so, you ure opening the flood-gates or tlie perpetration of all crime when jour interests seem to domund it. You '..mot condemn the bribe-giver or bribe-taker, or forger or robber; for If ..mir Interests demanded it you would io the same thing. Yes, religion aud business are Joined indlsHolubly;' united they both stand, divided they both fall. The man who brings true religion luto his business life takes God for his partner. If re ligion and business must be separated, then has Christ died In vain, and tlie kingdom of heaven has In It no inhabi tant of earth. Therefore, we expect to Unit among church people sympathy of sentiment, gentleness of action, helpfulness In the common work, charity In all things. "We be brethren" is the Ideal, and will help and shield each other from harm. Ilrtnil Tower Hny 1'rens $y.8,OU. Greatest, nimplest, bcHt Invcutrou of the age. A boy enn make rcgulnr Hi?.!. MxlSx-18 in. hnlcA like fun, and two boys enn bale three tons, per dnv onnilr. SMND THIS NOTICE) TO DAY to the Job u A. Snlzcr Seed Co., Lo Crosse, WIh., with Oe ntnmps foT mull ing, and get their big catalogue, fully describing thin great Hny Pre-". No also liimdredH of tools nnd tlionsi of rt rietlen of Fana and Vogetnbl -cda. Indiana Hay at the woild's fait has been changed from SepUmbel 1.3 tu September I. WE8TERN CANADA'S RE80URCEQ -mm., .ji. i, w' juaii jut. ay Rer. C T, Urndy. Thou art become guilty In thy blood that thou IniBt shed. Ezeklel xxll., 4. it Is u question whether vice tillers down from the top or percolates up from the lwttom strata of society. I believe that social vlclousuess origin ates In the top; that the follies of the upper become the vices of tho middle aud the excesses und crimes of the lowest strata. Vice gravitates down ward rather than grows upward. Thero la more danger In tlie bad example of a man whose talents, birth or fortune have lifted him above the general gen der than there Is In tho moral aberra tion of some lower Instance of human depruvlty. The converse of the proposition Is, perhups, true. An example of Christ likeness is more emphasized when It springs, like the lily, from tho ooze. This Is, by the wuy, whore these ex amples generally do como from. The humble minded, hurd working, zealous Christians usually como from the lower and middle strata. And the more cred it they, for It Is harder to be a Chris tian in straitened circumstances, In poverty and privation, than it Is whun everything Is smiling and pleasant. All tills Is a prelude to u brlof thought as to the probable cruelties of tlie war In the fur east We wonder what the Japanese will do, what tlie Russians will do. Rut what did we do ourselves in tho far east? We are shocked Unit uny persons reared in our free environment sometimes too free under the influence of our Institu tions, should be guilty, under whatso ever provocation, of torture. What Is the difference between giv ing a man the "wuter cure" In the Philippines and burning another man at the stake In the United States? They are both a part of the practice of the ancient Spanish Inquisition. Yet burn ings at tlie stake In this country ure so common as not seriously to disturb our equilibrium. Thero have been literally hundreds ot them since they grew fre quent enough to attract the attention of the statisticians less than one-fifth of them for "the crime ngalnst the hearthstone," too! 1 urn not defending tho crlnilnul. With every man I clam or for the protection of womankind and humanity, property, too, and urge the swift and salutary administration of the law and the passage of adequate law to lit the crime. Rut there the fell practice stands; we burn at tlie stake; we administer the "water cure." A preacher advocates lynching; his hreth ren mildly censure him, in effect ac quit him of wrongdoing! What more or worse can Japan or Russia do? I shuii go a i.ep higher. These things, Inllnltoly worse In degree, are the outgrowth of tlie spirit shown by those who stand before a trap ami shoot live birds for fun the spirit of cruelty, of disregard of life. The utter absence of heart Involved in such a performance, which In ghast ly mockery Is called sport, Is ovldc: of a brutality which only needs courugemcnt aud the absence of r. stralnt to bring about other tilings. This shocks you, especially If you an; guilty, but the llnal analysis of an up pure n Uy small action usuully shocks us. I am not saying that the man who Bhoots live birds from a trap would bum another man or give him the "wa ter enre." No. Rut I do say that Un willingness of men of high station, nominally Christians, to shoot live birds for fun, and, what Is more seri ous, since It implies corruption at the head and fount of the rnee. for women who pose as leaders of society to do so. as we are assured by uncontradicted reports In the public press certain peo ple of fashion did In a Southern winter resort within the hist few mouths, makes all things possible to those less blessed with advantages. I firmly de clare thnt the spirit in a woman V breast which permits her to slaughter a bird for "fun" is the same which when carried to its legitimate develop rnont, burns and slaughters men here and at tho other end of the world. Let ub see before wu condemn the warrlorB In the east and the mobs in tho United States how we are contrib uting to this widespread disregard of the law of life, even for the mennest of God's creatures, which brings about these terrible confwpu'nceu. Farming Vmrx BuccrfuL Ry Western or Nwrtbwest Canada Is usually meant the great agricultural country west of Ontario ami north of Minnesota, North l.akotn, and Mon- tanu. Put't of it is agricultural prat tle, treeless In plncctt, park like In oth rrs. nart Is genuine plains, well adapt ed to cuttle ranches; part requires irri gation for successful tillage, must oC 't does not. The political divisions oc his reulon nre the Province of Mum lobu and the territorial district of Aa- tlnlbolu, Sir'.atehowun, Aiberta uut Athnbaska. At present, however, tb bitter Is too remote for Immediate prac tical purposes, The general character of the oll of Western Canada Is a rich, black, cloy loam with a clay subsoil. Such a soli U particularly rich In food for t' wheat nlant. Tho subsoil la u cl.iy. which retains the whiter frost until It is thawed out by tho warm rays ot the sun and drawn upward to Btlmu- lato tho growth of the young wheat. so that oven in dry seasons wheat U u good crop. Thu clay soil also re tains the heat ot the huu later in th summer, and assists in the early rlp.'U hig of the grain. Jt Is claimed Unit cultivation has the effect of lncrelislng the temperature of the soil several d i giees, as well as the air above it. Western Canada climate Is good - old in winter, hot in summer, but with cool nights. Violent storms of any kinds are rare. The rainfall Ih not heavy. It varies with places, but jverages about sovont.en Inches. It falls usually at the time the growing crops ii ' cd It. The iJepurlmcut of the Interior, Ot tawa. Canada, has agents established at iiiffiiicnt points throughout tho United ''..ites, who will be pleased to forward an Atlas of Western Canada, and give such other Information as to railway rate, etc., as may be required. That agriculture In Western Canada pays is shown by the number of testi monials given by farmers. The fol lowing is an extract made from a let ter from a farmer near Moose .law: "At the present time I own sixteen hundred acres of land, llfty liorset and a large pasture fenced, containing a thousand acres. These horses run out all winter and come In in the spring quite fat. A man with money Judiciously expended will make a com petence very shorlly. I consider lu the last six years the Increase In ta value of rny land has netted me forty thousand dollars." Brazil's principle exhibits at ttx world's fair will be coffee, rubbee ores and foather work. Rhcantntlam'a KllllniclPaln. Left in quick order nfter tukiug M iIohu.s of Dr. Sklrvln'it Rheumatic Cur In tablet form. i!." doses for 25c, port paid. WISCONSIN DRUG CO., Li CROSSE, WIS. (C. N. U.) Locomotive enlgnccrf, on the nn from Crew to London a distance ot IGG mile?, have to notice no feun tbuu 2f signals. MOTHER GRAV'n SWEET POWEf,5 FOR CHILDREN, uirauum iwr eTerlMlnu s Coantlpatlnn. licit fanliei fltomaih Troilblna, Tocthinl PJaordwrs. and Drilrol rirj' yiiann. Simple raalUd FKKK. AddrM. .r.forkW A. 6. OLMSTED. La ftoyTn TP, Men who In v Hie least to mak munny, luv the most to spend It. "Kxpense of time is tho nusb cosllj of all expenses." He Is admired most, who docs best, what many do well. Buy in the Black Hills Hidden Tri-Kxiiro Oulil ViiunirA Ml Mini; Oorupanv Vtiitli Utkotn. I orToriiitf lu Tn.uury Hlock, a llmllwi iiliiouut, lor mile. tnvt-KtoiH look Int.' lor a unfit pluro i put tlu jl IIIMIIDV, WI)4ll(l ill) TI)II t IllVfHtltflltu tlllt. t Cfl fll nUh Uiu KuuuliiQ S. T- Coolinm stuck. R. O'SULLIVAN, IIlK OIhhh Mlnllij,' StooUd, 1 1 riroiulwny, Nhw Vorl "What's tho matter. Joliu you IojU KlokT" "Oh I not a bud Muinnoh. CAii.t oat. unit urn Iooh iifj fleKti." 111 toll you wont to do, ijut ii Wa liox of ARTHUR'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS nuil ewe tlim HCRordhiK to dlructtntitr, and II they dou'i cure you I'll jiy (or fh 'm .soli) only by Arthur Dyspepsia Tablet Co., t'out'oril, Mich, Lurgo Mijujile lOn.