The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 04, 1904, Image 8

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    Drbmc Aim rArre
The Nebraska Advti
V. W, Sandbuh St Son, I'rop'H.
FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1110 1
If yon wim, tiro liiBtiranco, either
in old lino or mutual companion, cull
on W. V. rfrttulciH.
Take the wngonetto when In Aus
hum if you want to fro to any part of
tliu oily. John MoISIIidtioy prop.
The Marlfal Concert Co. gave an
ontertalninedt at the opera house
Thurrtday night to a Rood audienco
Tqo concert wuh fine, the Hinging and
violin playing being (irat cIuhh. The
ladles wore oncored many timp.H The
Madrlnral Concert Co. will havo n
crowded house nhould they ever eotne
buck to Nemaha.
A few days ago David Frazter was
in Auburn ud in conversation with
W. F- 1'nrln about fuel, told Mr. Puria
he had coha twelve to fourteen Inches
long. Mr. L'arla remarked that ho
waa from acroea. the river, ao Dave
concluded to "ahow" him. He aent
aeverul coba by mail to Mr l'arla But
urdiiy, that were fourteen und fifteen
Indies long. That la the kind of corn
wo rats) tiro und Nemaha.
Dr. II. S. Oaither drovo out to
D. II. Clark's, two miles und a half
northwest of Nomuliu, Monday night
to visit Mr. Clark'a children who wore
sick. When ho camo out to start home
his team hud got loose arid waa gone
Ho walked homo supposing he would
Und the team tliero, but they were not
so ho hired a livery team and went
uncic. ne rouna tho team about one
o'clock They had gone into Mr.
Clark's orchard and got caught in
some ot tho trooa. No damage was
done except that tho Dr. was tired
(from his walk.
A few days ago Mrs. Joe Hunger
thought to hasten tho coal (Iro In tho
cook stoye, bo poured a little coal ot
in a cup und threw it on the aiaoulder
fng Ore. Immediately there wus
something doing tho top of the stove
flew off, und tho coal and soot covered
everything in tho room. Mrs Runger
resembled a darky, Sho had a weok,o
washing in tho room and this waa cov
ored with Boot and ovorything had to
bo wushod again. The white walls
woro all blackened. Nothing was
Vrohon una JiT one was injured, but
tho accident caused Mrs. Runger sov
ral hours of hard work.
Rev. J. W. Taylor died at tho homo
of his daughter, in St. Joe, February
21, 1H04.
Pathor Taylor, ns ho was uaually
culled, was ono of tho pioneer Motho
uihi ministers or jNeurasKa. lie came
hero in 1855 or 1850 and proachod con
tlnuously in Nebraska until the bur
den of years compelled him to rest.
For many years he preached in Nem
aha county und was known and loved
by olmost every resident of tho county.
He lived in Nemaha several years
after retiring from active work in
tho ministry.
Fathor Taylor was about 88 years of
age at his deuth.
Y. P. S.C. E. Sunday, March 0, 1904,
Subject, How Christ stills tho
storms of life Psalm 107, 2tf-3l.
Song Savior Pilot me MaudRurnB
Bomoslde lights: Trial the lot of
all Job 8, 25, 20
Whon God se'ems far away Psal 0
Our Deliverer, Hob. 2: H18.
Would you have your life always
smooth? Why not? Answered by
Mayo Galther.
Givo instuuees of strength gained by
adversity Stella Washburn.
Give instances of gain from trouble
Eddlo Maxwell.
Solo Vespor fiells Dora Clark.
Y. P. S. C. E, Benediction.
Ella Shlvoly, leader.
Nora Aynos, Proa.
' Oatarrb of tlio Stomah,
When uio stomuch is overloaded;
when food is taken Into it that falls to
digest, It decays and lullamos the in us
cous membrune, exposing tho nerves,
and causes tho glands to secrete muciu
Instead ot the natural juices of digest
ion. This Is called catarrh of tho
stomach, caused by indigestion, Doc
tors and medicines failed to bonefit me
until I used Kodol Dyspopsia Cure,
.. It. Bliea.Coppell, Tex. Sold by W
W. Keeling. .
ii ii mi ii tit
Last Rummer seven of our cltlzena
contracted with the Midland Lyceum
Huroan of Das Moinc, It) wh, for a
aeriea of lectures und conceita to bo
given this winter. The last one of the
fleri"fl waa the concert given by the
Madrigal Concert Co. Thursday night.
The gentlemen who arranged for
thcao ontortalntnenta have had to pay
dearly for their exporionce, aa the
poopto did not piitronb.o them aa well
aM waa expected. If our citizens want
a series similar to this for next year
they will havo to bIjow their appro
elation of the efforts of a few citizens
to provido a higher clasa of entertain
mi') Is than usual at this place by
guaranteeing to take oiiotigli tickots
so the committee) will bco their way
to pay out. Every ono ot tho series
this winter waa lino and we should
lKo to boo something of tho same
nature next winter. What say our
citizens? Now is a good tlmo to talk
it over.
Receipts from the 2ipercont tax on
the gross eurningo of foreign insure
unco companies doing business in this
state are exceeding all expectations
tho life insurance paying In fur more
than the lire.
Tho New York Life furnlshos $8,s
!M0 07; North western Mutuul,83,420 07
Mutual Life, $0 011,00; Equitable Lite
$4,17105; Union Central, $1,243 47 ;
Metropolitan, $2, 100 20; Mutual Ueu
ollt, 31.303; Aetna $1,380; Prudential,
81,047 ;Stato Life $1,117.
In addition there uro some dozen of
smaller concerns which havo turned
in a few hundred dollars each, ull of
the companies which owed less than a
$1,040 having already paid up.
With the reciprocal tax added tho
lecoipts from insurances companies of
all classes will exceed tho receipts of
last voir hv mora than :- (' per cent.
What is Foloy'a Kidney Oure?
Answer: It is miido from a prescript
tlon of a leading Chicago physician,
and ono of the most eminent in the
country Tho ingredients are the
purest that money can buy, and are
scientifically combined to got tho best
results. M T Hill.
A runaway almost ending fatally
started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J
B Grner, Franklin Grove, 111. For
four years it defied all doctors and all
remedies. But Rucklen's ArnlcnSulvo
had no trouble to oure. Equally good
for burns, bruisoB, and skin eruptions
and piles. 25c at Keel trig's Drug Store
Spring AMmonts
Thoro is an aching and tired feeling,
tho liver, bowols, and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestiot
impaired, with littlo or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeling
that tho whole body and mind needs
toning up. The trouble is, that dur
ing tho winter, there has been an over
accumulation of waste mutter in the
system. Ilerblno will remove it, se
cure to tho secretions a right ox It, and
give strength in place of weakness.
50c at Hill's.
OuroB Whon Dootora Fail
Mrs, Frank Chiasson, Patterson, Ia
writes Juno 8th, 1001 : '! hud mulnria
fever in u very bad form, was under
treutraent by doctors, but us soon na I
stopped taking their medtclno the fov
or would return, I used a sample
bottle of Herbine, found it helped me.
Then 1 ' bought two bottles, which
completely cured me. I feel very
grateful to you for furnishing suchu
splendid medicine, and can honestly
recommend it to tliose suffering wit'i
malaria, as It will surely cure them."
Herbine, 50c bottle at Hill's.
Holds Up a Congroasman
"At tho oud of the campaign."
writes Chump Clark, Missouri's brilli
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervous tension, loss of sleep aud con
stant speaking I hud about utterly col
lapsed. It seemed that ull of my
organs woro out of order, but three
bottles of Electric Bitters made me nil
right. It's the best all-round medls
cino ever sold ovor a druggist's count
er." Ovorsworked run-down men and
weak, sickly women gain splendid
vitality from Electric Bitters. Try
them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by
Cyras Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia
For aulo by M, T. Hill.
I mruln hor turn ottit
ii ii 111 mi ii mm 1 1 ii uimiiiii mi i kii
Why tho Twico-a-Wook Ropubllc
has Achlovod Wido Popularity
Established for nearly a century and
read regularly by more thuu 000,000
eraons in the west and southwest
the Twice-a-week Republic of St
Louis, can justly lay claim to this en
viable distinction, "Favorite home
It la great because it has always aim
ed to Inform, instruct and entertain its
readers on 'ull matters of public and
home interest. In 1004 it will be es
pecially interesting und valuable
Hero are some reasons why you should
This is campaign year, and you will
want to bo informed of tho movements
of party leaders, reports of tho great
national and atuto conventions, the
progreos of the campaign, reports of
tho election, etc.
You will want to know all about tho
World's Fair, to bo held in St. Louis
from April 30 to December 1, 1004.
You will bo interested in and kept
well informed by tho Farm visitor, a
regulur supplement of the paper, prei
pared especially for tho farmer and
his tamily.
You will want to know what the
world is doing in every field of uctivity
and through tho unsurpassed news
and special sdrvico of the Twice-a
wook Ilopubllc you will not bo dis
In short sketches, choice bits of fics
tlon, articles of interest to women,
children und home, fashion hints und
helpful houBehold suggestions tho
uraong the weeklies of thd great west.
If you want the Twlcesa-week Re
public sent to your address order it at
onco direct from the office at St Louis.
Mo., or through tho postmaster. It
costs only 81a year.
For a pleasant physic take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
Easy to hike. Pleasant-ln effect.
For sale by tv. W. Keeling.
Foley's Hsney and Tar contains no
opiates and can safely bo given to
children M. T. Hill
A Jaunt to Old Moxico
On Feb. 18th the Burlington will
in i ibrsoiiiilly on luuteil excursion
from Lincoln to Old Mexico and re
turn. This Is a raro opportunity to
see tho "Egypt of tho Western Ilerai
apere" at mininum cost.
Early intimation of your intention
to accompany this party la necessary.
For full (information write t G. W
Bonnoll, City Passenger Agent, Rur
lington Route, Lincoln, Ncbr.
Ho Learned a Croat Trurh.
It is said of John Wosloy that he
once said to MSstresa Wesley, "Why
do you tell that child tho sit mo thing
over and over again?" "John Wesley,
because once telling is not enough."
It Is for tho same reason that you are
told again and again that Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy cuius colds and
grip; that it counteracts any tendency
of these deseases to result in pneus
mania, and that it is pleasant and safe
to take. For salo by W. W. Keeling
Cull in and see us if you want to
subscribe for any paper published in
the United States.
Dr. Rergin, Puna, 111. wins:I
huve used Rullurds Snow Liniment, i
always recommend it to my friends,!
and I nm confident that there is no j
bettor made. It is a dandy for
burns. Those who livo on farms
are especially liable to many accidental
cuts, bums and bruises, which heal
rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini
ment is applied, It shonld always be
kept In the house for cases of emors
goncy. 25c, 50, and 81.00 at Hill's.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyono Bonding n skotch nnd doicrlptlon may
quickly nscortnln our opinion froo whether nn
Invention Is prolmbly rmtentiitilo. Communica
tions strictly confldontlnl. HANDBOOK on omenta
sont froo. Oldost lutonoy for Bocurlngpateuts.
Pntonts tnkou through Munn A Co. receive
tptelal notice, without charge, In tho
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weokly. Largest clr.
dilation of any sclent tlo Journal. Terms, 13 a
yours four months, I. Sold by all newsdealer.
MUNN Co.3B1B'oada New York
Umucn Otiico, (05 F St., Washington, D. U.
1 During March and, April the 13ur-
Ilngton will sell one way tickets to
the Pacific Coast at vory low rates.
Here are Borne of them :
$2..00to San Francisco and Los
$25 to Cortland.Tacoma and Seattle.
$25.50 to Shokano
320 to Salt Lake City, Rutte and
SiG to Rig Horn Huslri, Wyoming.
Proportionately low rates to hun
dreds of other points
These rutosoffer an excellent oppors
tunlty to see tho great Northwest
which presents unusual attractions to
the homeseekor. It possesses the
iron and lumber of Michigan, the
Minnesota, the wool of Ohio, tho fish
orles of New England and a seaboard
rivaliug the Atlantic Coaet.
If you will lull me where you are
going I shdll be glad to givo you full
information about rates and train ser
vice and send you advertising matter
descriptive of these wonderful sections.
J. Fkancis, Gon'i Pass. Ag't,
Catnod Forty Pounds In Thirty Days
For several months our younger
brother had been troubled with indl
bestion. He tried several remedies
but got no benefit from them. Wo
purchased some of Chamberlain's
Stomuch und Liver Tablets and he
commenced taking them. Inside of
thirty duya ho hud gained forty pounds
in llesh. Ho is now fully recovered.
We have a good trade on the Tablets.
Hollov Rros. Merchants, Long
Branch, Mo. For sale by W. W
Chris Miller of Fremont Nebr
writes; "I suffered from dyspepsia foi
more than 10 years. I was under the
cure of a number of doctors, made three
trips away, and still no relief. Kodo
Dyspopsia Cure being recommended to
me by sevoral who had used it, and us
the lust straw, I concluded to try it
After the first two or three doses I be
gan to Improve und have taken several
bottles und feel like u new man 1
write you tins In the Interest of hu
manity, hoping it may full Into the
hands of some sufferer, und my prayer
is that they may secure the same bene
fit that I havo " Sold by W. W. Keel
"I find Thodford's Black-Draught
A rood tnodioinn fnr llvnr dlsnimn.
It cured roy ron af tor ho had spent
$100 with doctors. Itis all the med
icine I take." MRS. CAROLINE)
MARTIN, Parkersbnrsr, W. V.
If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druqgiBt and
secure a package of Thcdford's
Black-Draught and take a dose
tonight. This great family
mcdicino frees the constipated
bowels, stirs up the torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thcdford's Black - Draught
will cleaneo tho bowels of im
purities and strengthen tho kid
neys. A torpid liver invites
colds, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. Weak kid
neys result in Bright's disease
which claims as many victiraB
as consumption. A 25-cent
package of Thcdford's Black
Draught should always bo kept
in tho house.
"I used Thedford'a Black
DrouKht for liver and kidney com
plaints and found nothing to excel
Host CoiiKlt Bjrrup. Tastes Good.
nurao. nom drugglsta.
WM. OAMl-BELL, Vrcn, F. K. ALL 1JN. VIc-lTc.
II3LMER E. ALLEN, Cashier.
Capital Stock, $5,000
r" -r
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
i Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
I the prcat kidney, liver
L and bladder remedy.
fS cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after yearsyjsf
QgSk!l Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent Kiancy ana oiaa
dcr specialist, and is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Bright's Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended for every thing but If you havekld
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladdei trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper and fcf.
send your address to r$tf(m37& I-PhI&E&i
hamton, N. Y. The"4251
regular fifty cent and nomoof swnmjvRoot,
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
and nine Cash Prizes of
One Hundred Dollars Each
to be given away FREE to
customers of The lloyal
Tailors of Chicago. Your
cunnce is just aB good aa
the next man's. See your
local dealer in
Herbert Aynes, agent
One Minute cough euro gives relief
in one minute, because it kills the mi
crobe which tickles the mucous mem
brane, causing the cough, ai.d at t lit)
same time clears the phlegm draw a out
the inllammatiou and heal and buoih
tis the affected parts. Ono Minnie
cough cure strengliens the lung!-, waids
oil pneumonia und is a hai mle.-s und
never failing cure in all ouial le cises
of coughs, colds, and croup. Und Min
ute cough cure is pleasant to lake,
harmless and good alike lor young and
old.- V. V. Keeling.
To George E, McDunlel, iinn-rihldtnt do
You uro hereby noli lied thut on tiu lfUli
clay of Jiimmrjt , 1901, Suiitli I. McUanlol tiled
ii petition nguiiiHt you, in tliu Ulstrlci Court,
of Neiimliucouniy, Nehiasliu, the object ami
prayer of which a u to obtain a divorce hum
you, on Uio ground that you tmvu wllfuliv,
wantonly and cruelly fulled and rotiihed to
Nupporl her aud lior two rhildiun, tho Ihsuo
ol Nuld marriage, and to obtain the or p, ed
ucation ami custody ol Mild children.
You areroqulred to answer (-aid petition
on or lh'lore Monday, the 29th d ol i'Vbiu
ary, 11)04. HAHAII 1. MoOANlUL.
Uy Stull & llAWXuy, her Attorneys
To C'hnrloA A. McLaln, non-ri'Blilent defend
ant. You are hereby notified that on tho "lh
day ot January, 1001, AdaM. Mel.aln II ltd a
potlUon against you in the dlsniot eouilol
Nemaha county. Nebraska, the ujeet and
prayer ol which are to obtain a tilvoreo I ram
you on tho ground that you have wilfully
abandoned the plain till' and ci nelly failed to
support, hor and her children, wn nout Just
cause, for moro than two jeaia hint pilot;
mid to secure tho custody of her five chil
dren. You are required lo answer said peti
tion on or before Monday, the 7m day of
March, 19C4
ADA M. McLAIN, IMiuntlir.
Uy STUI.I.& Hawxiiy, hor attorney m.
Makos Kidneys and Bladder Right
For buIo by M T. Hill.
for children t tafa, sure No o plat ma
1UCP i
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