I CASTOR I A For InfantB and Children. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE fho Kind You Have Always Bough! Boars tho Signaturo of CANDY CATHARTIC m 5WHS failin a drytihe: An 25 c. 50c. 10c HE 3I5H OF THE FI5H HR'K FAI15 WO i BEST FOR THE BOWELS L. f3. &f3 SHOES ffo! W. L. Douglus shoos have by tiioir excellent stylo, unsy-llttlng, a n u superior wearing qualities, achieved tlio largest Halo of any shoes in tho world. They nro lust as good as those- that cost you ?4 to 55 tho only tlhTeronco Is tho price. Sold Everywhere. Look for nmno anil prleo on hottoni. DoiifltK n-.cn Corona CoMhI'Iii, wlili'ti laoverywliern conceded to bo tlio finest Patent X.i atliM" yet produced. Fait Co or Cy lets u I .SlincJirniall.'Jor.cxtra. Write for Cntaloff. W.L.DouglaH, Hrockton.an.s W" SEEBsPOTATOES m 8 500.000 BUSHELS M Lartcst seed potato srohrerS m the hvrlJl KleKunt stock. Treniendoua yields. From 400 to 1000 bushels pr acre, FOR 10 CENTS and this notlco we send you loU of farm seed enmnicB and M catalogue, telling oil About Tcoelnte, Bpcltx. lVnoat, Aerld Land Ilarley, Macaroni Wheat, Bromus, Earliest Cuno, tc. Bead foraamo today. ii i i m ii i ism Capsicum Vaselin Put Up In Collapsible Tubes. , A Substitute for ond Superior to Mustard or am Khar filmier, and will not blister the tnoct delicate ikin. Tho pain allaying and ouratlra qualities of thil rtloltiiiro wondorfiil. It will stop the toothaohe at kiioe, and relieve lipnd ache und sclntlra. Wi recommend it as the beat iind aafest external tounter-lrrttnnt known, alio aa an external reraodr tot balna In tho shout and stomach und all rheumatic fauarnltito nnd Rouly complaints. , A trial will prove whut we claim for it, and It will W found to bn Invaluable In the household. Many peoplt tor "It is the bost of ull your preparations." X'rlce 15 rents, at all drtiKBists, or other dealers, or by lendlnK this amount to us in postoKe stamps, vt e will lend you n tube by mail. . , ... No article should bo ncocpted by U. public unless ths lame carriee our label, as othenvise it la not Konuiua, CHESCBR0UG1I MANUFACTURING CO 17 State Street. New York City. DOCTORS FALL IN LINE Practicing Physicians recognize tho unfailing reliability ol Doan's Kidnsy Pills by pre scribing thorn for Backacho, Kitlnoy, Bladdor, and Urlanry Dlsordors a tribute won by no oilier Proprietary Modlcino. Four casos cited 4li "Notes of His Practlco," by Dr. Le!nnd Williamson, of Yorktown, Ark. Foster-Miliiurn Co., BufTalo, N. Y. Yokktowk, Ark., March I, 1904. Gentlemen: I have been engaged in the practice of medicine in this section iV. 'or tcn years. This is a very sickly climate, on the Bayou Bartholomew, near the Arkansas River. It is particularly malarious and miasmatic; wc meet with many and various abnormal conditions of the human family, prominent among the cases in which I have been called upon to prescribe is kidney disease. Many of these disorders manifest themselves by pains in the back, often extending to other parts of the body; sometimes headache is present, caused by urajinic or chronic acid poisoning, soreness in region of kidneys, cloudy, thickened and foul-smelling urine, discharges of pus or corruption; inflammation of the kidneys, extending to the bladder, is caused by excess of uric acid and decomposition of the urine. Hem orrhage is sometimes met with, caused by high state of inflammation or conges tion. There is no class of diseases a doctor is called oftener to treat than the variety of kidney diseases, in many of which the patient will havo chills or rigors, fol lowed by fever, a result of the kidneys failing to eliminate the uric acid poison from the system. Such cases require the kidneys restored to their natural func tions, then the poison and foreign substances are removed shock to the nervous system averted, and natural health restored. I have, for some time, been using Doan's Kidney Pills in these many mani festations and with uniform success, curing most cases. I can further say that even in hopeless cases where they have waited tno long, Doan's Kidney Pills afford much relief and prolong lite. 1 can recommend the pills in conditions of exces sive or deficient secretion of urine, as also in convalescence from swamp-fever and malarial attacks, as verified b the following cases in my practice. CASE 1. TITOS. OKHLTj, Hear, Ark., nge 00. Pain In back for seyernl weeks, theu oliU!n, irregular sometimes, pvth rigors followed by fover. fJnve Rood purKRtlve of calomel ami nadoph, and Douh'h Kidney I'llls. After tak ing four lioxcB of the pIllH, patient up Hnd enjoying good health for one of his age. CASE 2. MUS. SMITH, Tarry. Ark., ngc 'JO. mother of four children. Ifnd fenmle complaint and kidney trouble, mnnl-U-hl by jialu In back and uitue Irregu lar; soinctlitii'x very clear, changing to cloudy, aud with much scdlmi'iit on htaudlug In chamber. Gave local treatment for female complaint and prescribed Doan's IMJIs; after using six boxeu she regards herself as cured. These are a few of the typical cases ftlav e. id 1 ti n rrytrx rMnsn, itrr-i-sA 1 . 111 snmA nrnsirc mil wi r r 1 rniTinriiae 1 tic n ftrrrAi iiii mnnu nnnnmor n I have c ftcn found that one box of c, uui m some cases 1 continue tneir me cure effectual and permanent. free trial of this great Kidney and lder Bneelllc can be obtained by ad- ur regular sir.e is 50 cents oer box. win ne sent by mall, charges pre- i, ou receipt of price. ' The grate mass ot mankind were born iuto tbo wurlcl to eat tlitcr) meals n day, If they kan git It, and die when their time cuius. CITO 1'arnuuiMitlj Cured. Wo ftU or nerrouumws sJ t l r 1 1 O nrrt (Uy's umi of Dr. KIIiib'k Oreftt jNcrre Ke storer. niMlforPI(KK'J.OOtrtnlbottlniiml trratlM. JUt. U. JI. JOJNK. LUL. Ml rch l'lilUUdpW. When the hottoni does fall out of aeimply comlk fool, he all goes to pieces In such a way that he never kan bo ncndcd again. Tho mist abuze that yu kan heap onto Rum phulks 1, to tell the truth about them. rOTN'AM FAIMCLI3KH DYI5S pro duce the brightest aut fastest colors. You tnlto Just a, well undertake to make a community ashamed ov their rolilon bl ridikullnn it az hi rldi I kule to try to make them ashamed I,... f.icllnntililo flllvq uv uumi iiiouiuiHiu". -j " Wo ftrc novcr without a bottle of Plso a Cure for Consumption In our liousc Mra. B. M. Swayze, Wftkita, OkU., April 17, 1001. TLTE WRONG DOOR Glil (jokingly) "I'd like a placo where I'll havo everything 1 want, nothing to do, and no one to boss me." Olerk "This, miss, Is an employ ment ofllce, not a matrimonial agency. 80 Hit. Macaroni Wheat Per A. Introduced by the U. S. Dept. of Agr. It Is n tremendous cropper, yielding in Kood land 80 husliels tier ncre. and on dry, arid lands, mich ns nre found In Montana, Idaho, the Dakotus. Colorado, etc.. it will yield from 10 to (50 bushels. This Wheat aud Spelt?, and 1 1 anna Hur ley and LJroinus Incrmls and Billion Dol lar Grass makes it possible to grow and fatten hogs and cattle wherever soil is found. JUST SIQND 10c AND THIS NOTICIQ to the .7ohn A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and they will send you frco a sample of this Wheat and other fnrm seeds, together with their great catalogue, alone worth $100.00 to any wide-awake farmer. (('. X. U.) CASE 3. lUlOWN KAKS, Wynne, Ark., ago "I. Had eerere ease of malarial boo matarln or awamn fever. Oave nec essary liver medicine, cnlomel and nudoph, r.nd rnornh. -Bulph. , to re lieve pnln, and ordered Doan's Tills for the high stute of congestion and Inflammation of the kldueya. He covery resulted bi two weeks. Pre scribed Doan's Kidney Pills, to be continued until tho kidneys wera thoroughly strengthcued and all pain In back subsided. CASE a, KLIJAH BIjMOTT, Turry. Ark., age 31. Pain 111 back and legs und headache. Urle-acld poisoning. Pre scribed Doun's Kidney Pills. After taking several boxes pain subsided urlno beenme norninl, or natural, nnd putlent able to resume his work. in which I have used Doan's Kidney a 1. 1 :it. 1 1 . 1 71 h i . t- . , t 1 - . r 1 i . 11. 1 the pills Is all that is reouired to effect s use until all symptoms are ent rely absent Yours truly, J - ' JZT. ? , . j . Yorktown, Ark. Women ns CH l.etii. The Idea of woman as a oltlzon Is directly derived from the Ihigllsh dis covery of citizenship based on rights, rather than on force, and the concep tion of law as the total of the separate rights of all the Individuals In a com munlty; their Individual rights and duties collectively Hinted. If we fully admit the Idea of woman as a citizen, by light, and not merely through toleration, we come at once to the most Interesting of all questions: tho Inherent likeness or unllkenoss of the Intellectual life of tho two Mixes. Are women, an Tennyson Said, only "weaker men." whoae passions, and, presumably, whoso Inlelletis. are to oitt'H "as moonlight unto sunlight. hiiiI as water unto wine'" Or are they, n-s Is sometimes maintained, really the stronger sex, especially In the moral qualities? Or, to take a third possibil ity, are they essentially different dif ferent, for Instance, as poetry Is dif ferent from algebra; so that It becomes absurd to say either that poetry is better than algebra or Umt algebra Is better than poetry. Wo have here, perhaps, a genuine clue. To put this In a concrete way: man's mind Intellectually conceives the idea of a house, and makes an abstract plan of It, ns architect; this Is tho In tellect, the first of our three groups of powers. Aguln, men do the actual building, the matter of bricks and mortar, the grappling with the sheer nature forces. Thus the man builds the bouse. But woman makes the home. The difference between u house and n homo Is the a'dded psychic element. It Is a matter of feeling; yet here feel ing, we will all admit. Is the vital matter. This Is merely a simile. We have not used It to arrive at the platltiidej that "woman's sphere is the home," and that, consequently, she should keep out of politics. On the contrary, we hold, and by this .Instance sought to lllustrnte, that Into every completed wunt ol immunity an uirce elements should enter the Intellectual or spirit mil; the element of cnuerotc feeling or psychic; ami the material and physical; and that, In general, men will supply tne nrst ana tne mini, wnue women will supply the second. Harper's Weekly. SphiHtcra and .Mtitrltiiony. That she should be censured for lay lng claim to what Is truly hers seenu unkind and Irrational a tyranny of opinion. Marriage Is a delightful thing; but It Is not, and never can be. a duty; nor Is 11 as a duty that men and women have hitherto zealously practiced 11, The outcry agalnsl celi bacy as a "great social disease" is louder than the situation warrants. II Is the echo of an older protest against the deferring of the Inevitable wedding day; against the perverse "boggling nt every object," which Burton found so exasperating a trait in youth, and which La Ilniyere calmly nnd conclu sively condemns. "There is," says the French moralist, 'a time when even the richest women ought to marry. They cannot allow their youthful charms to escape them, without tho risk of a long repentance. The Import anco of their reputed wealth seems to dhuiufsli with tlielr beauty. A young woman, on the contrary, has every thing In Iiit fitvoi': mimI if, added to youth, she H-i.scssis oilier advantages, she is no much the nimv ale-Ira ble." This is the .simplest possible exposi tion of llif iiuisciiline point of view. It Is pin la that nothing is farther from La Bruyere's mind than the jwsslblllty of a lifelong splnsterhood for even the most procrastinating heiress. He mere ly points out that it would be more reasonable lu her to permit a husband to enjoy her youth und lier wealth simultaneously. Agnes Keppller, lu Harper's Bazar. Kudu d Krllls, It Is the fa do and frills of fashion that give the smart girl her charming personality. She accepts, It Is true, a certain style of dress for each season, but it Is wUh that fascinating toss of her head which saj M will have my own way, after all." She accepts, but not abjectly, not media ideally; oh, no, Indeed. Tho ruling style 'U1 do vory well for a foundation, bir upon this sho builds and adds and alters with llglit, sure touch until tho conventional costume becomes peculiarly her own. Now, the smart girl has IoIh of little ways of her own hosts f them, in fact. They are her fail- When to the way she does things we add the way she weara things, we then havo the fads and fashions which rnako her at once so Inimitable and bewitching. She has an odd little way of carrying her new, big shopping bnjf she tucka It under her arm like a book, instead of carrying It lit the usual way by the handle. She holds It, too, Just so the brass or enamel seal which bears her monogram shows to advantage. The conspicuous silver or brass Initials are no longer the smart thing to decorate the fashionable shopping bag. The round seal, whether of brass, silver or enamel, Is the correct thing, with the monogram, rather than one's slng'e Initial letter, engraved or applied upon It. Woman's Home Companion. An liiuontoiiH llotiHclcootier. A towel-rack made of bamboo tods is suspended from my kitchen celling by rope nnd pulleys, no that It may b. raised and lowered at will. It econo mizes spuee, beside providing a place where towelw, etc.. miiy dry quickly, as tho Hir Is hotter near the celling, Another convenience Is a small shelf, walst-hlgh, near the dining room door, on which I place dishes when I want to open the door. Besides my kitchen table, but consid erably higher. Is a slanting shelf, about twelve by eighteen Inches, with a nar row strip nailed across the bottom edge, to hold my recipe book, which Is held open by a rubber band. OU-cloth which Is too badly worn to bo used on the tables will cover the pantry shelves nicely, and Is easily cleaned. Having no dark closet In which to store my canned fruit, I have covered my collar shelve with the eheapetst black cotton cloth, which keeps out the "ffht. An old toaster can be converted Into a handy paper nick. Cover the hand with a paper bag when cleaning the stove. Woman's Home Companion. For the Little I'ntkn. The little girl's dross Is of white china silk. The yoke Is covered with all-over lace. Tho ruflles are hemmed up and feather-stitched. The child's dress Is of white nainsook with hem stitching and Insertion. Health nnd lleniity Uinta. Pimples are caused by an improper diet and can be cured by correcting the habits. Glycerin will allay tho thirst of fever patients aud soothe an Irritable cough by moistening the dryness of the throat. If the throat Is very sore, wring a cloth out of cold sail water and bind It on the throat when going to bed; cover It with a dry towel. Any one can add strength and weight i the body by rubbing well with olive oil after a warm bath. Oil baths are particularly beneficial to del icate children. A piece of lard the Blze of an egg reamed with sugar and divided into three parts aud taken at Intervals of twenty minutes will relieve any attack of cramps that has not progressed to tho fatal point. The following Instruction has been given for the benelit of the girl who wishes to expand her chest: "Each morning after her bath she must stand ereet, feet together shoulders back, arms straight down and take twenty five full deep breaths. It Is better to start with fifteen for the first week and gradually Increase to twenty-five or more If she desires to go en to fuller perfection." Vor Had Flguron, A narrow, hard bed Is said to bo the best praventlvo of bad figures. If one enn also forego pillows, so much tho hotter. Women with round shoulders and double chins have a means pro vided for their cure If they arc heroic onough to give np the downy couch In which they revel. When one thinks of It, the placo and position In which one spends a third of every twenty-four hours mqat have an effect upon the- fig ure, o o IK A WET TIME. THE MSH &3 a Idn has ft history. This i& told in an interestincf booklet wnicn ia joun Tor the asking. A. d. TOWER CO. BOSTON. MA43. Muktro fLf WET WEAfHEH CLOTHING Mm noon Ann ON SALE? EVERYWHERE. WBMlP 'I II $2 Ever Grown.i Vvl M l4' U nnn better ami nntiosa w IntuK ' pcrpkU ttv&Axmivr v&v' an I up.t " Mi, I'liieira ,1i? v'V printed Kent FltEE. V.ngmW an t tip. I ' i'H ul. Finest i s H 101 Ol esini iKr.oi wui, ncr , ; - .ns, pri'KPiitwi rrco ita owy order. Homo sort onions only CSo rpor lb. tnuer sued txpmuy low; I rva, venr, rim lor nit? i itir. ciiuiikii'.i R.H.8HUMWAY. Rookford. IN., NO Gil A MCE KOIl THEM j Artist -"Women arc crowding intc the professions, hut they will nover Intorferc with us. They will. nover bo artists. Friend-" Why not?" Artist "They haven't tho faintest glimmer of art sense. Look at thelt fashions. " Tl 1 W M OT 1 1 15 U (J IV CO UKS H First, .ludge (baby show) "Who is tho mother of thai squally brat" Second Judge "Mrs. Uppish, I think, I heard bet speak of him ui 'cunning,' 'cute,' and 'sweet." buy in the Black Hills lllilili'ii Trt'iiMiru (liild Mliilnir .V . Milling Comi'Mir South 'in 'Ha. N ulTi'iing Hi 'I ri'tisury Stock, u llinltna ItlllOIC t t"l' "Hill. li t. i. h iDfildui; fur n HHfti iUi'c to put llieli iii'Hn- . woiilil do wiill tu Invt'tllKnU' till. I t'lin fut ril-li Hi. W" "I"-" H. 1'. Ciicliiun stork R. O'SULLIVAN, llih Olusn Mlnliif; Stock, II llnmilwny, New York. Tl M 10 VOW KOHIJWA11AN0E Uiiugliter "Maw, 1 want you to stop boding paw until after I get married. " Mol.iier -"Why, 1 should like ta know?" Duuhgtur "Just as quick as 1 got a little hit intimate with a voting man. they begin to ask if 1 tako after you." rlat iiTion may onra good Income in spur time at liniiu: writing for iih; exporlcnci) unncocs. Miry; vntl Hiuiiip for lmrlloulurst. Aincrlciui Art, Itox HM. Ilrooklyii. N. Y. Most) people hav li ears, aliveont and a doad one. Tho live ono they keep for the fulllngs ov the world, the dead one for tho vlrtews. MrH. WltiHlow'h SOOTHING 8YHUP for ehlV drc n teethlng.RoftenH tho giiniH, reduces litllsv umttou, ulluyn puiii oureh colle. Pileo'l'm bottU Don't get in tho habit of Unding fault. Be fair, be kind. A full mind always treated fairly.. Million Dollar Orunti. When we introduced this remarkable grass three years ago. little did wo dream it would be tilt; most talked ol' grass in Amotion, the biggest, quick,- hay pro du.'er i. n earth, but this has come l pasi. Ayr. 1M.'oi wrote about it,, Agr. lei' lii.i. -nr-t b'ciurcil about it, Agp. InMiliHc (iralors talked about it. wbiio in the I'iii in hoint! by the quiet fireside. .In the corner grocery, in the village post olliee, at the creamery, nt the depot, in fact wherever farmers gathered, Kalzer'a Billion Dollar Grass, that wonderful grass, good for 5 to M tons per acre, and lots of pasture besides, is ulways a theme worthy of the farmcr'B voice. Then comes BromiiH Innrnds, than which there is no better grass or better permanent hay producer on earth, Growa wherever soil is found. Tbon the farm er talks about Halzer's Tconiute; which will product! KM) stocks from out! kernel of seed. It foot high, In 100 days, rbh In nutrition and greedily entou by oat lie, hogs, etc.. and is good for 80 tons of green food per acre. Victoria ltapu, which can be grown at -."c a ton, ami Spelt, at UOc a buslicJ, both groat food for cattle, also coino in for their share in the disciiredoii. MJST SION'D THIS NOTIt'K AND lOo L STAMPS to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Orosse, Wis., and receive their big cata logue and lots of farm seed samples frecj (0. N. U.) BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURBS catarrh of the stomach. BIS WHIKE All IUI FAILS. ir. ejruu. i uova. i Sold bj drujtfhts. N. Nv U. B'3-10, YORK NKBB LA ci r bi rv-B rrs ?jt .imcvu &-t. JdEXVdt-S I IK' tT ItTHMl"; VMOJ s.ffkX 5f 1 years a wen grower nnu ocaicr frr(2w and nil customers sntlncd. Noold Vrfiw(C s,,fwl8. New, freMi and reliable every aWM hrl.. .W Ml U9 UOUi