rnxw.Kti-hi im i Mumm jiijuum un mjuw uKmnmu imttmumun The Nebraskajid IV. XV. Handera AV. I. Smutcr W. V, Sandkkb & Son, Prop's. FRIDAY, VKli. 12, 1004. The Mnrch Delineator contains much tnattor of interent and value In Ho household departmotitH most excellent foaturos by Eleanor Marchant oh Informal Sunday Night Impromptu livening- effectively Illustrated. One of the lo an article Serving the Supper mid Hofreahmenta, Refreshment!) JPulblic Sale; If you wan' lire Insurance, either in old line or mutual companies, call on W. W, Sanders. Tako tho wngonetto when In Aus burn If you want to go to any part of the city. John Mcl31h.moy prop. A couple of freight trains had trouble galore getting out of town yesterday, tho Atchison freight which was several hours Into and an extra which came down from Nebraska City to Nemaha and was returning heavily loaded, were both unable lo climb the grade north of town, tho last one out having to back half way to Nemithu and make a run for tho hill. Brownvlllo Jllogrnph. Seymour IIowo was not feeling so s well the latter part of ItiBt week. On . Monday Dr. I. II. Dillon of Auburn was aguiu called in consultation with Dr James Kay, who has chargo of tho imii n nil if, witn ilw'lilnil tn nerform another operation on Mr. Howo'o leg. i Apparently tho wound cuused hy the former operation had healed up except a small place, but Iho doctors decided tnat it mid una eu un on mo onisiue but not Inside, and operated again. Mr. IIowo, who is very weak, mood tho operation without any aiuesthetio being glvon, but has suffered aovoroly since, it Is lioneu lie will not ue roi quired to undergo any further operations. for Receptions, illustrated, as well as the unique luncheon dishes a la Plan chetto will appeal to all who enjoy dainty confections. Lout observing housewives will (lnd many suggestions to lessen their table didlcultios at this season, including Novel OyBter Reclp" es by Francis K. Peck, Speciul Lenten Dishes hy Alice Chittenden and Daihty Sonnies by Margaret Hill . In addition there aro numerous other seasonable recinos and useful (information for many household needs. Program for4Y. P. S. C. E. meeting at the Christian church for Sunday, Fob. li: Subject, What Will real frieodshli: do? J Sam. 20:1-2;$. Singing and prayer. . Reading of references. Memory verses Faithful Fifty years ago hiat;Monday,'Fob. 8 Houston KuBSoll and family arrived in Nemaha, and tho same day camped near whore Lester Russell Is now living.. They cumo up tho littlo draw oast of town whoro tho road loads to tho depot, which at that tlmo was full of hazol brush. The snow was about eight inches deep on ttio level, but in the hollow had dfifted about six feet deep and a road had to shoyeled out boforo they could get through with the four ox team thoy wore driving. Very few peoplo were living bore at that .tlmo. Mr. Russell preempted tho the May farm, whoro 0. J. Thorp is now living, and lived thero for many years. Two members of tho family who arrived hero on that day are yet living W. T, RusBell, who liyes on his farm four miles west of Nemalm and Mrs. J. M. Fuller, living in Noms aha. Mr. RubsoII celebrated his ilfty years' resldonco in Nemaha county by hauling corn from Mrs. Fuller's farm where his son, Harry Russoll, is living HovV'sThls? Wo oiler Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for nnycanonf Catarrh thaloanuot bo cured by .Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. Of! ENI2Y & CO.. l'roitn.. Toledo. O Wo, tho undersigned, Imvo known F. J. uuonoy iort no juni ifi yours, .una Uullove Mm perfectly honorable In ull business trunsao tlotiH and llnanolnlly nblo to carry out any obligations miulo by tholr linn. West it'iruax, wholesalo druggists, Tolodo.O. Wnlding, Klnnnn & Marvin, wliolesalodrug gluts, Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Curo Is tukou Internally ,nct lng directly upon tho blood and mucous sur , faeosof tho system. lrlco.76oior bqitlo. Bold . by nil druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills nie tho bcHt. friends (Prov. 17: &M0) Dora Clark. Sympathetic irienda (Job 2:ll"13) Maude Rums. How to win friends (Prov. 18:24) Nora Aynes. Talk Tho best of frlendB. (John IB: 13 10. Reading of clippings. Close with tho Y. P. 8, C. B. Beno- dlction: May tho Lord watch between mo and theo wiiilo wo aro absent one from another. Leader, Eddlo Maxwell President, Nora Aynes. A Lesson in Health Healthy kidneys filter tho impurities from tho blood, and unless they do this good health is Impossible. Fos toy's Kidney Curo makes sound kids noys and will positively euro all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It n i-nn li f rttid f t t ti r r mtoin m - . A f '1 OblUIIKtlbUIIO U1IU Y1IUIU OVOLUliJ 111. X inn. I will offer for sale at tho Lewis Fisher farm, two miles south and I miles weat os Nemaha, on Tuesday 1 February 10, 11)01 beginning at 10 o'clock u. m., the following described property : Thirteon head of horsrs Two driving horses. 8 years old, weight about 1050 each; one work maro 12 years old, weight about 1300 pounds: ono work horse 14 years old, weight 1300; one horse 10 years old, wdiglit 1000 ponnds; ono 4-yearold horse, two 3-yeariold colts, ono twoi year old colt, lino trim built drlvor; ono yearling colt, two suckling colts. Nino head of cattle Ono Jersey cow 8 years old, giving milk; two good shorthorn cows; two 2year-old holfers with calves; three fall heifer calves. Twelvo head of Duroc Gills- Thoroughbreds, and all bred. Miscellaneous One good wagon ono 2irow plow, ono Now Dobarture cultivator, one McCormlck mower, one walklnc lister and drill, one disci harrow, one sot good work harness, to'n tons of good prairio hay, and other articles two nuoieroua to mention. Terms of sale All sums ot $10 and under, cash. On all sums over 810 a credit of 12 months will bo given, purs chaser to glvo bankable nolo without Interest If paid wnen due; if not paid when duo to draw 10 per cent interest from date. Si;: per cent discount for cash on suras over 810. John II. Knapp. M . V. Harding, Auctioneer. .Vatchos for tho Boys The Lincoln Daily Star is making It possible for any boy in Nebraska to be tho owner of a handsome American watcli. The watches are open faced stem wind and stem set, and aro guars antood by the makers to be good time keepers. Many boys throughout the state have already securec one of the watches and they are invarably well pleasob. Fred Robinson, Tekamah, writes us as follows: "I am very much pleased with tho watch I got. It keeps very good time. Thank you." A M Litis ner, Iloldredge, writes after getting his watch as follows: "I think It is a good littlo watch you sontme." Wo could lve tho names of many more Nebraska boys who have secured tho watches and ttro moro than pleased. Any boy in Nebraska who will write to us, wo will toll him how ho can ob tain ono of these watches Wo do not ask you to send us money for them. You can do as well as tho other boys who have already obtained their watches. Write us a postal card or a letter now, asking for particulars. Address Watch Department, Star, Lincoln, Neb One Minute cough curo given relief in one minute, because it kills the mi crobe which tickles tho mucous mem brane, causing the cough, and at tho same time clears the phlegm draws out tho inflammation and heals and Booth es tho affected parts. Ono Mluuto cough curestrenghens tho lungs, wards off pneumonia and Is a harmless and never falling cure in all curatle esses of eougliB, colds, and croup. One Min ute cough cure iB pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young atyl old.-W. W. Keeling. J$f J3. NOTICE McDutilel, non-resident do To Gcorgo fondant: You aro hereby notified that on the 18th day of JiiMuary, 1901, Sarah J. MoDiwilel filed a petition against you, in tho District Cotut of Nemaha county, Nebraska, tho object and prayer ot wuicu aio 10 ooi.un a uivorco iiom you, on ibo giounu uiai. you navo wiuuny. wauiouiy anu uriieuy mneu aim rciuseu ui support her and hor two children, tho Issue ol said marriage, and to obtain tlio ca.c, ed- ucatlou and custody 01 mum cunurcn. Ynn ar ronulred lo atiHwer said petition on or bclore Monday, thoUoth day ot Febru- y, Will. SAKAII 1. .MCUAIN ll'Jlj. fly TUt,L A IlAWxny, her Attorneys. ar; Dally Call in and see us If you want to subscribe for any paper published in the United States. You novor heard any ono using Fos loy's Honey and Tar and not being satisfied.--Ml? Hill. World-Wido fieputation White's Cream Vermifuge has ac hloved a world wide reputation as be ing tho best of worm destroyers, and for its tonic influence on weak and un thrifty children, as it neutralizes the acidity or sourness of the stomach, improves the digostionand assimila tion ot food, strenglitons the nervous system and restores them to tho health vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to childhood. 2rc at Hill's. Calnotl Forty Pounds In Thirty Days For several months our younger brother hud been troubled with Indl- bestlon. lie tried several remedies but got no benefit from them. We purchased some of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and ho commenced taking them. Inside of thirty days he had gained forty pounds n flesh. He Is now fully recovered. Wo have a good trade on tho Tablets. Ilollev Bros. Merchants, Long Branch, Mo. For sale by W. W Keeling. NOTICE To Charles A. McLaln, uou-resldent defend- Vnii urn bnrnhv notified that Oil tllO 27th lay ot January, 1001, Ada M . AIoLaln tiled a iiPtitirm ftLMiinsL vou in the dlHtrlct court of Nemalm county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which aro to obtain a divorce trom you 011 1110 grOUUU UIHl. yuu imvu mining uoaiuioneu ino piaiuw" " unnm mm-ii w uppori. her and ner cniiureii, wunuiu, jusi. cause, for moro than two jearH mtu piiai; and to Hecuro too ciiHiouy ui nui nv um -dren. You are leatilred lo aiiHWor Hald peti tion on or borore Monuay, ino vui uuy 01 March, 1904. . . T A , 1IP JUl 11. .MliUllll, t 11(11111... Hy STUM.& IIawxhy, her attorney8. A Jaunt to Old Mexico On Feb. 18tli the Burlington will un a personally conducted excursion from Lincoln to Old Mexico und re turn. This is a raro opportunity to see the "Egypt of tho Western Hemii aporo' at mininutn cost. Early Intimation of your intention to accompany this party Is necessary. For full information write to G. W Bonnoll, City Passenger Agont, Bur lington Route, Lincoln, Nebr. For a pleasant physic take Cham borlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Easy to tuko. Pleasant in effect. For Balo by W. W. Keeling. Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly adapted for asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness. M T Hill. ER0APED AN AWFUL FATE Mr.IL Hagglng of Melboc.no . Fin., writes, "My Dr. told . mo 1 had con sumption and nothing could be done forme. I was clvon up to die. The offer of a froo trial bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, in duced mo to try It. Results wore start ling. I am now on tho road to recov ary and owe all to Dr. King's Now Dlscovory. It surely saved my life.'' This great cure is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by Keeling, Druggist. Price OOo & $1,00, Trial bottles free. BETTER THAN GOLD I was troubled for several years with chronic tndegostion and nervous debil ity," writes F G Green, of Lancaster, N H. "No remedy helped me until began taking Electric Bitters, which did me moro good than all tho medicin es I ever used, Thoy have also kopt my wife iu excellent health for years She oay Electric Bitters aro just splen uiu ior remaio trquuiea; that thoy are a grand tonio and lnvigorator for weak run down womon. No othor medicino can tako its pluco in our family." Try mem. uniy oo c batisrnction guars anteed by Kooliug's Drug Sotro. Ouro3 When Doctors Fail Mrs. Frank Chlasson, Patterson, In., writes Juno 8th, 1001 : "I had malaria fever in a very bad form, was under treatment by doctors, but as soon as I stopped taking their medicino the fev er would return, I used a sample bottioof Ilerblne, fouud it helped mo. Then I 'bought two bottles, which completely cured mo. I feel vcrv grateful to you for furnishing suclm splendid medicine, and can honestly recommend It to those suffering wit'i malaria, as It will surely cure them." Ilerblne, uOc bottle at Hill's, NEARLY E0RFEITS HIS LIFE A runaway almost ending fatally. started a horrible" Ulcer on tho leg of J B Grner, Franklin Grove, 111. For four years it defied all doctors and all remedies. But Buckleu's ArnicuSalvo bad no trouble to cure. Equally good for burns, bruisos, and skin eruptions and piles. 25c at Keoling's Drug Store Holds Up a Congressman "At the ond of tho campaign." writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilli ant congressman, "from overwork nervous tension, loss of sleep und con stant speaking 1 had about utterly col lapsed. It aeomed that all of my organs wore out of order, but throe bottles of Electric Bitters made mo all right. It s the best all-round medls. cino over sold ovor a druggist's count or." Overworked run-down men and weak, Blckly womon gain Bplemlld vitality from Electric Bitters. Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Keeling. Catarrh of tho Stomah. When the stomach is overloaded when food is taken into it that fails to digest, it decays and Inflames tho mus cous membrane, exposing tho nerves and causes the glands to secrete mucin Instead ot the natural juices of digest ion. This is called catarrh of the stomach, caused by indigestion. Doc tors and medicines failed to benefit me until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. R. Rhea, Coppoll, Tex. Sold by W W. Keeling. Chris Miller of Fremont Nebr writes- "1 suffered from dyspepsia for more than 10 years. I was under the care of a number of doctors, made three trips away, and still no relief. Kodo Dyspepsia Curo being recommended to me by sevoral who had used it. and as tho last straw, I concluded to try it After the first two or three doses I he gan to improve and have taken severa bottles and feel like a new man. write you this iu the interest of hu inanity, hoping it may fall into the hands ol some sullerer. and my prayer is that thoy may secure tho same bene fit that I have." Sold by W. W. Keel ing. LIVER TROUBLES Spring AMmonts Thoro is an aching and tired feeling, tho liver, bowels, and kidneys become sluggish and inactive, the digestion impaired, with little or no appetite no ambition for anything und a feeling that the wholo body and mind needs toning up. The trouble is, that dur ing the winter, there has been an over accumulation of waste matter in the system. Ilerbino will remove it, se cure to tho secretions a right exit, and give strength In place of weakness. 50c at Hill's. FOLEYSHONEYTAR urea Coldgj Prevents PiiMamonIa For ulo by M. T. Hill. ' Ho Loarnod a Croat Trurh. It is snid of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley. "Why do you toll that child the same thing over and ovor again?" "John Wesley, because once telling is not enough."! It is for tho sumo reason that you aro told again and again that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy ctues colds and grip; that it counteracts any tendency of those desoases to result iu nneus monia, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by W. W. Keeling Dr. Bergln, Puna, 111. writes :I haveuBecl Ballards Snow Liniment, always recommend it to my friends, and 1 am confident that there is no better made. It is a dandy for burns. Thoso who live on farms are especially liable to many accidental cuts, burnB and bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini ment is applied. It should rtlway8be kept in the house for cases of omer gency . 25c, 50, and 81 .00 at Hill's. "I find Thodford'H Black-Draught agtod medicino for livor disease. J t cured my i-on aftor ho had spent $100 with doctors. It la all tho med icine I take." MKS. CAROLINE MAHTIN, Parkersburg, W. Va. If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your druggist and secure a package of Thedford's Black-Draught and tako a dose tonight. This great family medicino frees the constipated bowels, stirs un tho torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen tho kid neys. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and contagion. "Weak kid neys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A 25-cent packago of Thedford's Black Drauglit should always be kept in the house. "I need Thodford's Black Draupht for liver and kidney com Pf.in;?,and.found nothing to excel t.-WILLIAM COFFMAN, Mar blonoad, 111. B1ACK- DRAUGHT DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? 4 fp- 1 1 r lEV i ir i-i ' Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost evervbodv who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures maae oy ur. t Kilmer's Swamp-Root, J the prcat kidney, liver L and bladder remedy. 1. I - 1 H i 1 r t5hi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you havekid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement hos been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you lave kidney or bladdet trouble. When writing mention reading this generous In Vile tti nPf inH 'yr7v send your aaaress tosTn rV KUmvrfs r.r, Rlnrr-L3l; immiou, in. i. uie regular fifty cent and Homo ot Bwomp-rtoot. nollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. FOlEYiSKlDKEYCUEE Makes Kldnoys and Bladder Right For aiilo hy M T. Hill. for chltdrcnr safof aura No oplatma TIME TABLE Nemaha, Nebr. Dnnvor 3-Ielona 3Jutt Suit IL.alco City IJoi'Uimtl Sail Ii'micIhco -A.ncl all lJointH WUHt. Lincoln Omli a Chicago St. .ToHepli KaufHHH City St. LouiH and all 1'ointH JEunt and South. TRAINS LEAVK AS FOLLOWS; No. 1T7 Pu8H0iiner, dully except Hun day, for TecuniHuh, huatrlcc, Hold rcgo and all points west 0:40 a m No. 03 PuHsonuor, dally nxcopt Sun day, lor Nebraska City, t.'htcaj;o and all points north and cast 4 :00 p in No, Ho Local froluhl, daily tsxeept Sunday, lor AtchUon nnd Inter medlnut stations 7:10 p in No. 112 Local Irelpht, dally except Monday, for euraslca (Jljy and Intel mediate stations 2:00 ft in Sleeping, dining and reclining chair caiH iseats freojon ihroiiuii trains. Tickets sold anil uacKuw checked to any point iu tho United States or Canada. For Information, maps, tlmo tahlesland tickoUcali on or write to K. Wheeldon, agent, or J, Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. WM. OAMP11I0LL, Pres. K IELMKU 13. ALLEN, Cashier.' E. ALLEN. Vlce-Pres. BANK OP NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000