TIME TABLE Nemaha, Nebr. Tjinooln Omha ChicuiKn St. ToHoph IviviiHiiH City St. XjouIh and all I'ointH ICuMtund South Denver IIoloiuv 23utle Salt Lnko City Portland Sfin lPrtmoiHoo And ulllJointH Went TRAINS L12AVIC AS FOLLOWS; No. 97 I'nsRonKor, dully except Sun l i.v, for Tecuinsoli, Hontrlce. y IIoltlroKe tuitl nil points wwt 9:10 urn lwo, 98 PiiHKOOKor, dully uxccpl Sun day, lor NulirnHkii City. Chicago and nil points north nnd ciHt.... 4i00p in No. 110 Local freight, dully oxcept Sundnv, for Atchlcdn nnd Inter nu'dliito HtntlotiH 7s00 p hi No 1(2 Local freight, dully except Monday, for NohriiHku Cljy nnd Intoi meillutoHtiUlons ,. 2:00 n. in Sleeping, dlnlnu and rodlnlng chulr curs (seats fioo (in ihrnuirh trnliiH. TlelcclK Hold and b.tuuiifo checked to ivny point in the United Htatew or Caniulii. For Information, mnps, tlmo tnhlos nnd tickets eal on or write to V. K. Whceldon, nuent, or .1 FrnnclH, Uenernl PnHHetiKor AKOiu, uiiinnu, reo, FOIEYiSKlBNIYCURE RiaKoa Kidnoys and maddop night For gulo by ALT. Hill. F0LEY$H0NEYTAR tops th9 couh and Hoaln lutii FOLEYSHONBYHTAR Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumonia For kuIo by M. T. Hill. for children safe, sure No opiates Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Ktdnfty trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneertuiness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it Is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often. If th tirine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wettln, depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Woman as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect ol Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is sold cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail tree, a so namrih et tell- ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., BInghamton, N. Y be sure and mention this paper. MRS. CECEUA STOWE, Orator, Entro Nous Club, j - . 170 Warron Avenue, j CnicAoo, III., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearly four years I Buffered from ovarian troubles. Tho doc tor insisted on an operation as tho only -way to get well. I, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for homo with a sick woman ia a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised Lirn to get a bottlo of Wino of Cardui for mo to try, and ho did so. 1 began to improvo in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a homo is saddened by female weaknes and howcompletely Wino of Cardui cures that sick ness and brings health and happi ness again. Do not go on suffer ing'. Go to your druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottlo of Wine of Cardui. WIN&jCARDUI The Nebraska Advertiser! 1,13 rut,romu,,tiwi9"im ti)0 greatest prosperity ami hnnnlnesa. . W. Handera W. h Sunder W". V, Sandkrs & Son, Prop's. FllIDAY, JAN. l, 1004. The Auburn Banquet A banquet was given at the Hotel Byers, Auburn, Saturday night, Dec. IP. by the Nemaha county bar. to J udgo S. Stull lu honor of his retire tnont, to Judgeieloct JCelligar, in hou or of his assetiBlon to olllco. to B. Frank Neal, in honor of her departure. nnd to the out-going and in-Kolne county olllcors. After the banquet V. II. Kelllgar apoke of the splendid oflicial character of J umbo Stull and of his intellects utility and fairness. G. W. Coruoll was uext on tho pro gram and he responded in the same happvveln. Aftr nlvlnmn-nf i,.J exnerlBiieHH itn.1 mki.,r wi(t n r w w iiiu allusions ho read the following Ht nt .......b uu.uu iltl resolutions, which had been adopt! .0 ... hVM...n.mhu.fn,.i ; , V" , "Whereaa, tOur honored fellow citN zen and leilow townsman, a member or our bar, the Hon. John S. Stull. has been twice chosen by tno eloctora ui uus juuiciai district to aoivr as judo thereof, and eas nreBidud as judge lor a torm of eight yenra last past with fairness, patience, and kindness, and has preserved tho dignity and in tegrity of tho bunch: Whereas, Said Jonn S. Stull Ib peri aonally and wellkuown to the members of this bar as an honest and upright judge, whoso personal character is above reproach ; and "Wheieas, his term of ullico will soon expire and he will resume the practice of law and be one among us as a practicing lawyer and it member of our bar, therefore be it "Resolved, That it is tho sense of the members of the Auburn liar, that we will take this occasaion to express our appreciation of tho fairness and kindness shown us, as practicing law yers, uy me saiu Jonn s. stull as pros siding judge of tho courts of this dis trier, "That we take pleasure in making It publicly known, that we do not hesK tate to give expressions of commenda tion and words of praise of those who faithfully discharge the dutier of a public trust. And bo it further "Uesolvod, That the members of tho Auburn bar join with the lawyers of this district, and with the public in general, in the opinion, that Judge Stull has graced the bench with fair nessand ability and faithfully (lis charged the duties of tho high ollice with which he has been entrusted "And we welcome him hack to his old time meinbeiship of our bar, as a practicing lawyer, and promise him a warm time G W. Counell. Y. II KliMJOAIt, M. S MOINIXCH, Com. on He.HoluiiwnB JudgeS. P. Davidson of I'eonnneh, who, with iiia daughter, were picsent ub guests of honor, wtitt tliu next to apeak. He upoko of the high characs ter and abilities of Meaarn. Stull and Keiligar. He also spoke of the great responsibiliy that rest upon the bench and the bar. Judge Stull then replied in an eh quent and witty speech. lie was greatly affected by tho tributes paid him The folio .ving letter was received from A. II. Babooek: "I very much regret my inability to be present on account of urgent dnd pressing duties reduiring my attention here. "1 heartily unite with you in ttiia deinonutrttliuu of your confidence nnd respect in extemlinguo Judge Stull a a wetlsineriteil honor, lie has faith fully and energetically and with mark ed ability performed his duties m the bench (or the past eight years and re tirps with Him coulldence of the people of the diniiiot, which is the source of tlie giuttleat pride to the retiring judge. In tho dial cases he has ah wajs exhibited a desire to stiip the iHaues of technicalities, and reach out lor the true equities of the case, and in Ibis line us ho has shown marked ability. No one has over questioned ins ii neMy and inttegiity and he ie twea Ironi tho bench wth ihe coulld ence and lespcct of the district. In Very roapectfully, A. II. HANCOCK. Judge Stull then eulogized Hon. . u. Kelllgnr, Iiia sucoossor. tollinc mm. . . . now valuable ho had been to tho bnr of tho county. lion. t. j. Majors of Pom made one of the wittiest talks that has over beon mndo In Auburn. Ho contrasted tho lot of the politician with that of , 0 Ir c LJrlTu 7. " , , , uy I rV ' ' ""B uy kiiu nun, x. o, was uy proxy II. A. Lambert then apoko of tho Frank j approaching departure of Neal, and read resolutions in his praise that had beon adopted by tho bar nsaociation. Short speeches Were also niado by S. L. Caldwell. .T. H. kiiuiji uiiuo v f 111111:11 111111 11 riiiiiir 1 . . Vn, I 3 0',,' L(u ,7 w n ' , ' . mi 1. mi nr. fin rue nn inrtf iiron fjn.n...x " ,7' . r. u.,Km. 1 miiiiiiiim 1 Jin 11 : nin 'uniit r T , . 7""" 10U ut,0Ke m II In. IntMnilQ mnnili.rr . '1 ' 7". ' ... Lntll ,,, , , 1..,: Z , r w" iiiiihl in run i tiki a inn Kut. .....n 1 I.. v" ,'",m "sanies, w. II. Stowell. and O. H. Hevoridgo. - h Tho Nebraska Merohnntllo Mntnni Insurant rmmiMnv nf 1 xt.. - A.1 W braaka, has over $0,000,000 Insurance in force with the leading business men of the atato Ask to see a list, nfrimm 7 o . V. V. oanders. iiL'etif, . " LOW BATES FOR THE HOLIDAYS On December 21, 25. ai and January 2 tho Utirlingtoi) will sell tickets to points within 200 miles at greatly re d need rates. Return limit January 4. 1004. r f For particulars ask the agent. Call in and see us if you want to snbscribfl for any paper published in the United States Foley's limey and Tar contains no opiates and can safely bo given to children M. T. Hill A Surgical Operation is alwaya dangerous do not submit to tho surgeon's knife until you have tried De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It will euro you when everything olao falls it has done this in thousands of cases. Hero is ono of them. Isuffnreil from bleeding und protruding piles for twenty years. Was treated by differi ent specialists and used many remedies but obtained no relief until I used Do- Witt's Witch Cazel Salve. Two boxes of this salve cured me eighteen months ago and I have not had a touch of the piles since. II. A. Tisdale, Summer- ton, S. C. For Blind, Bleeding, Itch ing and Protruding Piles no remedy equals DoW ill's Witch Hazel Salve Sold by W. W. Keeling. Tako the wagonette when In Au burn if you want to go to any part of the city. John McEllhiney prop. Stand Like a Stono Wall Between your children and the tors tinea of itching and burning eczema sealdhead or other diaeases. IIowV why by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve, eai th's grouti'Bt healer. Quickest cure for Ulceis, Fever Sore-, Salt Rheum Cuts, Burns, or Bruises. Infallible for Piles. 25c at Keoliim's druc? store. NOTICE TO TAX PAYEES Personal taxes levied for the year 10(Ci are delinquent and draw 10 per cent interest from December 1st, lOO.'J. The aume will be .subject to distress on and after February 1st, 1001. G. R. Codington, Co. Treas. What ia Foley's Kiduey Ouro? Answer: It is niado from a preserips tion of 11 leading Chicago physician, and one of the most eminent in the country. The ingredients are the purest that money can buy, and are scientifically combined to gel the beat results. M T Hill. Spring AMmonts There is an aching and tired feeling, the liver, bowels, and kidnoys become sluggiBh and inactive, the digeatior impaired, with little or no appetite no ambition for anything and a feeling that the whole body and mind needs toning up. The trouble ia, that dur ing tho winter, there has been an over accumulation of waste mutter In the system. Ilerblne will remove it, He- cure to tho secretions a right exit, and give Btrength iu place of weakness. 1 i it HL'J I Ouros Whon Dootors Fail Mrs. Frank Chiaaaon, Pattoraon, In.. writes Juno 8th, 1001: "I had midurin fover In n vory bad form, was under treatment by doctors, but ns booh as I stopped taking their medicine the fov or would return, I uaed a sumplo ooitio of Herbino, found it helped mo. men l bought two bottloa. which completely cured mo. I fool very grateful to you for furnlahlnc sunhn "f"0 m,d Cftn ,,0n8t,y recoimnend it to those suffering with splendid medicine, and can honnstlv m,"n as It will suroly euro them." norblne, 50c bottlo at I11IIV. Holds Up a Congrossman tho ond of tho oatntmlen. writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilli ant conureaam an. "from nvmivnrt nervous tonaion. lnn of Qin,. ..,.,1 ...... I ( J wwiv IIVVVI I Jf at 1 "- xtiikiiiL; a nil 1 ii 111111 1. 111 1 nriiT nntk. 1 iiituii 1 t . 1 I "M-ocu. 11 BUUIIIUU unit an of inv organs were out of order, but threo 1 ..n . ... " Uuulr 0 otters made mo all i.bih. itHti.obest all-found medis 1 1 clno over sold ovor n druRgiat'a count 11. or' "versworked run-down men and i 1. i ... w. "CKiy womon gain splendid viuiiuy ironi Electric Bitters. Trv (hem. Onlv 50(. nnn,,xu,t,A 1... w - v. ..... Keeling. M" one inlnuto, because it kills the ml. crobo which tickles th I II I U 111 brano. (-huhI . 0 w"t"l WIO sanm t nm nimim m... ..1.1 1 . I w " " ".vi..ij i.iiu ifiiiirkiii uriiivn rilir. the ill I luminal I 03 the affected narts. n ..." 1" cough cure strenghens tho lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing euro in all cural le cases of coughs, coldf, and croup. Quo Min uto cough cure 1b pleiiBant to take, harmless and uood aliko for 1 I UP ... ' . " vm mJ Vlfcj ft 11 VI old.-W. W. Keeling. Just About Bodtimo tako a Littln rh V llluar If ..,111 ...j .v.uu. iu nin uiiiu I conatipation, billouaneaa and liver troubles. DoWltfa Little Early Risers ure different from other pills. They do not gripo and break down tho muc ous membrane of the stomach, liver and bowels, but euro by gently arous ing Urn aecretiona and clvlnir Btronuth 10 tneao organs, ing. Sold by W. W. KeoN " r Rovoals a Croat Socrot It is often asked how such startling cures, that puzzle the best physicians are effected by Dr. King's New Dis. covery for Consumption. Hero's tho secret. It cuts out tho phlegm and germsinfected mucus, and lots tho llfo giving oxygen enrich and vitalize tho blood. It heals tho inllamed, cough worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King's New Dlacovory, the moat in fallible remedy for all throat and lung diseaaos. Guaranteed bottles fiOc and S1.00. Trial bottles free at Koeling'a. What Thin Folks Nood la u creator power of digoating nnd iHilmiUthi? food. For thorn Dr C 1: ivfjf., IMIh work wonders They tone and regulato tho digestivo organs, gently expel all poison from tho system, eniich the blood, Improve nppotilo make healthy flesh. Only 25c at Keeling's. Will Ouro Consumption A A Herren of Finch. Ark. writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is tho best preparation for cougha, colds and lung trouble. I knowthat it has cur- ed consumption in tho Hrsb stage.' M T Hill. Calnod Forty Pounds In Thirty Days For several months our younger brother had been troubled with indi beatiou. He tried several remedies but got no bonelit from them. Wo purchased some of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them. Insldo of thirty days ho had gained forty pounds in flesh. Ho is now fully recovorod. Wo havo a good trade on tho Tablots. -Ilollev Bros. Merchants, Long Branch, Mo. For sale by W. W Keeling. 1r.11. mzu-hvaa,, rres. F, k. ALL1SN. Vlce-Pre. iKLMKIt K. ALLEN, Cftshlor. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 for Thooo 2 Dr. Borgln, Pnna, III. writes :I havo used Billiards Snow Liniment, nlways recommend It to my friends, and I am confident that thoro Is no hotter made. It la n dandy for burns. Those who II vo on farms nro especially liable to many accidental cuts, burns and bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini ment la applied. It should always he kept In tho houao for eases of omor goncy. 25c. 50, and 81.00 nt Hill's. World-Wide Hoputation Whito's Croatn Vermlfugo has no hloved a world wldo ropututlon as be ing tho best of worm destroyers, und for Its tonlu Inlluonco on weak and un-. thrifty children, as It neutralizes the acidity or sourness of tho stomach, Improves tho dlgostlonand assimila tion of food, Btronghtena tho nervous Bystem and restores them to tho health vigor and olnsticity of spirits natural to childhood. 25o at illll'h. For n pleasant physio tnke Cham- borlain's Stomach and Liver Tablots. Easy to tuko. Pleasant In offect. For sale by W. W. Keeling. Old papers for sale at this odlco. Chris Miller of Fremont Nebr. wrltoat "I Buffered from dyspepsia for more than 10 years. I was under tho caro of a number of dootors, mado three trips away, and still no relief. Kodo Dyspepsia Cure being recommondod to me by sovoral who had uaed it. and as tho last ftraw, I concluded to try it. After tho first two or threo doaea I bo-. gnu to Improvo and Imve taken several bottles and feel like u now man. I write you this In tho Interest of hu manity, hoping It may fall Into tho lands of aomo aufforor. and my' prayer s that they may aecuro the samo bone- lit that I havo." Sold by W. W. KouN r. (. W. Keelvng, Nomnlin, Nohraskn. Offico in Kooling drug atoro. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - Nebraska O. O. SNOW Auctioneer Fifteen years oxporlenco. Terma and datea at Tho Advertianr ollice. PETER KERKEK. Deulor In HVL77JE7J.ATS Highest market prico paid for llidos, Lard, Tallow, etc, KNAPP & SON Prorirlotoniof the Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHAJlNEBR, n. j -n 1. -. G0d 111 CCnnectl0n With LlVOiy T. IS. Orotliei- JVisliea to announce that ho has not ,ioved out of town but Into tho Minick Store Room whore ho may bo found at all times, ready to do your Shoe Eepairing Harness Repairing or sell you a New Harness, Nets, Whips, etc, 50c at II ill's. 30CZ3O ' -,