TIME TABLE Nemaha, Nebr, Xiinooln Omh a " Chioao St. Joseph Kunsuu City St. Louie and all Points ITCast and South. Demvor Helena 33utie Salt Xialco City Portland San IPranoisoo And all 3?oints West TUAIN8 LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: ''No. 07 rassonnor, dully oxcoptSun tiny, for Tocutnuoli, llontrlco, Holdrego and nil points west 0:10 a m No. 98-Pft8BOUM;or, dally except Sun day, for Nebraska City, Chicago and nil points north und cast 4 lOO p in No, 110 Local frolKht, dally except Sutulav, lor Atchison nnd Intor medlato stations 7:00 p m No. 112 Local freight, dally except - Monday, for Nebraska Ohy nnd Intermediate stations 2:00 a m Slnnnlntr. dining nnd IK fsoats freo on through trains, nnd banK(v,o chocked to any Unltod States or Canada. Tlokota sold point In the For Information, maps, tltno tables nnd tlckots cnli on or write to W. E. Whooldon, Hgent, or J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omnhn, Nob. FOIIYSKIDNEYCDRE Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right For galoby M.T. Hill. FOLEYSHONITTAR tons tbe coulm and heals luni POLETSHONEPTAR urea Seldaj Pravaaia Paramenia For Bale by M. T. Hill. FOLEYSHONEYHCAR fmrchlldrrnt safe, sura Mm mtlmUtm DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes Ton Miserable. Almost papers is H 1 everybody who reads the news sure to know of the wonderful cures maae by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and madder remedy. It is the Treat medi- i cal triumph of the nine teenth century: dls- i covered after years of sctenunc research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s swamp-icooi is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, In hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase reuet ana nas proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you havekldnoy orbladdet trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and noma of Swamp-noo. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists, INNOESTION "I waa troubled with atoat ach trouble. Thedford'aBlaok Draught did ma mora good ia oaa waak thaa all the doo tor'a medietas I took ia a yew.-MR3. 8AKAH S. 8HIBPIBLD, ElUttarilla, lad. Thodford'i Black Draught quickly invigorates the ac tion of the stomach and cures even chronic cases of indigestion. If you will tako a small doso of Thed ford's Black Draught occa sionally you will keep your stomach and liver in per feet condition. THEDFCWi UfltMfflfl Moro sickness ia caused by constipation than by any other disease. Thodford's Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation but cures diarrhoea and dysentery and keeps the bowels regular. All druggists Bell SB-coat package. "Thedford's Black Draught is tho best medi cine to regulato tho bowela I have ever used."-MRS. A. M. GRANT, Bneads Terry, N. 0. ll. 4 x v use vn mm consTiPATion The Nebraska Advertiser XV. XV. Sanders XV. F. Snmlera W. W. Sandeks & Son, Prop's. FRIDAY, DEO. 4, 1003. With athroefoot precipitation In ten mouths, Nebraska cannot be class" ed as an arid region . O'Noll Frontier. Nearly ten million bricks were tnado nnd sold by tho Table Rook brick yards this year and twice as many moro could have been sold if ihey could have made tho brick. Emperor William of Germany hnB withdrawn hh flir of a cup for an international yacht raco in 1004, giv ing as a reason poor health, and has substituted for it the offer of a cup to bo raced for In 1005. Some of the papers are booming Hon. B. J.Burkett for United States senator to succeed the present senator, O. H. Dietrich. Theto is no doubt but that Mr. Burkett would muke an exs cellent senator for Nebraska Lolnh World. It would be difficult to conceive a meaner law than the ane which allows a husband to will away all his property from his wife, and yet such is the state of affairs In Nebraska, and there are men mean enough to do such a thing. Sargent Leader. )The University of Nebraska foot ball team covered itself all over with glory again this season, winning every game played. Ia only two games did the opposition team make a score. This is the second year this team has won every game played. We would suggest tbat a good Ins vestment for some of eur local capital ists would be the opening of a brick yard In Nemaha next spring. The clay here is of excellent quality and fuel can be bought here as cheaply as anywhere in the state probably. We believe the investment would be a proQtuble one if well managed. We notice Albert D, Gilmore favors ably mentioned as a candidate for Secretary of State on the repnblican ticket next fall. Mr. Gilmoro has made a most efficient officer wherever he has been tried and we believe if he was elected to the position of secretary of state he would make as good an official as the stato ever had. We hope he will be nominated. Tho Fremont Tribune has a full col umn editoral endorsement of Congress man Burkett ao successor of 8enator Dietrich. It is the first gun fired in the United States senatorial campaign. Several papers second the nomination' Mr. Burkett is universally conceded to be a strong man, with a good clean rect cord and has won a prominent place at Washington by his Industry and activity. Pender Republican. The high price of meat products as compared with the price of live stor.k has stimulated the entrance uf com petition to the packers' combination in St. Louis. A new beef dressing company has been organized there by business men, who have subscribed capital to the amount of a million dols larB to put a new'enterpriso on Its feet. If the present margin between live stock and meat is maintained a strong temptation will exist for capital to enter the slaughtering business in every city In the country." State Journal. Pinal returns from the sugar beet crop are beginning to come in, and the crop is shown to have been generally profitable. Tho Randolph Times tells that J. O. Sandberg had a little over Ave acres in beets nnd sold seventynflve tons, or thirteen tons to tho acre. He received 84.20 to 84.30 per ton, or about 8270 for the five acres. His exs penses for bis seed and all hired help were about $75, and ho sold the tops for 820 on the ground. This is a fair illustration of the wny the crop has been running this year but owing to tho fact tbat the owners' labor is not included in tho estimate of cost the net profits are made to look larger than is generally the case. The total cost usually nmounts to from $25 to $80 an acre, but even nt this the r Randolph beet grower made $25 net 1 per acre. State Journal, An enterprising Kansas auctioneer has provided himself with a largo tent which ho intends to carry with him to his sales In tho winter to shelter tho crowds white ho does tho selling, The plan will make sales possible regard less of woathor, nnd by adding to tho comfort of tho occasion will make tho atteudanco better and render tho work of tho auctioneer moro effeotlvo than it could be with tho biddors shivering In the cold. Ex. Reports from Washington tell of tho Interesting fenturo of tho drawing of Boats by members of congress on the opening day. Mr McCarthy got n fairs y good location whero he can catch tho sponker's eye wbon occasion des mnnds, nud yet near enough to the door to insuro a quick exit when tho heuso gets to blood shed and the hurling of splttons. Burkett nnd Hlnohaw got right into tho middle whero the langs uage will flow thickest. Mr. Hitch cock, the poor lone vdimmycrnt, went away back and sat down in the "Chor okeo strip" but there is reason to be lieve ho regards hlmsolf very lucky in getting any kind of an old Beat In the chamber. Fremont Trlbuno. Chicago, Nov. 80. Following its announced policy of centralization tho International Harvester company has deolded to lay off 7,5 00 of its 10.000 employes and thus effect a saving of $5,000,000 a year. The llrot step in the direction of economy was taken Satur day night when 1,500 employes of the Deerlng division were notified their services were no Ionizer required. These men were employed in the fac tories at Irondale. It was announced yesterday the Irondale men were not the only Chicago employes of the corns pany who were to suffer Of the 7000 workers in tho Deerlng division 2,000 in all are to be laid off. The McCor- mick division will not discharge so many, but 1,500 of the 7,000 employes I being Blated for dismissal. The other' 8,000 workers to lose positions are thoBe employed in the mills in Milwau kee, Springfield, Ohio, and Piano, III. Washington, Nov. 30. Two officials of the naval observatory are arranging to send a New Year's greeting from Washington to all the countries of the civilized world by the employment of a series of signals to all points to mark the exact second of the beginning of the new year. A similar plan was employed successfully last yean in the case of the United States and it is new intended to extend the service this year to cover the continent of North and South America, the distant iusolar possessions of the United States and ail points in tho world having tbo necessary cable and telegraphio cons nectlons, in. case the co-operation of foreign governments can be secured, of which thore is scarcely a doubt. Last year tho receipt of the midnight sig nals was accurately timed at the Link observatory in California and it was found that, it took only. six one-hun-dredtbaof a second in transmission from Washington. The Chicago Tribune. Nineteen lives were lost on the football field during the season of 1003. One boy was driven insane from injuries. Thirteen players were severely iujured some of them being disabled for life. The number of minor, but painful accidents, goes into the hundreds and the list of the severely injured nocos sarily Is incomplete. "The feature of tbo year's tabulation is tbat it Bbows serious casualities practloally were confined to untrained players. No member of the first class elevens were killed or permanently dls abled. One Yale player and one liars vard player suffered a broken leg, "No player in any of the teams of the "Big Nine" in the west was the victim of any worse injury than a wrenched shoulder, a bruised head, a sprained knee or a turned ankle. "In consequence of the injuries sua tained by their players several of the minor schools have forbidden tho game of football. Two towns Columbus Junction, Pa., and Greenfield, Ohio- have stopped tbo sport as tho result of petitions circulated by parents. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and can safely be given to children M. T. Hill Call in and nee us if you want to snbscribe for any paper published in the United States. Ouroa When Dootors Pail Mrs. Frank Chhissott, Patterson, la , writes June 8th, 1001 : "I had malaria fover In u very bad form, was under treatment by doctors, but ns soon as I stopped taking their medicine the fov er would return, I used a sample bottlo of Ilorblne, found It helped mo. Then V bought two bottles, which completely cured mo. I fool very grateful to you for furnishing suolm splendid modioino, nnd can honestly recommend it to thoso suffering with malaria, ns it will surely euro them." Herblue, 50o bottlo at 11111'?. Holds Up a Congressman '"At tho ond of tho campaign." writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brillU ant congressman, "from overwork nervous tension, loss of sleep and con- atnnt speaking I had about utterly col lapsed. It seomod that all of my organs were out of order, but three bottles of Eloctrio Bitters made me all right. It's the best all-round medls clns over Bold ovor a druggist's count-, or." Overworked run-down men and weak, sickly womon gain splendid vitnlity from Electric Bitters. Try them. Only BOc. Guaranteed by Keeling. One Minute cough euro giveJ relief in ono minuto, because It kills the mi crobe which tickles tbo mucous mem brane, causing the cough, and at the bhiuo time clears tho phlegm draws out the inflammation and heals and sooth es tho affected parts. One Minute cough cure strongbons the lungs, wards off pueumonia and Is a bnrmlees and nover failing oure in all curatle canes of coughs, colds, and croup. One Min ute cough cure is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and old.-W. W. Keeling. Just About Bodtime t take a Little Earlv Rlnor It. will constipation, biliousness nnd liver troublos. DeWltt'a Little Early Risers are different from other pills. They do not gripe and break down tho muc ous membrane of the stomach, liver and bowels, but oure by gently arous ing the secretions and giving strength to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keels ing. Reveals a Great Secret It is often asked how Buoh startling cures, tbat puzzle the best nhvaiclann are effected by Dr. King's New Diss ccvery for Consumption. Here's the secret. It cuts out the nhlecm and germsinfected mucus, and lots tbo life giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It hqals the Inflamed, cough worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King's Now Discovery, the most in fallible remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 60c and 81.00. Trial bottles free at Keeline'a. What Thin Folks Need Is a greater power of digesting and assimilating food. For thorn Dr C ' aNewLt fa Pills work wonders Tbey tone and regulate the digestive organs, gently expel all poison from the system, enrich the blood, improve appetite make healthy flesh. Only 25o at Keeling's. Will Oure Oonanmption A A Herren of Finch, Ark. writes, "Foley's Honoy and Tar is tbo best preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I knowtbat it baa cur ed consumption in the first stage. MT Hill. Gained Forty Pounds In Thirty Days For several months our younger brsther had been troubled with indl bestion. Hetried soveral remedies but got no benefit from them. We purchased some of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them. Insido of thirty days he had gained forty poundB in flesh. He is now fully recoverod. We have a good trade on tho Tablets. Holley Bros. Merchants, Long Branch, Mo. For sale by W. W Keeling. Jwsl fcjoesasooe woe WM. CAMPBELL, Pros. lELMER E. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 CGS00G90SG tor Those Who . 'm Dr. Uergln, Pana, III. writes :I bavo used Hallnrds Snow Liniment, always recommend It to my friends, and I uin confident that thero Is no better made. It Is a dandy for burtiB. Those who II vo on fnrma are espoclolly Hablo to many accidental cuts, buniB and bruises, which beat ropldly when Ballard's Snow Lini ment Is applied. It should always he kept in the house for cases of emer gency . 25c. 50, and 81 ,00 nt Hill's. World-Wido imputation Whito's Cream Vermifuge has ac hieved n world wide reputation us be ing tho best of worm destroyers, and for its tonic influence on weak and un thrifty childron, as it neutralizes tho acidity or sourness of tho Btomacb, improvos tho dlgoatlonaud assimila tion of food, etrenghtens tho nervous system nnd restores them to tho health vigor nnd elasticity of spirits natural to childhood. 25o nt Hill's. Chris Miller of Fremont Nebr. writes? "I suffered from dyspepsia for more than 10 yeoro. I was under the care of a number of doctors, made three trips away, and still no roller. Kodo Dyspepsia Curo being recommended to me by several who had used it, and as tho last atraw, I concluded to try it. After tho first two or three doses I be gan to Improve and have taken several bottles and feol like a now mnn, I write you this In the Interest of hu manity, hoping it may fall Into the hands of somo sufferer, and my prayer is tbat they may secure the same bene fit that I bavo." Sold by W. W. Keel ing. Sprints Ailments Thero is an aching and tired feeling, tho liver, bowols, and kidneys become sluggish and inaotlve, the digestion Impaired, with little or no appetite no ambition for anything und a feeling tbat tho wbolo body und mind needs toning up. Tbo trouble is, that dur ing the winter, there has been an over accumalation of waste matter in the system. Herbine will remove It, se- uuiu uw iuu ocuiciauuB i rigUV OA 1 1, luu give strength in place of weakness. 50o at Hill's. . . t Call and see us for reduced rates on magazines and newspapers. Stand Like a Stone Wall Between your children and the tors tures of itching and burning eczema 8caldhead or other diseases. How? why by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's greatest healer. Quickest curo for Ulcers, Fover Sores, Salt Rheum Cuts, Burns, or Bruises. Infallible for Piles. 25c at Keeling's drug store, t- What is FoVa Kidney Onro? Answer: It Is made from a preaerlps tion of a leading Chicago physician, and one of the most eminent in the country. The iugredients are the purest that money can buy, and are scientifically combined to get the best results. M T Hill. "N A Surgical Operation is always dangerous do not submit to the surgeon's knife until you have tried BaWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It will cure you when everything else falls It has done this in thousands of cases. Here is ono of them. I suffered from bleeding and protruding piles for twenty years. Was treated by dlffern ent specialists and used many remedies but obtained no relief until I used De Witt's Witch Kazel Salve. Two boxes of this salve cured me eighteen months ago and I have not bad a touob of the piles since. H. A. Tisdale, Summer ton, B.C. For Blind, Bleeding, Itch ing and Protruding Piles no remedy equals DoWitt'a Witch Hazel 8alve Sold by W. W. Keeling. The Nebraska Merchantile Mutual Insurance company of Lincoln, Ne braska, has over $0,000,000 insurance in force with the leading business men of the state Ask to see a list of the m W. W. 8andera, agent. F. E. ALLEN. Vice-Pros. ALLEN, Casblor.