The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 13, 1903, Image 7

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United States Must Bring Order Out
of Chaos on the Isthmus.
rar.Rtnn ling Declared Itself Independent
of Colombia nnd tlio Mother Cuuntrr
Is Determined to Keep tlie
ltccnlcltrnut Child.
Washington, Nov. 5. -Vico United
States Consul Ehrtnnn. at Panarna.
cables the state department under to
day's uato that the Colombian govern
ment warship Bogota Is shelling the
city. Eleven Chinamen have been
Killed, Miv Ehrman has been Instruct
cd to protest against the bombardment.
If the consul's protest Is not sufll-
dent the commander of the Boston,
"which la by this tlmo on her way to
.Panama from San Juan del Sur, COO
miles distant, will promptly seize tho
Colombian gunboat If necessary to stop
the bombardment. This bombard
ment is In violation of all tho rules of
-war, beginning as it did without tho
required notice. Moreover, tho United
btntea government takes tho crounr.
that It certainly Interferes with tho
irceuom of transit across tho isthmus
which this government is treaty-bound
to maintain.
Tho United States government has
received a cablegitom from Pnnamn.
questing that it recognize tho new
government. Tho offlclals here are as
yet in ignoranco as to what this new
government consists of, and havo
taken no action on the request.
XntlvcH Aro "Well l'roimrcd.
Panama, Nov. 5. After tho covern
ment ofllcers were disnosod nf the
formation of a provisional government
"was begun, and will be completed as
rapidly as possible. The streets are
ailed with shouting crowds of citizens
wnu with Joy over the action taken.
Forbid Troop Crowdntr minima.
Colon, Colombia, Nov. C Tho com
rounder of tho United States gunboat
Nashville, Commander Hubbard, has
notified the prefect of Colon and tho
Panama railroad officials that no troops
from either end of tho Isthmus would
bo allowed transportation on tho railroad.
Two Knnaiin CltrStroot Cum Collided on
tho Twolfth Street Incline Mur
ine Koir.
Kansas City, Nov. 5. One person
was killed and 19 others injured, four
perhaps fatally, in a collision of two
cable cars in a fog on tho Twelfth
street incline, near the Union depot, at
eight o'clock Wednesday morning. Tho
dead' is Miss Nellie M. Luscombe, a
clerk at John Taylor's.
Most of tho injured were working
girls, clerks In the big retail stores up
town, who were on their way to work
from their homes in Argentine, Ar
mourdalo and Wyandotte, Kan. The
accident was duo to slippery tracks.
One train heavily laden with passen
gers had reached Summit street, four
oiocks east of the top of tho Twelfth
.street viaduct, a structure four blocks
in length that spans tho railway tracks
m tne union depot yards. For the en
tire distance of eight blocks there is a
sheer descent of about 30 degrees. At
Summit street the first car had stopped
to let off a passenger when the grlpman
lost his grip on the cable. Imme
diately the train started back, gaining
great speed. A heavy fog made it im
possible to see a block ahead and in
describable confusion ensued among
the passengers, dozens of whom were
too closely packed inside tho closed car
to make a move to save themselves.
Undo Sum Puya 8:i.!SI1.512 Anntmlly
for TJiIb Service, or lit tho Unto of
8d5i.8l lVr Mile.
Washington, Nov. G. Mr. W. S. Shal
lenberger, second assistant postmaster
general, submitted his annual, report.
It shows that tho annual rate of ex
penditure for all classes of mail trans
portation service In this country is $03,- and that the rate of cost per
mile traveled is y$12.89. There aro 1,400
lines of traveling post offices, railroads,
steamboats and electric cars carrying,
covering 189,298 miles in length, with
iu,too employes. It is estimated that
the railway postal clerks handled dur-
i n.
is mo year 15,999,802,030 pieces of
mall matter, exclusive of registered
matter, and 1,387,GG4 errors were re
ported in the distribution, a ratio of
Rx-I.lcutnnnnt GoYernor Snya Ho Divided
87,000 Ainontr Senator to Kill tho
IlukliiB-l'owdcr 11111.
Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. 5.In tho
trial of Senator Farris, charged with
bribery, former Lieut. Gov. John A.
Leo took tho stand. He said he asked
i-'arris to help defeat tho bill to -
pcal tho law prohibiting tho use of
nium in baking powders. Farris, wit
ness testified, said it could bo easily
aono uy holding tho bill in committee,
but that tho bill was an inmortant one
to tho Royal Baking Powder company
nnd that tho boys of tho committee
needed money. Ho wanted ?7,000 of
which $1,000 was to go to each of six
members of tho committee on criminal
jurisprudence of tho senate and $1,000
to tho senator who introduced tho bill.
Loo arranged by telephono and tele
graph, ho saM, with Daniel J. Kollcv to
got the money. A check for $3,500 was
received by Leo and deposited in tho
American Exchange bank of St. Lotiln.
Tho bill was defeated and he drow out
$7,000 of the mouoy and gave It to
Senator Farris in his room at tho
Lacledo hotel. Farris divided tho
money into packages of $1,000 each.
Lee got $1,500 for his interest in tho
Cured of Catarrh of Kidneys by
Bt. I.ouls nnd Slimy Surrounding Cltlo Ex
perienced Knrtliqimlccn Yesterday No
I'nrtlcultir Dftmnco Done.
St. Louis, Nov. 5. This city and
vicinity experienced a decided enrth.
quako shock, or series of shocks, at
12:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
There is a difference of opinion as to
how many. The carthnuako was nnr-
ceptiblo all over tho city and was most
ly felt in tho high business blocks In
tho down town section of tho ' o.ltv.
One occupant of a high building said
nis cnanciellor swung three inches.
Tho movement was from east to west.
About one hour later another shock i3
reported to havo been felt It was less
severe than tho first.
A long-distanco message from Loui
siana, Mo., says that a perceptible shock
was felt thero about tho same time.
Dispatches from Decatur and Cairo.
111.; Chattanooga, Columbia, Nash
ville and Memphis. Tenn.: Louisville.
Ky.; Evansville, Ind., and other places
adjacent say tho shocks were felt, but
no particular damago was done.
Tho Commissioner of Kclucntlon Give
Home btutlstlcH KncnrdltiK I'uplls In tho
Institution Devoted to Li-urnlng.
Washington, Nov. 5. Tho renort of
the commissioner of education for tho
ast fiscal year places tho total number
of pupils enrolled in tho common
schools during tho year at 15,925,887,
or over 20 per cent, of tho entire norm-
ation. Tho averago dally nttendanco
for 1902 was 10,999,273, being 09 per
cent of the total number enrolled.
This is tho largest averace attendance
on tlio number enrolled over reported
in tho United States. The school term
for the first time In tho history of the
United States reached 145 days. The
average monthly wages of teachers for
1902 was $49 for males and about $40
lor females. Less than 28 per cent,
of tho teachers were males, or 122,392
out of a total of 439,590.
one error
to 11,530 correct distribu-
Knw York State Overwlii-ltnlncly in Fuvor
of Spending Ten Million Dollar
on Waterways.
New York, Nov. 5. New York state
gave a majority of nearly 250,000 in fa
vor of tho proposition that the state
shall spend $10,000,000 for improving
Its canals. The plan is to widen and
deepen the Erie canal m that It will
accommodate, barges of 1,000 tons car
rying capacity, and to lmprovo the Os
wego and Champlain canals. Under
tho law the state will be allowed to put
out not more than $10,000,000 of nanni
Txmds at any time, and the first Issue
must cover the v.ork for two years. 1
Explonlon of Shells nt tho Naval Aruenal
In Hudson Itlver Wretlks llnvou
and Death.
Iona Island. N. Y.. Nov. 5. Six mpn
were killed and ten slightly injured
yesterday afternoon by an oxnlosion
at the United States naval arsenal, one
or tho largest magazines in tho United
btates, which Is located hero. Tho p.x-
plosion occurred while men wero draw
ing tho oxnloslve charces from il mn.
slgnment of old shells recently snnl.
hero from thp battleship Massachu
setts. Three massive shell houses
wero totally destroyed and a rain of
fragments of projectiles of all sizes was
scattered in overy direction. Tho forcu
of tho explosion broke windows at
Pcekskill, three miles below on tho
opposite sldo of tho Hudson, and tho
detonation was heard for many miles.
Ono Man' Dead and Another Probubly Fa
tuity Injured In a Dispute at Kaunas
City Over ts l.illl.'
n,,n,.J2lu? T' ,Sh,0llha. who has been for seventeen years manager of Marshall
Fluid & Co. s wholesale warehouse, and is corporal 2d Kegiment Infantry. . N.
G., writes the following letter from 3763 Indiuua avenue, Flat Six, Chicago, 111.:
Pcruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Gentlemen Last summer I caught a cold which seemed to set
tle in my kidneys and affected them badly, I tried a couple of kid'
ney remedies largely advertised, but they did not help me any. One
of my foremen told me of the great help he had received in using
Pcruna in a similar case, and I at once procured some.
"It was indeed a blessing to me, as I am on my feet a large part of
the day, and trouble such as I had affected me seriously, but four
bottles of Pcruna cured me entirely and I would not be without it for
three months salary." JOHN T. SHEAHAN.
Mr. Jacob Flolir writes frnm 4.1 Sum
ncr avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.:
' ' am now a new man at the age of
seventy-five years, thantis to your
wonderful remedy Peruna." '""Jacob
Catarrhal inflammation of the mucous
lining of tho kidneys, also called
"liright's disease," may be either aciuto
or chronic. The acute form produces
symptoms of such prominence that tho
serious nature of tho dlseaso is atonco
suspected, but tho chronic variety may
como on so gradually and insidiously
that its presenco is not suspected until
after it has fastened itself thoroughly
upon its victims.
At tho appearance of the first symp
tom Puruua should bo taken. This
remedy strikes at oncu at tho very root
of tho disease.
A book on catarrh sent frfao by Tho
Peruna Medicino Co., Columbus, 0.
Selutl to the Fencing
Copyright. 1903, by CMtifo
& Alton Rillwty,
hjch. reproduced In colors.
01 III!
Kour graceful poses from life; figures ten Inches
iiigucst example
logrnplilc nrt.
to own one of these beautiful calendars Is 16
jeml twenty-five cents with name of publication
In which you rend this advertisement, to Gno.
J. Charlton, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Chicago
& Alton Railway, Chicago, 111,
The best railway line between Chicago, St.
Louis, Kansa3 City nnd Phobia. Tnkc the
"Alton" to the St. Louis World's Fair, 1904.
Big Four Route
Virginia Hot Springs
2,500 fco olovntlon on OhcEapenko fc Ohio lly.
Pre-crulncnt among nll.yearrouud Eosorta.
Homestead Hotel,
Under tho management of fir. Fred Sterry.
rrui. t,.ii, ........... i A...,- ..'
TTn. JV1 .Annin n...l .M ,...1.
RUPDlled with lone (llstnuco 'nhono mid mntlnm
appointments, llrokera' oOlco wltu direct Now
Yorlc wlro.
curative- waters known for rheumatism, gout,
obesity timl nervous troubles.
with Hqunsli Court, lounging rooms, cafe, ping
pong tubles, ate. Tennis courts ana all outdoor
amusements. Orchestra,
Tho Grandest Months In tho Year, t
Magnificent Train Service Dining Car,
Pullman Sleepers, Observation Car..
Reduced Rate Tickets now on safes.
For full Information call on agon ts of tho
For frt'o niimnlo ntirtrew
'ANA It KM I tt," Trlb
uno tmlMlnij, Norr York.
I EEDLES 1 Mir " Kovrlng Machines.
S H uTTLES f cmLoiiuic mikkio dkalkils.
I REPAIRS ) oirsrhT.TOaS
II 4a
offers unexcelled opportunities for those who want to make
money in agriculture, in the fruit or the dairy industry, or
in sheep raising. Along the lines of the
& St. Paul
ail way
in Northern Wisconsin are many tracts of land admirably J'y
adapted to the homeseeker. In former timber tracts are,
many cultivated farms worth $50 to $75 an acre. Adjoin
ing them, enjoying the same advantages, are unimproved '
farms, for $7 to $20 an acre. Why not take a trip there
ana investigate these openings for yourself ? Low rates,
October 20. v
F. Aa IWSLLER5 General Passenger Agent, Chscago
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. C. A dispute
between landlord and tenant over a
water bill amounting to only Si. 215 re.
Biilted last night In George N. Rodman,
n city salesman for tho Loose-Wiles
Crnclccr company, shootinir A. w
Burns, a finisher and decorator living
at 1210, Woodland avenue, who fHi
at 12:30 o'clock at the University hos
pital, and his brother. John Burnn. vim
Is probably fatally Injured.
llnby Snvoil ATotliur from I'rlnon.
Wowolca, I. T.. Nov. 5. In tho. fVvi.
eral court hero Postmaster J. J. Den-
nlson, of Wetumpka, received three
soparato sentences of a year and a day
each on indictments to which ho
plendod guilty of tampering with tho
malls. The Indictments against his
young wife on similur charges wero
nolle prossed becuuse of her young
WiliPMMry ww i You can savo from S3 tn 'A vtin i I mm 2&BKffcfi
adioD on tho market foi Filos.
moot of which are EnjuriouB
, guaranteed to our any
case of Piles or the money re
. funded, If you follow directions.
mat strong enoughr
rertir sthup CO., Montlcello. III.
P ATE N TS fS-pnpobookpjiBK,
a Una tk tt? Vfc
You can savo from $3 to $5 ycnrl7 by
wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 choco.
im;v uijuai inoso
that havo been cost
ing yoit from SI .00
to $5.00. Tho im
menso salo of W. L.
Douglas shoes proves
tlioir superiority over
all other makes.
Sold by retail shoo
doalors everywhere.
Look for naiiio and
priro on bottom.
TJiqt Douglnt e Cor-
unavuiinrom llicro In
Taliio In IIoiikIah jilioea.
Corona In the highest
w o,T unernnnot Oe enualteciat nm7Ww7;
ucst couKh Syru
in lime.
I SyruD. Tajitea Qacul.
Cold br drunliti.
D Foi? Th;r-
matcriola In black, or yellow
for fill IdrvU of
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
A, N. K.-D
went la tola itupcr.