PETER KEllKEtt, Dcnlor In MEATS Highest market price paid foriUidca, kard, Tallow, dtc, KNAPP & SON Proprietors of the Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA,NEBR. Good Ifray in connootion with Livory Satisfaction gnarantood. T. 133. Oiotlxei fVlshes to announce that ho has not joved out of town but Into tho Minick Store Room whore ho may bo found at all times, ready to do your Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing or sell you a New Harness, Nets, Whips, etc, Notioo Tor Hoaring Claims in tho oounty court of Namnlm county. Nob in mo mutter or tho estnto of Fanulo Hooyor uvut-Hogu, Nntlco Ih horoby Klvon that tho court hnn mmlo nn ordorllmliioK tliotlinoforcredltorB If. fl In :nl it 1 ... a iimUiiI ...,.! . I . . . i innni m irotn iiiomiuny or Novomlier, lOtKJ, nnd tlint Jnntmry l8t, Murohnst, nnd Mai' .TIM 1IH1J. B f 111 rn AAb n . r l. . ..... . V """"vj. J""B" i xiuiiiitiiu county. Nebraska. In Auburn, Nebrnsku, lia boon llxed by tho court an tho times nnd piaco vhon and whom nil porHOtiH who lmvo ftlA nfnpn ttf Mia Anitntit !..,. r kt uiimiiih huh uomunuH iiBiiiHt snid docoiiHod can hnvo thotmmo examined, ndliiHtod nnd allowed, uud ullclnltiM not presented by the lint m(lll(lnnnl .1..... ...II, l. " a - r... ini.iinuuuu uniu win uo lurovor unrrcu mi ui uur in uni court. Dated Oclobor 24, 1003 tT. A J. A HtniT!Tf Aotlnn County Judgo In wild cause. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Ibe 5 Minute Breakfast rood Notioo of Probato of Will. rd1?!.6 CNebrn8kn, County of Nemahn.BR In mil rAiitifv nim ... m .. ... la ttiouiituurui tuoohiute ut Kunny Hoover uuvi'iMinvii TO KlIlIlL'l'H II. Wrvln nnl nil .. ... cnohtd 1,1 UlU 1)81,110 f Funnl "ovor, do Hoover Iiiih tiled IiIh duly verltliHl pallilnn li !i'A'i0o.".u.,,lVtJf,nK ,or mo probate of tho lum wilt nnd teHtamentofthoiald K.mni,, Hn . wlilnli Bald liiHtrument ban bfon doNtroycHl by ucoldoutand mlHtulce: Hint tho Huniomay bo proved, allowed nnd pro- rlu,,HU.l?1twl1'' " adinlnlHtra Ion orimtcl .tato Krunted to Jolm n. Hbovi-r ni ?mun Vr,5il l''l,t,ll'"mo Hub UociiBoi. for hour. IVKr"..1'"1 24lh ilny of October, WW, nt 10 Y ' "i. in mo nounty court room ii Buldcoun y, wbleb Bald t lino nnd place hub nnd pi aco of prrtvliiB the Hiinjo. when vou hum mi persona intortBted inny appear dud bIiow cuiiho, If nny ttiorobe, wny the pr.iy'.r n'.Ii1f,prob,Uo ll'or"r, and nnli'Ns yon ui"iP.rnnritJloron!:t,nav'ral 1110 Prayer 01 n. i ..i i,i o, 1 1 " ' ",,,KB an ouier propoi onlora In Bald uiiuhu. wiineflH my Hand and tho Real of mild RlUllAKD MEAL, County Judge. He Learned a Creat Trurh. It Is said of John Wesley that he onee said to Mistress Wesley. "Win do you tell that child the sumo thing over ana over aca n?" "John Wnainu because onco tolling i9 uot enough." It Is for tho samo reason that ynu are told again aud again that Chumber Iain's Cough Remedy cures colds and grip; that It counteracts any tendency of these desoases to result In pneus monla, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by W. W. Keeling Graduate of the Amerlcau School of Osteopathy of Iwirksvllle, Mo. Remarkable cures nre effected by this syetera of.healing. No medicines giveii, Ollice over Eustico at ore ' " Adeline's drug The Nebraska Advertiser IV. W. guilder AV. F. Sunder W. W. Sandkkb & Son, Prop'e. FIUDAY, NOV. 0, 1003. Jimmy Jones, living noar Howe, was a Nemaha vlBltor Sunday. John I. Dressier wont out In the western part of the state Tuesday on business. W. P. TIdrew was down from Peru Thursday. Ho is running a restau. rant in that burg. Call In and soo us if you want to subscribe for any papor published in tho United States. Missos Blanch and Edna Lytlo came down from Peru Friday night, return ing Monday afternoon. Mrs. Sade 8cott of Pawnee county nrrived in Nemaha Thursday evening oh a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. it. X. Drown. Abo Lawrence kept up his record for fast traveling, as his majority Shows. He carried every precinct in tho county but one. Mrs. Henry Field and two daughters or snennauoah, Iowa, ara visiting Mrs. Field's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. L. P. Thompson, this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Horner of Oma ha arrived in Nemnha Thursday aftor noon on a visit to nls parents, Mr. and Mrs. r. .). llumbaugh. ftlll.n... C. C- J. vjiiuoiu vu iuuuiujuio88 received a handsome and commodious desk Tours day, secured rts a premium for tobacco tags. It is the finest desk in Nemaba. 00N0EBT AT NEMAHA fcaturcluy evening, Nov. 7, at the Christian church, will bo the public re- nearsal by the chorus and concert by tue urldges. Admission: Adults. 20 cents; children, 10 cents. All ure in vited. Ono night recently W. E. Wheoldon the B. & M. ngont, left his desk wnl covered with report blanks. The next morning ho :found that a rat had 40t in tho ink and then had walked over all the blanks, hunting for a blot tor on which to wipe his feet, wo sups pose, ha says next time he will leave a blotter handy. . Report of Hillsdale school for month ending October 30; No. days taught, io. No. nunils. 22 Dally average attendance. 10'. No. nu ills neither absent nor tardv. 0: via r ... .. rr- tjomuei uradley, Inda Thorn. Nnatu aierritt, Bertha Corey, Harry Harger Agnes Merritt, and Freddio 0. Absent hut ono day: Addle Opt? Loona Clifton, Yiolot Johnson. Dottie D. Uoyd, Teacher. We have recolvwl the proo-ram of the lecture course of the state normal school at Peru for this wluter. Tho course consists of five entertainments and the cammlttee feel that the courap for tho yoar is exceptionally strong. rue dates are as follows: Bostonia Oschesrm. full concert uro gram, Nov. 11. Albert Armstrong, picture nlnvn. Dec. 5. David Starr Jordan, educational lec ture, Jan. 18. George L. McNutt. "The Dlnnnr Pall Man," Jan. 20. Ralph Parlotto, "Living and Laugh- np," Feb. 20. iiCKOts to tho concort, CO cents. To tho lectures, SC cents. Course tickets for the Ave entertainments, 61. How's This? Wo offer Ono Hundred Doll nu.vcu-iooi uainrrn tuat cannot bo ourod by HairflOaUirrb Cure, K. J. Oil ENI5Y ,t CO., PropB., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undorHluned. lmvn hmui, w-i. Cheney for tho lust IB years, mid bellovo him iiurioouy nonorniiiein il buslnoss traiiBao. tloiiH and (lnnnolallv nbl obllRiitloiiB mmlo by tholr llrm. v et & 1 runx, wIioIobrIo druKgUtH, Toledo.O. (W I.IK. tri . . . iiiuuiu, i.iunnu a Marvin, wholosalodruc- llluln llnlA.ln r hi-l"l I WIIUW, J, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tnkfin iniamnii Ing dlreotly upon tho blood faces of tho ByBtem. Prlco7fio per boitlo. Bold by all dniKKlNts. TeBttmonlols free. Hall'b H'nnilly PIllHniotho bet. You never heard nnv onn lining r?n o'fl Honey mid Tar and not boing salUllod..MT IIIU. . Old puper-a for sale nt this olllco REPUBLICANS WIN Elect Everything- but Oounty Judge The republicans of Nemaha county hnvo good cauao for being well pleased with the result of Tuesday's election. The ontl-Reavis fight affected tho counn ty ticket somewhat. Tho main cause of W. M. Crichton's defeat for nnnnt.v judge was tho fact that he was formers Iy an activo populiBt and also because ho was not a practicing attorney. Tho republicans gain treasurer, auporinten dent and assessor and lose tho judge, The following nre tho majorities for tho county ticket. This is not the official but tho official vote will not coange tho result materially D. J. A. Dirks, treasurer, 430. O, R. Hacker, clerk, 1C4. G. B. Beverldge, district clork, 03. oo JU .Lawrence, sheriff, 748. Geo. D, Carrington, superintendent, 835. John S. McCarty, judge, 210. E. J. Maxwell, assessor. 02. Dr. Lutgen, coronor, 037 Ben Parker, surveyor, 334. u, lu. Ord, commissioner second district, 810. Wm. A. Doollttle, commissioner. third district ,431, Judge Burnos defeats Judge Sullis van, who was n candidate for selec tion, by a plurality of 8,000 or 0,000. Tho plurality for regents will exceed this. Judge Babcock and W. II. Kelligar are elected judges from the First judics lal district, C. F. ileavis being defeat ed by Mr. Kelligor by about 300 in this district. Ohio goes republican by the largest plurality in its history, the republican candidate for governor getting over ono hundred thousand plurality. Wo understand that F. G Hawxby was defeated for county judge of Richs itrdson county by about 400 plurality. The Tammany candidate for mayor of New York was elected over Seth Low, the republlcon-fualon candidate. Iowa goes republican by over 80,000. Bright, practical and entertaining are the udjectives taat accurately apply to the contents of tho Novemher Housekeeper, which cornea In a charm ing appropriate dross, the haudsome cover portraying a typical Thanksgivs ing scone. Chief among the literary features Is a Thanksgiving story, by Fred John Spitsstone, with something hew In tho way of plot and treatmeut. With Thanksgiving so near, tho subi ject of cookery becomes of paramount interest, and it is amply covered by Elizabeth O. Hiller in the num nrniifl panes devoted, to her departments. Full lustrnctionB how to serve a for mal, as well. us an Informal. Thanks giving dinner are given, with pages of delicious recipes and illustrations from photographs showing the dlahes In u state of completion. It is not too early for Christmas suggestions, and many hints are given on tho making of Inexpensive, but beautiful presents. In the realm of fashions the latest style of wluter hats aro shown, as well as some fetching styles of ready-made suits and uowns. "His Hnvnl rTi.rh n 033" continues tils amusing comments onmatlors feminine from the masculine vulwspoint, and tho many usual nrucs tical departments that have iivmi ti. Iousekeeper the title of the Magazine of Holpfultipms teom with srood things Ran A Ton Ponny Nail Through His Hand. While onenintr n box. J. n. Mount of Throe Mile Bay, N. Y.,ran a ten penny nail through the fleshy part of his hand. "1 thought at once of the pain and sorenes3 this would cause me," he savs. "and inimedintnk- mmll. do Chamberlain's Pain HhIiii and oc casionally afterwards, To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and the injured parts were soon healed. For sale by W. W. keeling. - 1 1 Oatarrh of tho Stoinaoh, When the stomach is overloaded; when food is taken Into it that tn V digest, it decays and intlames the 111 n coua membrane, oxpoBlug the nerves, and causes tho glands to secrete mucin Instead ot the natural julces of digest ion, nils is called catarrh of the stomach, caused by indigestion Doc tors and medicines failed to benefit me until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cine. J. R Rhea, Coppell, Tex. Sold by W W. Keeling. The Nemaha School a good deed Is never lost. Ho wha sowa courtesy reaps frlendshly and ho wno plants kindness gathers love uazll. Ethel 8borwood was absent Monday. Lolah Gnlther has been absent on ac count of sickness. Harry Baldwin was absent Thurss day. Alice Peabody has been absent a fow uaya on account of sickness. Miss Cora Haith visited tho High room xnursday afternoon. t Tho Literature class have taken up composition work, The Latin class Is progressing rapids iy. Joe Lindsoy of Auburn visited the intermediate room Thursday and took mass work. Arthur Curtis of Peru, who has been visiting In Nemaha attended school tin past two weeks. He re turned homo Friday. Those neither absent nor tardv for the month of October in High room: Eddie Maxwell, Willie Yates, Boy Leibhart, Maude Burns, Claude Maxs well, Bessie Washburn, Ethel Shers wood, Clyde Hill, Alice Peabody, Otto cancer, uroce L'eabody, Harry Rowen, avis uaree, Mary Buell, Faye Tolling, er, Hazel Paris, Lena Maxwell, Bessie Dressier, Dora Banks, Willie Burns Bea Seabury, Frank Aynes, Willie Kerker, Bert Dressier. No. enrolled 30. Average daily attendance 37. Caukie O. Buno, Principal. These neither absent nor tardy in Intermediate room are: Neva RuBsell, Lala Hill, jUy Burns, Daisy Clark, Carrie Russell, Pearl Parson, Toee Clark, Earl Kerker, Mart Thorp, Rosa BurnB, Sarah Colerick, Susan Burns, Pearl Seld, Eliza Farson. Stella WAsnuuitN, Teacher. ThoBe neither absent nor tardy in Primary room were: Helen Gilbert, Alva Burns, Alva Cpltrlck, Lillie Clark, Edith Barker, Blanch Bradloy, Vern Clark, Goldio Farson, Letha Farson, Grace Cilliaple, Glendvn Cro ther, Clarence Clark. Mvrtle Farsnn. Viola Farson. Clara Cnlariok p.v Bufns. Clarence Rusael), Clareuce Les lie, Clea Clark. Jessie Steutevillb, Teacher. Tho Nebraska Mercantile Mutual Insurance, company of Lincoln, No-, braska, has over $0,000,000 insurance in torce with the leading business men of the state Ask to sea 11 lint, nt t-.hnm W. W. Sanders, agent. Old papers for sale at this office. Seven To all new subscribers we will send The Advertiser until Jan. 1, 1905, for only $l,OOI , Thus giving Seven Weeks .Free. Wo will extend the subscription of all old subscribers to Jan. 1, 190o, who pay up to date and 1 in addition. Now is the time to subscribe and get the benefit of these rates. Persons living on free delivery routes from Nemaha can give money to carriers or leave it in their boxes. Subscriptions taken at reduced rates, with a few exceptions, for any paper published in the United States, Canada or England.' IA. XM. SANDERS & SON, Rubs., Nemaha, Nebraska WM. CAMPBELL, Pre. IELMEU E. ALLEN, Cashier. BAIK TP NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 H Mnr 5f cell (JTK Stock $1,000,000. Sn.Iions of Uvso3 aud vines, WW I JRfl W WO l.in0it. flHMt. n m ' ... .. . . 1 emvu uiu4 viiuimi uv nny nursery, uur UiZANfiHEM; At'nnHi. I.. Vn-.o, ...11 . ai. h m. i . .. I. Mother Love, always a touching theme but nover more sacred than at this season. Is exquisitely produced in reproduction from noted paintings In the December Designer, nnd the Beth lehem Star, a fulNp,g0 illustrated poem by Aloyslus Coll, carries out still further the beautiful idea. Christmas at Bear Tooth, by Lillian C. Paschal, is a thrilling story of the IVost, while Hoart of Gold by ArK Marie Peck, is another holiday ro..(' manco, but In different vein. That well-known portrayor of happy childs heod, Mrs. Gabrielle E. Jackson, con tributes the ChristmaB story for young folks, ontltled How Swipes played Santa, and Dr. Sarah A. French Batty gives suggestions for Holiday Tab leaux, Home-Mlade accompanied by charming illustrations. A Christmas Sock Social and a Doll Partv will hn nt great assistance to tho Sunday school or young folk's club in search ot attrac tive entertainments for thin nnnnnn Observances of ChriatmaH. he Phnha L. Humphreys, tells the Deslirnpr roadera why tho Ohrlntmnn rQ m, Yulo log and the holly wreath form part of tfiQ celebrations, and Mistletoe and Holly, by Cora S. Day, is a pretty holiday drama into which a love story is skillfully woven. ToIIetta for fini Occasions, Fashions and Fabrics, Fads and Faucies, and Fashion Notes for Men, all have their share of the Christ-.. mas element, and every department is general, hue the Kitchen Kingdom la particular, is fairly bubbling ovor with it. Dainty Edibles as Christmas Gifts. by Eleanor Marchant.and Christmas Bonbons, by Alice Cbirtenden. among tho good things the latter con tains. For Little Folk's Flncers. bv M. Goodrow Richardson, sunnllflk simple Christmas fancy work guaran teed to keep a regiment of tots out of mischief for a few hours at least. All our farrrmr ronrWa ahmiM fir- - . . u uuumu U W advantage of the unprecedented club- uiuK uuer we tins year make, which UCludeS With thin nnnnr Tlia Tnm,. ; - Homestead. Its Soecinl PnrmAm' TnoH. tute editions, and The Poultry Farm er, These three publications are the best of their class and should be in every farm home. To them we add for local, county and general news our own paper aud make the price for the four for one year $K35 . Never before was so much superior reading matter offered for so small an amount of money. Tho papers named which we club with our ow n nre well known throughout the west nnd commend themselves to the reader's favorable attention upon mere mention. Tho Homostead is the great agricultural and live Btock paper of the west. The Poultry Farmer is the most practical poultry paper for'the farmer published in tho country, and the Special Farm ers' Institute editions nre tho mos practical publications for the promo tion of good farming ever publlshudt Take advantage of this great offer. Free P. E. ALLEN. VIce-Pres. A cncTTranjj o??,0n.r,n(1 tjhng salesmen ovorywherc to Stark Trees. Wo. DAV fACtn WnnMv m' M JILST CONTRACT, nx.aZjl, BEST OUTFIT. best rmcus, erst btock, nnd PREPAY FREIGHT. Larironl. nnr;nrina tn Itm um.l1 ocn rt Apple, Peach, Plum, Penr, Cherry, Grope, oto., men succoeo wiera Louisiana, lio, lltiutavlllo, Ala,