TIME TABLE I jXeinahii, Ncbr, Denver' X3lomt Uutte Suit Liiko City Lincoln Omha Chlotvgo St. Joseph Tvtuimis City JPortUwul Bt. Xjouis and till Wcin Frunolwoo PointH Ktiet and A.ml ull X-Miutu Bouth Wuwl TUMN3 M3AVIS AS FOLLOWS.- No. 07 PiuiHOUKtir, ditlli oxi-eniHim.. ilnv, lor ImMiniHolt, Ht'tUUnc, Uiililroge timl all point went VMOnm No.llS-FftHMOUKcr, dnlly xcui.Hnn duy.lor Nithriwkii Oily. OhleMo nuii till points tiort.li and cast 4tOM' m No. llO-Locnt froltfht, dully except , Sundiiv, for Ati-hlton unci Inter medial" HlHtloiiH i:20 p m No 112-Locnl frtjbt, rtnllv except Mnmlnv. Tor .elir.sUn Ohy ntul ItHurniedlitto Hlatlotiu 2:00 n in SleplnK. tllnjiw-nnd ror-llnlnir choir cfiitj t mints freel on ihfetiKh Iriitiirt. TlokolH polrt nnd UuuKiifH elieatted lo uny point In tlio United Htiitos or Canndn. For Informnllon, mnps, time liltlos nnd tlrkotKciil on or write to V. E. Wlipohlon, nuont, or J. Frnncls, Uetioml PiiHsongcr Ai?out, Omulin, Neb. Makes Kidneys end Bladder Rluht For sale by M.T. Hill. Curoa Golds Prevents Pneumonia For aulo by M. T. Hill. for chltdrant safe, aura Ho apiatma DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes Yoa Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the newa papers la sure to know of the wonderful cures maae by Dr. L Kilmer's Swamp-Root, I the great kidney, liver 1 1L and bladder remedy. 1 t J L- i Jl re u is ino rcai meai T5S cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis-: covered after years of scientific research by , Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and la wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not reo ommendedfor everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney orbladdet trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng hamton, N. Y. The regular tttty cent and nomeof Swamp-itoot. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. LIVER TROUBLES "IflndThedford's Black-Draught ft good medlolno for liver dlsoaso. It cured inv pon aftnr tin liftrl uncnt iOOwithdootora. THnnl! tl.nmnH- icine I take." MRS. CAROLINE! uautim, ranters burg, W. Va. If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your druggist and secure a package of Thedford's Black-Draught and take a doso tonight. This great family medicino frees the- constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanBe the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid neys. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fover and all manner of sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A 25-cent Eackage of Thedford's Black m draught should always bo kept in the house. "I used Thedford's Black Dranght for liver and kidney com plaints and found nothing to excel ft-WILLIAM OOFFMAN, Mar blohoad, 111. ' THEDFORD'3 DRAUGHT BLACK Ths Nebraska Acro-itaei V. V. ttumlri W. V. Sandkrb & Son, Prop's. s i-'mhay, iov o, itiun. THE DEVIL'S TEA TAELE. Interisilnr? FVonlc of ffntnre Located In the rUMlchijriim Vntlcy of Ohio. To those not fnmilinr with the topography of the Muskingum valley, Ohio, says an exchange, there are many nnturnl attractions which catch th eye and cause the stranger to won der at the apparent frivolities of na ture in her bestowal of things curious upon this particular territory in the Buckeye state, says the Detroit Free Press. One of the freaks of nature Is the "Devil's Tea Table," which stands like a challenging sentinel' on an eminence 300 fret above and overlooking the river, and is visible, clearly outlined, for many miles. It Is but a few miles from McConnellsville, the county scat of Morgan county, nnd just at this time the old landmark has become un object of renewed nnd apprehensive interest to those who have regarded It with indifference for years ngone. The action of the elements has left Its mark upon this rock in n way which bespeaks of its early downfall, nnd occupants of buildings that stand on the hillside below it are not) a little anxious In anticipation of the result. "The Devil's Tea Table" Is a wedge shaped rock of queer formation, standing 25 feet high nnd 33 by 20 fort across the top, which is Hat; at the foundation it Is but four feet thick and 17 feet long. For many years' il has been a popular attraction, nnd people have traveled many miles to see it. Until within a short tinie lad ders gave access to the top of the 'table," but during the last five years the rapid wasting away at the buse has rendered it unsafe even to ap proach near it. The babe is of shale rock, and. the top is of sandstone. Mortality Amonp; ForedKiicri. Among the foreign-born residents of the United States the mortality is greatest in Irish and Germans and least in the Polish. N. Y. Sun. "It seems to me," remarked the cus tomer, as she watched th- man at the market trim the slice of ham she had bought, "you are wasting n good deal of that meat." "Not at all, madnin," he said, genial ly, "I weighed it first." -Detroit Free Press. FOREIGN GOSSIP. "I never cross the street in front of any approaching vehicle except an omnibus," a Londoner recently re marked; "it is the only vehicle Ivcan trust to pull up and not go over my body If I should fall." It is estimated that two decades ago the entire population of Eskimo lands (Alaska, Labrador, Greenland) was 30,000, but that it is now only 15,000. owing to tho extermination of the seal, walrust, polar bear and other sources of food supply. In the restaurants of Germany veni son is as cheap and as abundant as beef. Great pains are taken to pre serve and improve tlie deer. It has been found advantageous to cross them with Siberian animals, and the demand for these consequently far ex ceeds the supply. Tho horse in a peasant's cart in the south of France became restive on the approach of a menagerie, and while they were being quieted tho menag erio elephant deftly made away with the peasant's dinner, wbiph it swal lowed in a single mouthful, serviette and all; and now the elephant's owner is being proceeded against for theft. The volcano of Santa Maria, which recently created such havoc in Guate mala, was accessible from Quesalte nango, a town of 20,000 inhabitants, by means of a road which was cut through deposits' of brimstone that were in some places 30 yards, deep. I On tho top of the volcano there waB n littlje. chapel to wluuh the Indians used to make pilgrimages, and pray to tho Virgin Mary. The excavations on the site of tle old Canaanite Hill fortress of Geer, near the road between Jaffa and Jerusalem, which are being carried out by Mr. K. A. S. Macalister on behalf of the Palestine exploration fund, have resulted in a further important and interesting discovery in the shape of a temple built for the goddess As tar to, called by Jeremiah "Queen o J Heaven." Will Oaro Consumption A A Horren of Finch, Ark. writes, "Foley's Iloney nnd Tnr is the best preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I knowtlmt it has cur ed consumption in the first stage. MTH111. Old pnperB for sale at this office. . lnnint Iden of Fnrmlnn. Lord Choshnin's daughter, lion. LU lab Constance Cavendish, enthusias tically carries out a quaint idea in farming. She hnn mado u hobby of what, in known na her Blnek Farm In Buckingham. Here Miss Chesham keeps black cat tic, black hon os, black dogs, a black cat, etc.; in fact, every nnimal to be seen on the farm is black. The country folk are much interested In the young lndy'H hob by, and a standing joke among them Is that Miss Cavendish hns everything black oxcopt her dalrymalds.Lon dou Mall. Lo w I attt Yuri "via Etulingtcn Eoiue' $25 to Portbinil, Tacomti, Seattle. a5 m itan Francisco nnd LortAngoUs !i?2'2.iiU to Spokane w . 820 to Salt Lake-City, Hutto, Helium Proportionally low ratoa to hundred of other points, including Big Horn Urtnlti, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho. Washington, Otfgon, BiitlahColuinbla. California, tc. Every day until November flo. Tourist cats dally to California. Personally conducted excursions three times a week. Tourist cura dnlly toSeatllp. Inquire of nearest Burlington URent. A Sutgical Oporation is always dangerous do not submit to the surgeon's knife until you have tried DoWitt'a Witch Hazel riulve. 1c will cure you when everything else falls it has done this In thousands of caBeB. Here Is one of them. IsnlTored from bleedingjind protruding plh'H for twenty years. Was treated by dllfer eut specialists nnd used many reniedW-s but obtained no relief until I net d De Witt's Witch Cnzrtl Sul vi. Tw o boxen of this salve cured me eighteen uionthB ago and I have nob had a toucli of the piles Bince. II. A. Tlsdale, Summer ton, S. C. For Blind, Bleeding, Itch ing and Protruding Piles no remedy equals DoWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve Sold by W. W. Keeling. Stund Liko a Stonev Wall Between your children and tho tors tares of itching and burning eczema scaldhead or other diseases. How? why by using Bncklen's Arnica Salve, eaitb's greatest healer. Quickest cure for Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum Cuts, Burns, or Bruises. Infallible for Piles. 25c at ICeellng's drug Btore, The Advertiser and the Western Swine Brneder one year for $1.35; the Advertiser and Poultry Topics one year for $1.15; Tho Advertiser and tho Daily Omaha News one year lor 82.00; the Advertiser and tho Iowa Home stead, Poultry News and Home stead Ihstituto numbers one year for $1.82;, the Advertiser and the Nebraska Farmer one year for Si. 35; the Adver tiser and tho Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean ono year for 81.50; the Adver tiser and tho Semi-Weekly St. Louis Globe -Democrat ono year for 81.75; the Advertiser and tho SemMVeekly Nebraska State Journal one year 'for $1.85. These are some of our dubb ing offers, but wo have others, Can you beat them anywhere? What is Foley's Kidney Cure? Answer: It is made from a preserips tiou of a leading Chicago physician, and one ef the most eminent in the country. Tho ingredients are the purest that money can buy, and are scientifically combined to got the best results. M T Hill. What Thin Fiks Nood Is a greater power of digesting and assimilating food. For thom Dr .iii' i.v Life Pills work wonderB They tone and regulate the digestive organs, gently expel all poison from the system, enrich the blood, improve appetite make healthy flesh. Only 25c at Keeling's. Spring Ailments There is an aching and tired feeling, the liver, bowels, nnd kidneys become sluggish and inactive, tho digestion impaired, with little or no appetite no ambition for anything and a feeling that tho whole body and mind needs toning up. The trouble Is, that dur ing the winter, there has been an over accumulation of waste matter in the syBtera. nerblno will remove it, se cure to the secretions a right exit, and giv strength in place of weakness. COo at Hill's. For a ploasant phyBio take Cham borlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to ttjko. Pleasant In effect. For sale by Jf. W. Keeling, ioU'j'fi H'tit'V and I'm cunnttiia it mlaies and can sufcly hu given to children M. T. Hill Cures When Dootoro fall Mrs. Knitilt Chia.iHon, I'ntteiHon, la , writes .In no mil, mui : "I Im-i umlili I'hvit In a vry Dad foim, whs under treatment by doctois, but as soon as I stopped taking liielr medluinn the fev er would reluin, 1 used a sample bottluof Herbini', found" it helped me. Then I ' bought two bottles, which completely cured me. 1 feel very grateful to you for furnishing snclm pplendid medicino, and can liotn'Stly recointueild it to those suffering wlt'i malaria, as it will surely cure them." Horblne, flOe bottle at II HIV. Holds Up a Congressman "At tho end of tho ciimpnlgn." writt-s Chump Clark, Missouri's brilli ant t'ongrcstiman, "from overwork nervous tension, Iosb of sleep and con al ant epeaUing I had about utterly col lapsed. It seemed that all of my orga.'is weie out of order, but three bottles or Kleclrlc Bitters made me all right. JtV the best all-round medlt clnn over sold over a druggist's count or." Over-worked run-down men and weak, sickly women gain splendid vitality from Electric Bitters. Try thein. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Keeling. Ono Minute cough cure gives relief in one minute, because it kills the mi. crobe which tickles the mucous mem brane, causing the coujih, and at the same lime clean tlib phlegm draw out the intlauiiuation anil heal and sooth es the alfected partH. One Minute cough cure strengtiens the lungs, wauls off pneumonia nnd is a harmless mid never failing cure in all curat le cuses of coughs, coldt, and croup. Ona Mln uto cough cure is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and ld.-W. W. Keeling. Just About Bedtime take n Little Early Riser it will cure constipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are different from lother pills. They do not gripe nnd break down tho muc ous membrane of tho stomnch, liver and bowels, but cure by gently arous ing the secretions and giving strength to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keel ing. America's Greatest Weekly. . THE Toledo Blade TOLEDO, OHIO. New and Larger Building,. New Presses, Now Sterotypo Plant New and Modern Appliances in every department. Tho Toledo Blndo la now Installed In Hh new building, with modern plant and cqultmunt, nnd facilities c(tinl to nny implication between New York and Chicago. It In tho only Weekly newa paper edited expreafly for every atato and territory The news of tho world to arranged that busy peo ple can more- eaclly comprehend, than by rending cumbcraomo columns ofdalllon. Allcnrrent topics made plain lu Lach lasue by rpeclal editorial mat ter, written from Inception down to date. Tho only paper published e8pccllly for people who do orlo not read dally newspapers, and yet thirst for plain facte. That this land of a nowapapcr Ih pop ular, I? proven by tho fact that tho Weekly Hindi now has over lWl.oro yearly diibscrlborri, nnd la cir culation In all porta of tho U S. In addition to tho news, tho Hindu publlahoa abort nnd aerial stories, nnd many departments of mattor suited to every member of thu family. Only ono dollar a year. Wrlto for frco specimen copy. Address TnE BLADE. Toledo, Ohio AMERICA'S TgigST REPUBMCAN .PAPER Editorially fearless Consistently Republican Always News from all parts of tho world. Well writton, original stoiiea. Answers to queries on all subjects Articlos on Health, the Homo, New Books, and on Work About tho Farm andjjGardcn. The WEEKLY INTER OCEAN The Intbk Ocean is a member of the Associated Press nnd also is fch only western newspaper receiving tho entiro telegraphic news Borvico o tho Now York Sun and special cable of the Now York World, besides daily reports from over 2,000 special correspondents thioughout tho coun try. No pen can tell more fully why it is the best on earth. 52 twelve page papers5S One dollar a year JBrxmul of netos from cvcryioJierc and a jterfect feast of special matter , . . Subscribe fo? The Advertiser andthe Weehly InterOcean one year, both papers for $ I ..50. l'r" I hose VJuv Live un rurni Dr. Berlin,' I'hm.i, 111 ui.ir. .J haVininedjwIliillutUrt 3 .mv Lililnn l t, Hl.wajswiJinmi'iid It to my linmi-, 1111(11 H m confident that there it i"t bitiT made. It in a dai.ily itr burns. Thono who live on fanim aru especially liable to many accident. I cuts, burns ami htuims, which he. I rapidly when HnllimiV. miow Ltui intuit Is applied. It should always ho kept in the house fur cast 8 of emer gency. Hoc. fiO, and SI .00 at HlllV. "World-Wido ficpntatioa White's Cream Vermifuge hits tic-' hievod u world wide reputation as be ing tho host of worm destroyers, and for its tonic influence on weak nnd tin thrifty children, an it neutralizes tho acidity or Hourneai of thu stomach, liiuriivm til) dU'(Mtl')'i iiil assimila tion of food, streughteiis thu nervous system and restores them to the health vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to childhood. 25c at Hill'b. Tho tfehriulci MorauitUo Mutut Insurance company of Lincoln, Ne braska, has over $0 000,000 insuranco in force with the lending business men of thu state Ask toseo a list of them V. W. Sanders, agent. ('litis Miller of Fremont V i writes "I suffered from dyspepsia for more than 10 years. 1 wim under the care of u number of doctors, made three trips away, and still no relief. Kodo Dyspepsia Cure being recommended to me by aevoral who had used it, and as the last straw, J concluded to try It. After the first two or three doses I be- gnu to improvoand have taken sevetal bottles and feel liko a new man. I write yon this in the Interest of Im munity, hoping it may fall into tho hands of some sniTerer. and my prujer is that they may secure the same luite Ht that 1 have." Sold by W. W. Keel-iK- Rovoalu a Croat Seorot It is often asked how such startling cures, that puzzle the best physiuiuus are' effected by Dr. King's New Diss covory for Consumption. Here's the secret. It .cuts out the phlegm and germsinfected mucus, and lets the lite giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals the inflamed, cough worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to I)i King's New Discovery, the most in fallible remedy for all throat and lung diseuses. Guaranteed bottles 50n and 81.00. Trial bottles free at KeellngV. K0D0L digests yhut you eatt K0D0L C'ean3ea purifies, strengthans and sweetens the stomach. KODOL cure3 Indigestion, dyspepsia, and all stomach and bowel troubles. KODOL accelerates tho action of tho gas tric giHiius oua givea iuho i u digestive organs. IfOnOT relieves an overworked stomach nvuvu of aU nervoua 3trftn giVC3 t0 tho heart a full, froo and untrammeled action, nourishes th nervous systom and' feeds the brain. KODOL ,s me wonderful remedy that Is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by giving to their bodies all of the nourishment that is con tained in the food they eat. Bottles only, '$1.00 Stzo holdlnc 2H times tho trte! alio, which sells for 50c. ttmtU nly by E. C DcWITT 4 CO- COIUM,