The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 30, 1903, Image 8

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    PETETt ICEllKEll,
Doalor In
Highest .market prico paid forjllidcs,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. W. Hnnderi
W. V, Sanders
"W. W. Sanbkks A Son, Prop'.
FltlDAY, OCT. 30, 1903.
TroprlotorBof the
Livery & Feed Stable f
Eepublican Ticket
or JudKOof tho Bupromo Court,
For IleKcntnof Btato University,
Good Dray in connoction with Livory
Satisfaction guarantood.
For DlBtrJotlJudRos,
For County Treasurer,
1). J. A. DIKKH
For County Olork,
JVInhea to nnnounco that ho has not
.joved out of town but into the
Minick Store Boom
whorohomay bo found at all timeB, For flhorHjBRAliAM L
roauy co uo your
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
or sell you a
New Harness, Nets,
Whips, etc,
Notico For Hoaring Claims
For County Judgo,
w. bit umuu'ion
tfnrBiinorlntemlonLof I'abllo Instruction,
For County AnnosHor,
! For Coroner.
mi, lutuen
For Surveyor.
For Olork of District Court,
UK A IN yXLiuVi li, UlfjVliiltllJUllj
For Commissioner Second district,
ULARJS.NU1S v.. vuu
The Republican Rally
Thursday Night
The republican rally at Nomaha
was a grand success. The opera boueo
was crowded including the gallery and
and the people stayed until the meet"
ing was over. On account of the preen
enco of 0. F. Ileavis tho county candls
dates spoke very briefly. Thoso press
ent were D. J. A. Dirks, C. R. Hacker,
Abe Lawrence, W. M. Crichton, Geo.
Carrlnqton, E. J. Maxwell, W. A. Doo
little and Hen Parker, candidates re
spectivciy for treasurer, clerk, sheriff,
judge, superintendent, assessor, com
missioner and surveyor.
At 0 o'clock Hon. 0. F. Reavis, can
dldato far district judge, was Intro
duced, and spoko for over an hour and
a half. He was listened to with the
closest attention. He took up the
charges mado against him one by one
and effectually proved their falsity.
His spoooh was frequently interrupted
by applause Mr. Reavis is an able
man and a brilliant Bpeakor and the
meeting accomplished muoh good.
j .ii. bold is having catalogues print-1 Mr. Snow stated in the campaign
ed for a thoroughbred Poland China two years ago that the work of tho
hog sale at Falls City on Saturday, office could not bo done for 82200, but
Nov. 14. Ho will sell 30 head of fine Mr. Hacker has dona it. Now Mr.
spring pigs anu a yeaning uoar. Snow says the duties of the office are
Henry has some of tho best stock in less by the passage of the recent laws,
tho state. If you want some good and he will be glad to do the work for
bogs attond this sale.
Tho northeast part of town is itn
proving more than any part of Nem
aha this fall. E E, Alien and Mars
shall Webb have built new barns, Jno
E. Crothor and Orvillo Holding have
built now smoke houses, John E.
Crother and 0. F. Zook have wonder.
fully Improved tho looks of their
places, tho streets have been worked
and tho best part of town is going
ahead. We live there.
Two years ago Mr. Snow thought it
a bribo to agree to do the work for tho
lawful fees.but now he is doing the very
same thing. He being a democrat hud
to be shown that the work, coulfota
done for that amount, and now he will
be very glad to do it for the lawful
fees. If it was a bribe two years ago
what is it now?
Charles Hacker has proven to tho
people that ho can do the work of tho
office for $2200 and lie is norfectlv
willing to do it for the nest two years
and it is simply a
The soniur editor went to Lincoln
Monday evening to attend a meetiug at the same nrice,
of the poBtmasteas of tho Btato held in matter of ocon omy to the countyto let
that city Tuesday. About s50 post him remain there. Post.
masters were present from all parts of I
the state, and all had a royal good The Hon. Church Howe in writing a
time. A permanent organizarion was letter to a personal friend, from Sbof-
effected, but It is safe to nredict that e"l England, here, lately said: "I
Tho Brownvllle band furnished ex there will bo no strike or walkout, nor am fuHy aware of the political situas
increase in the prico of Btamps or posts on in our old Qrst.distrlct, and know-
I cellent music during the meeting.
A. L. Lawrence has mado a record
as sheriff of this county that ho and tne
republican party can point to with
pride. Ho has lot no prisoner escape
and when tho warrant for tho arrest
of a person was placed in his hands he
has always found him and brought to
trial. During his term of office he has
al cards. The postmastor
homo Wednesday.
For Commissioner Third district,
In tho county court of Nomaha county, Nob.
in l ho nmtior of tho estate of Fnnnlo lloovor
deceased. . I Mra .Tnlin Sr.rnln WAnt. tn Hlimhnlnt I hurl anmn nt Mm rrmah rlnannriifn nrlmU
Notice is horcby plvou that tho court huh u"
mndo nn orucrnmmng uioiimoiorcrouiiorH xnursuay. nais in nis cnarce tuat tno county uas
aud landed
returned lnB Jb ranK iteavls as I do to be a
capable and honorable gentleman, I
am particularly anxious to hear of his
election and you can do me no greater
personal favor than to see that he gets
every republican vote in your pres
cinct." And no one questions Hon.
10 lllntclnlma nuainst
months from tho 1st da
bi1(1 deceased to Hlx
of Novomhcr, 1903,
tho 1st day or Novomncr, urn,
nnd thnt Jununry 1st, March .Int. and Muy
nvnr hail. Hn linn kflnt
Clarence Avnes returned from the t,.
2nd, 1004, nt 10 o'clock a. m. of each day at ao.,.ii,ni. T,ro,lrt """" BUU3,y 111 u, vu' " 11
ine omen or tno couijiy juiio in uuiiwiii i I been nn exnenslvo official as manv
connlv. Nebraska, in Aubimi, Nebraska, has ueuu uu exptJiiBivi. uuiuhi uu ujbuj
been nxod tjy i no court tie tno umcs unu . . . uaVe oeen, ospec a y is tuis true or
place when and whero all persons who have Call In and see US II you want to '
clulm and domands iifiiUnBt Raid decoased HnhS(,rIhn for nnv nnner tmbllshed in the jury that he summoned for the S6C-
canhavo thomimo examined, ndJuHlod nnd anoscnoe lor any paper puoiianeu in ...
The lirst trial was
allowed and nil clnltiH not prcBcntcd by tho
Inst mentioned ditto will ba forover barred,
by nn orbor of tho court.
Datod October 21, 1903
Acting County JuiIko In suld ciiuho,
the United States.
Judce Broadv oavs there 1b no
brighter young man in the State of
Nebraska than O. P. Reavis. The
Judce thinks Mr. Reavis willboono
of tho iudcos elected this fall from
i this district.
The 5 Minute Breakfast food
Wm. A. Doollttle, republican candid
dato for county commissioner tiomthe
third district, is winning friends where
ever he goes. Ho is a man of good
I iudnmont and one who will deal
justly at all times. He is worthy of
your support.
C. E. Ord, republican candidate for
roselectiou for county commissioner
from the Second district, has made as
so noted that
nearly every one knew of it, before
summoning a man Sheriff Lawrence
would ask him if ho knew anything
about tho case nnd if ho did ho wub
not summoned. By this method only
about one in eight were summoned,
and tho jury fees and the milage of
the other seven who could not qualify
when called were saved the county.
Such a mau is a valuable officer and
should be retained In pllice, Post
Tho Auburn Herald, the fusion or- Btill horrified at the idea of the
republicans choosing W. M. Crichton
as tbelr candidate for county judge.
Tho Herald cannot deny that Mr. church Howe's republicanism. Shus
uncmon nas me education anu aoiuty i ert Citizen.
tor.maKe'a good judge, but to show liia
unQtneBS for tho position says: "Why
he used to vote with us aud wo elected
him to office twice," as if that fully
and dually fixed It that ho was an uns
Qt man for office. But the voters will
decide that Mr. Crichton will make a
good judge and ho will be elected
next Tuesday.
For a pleasaut physic take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
Easy to take. Pleasant In effect.
For sale by W. W. Keeling.
0. 0. Snow had to have extra help
tn iuuu to property conuuet tne uuais
ness of the office of tho county clerk,
nnd the county had to pay $340 .00 for
such additional help, In 1001 the
county had to pay 225.40 for addition
al for Mr. Snow, making a total of
All our farmer readers should tak
advantage of the unprecedented club
bing offer we this year make, which
includes with this paper The Iowa
Homestead, its Special Farmers' Instii
tute editions, nnd The Poultry Farm
er. These three publications are the
best of their class nnd should be in
every farm home. To them we add
for local, county and general news our
own paper and make the price for the
four for one yeari$1.30. Never before
Notice of Probato of WiU.
Tho State of NebniHlcn, County of
In tho county court of Nomnha county. Neb.
In the mutter of the estnto ol Fnuuy Hoover,
To Finuceti II. Ervln and to all poroonu In-1
lor3led In thoeuliito of Fnnnlo Hoover, do-
ouniteu :
You iiro hereby notified thnt John I).
jioovor uiih niou y voruii'u pennon u nnni. ,,, au M0m,lh nmintu hVAr
I ant I fcjUVU UiilUIHl mi WUIIIlll. JWi UJ w v
thlBoourt nnivini: lor tho probate of tho
will und toHlnmeutof tho mild Fnnnlo Uoo
ver, dccontuul. whlnh mild lnmrumcnt 1ms
bt-ou doHtroycd by acoklntuml mistake; Hint
tho mime may bo liniveil, allowed and pro
bnltjd iiBiilom will, nnd the lulmliiimnuion
of said t'tdnto emitted to John U, Hoover us
oxecntur; thnt the name 1ms ih'oiihoi for lionr.
liiKOntliti 21lli day of October, 1003, nt 10
o'clock n. m. nt the county court room in
Bald county, which Bald tlmo nnd plnco hns
been llxod by nn order of court as tbo time
and plnco of provlnir tho nnmo, when you
Sjnnd all person s Interested may appear nnd
iBhow cause, If any therobe, why tho prayer
of nald petltldn Hhould not ho Kniuted, nnd
content the probnto, thereof, and unless you
no appear tho court nmyurant tho prayer of
said potltlon and mako nil other proper
orders In snld cniiRO.
Witness my hnnd and tho seol of Raid
county court at Auburn, Nebraska, this 24th
day of Sontomber. 1903.
IUOiiAKD F. WEAL, County Judgo.
Ho Learned a Croat Trurh.
had. The people of this county can
not afford to make a change at this
time. He will uudoubtly be re-elected.
It is said of John Wesley that he
once said to Mlstreas Wesley, "Why
do you tell that child the sume thing musical education and voice culture to
John C. Thompson of Julian visited
N. B. Scrlvoner und fumily (rora Sat
urday until Monday. He Is an uncle
of the O'Harra children but had lost
trace of them and his BiBter for some
time. Recently he found out where
thov vvero and came down to visit
Next Monday evening, Nov. 2, in
the Christian church, tho Bridges Conn
cert Co. will give a free refined concert
for the purpose of organizing a class
for the utudy of- musical notation,
over and over again?" "John Wesley,
because once telling, is uot enough."
It 1b for tho same reason that you are
told again aud again thnt Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy oures coUIb and
grip;x that it counteracts any tendency
of these desoases to result in pnous
monia, and that It is pleasant and safe
to take. For sale by W. W. Keeling
Graduate of tho American School of
Osteopathy of Klrksville, Mo.
wmcn an are
will be taken.
invited. A collection
Concert at 8 p. m
this system of healing,
cures are effected by
No medicines
Office over Eustice & Cllne'a drug
BfbYe . ' .
S. A. Curtis has a three legged pig
at his farm north of town. Tho freak
Is abeut threo weeks old, has two peri
fectly formed hind legs, but only one
In front, which extends from tho mid
die of the breast, The pig is oneof a,
big litter aud gets around all right
even if he is shy one leg. Stella Press
Do net fall to vote for E. J. Maxwell
for county assessor. Ho is well quali
fied in ovory respect 'for that position
and should get a big vote in Ids homo
procinct. He is posted on the value of
property of all kinds, a good penman
and a good bookkeeper. Ho is a safe
man to put in that position. Vote for
Sfi7F nnid in tho two vnnrn Mr. Snow
was clerk for help In addition to the -TVZZ twS
deputy. Mr. Hacker has kept up the m0nev. Tho naners
O. O. Snow says In his campaigu
that he is running on the record lie
made as county clerk, and thHcardn
thftlg ho gives out contains some Ugures ducted the work of tbo nice aa wel1
that need a little Investicutlnc. Ac-
business fully aswoll as did Mr. Snow
and It has not cost the county one
cent for additional help. Mr. Snow
acknowledges that Mr. Hacker con-
cording to his card the fees of the of
fice during his best year are S382.00
more than tho foes of the office under
Mr. Hacker. (No clerk can control
the fees of his office.) Did Mr. Snow
return 8382.00 to the county treasury?
No, he only returned $157.20, the bals
ance ,$225.40, had to be paid out for
extra help.
Voter, is it not rather expensive to
pay out $225.40 to do $382.00 worth of
business, when the present clerk, Mr.
Hacker, will do it for uothing? lie
has done the work of the office for
$2200 nnd will do it again for tho samo
amount no matter what the receipts
may be. It will not be nocessary to
pay him $225.40 to collect $157.20 for
the county. Post.
as ho could himself, and Mr. Hacker
has saved the couuty the 8575 in cash
for additional help the two years Snow
was clerk.
You never heard nny one using Fos
loy's Honey nnd Tar and not being
satisfied. MT Hill.
an amount of
named which
we club with our own are well known
throughout the west and commend
themselves to the reader's favorable
attention upon mere mention. The
Homestead is the great agricultural
and live stock paper of the west. The
Poultry Farmer is the most practical
poultry paper for the farmer published
in the country, and the Special Farm -era'
Institute editions are tho mos
practical publications for the promo
tion of good farming ever publishedt
Take advantage of this great offor.
Old papers for sale at this offico.
A Lesson in Health
Healthy kidneys filter the Impurities
from tho blood, and unlcsB they do
this good health is impossible Fos
ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kids
neys and will positively cure all forms
of kidney nnd bladder disease. It
strenghtons the whole system. M T
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for
nnycaso of Catarrh (hat cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Ciiro,
F.J. CHENEY & CO., Tropa., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J.
Cheney for tho last 16 years, aud bollovo him
porfcatly honorablo In nil buslncus transaa
lions nnd financially ablo to carry out any
obligations mado by their Arm.
Wcstifc'lruax, wholesale druggists, Toledo.O.
Wnldlug, Klnnnu & Marvin, wholemilo drug
gists, Tolodo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken luternally,nct
Ing directly upon tho blood nnd mucous sur
faconof thesystom, Prico 76o per bottlo. Bold
by all druggists. TflHtlmonlals free.
Hall's Family Tills avo tho best.
Oatarrh of the Stomaoh,
When tho stomuch is overloaded;
when food is taken into it that fails to
digest, it decays aud infinrhes the mus
cous membrauoexposlng tho nerves,
nnd causes the glands to secrete mucin
Instead ot the natural juices of digest
ion. This is called catarrh of the
stomach, caused by indigestion. Doc
tors und medicines failed to benefit me
until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
J. R. Rhea, Coppell, Tex. Sold by W
W. Keeling.
Ran A Ten PonnyNall Through His
While opening a box, J. 0. Mount
of Throe Mile Bay, N. Y.,ran a ten
penny nail through the fleshy part of
his hand. "I thought at once of the
pain and soreness this would cause
me," he says, "and immediately appli
ed Chamberlain's Pain Hultn aud oc
casionally afterwards. To my surprise
it removed all pain and soreut'HR and
the Injured parts weie soon healed.
For sale by W. W. Keeling.
Ten Weeks Free!
To all new subscribers we will send
The Advertiser until Jan. 1, 1905,
for only $l,OOI
Thus giving Ten Weeks Free.
"Wo will extend the subscription of all old subscribers to Jan.
1, 1905, who pay up to date and$l in addition.
Now is tho time to subscribe and get the benefit of these rates.
Persons living on free delivery routes from Nemaha can give
money to carriers or leave it in their boxes.
Subscriptions taken at reduced rates, with a few exceptions,
for any paper published in the United States, Canada or England.
XM. M. SANDERS & SON, Rubs.,
Nemaha, Nebraska
WM. CAMPBELL, Pres. P. E. ALLKN. VIce-Pres.
(ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier.
Capital Stock, $5,000
'TTCr-Jv'':'.i...i.r?C7y?r rrr ,nrT
Have a Vfl.YR. RPinnpn
htB2&vJ tioaofnuaiitvandlownrices.
Why then waste time, hni, labor and monov on poor trees
Yfhoeoenly product nZV poiTRCTbo&ndpackfreo,
will bo disanDointment? V u f ii a Mt-fcvnsi i truaranteoaafonr-
rivnl. miarantcs or.tirasafcisfai.tior.. Ppk.t Lifrr, Colored Plates, etc.. Free.
We IrU LrybH CC:CEC. outfit f wo. i&uMii'