THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER W. W. BANDERS & SON, Publishers. NEMAHA, - NEBRASKA. TOPICS OF THE DAY. Try to ForKct, Ciinnilii. Novcr mind, Canada. Neither youi people nor our people will care where that boundary line Is 20 years from now. Hut Culm lit Culm. "What would the union have amounted to If tho patriots of the revo lution had voted thomsolvcs $115,000,000 nt tho close of tho war? Uut Cuba la Cuba. WIicmi tin: ItlvotM AVcre Started. Stated In a fow words, tho ship trust consisted of $1. '1,000,000 In tangible proporty and $G5,000,000 water. That arrangement caused a considerable leak when tho rivets wore Htarted. Involution of tht' Kit finer. It Is estimated that 500,000 farmers liavo telephones In their houses. The old idea of tho farmer aft a man who whittled pino sticks and chowed to bacco Is disappearing. Tho successful farmer to-day must bo a business man. ''Ablo unci Willing." Mrs. Dowlo, wlfo of tho alleged prophet, had a $1,600 diamond pin sto len from her In Now York last Friday, It la a striking commentary on the Dowlo movomout that tho wlfo of ltc prophot Is ablo and willing to sport o $1,500 pin. "Tho IleutliiMi Cliluec." That was a sly dig of Wong Kal Kan at tho St. Louis Southern hotel ban queti "In 15 or 20 years our women will cease compressing their feet and will compress their waists instead.' You sec, you can novcr corner a Chi nam an. IIlllllllVH llllll TIlIllKN. The water in a soap bubblo ono foot in dlamctor la about ono drop. A financial bubble of $100,000,000 may contain $99,000,000 water, $750,000 mo nopoly and $250,000 real value. It la posslblo, however, to dispense with everything but tho first If a Httlo as surance la mixed with tho water. Ton 31 any Kruulc ProfexMor. While tho othor universities nnd col leges of the country show a healthy in crease of attendance this fall, It is ro 'ported from Chicago university that tho enrollment there la 25 per cent, "below that of last year at this tlmo. Standard Oil money and freak pro fessors seem to bo working together to place Chicago university In a clasa by itself. jRftiru Trouble for the I'onr. It is said that Edison Is nbout to put on tho market a charging ma chine which will enable anyono of or dinary means to own and run an au tomobile. Hitherto It has boon a god send to tho poor that they could not own an, automobile. Only tho rich woro killed or maimed. Now it seems as if discrimination will no longer bo made and the opportunity for self-destruction Is to bo opon to nil. America Located -111 Yearn Aro. America was discovered In 1492, 411 years ago. To her keeping tho Creator has entrusted a groat continent. Her children have come from all countries. Our country embraces tho hopes, thn ambitions, the drcamlngs of humanity. To its daring In tho faco of progress, to its Bufferings at tho shrlno of liberty, there seems to bo no limit, and yet prosperity, order, poaco spreads over its vast area their sheltered wings. Irrigation and Ponnlntloii. Naturo seems to havo intended that the densest agricultural population in tho world should live In tho United .Suites. No country of equal size Is in tersected by so many brooks, creeks and small and great rivers whoso wa ters are available for Irrigating. Wo may bo suro that whon tho time comes for tho Amoricnn people to take sdvnntago of these Immense natural resources they will not bo slow to do bo. Clicer the American Hon, Permit us to Indulge In a fow cheers tor the American hen. As a studont ot tho consua figures has shown, tho poultry and eggs produced and con sumed In tho United States last year wero worth more than all tho sllvor nnd gold mined in tho world during tho year. Tho egg una poultry product ox ceeds in valuo tho wheat crop of 28 of tho most productlvo states of tho union. Let us honor tho hen. Sho la an important mombor of American In dustrial society. Not Sure of Decent Ilnrlal. During the last ton months no less than 44 trusts with Now Jersey char ters havo boon placed In tho hands of receivers, and, though thoy had an aggregate "authorized" capital of over $80,000,000 and had contrived to get trusted for more than $17,250,000, dili gent search has so far been ablo to discover among them all scarcely inoro than $1,500,000 of nssots, which makes tlio lawyers and receivers wondor where they aro going to got tho money decently to lay out, and bury tho Corpses. STUPENDOUS FRAUDS The Government Is Probing Land Swindles In the West, Iloetift ICntrlcH In Four HtatoH In tlio Vtwt Ten Your Will Aggmgwlo l.OOO, OOO Acroa An Olllcorlu Ulotuil. Portland, Ore.,"ocT. 27. The United States grand Jury yostcrday returned an Indictment against Asa U. Thomp son, receiver of tho land ofllco at La- Grando, Ore. Tho indictment charges Thompson with soliciting money to in fluence his official decision for approval for homestead applications which had been held up for insufficiency of proof. Tho Interior department has had agents in this stato for many months past investigating alleged frauds In tho entry of public lands and tho in dictment of Thompson is the first re sult of tho Investigation. Rumors of government frauds against the public laws havo been in circulation for tho pant yoar and it has boon said that fraudulent entries In the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Idaho and Washington within tho past thrco years will exceed 1,000,000 acres. Much of tho land has valuablo timber on It, though largo tracts of paBturo lands In the eastern porta of Oregon nnd Washington aro Bald to bo included In the fraudulent entries. It is understood that other indictments will follow. DASTARDLY ROBBERY. Soma TIiIovcn Iloliliod u fnrinor and Ilia Wlfu nnd 1'tit folium In Their Cuf foo and Milk. Pcrryvlllo, Ky., Oct. 27. Robbers ransacked tho homo of Robort Robin son, a wealthy farmer near hero, Sun day night and admlnlstored poison to Robinson and his wlfo, which will probably result In ono death at least. A neighbor called at their home yester day afternoon and found both uncon scious. Tho physicians stato that Mrs Robinson will die, but her husband may recover. Paris green and cor roslvo subllmato wero found In tho coffeo pot and corrosive subllmato was also found In a crock of milk. Evi dence showed that tho couple had pre pared breakfast yestcnhiy morning and shortly after eating wore taken ill. Owing to their Isolation they were un able to summon assistance. It is not known what amount of property tho robbers secured. ARRAIGNS MR. BRYAN. Attorney for Mra. I'htlo S. Ilonnott Speako of tho Nubrankan iu Severe Terms. Now Haven, Conn., Oct. 27. Argu ments In the Phllo S. Bennett will caso, tho testimony In which, Including tho unsealing of a letter In which a re quest had been mado to William J. Bryan, was presontcd last week, wera heard by Judgo Clovcland In tho pro bato court last night. Judgo Henry Stoddard, of this city, counsel for Mrs. Bennett, tho widow; Mr. Bryan, In his own behalf, and Henry C. Newton, his cousin, nddrcssed tho court. In his argument Judgo Stoddard arraigned Mr. Bryan In aovcro terms. Mr. Bryan in reply said that If Mr. Bennett could stand being maligned for his political beliefs, ho could onduro criticism for following his frlond's wishes. DECEMBER WHEAT CORNERED. Ht. Lnulti Mnrcliunts' Exchange Directors Fir tlio Miircliml llnalii of Decem ber Wheat at 87 Cents. St. Louis, Oct. 27. At a special session of tho board of directors of tho Merchants' Exchange yesterday tho marginal basis for December wheat was fixed at 87 cents. Tho meeting was called in answer to a petition In which members of tho oxchango claimed that owing to certain manipu lations tho prices hero on December wheat havo assumed fictitious values. Fmv IlunUrupts In Kaunas. Topoka, Kan., Oct. 27. Tho govern ment Inspection of tho affairs In tho United States bankruptcy court was completed hero yesterday, it was found that only 942 Kansas people havo taken advantage of tho bankruptcy law since It went into offect in July, 1893. Only 171 of tho Kansas peoplo have been forced Into bankruptcy blnee that tlmo. Very fow persons take advantage of tho law. lllfrtreHt Oil Well In Kiiunhn. Independence, Kan., Oct. 27. Ac cording to later reports tho big oil well on tho G. L. Bands farm south west of this city about seven miles, was, if anything, underestimated at first. It is now estimated by oil men at from 1,000 to 1,800 barrols a day and there is no question about it being tho biggest oil strike yet mado In tho Kansas flolds. l'rof. Xouluy lsulltwtul to llo Dylnc. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 27. Prof. E. B. Neeloy, for 39 years suporlntendont of tho public schools of St Joseph, Is be lieved to bo dying. Ho is G9 years old and hns been prominent in educational affairs of tho nation for many years. Ho Is tho oldest school superintendent In point of continual sorvico In tho United States. HE HAS NO SHAME. "Klljnh" Dowlo rubllclr Proclaims tlio II lvffltlniauy of HI lllrth nnd HooUn to (Jain Sympathy Thereby. Now York, Oct 27. -In a broken voice, with tears streaming down his faco and his body shaking with emo tion, John Alexander Dowle stood on tho platform in Madison Squaro gar den last night before an audlcnco of 10,000 persons and announced that in truth ho was not tho son of John Mur ray Dbwlo, of Essex, la., from whom ho takes his patronymic, but that his father was a British array olficer of high family by a "Scotch marriage." Ilo heaped vllllflcatlon and denuncia tion upon John Murray Dowle, whom, ho declared, had mado his mother be lle vo her marriage to Dowie's father waa shameful, and tho army officer having been taken away by his rela tives his mother, In tho llrst flush of her shame, had sought to givo her son a namo by marrying John Murray Dowlo. Did aim. Dowlo Tnko TrmiMtro? Boston, Oct. 27. It is said that when Mrs. "Elijah" Dowlo sailed for Aus tralia from this port on Saturday, sho took with her a treasuro box which contained $7,000,000 In bonds, drafts, stocks and gold. RETURN FROM LdNG TRIP. Senator DIotrlcli and Daughter, of Ne branka, Traveled 12,000 Miles to In vestigate Ataxkan Conditions. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 27. Senator Charles H. Dietrich, of Nobraska, has reached his homo after tho longest Journey over made In United States possessions by a senator. With his daughter, Miss Gertrude, ho travoled 12,000 miles, going as far north as Icy Capo, Alaska. Ills tour was for tho purposo of Investigating conditions in Alaska. Ho recommends tho establish ment of a railroad from Valdez, on tho south coast, to Eagle City, In the Daw eon neighborhood, in orded that an American city may be mado tho dis tributing point, and he recommends government aid In this project. BANK FAILS AT TISHOMINGO. Tho DeMgtiatod Depository of tho Chick niiiw Nation IIiih Closed Its Doors Considerable Kxcltement Caused. Ardmoro, I. T Oct. 27. Tho Bank of tho Chickasaw Nation at Tlsho mlngo, designated depository of tho Chickasaw nation, closed its doors yes terday morning. The capital stock of the bank wus $50,000. The amount of deposits is unknown. Shprtly after closing tho bank directors held a meet ing and decided to apply to United States Judgo Townsend for a receiver to wind up tho affairs. It Is stated that depositors will bo paid within 30 days. Tho extent of tho failure cannot be told at the present. Additional ClutrcoH Against Hlalr. St. Louis, Oct. 27. James T. Rob erts, tho accuser of James L. Blair, whom ho charges with forgeries and embezzlements aggregating $403,300, has mado a supplemental statement, containing further details of tho aU leged crimes, and throwing additional light upon the dramatic series of inci dents which preceded tho publication of tho story. Will Send but Ono Delegate. South McAlester, I. T., Oct, 27. The territorial convention, which convened horo yesterday to send a delegation or delegate to congress to ask for an au thorizing delegate, decided that but ono delegate should be sent, but his election was postponed until Novem ber 5, when a fuller representation of tho territory is hoped for. S O-Story Itulldlntr nt St. I.nuls. St. Louis, Oct 27. Plans havo beon drawn for tho erection in St. Louis of tho first 20-story building west of tho Mississippi river. Tho enterprise, as planned, will involve an expenditure of about $1,500,000. Tho location Is to bo on tho east side of Twelfth street, and not far distant from tho new Jefferson hotel. llaiitlNt I'renolier n Heretic, Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 27. Rev. A. E. Gammago, pastor of the Lawn Avenuo Baptist church In this city, has resigned as the result of charges of heresy being preferred against him. Bov. Gammago advocates "divine heal lng" and believes men can become so Banctlfled that they can bo without sin 1'rlNoiierM Spruits; Steel Door. Columbus, Nob., Oct. 27. There was a wholesale delivery of the Inmates of tho jail hero while the jailer was up town. The prisoners sprung tho heavy steel door leading to tho corridor and removed tho brick from tho wall. Folic lit Missouri Unlvoritlty. Columbia, Mo., Oct. 27. Circuit At tornoy Folk delivered an address Mon day night on "civic character" beforo tho students of 'Missouri stato universi ty. KxSoiiutor Htowurt Married, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 27. United States Senator William M. Stewart, o Ne vada, and Mrs. M. A. Cone, of Madlsou, Ga., were married at tho Piedmont ho tel in this city Monday night:' ITCHING NOSE A PERIL. Victim of Itond Agent Wanted to Scratch, Hut Wnn Made to .Smell of it Gun. Ex-Coiictrcfisinan 13nll used to tell a Btory of a time when he once got into grnvo peril on account of his nose. Ilo wuh going to Leadville in tho early dayn on a Htnge conch which wna held up by highwaymen. The passengers were ranged in a row out- Eiue wuu ineir uuuun ui, me luimuur at titude being enforced by a gun in tho bunds of one of the gentlemen of the road, while the other went through the various pocKctn nt his leisure. In the midst of the ceremony Mr. Bell's nose began to Itch with that nmddcnjng per&it-tcncy calculated to drive to insanity or the grave if not relieved. Involuntarily hifl right hand began to lower itself to the beat of troubles. "Hands up there!" called the man be hind the cun, sternly. His hand shot buck into placo, hut in a moment began to lower itself again. "W hat's the matter with you?" inquired the bandit "Are you anxious to become a lend mine?" "My nose itches so I can't stand it nny longer," said Mr. Bell. "I've simply got to Kcrntch it." "Ho, you hain't," replied the agent, "be cause I'll do it for you." With which he proceeded to scratch the prospective congressional nose with tho muzzle of his shotgun. Tommy's Ksnny on l'rcnclicrn. The following essay by a youthful boarding school boy throws quite u new ami interesting light on church digni taries. "There are three kinds of clergy men bishuns rectors nnd curats. tne bishups tell the rectors to work and tho curats have to do it. Curat is a thin married man but when he is a rector he gets fuller and can precch longer sermons and becums a good man, we should all ways rispect a 'curat because sum day he may bccuui a rector and we must nllways pity those who are low down in tho world, any of us may becum misfortuniite so wo must not hit a man with u Btonc." Chi cago Chronicle. The Mcllrlde Case AKnin. St. John, Kan., Oct. 20. Mr. and Mrs William Mclirido and Jesse L. Limes, M. D., have gone before Mr. George E. Mocre, Notary Public, nnd have sworn and subscribed to written statements con lirming the story of the awful illness and subsequent cure of the little son of Mr. nnd ilrs. Melhide. Dr. Limes is particularly emphatic in his statement, nnd there does not now seem to be any room for doubt as to the fnct that Dodd's Kidney Pills, nnd noth ing else, saved the little boy. lie was so bad that he had Epileptic spells which seized him with increasing frequency. lie was semi-paralyzed in the right side, and his mind wns bndly nf fected. In their sworn statement, Mr. nnd Mrs. MeBridc say: "The very day we began to use Dodd's Kidney Pills our boy had twenty-seven of these Epileptic spells or fits. In less than n week he ceased having them enfrely." The case has caused a great sensation in the neighborhood. The sworn state ments have confirmed the whole story. Mere family never "made a man great. Thought and deed, not pedigree, arc the patbports to enduring fame. Skobeloh". Cnllfornin, the Jicantlfnl. Now's 'your chnnce cheap rntcs to Califordnin! $30,00' from St. Louis. $25.00 from Kansas City. Tickets on sale dailv until November 30th. Personally con ducted excursions on "The Katy Flyer" from St. Louis on Tuesdays of each week. Tourist car through to San Francisco, Ask tor tour uool: and imorimition. Ueorgo Morton, G. P. &. T. A., M., K. & T.Hy., Suite J, The Wainwright, St, Louis, Mo. A dumb-waiter can't talk, but neither. for Hint matter, can a speuiiing-tube. 1 .1 M 1 1 - 1 11 1 riiuaueipiiia uecora. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. DiiUcultres are meant to rouse, not dis- couriigc.-r-unnnning. Piso's Cure cannot he too highly spoken of i a cousrh cure. J. W. O'Brien. 322 Third as Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., dan. 0, 1000. Tnkintr too much liberty ninv deprive a man of his HheiTy. Chicago Daily News. Putnam Fadeless Dves color Silk. Wool nnd Cotton at one boiling. A Bad Fix When one wakea upachlne from head to foot, and with the flesh tender to the touch, when Soreness and Stiffness makes every motion of the body painful, the surest and quickest way out ot the trouble Is to use St. Jacobs Oil promptly, It warms, relaxes, cures. Price, 25c. and SOc. BEST FOR NO IVIOWliY fEEDo'oBftUboiibles. appendicitis, blHounos3, bud breath, baiiblocLwHt1! I on tho itomach, foul .mouth, lieadncho, Indlcextton. pimple, pains after natlng, liver trouble, I' 1 sallow complexion and dlKtnosB. When your bowels don'ijnovo reculnrly yon ore alek. Con- I. I itlpatlon kills moro people tlmn " other JlsBasBytoBetber. You will ueycr cot well and stay well I' I until you put your bowols right. .Start with OABUA1U.T8 today Jinder absolute, uuarontee to euro B Mmiiiiupmujiji ' PILES Miss Alice Bailey, of Atlanta, Ga., escaped the sur geon's knife, by using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.. uDkak Mns. Pinkham: I wish to express my gratitude for tho restored health and happiness Ijytlia E. Pinlc- -ham's Vcgctablo Compound has. brought into my life. "I had. suffered, for thrco years with terrible pains at tho time of menstrua tion, and did not know what tho trouble was until tho doctor pronounced It in flammation of tho ovaries, and proposed an operation. " I felt so weak and sick that I felt. Bure that I could not survive tho ordeal, and so I told him that I would not un dergo it. Tho following week I read, an advertisement in the paper of your Vcgotablo Compound in such an emer gency, nnd so I decided to try it. Great was my joy to find that I actually im- iiroved after taking two bottles,, so I cept taking it for ten weeks, and at tho end of that time I wns cured. I hn.d. gained eighteen pounds and was in. excellent health, and am now. " You surely deserve great success, and you have my very host wishes." Miss Alice Bailey, 50 North Boule vard, Atlanta, Gn. $5000 forfeit If original' of above letter proving genulnenesn cannot bo pro duced. All sick women would bo wiso if they would take Iydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and bo well. y j i ' i i i "'Hi ) up' m ip i i ii "'-WTinnmj 'Ill IIP!' 11 II I PI I Ml l ll H I I II Don't disgust your friends any longer. Your foul broath olthor comos from undlgostod and tor menting food In tho stomach, or from a feverish condition, tho rooulD of Constipation. Dr. CALDWELL'S (LAXATIVE) SYRUP FE PS 1 N 8wooton8 sour stomachs, ouros? Indigestion and Constipation. PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Monfisello, III., 7 tho man who wcara SAWYER'S EXCELSBOR BRAND SHickers SAWVEIt'S Rxcrlfttor llranil Ollp.l ClothliW. 1 Ilest In tlio world. Will w not rmplr. tuvl ni p.t eUcky. Look for trado mark. It not at dealer'! send for catalogue. n.Sl.BlwjriHon,8o!eHrrm. Eait CimbrldR, Ami. THE BOWELS TILL. CURED. 25 YEiRS establish. Ptgm UNO r25rM Wc send FREE and postpaid a 200 paxe treatise on Piles. Fistula and Diseases of lb Rectum; also ICO page llluj, treatise on Diseases of Women. Of the thousands cured DyourmiM