The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 16, 1903, Image 8

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Denier In
ElighcBt murkct.pricc paid foriHidcB,
Lard, Tallow, etc.
Proprietors of the
Livery & Feed Stable
Gcod Dray in cennoction with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed,
Houtz's Restaurant
Fresh Candida, Nuta, Fruits, Cigars.
Fresh Bread, Buna and Cakoa alwoya
on hand.
Drop in and boo us.
T. ES. Orotlxer
rVlsheB to announce that ho has not
joved out of town but into the
Minick Store Room
where ho may bo found at all times,
ready to do your
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
or sell you a
New Harness, Nets,
Whips, etc,
KTotioo of Probato of Will.
Tho Bin to of Nebraska, County of Nomtilm,
In tho comity court of Neinnlm county, Mob.
In tho iniitlur of tUo cjhUUo ut Funny Hoover,
To FiuncoH II. Hrvln unit to nil persona In
terested In tliocstuto of Fminlo Hoover, dc
oeaned :
You aro hereby notified that John U.
Hoover Iiiih tiled his duly verified potltlon in
t IiIh court priiytnx for tho probato of tho hut
will and U'Htumont of tho mild Fnunlu Hoo
ver, deccnHcdj which mild Instrument ha
beon destroyed by accldoutand mlHtakc; that
tho Ruutu may bu proved, allowed nud pro
bated as u los, will, und the administration
olnuld i tttato granted to John H. Hoover as
executor; Hint ihoHxtno ban been sot. for hoar
liiKontho 24th day of October, 1003, at 10
o'clock a. m. at tho county court room lu
mild couuty, which said tlmo and placo has
been llzod by an order or court aa tho tlmo
nud place of proving tho mime, wbou you
nnd till pertioiiH Interested may uppcar and
show ctiUHO, If any tiierobe, wtiy tho prayr
of fin Ul petition Nhuuld not bo urantetl, and
content (he probato thoreol, u.d uulusa you
fnuppriu tlio oouit mavKnint tho prnyor, of
mini (leiiuun aim muiiu an oilier propor
umeiN in hum uuiiHU,
WlliieHH my Hand nud tho soul of Raid
county court ut Auburn, Nebnisltu, thlH24tu
our or tjopttitnhor. low).
HICilAltD F. NKA.L, County Judgo.
Ordor of Hoaring and Notico on
Petition for Sottloment
of Acoount.
Tho Btato of Nobrnxkn, County of Nemaha, us
iu uio coumj ooun or rscmaiia county, Nob.
To William 11. AdamH. Horace AdnmH,
Pr"nlc Adams, Ernst, Adamsv Roy J.
Aduma, Alben A.Adamu, Naitoy K. Aifums,
iiuu uiu uiiunuwu iieirHiii inw oi yiliyioti
AdamH, doceimod. and to all nornoim Inter-
ostcd lu ttiooHtutuof lKanoAdiimH.deccni.ed
Notloo is horeby given that John J. Hurlco
has filed a petition praying for Haiti Bottlo
moutand allowance of bis admlnlHtn.tinn
account filed In tills court on the 10th day of
Hepcomoor a. d. ioo3, aud for dim dlHchurtco as
administrator of nuld entitle and tho tnmn
bag been settfor hearing on tho 17th dny of
UUbVUVI , IUJJ Bb IV J UlUUlk II, III , lib till) eilllll-
ty court room of said county, In Auburn,
when and where all Dorsons luiorested in
said matter may apnonr und show cause, if
vncro uo any, wny ujo prayer orwuu potltlon
Rnould not bo eranted. nnii If Hiifllnt
is not shown tho court may grant tho prayer
thereof, and inako such fuitbor and oilier
aruera as may oo proper.
Bated this 10th day rf Septombcr. 1903.
RICHARD F. NEAIj, County Judge.
ShorifTs Solo.
By vlrtuoofan ordor of Bale directed to
mo from tho district court of Nomalm county
Nobraska, ou u Judnemeut obtained before
iiio uisirict court oi womuna county, Nolir'
on tho Ifitli ilnv nf ynvnmhnr. IKlia In u not.
tain action lu said court pond lug In favor of
John B. Lamport aH plain till', nnd aualiiBt
fixuvn uonucib oi at iw uorenuani,ror tho
sum of Flvo Hundred Tweuty-aix (8620) dol
lars, and Thirty (30a) contH, und cohih taxed
at $18 23 nud acorulng costs, 1 havo levied
upon tho following described property taken
as tho property of wild dofeuduntH, to satisfy
said Judgement to-wjt; An undlvldod one.
half ORrtof the south wext mi a iter nf sent Inn
two pjj township four 4 ruugo 15, beginning
nil iiiutiuunieiiML uuruer oi u imcb oi lauu 101'.
inerly owned by Charles Llhby, thouco south
with the road across the Little Nomalm river
toaslalco 17 rods east of tho mill, thonco
south to tha south lluo ofsuld section, thouco
west nloug said lluo to Mild Llttlo Nemaha
river, thouco by tho motudeMngH of wild
river to the south went corner of tho OhurluB
Xituoy lot, tuoncoea8t to tho placo of begin
Jilng, containing nacres with the mill, aud
mill privileges, tho fuuio being designated
on tho records as lot 4 oflot7ofRaldsectlon 2
nnd will olI'tirthOHiitno for iln to tho lilL'heHt
bidder, lore-ash In hand, on tho 17th day of
ucr.oiie- ,i. u, iyuj, m iront. or tuo east iron
door of tho court hotiso In Auburn that being
tho building wherein tho Inst term of court
was hold, ntlho hour ol ono o'clock!), in., of
wiiiii nay, wnon ami wuoro ii no atiotiiiaiico
win oo given uymo undorsigncd.
Dated tieptomlier 14th, 10U3.
Sherlir of said county,
My F. u, Roiikm, Deputy.
The 15 NlMti Umlikst fook
The Nebraska Advertiser
W, V. Sunders "V. V, Sunder
W. W, SANDKns & Son, Prop's.
FRIDAY, OCT. 10, 1003.
Kepublican Ticket
For Judgo of the Bupromo Court.
For Regents of HUto University,
i it ...
For District Judges,
ii, V. ItKAVIB
For County Treasurer,
For County Clork,
UllAHLlOj It. HACK Kit
For Sheriff,
For County Judgo,
For Superintendent of Fublio Instruction,
For County Assessor,
For Coroner,
For Surveyor,
For Clork of District Court,
For Commissioner Second district,
For Commissioner Third district."
A. F. Walah enjoyed a visit from
an old friend and former roommate.
P. L. Wing of Ooldwater, Michigan,
who was in Nemaha from Saturday
uulll Monday. Both geutlemen en
joyed the reunion very mucn.
O K. Fiahor writea us that they are
now living in Santa Barbara, Cat. 216
west Ialay at. Mr. Fianer recently
bought a beautiful home at that place
and ho and tits good wifo aro prepared
to toko comfort in their'old age.
The republican candidates on the
county ticket held a meeting at the
Champion school houae Friday night,
Shockey school house Monday night,
Hillsdale Tuesday night and St. Dei
roin Wednesday night. They had
good audiences at each place.
Bona lodge of Rebekahs had an es
pecially good meeting Wednesday
night, when Mr. and Mrs. Charley
Howe and MIsb May Kerker were in
itiated. After the meeting a nice sup
per was served. The team did good
work in the initlatoy ceremony. This
lodge is rapidly growing.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McCandless aud
children went to Omaha Tuesday of
last week, visited relatives and took in
the Ak-sarshon festivities until Motis
day. On Sunday Allie and Harry
t xik a lout; walk over the ground they
lined to play on when boys. It is now
built up in manyplacen with fine resin
donees, aud very few of the old land
marks are loft.
Ho Loomed a Croat Trurh.
It is said of John Wesley that ho
ouce said to Mistress Wesley, "Why
do you tell that child the sume thing
over and over again ?" "John Wesley,
because once telling is not enough."
It is for tho same reaaon that you are
told again aud again that Chambr
Iain's Cough Remedy cures colds and
grip; that it counteracts any tendency
of Iheae deseases to result iu pueus
monla, and time it is pleasant and aafe
to ake. For sale by W. W. Keelli g
Tuesday night Abe Lawrence left a
laprobe, whip and revolver lu his
buggy at Hillsdale while he was at the
republican meeting. Aftor the meet
tne above articles were missing. Tl.e
next morning, by doing a l'ttlo detecs
tive work, he discovered his whip nt
the home of a Mr. Stokes, a young man
living on the county line, aud on Abe's
accusing the fellow of the theft ho
owned up and returned the stolen arth
oles. The next day he was arrested
and taken to Auburn for trial.
How's This?
Wo otlor Ono Hundred Dollnrs Reward for
anyoasoof Catarrh that cannot im nnrr,.i hv
Hall's Catarrh Ouro,
F.J. CHENEY it CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Wo, the undersigned, h avo known TJV .T.
Chonoy for tho laht ift years, and bollevo him
poriuuuy nonornoioin all business transno
lions und Ilnanclally able to curry out uny
obligations mdo by their firm,
Weuttfc iruax, wIioIckuIo drugglHts.Toledo.O.
Wnhlhtg, Klnnau &. Murvlu. wholosidodrug-'
glHlH, i oieuo, u.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken lntnrn
Ingdlrootly upon tho blood nnd inucotiB wur
fncorfof tho system. Irloo7ftc tiur linttt
by all druggists. Testimonials free.
IlnU's Family Pills mo the boat.
The Nemaha School
Primary room No, enrolled 54
Average attendance 18
Tboso neither absent nor Urdy
Rufua Morton, Edith Barker, Glttdys
Swan, Sadie Gillispie, Ruth Knapp,
Alva Barkor, Clarenco Russell, Clara
Colorick, Viola Farson, Myrtle Fareon
Oiaronce Clark, Glendyn Crother,
Gcorgo Leslie, Eddie Morton, Alice
Intermediate room; No. enrolled 35:
Those neither ebaent nor tardy :
Nova Russell, Ida Burns, Leona
Lelbhart, Alva Due 11, Carrie RubsoII,
Pearl Fareon, Ella Colerick, Nellie
Russell, Marty Qulller, Eliza Farson,
Sarah Colerick, Susan nnd Rosa Burns.
The A grade enjoyed an examlnas
Hon In ceography Monday.
High room No. enrolled 30.
Scholars neither absent nor tardy
Avis Carae, Mary Buoll, Grace Jarvls,
Faye Tollinger, nozel Paris, Willie
Burns, Ltla Galther, Grace Peabody,
Alice Peabody, Ethel Sherwood, Lulu
Cooper, Harry Baldwin, Maude BurnB,
Roy Lelbhart.
Visitors Harry Whooldon jr., Mayo
Galther, Clarence Conner,
The Nemaha high school boys have
organized a base ball team and would
like to play a game with the boys of
the neighboring towns. The boys are
from 15 to 10 years of age. If you
want a game write to Theodore Hill.
The culinary pages of the Delineator
for November breathe tho spirit of
the Thanksgiving feast, but they are
not Oiled with tho trite recipes that it
is customary in many publications to
resuscitate at this soason. And the
title of the paper in the "Carlotta and
I," series, An Old-fashioned Thankss
giving," might suggest the contrary,
but the dishes therein explained are of
such un age that they are disregarded
in this day, to the great losa of modern
gourmands, and well merit retelling.
Likewise the wording of "A Colonial
Dinner for Thanksgiving" is mislead
ing, for it is not the New England
dinner enjoyed .by our forefathers,
with which every ono is familiar, but
a more eluborate affair, denominated
a la Russe aud, doubtless, as delects
able. A Witch's supper for Hallo
we'en and some Sweet Sauces aro both
enticing, and Mushrooms in Delicious
Forms contains some worthy suggest
ions for the housewife. Two illustra
ted pages of cakes for special occasions
are an attractive feature.
Milch cows, horses, colts, potatoes,
wood and crib poles for sale at Stull's
faim, 4 miles vomh of Peru, Neb.
Cows will be sold on a years time.
Will Ouro Oonsamption
A A Herren of Finch, Ark.
writea, "Foley's Honey nnd Tar Is the
best preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble. I knowthat it has cur
ed consumption in the (list stage,
Catarrh of the Stomach,
When tho stomach is overloaded;
when food is taken into it that falls to
digest, it decays and inflames the mus
cous membrane, exposing the nerves,
and causes the glands to secrete rpuclu
Instead ot the natural juices of digest
ion. This is called catarrh of the
stomach, caused by Indigestion. Doc
tors and medicines failed to bonuflt me
until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
J. R Ithou, Coppell, Tex. Sold by W
W. Keeling.
Graduate of the American Sohool of
Osteopathy of Kirksvlllo, Mo.
Remnrkablo cures are effected by
this system of healing. No medicines
Officover Eustlce & CHne's drug!
While drlylng In the vicinity of
Howe, Sunday afternoon, Ror. D. B.
Lake was the victim of an oxcitlug
runaway that threatened serious
results. Tho centerpiece of tho neck
yoke bocame unboltod, letting the
carriage tongue down. The horses
became frightened at the nccidont
and started to ran nwayr. Before
they wer checked thoy broke a wheel
of tho vebiolo so badly that it cannot
bo repaired. Tho wagon tqugue was
broken in two. Rev. Lake was in a
position during the runaway that ho
oould not jump from the vehicle on
account of the hood being up. It was
miraculous that he escaped personal
injury as It looked for a time as if ho
would bo killed or seriously hurt.
Auburn Herald.
For a pleasant physio take Cham
borlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
Easy to tuko. Pleasant in effect.
For sale by W. W. Keeling.
Take the wagonette when in Au
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city. John McElhaney prop.
Ten Weeks Free!
To all now subscribers we will send
The Advertiser until Jan. 1, 1905,
for only $1.00!
Thus giving Eleven Weeks Free.
We will extend the subscription of all old subscribers to Jan.
1, 195, who pay up to date and $1 in addition.
Now is tho time to subscribe and get the benefit of these rates.
Persons living on free delivery routes from Nemaha can give
money to carriers or leave it in their boxes.
1A. W. ANDERS fc SON, Pubs.,
Nemaha, Nebraska
WM. CAMPBELL, Pres. p. E. ALLEN. Vlce-Pres.
Capital Stock, $5,000
Why then
whoso only product piy por bout boxand pack free,
will bo disappointment? miuvsu i guarantoosafenr
I, guarantee cntlresatisfaction. PmceList, Colored Plates, otc. Free.
mmmmr ma
XMt DAY rACSJ weekly and want more homoand CTARK I.OUISJANA, HO.
We ITAI LASH traveling salesmen. Outfit free. 15 llS's. ft
8tock $1,000,000.
M 1 1 1 1 n n n A f frnno nnrl irinno
tno largest, finest stock and best oorts ovor offered by any nuraory. Our men succeed whero
others fail. Write to-day for terms, otc. STARK BRO'S N. & 0. CO., Louisiana, Mo.
ubanches: Atlantic, la., Fayttoville, Ark., Dansville, N. Y Portland, N. Y., Huntsvillo. Ala.
Calnod Forty Pounds In Thirty Days
For several months our youngir
brother had been troubled with indi
beatlon. HeJJtrled several remedies
but got no benefit from them. We
purchased some of Chamberlain's
Stomach und Liver Tablets and he
commenced taking them. Inaido of
thirty days he had gained forty pounds
in flesh, lie is now fully recovered.
We have a good Irade on the TabletB.
IIollov Bros. Merchants, Long
Branch, Mo. For sale by W. W.
. 1 1 fYOtir own &Alartli a ..t.
A pnii butlrul eolort4 pUleij UtM
fMRiuni: dreiimsklnf conomle j rney
work.! houwhoU hlnlt; fielion, elc! Sufc.
crlb to-dny, or, tend w. ror litctt copy.
Lady atfsnti wanted. 5nd (or trm,
Styllah, Reliable, Simple, Utvto.
onto, Economical nnd AbBoliitolr
Perfect-Flttlnir Paper Pattorns.
All Scam$ Allowed nnd Perforations how
the Dattlco and Sewlno Lines.
Only io and is cenu each none hlRhfr
Aik for ilum. Sold In ncaily oviry ciiy
and tawn, or by mall from
113.115.117 West 3l$t St, NFW YOSK.
B. F. Hill, an old newspaper man,
now of 8t. Joo, Is in tho city, guest ot
bis sister. Mrs. G. B. Lewis. Mr
Hill's first experience in tho business
was when ho entered tho original
Nemaha County Advertiser ofllce In
this city in 1864 na an apprentice
under Gov. Furnas. Later he was ono
of the partners of the Arm which es
tablished tho Brownville Journal.
Ho has traveled extensively and is n
very interestthg talker, and his re
miniscences of nowspaperdom IvMii
early day are highly entertaining.
Tho Blograph acknowledges a plaaan
ant call. Brownville Biograpb.
Ran A Ten Penny Nail Through His
While opening a box, J. C. Mouub
of Three Mile Bay, N. Y.,ran u ten
penny nail through the fleshy part of
his hand. "I thought at once of the
pain und sorenes this would cause
me," he says, "and Immediately appli
ed Chamberlain's Pain Balm and oc
casionally afterwarda. To my surprise
it removed all pain and soreness and
the injured parts were soon healed.
For sale by W. W. Keeling.
Have a 79-YR. RECORD,
built upon tho strong founda
tion of a ualitv and low nriceo.
waste time. land, labor and money on twor trees
More homo and traveling salesmen everywhere to
sell Stark Trees. ye DA V CASH Weekly, givo
DESTPRIGES. rtEST Rmr.K. nnd PHP.P.1V V Pl'IfillT
. mill ii iTrii 1)U I VU1I11,
Titirirnnf- nuraArina In tlin ini-l1 TKn nn- n:t..l
' ""'IU UUIUU. VJUilllUI
Av.1 DnnA T11..M Tl l rt i
Needed in Every Home
A Diottonary of ENGLISH,
Ulosrapby, Geography, Fiction, otc
Now Plates Throughout
25,000 New Words
Phrases and Definitions
Proparcd under tho dirocfc super.
Vision Of W. T. HARRIS, Ph.D., LL.D.,
United Statos Commlssionor of Edu
cation, assisted by a lnrgo corps of com
potent specialists and editors.
Rich Blndlnn 2364 Quarto Pngca
5000 Illustrations
'The International ivaa Jlral issued
inJSOO, succeeding tho "Unabridged."
The New and Enlarged Edition of the
International was issued in October,
1900. Get the latest and best.
Wo nlEO publish
Webster's Collanlntb Dinilnnnro
with Glosaary of Scott lah "Words ami Pliraece
iiwi ngti, una iimiirauoni. ana txicxu 6-g incuei.
"Flrat-clasa In quality, socon d.olnsa In Bly,o."
Spoolmon pnsca, oto. of lioth
Springfield. Maaa.
Y'ii nv(r lie.ird any onp uding Imis
lt'V lliimy and Tar. ami not Uein
H;i:irtlHtl,.-M1 Hill, . . -