The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 16, 1903, Image 7

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Hundreds of People ( Around New
York Victims of Flood.
Mnny Dwelling Have CollniHO(t nncl the
Loss "Will Do Mllllunii of Dollars
Klvors tho Highest Kvcr
; Known.
Patcrson, N. J., Oct. 12. Flood con
ations at Paterson Improved but lit
Vfele throughout Saturday night. Early
yesterday morning saw tho wators at
their maximum and, although tho dan
ger to llfo and property still Is great,
there, was a general feeling of relief
yesterday becauso of tho fact that sov
jral of tho bigger retaining walls and
water gates had been able to withstand
tho rush of tho flood. Throughout tho
day hundreds of men under tho super
intendence of Mayor Hfnchcllffo were
at work strengthening these walls and
gates. Scores of persons wero rescued
from their homes. A great many
dwelling houses collapsed and many !
more aro ready to collapse, but It Is 1
believed that there has been little loss
of life. Thousands of men, women and
children will be out of employment for
a long time and it seems altogether
probable that this flood will cause to
the city of Paterson a greater direct
loss of money and property than tho
llro of nearly two years ago. The
. gross loss then was $0,000,000 with an
insurance of more than $4,000,000.
Flvo hundred families are homeless.
Of theso about 15fr families aro being
sheltered In the Apollo hall, whllo the
others will be taken care of in tho
At Schenectnil7 tU Houses Collnpnerl.
Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. 11. The
Mohawk river has reached the highest
mark ever recorded, tho water being
21 feet above normal. The lowlands
are entirely submerged. Over 50
houses are flooded to the second story
and tho families wero taken out in
boats. For nearly a mile the Fonda,
Johnston and Glovervlllo trolley lino
is under four feet of water.
Virginia Coiittt I.ltterad with tVrfcknire.
Norfolk, Va., Oct. 12. Tho north
east gale that has raged over this re
gion sinco Thursday last night prac
tically spent its power, but for miles
along the Virginia coast the beach is
littered with wreckage and through
out tills entire section of tho country
devastation lies in the wako of the
Highest for Si) Years.
Albany, N. Y Oct 11. The rainfall
of 4.69 inches, unparalleled in tho 2
years' records of tho local weather
office, has been followed by a flood also
'unprecedented at this season, which
reached its height with a maximum of
15.05 feet above mean low water mark.
Edwnrd White, Who Usui the Coar
n to Fact- llnllctH, Fell
llei'ore Temptation.
Topeka, Kan., Oct. 11. Edward M.
White, of Wyandotte, Kan., tho "hero
of tho Rio Grande," is wanted in To
jeka to answer to the charge of for
gery. The former Twentieth Kansas
soldier was employed here by John
B. Marshall and it is averred he forged
Lis employer's name to a check for $12.
White and W. B. Trombly swam tho
Rio Grande river in the Philippines in
the face of the enemy carrying a rope
which they attached to tho Filipino
breastworks. Tho ropo was used to
ferry other troops across. White was
for a while employed on tho Wyandotte
fire department, but came to Topeka
several months ago.
llryiin Rxccutor of Largo Kstato.
Now Haven, Conn., Oct. 11. Wil
liam J. Bryan, as executor, has filed for
probate tho will of tho lato Phllo S.
Bennett. The will disposes of an estate
worth approximately $253,000. Among
tlio public bequests tho will provides
that $10,000 be divided among 25 col
leges or universities by William J.
Bryan and $10,000 is given to Mr. Bry
an to aid needy students, whllo a sim
ilar amount is to be distributed by Mrs.
Bryan among deserving students In
female colleges.
ICIiik I'ctc-r ItiMrnrtlM IIJh I-VIi'iid.
Belgrade, Servia, Oct. 11. Col. Al
exander Mnchln", tho ex-minister of
public works, who took part in the as-'
fasslnation of King Alexander and
Queen Draga, has been appoin,red to
the command of tho Belgrade and
Danube division of tho arr.p Col.
Machin was a brother-in-lavF Queen
Draga. Ills brother was tho quSon's
o first husband.
Pevuna Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen: I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has, taken Pe
rttna and I believe with good effect.9 -VK S. SCHLEY Washington, D. C.
ADMIRAL SCHLEY, one of the foremost, notable lierocs of the
Nineteenth Century. A name that starts terror in the heart
of every Spaniard. A man of steady nerve, clear head, un
daunted courage and prompt decision.
Approached by a friend recently, his opinion was asked as- to the
efficacy of Peruna, the national catarrh remedy. Without the
slightest hesitation lie gave this remedy his endorsement. It appeared
on later conversation that Peruna has been, used in his family, where
it is a favorite remedy.
Such endorsements serve to indicate the wonderful hold that
Peruna has upon the minds of the American people. It is out of
the question that so great and famous a man as Admiral Schley
could have any other reason for giving his endorsement to Peruna
than his positive conviction that the ' remedy is all that he says
it is.
The fact is Peruna has overcome all opposition and has won its;
way to the hearts of the people. The natural timidity which so
many people have felt about giving endorsements to any remedy is
giving way. Gratitude and a desire to help others has inspired,
thousands of people to give public testimonials for Peruna who
heretofore would not have consented to such publicity.
Never before in the annals of medicine has it happened that so
many men of national and international reputation have been willing
to give unqualified and public endorsements to a proprietary remedy.
No amount of advertising could have accomplished such a result.
Peruna has won on its own merits. Peruna cures catarrh of whatever
phase or location in the human body. This is why it receives so
many notable and unique endorsements.
Address The Peruna Drug MTgCo., Columbus, Ohio, for free
literature on catarrh.
Although the Attorney Itnn Some,
vrhut of n Kink In llctnllnt luyr
' on the JuUffc.
John It. Kldridge, a well known western
New York attorney, recently had occasion
to argue u case before a justice of the peace
in one of the small towns near Rochester.
It happened that Mr. Eldridjjc and tho
justice belonged to different political parties,
had' been opposed to each other in several
contests and were far from being on the best
personal terms. Each, to use a slang expres
sion, "had it in for the other." The justice
scored the first point, 6ays the New- York
In u field near the court room a donkey
was feeding. Just as Mr. Kldridge was in
the midst of hi pica something disturbed
the animal and it broke forth with a re&onaut
".fust a minute, Mr. Kldridge, jnt a min
ute," said the justice blandly. "1 cannot
hear two at once."
The attorney was hard- hit. but he raid
nothing .mid waited his turn. It came when
the justice was explaining' a point of law to
the jury. Again the biay of the donkey re
funded through the court room. Mr. Kl
dridge placed his hand at his ear.
"Would vou mind rene-atimr that, vour
lionor?" he said in hisinildest tone. "Ihere
was such an echo that i could not under
stand." !" l'erhap the attorney was guilty of con
! tempt of court, but the general opinion in
the court room seemed to be that honors were
about even.
Still Another Cnne.
Franksville, Wis., Oct. 12th. Many re
markable cures have been reported from all
over tne country,but there is one right here
in Krauksville which is certainly worth pub
lishing, and which has not as yet been given
to the public.
Mrs. Louis Marlcison of this place had been
i sick woman for ju;te a long time and could
not iind anything to give her any help. She
raffcred all the painful symptoms of what
is generally known ae female weakness.
Every woman' who reads her story will under
itaim these distressing conditions which
:ombin 'o make the lives of many women
one lonj, iiurden of vreakncsvn.idsuifcring.
Mrs. Markison chanced one day toihear
of a new remedy called Dodd's Kidney Pills,
ihat was said to be a splendid medicine for
women's weakness. She determined to try
some and soon found herself getting better.
She kept on with the pills and was cured.
Speaking of her case Mrs-. Mcrkison say:
"I can and do praise Dodd's Kidney Pills
is n remedy for female weakness. They are
the best medicine 1 have ever known, and
have done inc a great deal of good."
Meanrnt Mini.
The meanest man in Illinois lives at Cen
tralia. He put a large porcelain egg in the
neat of an ambitious hen and found that the
eggt) she had afterward laid were increased in
size. Then he put a goose egg in the nest;
the aforesuid hen laid an egg just as large,
lie was so pleas-ed with thetvneme that lie
put a whitewashed football in the nest and
awaited- results. When he wtnt the next
time to search for eggs he found one as high
as a football, but no lien in sight. Securing
the egg, he taw engraved on it by the hen
photography these words: "I'm no ostrich,
put I have done my best." Later hp found
the hen inside of the egg. Leaf lliver (111.)
War J'.utht-r Than Yield.
Berlin, Oct. llA-Tho Cologne Gazette
publishes a dispatch from St. Petors
" burg as follows: "Russia is not dls
c Inclined to accept tho modus vlvendl
in the Korean question; but If Man-
t'hurla is brought Into tho controver
iy by Japan, Russia would rather that
, tho dispute eoirfe to war than yield,.
uercCiajms. o t,
0 '
AVlll Ho Hold in JctruHiiloin.
Chicago, JOct. 12. Tho world's Sun
day school executive committee has an
nounced officially that tho fourth
world's Sunday school convention' will
be in Jerusalem, Palestine, April 18-20190-1.
WUy She Unns; Off.
telephone mistake may have their serion?
sides. A man who wanted to communicate
with another named .lones looked in the
directory and then called up a number. Pres
ently came through the icceiver a toft fem
inine "Hello!" and he asked, "who is thai?"
"Thft is Mrs. Jones'.' "
"Have you any idea where your husbahd
He couldn't understand why she "ningolT"
so sharply until he looked in the book again
and discovered that he had railed' up the
residence of a widow.- X. V. Yorker.
Cheaper Thnn StityliiK lit Home.
The man who wishes to locate in tho
Southwest thin fall him little excuse for
Btaying at home, ho far as railroad rated
nre concerned. The Santa b'e announce?
very low one-way second-class rates to Cal
ifornia 33 from Chicago, $25 from Kan
sas City, $30 from St. Louis, and propor
tionate reductions from the Last generally.
These tickets nre on sale every day until
November 30. They' lire being availed of
by thoBe wishing to settle in the San
Joaquin and other great valleys of Cali
fornia, likewise Arizona passengers. The
same line also oilers n rate of about half
fare, plus $12, one-wny or round-trip, to
the Southwest generally, the first and third
lttcsdnys ot each month; the last semi
monthly excursion filled every available
car. On October 20 a special bargain-counter
round-trip liomc-sccKers' rate is adver
tised for $20 from Chicago, and $15 from
Kansas City to central nnd eastern Texas
and to Oklahoma, also $5 higher to Pecos
Valley, of New Mexico.
Tho mere sightseer will be more inter
ested in the excursions to Los Angeles and
San Francisco that are booked on the
Santa Ke the latter pari of October, ac
count American Bankers' Association. The
rate then, out nnd back, will be $02.50
from Chicago, $50 from Kansas City,
nnd similarly reduced from other points.
Anyone may go (who has the price in his
pocketbook. Special parties will take in
the Grand Canyon of Arizona, on the
way, and will be personally escorted.
Those wishing to try an pecan voyage can
extend their trip by Oceanic line steam
er from Son Francisco to Hawaii and en
joy a week's outing in the isles of peace.
"De .unluckiest man," said Uncle Kben, "is
de one dat tw aroun' buildin' castles in de
air, when he ought to be pntchin' de roof ou
de summer kitchen." Washington Star.
Cheap Kxcurnion to the South.
On Oct. 20th the Kansas City Southern
Ry. (Port Arthur Route) will run a cheap
excniion from Kansas City and all stations
in Missouri and Kansas to Lake Charles,
Shrevcport, Beaumont and Port Arthur.
The rate for the round trip will be $15.
limited to 21 days from date of sale, goou
to stop over on going trip at all points en
route, provided finul destination is readied
msiac ot Jo days Horn date ol sale. J ins
exceptionally low rate, together with lib
eral stopover privileges allowed, should in
sure a great crowd, especially in view of the
fact that this- is the most delightful season" of
the year to visit the Southland. Similar low
rates will probably be placed in elTect from
points north and cast of Kansas City: Ask
your ticket agent.
Every effort will be made by the Company
(o secure the safety and comfort of its pa
trons. All inquiries relative to desirable
locations to visit or other information will be
cheerfully furnished. Address- either S. (J.
Warner, G. P. & T. A.. P. K. Roesler. T. P.
& I. A. or J. II. Morris, T. P. A., Kansas
City, Mo. '
Marked Down. Stella "Hut what makes
you think the duke is a bargain V Bella
"He is in reduced' circumstance." New
York Sun.
To Cure a com! hi wiic Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund moneyif itfailBtocure. 25c.
Same Old Bluff. "This precipice," ex
plained the guide, "is known us Mover's
Leap.'" "Same old bluff, eh?" remarked
the blaze tourist. Philadelphia Record.
I am sure Piso's'Cure for Consumption
saved my life three years ago. Mrs. Thos.
Robbtot-, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1000.
You cannot reach t he heart with the head
alone. Uanr's Horn.
June Tint Butter Color makes top of
the market butler. '
Tower dwells with cheerfulness Emer-ton.
It's tho jicoplo who
doubt and Itooouio
cured while they doulit
-who pruisn Duuii'h 1'IHb
tho highest.
Acblnp bacVa aro cesod.
Hip, hack, uud loin pnlns
overcome. Swulllngof tho
limbs and dropsy liigns
They correct urino with
liricU-dust sediment, high
colored, pain in passing,
dribblluj;, frequency,- bed
wetting. Uoairu Kidney
Tills remove calculi and
Evavel. Kcllovo heart pal
pitation, sleeplessness,
noadnuho, nervousness,
TAVi-onvn.i.K, Slins. "I
tried everything for n weak
,lmclc nnd got no relief until
I used Uoaa's Pills."
J. N. Lewis.
Pf c
.!,.niMt,J itlU,
Nwtcmo von.
P. o
For free trial bor, mall f!l coupon to
Focter-Mllljitm i!o., IliidiUo, N. Y. Ir ulxivo
fl.ioo li liiiuaiciout, writo addru&i ou bepo
nto slip.
Tho reason you enn
pet thin trial fre Is lm--miim)
thoy t-uro Kidney
ills nnd will prove It to
Vhrt nriANcn. Slicn.
"Uoan'H Kidney mishit tho
case, which wmi nn unusual
desire- to urlnato "had to
(jet up llvo or elx times of
u night. I think dinbeto
was well underway, tho
feet nnd nnklos Fuelled,
There- wan nu intense puin
in thu had:, tho heat of
which would feel like, put
Ihi: oiio'a hand up to o
lamp chimney. I liavo
used tho freo trial and two
full boxci of Doan's Pilta
with tho satisfaction of
feeling that I am cured,
They nro tho remedy par
11. P. Dallawi
International Live Stock Imposition.
Chicago is beginning to consider means-for
making the International Live Stock Expo
sition, to be held this fall, better than any
ever held. Over $33,000,000 of live rtock was
handled at the Union Stock Yards last year,
almost three hundred thousand carloads of
live stock being received at the Chicago mar
ket during this period. This makes the city
oue of the greatest live -stock centers in the
The International Live Stock Exposition
has been an educational agency of the great
est value to those who have visited'the show
in recent years from the cattle ramies and
feeding grounds of the west. These sources
of supply are placed within eaf-y reach of the
city by Mich trunk lines of railway as the
Chicago &. North-Western, which brings to
Chicago each year 70.000 carloads of live
stock, raided and fed in the territory it
reaches. The people living in this rich agri
cultural region, tributary to Chicago, aro
evincing each year more interest in the bet
terment of their stock. The exhibition at
the ITnitm Stock Yard? during the Interna
tional Exposition this fall will be one of the
mtwt notable ever seen, and its chief value
will be along educational lines, looking to
tlic improving of breeds and raising of
standards, which means just so much more
money in the pockets of the producer.
Full particulars ns to the program of tho
International together with announcement
of low railway rates via The North-Western
Lino will appear later.
Mrs. Ascuni "Your boy is at college now,
eh? He's pretty bright, too, isn't her' Mrs.
Malaprop "Ye indeed'. II i? professor
tays he's a regular geneti." Philadelphia
A Iiiiu' Itatc to ToxnM.
October 20th only, thy M., K.&T. R'ywill
have on sale tickets- from St. Louis, Hanni
bal and Kansas City to Texn-, Oklahoma and
Indian Territory at rate of $15.00 for the
lountl trip, iinal limit November 10th.
Rate of $18.00 will also apply from
Cincinnati. $20.00 from Chicago. No
one can aljord to miss this opportunity of
feeing the great fouthwcMern country in the
fullnessi of its glory nnd prosperity. For
further particulars write George Morton,
G. P. & T. A., M.LK. & T. Hy., St. Louis, Mo.
People whose nerves ure on edge are in
capable of cutting much of a figure. Chicago
Netiralaa Sprains
Lusmfcao Bruisoo
BacKacho Soreness
Sciatica 5tif?nesa
Usa tho old rallablo remedy
Jacobs 0
Prico, C5c and ilOo.
j St
A . " VOCA
Yea can cavo from $3 to f?5 yearly by
wearing VA L. Douglas 3,50 or fj.3 ehoco.
They equal thoso
Unit liavu bijou cost
ing you from 1.00
to $5.00. Tho im
inonso oalo of Y. L.
'Douglas shoes proves
their superiority over
all othor makes.
Sold by retail shoo
dealorn ovorywhoro.
Look for iiiiiuo and
price on bottom.
Tllitt Doilffl.11 IlKPMCfir-
onalolt proro lltcro Is
Viiluu In Douulas line.
(orotin In ffto lili.-it.
(jrade I'at.Tjcatlipr mmlc.
.. J'i'.V ttJ!&.7, WiZES.
u ir a,uin hutit Line -nnnot tmeaiinltctiatanii orlee.
riipi'A iijr mall, rnnt eMra. Illuntralrd
Catalog freo. Vl h. DOUHhAH, llrocktoii, Nan.
Delicate people cah resist the
changes of climatic condition
more easily if stomach and
bowels are in good order.
Corrects Stomach Trouble
and Cures Constipation.
PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Montlcollo, III.
If So Try A Bottlo Of
Wo defy the world to produce u medi
cine for the euro of all lorms of Kidney
and liludrier troubles, uud ull diHcuBCS
Seeuliur to -wonien, thnt will equal
mith'B Sure Kidney Cure. Ninoty-oiRht
per cent, of the easeii treated with
Smith's Suro Kidney Curo Hint huvo
como inder our observation have beea
cured. Wo Bell our medjclno on a posi
tivo Ruaranteo, if directions uro fol
lowed, nnd money will bo refunded if
curo is not effected. Manufactured by
Smith. Medical Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Prico fiO cents and 51.00. Trial Sample
mailed freo. For snlo lv all drufffrists.
yxs it tuus'.i tcAitu tnmrsi.
Virginia Hot Springs.
2XX) fcot elevation on Ohesapeako & Ohio Ry.
Pro-cmlucnti tnong all-year-round Resorts.
?mnfu nor nnf thn wf,?id 'nn1??- in?.aiIcclr,f.,y lH m 11 Ku?h Um camll- ,.1'ut,ia,n PaiJoIchs Dyes aro cleanly, an thoy neither alaln tho
w.?iAi2 m 1 1 ,h0 ,"ettl- ,.0no10" Packasro colors cltiior fillk, wool or cotton equal y woll. ami is ixininintcoil to rlvo p-rfcct results. Putnam
Fidcless Dyes aro tut ualo by all cood druwlits everywhere, or wa eU direct at lUu a psicVae. MONROS DnUG CO., Vaionville, Mo.
Under tlio mnnagemcDt of fir. Fred Sterry.
Thlo lino brict Btrucvore Is now fully completer...
Una 400 rooms nnd 200 privnto hatha, each room
nuppllcrt with long illstunco 'phono anil inoilnrn
njipoliitmetits. BroUera' olllco with direct New
Vorlc wlrn.
curatlvo wutcrn known for rheumatism, i;out,
obfulty anil norvoun trouhlcn.
with Bqiiavh Court, lounging rooms, enfo, ping
pong tubleu, oto. Tennis courts aud all outduor
uinuiiomeuts. Urchcstiu.
. Tho Grandest Months In tho Year.
Magnificent Train Service, Dining; Cars,
Pullman Sleepers, Observation Cars,
Reduced Rate Tickets now on sale.
For (ull Information call on agents ot tho
A. N. K.-D