THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER W, W, BANDERS & BON, Publisher. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. 1903 OCTOBER 1903 S3K. HOK. TOES. VED. TflDR. FM. SAT. 1 2 T t I A J ii "12 13 "TTTs 7o 17 T8 720 2 22 23 24 25" 26 27" 28 29" 30 "3T TOPICS OF THE DAY. OlIHll VtM'MIIH Hot Air. Senator Hamm's brothor hns given $100,000 to tht Western Keservo (O.) university. TIiIb'wIM mako more votes tlmn a joint debate. Good My en 11 iid .Verve to Match. That railway engineer who bafllcd tho train robbers by running by the id lantern thoy flourished certainly understands a danger signal when he aces H. Lucky Duke. Tho duko of Roxburgho, flanco ol Miss Goelot, will get millions of dol lars for his title, and will still retain tho title. This Is eating his cake and Jiavlng It, too. Henri Certain of Klcct Ion. Cdl. Henri Wnttcrson Is to take tho stump for his son, who Is, running for the Now York assembly. Tho voters will think It Is tho colonel that Is rnnnlng, and will triumphantly elect him. Only 11 lncn(lon of DIkk'ZuU'. Ore has been found In Colorado con taining radium, unanlum, vanadium, liaranlum and polonium. If they dig a little deeper maybo thoy will find euphonium and palladium. Xot Until the lllnw Fill In. Gen. Young, chief of staff, has es tablished a press censorship at tho war department. Not until tho blow falls will tho country bo permitted to know whether Gormnny attacked us on tho right or tho left flank. Himy l)iy for "Weather Iliircnu. It snowed in Minnesota, tornadoed in Wisconsin, "frosted" In Illinois, rained in Missouri, blow great guns In Kan bos, sunstruck people In Toxas and was -Daimy" in UKiahoma, Bimuita neously on Sunday, October 1. It wa the weather bureau's busy day. Huvuil a Siuim: Salary. Although tho Cramps have boon forced out of tho great Philadelphia shipbuilding concern, the senior mom l)cr of tho' old company, Charles II. Cramp, will remain with the now com pany as an adviser to tho president, receiving a salary of $20,000 a year. Alivnyn the "noot." President Butler, of Columbia uni versity, says the university school of Journalism can't guarantee to produco good newspaper men If tho students Imvo not tho root of tho matter In them. That's right; It Is "root, hog, or die" In tho newspaper buslenss. Nothing goes by favor. 1 Wluit AH Mrn, Fish? It was reported recently that Stuyvo Bnnt Pish, president of tho Illinois Central railroad, had with great dir ilculty succeeded In keeping some thing relating to Mrs. Fish out of an eastern paper. Mrs. Fish, however, ppears Ul be Irrepressible. Sho Is out with an Interview now In which sho cays: "It is said that Mrs. Roosevelt dresses on $300 a year. And sho looks it" Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish probably ilnds it difficult to dress on $1100 a Sveok. 1 EIGHT MUST , HANG. Highest Punishment Visited Upon Ladrones in tho Philippines. OflWliil Ari Tryliic Miiko Troimon Odl ouh Native l'otlcnnitin Attached by ttUO llitiiilliuntorii iintl 5iJ of I.iitter Killed. , Manila, Oct. 13. Eight ladrones havo Just been sentenced hero to bo hanged and twq to 25 years' Imprisonment by Judgo ii. Sweeney. These mon wcro captured in Uulucan and other prov inces of Luzon adjacent to Manila. A second body Of ladrones aro In tho island of Panay, whero thoy havo at tacked tho town of Ibajay and killed 13 of tho Inhabitants. Lieut. Velasquez and 30 men of tho constabulary were attacked recontly by COO headhuntors of Neuva Vlscaya and lost two mon, after killing C3 nnd wounding largo numbers of tho head huntors. Tho enemy was armed with rifles and bolos. The constabulary un der command of Velasquez aro re ported to be suffering from disease similar to cholera. As a result of tho Investigation of Customs Collector Schuster, Gov. Taft has mado a requisition upon tho Chi nese authorities at Shanghai for tho extradition or W. D. Ballantlne, in spector of customs, arrested thero for alleged complicity in tho conspiracy for tho Issuanco of what aro Biispected to be fraudulent certificates. WANTS OUT OF PRISON. ISvniiKelint t'liiler Arvent tit St. .! Mepli. Mo., for Adultery IroiuIe to He C.ooil If UeleiiNetl. St Joseph, Mo., Oct. 13. Rev. J. V. Adains, for years a successful ovangol 1st In tho church of tho Latter Day Saints, was arreted here In tho com pany of iIrs. Susie Schradcr, of Louis ville, Ky. Adams .was until recently in charge of a largo missionary field, with headquarters in Louisville, and becauso of his attentions to Mrs. Schradcr was withdrawn from work thero. Ho returned to his wife and children at Stewartsv'llle, Mo., and Joined Mrs. Subrador in St. .;scph two days ago. Adams last night kissed his wlfo through tho Iron bars at the police sta tion, promising to return homo and lead a righteous Hfo as soon as he Is out of his present troubles. Mrs. Schrador's husband, a horseman, wired that ho would como from Louisville at onco and escort his wife homo. THREW PRIEST INTO RIVER. At lillbfto, .'jftrtln, n SerlouH Climh Occurred ISettvuon Hoclullntrt mill ICoiiiuii Catholic Clurlciil. Bilbao, Spain, Oct. 13. As a result of tho collision Sunday between so cialists and a body of clericals, 7 per sons were killed and 33 woro wounded, some of tho latter being .mortally In jured. Revolvers woro llrcd from tho Catholic clubs and from the windows of the church of St. Nicholas. Tho vicar of that church was arrested on tho charge of shooting soveral social ists and a number of priests woro ar rostcd charged with instigating riots. During the fighting tho autl-clorlcala threw a priest Into tho river. WOULD MAKE THEM WARDS. Methorilftt Nncro Krtucsitor Think tlm Government Hlioiild Trent IllnckMiiii and Indliin Alike. Chicago, Oct. 13. A memorial to congress presented several days ago by Dr. C. L. Parks, of Atlanta, Ga., recommending tho education of tho colored people of tho south by the United States government, was adopt ed yesterday by the Rock River con ference of tho Methodist church in ses sion at Aurora, 111. Dr. Parka desires to put tho negro on the same plane with tho Indian, making him a ward of tho government. The legal diffi culties which may arise, ho believes, can bo surmounted by a carefully planned campaign and ho sees in tho consummation of his plan a solution of the negro problem. A committeo of seven is named in the memorial to convey tho resolutions to congress. PECULIAR AND ECCENTRIC. Thoiitiirt .Murray, a One-Time Millionaire of Omaha. Ia Dead In ii Shack In That City. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 13. Thomas Mur ray, until a few years ago rated a mil lionaire nnd who mado most of his wealth dealing in second-hand goods, died in a shack in the southern part of the city early yesterday. Murray, who has lived in Omaha for DO years, was a bachelor and was famous for his peculiarities and eccentricities. Ho built tho first six-story brick -building in tho city, for which he burned his own brick and was 12 years In its building. His second store, which was known as tho "Old Curicfilty Shop," contained almost everything known to. junk lore. A great deal of his fortune was lo3t In real estate. Ho left but ono known relative, a nephew, who lives in Colorado. DEMORALIZED BY CIGARETTES. The Mayor of HiilHtead Sayn lloys of That Town Are (Joint: to the Dock " Throucli Smoking. Topeka, Kan., Oct. 13. Tho attorney general received a letter from the mayor of Hulstead, Kan., yesterday asking him If there was any state law under which a city of the third class cbuld pass a valid ordinance prohibit ing boys under 18 years old from smoking cigarettes. He said that a good portion of tho boys of Halstead were going to tho dogs via the cigar ette routo and he wanted to stop their downward career if he could. THREE TRAINMEN KILLED. INDESCRIBABLE BRUTALITY. IMuiio uml Children' Xervex. It Is a Berlin physician, who must 1)0 a sufferer from such "practice," who has just started a campaign Against tho widely-spread custom of giving planoforto lessons, to children. Ho asserts that this Instrument la largely responsible for tho alarming development of norvous aff.ectlons, which aro steadily Increasing. In his opinion a girl ought not to bogln tho study of music boforo tho ago of .10 years, and oven after that ago not moro than two hours a day ought to bo dovoted to practice Woman Who Wan In KUhlnnff IWinnim-o Arrives In lion f.Iolne and Conllrnm Storied of Horror. Dos Jtoluos, fa., Oct. 13. After a journoy of six weeks, Mrs. Esther Steinberg and hor three children, who were hidden in the cellar of a Chris tian homo throo days during tho Klslnoff massacre In Russia, havo ar rived In Dos Moines to join Mr. Stein berg, who has boon horo for two years. Sho brought with hor pictures taken after tho worst of tho massacre and confirms all of tho stories of horror which havo been roported; even more. FARMS FALL INTO RIVER. PciwiltJeH of (JrcntnchM, "Uncle .Too" Cannon Is compelled to take a fine houso and entertain in a manner befitting his position now that ho is to bo speaker. Ho would greatly prefer tho simple, unostentatious life ho led while ho was a more momber and his greatest delight Is to sit In tho lobby of his hotel and swap yarns with liis ci'onlos. They do say that his hap piest days aro when ho is back in tho Danville neighborhood, expounding politics in some villago grocery and spitting at the stove. .Near I'ln t tHiiiouth, eU Croat Anx iety ! Kelt Over the 12 lie roue h inentH of the MImhoiivI. Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct.. 13. Farmers n tho east side of the Missouri liver are losing many acres cf valuable land by reason of the river's current cut ting tho land away. Tho heaviest loss so far Is on tho Connor place, where 80 acres hav-j been washed completely away. Other properties have also been heavily damaged. Old residents 'fear tho ontlro section embraced by tho big bend abovo Hcnton station will bo swept away. c Convlet'H Divorced Wife Killed. Sedalla, Mo., Oct. 13. MI33 Ellon Broden, tho divorced wlfo of John llrockaway, who Is serving a term In tho penitentiary for tho murder of hi second wlfo, was shot and killed by John Meyers, a farmer hear Gravols Mills, Morgan county. Meyers Is lh jail at Versailles. . 1 A llox Cur Knocked Over by an Knclne on n Crowd of Switchmen nnd I'lnguicii. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 13. As a crowd of switchmen nnd flagmen woro gathered around a little fire at St. Louis avenue and Santa Fo street last night about 7:30 o'clock a Missouri Pacific cnglno struck a Frisco freight train. knocked a box car over on Its side and crushed out tho Hfo of two switchmen and a flagman and injured two others. Over l()0 l'lillljinlm: IhIiumIn. San Francisco, Oct. 13. A. Henry Savage Landor, tho English artist and traveler, who has been engaged tho past nine monthB exploring tho Phil ippines, has arrived hero from tho orient." Mr. Landor visited some -100 islands altogether, many of which he says had never before been visited by a white man. Mr. Landor states that success is gradually crowning tho es tablishment' of American administra tion in tho islands. 'Sit. '.. V.. ' 'ly8!ftfe'.S tv 1 Miss Alice M. Smith, of Minneapolis,, Minn., tells how woman's monthly suffering may be quickly and permanently relieved by Lydia E PinHiam's Vegetable Compound. "Dbah Mks. Pinkham: I have never before given my endorse ment for any medicine, but Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has added so much to my life and happiness that I feel like making an exception in this caso. For two years every month I would, havo two days of severo pain and could find no relief, but ono day when, visiting a friend I run across Lydia E. Pinicham's Vegetable Com pound, sho had used it with tho best results and advised mo to try it I found that it worked wonders with mo ; I now experienco no pain and. only had to use a few bottles to bring about this wonderful change. I. use it occasionally now when I am exceptionally tired or worn out." Miss Alice M. Sjiitii, 804 Third Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn., Chair man Executive Committeo Minneapolis Study Club. Beauty and strength in women vanish early in life becauso or monthly pain or some menstrual irregularity. Many suffer silcntly and see their best gifts fade away. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege table Compound helps women preserve roundness of form and. freshness of faeo becauso it makes their entire female organism, healthy. It carries women safely through the various natural, crises and is tho safeguard of woman's health. Tho truth about this great medicine is told in tho letters front, women published in this paper constantly. Mrs. C. Kleinschrodt, Morrison, 111., says: v "Deah Mrs. Pinkiiam: I have suffered ever since I was thirteen years of age with my menses inpy were irregular and very pamtul. I. doctored a great deal but received no benelit.. "A friend advised mo to try Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which L" did, and after taking a few bottles of it, I found. great relief. "Menstruation is now regular and without, pain. I am enjoying better health than I have for sometime." How is it possible for us to malec it plainer that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Com pound, will positively help all sick vonicn ?- All women aro constituted alike, ricnand poor,, high and low, all suffer from the same organic troubles. Surely, no ono can wish to remain weak; and sickly, discouraged with life and without hope for the future, when proof is so unmistakable that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegctable.Compounu will, cure monthly suffering all womb and ovarian troubles," and all tho ills-, peculiar to women. FORFEIT K wo cannot forthwith produce tho orlclnnl letters and Blfjnatnres ol" abovo testimonials, which will prove tli'olr absolute conulnoncBS. Lydia E. 1'lnkham Modlchio Co., Lynn, Maaa. I'ont Oflloo Kecoiptx for Kuploinbur. Washington, Oct. 13. The statement o the post office department giving tho receipts at GO oC tho largest post offices In tho country for tho month of September shows tho total to be 5,009,122, a gain of nearly nine per cent, over tho receipts for tho sapio month last year. Tho largest gain was mado at Omaha, Nob., whero the receipts wcro $14,057, which is 21 per cent., moro than tho receipts lor Sop tembcr, 1002. WantN Divorce from AkimI IIukIwiihI. luida-Pcsth, Oct 13. Countess Marie Zlchy, wife of the Austrian ambassa dor in Munich, has loft her old hus band, hor step being Indirectly due, it is claimed, to President. Roosevelt's letter against race suicide. The young and -vivacious ambassadress wants children, and therefore decided to mar ry a younger man an athletic artist who', by iho way, is as poor as Zlchy is rich. 1 $5000 I on tho stomach, foul .mouth, headM-ho, indleeHtion, plmpjei, pains after oattne, llvor troublo, b) E sallow complexion and dizziness. Whon your bowoU don't wove regularly you aro bIcV. Con- B 1 ntlpiitlon kills moro peoplo than all othor dl8eats tocethjr. You will nevor cot well and atay well Q I until you put your bowols rleht, Start with CASOARETS today under absolute Guarantee to cure Tffo nil om' Trtiat Kntprx XclinisKn. Lincoln, Nob., Oct. ill. Tho Farmers' Co-Oporatlvo Shipping association, commonly called the farmers' trust, 1 has legally entered the state of Ne . bra8lta, the secretary of stato having ; rt-ttlved Its incorporation papers. "Will Visit tho Torrltorirs. Chlcago Oct. 13. A special train on tho Santa Fo left Chicago last night having on, board a number of United States senators and congressmen, tho guestfl of William R. Hearst. Tho party will visit tho principal cities of Now Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma fav the purpose- of getting information as to the qualiilcutlona of tho terri tories for statehood. The trip will occupy about ton dayB. "Will Develop tho Dan (irnw .Mini. Sedalla, Mo., Oct. 13. A company with a capital, of $500,000 has been or ganized and incorporated to develop I what ia known as the Dan Grow mir.o , in tho heart of tho Raymond district. 1 WMi IMO PflOwEY TSLL CURED. 25 years established. W'csecd FREC und postpaid a 200paze treatise on Piles, Fistula and Diseases of th Rectum; also 100 paj e illus. treatise on Diseases of Women. Of the thouian Js cured byonrmlld method, none paid a cent tlllctired we furnish thelrnameson aDDllcatlon. DRS. THORNTON Sl MINOR. 1031 Oak St Tanta Tci U. ml hue m m om ED s Large Ohoice Logs.. KANSASCITYV iV300. ia no hlndrnnco to tho riaerwno wears SOTYIK'S EXCELSIOR BRAND POMMEL SLICKERS Han or saddle cas not set wet EXGELStCR BRfiiND OILED CLOTHING For all kinds of worU. warranted W aterproof Look for trude-tuark. , jr not nt dealers wrlto V.BtwjtrJt Bob, BoleHf r. But Ccsbrldft , But. IIV08 III. nn ro AHAKESIS mi . , " . nnt- l I J' iier ami I'JISITI VK. l.Y VDICKN mitVM. tor frc( snmnlo nrlilirb! 'AAJti:NlH, Trlli iiiio tmlliitnif, Sort York. I EEDLES j tor b11 Senilis; Marhlnc SHUT! LES TiLO(JiKH(Ki;ioiiii.iLni:s. I I O I CI rn m I REPAIRS J m5Kti?vnTJir,i Pi&TS M X Q 48-paRoboo CVRS wtt.& Ja?7! Kfn B'SJr, I K lios t rofruii(W. PITZQERAIiD ts CO., Itox 1. Washington, D. O. . LUKfcS WHH1I- All f ISf FAIIK. Ucst I'oiiBh Hyrup. Tai03 Giku, TJso in iimo. horn uraruiiKlvtv