The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 09, 1903, Image 2

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W. NV, SANDERS & SON, PnblUhori.
1903 OCTOBER 1903
t 1 2 3
6 "y8 9 To
ii 12 13 71 Ts 76 77
78 1? 20 IT 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 3?
. Ono firm of horso brooders at Colum
1)U3, O., will exhibit at the world's fair
a stablo of 17- Porcheron horses valued
at $G0,000.
Tho troasury surplus for tho year
ended Juno .'10 was $54,000,000, us com
pared with $01, 000,000 In 1902, a dlf
feronco accounted for by tho removal
of war taxes.
A model of tho first harvesting ma
chine, mado 1C0 D. C, nccordlng to re
ports from tho United States patent
ofTlco, will bo shown at tho world's
Tho Louisiana Purchase exposition
covers two squaro miles, or 1,210 ncres.
It Is larger than tho Chicago, Omaha,
Buffalo unC Paris expositions combined.
According to a report from tho
United States patent, olllco tho first
n( cam firo cnglno was constructed In
Egypt 150 13. C. A model of It may bo
Been In tho government's exhibit at
tho world's fair.
Government statistics show that tho
production of coal In tho United States
last year amounted to 300,9110,050 tons,
valued nt $373,133,813, or about $1.25 a
ton. Somehow, It was valued at $1,000,
000,000 before It reached consumers.
Another Macedonian leader "Indicts
tho Turk," But tho Turk has boon at
tacked this way by somebody or other
every few months for tho past three
quarters of a century. So long as tho
assaults do not go any farther than
tho nowspapors or tho orators' plat
forms tho Turk will laugh at them.
Milwaukee- pastors aro in favor of
advertising tho church as business men
do their business and Dr. W. D. Cox,
of. tho Methodist Episcopal church,
predicts that this question will bo ono
of tho prominent subjects of discus
sion nt the Los Angoles gonoral con
fcrcncco next May.
That was almost a wicked confldonco
gamo which a dotcctlvo practiced on
20 St. Louis doctors, somo of whom
nro charged with practicing mcdlclno
without propor authority to call on
tliom and relate symptoms which led
each ono to pronounce tho protended
disease a different ono. It is very
easy to fool your doctor or any doc
tor, unless you aro flat in bod and
can't talk. Tho patlont who relates
symptoms is mystifying. Tho more
ho relates the moro tho doctor doesn't
Itnow what ails him.
Nowspapors aro tolling of tho re
markable feat of a postal clerk who, In
a civil sorvico examination, did not
make a singlo error In sorting 42,000
test postal cards, each representing u
post olllco In a certain territory as
signed. "Far moro noteworthy,"
thinks American Medicine, "Is tho
memory of an oxpert piano player,
who will play tho ontlro soason's con
certs without a noto of printed music
Loforo htm. His memory is so porfoct
that hundreds of thousands of notes
must bo at tho instant disposal of tho
Opposition to Senator Smoot, at
Utah, has tnl:en a now turn, tho
charge that he practices polygamy
having been practically abandoned by
tho Instigators of tho crusade against
lilm. Tho W. C. T. U. will make 'tho
tight for his expulsion from tho sen
ate on tho ground that ho is ono of
tho 12 apostles of the Mormon church,
end has taken tho oath of obedlenco,
which, according to tho allegations of
tho crusaders, transcends his oath of
allegiance to tho constitution of tho
United States, to which ho Is required
to subscrlbo as a sonator.
White House Guards Arrested a Man
with a Revolver.
Scientists seem to bo puzzled that
anyone should carry about so useless
a thing as an appetite and a taste or
distaste for certain fruits and table
preparations. All such trivial pecu
liarities of tho animal .man aro to bo
Ignored. Likes nnd dislikes aro to bo
loftily Ignored, according to tho pro
fessors. Ono of tho joys of living to
most unothorlallzcd persons Is eating.
Certainly, tho strawborry, tho peach
and tho cantaloupe didn't spring up In
the garden of Eden to be used by Adam
nnd Eve in filling themselves up with
ro discrimination na to taste.
I'eter Klllott, of AWiiiH'iipollfi. llecnmo Vio
lent AY'lma Itofiifloil nti Audience with
thu PrMldunt unci I' roved it llnrtl
One to llutullo.
Washington, Oct. 0. -A desperato
liaud-to-hand encounter with an armed
Insano man who was determined to see
Prosldcnt Roosevelt occurred In tho
vestibule of tho whito houso near noon
yesterday. Tho man, who gave his
name as Peter Elliott, and his homo as
Minneapolis, Minn., was overpowered
by tho oncers on duty at tho white
houso entrance nnd carried to a polico
van which had been summoned. Ho
was placed In tho van In tho etistody
of two officers. Seeming to realize then
t'or tho first time that ho was under ar
rest, Elliott began a furious strugglo
with his captors for liberty. He drew
a rovolver and attempted to shoot
Officer Jnmes Clsclo. Tho officer
grasped his hand and wrenched tho
weapon from his grasp. ElMott's strug
gles were so fierce, however, that the
two olficers In tho cramped quarters of
tho van were unable to ovorpowor him.
Officer Clsclo thon drow his revolver
and fired two shots to attract atten
tion. Chief Usher Thomas Stone and
Officer Parker, of tho white house
force, who had assisted In carrying El
liott to the van, attracted by tho shots
rushed back to tho vehicle and as
sisted In overpowering him.
il WlHCowiln I'rcHbytorlnn Milliliter Stopped
nSoloUtln IIU Church IlcratiHO She
'nn KliiL'I'iir n "Ave Maria,"
Racine, "Wis., Oct. C Believing that
"Avo Maria" should bo sung only in a
Catholic church and not In a Protestant
church, Gcorgo Colvlllo, pastor of tho
First Presbyterian church, tho con
gregation of which Is tho wealthiest
in tho city, Sunday evening ordered
Miss Susie Roberts, leading contralto
of tho city and soloist of tho church,
to stop singing while In tho middle of
tho song. Tho minister's action caused
a sensation among members of tho
choir nnd tho church and It Is feared
that many members will leave tho
Little Children of tho St. John's Asylum at
Now Orleans Steal Homo llroad
Hmcarcd with Itat I'olanii.
New Orlonas, Oct. C Rejoicing be
causo thoy thought thoy had evaded
the rulo forbidding tho children to
eat botweon meals, seven llttlo orphans
of tho St.. John's asylum stolo some
pieces of bread smeared over with rat
poison and ate them. Two are now
dead and tho other five nro in tho
charity hospital lingering between life
and death. Inez Gauther, aged nine,
and Sarah Wilkinson, aged six, are
tho two who have already diod.
Hen. JanicH N. Tyncr Indicted.
Washington, Oct. C Tho federal
grand Jury, which has been Investigat
ing tho post ofllco department, re
ported a largo number of indictments
this afternoon. Among thoso indicted
are Gen. James N. Tynor, formerly as
sistant attorney general for tho post
olllco departmont and Harrison J. Bar
rett, who was his assistant. , Thoy are
charged with conspiracy to defraud
tho government.
Children Drnvrnod, Father n Maniac.
Casovlllo, Mich., Oct. C George
Hoether, a Russian, took his wife and
four children rowing on tho Pigeon
river Sunday evening. Whllo passing
under a small foot bridge ono of the
children stood up In tho boat and los
lng his balance capsized It. Threo ol
tho children wore drowned. Tho father
is out of his mind as a result of the
Dockcry Accept Todd'H Kcnlciiatlon.
Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 0. Gov.
Dockery yesterday received tho resig
nation of James Todd, president ol
tho state board of arbitration and
mediation, and nccoptcd It. E. S. Gar
vcr, of Grant City, was appointed his
Land In Colorado for For cut JtcHcrvo.
Washington, Oct. G. Tho commis
sioner of tho general land ofllco has
withdrawn the 00,000 acres of land in
Colorado, to bo added to the forest
resorve. Tho land Is in tho Gunnison
Leadvlllo, Piioblo and Del Norto land
Kxportu from thu I'lilllpplnc (Irowlnc,
Manila, Oct. G. Trade statistics show
that tho exports from tho Philippine
islands havo Increased fully 20 per cent
during tho lust year, with tho totnl
amounting In value to $33,G9G,587
OITcrcd 8 I0.00O for Dick Welles.
Chicago, Oct. (!. ltia reported that
E. E. Snathors, tho owner of McChes
noy and Major Dolmar, Is about to buy
Dick Welles for $40,000.
Every Student nt Iluchtel Bttnponded for
lincaclntr In Claim "Itush" After Or
dent to the Contmry.
Akron, O., Oct G. A color rush at
Buc'htol college resulted in tho faculty
suspending every man In college ex
cept three nnd thoy remain becauso
they did not reach tho collego until
after tho ruBh was ovor. Friday night
tho upper classmen Initiated tho fresh
men, putting them through a severe
course, and when the latter appeared
at chapol this morning wearing their
colors, President Church mado a speech
prohibiting a color rush. Ho stated
that tho freshmen had been Initiated
in a moro severe manner than any
class over were in tho institution, and
he upheld them In wearing their col
ors. As soon as chapel was over the
upper classmen went after the fresh
men and toro their colors off and
bloody noses and torn clothes were in
ovidenco. Tho faculty then suspended
both classes.
In the Vlllntro of Kwan. Mich., Five t'eoplo
Were Killed Property Loss
Negnunee, Mich., Oct. 6. Tho lit
tle town of Ewan was struck by a
tornado and half of it laid waste. A
number of men working on the roof of
the schoolhouso were blown off, ono
being killed and four fatally hurt, be
sides several who sustained lesser
hurts. Tho loss of proporty Is report
ed to bo nearly $200,000. Provisions
and medical aid have been sent from
Crow Want BO Now Witnesses.
Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 0. Attorney
General Crow last night obtained CO
blank subpoenas, which ho is sending
to sheriffs over tho state, to bo served
upon persons who aro wanted to glvo
testimony before the boodle Investigat
ing grand jury. The jury will resume
Its sessions on the 13th. There Is not
much speculation as to the Identity of
these wltncscs, It being generally be
lieved that they aro members of the
Wont Over an IOmlianltmeiit.
Fort Scott, Kan., Oct. G. Frank Shir
ley, engineer, and John McCann, fire
man, of a Missouri Pacific local freight
train, were killed In an accident near
Yates Center yesterday. Going around
a sharp curvo their engine jumped the
track, went ovor an embankment 20
feet high, turned compltely over and
landed right, sldo up. Every car of the
train but tho two last went over the
embankmont and piled up.
Dowlo lMaim More "Zlou" Cities.
Chicago, Oct G. John Alexander
Dowlo expects that as a result of his
invasion of Now York next week $50,
000,000 will pour into Zion'a exchequer.
So positive Is ho that this will occur
that Sunday he announced to his peo
ple at Zlon City that as soon as tho
crusado is over ho will begin plans for
the establishment of two more Zion
cities. One will bo on tho Pacific
coast, tho other on tho Atlantic.
l'resldlnir Klder In Disgrace.
Guthrio, Ok., Oct. G. Rev. John M.
Laird, presiding older of the South Mc
Alester, I. T., district, was suspended
from tho ministry by tho M. E. con
ference hero. Ho was found guilty of
making Improper advances toward a
17-year-old girl who lived with the
Laird family.
Dewey, Schley nnd Miles.
Washington, Oct. G.Cortaln demo
cratic politicians, who profess to know
what they are talking about, say the
next democratic presidential ticket will
contain tho namo of at least ono and
possibly two of tho threo best known
modern fighting men Dewey, Schley
and Miles.
Dolnc; Away with Slavery.
Manila, Oct G. Tho legislative coun
cil of the Moro provinces has passed
fln.antl-slavcry law which prohibits
slavo holding In all territories under
its jurisdiction. It also provides for
the confiscation of all vessels engaged
in tho trade.
Lead nnd Zinc CniicrcxH iit Oalona.
Galena, Kan., Oct. G. Galena Is en
tertaining tho Southwestern. Load and
Zinc congress. Railroads mado a ono
fare rate. In front of tho city build
ing a hvjgo mound of oro, 25 feet in
circumference and 40' feet high and
lighted by electricity, has been erected.
Made llim Kat Sand.
, Neligh, Neb., Oct G. -Tho five-year-old
son of Fred Wagoner is dead as .the
result of an attempt mado by his (Play
mates to mako him oat sand. Thoy
dislocated his neck nnd a quantity of
sand was fqund In tho boy's stomach.
Kaunas City Candy Company llunlcruiit.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. G. Tho C. J.
Flotcher Candy compnny, which has a
factory at 507-1) Delawaro street, went
into bankruptcy and a receiver will bo
appointed. Tho liabilities aro given at
Ebout $1(50,000. o
Victims of Tornado in Illinois, Wis
consin and Minnesota.
Ittilldlticrs Were Itlown to Atoms nnd Crops
Lovoled Much I.lvo Stock Killed nnd
Heaviest Loss Falls on Agri
cultural Communities.
St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 5. A tornado
struck St Charles, Minn., Saturday
afternoon and ruined tho town. Seven
persons were killed and a largo num
ber aro reported Injured. Two eleva
tors, tho principal furniture storo in
town nnd tho big flour mill aro com
pletely wrecked, whilo tho telegraph
ofllco and sawmill are partly wrecked.
Tho Btreets are filled with wreckage
of buildings, trees and farm imple
ments, which woro blown through the
air. Tho terror has practically para
lyzed action for tho time being on the
part of tho citizens. St Charles Is a
vlllago of 1,500 Inhabitants on the
western boundary of Winona county,
nnd is ono of the oldest settlements in
tho state.
The Fatnlltlcit In Wisconsin.
La Crosse, Wis., Oct. 5. Two wore
killed, three fatally Injured and a score
of others badly Injured in a tornado
which swept Independence, Wis., and
tho surrounding country Saturday aft
ernoon. Many farm buildings in the
storm's path were torn down. At
Eaglo Valley, north of hero, tho Re
formed church was destroyed and
houses on tho prairie surrounding were
demolished. Several small buildings
woro overturned at La Crosse, but na
fatalities were reported. At Almond
tho storm leveled barns and houses.
A . special from Plalnfield, Wis., saye
tho tornado tore down many buildings
nnd damaged much property. Mrs.
John Fisher was killed and Mark
Wood, who was Injured, has since died.
Much stock was killed and Injured and
tho farmers are heavy losers.
Three J'ersons Killed Near Princeton. III.
Princeton, 111., Oct 5. A tornado
passed two miles southwest of tills
city Saturday evening, killing three
persons and destroying a large amount
of farm property. Tho storm started
at tho houso of J. F. Cater, two miloE
southwest of Princeton. At that place
it destroyed a now residence erected
by Mr. Cater this year. The storm :
traveled In an easterly direction to !
tho residence of Mrs. Sherwln, which
was blown away, tho three women in
tho houso wore killed and Mr. Sher
wln, who was about to enter the
house, was seriously injured. Con
siderable corn in the field was ruined
and somo stock killed. At the resi
dence of Mr. Cater the family escaped
by going to the cellar.
I3un- to Oct.
Pierpont, O., Oct. Gth. Itenmrkable In
deed is the experience of Mr. A. S. Turner, c
man now over seventy-one years of age, and
Wliose home is here.
For many years this old gentleman had
Buffered with a very unpleasant lorin of Kid'
ney Trouble, a kind tnal very often both
era aged people. He would have to get up
four or five times every night, and this verj
tiresome disease was fait wearing him
At last after having almost made up hit
mind that hevould never be able to get re
lief, he stumbled over a medicine winch re
lieved him almost immediately, and hascurcc
him permanently. It is so very easy to get
and so wmple that Mr. Turner thinks every
one. should know it. Every dealer in tht
country has it, and all you have tj-iij, is tc
ask for Dodd s Kidney Pills. Mr.TjJurnei.
says: '
"I can heartily and honestly recommend
Dodd's Kidney Pills, for they cured me. Sev
eral others in the family have used them, too
and always with the best results. 1 thint
they have no equal."
I.lttlc She Didn't Know.
Mrs. Knicker Is Mrs. Amos a woll-inr-formed
Mrs. Bocker Yes, indeed; her cook hai ,
lived with all the other families in the neigh-
borhood. Stray Stories.
A Good Tiling.
Every issue of The Four-Track News makei
It easier for ticket agents and ticket seller
to secure passengers lor distant parts of the
country, for the reason that every articleanc
every illustration in The Four-Track Ncwj
is an inducement for readers to travel and
see what a marvelous variety of scenery anc
climate our own country possesses. The
more thetxi facts are impressed upon the aver
age person, the more certain he or she i9 tc
nve a desire to travel. Therefore, The Four
J. rack News is not only in the interest of all
the transportation lines and hotels, it alsc
bears out the 'egend of its title page of "An
Illustrated Magazine of Travel and Educa
tion." From the Buffalo Commercial.
lie "And at last they agreed to marry."
She "Yes, and it was the last thing thej,
agreed on." Denver Republican.
Dovory .Ciomluntcd for Mayor.
Now York, Oct. G. At tho conven
tion of tho independent people's party
held last night William S.Dovory wa3Mrm.mor tT A wl80( near Baldwin, and
uominaiou-ior mayor. mftnRUrw; 15 lnchcs ionc:.
0 Har of Cora ti IiicIicm I.oiik:.
Baldwin, Kan., Oct 5. An ear of
corn pretty near as big a3 a baseball
bat has been found in tho cornfield of
St. I.ouU Prosecutor at tho "White House
to Urge L,ecrlslatlnn That "Will Aid
in Gcttlmr Itoodlcrs.
St. Louis, Oct 5. Joseph W. Folk,
tho circuit attorney of St. Louis, will
leave for Washington to-morrow even
ing to confer with President Roosevelt
regarding tho negotiations, with na
tions other than Mexico, of treaties
making bribery an extraditable of
fense As tho personification of tho so
called "Missouri idea" the president
probably will discuss with Mr. Folk
tho putting of a paragraph in his mes
sage to congress asking that bribery
bo made an extraditable offense. As
tho president undoubtedly will make
an extended reference In his message
to the corruption which has been un
earthed In the post office department
tho efforts of Mr. Folk to secure the
adoption of bribery clauses In treaties
Ehould receive cordial support.
rropniratlnc the Itace.
Nowburg. N. Y., Oct. 5. Mrs. John
Beam, of Mltchellville. N. Y., aged G5,
has given birth to twins. Her daugh
ter, who lives in tho neighboring
township, presented hor husband" with
twins the same evening. Before con
gratulations wero over Mrs. Beam's
granddaughter sent word that she had
just become the mother of two healthy
children '
Tho w o a r y,
worn-out, nll-tircd
feelings como to
everybody who
taxes the kidneys.
When tho kidneys
are over-worked
they fail to per
form tho duties
nature has provid
ed for them to do.
When the kid
neys fail danger
ous diseases quick
ly follow. Urinary
dropsy, rheumatism, Bright's disease...
Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kid.
ney and bladder ills. Read the following-
Veteran Joshua Heller, 706 Soutt:
Walnut street, Urbana, 111., says: "Inv
the. fall of 1899 after getting- Doan'o
Kidney Pills at Cunningham Bros.'"
drug store in Champaign and taking
a course of the treatment I told the
readers of this paper that they had "
relieved me of kidney trouble, dis- -posed
of n lame back with pain
across my loins nnd beneath the
shoulder blades. During the inter
val which lias elapsed I have had oc-
casion to resort to Doan's Kidney -Pills
when I noticed warnings of an
attack. On each and every occasion
the results obtained were just as sat- -isfactory
as when the pills were first
brought to my notice. I just as em
phatically indorse the preparation to- -flay
as I did over two years ago."
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mr. Heller
will be mailed on application to an,r
part of the United States. Medical
advice J free strictly confidential..
Address .Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price..
50 cents per box.
Will the woman who
suffers with sick
headache please try
Docs It Mean "War?
Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct 5. Sorlotw news
has been received hero from tho fron
tier of fighting between Turkish and
Bulgarian troops nt Demlr-Kapia, both
sides -sustaining losses. According to
ono report the Turks attacked iho Bul
garian frontier post. Another ver-
slon says the Turks pursued a pumbor
of refugees across the 'frontier.
Killed a lleservo Policeman.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 5. Andrew J.
Kelly, a reserve policeman, was shot
and killed last night whllo trying to
arrest Duzjm o Mellcz, a Hungarian.
Mellcz was engaged In a struggle with
a yojing companion when Kelly Inter
fered. Mellcz drew a rovolver .-, nnd
fired threo shots at Kelly, two taking
effect. " Mollcz was arrested.
n '"TJwelvo llulldlnus llurned.
Montgomery, Ind., Oct 5. A- fire
Eupposcd to lbo of Incendiary origin,
destroyed 12 buildings, lncludjng eight
business .houses, yesterday morning.
Tho total loss Is estimated at 25,000.
Lectors threatening to burn tho town
wero received several weeks ago, .and
nearly all tho Insurance' was canceled.
Your druggist sells it,
$3B&3 SHOES Be!
You can savo from $3 to $5 yearly by
wcarinor W. L. Douslas S3.50 or 253 shooa.
mi. i j. t
j.noy cquai uioso
that huvo boon cost
ing you from 64.00
to. S.1.00. Tho im
monso 'salo of NY. L.
Douglas shoos proven
their superiority ovor
all.othor makes.
Sold by rotall shoo
dcalora ovorywhoro.
Look for namo ;,tul
piico on bottom.
That Douglas uses Cor.
onal'olt nrnvna Hi... i.
Tallin In lloujflan Klineo.
Corona Is Dm
Brail o l'a t . I.ra t Ii c r in ail o.
r ati IWim !.,. i. ....j ' I
in. IV(
Ullr A Mir hllntt I Inn 1 ' 1 1 - .1 . .
eu,! i " ii " equuueu at any puce.
Mines l,y mjll, 25 rPnjh xlril. istrn.,r
Catalog free, , L, llOUULASnrocUtoMow!;.