V GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE $1 0,000 Stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods Hats, Shoes, etc. THE ALEX. ROBISON STOCK AT SOUTH AUBURN, NEB. Two Weeks Longei We will, owing to Continue this Sale to give the people from the to attend this sale a chance v the last two weeks, so if you have waited for the finish of this elegant stock of merchandise you will not be disappointed the prices will meet your approval and expectations. The slaughter has been awful, the sacrifice heavy, but what is our loss is your gain. this Stock must be Sold-Frices cut no Figure -it Must Go You can save half the usual price and we can save the freight on any thing that is sold these two weeks, THIS STOCK MUST BE SOLD , s. -mm -n i . 1 1 i n 1 5 fTL 1 j. XT TV T71 A TrrTTl --; -'A-' I'- f ('. ' : THE CHICAGO SALVAGE Announcement' I am a candidate for the oQlce of county assessor subject to the action 'of the republican county convention E. J. Maxwell. , John Hauna and T. B. 8keen of Au kurn Rave ua a pleasant call Tuesday. Mr. Hanuu is a candidate for the nom ination for treasurer at the republican county convention. He would make a good official and has a boat of frienOa who would be pleased tt have him get the office. Hon. O. F. Reavls of Falls City, res publican candidate for district judge, was interviewing tH voters of Nemas ha county last week, and made a favor able impression wherever he went. He Is on ablo attorney and will make a good judge. The belter acquainted naoula become with Mr. Reavls the s hotter they like him. W. G. Maxwell received a letter Tuesday from O. K. Flnher, who is now visiting his daughter, Mrs. Philip Orother, at Summerland, California Mr. Flahor has bought a home in Santa Barbara, California a house of six rooms, with electric lights, gas, water, etc. and all kinds of fruit and flowers nn the nlnca. Thev will k'O to house keeping next month. - How's This? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for noyoaso of Oaturrh that caunot bo ourod by Hull's Catarrh Ouro, !P. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O Wo, the undorKlgnod, havo known P. J, Cheney for tho last 15 years, and bollovo him rorfcotly honorable In till business transno tlousund llnanolally able to carry out nny obligations made byiholr Arm. Wost&'iruax, wholosala druggist Toledo.O. ' Waldlug, Klnnnn &l Marvin, wholesale drug KUts,'J'olodo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tnkon Internallyaol lug directly upon tho blood and muoouH mir facosof tho system. Price 7fio per bottlo.'Bold by all druggists. Testimonials free. HuU'ti family PIUh a.e tho best. Fall and Winter Clothing, at this sale. In fact, you can do better now than before. TV e have gone through the stock again and marked it at prices to sell it quick Dir. JfcODison win retire irom uusiuess. juieseare iaeis nu c ajvej r but a genuine Closing Out Sale the only one in this town at Cut Prices. We have gone through the stock again and put a price on it that you cannot resist. We can't quote you prices; the stock is too large; but there will be nothing reserved. The entire stock and fix tures will be sold. x We have left 300 Men's Suits all kinds and sizes. We will cell you a suit for $3.98. A fine dress .suit the best $7.48. About 75 suits, slightly damaged suitable for every day wear at less than 50 cents on the dollar. "We have more than 2,000 pairs of Shoes all kinds, from the fine dress to the work shoe men's, Women's and children's for the winter, at these cut prices. You can never do so well elsewhere. Opportunities that are matchless Prices that dan never be duplicated. Come to this great Closing Out Sale now. Don't wait two weeks. The stock is going fast get your share and pick of it. Positively this sale will close in 15 days. Eemember the place Alex, Eobison store, South Auburn, Neb. Y. P. 8. O. E. program for Sept. 27: j Song service. Prayer. Lesson An Evening With Japanese Missions. Mai. 4:2-8. Bong Reading of references. Memory verses: Hope in God. Lamentations 8:24- 25 Ella Shlveley. Shining Light. IslahO: 2 Maud Burns. Thoughts of the Wicked. Prov. 15: 26 Eddie Maxwell. Love of The Lord. Prov. 15:9 Nora Aynea. Select reading Temptation Mayo Galther. Recitation Looking Chrlstward Lela Galther. Close by Y. P. S. O. E. benediction "May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from anotbor." AnnA Knapp, Leader. Holds Up a Congressman "At the end of the campaign," writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brillt ant congressman, "from overwork nervous tension, loss of Bleep and con stant speaking I had about utterly col lapsed. It seemed that all of my organs were out of order, but three bottles of Electric Bitters made me nl right. It's the best all-round medls clue over sold over a druggist's count or." Overworked rundown men and weak, oickly wothon gain splendid vitality from Electric Bitters. Try Uunn. Only 50c. Guaranteed by K Oiling. Will Ouro Consumption A A llorren of Kincli. Ark. wiltes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is the best preparation for coughp, colds am lung trouble. I know that it has our ed consumption In the II. st stuj-'e. M T Hill, the wet, stormy weather last week, for Two Weeks Longer! country who hare not had an opportunity to buy their AND WRECKAGE CO,, Managers of Sale, SEVERE ATTACK OF GBIP Oared by One Bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Bomedy "When I bad the grip last winter (tho second one) I actually cured my self with one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,", snys Frank W. Perry Editor of tho Enterprise, Shortvllle N. Y. "This is the honest truth. I at times keep from coughlug myself to pieces by taking one teaspoonful of tbisremedy, and wh en the coughing spell would come on at night I would take a dose and It seemed that in the briefest interval the cough would pass off and I would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and its accompanying pains. To say that the remedy acted as a most agreeable surprise is putting It very mildly. I had no idea that it would or could knock out the grip, simply because I had never tried it for such a purpose, but it did, and it seem ed with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not only be of less duration, but the pains were far less severe, and I hud not used the con tents of one bottle before Mr. Grip had bade mc adieu." For sale by Keellug Just About Bedtime take a Little Early Riser It will cure constipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are different from other pills. They do not gripe and break down tho muc ous membrane of the stomach, liver and bowels, but cure by gently arous ing the secretions and giving strength to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keels ing. PETER KEllKEli, Doalor in MEAT life-host- market price paid forJLlides, Lard, Tallow.. otc, , Shoos, etc. WM.gCAMPBELL, Pres. ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,000 30QG Sheriffs Sale. j By virtue or uu order of salo dlreoted to mo from tho district court of Nemaha county Nebraska, on u Judgement obtained beforo tho district court of Nemaha county, Nobr', on the 15th day of November, 1898, in a cer tain action In said court pending In favor of John E. Lnmpert as plain tiff, and against Exava Dennett et al uh dcfeudanta.for the sum of Plve Hundred Twenty-Six (8626) dol lars, and Thirty (HOoj centH, and cos la taxed at 813 23 ami accruing costs, 1 have levied upon the following described propel ty taken as the pioperly of mild defendants, to satisfy said Judgement to-wit: An undtvldad one balfpartof tho southwest quartor of section two 2 township tour 4 range IB, begluniug nit the southeast corner of a tract of land for merly owned by Charles Llbby, thence south with tho road across the Little Nemaha rivor to a slake 17 rods east of tho mill, thence south to tho south lino of said section, thenco west along said lino to said Little Nemaha rlvor, thonce by tho meunderlngs of said river to tho southwest oornor of tho Charles Llbby lot, thenco oant to the place ot begin ning, containing 6 acres with tho mill, and mm privileges, tno samo ooing ooHiguuieu on tho records ib lot 4 of lot 7 of saidsectlon 2 and will offer the samo for sale to tho highest bidder, lor.vaUi In band, on the 17th day or October A. 1). 1903. in front of the oast from door of the court house in Auburn that being the building wherein tho last term of court was held, atluo hour ot ono o'clockp. m., of uald day, when nod where duo attendance will bo given by tho underslgued. Dated tJeplomuor 14tn,1903. A. L LAWRENCE Sheriff of said county, By P. H. Roims, Deputy. Catarrh of the Stomaoh, When tbe stomacb is overloaded; when food is taken into it that falls to digest, it decays and Inflames the mus cons membrane, exposing the nerves, and causes the glands to secrete mucin Indent) ot the natural juices of digest ion. This is called catarrh of tho Htqimicl', caused by indigestion. Doc tors mid medicines failed to benefit mo .until I urcd Kodol Dyspepsia Chip. .l.'H'. -Ill oh, Cop.pell; Tex. od by V. W. Kitting, P. E. ALLEN. Vlce-Pres. Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. Tho State of Nebraska, County of Nemaha, ss In the count court of Nemaha county, Neb. To William It, Atlums. Horace Adams, Prnk Adams, Ernst Adams, Hoy J. Adams.Alberi A.Adams, Nancy E. Adams, and the unknown heirs at law o( Clayton Adams, decoased, and to nil person inter ested In I he estate of Isaac Adainw, deceased Not'ce 1b hereby given that John .1. liurko has Mod a petition praying for final settle ment and allowance of bis ndtniulst titlnn account tiled In this court on ttio 10th day of September A. D. 1003, and for hlsdlBehaigoas administrator of said estate and the Mime baa been set'for hearing on the I7t It day of October, 1903 at 10 o'clock a. m. , at tbe coun ty court room of wald county, In Auburn, when and whero all persons interested In said matter may appear and snow cauve, if there be any, why tno prayer of said petition snoiild not be granted, and it stinintHtit cause Is not shown the court may giant thepiuyer thereof, and make such further uud ouiur orders as may be proper. Dated this 10th nay ( I September, l'jfo. UIOIIAHD P. NEAL, County Judge; T. E). Oi-olliei- JVishes to announce that h has not gloved out of town but Into the Minick Store Room where he may be found at all limes, ready to do your Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing or Bell you a New Harness, Nets, Whips, etc, , FoWVs Honor hixI I'm is nn,,in i iwhtpced tor hhUiwh, tuciiicst.ii ih uud hpttrH'tiesB.- M T Hill,