The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 25, 1903, Image 7

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Democrats Want to Know About
Roosevelt's Traveling Expenses..
Senator Will Start nn Inquiry. It In Snld.
la Ilccard to Whether llnllroiiilfl Until
the Frvnltfutit About tho
Country Gratta.
"Washington, Sept. 21. Tho demo
cratic senators are to demand an in
vestigation into tho traveling system
of. tho president. Somo resolutions
8p-lo bo introduced with a profaco
ayrangement. In this flrst part it is
stated that It Is roported that tho presi
dent has traveled much in tho last
-lour months and has not paid fare.
That ho has worked a pull on tho rail
roads for faro and board and other
things equally aa valuable, This being
assumed will be made tho basis for a
resolution for Investigation to provo
Jt all true. It is announced that there
Is no politics in it, that it is an earnest
effort to get at tho truth in the interest
r good government They will also
try and interest tho civil service corn
jnlsaion in tho matter and havo an of
ficial investigation made Into tho mat
ter of traveling by tho president.
Tfeo Superintendent of Insuranco In Knn
n I'roprvrlntr to Inntltuto i'rocood
luen Arulust Them.
Topoka, Kan., Sept. 21. Charles H.
Xuling, superintendent of Insuranco, is
proparing to begin prosecutions against
the burial associations of tho state.
Uo has ordered Otto Eckstein, county
attorney of Sedgwick, to lnstituto pro
ceedings in tho district court there
against It. W. Gill, an undertaker, who
is conducting a burial Insuranco asso
ciation. Mr. Lullng holds that these
companies must come under tho super
vision of his department or coaso do
ing business in tho state.
One of tho FlncHt IJullillncs In Manila Will
Mo Transformed Into a Homo for
Federal Ollleers.
Manila, Sept. 20. The United States
government has just completed the
purchase of tho Hotel do Oriente, on
the Plaza de Calderon de la Barca. The
Imilding Is ono of the best of tho kind
in this city, and will now be adapted
to the requirements of the federal au
thorities, with suites of rooms ar
ranged as offices for the various de
partments. In this respect, it is ad
mirably located in tho immediate prox
imity of the customs houses and other
.tit the more important offices of the
-government. Tho price paid for the
property is said to have" been $313,000.
Two Filipino Dwarfs for World's Fair.
Tacoma, Wash., Sept 21. The
steamship Shawmut, which arrived
from Manila yesterday, has among
.Iter passengers two Filipino dwarfs
-who aro being taken to the St Louis
exposition. Tho dwarfs are a man and
-woman, 27 and 28 Inches tall respect-
ively, fully doveloped, the man aged 29
and tho woman aged 31. They are
brother and sister, and aro remark
able specimens of humanity.
Will Cross Atlantic In nn Airship.
Paris, Sept. 21. An attompt to cross
the Atlantic ocean in an airship is
about to bo made by Elisoe Capazza,
the inventor of the parachute balloon,
and an aeronaut who distinguished
himself a few years ago by making a
daring trip over the Mediterranean
sea from France to Corsica. Tho
projected balloon voyage will be made
for the purpose, of meteorological in
vestigations. Aiitwfts McCord Ruptures n lSlood Vessel.
St Joseph, Mo., Sept. 21. Jameo Mc
Cord, principal owner of sevoral whole
Bale grocery houses in western cities
and the head of other business enter
itises, is believed to bo fatally ill
from the effects of the rupture of a
Wood vessel, which occurred yesterday
whllo ho was out driving. He is 75
years old, and has been a resident of
fit Joseph for half a century.
Forty Acres for lMtlllpnluo Display.
St Louis, Sept. 20. The layout of
the 40 acres devoted to tho Philippine
exhibit at the world's fair has been
made. Tho tract Is roughly rectangu
lar in shape, and rises sharply from
tho lovol of tho lake on Its northeastern
sldo. The formation of tho ground
TVlll bo utilized in tho layout, tho vari
ous buildings of tho exhibit rising in
tiers for fully 2,000 foot
A Kuliiod Mi, n Hlnvs Ills HrfiliiH Ont.
Kansas City, Mo., Sopt 21. Left
penniless in his old ago, after a loss
of $35,000 In tho Juno flood, discour
aged and despondent, Henry Mockloy,
former proprietor of the Riverside
packing house, committed suicide yes
terday niornin iy sending a bullet
through his brain. Tho tragedy oc
curred In a llttlo dark room 'In the rear
of 215 Oak street.
MYinumenl to Illinois Soldiers.
Greenville, 111., Sopt. 20. Ono of the.
most notablti events of tho fall among
the old soldiers of Illinois was tho un
veiling hero of a magnificent monu
ment to the moinory of 1,?00 deceased
Danlflh Vrencher Ctosbch tho Ocean t
Chock tho llrlnelne of Converts to
tho United HtnteJ.
Copenhagen, Sept. 20. Rov. II. Hau
Eon, for many years president of the
Danish Lutheran church In America,
has arrived in Denmark to do mission
ary work against Mormonlm. The
Mormons havo attracted largo num
bers of Danes to Utah and havo been
especially active of recent years In
spreading their propaganda In Den
mark. A Mormon templo was dedi
cated hero last year. Tho Danish
church in America sent Rev. Mr. Hau
sen to this country to counteract tho
Mormon propaganda and a powerful
branch" of tho Danish state church en
couraged him to como and will co
operate in his work.
Bletliodtnt Trencher Declares Old-Funh-loued
Method of Miildntr Converts Una
Lout Its Effectiveness.
Greon Bay, Wis., Sept 20. Rev. D.
C. John, presiding elder of the Oskosh
district, caused a stir at the session of
the Wisconsin conference by declaring
that tho Methodist church must devise
new methods or conversions must
cease. Tho people, ho said, exhibited
increased Indifference and downright
hostility to the old-faahioncd rovlval
and It was almost impossible to gather
n congregation for revival meetings
without special attractions. Individual
effort on the part of tho ministers was
Dr. John's panacea. It was necessary
to gather in tho children or the church
would dlo out.
For 15 Minutes In tho Cubnn Metropolis
l'eoplo Cried nml l'mycd While Wnlls
Wero Tumbling.
Santiago, Cuba, Sept. 20. Tho most
violent earthquake since 1885 occurred
here early Saturday. The earth shook
for 15 seconds, but there were no undu
lations. Many peoplte rushed into tho
streets and cried and prayed. Bricks
and plastering dropped In all directions
and a few walls fell. Nobody, how
ever, was injured.
At Ltixorn, Ark., it Rrnto Who Had As
saulted Little Girls Met with Sum
mary I'uhlshnicut.
Luxora, Ark., Sept 20. Negroes
overpowered the sheriff Here, took out
a negro named Hellen and hanged, him
to a water tank, where his body was
left dangling. Hellen was charged
with criminally assaulting two little
negro girls, aged 5 and 10.
Town Lot Scheme Declared n Lottery.
Guthrfe,.Ok., Sept. 20. Sheriff Tilgh
man, of Lincoln county, arrested J. H.
Borders and other members of the
Monarch Investment company, of Kan
sas City, which was conducting tho
opening of the new town of Warwick,
In Lincoln county. Tho company wa3
distributing lots by a system of guess
ing, in which there were no blanks.
This was an alleged lottery, therefore
the arrest.
What Will Itoosevelt Do?
Oyster Bay, N. Y., Sept 20. Presi
dent Roosevelt has received copies of
tho resolutions adopted by the Central
Labor union of Washington, demand
ing the dismissal from the government
printing office of William A. Miller,
the foreman bookbinder to whom ob
jection is made by the bookbinders'
union. A formal acknowledgment of
tho .receipt of the resolutions has been
Panama Ripe for Secession,
San Francisco, Sept. 20,-4According
to the ofilccrn of ihe steamships Colon
and City of Sydney, tho people of Pan
ama are ripe for secession from Co
lombia, and unless the congress of the
South American republic take somo
early and satisfactory action In the
matter of the Panama canal nothing
can prevent a break for independence
on the part of the people of the isth
mus. Packers ilcmliidotl of New Law.
Omaha, Neb., Sept. 20. Charles
Bush, deputy labor commissioner,
caused consternation In the South
Omaha packing houses by the notifica
tion that a small army of children em
ployed by the concerns must stop work
and go to school, In conformity with
the new compulsory educational law.
Packers promised to dismiss all chil
dren affected by the law.
Philippine Officer ti Defaulter.
Manila, Sept. 20. James W. Walsh,
Jr., constabulary supply ofllcer, sta
tioned at Masbato, at tho province of
Vlscayas, In the military department
of Lufcon, has been arrested on tho
charge of defrauding the government
Ho is said to bo short $5,000 In sup
plies with a deficit of $8,000 in his cash
lies Moines Oriind Jury Indicts Armour.
t)es Moines, la., Sept. 20. Tho Polk
county grand Jury returned an indict
ment against tho Armour Packing
company .for tho alleged Illegal sale of
oleomargarlno. The state dairy com
missioner says that the company was
selling tho oleomargarine colored a rich
yellow as a butterine.
All the Vokhb Unit a Ontnrjr Ago,
Hut Now Ilccnllcd nn n I. on if
Forgotten. I'ad.
A llttlo over half a century ago tho
manufacture of the American, reed or
gan took distinct shape. The instru
ment was flrst known as a "melodeon,"
and a strong demand Immediately
Bprang up for it, particularly among
tho humbler, and, consequently, moro
religious class. Tho melodeon was
Just the thing for leading or accom
panying tho voice in hymns. It was
used by peripatetic evangelists
throughout tho country, and thousands
who had novor heard tho like of it bo
foro strained themselves to get It for
family use. In tho larger cities tho
piano had full swing, but in small
towns, villages and hamlets and in
country homes the molodeon was es
tablished in nearly every parlor, says
tho Now York Press.
Prlnco, of Buffalo, Carhart, of Now
York, and others too numerous! to
mention sent out, vast quantities of
theso wind-jammers. After awhile
they wore called "reed organs," and
tho price was raised. In a fow months
j they would become wind-broken, and
; tho miserable wheezy things wero a
constant affliction wherevor they wore
known. Thero was hardly a Sunday
school in tho United States that did
not take up collections from the chil
dren to buy one. At flrst tho perform
er worked tho thing with her feet
i whllo playing the keys with her An
gers. Later a pump-handle attach
ment was made, and It was a great
thing for a smart boy to be called on
by tho superintendent to do tho pump
ing. Ho must do it just so; not too
fast, not too hard, not too slow, not
too softly. If he did just right he be
came a permanency, and mighty proud
was he, the envy of all.
Some of tho organ . builders hired
missionaries to travel and sing hymns
to tho accompaniment of their instru
ments as an advertisement. Thirty
years ago Ira D. Sankoy traveled with
an organ of his own (I do not remem
ber the make), and set tho people wild.
It has never been charged that ho was
In the pay of any firm. Shiploads of
these organs wero sent to Europe.
Some got into the Congo, and tho Af
ricans were charmed. Some went to
India to soothe tho supplicating Hin
doo. The Protestant countries, par
ticularly, demanded great quantities
of them Sweden, Norway. England
and Scotland. Few American enter
prises attained bo big a boom and fow
fell so quickly into a state of collapse.
Standard manufacturers of reed or
gans quit tho business and went Into
the making of pianos, somo with signal
success. The organs have gone into
church cellars to rot, whllo tho piano
is installed In tho home and Sunday
school, In the lecture room and the
college. A remarkable change, this.
Prcncher Selected Ii- Phonograph.
From the "Jewish Chronicle" we learn
of a novel use for the phonograph. Somo
time ago tho Hungarian Jows in Chi
cago wrote to the chief rabbi of Press
burg, in Hungary, asking him to recom
mend an orthodox rabbi, able to preach
In their native language. Pressburg Is
a long way from Chicago, and it was
to much to expect that a rabbi could
drop across for a Sabbath to preach a
trial sermon. That was where the pho
nograph showed its use. The recom-
mended candidate spoke his best ser-
mons in his best German and Hungarian,
into the instrument, and when tho rec
ords were reproduced In Chicago t'hey
gave such delight that the preacher was
unanimously elected at a handsome sal
ary. .
Kansas City,
CATTLE Beef ateera A
Native heifers 2
Western steers 2
WHEAT No. 2 hard
No. 2 red
CORN No. 2 mixed
OATS-No. 2 mixed
FLOUR Hard winter pat.. .1
Soft winter patents.... 3
HAY Timothy ...... ...,... 5.
Prairie 4
BUTTER Fancy to extra..
CHEESE-Full cream
POTATOES Homo grown...
Sept. 22.
35 CT 5 35
SO & i 00
GO 8 4 05
25 G 10
40 3 75
1 74
37 f
f( 3 75
5 4 00
(310 00
ft? S 00
3 10Vi
80 IS 1 00
CATTLE Beef steers
Texas stoers ....
3 CO
2 GO
5 40
8 0)
8 3 70
3 4 C5
8 5 H5
(ft 3 90
di Sil
HOGS Packers
SHEEP Natives
... .....
WHEAT No. 2 red...,
CORN-No. 2
OATS-No. 2 ........
FLOUR Red Winter pat....
BUTTER Creamery
CATTLE Steer.'j. ;
HOGS Mixed and butchers.
WHEAT No. 2 red
CORN No. 2
oats-No. 2 ,
RYE September ...;.rt
FLOUR Winter patents
LARD September
PORK September
4 00 (f 4 10
15 0 'il
2 CO
0 75 (fflO 00
3 90
5 Su
I? 5 SO
Q) a 40
' 4 00
'&' 31
3 90 ff 4 10
I) 60.
12 73
CATTLE Steers .4 00 ?? 5 50
HOGS i C 40 3 C 70
SHEEP 2 M 4 00
, WHEAT No. 2 'S2iAfl)
CORN-No.. 2-. G6
OATS-r-No. 2 ; 41
Recommends Pe - ru
Commodore Somorvlllo Kicholson, of
tho United Status Navy, in alotterfrom
1837 R Streot.N. VM Washington, D.O.,
"Your Pcruna has been and is
now used by so many of my
Mends and acquaintances as a
sure cure for catarrh that I am
convinced of its curative qualities
and I unhesitatingly recommend
it to all persons suffering from
that cdmplaint."--S. Nicholson.
United States Minister to Guatemala
Endorses I'e-ru-na.
Dr. W. Godfrey Hunter, U.S. Minister
to Guatemala, cx-mumber of Congress
from Kentucky, in a letter from Wash
ingtpn, D. C, writes:
" I nm fully Ratified that your Pcruna
is an c(lleaclousreine(lyforcntarrh,asl
and many of my friends havo been bene-
lltotl by its use." W. U. liutuer, M. u.
Member of Congress From Virginia
Hon. G. R. Brown, Martinvillo, Va.,
ox-meinoer or Congress lmtli District,
COth Congress, writes :
" I cheerfully civo my endorsement to
your Peruna us a cure for catarrh. Its
ooncficlal results luvvo been so fullv
demonstrated that its use is essential to
all net-sous suffering from that dlscaso."
lion. G. R. Brown.
The day was when men of prominenco
hesitated to give their testimonials to
proprietary medicines for publication.
This remains truo today of most pro
prietary medicines. But Pcruna lias
become so justly famous, its merits are
known to so ma'ny peoplo of high and
low Rtations, that no ono hesitates to
see his name in print recommending
The highest men in our nation havo
gWen Peruna a strong endorsement
Men representing all classes and sta
tions are equally represented.
the merit of OASOARBTS.
friends how (food they are.
price to anyone who fails to.
Now that sounds lileo a liberal offer, but these single ICo sales alone 3
don't count for success. It's your cure and your good word for J
Cascurcts that will make them famous in tho future aa in the; 2
past. Start with a box today. 10c, 2Ce, 60c, all druggists. Free j
eample and booklet. Address Sterling ilemedy Co., Chgo. or U.Y. i
Best for the Bowels !
uhhite m
IN GRKAT VAK1KTY for sale nt
the lowest prltcs by
A.N. Kellogg Newspaper Co.
401 Wyandotte St., Kansas City.
- na Other Prominent;
If not derlvo prompt anclsatl
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write ntonco to Dr. Htirtman, prvinfr a
full statement of your case, and he vrSIX
bo pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. nartrann, President ofT
Tho Ilnrtman Sanitarium, Colurofais, O-
Nine out of ten women are nervous
suffering in silcnco. Sick headache is- one
of the first symptoms things go oa from
bad to worse until utter collapse.
Don't delay if you have frequent bead
aches that is a suro indication your stomach
is wrong. Indigestion, dyspepsia, constipa
tion, liver, and kidney troubles soon follow.
Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin
will quickly seek out and correct stomach
complications headaches disappear, your
appetite is good, refreshing sleep is induced.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is very
pleasant to take, and is sold by all
druggists SOc and $1 bottles.
SENT FREE. Trial bottle and
valuable book oa stomach troublos.
Montiotllo, III.
Millions use them and tell thrir
We want to.givo back tho.purehasu
get satisfaction from the uso' o
BUR OAK WANTED g Large Choice Logs.
iCiStto. ninnunru uouut. i.
ovut Vrlcctn,
Mall Orders Filled. Catalogue FREE,
3?'. o. saxiiaxjooic,
Ola X.ocut Nti-ccU SU Iout, Me.
A. N. K. D
Ilene tuto (lint you iuw (lie AdvcrUV
ucut la tUU vuyer