2 "V VOLUME XLVlli NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1008 NUMBER 14 Local News tittlendld fall weather. I ft . tmiif - J3f Tna im i nnnuruiii'M w inin lii lil. nun raay mgui. Sold by J. W, Auburn. T. Gillespio went to Falla City neauBv iiikhi. nniicK or Anourn was u wbiubuii nr Wpflnpqflhv. conta par gallon ll'a drug store. .'Mi -i-i t nf ffia r ft 1 ''Tl Uwards & Bradford Lumber Co., Knapp haa gone to housekeeping e Galbralth property. in from inn ii ruin iiiuiiuu luiu rv i ni ii n hji nrrfin imiiiiu 111 II 1I1IIIIIII1V II &. Lf 1 A UUU1JI i ..... fine line or silverware suicauie ior .linn tMAAAnra or It nflliniT Q. iiiiiv in rnnuin iu ivvjiiiiiik u high grade barn paint for 05 cents gallon at Hiiro drug store. V.WlH 11 ' O t. 1 O dink ;JPU llueui ouuuui oupinica juoi re-. Mttlkl at Heeling's drug store. not fall to hear James Clement oae next Thursday night. west freight ran ns an extra and back Thursday morning. to nnr nniinn at run a uruu Biuie. Iinve uuu buy mm ni;iiu uumo joi y out no aamaae nas ueen uune. . i i j Haitb of Auburn is visiting his ill lHiiLFii i til 4 ii x i n. auiuiuoo ixvnc 11 I. a. lf. A 1 TT At? piiiHiiH in iiiinriv. fin miHi mini iifrm . m. m. w . nanana Airs, m n . p vlBlted friends in Peru Tuesday Paris, ft 9 n nv mnrninff. r-tnnr v . iiiiih. a fine vi u iiiiu f i ri ( try u iiiuviLrnra -Tv-iar v a at Edwards & Bradford Lum Alice A. Miniok of Brownville J1 .T t A f m m u c vxj un ii iniiun iiiii miimv hiiii Methodist ladies aid society will comforts, flnishinsr them ud. for "r 1 ' j-wwvwi v a. huw u Mia a-Tiniiiiiiim a vaar M u v m a TTl a sribe for any paper published in wuio tv con raoveu mio nroiiRrr.v tin rnnnnfiv hnnnii i, n KT J -WW v T UUUILUH LI1I1 Crothar nronertv. - Charley Scott, who has been at Allls" ance, returned home Wednesday. He didn't like the Band hills. The editor's office phone is No. 7 and J 1. 1 l.l ! -k-r- - n . . iHiai mi uiu reuiuuuuu.iH no. X, Uail US up if you have any news. unariey Ualbraltn loaded bis trunk into his wagon Friday, hitched up bis mules and started for the north. 411 II l II n ii i uuuiri, oo jauiiunuieBs nava naa a new counter put in their jshoe depart ment. Joe Bunger did the work. Pumps Pumps Pumps received a full line at the Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co. ui oaiuuay narse, weighl 1100, t years oia, good driver, One buggy, uwuiy iiuw, aisoa good set of single unwueas. one vf. B. Wiiebldn. Mrs. J. W. White, who haa been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ur..ii. ir,..iinni munf lumwi Wnilnnq. I day. The repnbllcan primaries will be held at Tho Advortlaor olllco tomorrow (Saturday) nfteruoon, from 4 until o o'clock. David Frazlor, who has been visiting his 8ou, Dr. W. W. Frazler, at Good man, Mo., leturnod home Sunday evening. Miss Pearl Roberts has been quite sick with a mild fever for terror twelve days, hut we are pleased to learn is a little better. Mrs. 0. P. Barkor returned homo n few days ago from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Marion Seld, ut JNe braska City. Just received a One lino of heating stoves at Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. and the prices are right. Call in and'see them. Mrs. Jerry Colerick started for Allls ance, NeDr.. Tnuisaay. tier nusoana is fireman on a B. & M. train running out of Alliance. W 8 . Maxwell went to Auburn Sundny and brought In his new mail wagon, so he is now prepared for storms and cold woather. Mrs. S. T. Argabright and Miss Lizzie Lewark started for Greenleaf, Kansas, Thursday afternoon, for a two weeks' visit with relative. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Hill went to Auburn Wednesday, and Mart selected the largest and best stock of holiday goods ever brougth to Nemaha. Mrs. J. C. Deuser, one of the early Bottlers of Nebraska, died Thursday of last week at her home in Auburn. She was buried Sunday in the Brown ville cemetery. Mrs. J. F. Wykes and Miss Emma Crim of Goldfleld, Colo., arrived in Ne maha Monday evening on a visit to their aunt, Mrs. S. Yates, and other relatives and friends. A. Clark left for Kanapolis, Kas., Monday, where be Ib agent for the U. P. R. B. Tom came home for a rest and Is feeling better, but wanted to stay a week or two longer. Photographer Stoneman of Auburn was in Nemaha Friday and Saturday and took some views or many oi our residences. He is a fine photographer and got some exellent yeiws. For SaleStove waod ready sawed, cord wood, and about 150 good rails, 12 feet long. Can be bought at my farm or I will deliver at Nemaha. J C. Stokks. AND THIS IS FAME. John H. Kearnes, who baa been ems ployed on the Washburn Herald for some tme, bought a half interest in the paper from J. W . Bomhardt. The newspaper lads move up occasionally as well as the boys in stores. Lincoln Stari The Nebraska Mercantile Mutua Insurance company of Lincoln, No braska, baa over $0,000,000 insurance in force with the leading business men of the state Ask to see a list of them W. W. Sanders, agent. Spring Ailments There is an aching and tired feeling, the liver, bowels, and kidneys become sluggish and inactive, the digestion impaired, with little or no appetite no ambition for anytbing and a feeling that the whole body and mind needs toning up. The trouble is, that dur ing the winter, there has been an over accumalation of waBte matter in the avHtem. Herbine will remove it. bb- cure te the secretions a right oxlt, and give strength 60o at Hill's. in place of weakness You never beard any one UBlng Fos ley's Ilonoy and Tar and not being satisfied. MT Hill. Why Pay More? Sputhern White Lead six and one-fourth cents per pound. Pure Linsoed Oil, raw 45c per gallon, boiled 50c per gallon. Crescent Cottage Mixed Paint guaranteed strictly pure and to cover 300 square feet, two coats, to the gallon. $1.50 per gallon. Try it. Very respectfully, M. T. HILL.. The passenger train was delayed at Nemaha Wedaosday forenoon by a break down. The hind trucks on the tender gave way, and tho train had to ny over two hours, until another en gine came down from the City. Lewis Fisher, who for the past threo yanrs has been living in California, bus )een visiting his daughter, Mrs. Alf B. Kinton, and looking after his farms in this vicinity for tho past ton dajB. He went to Pern Wednesday afternoon. Dr. W. W. Keeling reports tho fol owing births; Horn To Walter Pyor and wife on the morning of Sept. 18, 11) 93, a One sdh. Born Tp Harry Russell and wife on the morning of Sept. 20, 1003, a fine daughter. . Rev. M. S. Foutch has been retnrned to the Brownville and Nemaha charge by the M. E. conference held at Lin coln, which adjourned Monday. Rev J. S. W. Dean was returned as presid ing alder. Rev. M. Marsh goes back to Auburn, Rev. D. B. Lake to Bethel, and Rov. Price to Stella. We bad the pleasure of attending the annual Methodist Episcopal confer ence at Lincoln last Friday, and assist ing InJ electing four lay delegates to the general conference to be held at LosSAugeles, California, next May. The lay delegates evidently believe in equal suffrage, as two of the delegates were ladies Mrs. Roberts of Lincoln and Mrs. A. W. Nickell of Beatrice. Mrs. Nickell for many years lived in Brownville and is woll knewn to many of our citizens. Both arc talented ladies and will worthily represent the great Methodist church. Dr. J. F Neal of Peru and Mr. Lewis of Fair- field were the other delegates. for Those Who Llv on Farms Dr. Bergln, Pana, 111., writes: "I have used Ballards Snow Liniment; always recommend lt to my friends and I am confident that there is no bettor made. It is a dandy for burns. Those who live on farms are especially-liable to many accldenta cuts, burns and bruises, which bea rapidly when Ballard's Snow Llni ment is applied. It sbonld always be kept in the house for cases of emer gency. 25c, 50, and 91 .00 at Hill's. In the Interest of Humanity. Chris Miller of Fremont Nebr writes: "I suffered frem dyspepsia for more than 10 years. I was under the caro of a number of doctors, made three trips away.'and still no relief. Kodo Dyspepsia Curo being recommended to me by several who bad used it, and as the k:it straw, I concluded to try it After the first two or three doses I be gan to improve and have taken several bottles and feel like a new man, write yon this in the Interest of hu manity, baplng it may fall into tha hands of some sufferer, and my prayer is that tbey may secure the same bene fit that I have." Sold by W.jW. Keel Ing. Lecture Course. A few of tho enterprising and public spirited citizens of Nemaha havo do cidod to havo a lecture courao for this place this winter and have made ar rangements with the Midland Lyceum Bureau of Deo Moines, Iowa, for tho following lectures and concerts: James Clement Ambroao, Chicago's great humorist lecturer Thursday ovenlng, Oct. 1. Lucian Edgar Fnllansboo, tho brills1 aut orator of the Pacific coast, Friday evening, Oct. 80. Tho Midland Concert Co., comprise ng a lady ylollnlst, soprano, reader and impersonator, and nccompauist, Saturday evening, Deo. i. J. Lorenzo Zwlckoy.g tho chalk talk artist, who illustrates his lecture on The Philosophy of the Beautiful" with many crayon shetches, Monday eve ning. Jan. 4. Tho Madrigal Ladles Quartet vocal soloists, violinist, reader and piano soloist Tuesday evening, Jan. 20. It is hoped our citizens will patro nize those entertainments liberally. They aro all good ones, and give a fine variety. You can got a season ticket for only $1, which includes reserved seats. Reserved seats can be secured at the Keeling drug store. Persons holding season tickets can reserve tbelr seats for tho whole course. F. E. Guither, who has been ems ployed as night operator at the depot for some time paBt, will depart the first of tha week for Omnha, where ho will attend the Creighton Medical Cols ege. While hero Mr. Gaither proved ilmself to be a young man of high in tegrity and trustworthiness, and will be greatly missed by the many friends io made, while here. Tho News trusts that Mr. Gaither will arrange to spend bis vacation next year with us, as such a young man as he has proved himself to be is .always welcome. Bridgeport (Nebr.) News. Take the wagonette when in Au burn if you want to go to any part of the oity. John McElhaney, prop, World-Wido Ueputation White's Cream Vermifuge has ac hieved a world wide reputation as be ing tbe best of worm destroyers, and for its tonic influence on weak and un thrifty children, as it neutralizes the acidity or sourness of the stomach, Improves the digestion and assimila tion of food, strengbtens the nervous system and restores them to the health vigor' and elasticity of (spirits natural to childhood. 2Go at Hill's. Foley's Haney and)Tar contains no opiates and can safely be given to children M. T. Hill " Gores Whon Doctors Fail Mrs. Frank Cbiasson, Patterson, Ia , writes Jnne 8th, 1001 : "I had malaria fever in a very bad form, was under treatment by doctors, but as soon as I stopped taking their medicine the fev er would return, I used a sample bottle of Herbine, found it helped mo. Then I ' bought two bottles, which completely cured mo. I reel very grateful to you for furnishing sucha splendid medicine, and can honestly recommend it to those suffering with malaria, as it will surely curo them." Herbine, 50c bottle at Hill'p. Revoals a Great Secret It is often asked bow such startling cures, that puzzle the best physicians are effected by Dr. King's New Diss covery for Consumption. Here's the secret. It cuts out the phlegm and germiinfected mucus, and lets the life Riving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It beats the inflamed, cough worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr King's New Discovery, the most in fallible remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and 81.00. Trial bottles froe at Keeling's If you want fire insurance, either in old line or mutual companies, cal on W. W, Sanders. One Mi nu to cough cure gives relief in one minuto, because It kills the ml crobo which tickles tbe mucous mem brnno, causing tho cough, and nt the same time clears tho phlegm draws out tho lullammation and heals and aooth oa tho affected parts. One Minute cough cure strenghena tho lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing euro in all curalio cases of coughs, colds, and croup. One Min ute cough curo 1b pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and old.W. W. Keeling. Travoling ia DangOTOun Constant motion jars the kidneya which aro kopt in place in the body by delicato attachments. This is the rea son that travolers, trainmen, street car men, teamsters and all who drivo very mnch, auffor from kidney dlaouae In home form. Foley's Kidney Curo strengthens the kidneys and cures all forma of kidney and bladdor disease Goo.'EHausan locomotive engineer, Lima, O., writes, ''Constant vibration of tho engine caused me a great deal of trouble with my kidnoys, and I got nu relief until I used Foloy'o Kidney Cure. M T Illll. A New Invention Mlnick'rtFieldCorn Husking Machine hunks the corn from the stalk, leaving stalks standing in the field. Exclusive Htato and manufacturer's right for sale by the inventor and patentee. CorreB pondonco solicited. Address 4 4 H. T. MINICK. Nemaha, Neb, DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - Nebraska C. (X SNOW Auctioneer Fifteen years experience. Terms and dates at The Advertiser office. Fop Fresh Roasted Peanuts Soft Drinks and Groceries Goto Gt. P. LARIMORE Successor to J. B. HOOVER NEMAHA, NEBRASKA 2r. . W. Keeling, Nemaha, Nebraska. Office in Kooling drug store. WESLEY H. CLARK Dealorjtn Windmills and Pumps, Tanks,?Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phono calls answered promptly. ThoneNo 20 NEMAHA, NEBR, Undertaker Funeral Director and Embalmer J KEEP IN STOCK A COMPLETE LIKE OV Gaskets Robes and Puneral Supplies HEABSE IN CONNECTION 8HUBERT, NEPUA8KA.