rp """"fff s T -4-ir. , .f.r f ,- Taww-jvxsw. Jft J 0 ' Lit!, t-( VOLUME XL1V NEMAllA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1900. NUMBER 40 V If "k ?. a H iwwa Local News wimiimjiuumJH Sre Keeling h new slock of wallpaper. We tiHcl a lltllo anow Thursday after noon. Mrs. Funnin Vairbank returned rron Omaha last Satuiday. Oo to Keeling' drug sioie for scliool nipplies, tabids, crayons, etc. Mis. Wade, or Vstu. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. II. Meriitt, of Ne- UUlllll. The ladles ate invited to attend a millinery opening t Mrs. Fairbanks Satuiday of next week. The Auburn Telephone Co. have en closed an office In the drug store for tlie accommodation of their customers. Insure your faun and town property with Farmers and Merchants Insure unco Co. of Lincoln. F. II. D. Hunt Agent, Nemaha. Neb. Pasture. I have pasture, for 100 horses and cattie. Teims reasonable. LUTIIEH II. liAKNES, There will he no services at the Methodist church next. Sunday evening except the league service, on account of the quarterly meeting at Brown villa. The editor called in Mra. Hlll'd mil linery parlor Fiiduy morning and way biirprised at the large stock of hats tlowers, ribbons, plumes, etc., etc. a stock large enough for a city. SEEDS! SEEDS!! Best western grown flower, garden. Mud flold Beeds, warranted fresh and true to name, for- sale by Kerker & Hoover. Mr. Bordwell, of Nebraska City, one ot the auditors of the Edwards & Brad ford Lumber Co., ia in Nemaha this week assisting II. D. Beobo in unpack ing and arranging the ptock of bard, ware. About twentyillve members of the Nemaha lodge of Odd Fellows went to Sliubeit Thursday and assisted in or unitizing A lodge of Odd Fellows, The new lodge atarts out with a member ship of thirty-threu. While fixing tho new oillco in the drug store for tho Auburn Telephone line the workmen broke ono of the large glasses In the north window. As the glass ia 50x(I0 inches it will cost something to replace it. The Farm Journal will be Bent flvt yeais with any of the above combina-. tions These prices are for cash in aiivanco only. DH W. W. KEELING, DRUGGIST, Invites the continued patronage of the citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho patrons may bo assured of receiving lair treatment. A good line of . DRUGS and druggist's sundries always kept in stock. Also latest patterns in WALL PAPER. A go stock of JEWELRY in handsome designs and latest styles. STATIONERY "Best of PERFUMEIE S A handsome line of LAMPS A full stock of PAINTS AND OILS If you want anything in our Una cull and see us. Prices right Mr and Mis. A. K. McCandless re, turned from Omaha Monday. Ally was sick two or three days, which de. tallied tnem in Omaha longer than they expected to stay Mrs. Fannie Fail bank will have her spring opening of millinery Saturday of next week, to which the ladies of Nemaha and vicinity are cordially in vited Call in and see the latest and prettiest styles. Mart May fliiinhed sowing his oatH the tlrst of the week and on Tuesday or Wednesday planted his potatoes, When he got up Thursday morning and saw the gronud frozen he wished he had not been in quite so much of a iiurrj'. Wall Paper! Reeling's drug store has just received a handsome line of wall paper latest styles and handsome ones too. Prices very reasonable. E E. Wood & Co., proprietors of the second hand store at Auburn, have just received a car load of new and second hand goods which they are selling at way down prices. Call and see them. Old papers for sale at this office. MILLINERY OPENING. MRS. FANNIE FAIRBANK will have an opening of spring and summer MILLINERY at her Millinery Parlors in Nemaha, Nebr., SATURDAY, APRIL 7TH, 1900. All the new arid latest ideas and novelties in Trimmed Hats. Ladies are invited. Carl KlingOurg (Dutch Charley) was found at his shop in Aspinwall in an unconscious condition Wednesday morning and died in a very short time. As it was not known tbat ho was sick his death was in all probability caused by tho excessive drinking to which ho had been addicted for ycais. He was a good blacksmith and if he had let intoxicating liquors alone might have been a useful citizen. Ho was buried in tko Nemaha cemetery Thursday ah teruoon. Tho Bennett mill is now ready to do grist wotk at any time and will guarantee good Hour if the wheat is good. They will grind at any time. They are giving 33 pounds for old wheat aud all that now wheat is worth giving more than any other mill in the county. Prompt service aud satis action guaranteed. J D Bridges, editor Democrat, Lan caster, N II, says: One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy for croup I over used." Immediately relieves and cures coughd, colds', croup, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe and all throat and lung troubles It prevents consumption. Keeling. Millions Given Away It is certainly gratifying to the pub lie to know of one concern iu the land who are not afraid to be generous to tho needv and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr King'u New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this groat medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it bus ab solutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lung are surely cured by it. Call on Keeling the druggist and get a free trial bottle. Regular size GOc and Si. Evury bottle guaranteed or prico re funded. Chop feed 70 cents per 100; bran and shorts 00 cents per 100; at Hoover's grocery store. Any one needing native lumber ca Und the same ot my residence, one and a half miles south of Nemaha. W. W. Skid. JBffifW"' iwb jwrjr?MwiEK4?wiwwWiSlwtfr3Mwt See IIIll & Keeling for lire insuranco Dr. I. L. Callison, thu Stella dentist will be at'Nemaha next Monday, for the purposo of doing dental woik in all its branches. Oillco at hotel. Kerker & Hoover have several bar rols of swoHt potatoes that they are soiling for cooking and for seed pota oea. Tho editor can testify to the good eating qualities of tho potatoes, as Poto presented him several pounds. O. W. Harmon, superintendent, and Mr. Lee, electrician, of tho Auburn Telephone Co., were in Nemaln tho llrat of the week, connecting their line with the Titus Nursery and building an enclosure for those using the 'phono in the drug store. OANE SEED. -About 75 bushela f good cane- sved forsale at 75 centa per bushel 00 pounds to the bushel. Also some Early Ohio potatoes at 40 cents per bushel pure need. Newton O Jaiivis. Photos 24 for 25 cents Beginning Saturday, March 24th, I will make 24 stamps for 25 cents for a short time only E. W. Aamiw, Photographer. Ben Paikor, thu Singer sewing ma chino man at Auburn, has engaged the services of C. W. Norton, an export machinest, and is prepared to cloau and repair sewing machines of all kinds. If you have a machine you want cleaned or repaired write to Mr. Parker or send him tho machine. Sec ond hand machines for sale. Cards for mounting stamp photos for sale at The Advertiser oillco twenty for live cents. This offer is limited, JHiifliflflflHiraiftw These pictures are from one of the best portrait companies in the country and will be true to life. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM A MWlWGFfcf1 tf&7 & AJHUJiliaUft t iiSKii tSSiiwi 7SGE3RL "SMEOESOs 330011 cordially invites all the "Queens oC America" to call and see her fine new stock of flrPl r mum i mmmx m- m m (am, Pattern Hats in abundance. The Largest and Finest Stock, with Best Bargains in Millinery ever brought to Nemaha. Call and see her at the STORE FOR BARGAINS! TO CUUK A COM) IN OXK DAY Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E W Grove's signature on every box. 25o Grant Shubort is now at Atchison, Kansas, being treated by Dr. Allaman, a cancer specialist, for a cancer on his left arm caused by vaccination one ear and two months ago. Tho trout men t is quite painful but Grant thinks he will be cured in a few months. We have rocoived and aro now un packing a full stock of hiudwaro, tin ware, woodenware, otc, and invite the public to call when needing anything in this lino. Builders' haiilwaro a specialty, We have just received a car load of cement and lime and are prepared to give close ilguies on the sumo. Our stock of lumber is now full and complete, If you want to build uny thing from a hogpen to a flue house let us figure with you. Wo can furnlBli you the lumber, building pa per, lime and sand, and also the hauls waro for building and furnishing your hoise, all at lowest figures. Call and see us. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co., Nemaha, Neb. Harness Shop Wanted. Nemaha needs a harness shop and the man who puts one in hero could soon work up a good business. Who will bo the man? The Advertiser and the St. Louis Globe Democrat both one year fo only 81.00. A FiOTBE ABSOLUTELY FREE. Until May 1st we will giv as a premium Life-Size Portrai with every $10 worth of goods purchased of us by one person. and should be taken advantage of at once. OF Nemaha, Nebraska. i illinerv maa & mm J. M. Fuller died at his roaldtmuo three miles southwest of Nemaha Tuesday, March 27th. Mr. Fuller was sick only a few days with pneumonia. The deceased was one of the old settlers In Nemaha precinct, having lived hern about thirty-four years. He was high ly respected In the community where ho had lived for ho many years. Job Mansfield Fuller was born May Kith, 18.'18, in Kent county, England. Ho emigrated to Canada in his twenty first year and from there to Illinois, whore ho enlisted in Co. II, 147th lllls nois volunteers He came to Nobrasi ka in 1800, immediately after the close of tho war. December 10th, 1808, he was united in marriage to Sarah Eliza beth Ewiug. At his deatti he was 00 years. 10 months and 11 days old. He leaves a wlfo and one daughter to mourn tho loss of a loving husbaud and father. Mr. Fuller was miutered into 0. W. Gulp Post No. Gil, G. A. It., Nov. 10th, 181)0, at Nemaha, Nob., and remained a faithful member of said order until lilo death. At tho last election he was elected commander of the Post. The funeral services were hold at the Methodist church Thursday forenoon. Rev. J, M. Darby preached the sermon, being assisted in tho services by Hov. T. C. Diltz, of Hrowuvllle. The G. A. It. post had charge of the services at the cemetery, and tho pall bearers were members of that order. Farm Journal, 5 yearn (I00B lftOi 1002, 1903 and 10(t), to every suImci- t' er wh will pay one year in advance to The Advertiser; both papers foi$l No better paper than tho Farm Jour nal. Thin offer is made to you. OF YOURSELF Hit fl "MI