The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 09, 1900, Image 1

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JLocal News
Mud, muddy, muddier, muddiest.
See Hill & Keeling (or lire Insurance
Jolm Kompthorne visited Auburn
John 0. Hoyd, of St. Deroin, gave us
asocial call Wednesday.
Go to Keeling'3 drug sioro for school
supplies, tablets, crayons, etc.
We publish some of our local matter
ou one of the inside pages this weok.
Mrs. Hill is having her millinery
rooms ropnpered. Fred Seabury is do
ihg tho work.
Chris Shuck returned to Nrmaha
Wednesday after a week's visit with
Auburn friends,
A cur load of haled hay was shipped
in to Nemaha a few days ago and wax
sold in Bhart order.
Tho Keeling drug store has just re
ceived i now stock of jewelry and
watches. Low pi ices.
Wm. W. Seid lias been on the sick
list several days with the grip, but was
able to got up town Thursday.
llev. Chas. H. Uilmore came in from
Filley Monday and visited with Ne
maha fiiends until Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moore, who have
been visiting relatives in Smith county,
Kansas, returned homo Tuesday.
For nale Forty bushels fine spring
wheat, lor seed, John C. Hoyd,
St. Deroln, Neb.
Mrs. Hall returned to her home in
Iowa last Thursday, after spending the
winter visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Alex. Curl.
Insure your farm and town property
with Farmers and Merchants Insuis
anco Co. of Lincoln. F. II. D. Hunt,
Agent, Nemuhn. Neb.
Three cars went off the track while
switching at the depot Friday morning
hut no damage was done and the cars
were soon put back on the track.
Ed E Sunders, a brother of The Ad
Vertiser editor, last week bought a half
interest in the Capital, u republican
paper published at Albany, Gentry
couuty, Mo.
The snow is about all gone, the frost
is getting out of the ground and there
is a good prospect of tho roads getting
better soon, but they are in horrible
condition now.
H. II. Jarvis, of Sioux City, Iowa,
one of the auditors of the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co., was in towu
lust Saturday and Monday, lacking
after the business of the company.
All parties owing me rent on lots for
last year will pleas settle by tho
naiddio of March. All lots rented this
year must be paid for in advance.
Msu, W. II. HoovEit.Aqmx,
Dr. J. L. Melvin, who has beon in
Oklahoma for tho post year, whs visit
ing with old Nemaha friends Saturday,
Sunday and Monday. Tho doctor Is
located at Guthrie and says he has a
good practice.
Mrs. E. A. Minick, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Maud Mon
teith, for nearly eight weeks, returned
home Wednesday evening, greatly to
the delight of Misses Molllnger and
Llllle and Master Cyrm, who are tired
of bachiug.
Rev. James Hiatt says lis knowi it
pays to advertise. Ho advertised last
week for two shirts that some one had
stolen from him. Weenesday mwrning
he found the shirts lying by tho well,
where they bad been returned during
the night.
The Advertiser and the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one yoar fo
only 81.00.
Foil hALU A thoroughbred male
Berkshire hog. Inquire at this ofllco.
Hill & Keeling write both farm mid
city insurance and will save you money
Jacob Z. Shuck has a lot of carpet
rags, already sewed, that he will Bell
at 8 cents per pound. Apply at his
residence on tho Lester Poabody farm
Do you burn coal? If not you had
bettor commeuco now. We have just
received a car load.
Edwards & Ukadfoud, Lbr. Co,,
Nomaha, Nebr
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E W Grove's signature
on every box. 2."o
Wo have a nobby thing In tho shape
of a card case that wo aru now taking
aiders for. It is a handsome ulumlns
ti in case with tmtiio engraved on the
outside and is furnished for SO cents,
including 100 nice primed cards.
Thomas 13. Finch, who 1ms been at
I'elluritie, Colorado, for tho past live
yems, arrived in lirowuville the Hist
ot last week and on Tuesday came to
Nemaha to visit old friends. Judging
by Tom's appearance the climate cer
tainly agrees with him. He is well
pleased with Telluiidoaud will return
in a short time.
Tho members of Diiuraven castle
No. 30, Iloul Highlanders, had a sue
ot'ssf ul etiierutinuieiit and supper Tues
hiy night. The entertainment was
u.'ld ul the opera house. The good
looking editor ot The Advertiser.whose
forehead, according to Bio. Uilmore,
runs clear to tho back of his head, actt
ed as chairman, as Alf Kiuton, the IK
lustrious Protector, begged off., The
upeuiug ode was sung (and the china
men are all good singers), and then
Mrs. Alice McCandless gave a splendid
recitation iu a splendid way The au
dieiico was then entertained by a song
by Messrs. E E. Rumbaugh, Marion
ISarhart and Al Morton, uccorapanlod
by the latter on i guitar. Tho song
was well rendered. Rev. Chas. II
Gilmore then delivered one of the (Inert,
addresses on fraternal insurance t
which wo have ever listened. lie
showed up the good points of the High
landers und Its advantages in fine
style. Rev. Gilmore is a pleasant and
forcible opeaker. Tho people of Nema
ha always give him a warm greeting.
After singing the closing ode the au
dience was dismissed and many res
paired to the Miuick hall' and partook
of one of the best suppers ever given In
Nemaha and Nemaha can't be beat
for good suppers. Duuraven caBtle is
to be congratulated on the success of
the entertainment and supper. It will
probably result 'in a largely increased
Farm Journal is tho oldest farm
monthly published, But it is uot old
and moss grown: it Is bristling and
brimming over with good things. You
should know It. Here's a chance.
Pay up your subscription to tho Adi
vertiser ono year ahead, and we will
send it nearly flv'o years, tho remainder
of 1000, and all of 1001, 1002, 1003 and
1004 ; both papers at the price of one.
Blank deeds, chattel mortgages, farm
leases, etc., for sale at this office.
Wo aro putting in a now lumber
yard in your town on the corner south
of Anderson's brick store. Wo have
already on hand several cars of lumber
Como in and got acquainted with us
Wo will treat you right.
Edwauds & Bhadfoud Lim. Co.,
Nomaha, Neb.
I offer at private sale
1 brown horse, 7 years, 1100 lbs, $56.
1 Canton riding cultivator, 520.
Call at farm two miles northwest of
Nomaha and Inspect property.
There aro several eases of mumps In
F. L. MoNown was an Auburn vlsi
iter Saturday.
Walter Curttright has beeu on tho
sick list for soveral days.
Chop feed 70 cents per 100; bran and
shorts 00 cents per 100; at Hoover's
grocery store.
R. If Brown is moving Into Frank
Woodward a brick house, recently va
cated by Ed Workman.
Ed Sold is trying to see how sick he
can be and how tulserablo he can feel
without going to bed.
'T. J. Rumbaugh got to Nemaha with
his household goods Friday and is
moving into the Cooper houso.
I. N. Cooper has moved into part of
the houso on his farm, whero ho will
stay until ho leaves for Denver next
Mrs. Fannie Fall bunk is visiting
her mother, Mrs. T. B. Skevn, South
Auburn, tills weok: Mrs. Skeen re
turned from Eureka Springs, Arkansas
a few days ago. Mr. Skeen is visiting
in Oklahoma.
A year ago next Sunday tho huow
whs so deep between here and Brown
vllle that Rev. Gilmore could not get
through with a team and had to walk
The unow was drifted ten feet deep in
the road this bide of Davidson Plasters'
Farm Journal, 5 years (1000 1001
1002, I90:i and 1004), to every subscrib
er who will pay ono year in advance
to Tu Advertiser; both papers for 81.
No better paper than tho Farm Jour
nal. This oner la made to you.
Harness Shop Wanted.
Nemaha needs a harness shop and
the man who puts ono in hero could
soon work up a good business. Who
will be the man?
The Bennett mill is now ready to
do grist work at any time und will
guarantee good Hour if tho wheat is
.jood. They will grind at any time.
I1 hey are giving 33 pounds for old
wheat and all that now wheat is worth
giving more than tiny other mill in
the couuty. Prompt service and satis
notion guaranteed
A. R.DoFlueut. editor of the Journal,
Doyiestown, Ohio, suffered tor a num
ber of years from rheumatism iu bib
right shoulder and side. He says : "M j
right arm at times was entirely useless.
I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
was surprised to receive relief almost
immediately. The Pain Balm has been
a constant companion of mino ever
since und it never falls. For sale by
Keeling the druggist.
invites the continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha und vicinity. Tho
patrons may bo assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good line of
and druggist's sundries alwnys kept In
stock. Also latest patterns in
A go stock of
in handsome designs and latest styles.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
If you want onything in our Unit call
and see us. Prices right
Formally months Johnson P. Hoover
has been troubled with a sore on his
light liiind. Tho latter part ot Novom
ber ho hud It examined by Dr. Henry,
of Omaha, who pionounced It cancer
and advised him to have the hand
taken oft. Mr. Hoover did not want
to do this except ,is a last resort, so tho
next week he wont to Bethany, Mo.,
and consulted u specialist on cancels,
who mado a thorough examination and
then snld ho thought ho could effect a
cure. Mr. Hoover brought tho medi
cine houiH with him and faithfully
followed tho treatment proscribed.
For awhile ho was greatly encouiayed
and though the treatment caused gieat
suffering ho persisted iu it. Dr. Gall ti
er, who was attending him, became
convinced some, time ago thut the only
hopoof snvlngMr. Honvor'd llfo whb
in huvitig tho arm amputated. Mon
day of this week Dr. R. Roy Boss, of
Nebraska City, one of the best phys
elans and surgeons in the state, wa
".died in consulMitlon. He advised
the immediate amputation of the arm
Mr. Hoover consonttd and it was de
cided to purfoim tho operation on
Wednesday. Dr. Rob ciiiiio down
from tho city on the morning train, the
necessary preparations wore made,
chloroform wus admlnistoied mid the
aim was amputated near the shoulder
Dr. Rorts was assisted in tho operation
by Drs. Gulther and Keeling. Mr
Hoover stood the operation well and
rallied from the eJT cts of the chloro
form In good shape. He is getting
-ilong wdl Wo hope this operation
will effect a thorough cure and that
Mr. Hoover will be spared for many
ve.trB to his family and to the com
munlty. Burlington Route Through Bleeping
uais to San Francisco.
N changes no delays no chance
of missing connections if you go to
California via Burlington Route. The
Burlington runs through sleeping earn
Omaha, Lincoln und Hastings, to Salt
Lake City and San Francisco, daily.
Dining cars all the way. Library
tars west of Ogdon. Finest scenery
the world.
See nearest Burlington ticket agent
or write J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha,
Any one needing native lumber cub
lind the same at my residence, one urn
a half miles south of Nomaha.
W. W. Seid.
Wo are now prepared to handle coal
und have just received a carload.
Purties wishing coal call on the
Edwauds & Buadkoud Lbr. Oo.,
Nemuhu, Nobr.
Dr II II linden, Summit, Ala, nays:
I think KodolDyspepsiaCureis a splen
did medicine. I prescribe it and my
conlldence in It grews with continued
use." It digests what you eat and
duickly cures dyspepsia and indlgesx
tion. Keeling
All kinds of Shoes except poor quality.
Fine Shoes, comfortable Shoes, Men's,Women's
and Children's Shoes, high priced, low priced
and medium priced, but always the best Shoe
for the money to be found anywhere. Over
500 pairs just received. Finest stock in the
United States.
Call and see us.
Before making arrangements for
your year's supply of rending matter
call ami get our clubbing rates. The
following are some of our comblnat
The Advertiser ono year and tho
Farm Journal llvo years for $1
The Advertiser and St Louis Globe
Democrat both one year for 81.00
Tho Advertiser and tho Chicago In
ter Ocean lor 81.-10
The Advertiser arid elthor the Toledo
Hindu or tho New York Tribune for
Si 35
Tho Advertiser mid the HoiiBohold,
a homo monthly, forjM 35
Tho Advertiser and the Iowa Home
stead, Poultry Fanner and Insurance
Journal for $l.!ir
The Farm Journal will ho sent llvo
years with any of tho above cornbirmi
tions. These prices are for cash in
advance only.
Bon Parker, tho Singer sewing ma
chine man at Auburn, has engaged the
services of O. W. Norton, an expert
unichiuoHt, and is prepared to clean
mid repair sewing machines of all
kinds. If you have a muchluo you
want cleaned or repaired write to Mr.
Parker or ftond him the machine Sec
ond hand machines for sale.
Flour & Wheat Exchange
and Flour for sale
at the Keeling building.
Cobs for sale. Call at the feed store.
Lngrlppo, with its after effects, an
nually destroys thousands of people,
it may be quickly cured by OnoMinuie
Cough Cure, tho only lemedy that pio
liices immediate results in coughs,
colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia
and throat and luuu troubles. It will
prevent consumption. Keeling
We will send The Advertiser for one
year and fio Farm Journal until Jan.
1st, 1005, for only $1, if paid in ad
vance. This offer applies to both old
and now subscribers.
We can give you reduced rates on
almost any paper published In the
United States.
Cards for mounting eturnp photos for
sale at Tho Advertiser olllco twenty
for five cents.
Broo4ar of
Thoroughbred Poland I China
i a