W'ffih-ett 1 "" fft i-fVSW' J : ' ; T I.- J! r K VOLUME XL1Y NEMAHA, NKK11ASKA, FKIDAY, MARCH 2, 1100. XUMUEll 30 s t i - TfIW'Hb 1rW i; - r jwyaMytMB Mmwwyyii Local News See Hill & Ivt'Hlltm foi tin insiiiutice! Hnvlil tliiit4 iiiiivmiI tn Itmivtivllln ill few dujs iig. II. 1) Ueobu has moved into the new o tli i:u at the Inmtier juid. Oo to Keeling'3 diugaiote for school eujjplles, tablets, ciuyuiis, etc. Mrs. M. Snow and Zenu Snow cutne in fioin Auburn Suiutduy, tettirning Monday. Mitfrt'MIiinie M. went to Peru last butuida) where she id being treated by Dr. Cap Retd. lnvHalloi.8 aru out lor u masquerade paiiy at the opeia house b.Uimluy night ot lbit weeu. The Keeling urug store baa just re ceived t new otoeK of jewelry and w.tiulies. iiUv pi ices. Mr Fieebuin.ot Auburn, lias lented tbtt Hcintinglon pioperlj. He will woilc in tbu L'Hus nursery. We are pleased to learn llial Jamts A. Titus is leeling some bolter. Wo hope the uiipiovemenl will continue. Dade aeid returned homo Thursday lioiu Auourn, wboio lie hts been visit ing tuenils for several daH. John totnith, ot Fails City, tepiesent lug liiadstreei's couamjiuiul agency, was culling on our business meuThuia day. 1. J. Jurvis will have a public sale Saiuiday ostitis week at bis farm, southwest of Nemaha beginning at 10 o'clock, Ed Seid ha, been doing valiant ser vice m Tbe Advertiser otlice tins week, working piess and rendering other val uable services. Albert It. Titus, who has beeu looki iug after bis Oklahoma homestead for a tew weeks, letuuied to Newahu Thursday night. lusuie jour tiir.ii and town pioperty wiin Kiuuiiis ami Meicuams lusuii nine Co. nl Mucoid, t. II. D. Hum, Agent, .St'iu.iiiu. iNt'li. lid U oi km. hi lots moved on one of I) c tiauil'n tarn's, o:ie mile cinl n .vepiiiVMul liiu I in in where David Unjea has been living George Greeno lias ptomlsed to pio viiiu a .hi.-inii lor the Highlander Mipi pei iu-xt I ties lay night. It ou 'uns like pudnuui d ni'l r.n! to be theie. Mrs. M. A. Woodward and her mot nor, Mis. a. K.ise, went to Brown- viIIh Thursday urternoou to visit tbe lalier' mother, Mirt Oliie ocovill. ltev. J. M. Da. by is now holding a protracted meeting at Browuville, and in consequence until further notice he will pieach in Nemuba at 11 a, m bun day instead of in the evening. A. H. MuCauUleHB was taken very bick Thuisday forenoon with heait tiouble, to wliich he is subject. He is getting natter. Tho attack was very sevuie. All parties owing me rent on lots for last year will please settle by tho middle of March. All lots rented this year must bo paid tor in advance. Mall. W. II. Hoovicit.Aqmx, James O'Hara and family ,uf London, Ohio, urrived In Nemaha Friday of last week. Mr. O Hata is a son of Mis. N. II. Scrivener. He baa rented Mr, Elvira Curtis' property iu the south part of town. Johns P. Hoover has been feeling worse for a few duys. We hope this is only temporary and that the medical tieatment he Is taking will soon de stiny tho cancer that is causing him so much suffering aud that he will be re stoied to health. Call on us for job woik. arsftw ihfiMtirjn5irKxwtWjruwwtw Foil Salic- A thoroughbred mult Berkshire hog. Inquire at this ollloo. Jacob Z. Shuck bus ti lot of carpi't rags, already bp wed, Unit bo will Bell i at 8 cents per pound. Apply at bis residence on tho Letter 1'eabudy faun Do you burn coal? it not you had better commence now. o hate just received a car load. Edwahdh & HuAuronu, Llr. Co., Neinaba, Nobr TO Ut'llI'. A COLD IN OXE DAY Take Laxative Bionio Quinine Tablet?. AM druggists refund tins money if it fails to cute. K W CI love's signaluio on every box, i!5o We have a nobby tiling in tho shape ot a caid case that wo aro now taking orders for. It is a handsome alumina urn case with name eugiaved on the outside and is furnished tor GO cents, including 100 nice pi luted cauls. Hev. James Iliatt enters complaint at these headquarters that some one stole two of his white shirts fiom the clothes lino Monday night. lie claims lie knows who got the shirts and if they ate returned all will be forgiven. It they are not returned be thieateus to expose the party who got tho afeic said sbiits. If you want to sea some line crayon portraits stop In at Mrs. Hill's millin ery parlors and see those on exhibition. They were placed theie by Col Dalbey, the Auburn Post representative, who will be pleased to take your order for one of these flue portraits and tho Post for ono j ear, and will send you both for only SI 50. Tho new U. & M. time table went into etlect Sunday. The time was changed on only two trains. Tbe pass senger ttain from tbe west is now due to leave at 4:38 an hour aud thirty lliroe minutes later than heretofore, giving that much more time for those wanting to transact business at the county scat. Tbe freight train from the north is now due to leave Nemaba at 7 :45 p. m . Mrs. W. B. Jones, who has ben visiting her patents and other lelalives in southwestern Oklahoma, teluriied I. nine Tuesday and Wyutl is wearing a bioud smile again. Mrs. Jones In ought buck some samples of grass, corn and millet, which is on exhibition at tins otltce. She also brought back some specimens of "gyp," from which cement is made, and isinglass and stones of different kinds. She is trying to got Wyatt to move to Oklahoma, with good prospects of success, Farm Journal is tbe oldest farm monthly published. Hut it is tint old nd moss grown: it is bristling and brimming ovpr with god things. You 'should know It. Here's a chance. Pay ,, your subscription to the Ads verli,er one ywir HHeu,i aml we will SBMl lt nonrly tiveyenra, tbe remainder of 1000, and all of 1001, 1002, 1003 and 1004; both papers at the price of one. Blank deeds, chattel mortgages.farm leases, etc., for sale at this office. We aro putting in a new lumber yard in your town on the corner south of Andetson's brick store. We have already on hand floteral oars of lumber Come in and get acquainted with us We will treat you right. Edwakus & BliADl'OKD Lim. Co, Nemaha, Neb. FOE, SALE. I offer at private sale 1 brown horse, 7 years, 1100 lbs, $55. 1 Canton riding cultivator, 820. Call at farm two miles northwest of Nemaba and inspect property. LUTHER II. BARNES. Dr II II linden, Summit, Ala, says: I think KodolDyspepsiaCure is a splen did medicine. I prescribe it and my cnnlldenee In it grows with continued uro " lt digests what you eat and dulckly cures dyspepsia aud ludlgesx tion. Keeling n' tiuwJwSuiim! Wf w w Isaac N. Cooper has decided to move to Denver. Ho has leaned his property in Nemaha to Tlmi. J, Huinbaugli, lather of the bather, who expects to move to Nemaha in about a week. Mr. Cooprr will not move to Denver until about the middle of Apt il, but will stay on bis fatm soutli ot town with bis son Stephen after be vacates his town property until ho moves to Denver. This movo Is made in I he hope that the change of climate wtli bo beneilcial to his daughter Lulu's health. We n-gtet vety much to have Mr. Cooper and family leave us lie is one of our very bnt citizens and will be greatly missed. Chop feed 70 cents per 100; bran and shorts 00 cents per 1U0; at Hoovei'a grocery tore. Burlington Route Thiough sleeping cats to San Francisco. N changes no delays no chance of missing connections If you go to California via Burlington Route. The Burlington inns thiough sleeping cars Omaha, Lincoln and Hatttiugs, to Salt Lake City and San '''rancisco, dally. Dining cars all the way. Library cars west of Ogden. Finest scenery in the world. See nenrest Burlington ticket agent or write J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Farm Journal, 5 years (1000 1001 1002. 1903 and 1001), to every subscrib er who will pay one year in advance to Thu Advertiser; both papors forl, No bettor paper than the Farm Jour im. This offer is mudo to you. We are now prepared to handle coal and have just received a car load. Parties wishing coal call on the EmvAitDS & BitADKoiti) Lbr. Co., Nemaha, Nobi Harness Shop Wanted. Nemaha needs a harness shop and the mau who putd ono in hero could soon work up a good business. Who will bo the man? The Bennett mill is now ready to do grist woik at any time and wil guarantee good Hour it the wheat It good. They will iirind at iuiv time. I'hoy aio giving 33 pounds for old wheat and all that new wheat is wortli giving more than any other mill in the county. Fiompt service and sali; uction guaranteed A.R DeFluent. editor of the Journal, Doylcstown, Ohio, ritilJVred (or a num ber of years lunii rheumatism in liis light shoulder and sidu Hi bays: 'M light arm at times was entiiely uselbss. I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm and wiih Bin prised to leceive lelh-f almost immediately Tho Bain Bairn has been a constant companion ol mine evei since and it never tails. For sale b) Keeling the druggist. DR W. W. KEELING, DRUGGIST, invites tbe continued patronage of the citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho patrons may bo assured of receiving tair treatment. A ood line of DRUGS and druggist's sundries always kopt in stock. Also latest patterns iu WALL PAPER. A go htoclc of JEWELRY in handsome designs and latest styles. STATIONERY Best of PERFUMERIES A handsome line of LAMPS A full stock of PAINTS AND OILS Ifyou want anything in our lino cull and see hs. Prices light wWWiw Wo had the pleasure of another snow stonn Thur?.duv. Hill &. Keeling write both farm and city insurance and will save you uionej Dal Swope has moved on tho old titles farm, acron the road south from Mrs. Sttain's fat in. Tho Advertiser and tho St. Louis Globo Democrat both one oar fo only SI. 00. Miss Ella Kilcoyno emtio In fiom Auburn Thursdny afternoon and is tho guest of Mrs. W. W Seid. i)r. 1 . L. Callison, the Stella dentist will be at Nemaha next Monday, for tho purpose of doing dental woik in all its branches. Ollleo at hotel. Misses Ktlmi Paris and EdnaThotiip sou gave this utllce a pliMtmut call Wednusdrty. Miss Ethel closed a sue cessful six 11)01)1113' term of school at Hilladalo Ftiday of last week. Tho patrons of the uehool are Well pleased with her work. Kemp Coletick says ho Is not going to take any more lettets to mail on the Haiti. If petsonu with letters will nut write them iu time to put them In the postolllce before the mail is made up, and thus give our post misti ess tho benefit of thu cancellation, they will have to mail them on tho train tbom selves. Let all lake warning, The sahuy of iho poslmistiess is very small anyway, and as il is based on the cancellation, she should b given all of ihat it id possible to do. You misB something good If you fall to attend the Highlander entertains nient and supper Tuesday night. The entertainment will be held at thuopeia house and will be free to everybody and everybody is cordially Invited to be presout. There will bo music by a good male quartette, recitations, and an address by Rer. Clias. II. Gilmore. A good supper will be served in the Mlnick ball before and after the enter tainment, for which a charge of 25 cents will be made. Supper will be icady atd o'clock. Rev, Mr. Wallace closed his meet' nus at the Cliiiiliau chuicli Sundaj night mid tetiiiued to bin home 11e.11 rcctimseh Monda). An effort isbeiii). made to engage Mr Wallace to preacn Iihih hall the time lor the next yeai . We understand he will come if he is pi omised 250. We hope '.he Curistian hrcthten will succeed iu raising that amount, The minister made man) ft tends dining bis ulay, who would be glud to have him pieach hem regulail) the next j ear. lie left an appointment lor the llth, murniiijr aud evening. Any one needing native lumber cau Hud the sumo at my te.-udence, ono and a halt miles south ol Nemaha. W. W. Skid. You never know what form of blood poisoning will to How constipation Keep the liver clean by using DoWittV Lllllo Eaily Riseis and you will avoid trouble They are famous little pillt lor constipation and liver and bowel doubles. Keeling. Millions Given Away I. is certainly gratifying to the pub lie to know of one concern in Iho land who are not afraid to bo generous to the needv aud suffering. Tho proprie tors of Dr King's New Discovery foi Consumption, Coughs aud Colds have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this grat medicine; aud have the satisfaction of knowing it lias ab solutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Biouchitis, Hoarseness aud all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lung are surely cured by it. Call on Keeling the druggist and got a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c and 81. ICvery bottle guaranteed or price re funded. J D Bridges, editoi Democrat. Lans caster. N H, says: Ono Minute Cough Cuio is tho best remedy for croup I ever used." Immediately 1 el loves aud cures rough, colds, croup, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe and all throat and lung troubles It prevents consumption. Keeling. Boforo making arrangements for your yoai's supply of reading matter call aud got our clubbing tales, Tho following nrp Home of our comblna- nations: Tho Advertiser ono 3 ear and the Farm Journal live years for $1 Tho Ad vet User and St Louis Globe Democrat both ono year for 81 (10 The Advoitisor and the Chicago In ter Ocean tot 31.40 Tho Advertise! and either the Toledo Blado or the New York Tribune tor 31 35 Tho Advertiser and the Household, a home monthly, for nil 35 The AdvortlsOr and the Iowa Home stead, Poultry Farmer and Itisurance Journal lor $l.3." The Farm Journal will be sent llvo yeais with any of the above combltm-. tlons. These prices aro for cash in advance only. ! ,i Ben Parker, tho Singer sewing ma chine man at Auburn, has engaged the services of O. W. Norton, an expert machlnest, and In prepared to clean aud repair suwing machines of all kinds. If you have a machine, yon want cleaned or repaiied write to Mr Patker or send him the machine. Sec ond hand machines lor sale. Flour & Wheat Exchange and Flour for sale at the Keeling building. Cobs for sale. Call at tho leed store. Lagrippe, with its alter effeolB, an dually ilestioys Wiouanda of people. It may be quickly cuted by Oue.Niiuuie ijough Cuie, the only temedy that pin luces immediate results iu cuiiuhs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pucumoir!t and throat and hum tniuhles. It will pi event consumption. Keuling Wo will send Tbe Advertiser for on year aud t.io Farm Journal until Jan. 1st, 1005, for only $1, if paid iu ad. vanco. This offer applies to both old ind now subscribers. Vvo ea give you reduced rates on almost any paper published in tbu United States. Catds for mountiiigstamp photos for 111I0 m The Advertiser ollleo twenty for llvo cents. nnTmiii M'WyWJgCTt?Tn5"pMI J. H. SEID, Brooder of (Thoroughbred Poland China HOGS. NEMAHA, - - NEBRASKA Jl w I '&&wttfc . -x., ., Jy,..Jiifr, jUrtjAaiLktw.ik i ALidJti .. A