The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 16, 1900, Image 4

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i iufcp iw0ftmJQAm m
The Nebraska Advertiser
l U W.f.VMV, rubliiffr.
81.60 I'HIl YKAK
Our Washington Letter
(Hht,IhJ CorroNpomlencc.)
Tim "aritlslmporlallHtlo league" of
this city, which includes nil the utmroh
irtts and latlor-iUy VulHndlghnms in
tho District, has Just Issued nil address
notifying Admiral Dewey that ho Ih
not (ruthft)l in all things and that they
know tnoio about thu conditions and
ovonts in the Philippines than ho ever
did. Thoy now boiiovo with Uryan
Hint thu United States ought to give
up tho property and establish u "pro
tectorate." All authorities hero ugreo, howovor,
that to maintain a protectorate would
require an actual incrcaso in the stand
ing uriny, with no chanco of deriving
any benefits, and that should Aggy later
conclude to Bell Iho Islands to boiiio
European power, this country would
bo in a ridiculous attitude. Tho hUiiii
tion would bo equally embarrassing in
ciho of Internecine warfare, or in esse
Aggy eoucluded to declare war against
hoiiih other country.
In discussing tho Phlllppino question
in tho hoiiHO the other day Joseph 81b-.
lev. of I'oniiHVlvanla, one of Iho ableot
democralB in tho nation and who in
tho past tins often been mentioned In
connection with tho vice presidency,
wild that Thomas Jefferson and Andrew
.luelcton would be tiHlinmed of tlie ntti
tudo of democratic lemlerB of tho pres
t'lit day. lie produced records to bIiow
that the old democrat lo statesmen were
expittisioniBtb, and lie urged the party
to get back whoro it belonged. One
result of the speech was that tho dcm
ocratic meinbors donounced Sibley as a
republican and told him to change his
sent. Tho answer to his Hpeeoh wos
not very good but it was all they had.
Tho treasury statement at the clone
of business on January .list showed a
balance in tho treasury of 8201,000,888.
It also showed that for the past seven
months thu receipts of the government
were larger than tho expenditures by
administration, and by tho operations
of a tariff bill which Uryan helped to
pass, the country ran in debt several
million dollars a mouth.
Another indication of prosperity is
thi largo increuso in tho money circula
tion of tho country. The total-amount
of money in circulation at tho close of
January la found to be SO per cent
greater than it was in 1800. Tho actual
increase hits been $-1411,424, 155,
Tho indications now are that during
tho coming campaign Nebraska will'
hear some of tho best orators of the
country. The storm center will re
volvo around Nebraska and Kentucky.
It is boyoud question that thu eaat is
tor sound money, protection and expan
sion, while the south will through tho
aid of Its election machinery be held in
lino for democracy. Tho debatable
ground will be In tho central and west
ern slates.
Mr. Hiyan has just made some
Tho Dchiguer for March presents to
the feminine public a most tempting
array of fashions and millinery depicts
ed In blacK-nmNwhlto and in color.
Nearly a hundred patterns aio lllusrat
ed, and in addition thoro are numerous
helpful hints for thu dressmaker and
seainetress, not least among which is
tho series "L'oints on Dressmaking,"
HiIb month's Instalment treating of
"Insertions and Edgings." Aside
from tho fashion department this num
bor of The Designer contains a page of
household hints untitled "All Around
tho House," another on tho cooking of
"Fish und Sliell-flBli." "For Health
and Heauty" treats of the teeth,
"Floricutnro" gives directions for
Match work among the plants, and tells
just how to mako a seed-tosting box,
"Hook Notes" glvos interesting crlt -
clninjiitul extracts from the new book
of moment, "Fancy Work" show
some servicablo as well as pretty tbing
in tho decorative line, "Among Our
selves discusses briefly but pointedly
the topic of the day, "Tho Kinderguften
In tho Homo" describes and illustrates
interesting and instructive occupations
for littlu fingers, "Dainty Hits of Fur
niture" will attract tho attention of
tho householder, aud tho girl or wom
an who can use knitting noedlcs, cro
chet hook or tatting shuttle will llnd
ample opportunity forjthe exercising of
bor skill on tho puttonrs given on the
four pages devoted to such mattors.
The fiction department containn an in
stalment of a continued Mory, "The
Evolution of a contented Woman," a
short story for Adults, 'A Society He
poitnr," another for llltlo fo ks, "The
Wilful Habbit." and a little parlor
comedy, "A General Misunderstand
ing." The Standard Fashion Company
now presents fit) cents in Standaid
Patterns fieo with every yeaily sub
scription to The Designer.
Working Night and Day
Tho busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr King's Now
Lifo Pills. Every pill is asugarcoated
globule of health that changes weakness
into strength, listlessuess into energy,
br.iin-fag Into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25c per box. Sold b Keeling.
REV. L. L. CARPENTER, Wabash, Ind., Is President of tho
Bethany Assembly at Brooklyn, Ind. Ho is perhaps the most prominent
clergyman in tho Christian Church to-day. Ho has dedicated about COO
churches and baptised 7000 converts. Ho writes. "It affords me great
pleasure to give my testimony as to the elllciencyof Dr. Kay's remedies.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm is tho very best cough, cola and throat remedy
that I over used. .,,..,,
t hnvn nlon ronotvnfl frrpnt. benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kav s Renovator.
WJW My son hnd for years been greatly ttfllioted with tho piles; ho commenced
tho uso of Dr. Kay's remedies and experienced rollel almost iroin tuo
Wohavo no wowls to express our thankfulness for the benefit we have
received as the result of useing theso remedies. I tako great pleasure in
commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Carpenter,
Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church.
Dr. Kay's Renovator.
It is a perfect renovator of tho whole system. It is tho very best remedy
known for stomach troubles, Indigestion, dyspepsia, catarrh of tho
stomach, constipation, aleolivcr and kidney troubles, and to overcome effects of La-Grippe and Spuing lassi
tude. It 1b un excellent Nerve Tonic. Send for free sample and a free Illustrated 116 page book of receipts
etc.. and send your symptoms and wo will givo you freo advice, If druggists don't have Dr. Kay's Renovator
don't tako any substitute they may say is "just as good," for it has no equal; but send direct to us and wo
will send It by return mail prepaid. Price 2fiotsM and $1.00 or six for $5.00. Also Dr. Kay's Lnng Balm
lOcts., and 25cts., postago prepaid. Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Tr i'iti.1 niiiKiiellim.
'voumoh It d tiled ot diugs Wot
en I olp you v tal magnetism.
W v Klv ii .i. met and relet' you to
them us to the i enellt they have re
ceived: John aclileclit; Mis. Agnes
Hradloy; Mr Bindley, who bus not
been out of the house in six months
and had not been down town in llnee
years, after six weeks' treutmont walk
ed down town and back, after two
weeks' treatment could walk around a
blo(k; Mis. John Hrndley was cured
in one treatment; Mis. Sovoreigli; Mrs.
Cottrell, at Cen'rull hotel; Win Wil
liams; Mrs. Neddemeip cured in one
week of stomach Itouhlo und pain in
chest of 4 years' standing; Mr Alex
ander ot the Hee Hive store, cured in
one week; Mr. Alexander the clothing
wan; and could give a hundred names
to refer to. Theso people- all lire in
Auburn and can bo seen at unv time.
We ii ho no testimonials that you can't
i each and tulk with Wo alsi toacb
the art to others. It is the best pay
ing profession of tho ago. Write or
call on the Western Magnetic School
fc Infirmary, South Auburn, Ph'iiie
The Great Republic
Paper of AmejicR
The Great
of the World
Mi H jfTt yiK ifr. V M jw. jot pt i4t n . 'vi
rtaBSfI"BlWrfl-6Wff,lfif ;i
B a 3 a B H D h o a fill e a X P H n H ff h l""- A
Eight Pages
or More
each Tuesday
and Friday
$100 0N DOLLAR A
Almost Eqii.
to a Daily
at the Price
of a Weekly
The Way to go to California
Under the democratic is In a tourist sleeper, personally coir-
ducted.vla the Hurlingtou Houte. You
dou't change cars. You make fust
time You see tho fluent scouory on
tho globe.
Your car is not so expensively fur
nished as a palace sleeper but it is just
us clean, just as comfortable, just as
good to ride in uhd nearly j0 cheap
er. It has wide vestibules: Pintsoh
gas high back seats; a uniformed Pull
man porter; clean bedding; spacious
toilet rooms; tables and a heatiug
rango. Helng strongly and heavily
built, it rides smoothly; it is warm in
winter and cool in summer.
In charge of each excursion party is
an experienced excursion conductor
who accompanies it right through to
Los Angeles.
Cars leavo Omaha, St.Toseph.Uneoln
and llastlnus every Thursday, arriving
fcan Francisco following Sunday, Los
Angeles Monday. Only three davs
from the Mlssouii river to the l'acihV
Coast, inoludinu a stopover of 1 hours
at Denver and 2 hours at Salt Lake
City two of thu most interesting cities
on tho continent.
For fohW giving full information
call at any Hurliugton Houte ticket ot
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latestdlscovored digeut
ant and tonic. ITo other preparation
can approach It in efllciency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
all other results of Imperfect digestion.
"reourcd by P. C DcWItt A Co., CbloJ
For sale 1 Myelin Mio druggist.
Noot- .-r na . Oves THE NEWS ho promptly, v
otbtr papei prints so great a V4ribty m utere.
inatter for every member of the family. x other
u' I v " .'
.-i In-1
, r i mi 4-
And j,rt t!i; Htfiliiiif HeptiMM
this neerlert- Horm .1 imiul. '
important National Campaign of WOO, r,d until hiui !he elrein-r
President, It is Indispensable i ev ry cif'Mj and o :
hold. Samplo copies free Addre.-s"
'llic Globe B'rittring r w. iwis, .r
The DAILY GLOME DEMOCKAT i w.-hont n rival. jl.i.
stands at the very front ninaiic lbi tew Rallv Or-st i'i-
Including Sundny.
One Year SO oo
t ouths :' on
:l Mouths 1 &0
Without Sunday.
One Year $-i 00 -,i) tft no Pu e
0 Months . ..'J 00 One Ye r
!i Mont os 1 oo n Months
speoehes in New Jersey, near hero, and
do nocrutlc papers triumphantly an- ! fl(' or wri,H to J- Francis, Gen'l Pas
nm...PB that. ,,t n ,,!,. ,. . ,i, .!,. I wBr Agent. Omaha. Neb. 2ai2'
nounce that at one place all tho shops
and factoiios closed uo tho men could
go to hear tho speech. This was not
rauiflrkablo. as tho main object of the
n.. I ... i
jJijiiii u:iujiiiKii HUL'IIIS io uo 10 close
up tho factories.
A number of women have appeared
before tho senato committee on woman
HinTiage and plo.ided against granting New Discovery
that light to the weaker sex. Their
objections seem to bo based upon tho
disagreeable results that would follow
the impressing of women as jurors mid
n- luemheiHof a military foice. Men
limy boa little more courageous than
women, but these tenors have never
kept thtftn back fratn exercising tho
right of suffrage, rspoclally when the
future holds out to then) the elusive
possibility of holding down an ofllce
with a fat salary Lincoln New3.
A liifa and Death JFig&Lt
Mr W A Hlnes of Manchester, la.
writing of ids almost miiaculous-es-capo
from death, "Exposure after meas
les induced serious lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. 1 hud frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and
day. All my doctors said I must soon
die Then I began to uso Dr Kinu'R
for . Cnnsumntton.
which completely cured mo I would
not be without it oven If it cost $f.oo
a bottle. Hundreds havf used it on my
recommendation and all say ii never
fails to ciiih Throat. Chest und Lung
troubles " Regular size arte snd 1 00
Trial bottles freo at Heeling's Drug
TnADE Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyono PomllnK a tkotrli n:id description may
quickly r.icnrtnln onr opinion fico vilicUior an
liivimtlon l probnblr immutable. Connatiiilra
MoiiHHtrlctlyrnntldPiitliil. llnndbookonl'iitcnts
Bout freo. Olrtcst uaoury furuocurliur iiatontn.
r'nteiits ttt!con tfirouuli Munti A Co. rocolvo
ipecial natict, without clinrue, lu tuo
Scktttifie Jhscrkaii.
AlnnilBomplrllltnitpl wceUy. I.nraost clr
cnlntlou of Hny noltntlHe journal. 'ifrms.tJ ft
your; (our months, fcr. Bold bynll tioirBilonltr.
MUNN & Co.aoifcMdna'K8W York
Brnuch Offlco. C2S V St, WaihlUKton. I. O.
llifr own Mr:iir.itii every utucrlbor Uutl(ul x
or'il llthojruiititfil iiUtcn nnJ Hliutintlont. Otljtsol
Intuit, mtiitltf, oxfiUItt- ond strictly up to-dato J,-ai
iimwjm t f'lPi
U.V V&j
ssi ei
and the
Cheapest Known.
Published on
For ovor (il'ty-eight years
a national Family Paper
for fa rm era and villain
whose readeis have rep
resented the very bet.t
a nnwi.nii romnrkiibty ntiriu'tivo i.ubiien- element of our country population.
Hon, pinrtiNflly lllii"(rnUil wllh jxu trnltn ninl ,, ... . . ' r-i
h-i r t.ines; ciiutniiiH nil tho Huiitini! upwh It gUTOR all important news of the
(.nlu res ol tlio DtulvTi Ibiino. Special War nni;m, ,,,,,1 wnrll lm mnur
DlNpiHulit'S, Doinilln ftlul Kiirelitn Cwrres. " ..v...... v.. ....,.,. v,,. ....,
pomifiicc, .short momoh, huihoiouh iiiustm- market reports, taseinatinji-sliort uto-
ilmiH, Imiiisirliil Iiilorimiiloii.Kusi i m witns . 11,1..ii,i a ..;,,V.m....i m
Aurieitiiuiiu Mhiimis win-uiiv tr.-nt-ii. una lies, an unexcelled Agricultural De
uiuiiiDo Miii.nrinr ami partineiit, scionti o and i
Is iniUlo.l nl Hiuno hour .. ,' ,, , . ...
rfMciuka inrpo propoi- niiormatioii, vaslnon Art'c
CoiiuiiHhnnv'vo iiikI Uolluhlo Fitinnrlnl
Mmltol UeportH, It
n thviliillv edition.
Hon of subscriber'! on ! u of iKsue. unit eneh
edition Is ii Ihufiiiit'hly up.tu-duto dully
nuw.spii ur for tins people.
Thin is the time of j ear when no one
envies tlie Job of tho street eonunis-'
sioner, sns the Lincoln New-. If
only for example's sake ho is compelled '
t clean Mb sidiiwall; off the llrst thing
in ilunuoriiiiig after u tfiirnvfall.
Taltntho wagonetio when in Auburn
for any part of the eltv. Easy riding
Qniek time. All frainp met. John
JMeJjJhuiifiy, pronrietor,
Dr W Wixon, Italy Hill, N Y, says:
I heartily lecommendOneMitinteCough
Cute It gave my wife immediate ro
lief in suffocating asthma." Pleasan
to take; never fails to quickly cum al
coimhs.colds , thrnot and lung troubles
llegularBUbsorlptlou price,
$1,50 pjr Ymtiv
Wo Turn! i It wllh The Advortlsur for
$1.85 per Year
Send till orders to The Advertiser, .Nemalm, Nebraska.
h for tlie
women: humorotiri illustrations for
old aiui young. It is "The Peoplo'
Paper" tor the entire United States.
Kt ,Ullll MlllMM .ptioi, prlre,
Si.00 piu Year
W miir Ii It v ill i he. Ai veitlNi-r l r
l&l.llii po:r Year
Prcomalclns vconrmtet, fancy wurU, houubold IUut
hort tjrlM ournnt toplea. etc Butcrlbo today
Only JOc. yearly. Lndy ugviitu wanted. Ocudfortcrmd
. '
For IiuJIcj. mlMM, plrtu and little children. That cor.
talnit)lliib clue " rlfi-ct not attnlmilby theU'e orm v
othor pAllcrnt ll.wi'nu ivjual lornjluiuut ii'tct tit
Farm Journal, ft years (ifloo lfloi
11102, lOaT and 100-1), to every subscrib
er who will pay ono year iu advance
to Tho Advertiser; botli pnucrs fr81,
No Wetter paper than th Farm Jour
nal. This offer is made to voir.
Old pipers f r sub at tl. a oflioe,
-. 4 r.i nuanunuj' .j.jt
h iM ii EOf A h t ft.
FjoIIv put tourtlier Only l nnrt t ci 'itf tMi'h- "ii
tiltflier Mil. in iirnrl nrrvi u ai it t- r l
Als lortlitni. Al) ltf wi) l.itrt Uvto-Jut ie
iit-lin w,,( in. -i t it t, . Y
Call on us tor job woiK.
Tlia finm Just out. Cut this ad.
1IV viwiii out anj SCI)j jt t0 UJ
with Sl.oo and ve will tend you one of the
new Uem Oraphophonts by Express, COD.
subject to examination. You can examine it at
your express office and if found exactly as represented,
entirely satisfactory in every way, and the equal in
value to any machine sold at $10 and f, 12, pay our ent
Our Special Otfcr Price, $5 00, and express charges,
less the $1 s,ent with order. For home amusement 1M3
King- of Merry-Makers wJLe","!!!l",
hour. Winds up like a clock. Plays alt the pieces of Sousa's and Giimore's Hands ;
Hecitts; Tells Funny Stories; will repeat your own oicc, your friend's voice, songt
tunc Into it, stories told to It. You can make your records easily and reproduce them
at once, as often as desired. Price $5.00 includes Improved Gem Graphophone, one
extra loud alumnium Reproducer, one 10-inch hom, one Hearing Tube. Uest Exhi
bition Record! (musical or talking) 5 a dozen, Vic each.
Slot Country dealers will find a veritable gold mine In our two new dot
Mnchinec! machines, The "Ideal" Graphophone $jo and wouderlul "Ray"
iineiu.itupc vor moving picture machine) Sis, operates automate
.. , ... """ ", i .-... liiviuib 4H4UII(iei l.-i, (Jilt
Rliy, retiuires no attention whatever, can he twacecl nn tnn nf &timv ric r. mint. M ..ui... r.,. .1.. ...
selves In two weeks. The Kinetoscope does for the eye what the Graphophone does for the car (Dl. C p
fectsact and move as f alive. Reproduces in miniature the same subjects a the large hundred dollar Sf)
Movins Picture Much nes. The narlnr "R.-iv" Mniini- l rinrf. Mnrl.l,.. il,..-l,.l,. v. -i 1. VP
", ., , .. ---. ;- ----...-j,-......... v,ii..i..s.,i.,iiii(.aiiitjitilll!ll;.
M-..-V ... fcT. M.. - Hill -.111
Hars;er& Blish, Western Selling Agts. 904-910 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa
1 vuu ciii cr uidL.iiiiia uv exun-v 1.. u. u . kiimcrr tn nm nil nit it fmni
ly as represented and entirely satisfactory In every way, pay the agent our price. lcs the U rent with
Complete new Illustrated K netoscope. Gr.'nhonhone and Uernnl (Tatiilnciir. rnntalntnn lull ,l...!.
of large exhibition show outfits, ranging from 10 to A50, sent bee on rcnuust.
.kb2fil '.
wiWiiri ;v Miiii..ti;iiili,-ii i-.ift .ttifcdniriifatti